How sour cream affects potency in men: TOP 5 recipes

Proper use of sour cream

Proper use of sour cream
You don’t need to think that you will be able to increase male strength if you make your diet sour cream. This is not a panacea, although it brings tangible benefits. Sour cream for potency is useful in an amount of about 100 g (it is added to various dishes). It should be consumed daily

It is important to make sure it is fresh. As a result, in addition to the fact that male strength will increase, immunity will also improve, the body will be saturated with useful substances, including proteins, muscles will be strengthened, and at the same time harmful substances will be eliminated

In addition, other beneficial effects that fermented milk products provide include strengthening the nervous system, combating vitamin deficiency, and circulatory disorders.

However, sour cream, since it is very high in calories and quite fatty, should not be consumed too much (no more than 100 g daily). Due to the high fat content, there is a risk of gaining a lot of weight, so you should not abuse it, so as not to struggle with excess weight later. You can choose any fat percentage (preferably 20–30%). It is indicated on the packaging. The consistency depends on it (thick or not very thick). The natural product has a sour taste. You can check its quality like this: take a small amount of sour cream and put it in hot water. Then the natural substance will dissolve and the substitute will settle. Storing the product is only possible in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil, otherwise oxidation and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria will begin.

But you shouldn’t combine it with anything fatty. Vegetables and fruits contain many fat-soluble substances; as a result, they will be better absorbed if a fermented milk product is added to them. It is recommended to add greens (dill, basil, parsley, onion) to sour cream salads. By the way, adding not only herbs, but also dill seeds is useful. Greens also contain a lot of microelements that help increase potency in men. Moreover, they increase muscle tone, which is not the least important. Eating beet salad with sour cream and honey dressing will also be beneficial. You can add a little nuts. Sour cream and nuts are very useful for potency. You can simply sprinkle nuts on a salad or any other dish.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Vegetables with sour cream

Many people like cocktails that have a positive effect on potency. They include one or two raw egg yolks, sour cream, spices (cilantro, basil to choose from). To prepare the drink, beat the yolks thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, finely chop the greens, add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. You need to drink a cocktail a couple of hours before having sex. Instead of chicken eggs, quail eggs are quite suitable. A sour cream and yolk drink has a very beneficial effect on men’s abilities in bed. There is another good recipe. Sour cream is mixed with finely chopped dill, parsley or fresh green onions. It is also good to combine walnuts or cottage cheese with it.

You can use your imagination to come up with some simple dishes using nuts, honey, and other products (they are added to the base). These products, used together with sour cream, have an even better effect on male strength. As a result, testosterone gradually increases, and along with it, sexual desire. It is very useful to prepare something healthy and tasty with sour cream for a couple for a romantic dinner. This will set the man in the right mood. Moreover, in the case of sour cream for potency, everything is simpler, and you don’t have to buy Viagra or another drug every time. Taking medications can lead to unwanted effects. A natural aphrodisiac is much more effective, more valuable, and healthier.

Train your pubococcygeus Kegel muscle

This is the same muscle due to which we can stop the flow of fluid when we walk small.

Also, during an erection, it is this muscle that helps our friend jump.

Why is this muscle important?

It is directly related to the following factors:

  • endurance in bed;
  • improving blood flow to the necessary organs;
  • achieving the required level of testosterone;
  • increased sensations during intimacy.

It is useful to train this muscle even for those who have no problems in bed.

How to train a muscle depending on experience

Stopping the flow of liquid in the toilet and resuming it (to record and remember the location of the muscle).

Long and short tension in any place and at any time, no matter if there is someone nearby or not (no one will know anyway).

Kegel muscle tension isolated from the abs, legs or other organs. Completely separate compressions

Try not to hold your breath while doing this.

Here is a technique that helps you better understand questions about how to increase potency in men after 45 years or other ages without drugs. We also talked about it here.

The benefits of beer and sour cream

The combination of beer and sour cream is quite unexpected; a unique and almost natural cocktail gives a surge of strength and energy. Frequent consumption of an energy drink has a beneficial effect on the entire body, increases overall tone, and strengthens the immune system.

The presence of active substances helps improve sperm quality and stimulates its production. In a man, the duration and quality of sexual intercourse increases, and arousal increases.

Persistent erection after 10 minutes

By improving blood circulation in the genitals and pelvis, congestion is prevented and potency increases. Natural protein of plant and animal origin, which is included in the cocktail, is an indispensable building material for the body's cells.

