How to remove a pigment spot after a bruise

A black eye is not only the lot of fighters, alcoholics and fallen individuals. Such a nuisance can happen to absolutely anyone, and even to a girl. It can appear both in the case of intentional actions of another person, and as a result of careless actions of the owner of the hematoma. The question of how many days a black eye lasts becomes immediately relevant for those who have had an unfortunate bump. After all, constantly wearing sunglasses or showing off a hematoma on your face is not very pleasant.

Is it possible to speed up the disappearance of a black eye?

As with any other disease, before starting treatment, you must first understand the causes. This is important primarily in order to determine the direction of treatment. Bruises under the eyes most often appear as a result of mechanical impact - a bruise.

After this, blood from the damaged vessels enters the soft tissue and a bruise occurs. Then a bluish stain spreads over the surface of the skin (the degree of color saturation depends on the strength of the mechanical impact). After a few days, the spot changes color and becomes first green and then yellow.

Various remedies are used - both pharmaceutical and folk. The most important thing on which the speed of disappearance of a black eye depends is the correct provision of first aid. The healing time depends on how much blood is under the skin.

After a day, when the black eye is already fully formed and new blood no longer enters the surrounding tissues, you need to begin to promote the resorption of the hematoma. To do this you can do the following:

  • Warm up. These can be compresses, warming creams, massages. A hot bath has a good effect.
  • Continue taking decongestants.
  • Use creams with natural ingredients.

A bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time. When should it take place?

This injury is quite common and presents with darkening of the skin under the eyes and swelling, which is a consequence of the accumulation of blood in the affected area as a result of the injury.

Bruises under the eyes can appear not only as a result of a blow or bruise. The causes of their occurrence may be diseases of the circulatory system, sepsis, asphyxia, hypothermia, other diseases of internal organs and systems, surgery, the presence of a traumatic brain injury, or insect bites. If the blow falls on the nose, in some cases this results in the formation of a black eye.

A bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time: what to do? You need to use special medications

Initially, the bruise has a red color, which is colored by hemoglobin. Soon, leukocytes approach the site of damage, destroying red blood cells, which causes a gradual change in the color of the formation.

Next, hemoglobin is destroyed, breaking down into bilirubin, which is yellow, and biliverdin, which is green. This explains why the bruise changes colors as it fades. When these substances are removed from the body, the formation also disappears.

As a rule, this phenomenon recedes quickly - within about 5 days. It goes away gradually - first the swelling decreases, then the color of the skin in the damaged area changes, after which the bruise completely disappears.

First aid

As already mentioned, correctly provided timely first aid is the key to successfully getting rid of a black eye in the shortest possible time.

The very first thing to do is:

  1. Immediately eliminate the traumatic factor, that is, prevent repeated mechanical impact.
  2. Apply cold for 10-12 minutes. This can be any means at hand: snow, ice, frozen food from the refrigerator. After a short break (10 minutes), apply again. The cold will prevent the blood from spreading. To prevent frostbite on your skin, wrap the ice in a cloth. In addition, cold relieves pain and swelling. Then ice can be applied several more times, every 2-3 hours after the impact.
  3. Correctly assess the condition of the victim and, if necessary, transport him to a medical facility to provide qualified assistance. It is important to remember that damage such as a black eye often occurs in conjunction with other injuries - trauma to the eyeball and even the brain. You should definitely go to the hospital if you have the following symptoms: dizziness, severe headache, vomiting without nausea, decreased visual acuity or double vision, tearing, nosebleeds, or the appearance of a clear substance from the nose - this could be cerebrospinal fluid. The last sign is direct evidence that the brain is damaged, which means it is important to take the victim to a doctor as soon as possible.

Complications after a concussion

Post-concussion syndrome is a term that describes a set of symptoms that can persist for weeks or even months after a concussion. Post-concussion syndrome likely occurs as a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain triggered by trauma. It has also been suggested that this complication may be caused by damage to brain cells.

Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome fall into three categories: physical, mental and cognitive - affecting mental abilities.

Physical symptoms:

  • headache - it is often compared to a migraine, since it has a pulsating nature and is concentrated on one side or in the front of the head;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light;
  • increased sensitivity to loud sounds;
  • tinnitus;
  • blurred or double vision;
  • fatigue;
  • loss, change, or dulling of the senses of smell and taste.

Mental symptoms:

  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • lack of strength and interest in the outside world;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • change in appetite;
  • problems expressing emotions, such as laughing or crying for no reason.

Cognitive symptoms:

  • decreased concentration;
  • forgetfulness;
  • difficulties with assimilation of new information;
  • decreased ability to reason logically.

There is no specific treatment for post-concussion syndrome, but anti-migraine medications have been shown to be effective in treating headaches caused by concussions. Antidepressants and talk therapy, such as psychotherapy, can help manage psychological symptoms. In most cases, the syndrome goes away within 3-6 months; in only 10%, poor health persists for a year.

Treatment options

There are several ways to treat black eyes from an impact. You can use any of them, as long as the bruise goes away quickly.


This method is, rather, not a method of treatment, but a method of providing first aid. It prevents the bruise from getting larger and relieves swelling and pain.

Before applying ice, the affected area should be lubricated with thick cream or vegetable oil. If suddenly there is also an open wound at the site of the hematoma, first of all they treat it and apply a sterile bandage.

Ice treatment can be continued over the next two days, but the greatest effect is observed immediately after injury. Under the influence of ice, the sore spot turns red, pulsates, and becomes warmer.

It happens that the patient is in great pain from ice compresses. In this case, you need to do them for the shortest possible time with large intervals.

Ice treatment has its contraindications. These include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes at the time of injury. This sign is the main signal about the presence of infection in the body, which means that ice compresses can only harm the body.
  • General hypothermia of the body when receiving a hematoma, a cold. All this is a direct contraindication for the use of ice.
  • The victim's state of shock. As you know, in this case, a person experiences an outflow of blood from the extremities; using ice will only worsen the situation.
  • Diabetes mellitus has a destructive effect on the smallest capillaries, so ice compresses simply will not have any effect.
  • Presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Warming up

As already mentioned, it is impossible to heat the damaged area immediately after receiving an injury. This will cause a lot of blood flow and the bruise will be huge. From the second day after injury, warming up is used. Heat will ensure maximum blood supply to the blood vessels and allow the skin and soft tissues to recover faster. You should not expect quick results; the bruise will not go away immediately from such procedures. But it will become lighter and less pronounced.

To warm it up, you need to prepare a small bag and pour salt or sand into it. These components can be heated easily and will retain heat longer. This bag is applied to the damaged area for about 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated every 3 hours for several days.

An alternative to the bag can be a hot water bottle, a plastic bottle, or just a heated towel. The warming element should be kept on the bruise as long as the heat remains.

A bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time: what to do?

If there are no complications, you can use various remedies at home to eliminate the bruise. A huge number of drugs are used that can cope with this problem. It is advisable to start using medications as soon as the injury occurs. This will allow, if you cannot avoid a bruise with a hematoma, then at least reduce the risk that the problem will worsen and will not go away for a long time.

Do not forget about warming up, and if the bruise does not go away for a long time, you should continue to use it. During the procedure, blood flow and blood flow to the damaged skin increases, due to which the hematoma and swelling resolve faster. Warming compresses should be applied three times a day, and the procedure should last about a third of an hour.

Both traditional and folk medicines can be used as external medicines.

What medications can be used if a black eye does not go away for a long time?

