How to enlarge your eyes with makeup: 8 rules from beauty bloggers

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One of the desires of every woman is to look young and fresh. Some women don't have to make any effort, especially at a young age. The first thing you notice when looking at a person is the eyes. They reflect the inner world, state of mind, and sometimes well-being.

Therefore, it is more difficult for women with heavy drooping eyelids to hide fatigue, lack of sleep and a couple of extra years. The eyes look sad and sleepy, and due to the appearance of folds, additional wrinkles form, which is not at all pleasing. But this can be fixed! There are many ways to fix this problem.

How to narrow your eyes using arrows. That's how interesting it is. how the arrow changes the shape of the eye.

Bright and sophisticated eye makeup always attracts attention.
But what in makeup will make your eyes not only expressive, but also sexy and attractive? Arrows of course. There are many recommendations on how to correctly draw arrows on your eyes. Classic almond-shaped eyes, set at a normal distance from the bridge of the nose, will suit any type of eyeliner. The happy owner of almond-shaped eyes can afford both thin and thick eyeliner. Any version of arrows will look simply amazing on almond-shaped eyes. For women with round eyes, arrows will allow them to correct the shape of their eyes and make them more elongated. To do this, you need to start drawing the arrow from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. But from the middle of the eyelid, the arrow needs to be slightly raised up, instead of bringing it to the outer corner of the eye. Such an arrow will allow you not only to visually correct your eyes and give them an almond shape, but also to avoid the “heavy” look that appears if the arrow is drawn along the entire contour of round eyes. The width of the arrow on round eyes should be thin in the inner corners of the eyes, and then thicken slightly from the middle. The end of the arrow should not be cut off abruptly; it should be smoothly sharpened. To add charm to narrow eyes and open them up, you need to draw a very thin arrow on the upper eyelid, as close to the eyelashes as possible. Towards the end of the eyelid, the direction of the arrow should go smoothly upward, but not go beyond the outer corner of the eye. If the eyes are too wide apart, the arrow should be wide, starting from the inner corners of the eyes, and then gradually narrowing towards the outer corners. If the eyes, on the contrary, are located close to the bridge of the nose, then the arrow at the inner corners should be thin and thicken at the outer corners. Rules for drawing arrows

The question of how to correctly draw arrows on the eyes worries many women. A beautiful arrow can be drawn only if it is done sequentially in several stages. You need to draw an arrow with a “steady” hand, otherwise the line will not be straight, but wavy, which is unacceptable. To prevent this from happening, you need to place a mirror at eye level, and rest the elbow of the hand that is used to line your eyes on a hard surface. You don’t need to draw an arrow with your eye closed or open, it’s inconvenient. It is best if the eye is half closed. In this case, it will be immediately obvious how well the arrow is drawn. Whatever the width of the arrow you plan to draw, initially it should be drawn thin and gradually thickened if necessary. Most women believe that the arrow should be drawn with one solid line. But in this case it is almost impossible to draw a straight line. It is best to draw the arrow in two steps. From the inner corner to the middle, and from the middle to the outer corner. The inner edge of the arrow should be drawn along the eyelash growth line. If you leave a distance between the eyelashes and the eyeliner, it will look sloppy, and the eyelashes will not look impressive, even if they are very thick and beautifully painted. The arrows on both eyes should be the same length and width. Even the slightest deviation is unacceptable, since with different arrows the eyes will look asymmetrical, even if in fact the woman does not have such a defect. If eye makeup includes not only arrows, but also shadows, then the arrows are drawn on top of the shadows.

Order of operation

The operation does not take much time - about 30 minutes.
Plastic blepharoplasty is most often used, as it is one of the safest methods for eye enlargement. The general procedure for carrying it out is as follows:

  1. The patient undergoes mandatory examinations before the operation - blood tests, ECG, fluorography, ultrasound of the eyes and consultations with specialized specialists.
  2. In the absence of contraindications, receives recommendations and advice from the surgeon.
  3. On the appointed day he comes directly for eye shape correction.