It is noteworthy that the recipe for beer with sour cream is effectively used to gain muscle mass and restore a weakened body after:

  1. long-term illnesses;
  2. strong physical activity;
  3. surgical operations.

Doctors warn that beer enriched with sour cream is recommended to be consumed in moderation. Abuse of the drink will cause rapid weight gain.

Among the beneficial components of beer are vitamins B, H, K, ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids. It contains a lot of sulfur, calcium, potassium, magnesium. Periodic consumption of the drink has a positive effect on metabolism, the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

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The alcoholic component of the mixture will help a man relax and gain confidence in his abilities, which has a positive effect on his sexual activity. Sour cream is given a secondary role. It becomes a source of useful components that improve metabolism. Some people prefer to add some raw eggs to their smoothie.

️ Quick solution to men's problems in bed

Sour cream contains biotin and carotene, which:

  • stimulate the formation of secretions in the gonads;
  • restore normal lymph flow;
  • normalize blood circulation in the pelvis.

Vitamins B, A, C contribute to adequate digestion, high-quality absorption of lipids, and the synthesis of the hormone testosterone. Thanks to tocopherol and retinol, the functioning of the cardiovascular system returns to normal, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Vitamin E will help increase blood flow in the groin area and nourish the tissue. Calcium will strengthen the bone frame, improve hormonal levels, and help improve prostate trophism

The presence of zinc is important for the production of the required amount of testosterone

Are there any negative effects

The use of sour cream as a means to restore potency and increase erection is rational only if the problem has developed as a result of depression, frequent stress, chronic fatigue or lack of vitamins and nutrients. If the cause lies in a disease, only a doctor who can prescribe appropriate medications can help. The dairy product is used as an additional agent as part of complex therapy for the disorder.

It is not recommended for obese men to consume sour cream.

Sour cream has no contraindications; it has a gentle effect on a man’s body, gradually restoring the functioning of the reproductive and other systems. In some cases, allergic reactions can develop, so people prone to allergies need to be careful when taking it. It is not recommended for overweight men to abuse dairy products. The fatty substance will further feed the body, slowly but surely leading it to obesity.

Sour cream is just a step on the path to men's health. In order for recovery to go faster and the disorders not to return after some time, you need to reconsider your diet, eliminating all harmful foods. It is important to use regular, feasible sports activities, do gymnastics or go to the pool. Timely cured chronic diseases are considered a guarantee of a speedy restoration of vitality.

Leading a correct and healthy lifestyle, not consuming harmful foods, eliminating bad habits and playing sports are the main tasks for a man suffering from potency disorders. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and draw up the right menu, the man will soon feel full again.

El Macho for potency

El-Macho is a multicomplex, highly effective thanks to its active components. His research showed the absence of side effects and a high rate of absorption, which leads to an immediate effect.

El Macho drops contain guarana extract, L-arginine, glycine and magnesium - substances to relieve tension, improve blood circulation in the pelvis, and increase blood flow to the penis. The drug is suitable for patients of all ages.

When choosing a substance, pay attention to its uniformity and color. The shade should be glossy and creamy in color.

The consistency is thick, homogeneous, without lumps or grains. If fermented milk products have low fat content, it will be more liquid. Look carefully at the name, because... phrases such as “sour cream product” or “sour cream” may mean that this is a surrogate and not a natural substance. If its shelf life exceeds 2 weeks, it means that it contains chemical additives that deprive it of its beneficial properties.


Like any other food product, sour cream has its own contraindications. To increase potency, it cannot be used by men with diabetes, overweight (only low-fat), or disorders of the cardiovascular system.

It is not recommended for hypertensive patients and people suffering from heart failure to include sour cream in their diet. Under no circumstances should it be eaten by those who have allergies.

Recipes with sour cream

Consuming sour cream alone to increase potency is not enough. Even if you eat it for years, it will not bring significant results specifically for the sexual sphere. Therefore, there are many folk recipes with which you can increase “male strength” much faster and more effectively. Most often, cocktails are made from the product, because... in this form it is more convenient to consume and digest. Below are the most popular recipes for improving erectile function.

Cocktail with beer. Despite the fact that alcoholic drinks are considered harmful to potency, such a mixture has long been used as a traditional medicine. The only caveat: you need a natural drink made from malt and hops, and not a mixture of preservatives and dyes. Beer and sour cream together represent a kind of energy drink that makes a man more cheerful and gives him strength for exploits in bed. To prepare a cocktail, mix 300 ml of the drink with 100 g of sour cream, mix thoroughly and drink 1-2 hours before bedtime. It only needs to be cooked periodically, because... beer can be addictive.