If the bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time, you can use troxevasin ointment

The most commonly used external agents are ointments and gels, as they are the most effective. But oral medications can also be used due to their high effectiveness:

  • Heparin ointment. This remedy is one of the most effective in the fight against bruises. Heparin is produced by the body and is constantly present in the blood. This substance helps thin the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots. Thanks to heparin ointment, blood clots accumulated under the skin dissolve, therefore, the black eye goes away faster;
  • Vitamin C. You can simply take ascorbic acid in tablets, just like in childhood. We replace the drug with products rich in this vitamin. Thanks to it, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. With the rapid restoration of capillaries, blood clots recede from the skin much faster. By the way, if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body, there is a high probability that bruising with a hematoma will recede much faster and initially will not be so pronounced;
  • Troxevasin ointment. The product contains natural bioflavonoids, which help quickly eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Troxevasin ointment should be used by rubbing into the affected area under the eye at intervals of 3 hours for 5 days. To consolidate the results of the ointment, you can take a course of Troxevasin in tablets. The drug helps strengthen blood vessels, so the medication cannot cause any harm;
  • Effective are preparations containing badyagi, which is a needle-shaped sea sponge. You can buy such products at any pharmacy. You need to apply medicines containing badyagi to the skin several times a day, and do not remove them - they must be absorbed. When applying such ointments and gels, the patient may experience discomfort due to the fact that they contain irritating substances. If the sensations are very unpleasant and difficult to endure, after 5-10 minutes you can remove the ointment with a cotton swab or napkin.

Pharmacy products

External medications in the form of gels and ointments significantly reduce the time of hematoma resorption. The following drugs can be used.


Local gel. A powerful angioprotective agent that effectively eliminates swelling and inflammation in soft tissues. The active ingredient, troxerutin, has a therapeutic effect on blood vessels. As a result, they receive the necessary elasticity and tone.

The gel should be rubbed into the skin several times a day, but only on the surface where there are no open wounds. The gel has no odor and is absorbed into the skin very quickly. This drug is contraindicated in case of excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug. Sometimes causes allergies.

Heparin ointment

Heparin sodium is the main component of the ointment. It helps normalize blood circulation in the damaged area and prevents blood clotting. Benzyl nicotinate, also included in the composition, helps the former penetrate the skin as quickly as possible, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

Peach oil, present in the ointment, makes the skin elastic and firm, while moisturizing it. Thanks to this composition, the product effectively relieves inflammation. To ensure that there is no harm from such treatment, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Pre-conduct an allergy test on the skin of the wrist.
  2. Apply only in a thin layer - the skin around the eyes is too thin and delicate. Excess ointment can cause allergies and hyperemia.
  3. Make sure that the ointment does not get into microcracks in the skin.
  4. During treatment with heparin ointment, the use of blood thinning drugs should be avoided.
  5. For therapeutic purposes, the ointment is applied 1-2 times a day.

Contraindications include pregnancy, low blood clotting, intolerance to any components, open wounds on the surface being treated, the presence of rosacea, low platelet levels in the blood.


Bodyaga is a powder made from freshwater brown or green sponge. This herbal component strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in them, reduces swelling, and saturates cells with oxygen.

Spongin, a vegetable protein present in bodyaga, relieves inflammation and soreness. To use on bruises under the eyes, add vegetable or olive oil to the bodyaga powder. The mixture should be applied to the skin with a cotton swab. After 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

Traditional methods

In folk medicine, many remedies for dark circles under the eyes are described. This includes compresses made from calendula, golden mustache - these products are even recommended for first aid.

Coltsfoot, celandine, chamomile, plantain, wormwood - these herbs are brewed individually and also applied as compresses. You can also apply fresh plantain or burdock leaves to the bruise. Aloe is very effective - its juice heals and resolves hematomas.

Its juice is applied to the skin. In the first day after the black eye appears, you can apply potato pulp to it every 2 hours. Cabbage is also used, it is better to take red cabbage.


We should not forget that massage is acceptable starting from the second day after the bruise appears. Proper massage relieves pain, accelerates the resorption of hematomas, relieves swelling and accelerates tissue healing. To remove dark circles under the eyes, the lymphatic drainage massage technique is used.