This procedure takes place in several basic stages:

  • administration of anesthesia (general or local);
  • making the necessary cuts;
  • removal of excess tissue (if necessary);
  • checking the results obtained and taking corrective measures;
  • suturing.

After this, the patient can only be observed in the hospital for several hours or days after the operation and, in the absence of complications, go home.

The average duration of eye enlargement surgery is 1-2 hours. Full recovery after the intervention lasts about 2 months; in the first week, periodic visits to the doctor are also required for treatment and removal of stitches. As for the results of the operation, they can be observed 10-12 days after the correction, as soon as the postoperative swelling subsides.

For a full recovery, it is enough to give up serious physical activity, monitor the healing of the operated tissues and periodically visit a supervising specialist.

How to make your eyes bigger with eyeliner. Using a contour pencil

How to enlarge your eyes with makeup using a contour pencil - there are 2 options:

1. To apply makeup you will need three colors:

  • white;
  • light (any color optional);
  • dark.
  • Use a white pencil to draw the inside of the eye.
  • Using a light pencil, draw an arrow along the eyelash line on the upper eyelid.
  • Use a dark shade to draw the bottom arrow. The line should be drawn thinner at the inner corner and slightly wider towards the outer corner. In this case, you should not go into the visible mucous line of the eye, so as not to reduce the volume of the eyes.

2. For this method you will only need light and dark pencils.

  • Use a light pencil to highlight the inner corner of the eye, shading it on the upper and lower eyelids to the middle of the eye.
  • Using a dark pencil, draw a line from the middle to the edge of the upper eyelid. The line should be made thin, slightly above the growth of the eyelashes.
  • On the lower eyelid, also draw an arrow from the middle to the edge of the eye, slightly thickening the outer corner.

Having naturally small eyes, it is extremely undesirable to make wide arrows from the beginning to the end of the eyelid - this technique hides the volume of the eyes.

Use light and dark tones to enlarge your eyes using makeup.

When applying makeup to enlarge your eyes, eyeliner should be used carefully. For small eyes, thin arrows with a short, slightly elongated “tail” on the outer corner of the eye are most suitable. It is better not to draw long elongated arrows for such eyes, as they visually narrow the shape.

It is not advisable to use a black pencil if you have naturally small eyes. In some cases, you can refuse it by using dark shadows of saturated color. Makeup using a brown or blue contour pencil will look more natural.

Types of plastic surgery

In modern medicine, there are several types of eye enlargement surgeries. The basic methods used in surgery are to:

  • direct surgical intervention with suturing and correction of the ciliated edge of the eyes - cantopalstik;
  • reduction or removal of the Mongoloid fold - epicanthoplasty;
  • general and versatile eyelid surgery – blepharoplasty;
  • operations to change the size and formation of the outer corners of the eyes by suturing the muscles of the eyelids.

How to use arrows to narrow your eyes. Options for arrows and their choice for different types of eyes

How do you like these arrows?

Consider what popular types of arrows are in fashion now in order to correctly draw and design beautiful makeup.

Options may vary...

Classic arrows

The traditional version of classic arrows can be an excellent addition to any eye makeup, and also serve as the only accent of appearance. Thin arrows are drawn as follows: first the outline of the ponytail, then the line along the growth of the eyelashes, then it all needs to be connected. Be sure to make a gradual thickening from the inner corner to the outer.

Double arrows

Double arrows look very impressive. This fashionable makeup opens up the eyes, visually thickens the eyelashes, and is an active tool for seducing the opposite sex. To begin, use a black liner to draw tails from the corners of the eyes to the tips of the eyebrows. Next, draw a line towards the inner corner of the eye. Then we make another short ponytail, from the outer corner of the eye down.

Thick arrows

They give you the opportunity to draw cute arrows with an effective shape and brightly outline the eye contour. Here you need to adhere to the basic rule: the thicker you make the arrow, the thicker and longer the eyelashes will be needed. In some cases, false eyelash bundles are relevant.

