How to understand that a guy likes you by gestures and looks

Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seeming funny, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc. How then, if a man does not show or directly talk about his feelings, can you find out if he likes you?

In addition to ordinary language, every person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world, there are vivid examples of male courtship language - they spread their tails, change their plumage, organize exhibition fights... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have developed intuition, and therefore always feel if they like you. In essence, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have this ability yet, don’t be upset, understanding body language can be learned, and no matter what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can find out from non-verbal manifestations how he feels. So, what postures and gestures will a man show you that he likes you?

Gestures of a man in love

This may not necessarily be love, but only its beginning. So, what body manifestations indicate sympathy and interest in you? If a man is turned towards you, his feet and knees are directed in your direction, this is a sure sign of his interest. The body itself can also be used as a barrier between you, if a man does not want to communicate (this needs to be checked, maybe he wants to, but is still afraid). The simplest way to use your body as a barrier is to turn your back to you, or turn half-turn. Often, a man can use foreign objects - a folder, laptop, backpack, etc. - as an obstacle between you and his body.

Gestures of a man in the hip area

Body poses that highlight the hip area are more sexual in nature. So, men can sit or stand with their legs spread wide apart, demonstrating their masculine strength, or taking a dominant, hanging position “above you”, resting their hands on their hips, tucking their fingers into the belt, again, emphasizing the genital area. Despite the fact that these poses carry information of a more sexual nature, they can also serve as compensation for a man’s feelings of internal insecurity, and speak of his desire to look more masculine, strong, and in a “dominant position.”

Characteristic manifestations

A man will begin to show signs of attention to a girl for whom he feels sympathy.
Verbal signs of sympathy include:

  • the emergence of curiosity, special interest in a certain woman;
  • the guy begins to talk about his hobbies, interests, and share his tastes;
  • feels the need to get to know the close circle of his chosen one;
  • gives compliments, praises the girl for whom he feels sympathy;
  • provides all possible support and assistance;
  • gives gifts, makes surprises;
  • verbally confesses his sympathy.

Non-verbal include:

  • pose;
  • features of facial expressions;
  • certain gestures;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • special look.

If you are interested in how to understand a man’s sympathy for a woman, then you need to pay attention to the following points.

  1. A man's facial expressions include biting or licking his lips, raised eyebrows, slightly enlarged pupils, and a constant smile.
  2. The toes of the shoes must be pointed towards the girl in whom he is interested.
  3. When communicating, a man has an open posture; he does not cross his legs and arms.
  4. The young man will take care of his appearance.
  5. Will show attentiveness and care.
  6. He will laugh at the jokes of the girl he likes.
  7. Does the right thing. He accompanies you home, gives you gifts, pays for travel, pays for food in a cafe, makes phone calls, and inquires about your well-being.
  8. Tries to copy a woman’s behavior, the position of her body, and repeats the intonation of her voice.
  9. He is an excellent listener and remembers everything a woman tells him. Such a person will remember both her favorite color and the name of her dog.
  10. Pay attention to the man's posture. If he puts his chest forward, keeps his shoulders straight, straightens them, and tries to impress with his appearance, it means he feels sympathy for the young lady. However, in this situation there may be a reverse situation: if a young man is too shy and timid, then on the contrary he will slouch, as he feels insecure at this moment. Also, if a man is too tall, he may deliberately slouch in order to be closer to his chosen one.
  11. Sympathy on the part of a man can be manifested by straightening his hair or clothes, straightening his jacket, straightening his tie, lowering the collar of his shirt. At this moment, the man is trying to do everything to look as ideal as possible, because he wants to impress the person he likes. He may also straighten his hair, thereby trying to give himself confidence.
  12. A man’s sympathy for a woman can also be manifested by increased activity on her page on social networks. The man will begin to review all the news that she posts, like photos and even comment on them.
  13. He will smile, looking at the girl he likes.
  14. Touching the face. If, while communicating with a man, a woman notices that he touches his face, this is a sign of an inner need to touch her. Thus, he transfers to himself what he wants to do, but cannot at the moment. However, you need to understand that such a sign is not always a manifestation of sympathy. Touching your face with your hands can be a habit. Therefore, it is worth observing the guy outside of your presence; perhaps under other circumstances he will also touch his face.
  15. Interested in the girl's hobbies. He will be happy to join the young lady at the exhibition, start reading a book that the girl likes, or try a dessert that she has repeatedly ordered. All this indicates that a man lives in thoughts about a specific woman, constantly thinks about her.
  16. Makes attempts to touch the girl. These touches can be made with the hands or feet. When the opportunity arises, he will definitely try to hug the woman who interests him.
  17. When communicating, he will not look at his phone, because he will be completely captivated by his partner. He can turn off the sound, or even remove it altogether in order to devote all his time to the girl he likes.

