Fear of public speaking: how not to worry in front of the public, ways to overcome it

Not everyone can speak in front of a large audience. This requires special self-confidence, passion and a desire to be the center of attention. Sometimes it happens that it is simply necessary to go on stage and tell people about something (for example, at a work presentation or at a thesis defense). Some people want to step out of their comfort zone and broadcast their ideas to the world. In such situations, fear of public speaking and stage fear can become a real problem: read about the causes of panic and how to get rid of it in this article.

What is the name of the phobia?

The fear of speaking in front of an audience is called glossophobia. I note that this does not apply to natural anxiety, but rather to a panic attack before an event of any degree of importance. Despite the significance of what is happening, the number of spectators, a person may have such an insurmountable anxiety before leaving behind the scenes, which does not allow him to connect even two words. However, to one degree or another, people are always worried before going out in public.

This type of experience is embedded in us at the subconscious level. In a time when people needed to hunt large animals to feed and keep themselves warm, the success of a foray depended on teamwork. The need to feel like part of a “tribe” remains with us to this day, so when we go on stage alone, we feel discomfort. In this way, we seem to separate ourselves from the rest of society.

Panic in this case is an absolutely normal emotion. The difference is that for a beginner it can be a destructive problem, but in the hands of an experienced speaker it can turn into a powerful tool and even transform into charisma. In addition, excitement is a motivation that forces the speaker to prepare harder and develop. The absence of such a phobia would give rise to irresponsibility and laziness. Think of it as a real gift to help you perform at your best.

What to do if fear cannot be overcome

Not everyone can cope with public fear on their own. If fears do not go away, but become an obsessive state (neurosis), professional help is needed. There are acting and rhetoric courses with experienced teachers.

The fear doesn't go away

Additional Information. Many successful individuals studied public speaking. Regular exercises with specialists relieved them of speech defects and helped them overcome anxiety and natural shyness. They became charismatic and courageous people.

Some tips for overcoming fear:

  • do not read the text, but talk to the audience;
  • draw up a plan for the speech, highlighting the main points;
  • avoid multiple terms;
  • take breaks, avoid monotonous text.

You should not attach great importance to critical remarks and poisonous remarks. A good lesson for such a skeptic would be to be invited on stage to have the opportunity to speak. You can be 100% sure that he will not risk going out and facing the audience.

Types of stage fright and public speaking: what they are called and ways to overcome them

Experts identify several types of this phobia. They are similar in symptoms, but differ in the sources of fear itself. To understand how to deal with a problem, you need to determine the specific form in which it manifests itself. Sometimes this requires the help of a professional.

  • Peiraphobia is fear of being in front of an audience.
  • Verbophobia is anxiety before speaking.
  • Lalophobia – fear of impaired diction, stuttering.

Why are people afraid to speak?

To understand how to overcome uncertainty before public speaking and boldly interact with the public, it is necessary to determine the causes of fear; there can be a lot of them, starting from genetic predisposition. The attitude of parents towards public events and their behavior can be laid down in the child at the genetic level or instilled in the process of upbringing. Children always imitate adults, adopt their manners and habits, so it is very easy to provoke the emergence of a phobia. Common factors contributing to the appearance of glossophobia are:

  • Childhood experiences. For example, psychological discomfort caused by ridicule from peers during a performance.
  • Manifestation of neurotic diseases. Thus, a lack of control over one’s emotional state may later result in a fear of speaking in public, in front of an audience.
  • Complexes associated with one’s own appearance or speech. Self-criticism is both a driver and a brake. Complexity prevents you from objectively assessing the situation.
  • Upbringing. Some parents forbid their children to lead a public lifestyle or limit their personal space, which is why going out to the audience turns into a painful departure from their comfort zone.
  • Constant criticism from adults. Excessive criticism creates in a child self-doubt and a feeling of uselessness.
  • Shyness. One of the most common reasons.
  • Inability to work with criticism, unpreparedness for it.

