Antisocial behavior of teenagers: how adults should react

What should parents do?

A parent is a role model that a child should look up to as they grow up. It is the parents who set the correct vector for his development and are his authority.

If you see the first signs that something is happening to the child, that he is behaving atypically and provocatively, you cannot hesitate. It is necessary to understand that a teenager may need comprehensive assistance.

What experts recommend:

  1. Refuse to evaluate the child. You don't have to judge the teenager's personality - you can only discuss his words and actions.
  2. Avoid prohibitions and refuse punishment (including verbal). Otherwise, you may lose the child’s trust for a long time, and in the meantime, prohibitions will not solve the problem.

Antisocial behavior can lead to many problems, so it is important for parents to quickly respond to changes in their child’s behavior.
A specialist psychotherapist can help both the parent and the teenager, who will help analyze the causes of antisocial behavior and develop a method for returning to a normal lifestyle. leave a comment

Report: “Prevention of antisocial behavior”

State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow

Center for Promotion of Family Education "Blue Bird"

Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow


Educator: Zhmykhova E.G.

Relevance of the topic:

— features of adolescence

— stages of formation of antisocial behavior

— social portrait of a teenager

-prevention of antisocial behavior


cannot but influence the field of education and upbringing of children and adolescents. Existing studies revealing the influence of socio-economic conditions in the country on the lives of minors indicate that the life of a teenager today has become completely different compared to the life of minors in the pre-crisis period. Who should be concerned about problems? Young people who want to live in a healthy - spiritually and physically - society. Parental community: fear for the future of children. Teachers concerned with the task of preserving morality and ethics. Teenagers whose worldview is being formed in the established society and do not always have enough of their own moral strength to resist antisocial phenomena.


transitional, critical, difficult, age of puberty. Violation of coherence in the body's activities and an unregulated new system of its functioning are the basis for the general imbalance of a teenager, his irritability, explosiveness, and sudden mood swings. The teenager begins to feel like an adult, he rejects his belonging to children, but he does not yet have a feeling of full adulthood, but there is a huge need for recognition of his adulthood by others.


adolescence: emotional immaturity, insufficiently developed ability to control one’s own behavior, to balance desires and opportunities in meeting one’s needs, increased suggestibility, the desire to assert oneself and become an adult. The teenage period of development covers the age from 11 to 15 years, coinciding with education in the middle grades of school and is characterized by the beginning of restructuring of the child’s body: accelerated physical development and puberty. During adolescence, the living conditions and activities of a teenager change, which leads to a restructuring of the psyche and the emergence of new forms of interaction between peers. The teenager’s social status and position in the team changes, and adults begin to make more serious demands on him. The teenager becomes psychologically distant from family and school, their importance in the development of the teenager’s personality decreases, and the influence of peers increases. Often he is faced with a choice between an official team and an informal communication group. The teenager gives preference to the environment and group in which he feels comfortable and where he is treated with respect. This could be a sports section or a club, but it could also be the basement of a house where teenagers gather, socialize, smoke, and drink.


believes that his interaction with microsociety is adequate to the needs and possibilities of his development and socialization. If the child’s environment is able to respond promptly and adequately to certain characteristics of the teenager, then his behavior will be normal. Teenagers whose behavior deviates from the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society are called difficult, difficult to educate, with deviant, deviant, antisocial behavior. Deviant behavior can be characterized as a child’s interaction with the microsociety, which disrupts his development and socialization due to the environment’s lack of consideration of the characteristics of his individuality and manifests itself in behavioral opposition to established moral and legal norms. The difficulty of raising a teenager, his failure to comply with the norms and rules established in society, is considered in science through a phenomenon called deviation.


Associated with human health and determined by medical indicators. Causes: hereditary factors or external circumstances Associated with mental development, mental disabilities. May be congenital or the result of illness, injury or other cause. Associated with the norms of receiving or not receiving general or vocational education. Reasons: reluctance to study, family dysfunction, environmental and social disasters, developmental disabilities. Associated with the concept of “social norm” - rules, a pattern of action, a measure of acceptable behavior. Reasons: difficulties of adolescence; uncertainty of social status; instability; extreme situations (orphanhood).


determined based on characteristics:

1) the degree of violation of social requirements, norms, laws on the part of the individual, which is determined by analyzing the actions committed;

2) the degree of non-compliance with social requirements, norms and laws; determined through an analysis of the individual’s attitude to these requirements and laws, as well as an assessment of one’s own behavior;

3) singularity and recurrence of antisocial actions.


At the first stage

pre-social behavior characteristics of the violation include disagreement, disobedience, denial, and failure to comply with certain social requirements. Genuine antisocial behavior is still absent. The individual perceives his behavior as normal, consistent with his own social values ​​and attitudes.

