Deviation - what is it in psychology, causes, types and prevention of deviant behavior

In psychology there is such a term as deviation. It characterizes the deviating behavior of people living in society. Deviant actions, from a moral and legal point of view, are unacceptable. However, due to various reasons, goals and life circumstances, people act contrary to the norms acceptable in society.

What is deviation: types and examples

Deviation translated from Latin means deviation. In psychology there is such a thing as deviant behavior. If the actions and actions of an individual do not correspond to the norms of behavior established in society, then such a deviation from the rules is a sign of deviation. In any society, people are obliged to behave according to generally accepted rules. Relations between citizens are regulated by laws, traditions, and etiquette. Deviant behavior also includes social phenomena expressed in stable forms of human activity that do not comply with the rules established in society.

Types of deviation:

  • delinquent (crime);
  • asocial (ignoring rules and traditions);
  • self-destructive (bad habits, suicide);
  • psychopathological (mental diseases);
  • dissocial (abnormal behavior);
  • paracharacterological (deviations due to improper upbringing).

Deviation can be positive or negative. If an individual strives to transform life, and his actions are dictated by the desire to qualitatively change the social system, then there is nothing reprehensible in this desire. However, if a person’s actions lead to disorganization of the social environment, and to achieve his goals he uses illegal methods, then this indicates the individual’s inability to socialize and unwillingness to adapt to the requirements of society. Actions that go beyond the law are examples of negative legal deviation.

Social deviation can be both positive and negative. A deviant act in society depends on the motivation that determines it. Manifestation of fearlessness and heroism, scientific innovations, travel and making new geographical discoveries are signs of positive deviation. Positive deviants are: A. Einstein, H. Columbus, Giordano Bruno and others.

Examples of negative and illegal deviant behavior:

  • commission of a criminal act;
  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • sex for money.

Such negative actions are condemned by society and punished according to the norms of criminal law. However, some types of deviant behavior are so firmly rooted in the life of society that their presence does not surprise anyone. People are critical of negativity, although sometimes they try not to notice the deviating behavior of other members of society.

Examples of negative deviation:

  • insults;
  • assault;
  • fight;
  • violation of traditions;
  • computer addiction;
  • vagrancy;
  • gambling;
  • suicide;
  • loud laughter in public places;
  • provocative makeup, clothes, actions.

Most often, deviant behavior occurs in adolescents. They are experiencing the most crucial period of their lives - adolescence. Due to the physiological characteristics of the body and imperfect psychological organization, adolescents are not always able to correctly assess the situation and adequately respond to the problem. Sometimes they are rude to adults, play musical instruments loudly at night, and dress provocatively.

Deviations associated with violations in the field of communication between members of society are called communicative. There are different types of deviations from the norms of correct communication.

Types of communicative deviation:

  • Congenital autism (desire for loneliness);
  • acquired autism (reluctance to communicate due to stressful situations);
  • hyper sociability (desire for constant communication with people);
  • phobias (fear of crowds, society, clowns).

The founder of the theory of deviation is the French scientist Emile Durkheim. He introduced the concept of anomie into sociology. With this term, the scientist described a social condition in which the value system decomposes as a result of a deep economic or political crisis. Social disorganization, in which chaos ensues in society, leads to the fact that many individuals cannot decide on the correct guidelines for themselves. During such a period, citizens most often exhibit deviant behavior. Durkheim explained the causes of socially deviant behavior and crime.

He believed that all members of society should behave in solidarity with the established rules of behavior. If an individual's actions are not consistent with generally accepted norms, then his behavior is deviant. However, according to the scientist, society cannot exist without deviations. Even crime is the norm of social life. True, to maintain social solidarity, crime must be punished.

The concept of "deviation"

Social deviation is one of the types of social behavior that has its own characteristics and characteristics.
This behavior is characterized as unfavorable, deviating from generally accepted norms and values. And in this case, this is a complete contrast to socially acceptable behavior in a certain society or social group. Note 1

Deviation has a negative impact on a person’s mental state, which does not allow him to fully create new social connections and enter into communications.

Despite the fact that deviant behavior is often divided into positive or negative, research is carried out in the area of ​​specifically negative features of this type of behavior. Its manifestations lead to the need in society to apply special, both formal and informal sanctions. These include isolation of the individual from the rest of society for preventive purposes, treatment for bad habits and mental disorders, subsequent rehabilitation in special organizations and medical institutions, correction or punishment of the violator by imposing a fine or criminal punishment if the violation is of a sharply negative nature. Especially often, criminal punishment is imposed if a person’s behavior is completely out of control, and he caused damage to another person or an entire group (beating, theft, murder, intentional or unintentional, state of passion).