What is the fear of public speaking, stage and audience called, how to overcome it: symptoms and signs

Before the start of the event, a glossophobe may experience the following body reactions to stress:

Psychologist Daria Milai

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  • redness or paleness of the skin;
  • nervousness is reflected in gestures;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • uncontrollable laughter;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • tremors of the vocal cords;
  • muscle spasms;
  • semi-fainting state;
  • changes in facial expressions;
  • fever;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • "lump in the throat;
  • problems with speech, voice;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Consequences of glossophobia

A phobia such as the fear of public speaking in front of an audience can become a serious problem and lead to:

  • low performance in an educational institution;
  • excessive isolation, shyness;
  • inability to achieve heights in the professional field;
  • difficulties getting a job.

How to overcome

If the problem is really critical, it is better to seek help and advice from a professional. A qualified psychologist will help you understand the sources of fear and eliminate provocateurs. It will also be useful to sign up for my personal consultation, during which you will be able to come to an agreement with yourself and find internal resources to combat the phobia.

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Prepare and rehearse

First of all, you need to carefully analyze your listeners. Fear of performing is often a tandem of several phobias. Fear of the unknown has a significant negative impact on a person. To get rid of it, you should find out in advance where and in front of which audience you will demonstrate your oratory. Analyze, as much as possible, how many people will listen to you, what interests and life positions they have, what they expect from the speaker, and what kind of reaction you want to get from them. It must be remembered that overcoming the fear of public speaking is inextricably linked with your awareness. Understanding who will listen to you will negate the unknown factor.

Once you know who your audience will be, you should begin carefully preparing for the speech. You should construct your speech based on average intelligence indicators. There is no point in forming complex logical chains, using professional jargon and complex terms. You should only choose such a speech if you have to speak in front of professionals. In addition, you should avoid using words whose meaning you do not fully understand.

Even if you have a short speech to give, you should not ignore the need for at least the slightest preparation. Study as thoroughly as possible the topic you plan to talk about. The main principle to keep in mind is that the more afraid you are to perform, the better you should prepare.

Once you've finished writing your speech and preparing other supporting materials, think about what questions your audience might ask you. If you plan to present data in the form of graphs and charts, it makes sense to check the relevance and correctness of each figure. Think about how to match any of your thesis with a compelling argument.

Be sure to practice at home, imagining a state in which you feel most comfortable. If there have been times in your life when you verbally managed to solve a difficult issue or get out of a difficult situation, use that state to increase your confidence. Don’t forget to also model this state in your head before the performance itself.

It will not be superfluous to speak in front of one listener. This should be a friend of yours who is well versed in this particular topic. It is this kind of listener who will be able to identify shortcomings in your speech and also ask questions. If you answer them poorly, it’s worth taking a deeper look at the material. Otherwise, you can be sure that the introduction will go as well as possible.

Be sure to inspect the room where you plan to perform. Think about a place where you will feel comfortable establishing contact with the audience. Assess where the lighting is located, and also check whether it is possible to use a projector. When you master the territory using this method, you make the upcoming performance much easier for yourself.

How to overcome stage fright and public speaking

There is a certain algorithm that allows you to fight glossophobia. These are four steps to help you work through your fear.

  • Participation in auto-training. It is extremely important to work on your self-esteem by regularly expressing your own praise. Recognize your strengths and remind yourself of them often.
  • Carrying out relaxation and meditation. Learn to relax and find emotional balance within yourself.
  • Create a positive outlook. Think about how wonderful and successful everything will be. You shouldn’t focus on the negative, knowingly programming yourself to make a mistake.
  • Watch your appearance. Your appearance should match the format of the conversation.

How not to worry before public speaking on stage: exercises at home

There are several effective ways to reduce fear when preparing for a report at home.

Exercise stress

To regulate the neuro-hormonal state, you need to work with the body. Do some exercises, jump, do squats. Sport promotes the production of endorphins - anti-stress hormones. But you shouldn’t do this right before going out to the audience: breathing should be restored, and your appearance should be neat.


Try to reproduce the upcoming event in detail in your head. Pay attention to how the audience perceives you, joke and answer their questions with ease. Create the most positive picture of what is happening.

