How to please a male boss and then how to determine that he likes you?

Changing your clothing style

Successful men pay attention to well-groomed, combed women who smell delicious and radiate warmth. Therefore, in order to win over your boss, you should look the part. At the same time, it is worth separating style and vulgarity. There is no need to wear revealing outfits to work, as well as blouses and dresses with a wide neckline.

Men love it when a woman wears heels - this is how she emphasizes her sexuality. In addition, an important component of the wardrobe of a woman who conquers her boss should be a tight-fitting skirt or dress with a small cutout on the side.

If it is customary to wear casual clothing at work, you should stand out among your colleagues so that your manager notices the changes.

Another important point in how to make your male boss fall in love with you is makeup. Do not make too sophisticated bright shades. The best option would be classic, elegant makeup with a predominance of warm tones, applied efficiently and accurately. Manicure, which should be neat and gentle, is also important. You should not wear long nails to work with bright makeup - this turns men off.

The hairstyle should be neat and simple, matching the style of clothing. If the manager did not pay attention to the woman, you should radically change your hairstyle and color, or come to work with loose locks, if the dress code allows it.

Method number 1. Come to work earlier

Even if your work day officially begins at 9:00, this is not at all a reason to cross the office threshold at exactly that minute. After all, firstly, you still need to prepare for the working day. Secondly, if your manager arrives at the office at 8:45, then you should be at your workplace by 8:40. Every boss loves when employees are disciplined and responsible.

Most likely, the boss will not notice exactly how early you arrived at your workplace. But the very fact of this will be noted by him. And therefore, those who would like to please their boss should absolutely not neglect this recommendation.

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Draw attention to yourself

Another way to make the boss look at the employee differently is the woman’s attempts to attract attention to herself. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • Praise your boss in his presence often. However, this must be done unobtrusively so as not to alienate the man. In order for a man to pay attention to an employee, you can, for example, evaluate his new suit or tie;
  • Good news for your superiors has a positive effect on the development of relationships, therefore, in order to attract his attention, you should report news to him more often. It is important to understand that negative news can make a man feel bad; he will associate the woman with negativity;
  • Ask your boss more often about his well-being. However, this must be done, again, unobtrusively, just like praising him.

How to improve your relationship with your new boss

Svetlana Savelyeva, head of the candidate search center at Kelly Services, gave some advice:

  • Be positive - only by working as a team can you achieve success
  • Take your boss to your team - remember that your boss needs you just as much as you need him
  • Set the rules of the new game - if within two weeks the new boss does not explain his requirements, ask yourself
  • Maintain an open dialogue - you cannot accumulate grievances and complaints

Now about how to communicate with your boss correctly.

Keep it relevant

A boss is a friend to an employee. To build a normal working relationship with any person, you need to remember three things - respect, boundaries, dialogue. Well, check to see if you have 8 habits that definitely piss off your boss. If you recognize yourself, work on it.

Work openly

Make sure the boss sees that you are working, the task is on the job. If you don't meet the deadline, explain the reason.

Report any problem immediately after it appears - problems tend to accumulate. If something is unclear, ask. It's simple.

Follow the rule of three "NO's"

  1. Do not lie. And don’t keep silent - you remember that everything secret becomes clear
  2. Do not make excuses. Even if you are not guilty three times, rather than make excuses, it is better to take into account the mistake and do not allow it to happen again
  3. Don't shift the blame to others. Nobody likes those who consider themselves sinless. If you think about it, even if someone else made a mistake, your fault is at least that you didn’t check it on time

How to behave correctly with a boss you like

Correct behavior with the leader is a guarantee of achieving the desired result. There are several ways to make a man fall in love with you by showing your attitude with your appearance.

It is important to understand that when trying to make even a director fall in love with you, you should not forget about your responsibilities in the workplace. Doing quality work helps a male boss evaluate your work and draw conclusions. In addition, the absence of negative qualities towards an employee gives a positive opinion about his organization and endurance at work.