Cocktail with egg. One of the most popular recipes for increasing potency. To prepare it, take:

  • 2 chicken yolks
  • 200 g sour cream
  • A pinch of dill

First, beat the yolks with a mixer, then add the 2nd component from the list, and add the greens last. Drink a cocktail a couple of hours before possible sexual contact. If you like quail eggs, then the proportions will be slightly different: 4 yolks and 1 cup of product.

Cocktail with nuts. Walnuts themselves are good for potency, but in combination with fermented milk they will further increase arousal and erection.

To prepare the cocktail you need to take 0.5 liters of sour cream, 1 glass of sugar and 50 g of finely chopped nuts. All this is thoroughly mixed. If desired, dissolve a spoonful of gelatin in a glass of boiling water in a separate container and then add it to the finished drink. You can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and it turns out to be a delicious jelly.

Cocktail with greens. This delicious drink is prepared from 100 g of fresh sour cream, to which cilantro, parsley, dill, and green onions are added. If desired, you can add a little garlic to taste. The ingredients are mixed in a blender and drunk throughout the day. Because This cocktail is absolutely harmless, you can drink it every day.

Cocktail with honey. It can be called a variation of the product with nuts, because... Honey is added to the ingredients present in it. It has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, increases performance and enhances sexual desire.

Fruit salad. You will need several handfuls of dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes, a large pack of sour cream 20% fat and some nuts. Place chopped dried fruits on the bottom of the plate (don't forget to remove the seeds), then pour sour cream whipped with sugar over them. Sprinkle nuts on top. This dessert is not only very tasty, but also useful for male potency.

Recipes for increasing potency

Homemade sour cream is considered the most useful

For the effect of sour cream on the male reproductive system to be truly positive, you need to choose only natural products of the highest quality. To do this, you should carefully study the labels of the packages offered in stores or find a trusted farmer who supplies from his own production. You can also make sour cream yourself at home.

In addition, the effect of sour cream on sexual energy will be positive only if the dosages are observed. You should not eat large amounts of dairy product. Doctors recommend consuming no more than 100 g per day. Otherwise, it's easy to gain extra pounds.

For many centuries, traditional medicine has been replenished with new recipes for cocktails and dishes with sour cream, which can have a positive effect on the functioning of the male reproductive system. Today there are a large number of useful recipes. But at the same time, there are a number of simple sour cream cocktails and mixtures that work best on potency.

Cocktail with greens

To prepare the cocktail, use any sprigs of edible greens from the garden. For example, it is easy to prepare a substance with parsley and basil. To do this, take a glass of sour cream, two chicken eggs without white, as well as sprigs of edible grass. First, egg yolks are mixed with the dairy product, and then chopped herbs are added to the mixture. The drink is drunk a couple of hours before the intended intimacy. The effect comes quite quickly, the man becomes more resilient, his sexual desire is sharper, and the quality of sperm improves.

Green onions are also used in a nutritious shake. To prepare the mixture, use 200 ml of a dairy product and about 10 g of chopped fresh green onions. Everything is thoroughly mixed and taken fresh throughout the day.

Another recipe involves adding dill and parsley to sour cream. Finely chopped branches are mixed with chopped garlic cloves and 120 ml of fresh substance. Everything is mixed and taken before bed. You need to consume this cocktail once a day. The course of treatment lasts for two weeks.

An excellent addition to sour cream will be parsley, which also increases potency

For lovers of vegetable salads, doctors recommend using sour cream as a dressing for the vegetable mixture. For cooking, take cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes or radishes, parsley, dill or green onions. All ingredients are chopped and seasoned with sour cream sauce. This is a healthy and tasty salad that is eaten daily, receiving a portion of vitality.

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Sour cream with herbs has a positive effect on potency and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and the functioning of all systems. Among other things, the composition is very nutritious and satisfies hunger well.

Nuts and sour cream

A mixture of sour cream and nuts will help restore normal erection. To prepare, take about 10-20 grams of different types of nuts (cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts) and grind them. After this, a dairy product is added and honey is added to improve the taste. The nutritional mixture is taken fresh daily in the morning.

Berries are added as an additional ingredient. Some recipes suggest mixing 100 grams of strawberries, raspberries or other fruits with 50 grams of chopped nuts and 120 ml of sour cream. Mix everything with a blender and eat it daily instead of breakfast.