Raised winged wings for a cat eye effect

A cat's look will definitely be achieved if you draw this option. The eyes will appear larger, the look will be more slanted. Raising the arrow should be done from the outer corner of the eye towards the temple. The line should be wide and the rise should be quite sharp.

Arabic arrow

This option is very popular on Instagram, especially in combination with bright shadows. The contour under the eyelashes, on the lower and upper eyelids is well painted, without gaps. From above, the arrow thickens with a retreat from the corner of the eye, and from below, a thickening is made at the end and connected.


This operation is one of the most popular among both women and men.
The technique of Europeanization of eye shape is especially in demand in Asian countries. Through surgery, a fold is created on the upper eyelid, which makes the eye round. Removed sagging skin can be complemented by correction of the lower eyelid to eliminate the effect of bags. This helps open up the look. Plastic surgery is an exceptional and radical method, so it is not recommended to resort to it. The human body is sensitive to this kind of intervention, and even more so in front of the eyes. Not only your appearance is at risk, but also your vision.

How to narrow your eyes like the Koreans. Eyes

If dark circles are detected under the eyes, they must be disguised with a foundation that is a tone lighter than the base. In principle, Korean eye makeup is the calling card of Asian women. Koreans' eyes have an unusual shape. The make-up includes arrows and a black outline, thanks to which it is possible to gradually correct the face, emphasize its naturalness, and obtain a gentle image. To make the makeup look cute and natural, it is important to consider:

  • the refined face shape of Korean women;
  • not very long, sparse eyelashes;
  • the fold of the eyelid slightly covering the eye;
  • angular cheekbones.
  • small, neat lips.
  • skin tone.

To make Korean eyes appear larger, you need to use shadows in which light colors predominate. Typically, professionals use a sand or beige shade. When applying two shades, it is important that the transition is invisible. You can apply light shadows to a fixed eyelid, but this is not a necessary step.

Korean eye makeup

Black arrows are drawn along the eyelash growth line. Eyelashes are also made black; the hairs must first be combed thoroughly. When Korean arrows are drawn on the eyes, you should move on to the lips.

Is it possible to enlarge your eyes with exercises?

An alternative method for enlarging the visual organs is plastic surgery and applying the right makeup. However, the advantage of gymnastics is the absence of the risk of developing ophthalmic pathologies and allergic reactions of the skin of the eyelids.

Eye exercises to change shape should focus on training the orbicularis muscle. During treatment sessions, the lower eyelids and areas near the brow ridges, which are rarely moved during daily activities, should also be involved. Alternate tension and relaxation of the eye muscles helps maintain their tone and gives a visible visual effect. And also regular training for 10-20 minutes. every day they improve microcirculation of blood and lymph, normalize metabolic processes, which increases visual acuity and gives a healthy shine to the look. Maintaining skin tone under the lower eyelids leads to the disappearance of black bags, which helps to make the eyes appear larger.

How to narrow your eyes with eyeliner-free makeup. How to visually make your eyes smaller: expert opinion

Makeup artist Natalya Bondar told sunny7 about how to visually make your eyes smaller using makeup, as well as how to choose the tone of blush.

Most often, when applying makeup, we set the following goals - to visually increase the volume of the eyes, widen the eyes, but it happens the other way around - to visually reduce them. With the help of decorative cosmetics, you can solve these problems without leaving your home.

So what to do to reduce eye volume:

— the main shades for large eyes are dark. You will also need black, brown pencils or eyeliners

- if you have bulging eyes, do not apply light pearl on the moving eyelid, do not use light pencils or eyeliners, this will make them appear even bigger. Do not paint over the lower eyelid

- draw arrows in the form of a “cat’s eye”

- if you have large round eyes, focus on the upper eyelashes. Draw shadows into a more elongated shape

- it is better to use cream shadows rather than dry ones

- if your eyes are wide-set, you can narrow them by applying darker shades to the bridge of your nose

All these tips will help you visually make your eyes look smaller, but the main thing is not to overdo it with dark colors, even with the right eye shape - almond shape, if you put a lot of dark shades, your look will appear heavy and your eyes will look tired.

