Redness of the eyeball after a blow

It's not that hard to stumble upon a branch..

This is facilitated by haste, too active play, inattention, and insufficient lighting.

Even an adult, returning home from work, can accidentally “crashe” into a branch, being immersed in his thoughts.

Such a collision is a common injury to the cornea, so the eye naturally hurt . What to do to get rid of unpleasant sensations faster?


Stay up to date! Eye injuries can be different: superficial, penetrating, contusions, burns and others.

In case of minor injuries, as a rule, it is the cornea that suffers.

In more serious cases, the deep layers of the eye are damaged , right down to the lens.

Superficial eye injuries are the easiest to treat and, as a rule, have a favorable outcome, and a blow from a branch is specifically superficial.

It is extremely difficult to imagine that a person ran into a branch with enormous force and that it penetrated deep into it.

The symptoms are:

  • pain when blinking;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the eye;
  • redness of the eye and tissues around it;
  • swelling;
  • tearfulness;
  • cutting pain at rest;
  • difficulty opening the eye;
  • photophobia;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Redness of the eyeball after a blow

Eyes are very delicate and most unprotected organs that are vulnerable to mechanical irritations. They especially suffer from direct blows. In general, the eyeball itself has an elastic structure, thanks to which it can withstand even the strongest blows.

After the blow, the eyeball becomes red and swollen. Complications of injury are not only external manifestations; damage can cause significant harm to the entire visual apparatus. Trauma can damage the lens, cornea, retina, and even the optic nerve.

A direct injury is one in which a person hits his eye with a blunt object. If he received a concussion of the torso, then the eye is injured against the bony walls of the orbit - an indirect injury. During the impact and after it, the person experiences severe pain. In the first hour after injury, headache, dizziness and nausea often occur.

Important! Eye injury is the second leading cause of blindness.

Unfortunately, few people know how to treat a red eye after an injury. A competent specialist will help answer this question. Before we talk about what to do in case of a concussion, let's look at the characteristic signs of eye damage.

Classification of bruise

Eye injuries are divided depending on the degree of damage:

  • Easy. Does not affect the quality of visual function.
  • Average. Causes short-term visual impairment.
  • Heavy. Characterized by a persistent decrease in visual function.
  • Particularly heavy. Can lead to complete blindness.

Despite the elasticity of the eyeball, a bruise can cause various types of damage, namely:

Why is the eyelid of one eye red and swollen?

  • trauma to the anterior chamber of the eye and cornea. If the eye was closed during the impact, then the eyelid may also be damaged. Swelling, hematoma, bleeding, and closure of the palpebral fissure appear. If the pathological process affects the cornea, its structures and transparency are destroyed, and erosions also appear;
  • bruising of the eyelids can lead to damage to the adhesions, which manifests itself in the form of continuous tearing. If the cartilaginous structure of the eyelid has been damaged, this causes the formation of a defect and drying of the cornea;
  • damage to the iris of the eye. This leads to the fact that the iris loses its ability to narrow and expand, and therefore cannot respond to light. The process may also involve the nerve endings of the iris. The hemorrhage appears as a dark red spot in front of the pupil;
  • when the vitreous body is bruised, blood permeates the entire surface of the eye, which is why a person is only able to distinguish light;
  • Injury to the ligaments can cause disruption in the functioning of the lens that they support. This is fraught with clouding of the lens, that is, the development of cataracts;
  • retinal damage. It may even peel off. This usually happens when hit with great force;
  • contusion of the optic nerve threatens complete loss of vision.

A blow to the eye can lead to complete blindness

Clinical symptoms

Contusion of the visual organ manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • impaired movement of the eyeball;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • hemorrhage into the white of the eye;
  • swelling, pain, pain;
  • worsening reaction to light;
  • bulging or sinking of the eyeball;
  • drooping upper eyelid;
  • blurred vision;
  • diplopia – double vision;
  • the palpebral fissure does not close;
  • continuous tearing;
  • involuntary closing of the eyelids;
  • nausea, dizziness, headache;
  • in severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

Excessive lacrimation occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the tear ducts

A minor contusion does not always manifest itself as typical symptoms of eye injury. For example, a branch that hits the eye or a bounced ball can only hit the superficial layers and not cause pain.

Diagnostic examination

The very first recommendation for an eye injury is to conduct a comprehensive examination. Ophthalmological diagnostics includes the following:

  • visual inspection;
  • determination of visual acuity;
  • establishing corneal sensitivity;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure.