Show up to your director more often in a work environment. “Casual” meetings will help a man discern a good employee in a woman.

In relations with your superiors, you should correctly define the boundaries, so you need to calmly accept criticism in your direction, and also avoid, if possible, conflicts on work grounds.

If you want to draw attention to yourself, the employee should make it clear to the boss that she does not hold on to this job, because otherwise the opinion of you as an employee and a woman will drop significantly.

When communicating with your superiors, you should not change your voice or try to “make eyes” at the boss. This kind of behavior will only push you away.

An important point in flirting with a leader is caring for the man as a valuable specimen. At the same time, it is worth sharing positive emotions with a man in order to create a warm atmosphere in the team.

How to please a female boss?

The road through obvious flattery, eternal agreement and the desire to stand out at any cost leads to failure. Emotional self-abasement and the patience of a tyrant are also contraindicated by psychologists. It is important to understand that a female boss is not much different from a male leader (if she is a professional), but there are subtleties in building relationships. What qualities will help you win over your boss?

1. Both women and men – subordinates – need to adhere to the dress code. Mini skirts on a girl or shorts on a guy are unlikely to improve the opinion of such an employee.

2. You should complete your work on time, and for this, at work they are engaged in direct responsibilities, and do not while away the time playing solitaire or giving likes.

3. You need to take care of your appearance (moderate makeup, clean hair and nails). The smell of fumes and yesterday's makeup are also bad manners.

4. Punctuality. Being late is a “deadly sin” at work! It is better to make it a habit to leave 10 minutes earlier.

5. Attention to details, requests, wishes of the boss. To do this you will have to get a notepad and pencil.

6. A little secret - if you write everything down, you will have enough memory and nerves to do the main work well.

7. And responsibility. The boss said - the subordinate did.

Only by working harmoniously in one team can you count on the respect and attention of your superiors. Reliability and the ability to trust an employee are the foundation of strong personal relationships.

How to understand that a male boss is in love with you

If it seems that you have already managed to gain attention from your manager, all that remains is to figure out what feelings your lover has towards you. You should take a closer look at how a boss in love behaves with a subordinate. Signs that your male boss likes you:

  • A man often turns to you with simple, often ridiculous requests;
  • He does not take his eyes off you, often looking at your décolleté;
  • The manager may repeat your gestures to make it clear that he likes you;
  • A man tries to look excellent in front of a woman he likes, so he regularly adjusts his suit or tie.
  • The boss may laugh at your bad jokes;
  • The touches of a man who is interested and in love with a woman become frequent and seemingly random;
  • A man tries to be close to you more often, so he often calls you to him or hangs around;
  • A man can suddenly change his clothing style. In this case, he, like the girl, tries to attract attention in his direction. Usually this situation is accompanied by questions from the man about what is best to wear or how the beloved would like to dress her beloved.
  • It is important to check how the boss treats the employee during non-working hours. If he tries to contact a woman in a non-verbal environment or pay attention to her, he really feels sympathy for the girl. The ideal place to check is a corporate event.

Work is not the time for romances and affairs, many bosses think so, and therefore, when they fall in love with employees, they often remain silent and try not to show the relationship in order to avoid gossip and gossip in the workplace.

What is the danger

The first point is that your initiative may be ineffective if the boss is not interested in a relationship with you. When he avoids you, behaves distantly and only in a businesslike manner, then it is better not to waste your energy, nerves and time.

The second point is that he is a married man. Of course, anyone can be lassoed. You can verify this in the article “How to interest a married man.” Have you often heard stories about an unfree boss and a subordinate that ended well? Just for the sake of bed, variety, he can let you into his life. But he will not be ready to leave his wife if he is given a choice.

How to please your boss: 10 simple tips

Any person, getting a hired job, always wants to please his boss. Even if he is a guest star, still somewhere deep in the soul the sympathy of the authorities warms the soul and pride.