Ask a question


Before speaking, repeat the following out loud:

  • I'm happy to be here.
  • I'm glad to see you all.
  • I am confident in my expertise.
  • I clearly understand what will be discussed.
  • I like you.
  • I inspire you.

Tips before the performance

Prepare thoroughly for your presentation: study not only the main material, but also alternative points of view on the problem. You need to be prepared to answer possible questions from your listeners.

Take a piece of paper and write down a short outline of your speech on it, so that if you hesitate, you can use a hint. A great way to make your presentation more vivid and understandable to your audience is by preparing an electronic presentation. Flipping through her slides, you will always remember what to talk about next

If you hesitate, ask your audience to pay close attention to the slide. This will give you time to remember the speech.

Practice giving your speech in front of a mirror.

Pay attention not only to WHAT you say, but also to HOW you say it. Facial expressions, gestures, posture, breathing rate, posture, facial expression - all these factors together have a great influence on the listeners’ perception of speech

“Any fear arises when we cannot control any aspect of our life. For example, people are often afraid to fly on an airplane because they are high above the ground, in a confined space, not knowing at all what to do in case of danger.”

Natalia Filimonova

Record your speech on a tape recorder and evaluate it critically. Note those points that could be improved. If you wish, you can let a loved one listen to this recording to get additional advice.

You can practice your performance several times, gathering several family or friends in front of you. This way, you will become more and more confident in your speech each time. At the final stage, imagine that a very stupid person, or a one-year-old child, is sitting in front of you. Your task is to explain the key points of your speech to a fictitious listener in the most accessible way. If you successfully cope with this task, then you will be able to speak well in front of a large audience.

You can practice by getting up on stage during rehearsal. If you are not performing on stage, it is enough to spend some time in the hall

Carefully inspect the room, pay attention to all the details: what kind of curtains hang, how the chairs are positioned, what color is the paint on the ceiling. This method will help you feel more confident during your performance, because you will be performing in an already familiar environment.

A few minutes before your speech, do some physical exercise, then stretch as if you had just woken up. These exercises will help you slightly increase your blood pressure and help you relax.

How to calm down for speaking in front of an audience on stage

  • Stop thinking that you have to be perfect. Many are afraid to go out with a message to people, because they are afraid of making a mistake. But panic will only increase the likelihood of failure. Even professional speakers cannot avoid small errors. Just follow your goal, without trying to seem like a standard in the eyes of others.
  • Understand that the public will not be as demanding of you as you are of yourself. Even if something goes wrong and some little thing gets out of control, most likely it will go unnoticed against the general background of your bright speech.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking on stage with a large audience through rehearsals

The more often you rehearse, the more likely it is that everything will go like clockwork. Having re-read your text more than once, you will remember it and be able to navigate the written thoughts. However, you should not cram - fully memorized speech is perceived dryly, without interest. Record the training on video to evaluate your behavior, facial expressions, and gestures.

Reviews and comments

Practice, use different techniques so as not to worry and not be afraid of public speaking and remember: “A speech needs an exciting beginning and a convincing ending. The task of a good speaker is to bring these two things together as much as possible” (G. Chesterton).

You can discuss your experience and knowledge on the topic below.

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Preparing and delivering a speech
  • Closing a Speech: 9 Effective Techniques
  • Black rhetoric. Part five. Directing a performance and dealing with fear
  • Techniques for a successful presentation: a selection of useful materials
  • Preparing for a Public Speaking
  • Overcoming Fear
  • Tips for working effectively with your audience
  • Secrets of charisma during public speaking (part 2)
  • How to win the hearts of your audience: a cheat sheet for successful public speaking
  • Beginning of public speaking

Key words:1Rhetoric

How not to be afraid before going out

Control your breathing. In a confused rhythm, it will only fuel stress. Breathe deeply, calmly and evenly. Focus on alternating your inhalations and exhalations to prevent destructive thoughts from arising.

How to deal with panic that arises on the spot

  • Find viewers who are as friendly as possible. Focus your attention on them.
  • If you experience trembling or numbness in your limbs, imagine being doused with water, and then shake it off.
  • Breathing has a calming effect. Take a deep breath and exhale long. Normalize your breathing rhythm.

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