You may even need to consult a traumatologist, surgeon, neurosurgeon and therapist.

Features of treatment

A red eye is not the only sign of mechanical damage. During the examination, other manifestations may be noticed that are noticeable only to a specialist. That's why you shouldn't self-medicate!

Particular care should be taken when a child complains of pain in the eye. Attentive parents, of course, will notice that the eye is red, but can attribute this to the fact that the child has been sitting at the computer too much. It is important to see a pediatric ophthalmologist regularly and have your vision checked.

In case of eyelid defect, primary surgical treatment is performed. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, Ascorutin tablets are prescribed. If the blow is severe, the doctor may prescribe bed rest. Hemostatic agents (hemostatic agents) and calcium supplements help speed up the healing process. Sometimes antibiotics are required.

Important! Self-medication is fraught with irreversible consequences on the visual system and complete loss of vision.

Ascorutin will help remove redness

Surgical intervention is indicated in the following cases:

  • retinal detachment;
  • damage to the eyeball;
  • lens displacement;
  • corneal damage;
  • disturbance in the functioning of the adnexal apparatus.

If vision is not impaired, you should still consult an ophthalmologist three months after the injury.

Now let's talk about treatment tactics depending on the type of damage:

  • superficial damage. They usually occur when foreign bodies enter: particles of earth, stone, metal. Patients complain of severe pain, lacrimation, photophobia, redness, and foreign body sensation. Therapeutic tactics include removing the foreign object and applying an antiseptic bandage;
  • penetrating injuries. They can cause damage to the eyeball and complete loss of vision. Such injuries are usually caused by piercing or cutting objects, bullets or bullet fragments. Patients experience severe pain and significantly reduced vision. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. After the x-ray is taken, a qualified technician removes the foreign object;
  • blunt injuries. Such injuries occur from a blow with a blunt object: a fist, a stick. There are almost always no external injuries, so a person may not even be aware of the injury. Some time after the injury, pain and a feeling of fullness appear, vision deteriorates;
  • burns. They can be chemical, radiation or thermal in nature. The eye should be rinsed with plenty of water and medical attention should be sought.

With blunt trauma, external manifestations may appear only after some time.

First aid at home

Keep in mind! Treatment at home is not carried out.

But the victim can be given first aid before going to the emergency room.

For an adult

The first thing you need to do is calm down and wash your hands well .

Next, you need to open your eye and see if there is any speck or sliver left inside.

If they are present, you will need to carefully remove them using a clean cloth or cotton wool moistened with water.

If a foreign object has penetrated into the deep structures of the eye and is stuck there, under no circumstances should you remove it yourself.

Note! After this, you need to put any antibacterial drops (for example, Albucid) into the eye and go to the emergency room.

If the eye is very swollen, you can apply something cold to it (ice, a cold spoon) while you travel to a medical facility.

To kid

An eye injury will greatly frighten the child and he will most likely scream and cry.

An adult needs to calm the child down and carefully examine the eye .

If there are small specks under the upper or lower eyelid, you should try to remove them using one of the following methods:

  • roll a clean handkerchief into a thin tube, moisten it with water and gently rub it along the inner surface of the lower or upper eyelid;
  • douche: rinse the eye with cool water.

You should know! Antibacterial drops should be placed in the conjunctival sac, a sterile bandage should be applied, and the child should be sent to the emergency room.

Poked a branch in the eye, what should I do? It’s red and hurts.

Vision is a complex mechanism that allows a person to perceive the world around him.
If the organs of vision are damaged, complete or partial blindness may occur. There are several types of eye injuries in a child or an adult, depending on the nature of the origin of which, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Eye injury: what is it?

Eye injury is a violation of the integrity of the membrane of the eyeball due to exposure to external factors.

As a result of such damage, not only the integrity, but also the functionality of the organ of vision is impaired.

Important! The cornea is most often affected as the most unprotected part of the eyeball, and most often such consequences are caused by exposure to foreign bodies or

chemical substances

falling on the surface of the cornea.

Depending on the depth and severity of the injury, the injury can be classified as superficial, deep, penetrating, or mechanical.

Burns of the cornea are placed in a separate category , since almost half of patients consult ophthalmologists with such eye injuries.