What do bosses like? Bosses like their subordinates to come early and leave later, take work home or go to the office on weekends, exceed the monthly plan and, of course, do not ask for a salary increase.

But it’s unlikely that hired employees will be delighted with all of the above.

Where there are difficult paths, there is always an easier secret loophole. The main thing is to know which buttons to press.

Among these ten tips, there are a couple that will help improve relationships not only with your bosses, but also with your colleagues. You remember that no one likes upstarts and suck-ups.

Arrive 5 minutes early

Even if your workday officially starts at 8am and your boss gets to work at 7:50am, you should be at work by 7:45am! Bosses love it when their subordinates are not late. And they love it even more when they arrive even earlier. At the same time, he is unlikely to note how early you arrived - by 5 minutes or an hour.

No one pays attention if you stay after work (since you stayed, it means you didn’t work well during the day). But everyone notices if you are at least 5 minutes late in the morning.

Always smile and say hello

Whatever your mood and condition (after a night out or with a stuffy nose), always smile and say “Good morning.” And it is desirable that the smile looks sincere. Nobody likes beech. And if you also come to the office early and greet your boss with a smile, then the morning will really be good.

Be a volunteer

When the phrase “who wants to be a volunteer?” is heard at a meeting, most immediately try not to look their management in the eye, so as not to receive an additional task. Therefore, people who volunteer themselves (concrete plant - me!) are especially valued. True, colleagues who are “always ready” are not very fond of them, since in such behavior one can clearly see a desire to please their superiors.

But there is an advantage to this - you choose an additional task for yourself, and do not play roulette with the management.

Be a printer guru

This means that if you can do the dirty work with a cartridge, you will become the favorite of not only your boss, but the entire office. And if you also know how to quickly and efficiently remove jammed paper and figure out what exactly is wrong with the printer, your price will double!

These skills become especially valuable during busy periods, when the printer begins to consume paper with a special appetite, and you won’t get any help from the technical department.

Always say "Thank you"

Always say “thank you.” Especially to your boss. Especially for his valuable advice, an extra day of vacation or a bonus. And those who want to express their gratitude in a more meaningful way can even write a thank you note. But don't forget to take it in moderation.

Make coffee

Offering to make a cup of coffee for your boss or colleagues for company is not sucking up, but a rule of good manners. Even if you know that the answer will be “no, thank you,” it’s still worth offering - these are the basics of politeness and human relations.

Match your boss's speech

Pay attention to what new words your boss uses. Use them during meetings and add them to your emails. This will show that you are on the same page as your boss and that you really understand what is going on. The main thing is to really find out the meaning of these words, otherwise it will be very stupid and inconvenient if it turns out that you are just working as a parrot.

Create procedures

Create certain rituals for yourself while working on a particular project. Be it sending mail (checking attachments and addresses in the copy) or transferring the project to designers, programmers, etc. The word “procedure” sounds impressive and makes even the simplest email check something more important and meaningful. And if you accidentally make a mistake, the phrase “I will change the procedure” makes a lasting impression on others.

Compare “I will resend mail” and “I will change the way I handle incoming mail.”

Copy your boss

This option works great if you are working from home for some reason. To show your boss that you've really been working tirelessly (even if it's from your bed with a laptop on your lap), copy your boss's email to all your work correspondence. Questions about what you did all day will disappear by themselves.

Fake Enthusiasm

Even if your work is absolutely bland, boring and monotonous, try to find (or even create) at least a few emotional moments. Put on a smile and wave your arms wildly, telling your colleagues about your next visit to the client. Even if it was terribly boring.

It's like with the connection between internal and external states. If you feel bad, but you start smiling, your mood lifts. Maybe this will just help you make your day at least a little brighter.

Bosses are different, and no one is immune from narcissistic tyrants. These 10 rules work flawlessly with them.

If your boss is not only your boss, but also a really smart person, then you need to put effort into all of the above and do your job really well. Otherwise, no amount of smiling, volunteering, or working with a printer will help you.

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