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Note 2

Let us note that the problem of social deviation and deviant behavior has been studied since the emergence of sociology as a science. For example, one of the famous works on deviant behavior that goes beyond the norm is E. Durkheim's work “Suicide,” which was published in 1897 and has become a classic work in the field of social deviance studies.

Forms of deviant behavior

The typology of deviant behavior was developed by the famous American sociologist Robert Merton. He proposed a classification that is based on the contradictions between goals and all possible methods of achieving them. Each individual decides for himself what means to choose to achieve the goals proclaimed by society (success, fame, wealth). True, not all means are permissible or acceptable. If there is some inconsistency in the individual’s aspirations and the methods he chooses to achieve the desired result, such behavior is deviant. However, society itself puts people in circumstances where not everyone can honestly and quickly get rich.

Types of deviation:

  • innovation - agreement with the goals of society, but the use of prohibited but effective methods to achieve them (blackmailers, criminals, scientists);
  • ritualism - discarding goals due to the impossibility of achieving them and using means that do not go beyond what is permitted (politicians, bureaucrats);
  • Retreatism - escape from reality, abandonment of socially approved goals and renunciation of legal methods (homeless people, alcoholics);
  • rebellion - rejection of the goals and methods of achieving them accepted by society, replacement of established rules with new ones (revolutionaries).

According to Merton, the only type of non-deviant behavior is considered to be conforming. The individual agrees with the goals established in the social environment and chooses the right methods to achieve them. Deviation does not imply an exclusively negative attitude of an individual to the rules of behavior accepted in society. The criminal and the careerist strive for the same cherished goal approved by society - material well-being. True, everyone chooses their own way to achieve it.

Signs of deviant behavior

Psychologists determine an individual’s propensity for deviant behavior based on a number of characteristic features. Sometimes such personality traits are symptoms of mental illness. Signs of deviation indicate that an individual, due to his status, health, character, is prone to antisocial behavior, involvement in crime or destructive addiction.

Signs of deviant behavior:

  1. Aggression.

Aggressiveness indicates the constant internal tension of the individual. An aggressive person does not take into account the needs of other people. Goes ahead towards his dream. Does not pay attention to criticism of other members of society about his actions. On the contrary, he considers aggression a way to achieve certain goals.

  1. Uncontrollability.

The individual behaves the way he wants. He is not interested in other people's opinions. It is impossible to understand what actions such a person will take in the next minute. The violent temper of an uncontrollable individual cannot be curbed by anything.

  1. Sudden change in mood.

The deviant's mood constantly changes without any apparent reason. He can be cheerful, and then scream and cry a few seconds later. This change in behavior occurs from internal tension and nervous exhaustion.

  1. The desire to be invisible.

The reluctance to share your thoughts and feelings with others always has reasons. A person withdraws into himself because of psychological trauma or when he wants to be alone so that no one interferes with living as he wants. You cannot live separately from the society of people. This behavior often leads to degradation.

Negative signs of deviant behavior are a social pathology. They cause damage to society and the individual himself. The basis of such behavior is always the individual’s desire to act contrary to the norms and rules accepted in society.

Types of social deviation

Since we are talking about both personal and group deviations, it is worth mentioning a fairly wide group and typological division of social deviations. It is carried out according to cultural and psychological characteristics, depending on group or individual distribution, as well as on the degree of its occurrence.

Thus, there are some cultural and mental deviations that determine the social deviation of people or wider social groups. In this case, sociologists are specifically interested in cultural deviations, since they determine the characteristics of deviant behavior due to cultural differences and reluctance to obey specific cultural norms that operate within a community.

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Considering the specific division of social deviation into individual and group, it is worth noting that individual deviation is understood as the rejection of the norms of one’s culture and community on the part of an individual. Group, in turn, means opposition to public interests on the part of a wider social group.

Deviations and manifestations of deviation can be primary and secondary. Primary deviation implies that, in general, a person’s behavior and social actions correspond to the cultural norms that society has. As for the secondary deviation and manifestation of deviation, in this case it is a fatal deviation from accepted norms, which is defined as deviant, asocial, carrying quite negative consequences.

Social deviance can be culturally approved or culturally rejected. Culturally approved forms of social deviation include hyperintellectual behavior, increased motivation of the individual, as well as his achievements, which are based on personal qualities and talent that the individual displays in specific situations. Culturally condemned social deviation supports social deviations that are destructive and can harm not only the bearer of such behavior, but also the people around him.

Reasons for deviant behavior

Deviance occurs in any society. However, its degree of spread and the number of deviant individuals depends on the level of development of society, economic indicators, the state of morality, the creation of normal living conditions for citizens, and the social protection of the population. Deviance intensifies in an era of devastation, social upheaval, political confusion, and economic crisis.