Classification and types

There are several types of eyeball injuries that can be classified according to the following characteristics:

  1. Getting foreign bodies (small objects, insects, chemicals) into the eye. In this case, the patient experiences lacrimation, pain and pain when blinking.
  2. External mechanical impact (concussion, compression, impact with blunt and sharp objects, gunshot and other wounds).
  3. Thermal burns from steam, smoldering and burning objects, flames.
  4. Frostbite. In contrast to thermal burns, in this case the eye is exposed to extremely low temperatures (cold liquids, exposure to wind, contact of the eye with chilled objects).
  5. Chemical burns. Occur upon contact with various chemical compounds , most often alkalis and acids, but in some cases eye injury is possible upon contact with adhesives, lime, cement mortar and solvents.
  6. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the eye (this type of damage is possible both after prolonged exposure to the sun and under artificial light sources, including quartz or conventional lamps).

In most cases, injuries occur in domestic conditions , and in such situations, urgent assistance to the victim is necessary.

Eye injuries photo


Eyeball bruise

Consequences of a fragmentation grenade explosion

Foreign body

Eye injury: treatment, causes and symptoms

Trauma to the cornea of ​​the eye, depending on its origin, can be classified as superficial, penetrating, contusion-type injury and burn .

What to do if the eye is damaged depends on the type and the necessary treatment is selected accordingly.

Superficial (a special case of blunt eye injury)

This type of damage is the most common, it includes damage such as erosions of various types, non-penetrating small wounds, blunt trauma , as well as foreign bodies entering the surface of the eyeball.

For your information! Superficial eye injury, the treatment of which is quite simple and the prognosis in these cases is almost always favorable.

The following signs are typical for these types of damage:

  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body under the eyelid;
  • cutting pain in the affected eye;
  • photophobia and excessive lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • decreased visual acuity and quality.

a specific treatment is prescribed in each specific case , since the injury can be of varying degrees of severity.

Ophthalmology, taking into account the origin of the injury, can determine the most effective and adequate treatment method.

Often, with superficial injuries, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin , and in such cases, primary surgical treatment of the wound is performed (sometimes it is necessary to apply sutures to the excised edges of the wound).

Most often, conservative medicinal treatment methods are used , in which the wound is treated with antibacterial and antiseptic ophthalmic drops; sometimes it is necessary to use ointment to place under the eyelid.

Attention! If parts of a foreign body remain in the eye, the entry of which led to injury, the eye is subjected to jet lavage and mechanical removal of such foreign bodies.

In case of blunt injury to the eye, a binocular bandage is applied to it , after which the patient must remain in bed for several days and remain at rest.

When hemorrhages form in the injured eye, procedures such as electrophoresis, autohemotherapy and subconjunctival injections of the drug dionin are prescribed - such measures can quickly eliminate eye hemorrhage after injury, providing a resolving effect.


With penetrating eye injuries, the patient usually experiences photophobia, lacrimation and pain.

Blepharospasm (impossibility of opening the eyelids) , redness in the eyelid area, redness of the conjunctiva and bleeding in damaged areas of the eye are also possible.

Severe cases carry the risk of possible loss of the membranes and contents of the eye.

In general, signs of penetrating injuries include:

  • presence of a wound channel in the lens;
  • a through wound in the cornea or sclera;
  • presence of an air bubble in the vitreous;
  • prolapse of the iris into the wound;
  • prolapse of the ciliary and vitreous bodies;
  • tear of the pupillary edge of the iris;
  • severe hypotension of the eye ( drop in intraocular pressure );
  • segmental opacification of the lens .

When treating this type of injury, sulfonamides are prescribed, which are taken orally or parenterally , as well as broad-spectrum antibiotics.

In most cases, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agents are prescribed in parallel to prevent the development of additional pathologies.

Shell shock

Ocular contusion is the result of impact on the eyeball, and the injury in such cases can be direct or indirect.

In the first case, this is the result of a direct impact on the eyeball , and in the second, it is the result of a person’s body being shaken during a fall .

Important! The consequence of such an injury may be retinal detachment, and in this case, only one treatment option is possible - surgery.

Also, the result of contusion can be cataracts , which must be removed.


Burns can be either thermal or chemical in nature , and in the first case, the main treatment consists of treating the damaged eye with medications .

After this, the patient must remain in bed for several days .

Chemical burns mainly occur due to contact of the eyeball with acids and alkalis (or chemicals containing such components).

This kind of damage does not necessarily occur in any manufacturing plants: alkalis and acids are also found in many household cleaners and detergents that people use every day .

burns occur when the eye comes into contact with soda, ammonia solutions, lime and any detergents.