How to choose a blush tone?

With the help of blush, you can both emphasize the shape of your cheekbones and slightly correct it. The most important point when choosing blush is the correct tone. If you have fair skin, cool shades suit you, choose purple, pink and beige tones.

If you have dark skin, warm shades will suit you - peach, bronze, beige-brown.

Makeup for big eyes

What do you need?

  • Eyeshadow base
  • Light brown eyeshadow
  • Brown eyeliner
  • Mascara
  • Lip gloss

How to do makeup for big eyes?

  1. Apply eyeshadow primer all over your eyelid to ensure your makeup lasts all day.
  2. Paint your eyelid with light shadows.
  3. Emphasize your eyes with a pencil.
  4. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  5. Apply lipstick to your lips.

Non-surgical eyelid lift at home

Cosmetic procedures to lift the skin around the eyes cost a lot of money, not to mention the surgery. Not every woman can afford an expensive procedure, although it is a fairly effective way to improve her appearance. But in some situations, procedures performed at home can help. They do not involve large financial investments, but require patience, systematization and perseverance.

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Gymnastics of the eyelids

Even if you have heavy drooping eyelids from birth, the situation will only get worse over the years. Therefore, you need to start fighting against possible deterioration from the age of 35. Tightening your eyelids will not be very difficult if you do special gymnastics. After age 40, the ligaments that connect the upper eyelid to the muscles that lift the eyelids weaken.

Therefore, by doing the following exercises, you can restore tone to the eyelid muscles, thereby lifting the upper eyelids and strengthening the lower ones. The advantage of this procedure is that the exercises can be done in combination with other activities: watching TV, in traffic jams, even during a work break. It only takes a couple of minutes a day, and the results will be visible within a month.

Before starting exercises, you need to apply a small amount of cream to the skin of your eyelids.

Before the start, you need to do a little warm-up, which will strengthen the eye muscles and increase their mobility. To begin, look ahead for a few seconds, then move your gaze to the left and gradually turn your eyes clockwise around the dial, lingering on each number for a couple of seconds. Do 2 circles in each direction. After this, blink quickly 50 times.

Then do the exercises:

  • Squeeze your eyelids tightly, holding them in this position for a couple of seconds, then open your eyes wide and look into the distance. The forehead and eyebrows should be motionless. Do this exercise several times;
  • Place your index fingers on the corner of your eyebrow and pull it up a little, trying not to wrinkle your forehead. Look down and blink for 30 seconds. Perform the same exercise by slightly pulling the skin on your temples back with your index fingers;
  • Using your index finger and thumb, lightly pinch your eyebrows from the base to the outer edge, while slightly stretching the upper eyelid. Do two sets of 8 times for each eyebrow;
  • relax with your eyes closed. Using your index fingers, lightly press the skin at the outer base of the upper eyelid. While resisting pressure, open your eyelids wide;
  • hold in this position for several seconds. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Eyelid stickers

Special eyelid stickers are the fastest option to lift the upper eyelids. But the effect will end immediately after they are removed. This product consists of sticky strips in the shape of a month, which are made from breathable fiber and medical glue. They are nearly invisible and allow you to apply makeup over them, making the stickers even more invisible.

These magic strips are easy to use - just apply them to the places where you want to create a crease. But they need to be removed using a rich cream or other cosmetic product to avoid stretching the skin. These thin stickers do not cause discomfort or other unpleasant sensations, so they can be used daily. And after wearing it for a long time every day, the eyelid gradually rises on its own.

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Application of Ice

One of the effective folk remedies for solving the problem of the impending eyelid is considered to be massage with ice cubes based on herbs. Brew useful herbs that relieve swelling. The most suitable infusions are parsley, chamomile and mint.

If none of the above is available, you can use mineral water with the addition of lemon juice. Just freeze the prepared liquid and wash your face with ice cubes every morning, wiping the skin of your eyelids. Ice perfectly tones the skin and activates blood circulation.

The main thing: after the procedure, do not wash your face with hot water, so as not to cancel the effect. Wait until your face is dry and apply moisturizer.