There are about 200 reasons why an individual chooses deviant behavior. According to sociologists' research, various factors influence people's actions and way of thinking. It is they who determine the behavioral model of the individual in order to achieve his goals.

Some reasons for deviations:

  1. Level of development of society (economic crisis).
  2. The environment in which an individual lives, grows and is raised. If a child is raised in a dysfunctional family, then he adopts the experience of his parents and displays deviation in behavior. Children who grew up in complete and normal families have the right life guidelines; they live and act within the framework of cultural and social norms.
  3. Biological heredity. An individual’s innate predisposition to engage in deviant behavior.
  4. The influence of improper upbringing, training, direction of self-development. An individual commits wrong actions under the influence of a negative example.
  5. Negative influence of the environment, group pressure. A person, wanting to behave in the same way as his friends, begins to use drugs or drink alcoholic beverages.
  6. Ignoring moral and ethical standards. Women have sex for money, trying to improve their financial situation. However, they do not pay any attention to morality.
  7. Mental illnesses. Mental defects can cause suicide.
  8. Material disadvantage. A poor person who does not have legal means of achieving his goal, such as wealth, may dare to commit a crime.
  9. Propaganda of sexual freedom “plus” mental disorders. Due to sexual deviation, the individual enjoys sexual perversion.
  10. Collective responsibility and impunity. Inaction of law enforcement agencies and nepotism leads to corruption and theft of state property.

Human life is filled with a huge number of norms of behavior that are in confrontation with each other. Uncertainty about society's attitude to numerous rules creates difficulties in choosing a strategy for personal behavior. This situation leads to anomie in public life. An individual sometimes cannot independently correctly determine the strategy for his further actions and behaves deviantly.

How to write a term paper on speech therapy

07.09.2010 221439

These guidelines are compiled to help students gain an understanding of the content and structure of coursework in speech therapy.

Logopedia of pedagogical science that studies anomalies of speech development with normal hearing, explores the manifestations, nature and mechanisms of speech disorders, develops the scientific basis for overcoming and preventing them means of special training and education.

The subject of speech therapy as a science is speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with speech disorders.

The object of study is a person suffering from a speech disorder.

The main task of speech therapy as a science is the study, prevention and elimination of various types of speech disorders.

Coursework in speech therapy is a student's scientific and experimental research. This type of educational activity, provided for by the educational and professional program and curriculum, contributes to the acquisition of skills in working with literature, analyzing and summarizing literary sources in order to determine the range of insufficiently studied problems, determining the content and methods of experimental research, processing skills and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. The need to complete coursework in speech therapy is due to the updating of knowledge concerning the content, organization, principles, methods and techniques of speech therapy work.

As a rule, during their studies, students must write two term papers - theoretical and practical.

The first course work should be devoted to the analysis and synthesis of general and specialized literature on the chosen topic. Based on this analysis, it is necessary to justify and develop a method of ascertaining (diagnostic) experiment.

In the second course work, it is necessary to provide an analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining experiment, as well as determine the directions and content of speech therapy work, and select adequate methods and techniques of correction.

So, let’s present the general requirements for the content and design of coursework in speech therapy.

The initial and most important stage of working on a course project is the choice of a topic, which is either proposed by the supervisor or chosen by the student independently from a list of topics that are consistent with the areas of scientific research of the department.

Each topic can be modified, considered in different aspects, but taking into account a theoretical and practical approach. Having chosen a topic, the student needs to think through in detail its specific content, areas of work, practical material, etc., which should be reflected both in the formulation of the topic and in the further construction of the study. It should be recalled that the chosen topic may not only have a purely theoretical orientation, for example: “Dysarthria. Characteristics of the defect”, “Classification of dysgraphia”, but also take into account the practical significance of the problem under consideration, for example: “Speech therapy work on speech correction for dysarthria”. It should also be taken into account that when formulating a topic, excessive detail should be avoided, for example: “Formation of prosodic components of speech in preschoolers of the sixth year of life attending a preschool institution for children with severe speech impairments.”

The course work includes such mandatory parts as: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

The text of the term paper begins with the title page . An example of its design can be seen here.

Then the content of the work is given, in which the names of chapters, paragraphs, and sections are formulated in strict accordance with the content of the thesis. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the text, each subsequent chapter and paragraph begins on a new page. At the end of each chapter, the materials are summarized and conclusions are formulated.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the problem under consideration in general and the topic being studied in particular; the problem, subject, object, and purpose of the study are defined. In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, objectives and a set of research methods aimed at achieving the objectives must be defined.

The relevance of the topic lies in reflecting the current level of pedagogical science and practice, meeting the requirements of novelty and usefulness.