You can also familiarize yourself with how a woman’s sympathy for a man manifests itself.


Our boundaries do not end with the boundaries of the body, but also include the space around us. The distance between you speaks about the nature of communication, and is divided into so-called. zones. Social zone (1.2 - 3 m) - for strangers, personal (46-120 cm) - for business, official dating, and intimate zone. In our culture, the zone of “intimate” contact, intended only for very personal communication, is 15-45 cm. A man who likes you will try to penetrate your intimate zone. He will either come too close to you, or begin to lean on the back of a chair or railing behind you - imitating the currently prohibited hug movement. He can give you his hand, thereby violating your boundaries, try to touch you by chance. (Depending on which side he extends his palm towards you, you will see whether he strives to take a commanding position in his relationship with you, or is completely open and trusts you (a sign of trust is open palms)).

Facial expressions of a man who likes you

Maximum emotions are revealed by the language of a man’s face, and especially by his gaze and eyes. The more time he looks at you, the more he likes you. At the same time, his pupils dilate (constriction of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates hostility, aggression), his head may be tilted to the side. His gaze is directed into your eyes and slides down, below the chin, to chest level - this is the so-called. intimate look (look at the forehead and to eye level - business, from the eyes to lip level - social, friendly). There is also a “flirting”, enticing sideways glance, while the eyebrows rise slightly upward and there is always a smile.

A smile on the face, by the way, can express different emotions, and not always positive ones. A symmetrical (the same on both sides) smile is considered sincere, which arises slowly and remains on the face for a long time; it speaks of openness and sympathy. If there is no smile on his face, then his lips are usually just relaxed. Any asymmetrical quick movements of the lips, nervous smiles, or pursing of the lips indicate that the man is experiencing discomfort. If he is busy with some thoughts of his own, he may run his tongue over his teeth, suck or curl his lips.

How to understand that a man is interested in you if he hides it

There are psychological signs that a certain man likes you. It is almost impossible to hide them, since sympathy arises on a subconscious level. But it is important to distinguish them from ordinary politeness and gallantry:

  1. The young man will show his sympathy in every possible way, be it a cup of hot tea in the cold season or help with heavy bags. In any case, there will definitely be cute and unobtrusive signs of attention.
  2. Non-standard actions and actions unusual for a man’s character will speak for themselves.
  3. During my school years, boys would pull the tail of a girl they liked. Growing up, not much has changed. They also try to draw attention to their person through tactile movements. A clear sign of sympathy is a touch on the arm or shoulder.
  4. You feel eyes on you, and when you look at the guy, he looks away in embarrassment. It also happens the other way around - brave and confident alpha males try to catch your gaze and smile back.
  5. A man interested in a woman will try to show concern for her. This can be expressed in gallantly opening doors, solving minor issues and problems. Over time, he will definitely take the next step and offer to spend time with his friends. He is unlikely to immediately invite you to a romantic meeting.
  6. The guy will try to show a sense of humor: he will constantly tell jokes, tell funny stories, demonstrating a light disposition.
  7. A representative of the strong half of humanity will definitely find your phone number or find you on a social network. He will do everything possible to constantly stay in touch with you.
  8. Showing jealousy is another clear sign of affection. A young man will not like it when the object of his desire flirts with another man. He will do everything to get into the conversation and take it in a different direction, thereby trying to “pull the blanket over himself.”

In practice, manifestations of sympathy from a man are visible to everyone around him, except the object of desire. Kindness, good mood and understanding will help a guy take the next step towards a girl. Sometimes it is difficult to overcome fears and directly admit your feelings.

Alas, most likely, your sympathy is caused not so much by the personal qualities of the coach, but by the physiological and psychological characteristics of our body, as well as... marketing techniques!