This can be either manual or hardware massage. It normalizes the state of lymph, which accumulates at the site of swelling. They do it for 2-3 minutes, since the skin in this area is very thin, and even traumatized. To do this, use your fingertips to make gentle movements along the lower eyelid. After the massage, a nourishing cream is applied.

How to disguise a black eye

Bruises of this kind are difficult to disguise and, if left untreated, can “decorate” the face for up to a week and a half.

It must be said right away that there is no remedy that could instantly eliminate a bruise. Therefore, you have to mask it for some time. Foundation, of course, helps to do this to some extent, but this cosmetic product, applied to a black eye, does not look the most attractive.

Here, the most effective will be a concealer, which, thanks to its dense structure, will hide the bruise quite reliably. Concealer is applied over a layer of moisturizer with light movements. Then the same manipulations are carried out under the other eye - to give the greatest naturalness and symmetry.

Useful tips on the topic

To speed up this process on the first day you need to do the following:

  1. Apply a cold compress. The sooner this is done, the smaller the bruise will be (less blood will get into the surrounding tissue) and the faster it will pass. The great advantage of cold is that it relieves pain. On the first day, warming up the damaged area or massage is strictly contraindicated. This will only provide increased blood flow and increase the hematoma.
  2. Relax. In particular, you need to minimize movements - the blood flow will flow slower and the hematoma will fill less.
  3. Apply any decongestant or anti-inflammatory agent for external use, including heparin, dexpanthenol or dimethyl sulfate. The most important thing is that the drug does not have a warming effect.
  4. Try to keep your head above the level of your heart to drain blood from the affected area and reduce internal pressure. This technique will also prevent the bruising from occurring too much.
  5. Take a pain reliever. This can be any medicine except ibuprofen and aspirin - they have a blood-thinning effect, and this will only increase the hematoma.


  • I have two sons, so dark circles under my eyes are a familiar thing. I know from experience that you need to apply cold immediately, the sooner the better. This alone determines how long the bruise will last. Alla, 39 years old, Perm.
  • Cold is required, and then immediately heparin ointment. This is the only way the black eye will disappear as quickly as possible. I know that even athletes do this. Nikolay, 26 years old, Tyumen.
  • If you can’t immediately apply ice, then you can look for plantain - it also works well. Of course, then it’s better to buy some ointment, for example, Troxevasin. Svetlana, 45 years old, Tula.

Watch the video on how to quickly get rid of a bruise:

Why does a black eye take a long time to go away?

Typically, all processes - formation of formation, color change, convergence - take 5-7 days. But in some cases they extend over time.

There are a number of factors that influence all these processes, and they largely determine how long it will take for a black eye to go away:

  • Patient's age. Accordingly, the older the organism, the slower all processes occur in it;
  • Diseases of the blood, circulatory system. In particular, problems with blood clotting can slow down the process of convergence of the formation. This is a reason to see a doctor;
  • Violation or presence of individual characteristics regarding metabolic processes. Many circumstances can influence this factor - from the presence of diseases of the body to poor nutrition, excessive or insufficient physical activity, frequent stress, neuroses, depression;
  • Decrease in the body's defenses. With good immunity, treatment of any disease,
    Heparin ointment will help if a black eye does not go away for a long time

    damage occurs much faster than in cases of weakening;

  • The condition of the skin in the area where the formation appeared. The skin under the eyes is thin, easily susceptible to traumatic effects, and bruises may remain on it a little longer;
  • Increased body temperature. If any disease occurs in the body, accompanied by this symptom, the body can throw all its strength into fighting it, whereas it “plans to deal with abrasions, wounds, bruises” after recovery from a more serious illness;
  • Proper first aid. It should be provided to the skin in a timely manner, and it should consist of applying cold and treating the wound, if one accompanies the injury. You need to take these steps immediately after receiving an injury, otherwise later these measures may be ineffective or ineffective at all, and the bruise will not go away for a long time.
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