When defining the research problem, it is important to indicate what practical tasks it will help to implement in training and educating people with speech pathology.

The object of research is understood as certain aspects of pedagogical reality, perceived through a system of theoretical and practical knowledge. The ultimate goal of any research is to improve this object.

The subject of research is some part, property, element of an object, i.e. the subject of research always indicates a specific aspect of the object that is to be studied and about which the researcher wants to gain new knowledge. An object is a part of an object.

You can give an example of the formulation of the object, subject and problem of research:

– The object of the study is the speech activity of preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The subject of the study is the features of intonation speech of children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The research problem is to determine effective directions for speech therapy work on the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech in the system of correctional intervention.

The purpose of the study contributes to the specification of the object being studied. The goal of any research is to solve a specific problem. The goal is specified in tasks taking into account the subject of research.

The research objectives are formulated in a certain sequence, which determines the logic of the research. The research objectives are set on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem and an assessment of the state of its solution in practice.

The first chapter is an analysis of literary sources, which examines the state of this problem in historical and modern aspects, and presents the most important theoretical principles that formed the basis of the study.

When writing the first chapter, you should pay attention to the fact that the text of the course work must be written in a scientific style. When presenting scientific material, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

– Specificity – a review of only those sources that are necessary to disclose only a given topic or solve only a given problem;

– Clarity – which is characterized by semantic coherence and integrity of individual parts of the text;

– Logicality – which provides for a certain structure of presentation of the material;

– Reasoning – evidence of thoughts (why this and not otherwise);

– Precision of wording, excluding ambiguous interpretation of the authors’ statements.

A literary review of the state of the problem being studied should not be reduced to a consistent presentation of literary sources. It should present a generalized description of the literature: highlight the main directions (currents, concepts, points of view), analyze in detail and evaluate the most fundamental works of representatives of these directions.

When writing a work, the student must correctly use literary materials, make references to the authors and sources from which the results of scientific research are borrowed. Failure to provide required references will reduce your coursework grade.

As a rule, in coursework on speech therapy, references to literary sources are formatted as follows: the number of the cited source in the general list of references is placed in square brackets. For example: General speech underdevelopment is a speech pathology in which there is a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar [17].

When using quotations, in square brackets, in addition to indicating the source number, the page number from which this excerpt is taken is indicated, for example: Speech rhythm is based on a physiological and intellectual basis, since, firstly, it is directly related to the rhythm of breathing. Secondly, being an element that performs a communicative function, “correlates with meaning, i.e. controlled intellectually” [23, P.40].

However, course work should not be of a purely abstract nature, so you should not abuse the unreasonable abundance of citations. Quoting should be logically justified, convincing and used only when really necessary.

In the second chapter , devoted to experimental research, the organization should be described and the program of the ascertaining experiment should be presented. The survey methodology, as a rule, consists of a description of several series of tasks, with detailed instructions, visual and lexical material, the procedure for completing tasks by experiment participants, and scoring criteria. This chapter also provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

When analyzing the results of an experiment, it is necessary to use a scoring system. Examples of various criteria for quantitative and qualitative assessment are presented in the following works:

– Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. - M.: Arkti, 2002. - 144 p.

– Fotekova T.A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren. - M.: Arkti, 2000. - 56 p.

– Levchenko I.Yu. Pathopsychology: Theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 232 p.

In order to visually present the results obtained during the experimental study, it is recommended to use tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. Histograms can be used in a variety of ways - columnar, cylindrical, planar, volumetric, etc. An example of the design of tables, figures, and histograms can be found here.

The third chapter provides a rationale for the proposed methods and techniques and reveals the content of the main stages of correctional work.

The conclusion contains a summary of the material presented and the main conclusions formulated by the author.

The bibliography must contain at least 25 sources. The list includes bibliographic information about the sources used in preparing the work. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the application you can present bulky tables or illustrations, examination protocols, observation records, products of activity (drawings, written works of children), notes from speech therapy classes, etc.

The volume of one course work must be at least 30 pages of typewritten text.

In general, coursework in speech therapy is the basis for a future thesis, in which the study of the begun problem can be continued, but from the standpoint of a different approach or a comparative analysis of the disorders being studied in different age categories of people with different types of speech disorders.

The content and format of theses in speech therapy can be found here.


1. How to write a term paper on speech therapy: Methodological recommendations. Educational and methodological manual / Comp. Artemova E.E., Tishina L.A. / Ed. Orlova O.S. – M.: MGOPU, 2008. – 35 p.

2. Research work of students in the system of higher professional pedagogical education (specialty 031800 - Speech therapy). Methodological recommendations for completing the thesis / Compiled by. L.V. Lopatina, V.I. Lipakova, G.G. Golubeva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2002. - 140 p.

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