How to make your eyes look narrow without makeup. Eye health is the key to success

Most girls wear makeup to make their eyes pop, and this helps a lot. But, unfortunately, cosmetics have a negative impact on facial skin and eye health. As a result, it is necessary to resort to surgery to restore vision. And healthy eyes look bigger and more beautiful. So what do you need for eye health?

Just follow a few simple rules every day:

  1. Stop using any cosmetics - foundations, shadows, mascara and other decorative tricks of our time for the face and eyes.
  2. Take more care of the skin around your eyes - moisturize it, make nourishing compresses and masks.
  3. Massage the skin around your eyes. You can see more details in
  4. Wear sunglasses in bright sunshine.
  5. Get more rest. Bruises and bags under the eyes appear due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Because of this, the eyes appear smaller.
  6. A healthy diet will help you enrich your body with the necessary vitamins that will make your skin smooth and toned. And the eyes, accordingly, will widen.
  7. Drink less fluids before bed, as this can lead to swelling. Puffy eyes look smaller.
  8. Find the right shape for your eyebrows to suit your face shape.
  9. You can curl your eyelashes with special tweezers, which also significantly increases the size of your eyes.
  10. Be sure to do exercises to enlarge and keep your eyes healthy.

Special cosmetics for eyelids

When caring for heavy eyelid skin at home, you need to choose cosmetics wisely. Think carefully about what exactly triggered the appearance of the impending eyelid, then follow the recommendations:

  • If you lose elasticity or weaken your skin, you need to choose cosmetics that contain fruit acids. Such substances activate collagen formation;
  • If there is a high influence of external factors (UV rays), you need to look for antioxidant creams. They protect the skin, refresh it and fight wrinkles;
  • after 35 years, the most beneficial substances will be those containing vitamin A. They effectively fight deep wrinkles and refresh the look;
  • bags and swelling under the eyes are removed with the help of hyaluronic acid, caffeine, and seaweed.

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One of the important points in the fight against drooping eyelids is the use of collagen masks. They are easy to use if you don’t want to prepare them yourself. Such products are sold in the form of a powder, which must be mixed with water before application, or in the form of a ready-made fabric mask moistened with a special liquid. Collagen masks are indicated for use in a course of 10 procedures with a time interval of 3 months.

How to make your eyes look smaller without makeup. How to do makeup for bulging eyes

You can use darker shades to outline the growth of the eyelashes, and use lighter shades higher up to the eyebrows.

You can do the opposite - from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer, from light to dark, respectively. It is important to remember that such vertical combinations of shadows make the eyes wider, so such makeup for visually reducing the eyes should be considered in each individual case.


Eyeliner for this makeup is an essential attribute. Here you need not to skimp on it and apply it completely around the perimeter of eyelash growth. The arrow itself should not be very long. It is better that it is thicker, but shorter.

Drawing attention to the lips

A deceptive move is to draw attention to the lips. To do this, makeup is done in the same dark shades, lips are made bright, and for bulging eyes, neutral shadows that are close to the natural skin color are used. However, this circumstance does not cause any dissonance.

And even though this violates one of the basic rules of makeup - to focus either on the lips or on the eyes - this does not in any way negatively affect the created image.

Makeup goals for protruding eyes

Doing makeup does not involve any difficulties; all you need to do is:

  • Be sure to give your face an even tone using foundation and powder,
  • Highlight your cheekbones with blush, preferably in subtle shades,
  • Use eye shadow in dark shades throughout the entire eyelid. At the same time, for protruding large eyes it is not advisable to use light colors and pearlescent shadows,
  • From the central part of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eyes, you need to apply darker shadows and shade them correctly,
  • The lower eyelid must be lined with a pencil, and the upper eyelid must be lined with eyeliner along the contour of eyelash growth,
  • Light colors should be applied under the eyebrow, and these shadows can be pearlescent,
  • mascara should not so much lengthen eyelashes as make them as fluffy as possible.