  • Sometimes our body plays strange games with us. Scientists have found that the vast majority of girls and women—more than half! - experience strong arousal during sports and fitness activities. And this, in turn, triggers another interesting reaction in our body. Based on numerous experiments, it has been proven that if you evoke in a person a physiological reaction corresponding to certain emotions, then he will actually begin to experience them. Let's say, before meeting a certain girl, the subject is given an injection that increases the heart rate. A rapid heartbeat during a conversation with a new acquaintance can make the participant think that he really liked her, although in reality this is not the case. This is exactly the reaction that happens to us during training: sexual arousal caused by physiological reasons is transferred to the image of the trainer, which makes him attractive to us. But move the meeting to a different setting - and the object of your dreams will no longer seem so desirable to you.
  • The following arguments may seem trivial to some, but without them our article would be incomplete. Yes, a handsome, well-groomed man with an ideal figure cannot help but stand out from those whom we most often encounter in everyday life. Moreover, his appearance speaks of a huge reserve of determination, because the efforts of many months and years have been invested in this body. And what can we say about his competence, about the invaluable advice he gives during training? Undoubtedly, he seems head and shoulders above any man around you! But it’s still worth coming down to earth: there are probably many other competent, purposeful and passionate people around you who are in love with their work, it’s just that their type of activity does not make them so noticeable. Falling in love with a fitness trainer, the result of whose work - his body and the success of his students - is in full view of everyone, is, of course, easy and simple. A talented doctor or programmer, for example, looks much more modest. Therefore, no matter how ideal your coach may seem to you, upon closer examination he is not a superman at all, but simply a professional in his field.
  • You fell in love with a trainer at the gym and now every time you notice that he treats you somehow differently than other students. He will make a compliment, and even such an ambiguous one - understand it however you want. He will praise very emotionally, beyond measure. It will touch you in some exciting way... No matter how hard it is, it is better to immediately take off your rose-colored glasses. Praise and compliments are something without which you will soon stop going to training. Sometimes beginners “burn out”, they run out of motivation and desire to play sports - so your coach tries to cheer you up, gives you an additional reason to go to the gym. In the end, it is beneficial for any fitness club for clients to fall in love with the instructors. After all, then they will come to their favorite coach again and again, and the flow of money coming to the club will never dry up. Around the most popular coaches there will always be fans who secretly sigh in the locker room after training... Do you want to be among them? No? Then it's better to switch your sympathy to someone else.

We invite you to read: Chronic stress: how to detect, overcome and prevent :: Health :: RBC Style
Men are not as decisive and courageous as girls. For a long time they hesitate to admit their sympathy and take the first step. For days, weeks and months they circle around the object of attraction without making any confession. And at this time the girl is at a loss as to whether he needs her or not.

Unfortunately, those who talk a lot and for a long time about love, choosing unearthly phrases, most often lack sincerity. Most likely, they are pursuing some goal in relation to the lady. A person truly in love will not trumpet what worries his mind and heart.

If a man likes a woman, he behaves openly and involuntarily reveals secret feelings through manners and gestures. Some secrets of psychology and observing a guy will help you draw a conclusion for yourself: whether you are loved or not.

It is not difficult to understand that a woman really likes a man. The fair sex are emotional creatures, and the presence of sympathy for a guy is immediately revealed. Sometimes it seems to them that they are in love with insensitive blockheads who do not show reciprocity towards them. Men are actually not as complex individuals as they seem at first glance.

An attentive lady will understand how a man in love behaves if he really likes a woman. In rare cases, guys tend to confess their love or sympathy. They hide the feelings they experience for a long time and carefully until they are convinced of their reciprocity and resort to other active actions.

Not all men show hidden feelings for a woman through attention and care. Some representatives of the stronger sex hide their feelings and behave in strange ways for various reasons. There are several reasons why guys don't show their feelings:

  1. Fear of being rejected. Even the most successful and attractive man experiences fear of unrequited love. It is easier for him to control himself, without giving the appearance that his thoughts and heart are occupied with his beloved, than to fail and be rejected.
  2. Lover of solitude. The familiar lifestyle of a bachelor is closer to a single man than the unknown married life. It is difficult for him to change his usual foundations and let a new person into his measured life.
  3. Bad experience. If a man has had a painful relationship in the past, fear of new love settles in his soul.
  4. Emotionally reserved. From an early age, boys are taught to be strong, restrained, and not express their feelings. As a result, they grow up to be dry men. In order not to make himself look like a weakling, the guy hides his feelings.
  5. Uncertainty about feelings. Sometimes a man cannot understand what feelings a girl causes him, whether he loves her or not, so he controls his emotions in every possible way.
  6. Defensive reaction. Sensitive men are very vulnerable individuals. To protect themselves from disappointments and broken hopes, they close themselves and do not reveal the emotions seething inside.
  7. The guy is not free. A married man has no right to flirt with another woman and show her love. When there is no way to talk about feelings, you have to hide them.

Some guys skillfully remain calm and do not reveal their true feelings. They behave strangely and sometimes aggressively, in no way reminiscent of the tremulous Romeo. Psychologists note absolutely opposite signs that a man likes a woman, which are strikingly different from those described above.

