Subtleties of Asian makeup for European eyes

Are you sure that your face tells others about your strengths?

In ancient times, there was an amazing science - physiognomy, the science of interpreting facial features, based on the subjective perception of the observer. Aristotle was one of its first researchers. In his opinion, “a thick nose, like a bull’s, means laziness, a wide nose with large nostrils, like a pig’s, means stupidity, a sharp, like a dog’s nose, a sign of choleric temperament, an aquiline nose means courage, hooked like a crow’s, - alertness." And the founder of criminal anthropology, Johann Caspar Lavater, believed that a person’s mental life is reflected by the structure and outline of the skull and forehead; moral and emotional life is reflected in the contours of the nose and cheeks; and the fold of the mouth and the line of the jaw speak of sensual, animal qualities.

Of course, modern personology is not so radical in its assessments. But the fact that we subconsciously determine the properties of a person by her clothes and face is undoubtedly. And sometimes it is vital that our appearance be our silent producer, and not our enemy.

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“The laws of physiognomy operate in both directions. Over many years of practice, I have been convinced more than once: not only character influences appearance, but also appearance influences character. For example, a girl makes a European eye shape and thereby opens them wide to the world, literally and figuratively. And gaining a narrow chin makes its owner fragile and tender.

The European appearance of a man with a strong chin creates an aura of confidence and masculinity around his owner - and bestows these properties on him.

In your quest for a new face, you should not simply “reshape” yourself. Contact a surgeon who, like a good stylist, will create an IMAGE.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

By bringing your appearance into harmony with your character and your idea of ​​your ideal self, you internally move closer to this ideal. Modern medicine provides enormous opportunities. The main thing is to use them correctly.

Eastern type of eyes. Description

The enchanting looks of Asian women are described in literary works and used as artistic images in the paintings of novice and experienced artists. The features of the eastern eyes are immediately visible, but their depth cannot be deciphered every minute, perhaps that is why they seem so mysterious.

Features of the oriental eye type

Considering the features of the type of eyes, physiognomists pay attention to their size, the position of the corners, the shape of the upper and lower eyelids, the position of the eyes on the face and other aspects that allow a deeper assessment of a person’s personality and characteristics of his character.

Eastern eyes can be both large and small. Experts note that when wide open, they express a person’s high emotionality, while narrow, almost closed eyes can indicate isolation, restraint and taciturnity. Considering the characteristics of oriental types of appearance, it is important to note that small, narrow eyes are not always a sign of insensitivity or narrow-mindedness. In this matter, we should retreat a little from the interpretations of physiognomy.

Often, oriental eyes are wide-set and have a slightly heavy appearance due to the overhanging sub-brow space, as well as due to the small, poorly defined upper eyelid. Also, the eyes may have an oval, slightly slanted or inclined shape towards the nose. Because of this feature, the corners of the eyes may look somewhat stretched.

Thanks to the peculiarities of the oriental look, girls have to resort to special makeup, which allows them to emphasize their natural charm and open their eyes a little, making them more expressive. To do this, the eyelid and subbrow arch are lightened, the shape of the eyes is clearly outlined with a soft pencil, which can be freely shaded if necessary. Sometimes, in order to make the shape longer and emphasize the natural slanting cut, a thin strip of eyeliner is applied only to the upper eyelid. In this case, coloring with mascara is not necessary - as a rule, the oriental type of eyes determines the presence of thick, expressive eyelashes.

The color of oriental eyes is almost always brown or black. You can meet owners of blue-black and black-brown eyes, which is quite rare.

If we consider the eastern type of eyes from a territorial point of view, it can be noted that the southeastern regions are famous for their wide-open gaze, Asian directions for narrow slanted eyes, however, in Japan, the easternmost country, residents are more gifted with a wide-open gaze, albeit with with its characteristic Asian cut.

European appearance is not only European eyes

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“For example, in Asian countries the Singaporean operation is very popular: blepharoplasty, which, according to many, makes it possible to make the eyes European, and therefore gain European facial features.

Is it so? Most often, no: even successful Europeanization of Asian eyes will not hide flat cheekbones, a small flattened nose, a round face, large cheeks and a sloping chin. Europeanization of the eyes does not at all mean Europeanization of the face.