Eye opening exercise

In order to perform an exercise aimed at opening your eyes, connect your index fingers with your nails to each other and place them on the bridge of your nose. At the same time, place the nails of your thumbs on the corners of the lower eyelids close to the eyelashes. Try not to put pressure on your eyes, just lightly touch the skin. Your palms should form something similar to glasses or a mask.

Close your eyes tightly, and with your fingers pull the skin in opposite directions: with your index fingers upward, and with your thumbs diagonally to the sides. Try not to put pressure on your face, but rather provide light resistance.

Hold this position for 30 counts. Relax your eyes, lower your hands.

Repeat the exercise at least once a day, and the results will appear within a couple of weeks.

This is just one exercise for the area around the eyes from Anastasia Burdyug. Even more exercises for all areas of the face with detailed video analysis await you in the course of facial gymnastics “SUPER Face”.

Arrows on the eyes step by step. Making your eyes expressive: how to choose cosmetics

Today there is quite a large selection of various cosmetics with which you can paint on your eyes to make your look charming and memorable. You need to choose different eyeliners based on your experience and what result you want to get. Let's take a closer look.

  • Pencil. This is an ideal tool for beginners. It’s easy to line your eyes with a pencil, it draws evenly and softly and can be corrected, but it still has one drawback. If you do not sharpen your pencil before each use, you will not achieve an ideal result. Remember this.
  • Felt pen. Draws very finely, but after a while the brightness of the line will decrease significantly.
  • Cream eyeliner. Perhaps the most ideal option for drawing creative lines. You just need to choose a brush of suitable thickness.
  • Liquid eyeliner. They have a convenient brush applicator that makes it quite easy to draw an arrow.
  • Helium liners. Their only drawback is that they harden too quickly, which makes it impossible to easily correct if the line turns out to be uneven or sloppy.
  • Arrows stickers. An ideal product for those ladies who do not know how or do not want to use makeup for eyeliner.

How to lengthen your eyes. How to make round eyes more elongated?

A few tricks to help give round eyes an almond shape


One way to make round eyes more elongated is to apply makeup using a technique.


Start lining your eyeliner with a black or dark brown pencil, starting about one-third from the inner corner of your eye. Draw a thin arrow towards the outer corner of the eye, starting to widen it from the center of the eyelash contour. Bring the “tail” of the arrow not up, but to the side – towards the temple. Remember: long arrows will visually make your eyes more almond-shaped, while short ones will, on the contrary, emphasize their round shape.


Use a cold gray-beige pencil to paint over the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid (you can read about how to do this correctly). Due to the fact that it will be light, the eye will become visually narrower.


Emphasize your lower lash line. Start approximately from the middle of the pupil and draw an arrow along the bottom edge, connecting it with the top at the end, and then blend it out.


Make up your eyebrows. Firstly, their shape should be semicircular or with a neat bend, and secondly, they should be as wide as possible in your case: this way the makeup will look more harmonious.


Paint your eyelashes well with mascara, especially at the outer corners of your eyes, as if stretching them towards your temple.

Get inspired by looks from the runway!

Indications and contraindications

The indication for the procedure may be not only the patient’s desire, but also:

  • consequences of injuries;
  • eye asymmetry;
  • complications after inflammatory processes of the organs of vision;
  • incomplete clefting of the eyelid (congenital pathology);
  • too narrow eyes (features of anatomical structure).

One of the indications for surgery is eyes that are too narrow.
Blepharoplasty and canthoplasty are often performed simultaneously to get the most positive result. The technique of the operation is well known to plastic surgeons, and the procedures are considered safe. But there are a number of contraindications to the procedure, which are taken into account at the stage of the patient’s initial consultation with the doctor:

  • unstable blood pressure – hypertension, hypotension;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • “dry eye” syndrome - insufficient hydration of the eyeball;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of the blood clotting system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • oncology localized anywhere in the body;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

All of these factors are absolute contraindications, but there is also one conditional contraindication – exacerbation of internal chronic diseases. In this case, you must first undergo treatment for the underlying pathology, make sure that it is put into long-term remission, and only then perform plastic surgery.

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