Several facts related to the behavior of the stronger sex indicate that behind the steel armor are hidden worries about a woman. Understanding what a man likes is permissible with the following line of behavior:

  1. The lover tries to avoid the woman. He often turns away, averts his gaze, trying not to even look in her direction.
  2. When her name is mentioned, the man frowns, gets angry, becomes awkward and irritable.
  3. In a company or at some event, he will diligently ignore the presence of his beloved, remaining sociable and friendly with other people.
  4. He says a lot of negative words about her, enjoying the abuse and finding an outlet for unsatisfied feelings in an angry tirade.
  5. When talking with a woman he likes, a man behaves rudely and defiantly, can be rude, insult, and then suffer from what is happening.
  6. A man publicly mocks the object of his adoration.
  7. In the presence of his girlfriend, the guy flirts excessively with other ladies, trying to make her jealous. When the culprit of secret yearnings disappears from sight, he immediately cools off towards those with whom he had just enthusiastically flirted.
  8. When a woman suddenly appears, the man's face hardens and his eyes visibly widen. He may blush and hesitate, trying to disappear quickly so as not to reveal his feelings.
  9. Such a man tries to avoid touching his beloved girl and at the same time reaches out to her. He often takes a defensive stance, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Gestures of a man who is embarrassed by you

But in the presence of you, a man experiences not only sympathy, interest or sexual attraction. Along with the desire to get closer to you, there is a fear of being rejected. The situation changes and he can alternately be overcome by many different emotions - uncertainty, anxiety, fear, tension, awkwardness, embarrassment, the desire to control, boasting, the desire to attract attention and even aggression. All these feelings are reflected in body language, even if a man tries to hide them from you (even if he himself is not fully aware of them).

In any case, if you are attractive to a man, in addition to sympathy, he will show uncertainty and excitement or tension in communicating with you. Usually, in order to relieve tension, people begin to finger various objects (rosary beads, for example), fidget with their clothes, buttons, etc. Touching your body and face also calms you down; to relieve anxiety and calm down, a man can use body swaying, he can stroke himself, rub his face, his mouth may become dry from excitement, and he will lick his lips, spin in a chair, etc. Often men begin to preen themselves, straighten their tie, smooth their hair - these gestures convey information about his desire to look more attractive, and at the same time help him relieve tension. Tension and excitement can look like increased energy, activity (waving hands, active gestures, increased tone of voice, verbosity), or in another way - a man will become “inhibited”, it will be difficult for him to squeeze out words, he will be very awkward, clumsy in movements.

Temperament will show the way6

Signs of a man in love are also based on his behavior, habits, temperament, openness to dialogue and communication. It is incorrect to tar everyone with the same brush. If a man is an introvert by nature, he will believe in himself and begin to communicate more with the lady he is interested in, but he is unlikely to begin to attract the attention of everyone around him. You can’t step over nature!

Psychologists distinguish three typologies of male behavior:

  • timid;
  • brave;
  • secretive.

Timid guys will probably just watch the object of their love from the side at first and not take decisive action. The first step will likely be a message on social media or by mail. They prefer to communicate in most cases via instant messengers. His behavior around the girl he likes is fussy, awkward, everything constantly falls out of his hands and he wants to hide from her eyes so that he can continue sighing and admiring the ideal in the distance.

Secretive men try to control the situation and emotions. Stinginess in words and actions is compensated by small gifts, help and simple dialogue. It is very difficult to recognize this type of love; first of all, you need to look at non-verbal signs. In 100% of cases, at least once, he will give himself away, and if he completely trusts the girl, he will open his soul and all his passionate nature to her.

Brave men are not afraid of anything. They are active, and sometimes you want to run away from their initiative during courtship. Brave men never doubt the correctness of their actions, actively conquer their chosen one with compliments and frank words, become a support in the relationship and strive to quickly bring the relationship to a close level.

Non-verbal communication and a subtle sense of mood changes in your interlocutor, friend, or colleague will help you distinguish a banal desire to get laid from sincere interest. If before this he behaved relaxed, relaxed and free, but now he has become more thoughtful, careful, caring and behaves like a teenager - it’s worth thinking about, what if these are the first shoots of love?

A man in love is not a knight in shining armor with a bouquet at the ready. He will always be the first to help, listen, console, protect. It can be either invisible or the center of attention. And his look will always speak more eloquently than all the gifts in the world and the most exquisite compliments and poems.

Margarita Lopukhova


Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving “family units” from disintegration. I help couples find love and understanding again.

Male flirting is usually more active than female flirting. Guys know that girls love perseverance and perseverance, so if they like them, they take various actions to attract female attention. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to distinguish flirting from the usual politeness of a man. But it’s easy to confuse female coquetry with politeness. Many guys don’t understand girls’ hints and signals at all. Therefore, I recommend that women also behave more actively and directly declare their sympathy - this will greatly increase the chances that communication will develop into mutual love.

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