The European type of face is not at all limited to the shape of the eyes. This is a whole system of characteristic traits that balance each other. Only together they are able to create the effect of a truly “thoroughbred” European appearance.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Tip 3: How to paint the eyes of Asian women

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In women with an Asian type of appearance, the shape of their eyes is very different from the European type, which is why a special approach to applying makeup is needed. With the help of decorative cosmetics you can visually open and widen your eyes. In this case, eyelashes need to be lengthened using mascara, or artificial eyelashes should be extended.

European appearance: what is it like?

Oddly enough, there is no single scientific concept of “European appearance”. Compare the dark, big-eyed Spaniard and the long-faced Englishman, who, as the English classic wrote, looks like a thoroughbred horse. You can go even further and look at the white-skinned, blue-eyed Finns in comparison with the Iranians - this is also a European type! Eastern European appearance is not similar to Mediterranean, and Celtic is not similar to Semitic.

There is no talk of any unity. So what kind of appearance are we talking about when we dream of a European type of face?

Let's remember the recognized beauties of cinema. Fair skin with a delicate blush, large eyes, a face rather long than wide, high cheekbones - this is the girl’s European appearance in our understanding.

And if we take the description of a European-type man? Undoubtedly, a strong-willed chin and a triangular face with sunken cheeks - a kind of hero-knight from the pages of Walter Scott. This type is very recognizable in Soviet films - it was usually personified by Baltic actors. Later, in the same capacity, Hollywood offered us the brutal beauty of the Austrian Schwarzenegger.

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“In anthropology and cosmetology, this type of appearance is called Nordic or Scandinavian. Its main features are blue or gray eyes, usually with a long slit, located horizontally. Straight, narrow, sometimes long nose. A narrow chin in women, often angular in men. High cheekbones. Not very full, classically curved lips.

And - which is very important! – not just one of the above, but all of them together. In harmony and order. So, if you want to have an attractive European face, just “Singaporean” will not get you off. »

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Modern means of plastic surgery make it possible to seriously change genetically unattractive facial proportions, bring them closer to Caucasian proportions, and make them more harmonious. Fillers, zygomatic, chin and infraorbital implants, removal of Bichat's lumps, rhinoplasty and beautifying blepharoplasty can correct even serious congenital defects.

Which eye shape corresponds to which eyebrow shape?

Eyebrows, like eyes, are an important part of the face and their appearance affects the appearance as a whole. Different eyebrow shapes suit different eye shapes. Girls with small eyes should avoid thick, thick eyebrows. In this case, medium-width eyebrows in the shape of a crescent are suitable (the only exception is girls with a round face shape). For those with large eyes, thick, wide eyebrows will suit them.

To correct wide-set eyes, you need to shape your eyebrows a little closer to each other. In the case when the eyes are set close together, you need to do the opposite - widen the distance between the eyebrows when shaping them. Eyebrows with a high, acute angle will visually lift the drooping corners of the eyes.

If the eye shape is round, then the bending point of the eyebrow should be slightly shifted towards the temple area. If the shape of a girl’s eyes is slightly elongated, then the bend is drawn closer to the head of the eyebrow.

Skillful application of makeup always makes a woman even more attractive, hiding flaws in her appearance and emphasizing her advantages. You can learn how to do makeup for those with irregularly shaped eyes from the video:

Each person is a unique and special creation. Nature has awarded each of us with its own advantages and disadvantages. If you don’t like the natural shape of your eyes, then don’t be upset. Properly selected makeup according to the shape of the eyes, which is done taking into account the shape of the eyebrows, will help make a visual correction of the appearance and place the necessary accents on the face.

Tags: makeup

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How to create an attractive European face using aesthetic surgery methods

Enlargement of the cheekbone area. Different zygomatic implants are designed to solve different problems. Some widen the sides of the face in the cheekbone area and give an overly elongated face a beautiful heart shape.

Others enlarge the center of the cheek at the front, adding volume to thin and very flat faces in the under-eye area. They not only create relief. Such implants are excellent for eliminating tear troughs and dark circles under the eyes. After installing them, you will forget about concealer, even if you have been using it since school.

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“Situations are different. Not everyone comes to an appointment with the goal of being on the cover of Vogue. Loss of facial volume occurs after pregnancy, after multiple births, after stressful weight loss.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Many people experience flattening of the face as they age, after about 45 years. In this case, implants serve not only to harmonize features. By maintaining a high position of facial tissues, they perfectly prevent the appearance of jowls and nasolabial folds.