Important! Providing first aid if such substances get into the eyes involves rinsing for 10-15 minutes under running cool water, but this is only a first aid measure - after such a procedure, you must call a doctor who will provide professional emergency care.

Acid burns do not cause such damage as alkalis, which quickly destroy the mucous membrane. Basically, when acids come into contact with the surface of the eye, superficial destruction of the outer layer of the mucous membrane occurs, which secretes protein.

This protein, reacting with acid, coagulates, forming a barrier to acid access to the deep layers of the eye and the retina. In most cases, acid burns do not cause significant damage to vision, while alkali burns reduce the quality of vision.

Associated eyelid injuries and their classification

When the eye is damaged, there are almost always concomitant eyelid injuries , the danger of which is not so great, but can contribute to the development of additional pathologies.

Such injuries include:

  1. Erosion. It is expressed in damage in the form of abrasions and scratches of the outer layer of the eyelid , and the affected area may bleed. Damage is always accompanied by pain , but seeing a doctor for such damage may not be necessary: ​​you can relieve pain and stop bleeding on your own by treating the damaged area with any antibacterial agent and applying cold to it .
  2. After a blow to the closed eye with a blunt object, a contusion of the eyelid is possible , in which pronounced swelling of the soft tissues is observed. In this case, hematomas and bruises can form under the eye , and pain is felt not only when the eyeball moves, but also at rest. In case of severe eye injuries, a rupture of the conjunctiva, rupture of the lacrimal canals and their displacement are possible. As first aid for such an injury, it is necessary to apply a cold object to the damaged eyelid, then consult a doctor. If necessary, a specialist can inject an anesthetic into the injured area.
  3. It is possible to form puncture, cut and lacerated wounds of the eyelid , which can be both superficial and affect the deep layers of the eyelid.

Diagnosis of eye injuries

Diagnosis of eye injury allows us to identify the cause and extent of damage, which in turn is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment.

Note! First of all, during diagnosis, the fundus of the eye is examined - this procedure is performed using ultrasound equipment or an ophthalmic mirror.

Sometimes an X-ray examination is required (this method is especially relevant for penetrating wounds and helps determine the presence of a foreign body in the eye).

During the diagnostic process, the ophthalmologist can not only determine the type of injury and the degree of damage , but also give a prognosis regarding the condition in which the patient’s vision will remain after treatment.

First aid for eye injuries

First aid for an eye injury is to immediately call a doctor or go to the nearest medical facility yourself , but while waiting for a specialist, you should try to remove the foreign body if the injury is caused by it.

To do this, you need to pull back the lower or upper eyelid and try to carefully remove the foreign object with the corner of a folded scarf or piece of fabric. Do not rub your eyes - this will lead to even greater irritation.

Eye injury treatment at home

After removing the foreign body, it is necessary to drop 2-3 drops of albucid into the affected eye.

You can also use the following eye drops for eye injury for treatment at home and during rehabilitation after injury in accordance with the instructions for use:

  • Korneregel;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Balarpan-N;
  • Vitasik;
  • Hyphenation.

Before using such drugs, you should consult with your doctor , who will help you plan a course of treatment and recommend the appropriate type of drops.

Pain-relieving eye drops after injury

Drops such as alcaine, inocaine, lidocaine can be used as anesthetic drops after an injury. After application, they begin to act in one to two minutes and will provide an analgesic effect for 15-20 minutes.

In the video you will learn about first aid for eye injuries:

Self-medication in the form of using decoctions, infusions and lotions for eye injuries is not recommended: such methods will be ineffective and can worsen the situation, and this is fraught with complete and irreversible loss of vision, not to mention the restoration of the eye.

A branch got into my eye, what should I do?

Or this is what I found on the Internet so far, a case with symptoms like ours... Consult, please. Although this is not homeopathy, I don’t know how to help right now.

  • A branch got into my eye, what should I do?
  • Eye injury
  • Last consultation
  • Eye injury, first aid for eye injury
  • Symptoms of eye injury
  • First aid for eye injury
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  • Branch eye injury


When should you see a doctor?

In case of minor injury , when the integrity of the skin of the eyelids is not broken, there are no spots, wounds, or bleeding on the eye, you can cope with the injury yourself.

It is only necessary to periodically (every 3-4 hours) use antiseptic and antibacterial drops.

To relieve swelling, you can apply compresses and lotions.

If a branch penetrates the eye and gets stuck there, you should immediately take the victim to the emergency room.