It is best to use several types of nuts, but if you only have peanuts, for example, it is possible to use only that. This will not make the cocktail any less nutritious and healthy, and will help restore sexual energy and nourish vitality.

Sour cream with nuts stimulates testosterone production

Such mixtures make the endocrine system work, normalizing the production of testosterone, improve digestion and the general well-being of a man. Some formulations are suggested to be taken in the morning, and some of them will show a good effect if taken a couple of hours before the intended intimacy.

Subtleties of buying sour cream

Sour cream is a product that you can make yourself from regular milk. But more often we don’t make it at home, but buy it in a store or market. There are a few subtleties worth knowing here:

  1. There is not only sour cream, but also a sour cream product. Externally, they are similar in smell, color, and consistency. Even their names and labels may be approximately the same. But the cost of a sour cream product and its benefits to the body are significantly lower than that of sour cream, since it can be stored for a very long time, contains a lot of chemical additives and a minimal concentration of milk or even does not contain it at all.
  2. Natural sour cream cannot be stored for long. Maximum -7-10 days. If the packaging indicates a longer expiration date, then the product most likely contains stabilizers and preservatives.
  3. Sour cream with less fat content always has a thinner consistency than fatty one. Otherwise, it contains stabilizers.

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Before buying a product in a store, be sure to study its composition. Also try to take the jar that was in the refrigerator further from the edge. This product is perishable and its properties depend on proper transportation and storage.

General Benefits for Men

The relationship between sour cream and potency in men has been proven by doctors. It contains fats, protein, as well as more than 16 minerals and 12 vitamins.

All these components can affect men's health if the sour cream is natural and of high quality. The powdered store product does not have such a beneficial effect on potency.

Some elements that are included in homemade sour cream:

  • vitamin A (retinol) - participates in the production of sex hormones, helps restore normal hormonal levels and neuromuscular transmission;
  • B1 (thiamine) - its role for potency in men is to increase the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels that supply blood, including the genitals;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - stimulates the production of the hormones serotonin and epinephrine, which normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • B9 (folic acid) - since the element helps improve the quality of sperm and increase its quantity, it is often included in various nutritional supplements to enhance potency;
  • vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects cells from premature aging and destruction, therefore preventing age-related impotence;
  • Vitamin E is one of the most important components for men, stimulates testosterone production and acts as a powerful antioxidant (also found in eggs and nuts);
  • macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus) - have a complex effect on the male reproductive system, enhance testosterone production, improve sperm quality, and increase libido.

The benefits of sour cream for men are full support for the functioning of the reproductive system. If you use it daily, you can achieve noticeable results. Erection will soon improve, the level of production of sex hormones will increase, and metabolism at the cellular level will normalize.

Thanks to her, they experience:

  1. Increasing testosterone levels in the blood.
  2. An increase in the number of active sperm and, as a result, an improvement in sperm quality.
  3. Saturating the body with protein, which promotes the production of more sperm.

This product has a positive effect on a man’s potency, enhancing erection and libido. However, this is not a medicine, and you should not expect significant results in a favorable direction, especially if we are talking about some serious problems with sexual function and impotence.

Sour cream has a positive effect on potency and libido at any age. It has the following effects on the male body:

  • strengthens and tones, restores strength after physical exertion and mental work;
  • increases sperm motility, has a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis;
  • normalizes hormonal levels and increases testosterone synthesis;
  • makes a man more resilient and strong;
  • helps relieve stress and emotional overstrain, which has a positive effect on the desire for sex and a man’s general mood for intimacy.

Many experts are still arguing about the direct benefits of sour cream for potency. Its value lies in a whole complex of components.

It is protein and zinc that help improve erection and restore potency. To restore male strength, you need to consume sour cream for a fairly long period of time.

But there will definitely be a positive result. Also, it is worth noting that sour cream is not a cure for impotence.

It helps a lot with some erection disorders, especially on a psychological level.

Mechanism of influence on potency

Sour cream contains zinc

The main microelement that is part of sour cream and has unique properties for increasing potency is zinc. It is directly responsible for a man’s sexual activity, hormonal levels and testosterone production. The hormone, in turn, is responsible for sexual desire, endurance in bed and spermatogenesis.

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Regular consumption of high-quality sour cream will lead to an improvement in the composition and quality of sperm, as well as an increase in sperm activity. With constant use of the product, some men will not only improve their sex life, but also solve the problem of infertility.

A healthy product will be doubly effective if you add sports, normal rest, and sleep to its consumption. In addition, when adding sour cream to a man’s food, his resistance to stress increases and his general well-being improves, which puts the male half of humanity in the right mood.