Facial oval elongation using Porex chin and jaw implants. Depending on the implant, the result may be a strong-willed or, on the contrary, a delicate and narrow chin, indicating the sophistication of its owner. But regardless of shape, a well-defined chin “stretches” the face, makes it more attractive and visually lengthens the neck.

Arnold SchwarzeneggerJulia Roberts

Emphasis on the angles of the lower jaw. Well-defined angles of the lower jaw make the face sculpted, and at the same time naturally remove premature jowls, nasolabial folds and a double chin without lifting procedures.

Often the Slavic type of face does not have a clear jawline, it is blurred, and the face appears flat. Correction of the lower jaw gives the face texture and clear, attractive outlines.

Europeanizing blepharoplasty. Creating European eyes is a three-step process: forming a fold on the upper eyelid, removing the skin that hides the inner corner of the eye (epicanthus), and removing excess fat from the upper eyelid.

The operation is often complicated: the eye shape is enlarged and a Hollywood incision is formed - a raised outer corner of the eye and an elongated almond shape.


Since the features of the Asian look are formed by the lack of supraorbital skin and the presence of epicanthus, surgical intervention consists of the formation of additional epithelium on the upper part and the elimination of integument in the corners. The disadvantage of the double supradilal phenomenon is due to the characteristics of the anatomical constitution of this type, in the upper parts of which there are no connective fibers. The task of adjustment will be to form the desired cover in the form of a scar between the aponeurosis and the skin or an insert between the skin and the muscle. Correction includes a separate type of blepharoplasty, during which an overhang of the upper component is formed, the formation covering the lacrimal tubercle is eliminated, and other signs of the defect are corrected.

The purpose of the intervention is to give the eyes a classic appearance, increase the field of vision, change the direction of eyelash growth upward, which visually makes the organs younger and more expressive. Two main plastic techniques are used: without incisions and with them. The first method is applicable for thin epidermis. In all other cases, the incision method is practiced, performed by experienced plastic surgeons using local anesthesia. Using pinpoint incisions at the site where the elements are placed, a small dermal layer is isolated and removed, as well as excess fat and muscle tissue. The sections are stitched with intradermal sutures.

After the manipulation, an aseptic dressing is applied for several hours. Analgesics are prescribed to prevent pain. The stitches are removed after a few days. Swelling and bruising disappear within a week. After this, observation by a specialist is required for several months. The lasting cosmetic effect lasts for life after one successful correction.


If the eastern size is present in people of non-Mongoloid or Australo-Negroid races, you should consult a doctor in order to remove this defect. Among Eastern people, such adjustment is quite common. It is imperative to carry out timely treatment of eye pathologies that can cause eyelid abnormalities.

It is strictly forbidden to independently treat eye diseases, as this can lead to serious consequences. It is recommended that therapy be carried out by a qualified specialist, since each case of anomaly must be considered individually. When carrying out various surgical interventions on organs, safety measures must be observed.

You don't need to see a plastic surgeon if...

... if you are led to him by a simple desire to “give yourself a European appearance.” Are you sure that your “Europeanization” will be successful and that your face will create the image necessary for your professional activities and personality?

Look at the thousands of “Barbie dolls” coming out of cosmetology clinics! The situation is catastrophic, akin to the children's game “find the difference.” Each of them has the face of a European woman - beautiful, but not alive, as if different puzzle elements were unsuccessfully combined with each other. If you are going to create a European face, then you need to pay special attention to harmonizing your appearance, bringing the outside into line with the real or desired inside. Save YOUR unique face, but with Europeanized features!

Only a good surgeon can subtly change the “weight distribution” of features and change accents so that you remain yourself, but your appearance is perceived more harmoniously and in a European way.

Almond shaped eyes

Large and elongated eyes resemble a nut. This form is considered ideal, so you can safely experiment. But you should not use too bright images, which can add visual heaviness.

Select shades of shadows to match the color of the iris or natural ones. The applied mascara should not distract the eye from the attractive almond-shaped eyes; apply it in one layer. You should not outline such eyes with a pencil along the entire contour, as this will add a couple of years to your age.

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