Medical assistance is required in some cases:

  • a branch hit a child in the eye;
  • there are traces of injury on the surface of the eye;
  • small particles remain on the surface of the eye or penetrate inside;
  • the eyeball is red (hemorrhage);
  • the branch remained in the eye.

Features of eye injuries

Severe damage to the eyeball can lead to visual impairment. There are several features in the structure of this organ, due to which any injury can cause serious and even irreparable harm. Let's take a closer look at a few of these features:

  • unlike other parts of the body, the eye does not have muscle support;
  • directly interacts with the environment, therefore vulnerable to external factors;
  • complex structure, consists of very fragile elements;
  • not all aspects of the structure of the eye have been studied, and some injuries and diseases cannot yet be treated.

It is based on these factors that it becomes clear why a bruise is a serious injury that can even lead to partial or complete blindness and other serious pathologies.


For your information! If you do not react to a branch getting into your eye, you may encounter the following consequences:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blurred vision;
  • sepsis;
  • endophthalmitis;
  • panophthalmitis;
  • scar formation;
  • deformation of the soft tissues of the face;
  • inversion, eversion and ptosis of the eyelids;
  • disruption of the lacrimal apparatus.

In the most advanced cases, complete loss of vision, brain abscess, and sympathetic inflammation (fibroplastic iridocyclitis) are possible.

Important! Inflammation can spread to the healthy eye, and as a result, a person may lose both organs of vision.

Diagnosis of severe bruises

The damaged eye is examined by an ophthalmologist. It establishes the degree of injury and determines which elements of a given organ were damaged. Methods for diagnosing a bruise are as follows:

  1. Examination with an ophthalmoscope. It is used to study the fundus of the eyeball and is effective in the presence of obvious retinal injuries. This method is inaccurate, so it is better to dilate the pupil first. Otherwise, more than sixty percent of the retina may not be visible.
  2. Examination using a Goldmann lens. Allows a more thorough examination of damage in difficult-to-reach areas of the eye. A device with this lens is available in specialized and private clinics.
  3. Eyesight check. The standard procedure is carried out using a table with letters. A surefire method that will show whether vision loss is due to a bruise or not.
  4. Gonioscopy. Examine the anterior chamber of the eye. The procedure is quite painful; painkillers are used.
  5. Perimetry. The visual field is examined using a computer, since injuries of this nature can lead to its impairment.
  6. Ultrasound. Allows you to determine the clinical picture of a clouded state of the cornea and lens.
  7. Tomography. Maybe computer, or maybe magnetic resonance. In the first case, the eyeball and intracranial area are examined. In the second, defects in the optic nerves and muscles are examined, and motor abilities are tested.

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Treatment at home consists of several points:

  1. Use antibacterial and antiseptic drops simultaneously (with a break of 20 minutes). For example, these could be Albucid, Tobrex and Okomistin drops. Drip morning and evening for 5 days.
  2. Using eye gel (Actovegin, Solcoseryl). Before going to bed, place a thin strip of gel behind the lower eyelid.
  3. After each eye drop, place a strip of behind the retracted lower eyelid .

The course of treatment should be 5-7 days . If after this the discomfort does not disappear completely, you should visit a doctor.


You can get injured in a variety of ways. There are cases where an eye was knocked out by a hockey puck, a ball from a children's pistol, or a cork. You can only get hurt from sparkling champagne if you uncork the cork incorrectly. A football player can have his eyeball knocked out by a ball, although the athlete also receives other head injuries at the same time. Sports injuries account for a large percentage of injuries. You can gouge out an eye with the tip of a ski pole, the scope of a sports rifle, or the blade of a skate. Boxers and representatives of various martial arts use their fists to knock out eye sockets.

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In childhood, injuries accompany active games. Schoolchildren behave aggressively during team games. If the players get excited, they don’t notice how they hurt each other. Indulging in unsafe toys also leads to disastrous results. The media discussed cases of a boy having his eye knocked out with a slingshot, and another guy having his eye knocked out with a spinner. If an airsoft bullet hits the face during an organized fight, injuries may occur due to failure to wear protective equipment.

An equally common occurrence is a broken eye in a scuffle or fight. A person’s eye sockets can be damaged deliberately, because this is one of the disarming points. If blows are thrown in the face, and the attacker has a knife or screwdriver in his hand, the risk of an eye being gouged out is extremely high. You can also get injured if you fall on a rocky surface or glass.

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