It is wrong to believe that only with the help of sour cream all existing problems with the functioning of the reproductive system are solved. The product may have a beneficial effect on the body, but it is not able to cope with the pathology on its own. The problem must be solved comprehensively, after consulting with a specialist.

Methods and folk remedies

Water procedures - swimming, water gymnastics - help to enhance potency.

  1. Sitz baths increase blood circulation in the pelvic area. Add a decoction of herbs to water at a comfortable temperature: chamomile, thyme or nettle.
  2. Contrast sitz baths have an effective effect on increasing potency. Take 2 basins. Pour hot water (+40°C) into one and cold water (+ 20°C) into the other. Sit down alternately in each for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Rub yourself with a dry towel.
  3. Contrast shower - increases blood circulation throughout the body, gives vigor and a surge of energy, which, in turn, increases libido and helps increase potency. The temperature difference should be 15-20°C.
  4. A stimulating cool shower (25°C) on the perineal area gives a lasting and good result for increasing potency. Stimulating shower time 2-3 minutes. The scrotum should be covered with your palm so that the flow of water does not fall on it. The procedure must be carried out daily for 15 days.
  5. Soak mustard plasters in warm water, apply to the feet for 10 minutes - this will cause additional blood flow to the pelvic organs and thereby increase potency. To enhance the effect, wear socks on top. Or you can add 2 mustard plasters to the sacrum area for quicker effect.
  6. Kegel exercises. Training the PC muscle increases potency and dilates blood vessels. It is also used for prevention against incontinence.


A bathhouse is a “physiotherapeutic room” where a powerful effect is exerted on the body of an adult man. Hot air of varying humidity has a beneficial effect through the respiratory tract and skin. With sweat, toxins and harmful substances come out through the pores of the skin. Blood circulation improves.

  • The Russian bath is considered optimal in terms of the ratio of temperature and air humidity. In it, to create steam, water is splashed onto hot stones, which can be replaced with a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs. Brooms are used in the steam room; aspen brooms are recommended to improve potency. After the steam room, you need to rinse with cold water, which will create a temperature contrast and have a beneficial effect on libido.
  • Turkish baths. Experts say: modern Turkish baths have undergone significant changes, not for the better. The traditions and conditions in them are far from a real hammam, but they are also suitable for the prevention of erectile dysfunction.

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Doctor's advice. Do not get carried away with bath procedures if you have problems with the cardiovascular system.


With the help of massage, you can not only strengthen the sexual organ, but also cure many male diseases. There are many types of massage: relaxing, strengthening, toning. Any of them has a beneficial effect on human health.

Acupressure – starts the processes of activating sexual function. It increases sexual desire, eliminates premature ejaculation, and its result is a persistent erection. Bioactive points are located in different areas.

  1. Massage the tailbone area, gradually moving upward by 7-9 cm.
  2. Massage in the solar plexus area also promotes sexual arousal.
  3. And also, bioactive points are located on the sole of men’s feet - exactly in the center of the foot.

Massage of the testicles, genitals and prostate gives good results. You can do it yourself, or you can use the help of your partner. For such a massage you need to relax and tune in. With both palms, stroke and knead the testicles for 2 minutes. Pull your penis in different directions, rotate in a circle.

Any massage should be a pleasant experience. Discomfort and pain mean that the actions are wrong.

Aromatherapy to improve potency

Official medicine has long recognized the healing effects of aromatherapy. Many plants are medicinal due to the essential oils present in them. Isolated, concentrated essential oils are sold in pharmacies. They have unique properties. They can be added to a bath, used for massage, added to water that is splashed on stones in a steam room, or placed in a room in an aromatic lamp.

Oils such as ylang-ylang, black pepper, almond are considered masculine. They are able to sharpen sexual desire, improve potency, and cause the production of endorphins.

Combination of sour cream with other products

The positive effect of sour cream on potency was noticed by our ancestors. They combined it with other products to enhance its healing properties and achieve better results in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

There are several effective recipes that can easily increase libido and get rid of sexual impotence:

  • Sour cream with beer. This remedy is used when it is necessary to quickly strengthen an erection before intimacy. It fills the body with energy, increases blood flow to the penis, eliminates lethargy and drowsiness, and also tones the body. To prepare it you will need 300-400 ml of quality beer and 3 tablespoons of natural sour cream. Both ingredients are mixed in a glass and placed in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. The mixture is drunk half an hour before sex, and then a couple of sprigs of parsley are eaten;
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