Reasons for rejection

lie primarily in the wrong educational influence.


here it has two educational aspects: it is aimed at adjusting the educational impact or on the child’s personality, having the character of a modified educational activity. At this stage, there may be initial elements of negative public opinion about the child’s personality; comments, disciplinary measures from parents, teachers, etc. Help is available from consultation rooms at schools, clinics, and regional social work institutions. If the work is successful, the prognosis can be positive. In the absence or failure of help, two outcomes are possible: either the individual will cope with the problems on his own or behavioral disturbances will deepen.

At the onset of antisocial behavior, the characteristic includes violation of social requirements, norms and manifestations of illegal actions (petty theft, deception, hooliganism).

Inclusion in groups with pronounced antisocial behavior is possible. The individual’s attitude towards social norms here can be different: - the individual perceives his behavior as normal - the individual approves of his behavior, believes that it corresponds to the norms and values ​​of people from his close environment; - the individual evaluates his behavior negatively, believes that it does not correspond to his own values ​​and attitudes. Help and sanctions from society can have two aspects here. If the immediate environment has an asocial system of norms and values, then it is necessary that help be directed towards this environment. You can add special advice, family therapy, the work of a social worker, school teacher and psychologist with families and small groups. Helping a child has the nature of a correctional activity.

Its goal is to destroy the manifested elements of readiness for antisocial behavior and to form a stable system of norms and values ​​that correspond to the norms and values ​​of society. Individual and group work is required at school and extracurricular activity centers, and work with children's associations. In case of timely attention and successful assistance, the prognosis will be positive. Otherwise, behavioral disturbances are more likely to deepen.


characteristics include: recurrence of illegal actions and accumulation of experience in this regard (theft, violence, gross hooliganism), inclusion in groups with antisocial behavior. The attitude of the individual to social norms: - the individual accepts his behavior as normal, consistent with his own values ​​and attitudes; - a crisis occurs in the individual’s self-image and assessment of public opinion about him, which leads to conflict.


should be in the nature of intensive correctional and educational activities with the aim of destroying socially negative and forming socially relevant dispositions. This can be achieved through individual and group educational work, individual and group therapy, work and the acquisition of professional qualifications, by creating conditions for the development of interests.


at this stage may be in the nature of forced stay in specialized open-type educational institutions by a court decision, at the suggestion of parents, teachers, social workers in order to separate them from the harmful influence of the environment. At this stage, the likelihood that the individual will cope with the problems on his own is minimal. The formation of a stable readiness for antisocial behavior and the enrichment of learned antisocial experience is more likely.


relapse and aggravation of illegal actions, manifestation of dangerous crimes, inclusion in groups with a pronounced antisocial character. Perhaps the person evaluates his actions negatively, but he lacks confidence in his own abilities to overcome them. Help

on the part of society should consist in the creation of open educational institutions and specialized training of teachers and educators for them. The possibility of successfully solving problems is very small, renunciation of criminal actions is possible, but a favorable result is complicated by the fact that the processes of “labeling” are already stable.


characterized by persistent illegal activities and serious crimes. Sanctions: forced stay in a closed institution. At this stage, there is an insignificant probability of a favorable outcome, since the alienation of the individual from society is stable.


Deviant behavior Delinquent behavior Criminal behavior Deviant behavior is one of the types of deviant behavior associated with a violation of age-appropriate social norms and rules of behavior characteristic of microsocial relationships (family, school). Manifestations: demonstration, aggression, challenge, deviation from studies; leaving home, vagrancy, drunkenness and alcoholism; early drug addiction; antisocial acts of a sexual nature; suicide attempts. Delinquent behavior is repeated asocial offenses that develop into a certain stable stereotype of actions that violate legal norms, but do not entail criminal liability due to limited social danger or the child not reaching the age at which criminal liability begins. Manifestations of insults, beatings, arson, sadistic acts, petty thefts, extortion, distribution and sale of drugs. Criminal behavior is an unlawful act, which, upon reaching the age of criminal responsibility, serves as the basis for initiating a criminal case and is qualified under certain articles of the criminal code. Negative forms of deviation are a social pathology: They disorganize the system, undermine its foundations and cause significant damage, first of all, to the personality of the teenager himself.


The influence of biological factors is controversial, not because there is no such influence, but because existing research does not provide enough evidence for a clearly defined relationship between antisocial behavior and constitutional biological conditioning of a person. At the same time, there is reason to look for a connection between antisocial manifestations in a person’s behavior and some characteristics of his temperament.


1. Low resistance to mental overload and stress.

2. Frequent self-doubt, low self-esteem, inflated demands on oneself.

3. Difficulties in communicating with peers on the street.

4. Anxiety and tension in communication at the place of study.

5. The desire to obtain new sensations, and as quickly as possible.

6. Excessive dependence on friends, desire to imitate friends.

7. Intolerance of conflicts, desire to escape into the world of illusions.

8. Obsessive forms of behavior; overeating, gambling and computer gambling addiction.

9. Deviations in behavior due to injuries, diseases, brain pathology.

10. Post-traumatic syndrome; suffered violence.

11. Leaving home, belonging to informal associations.

12. Compounded heredity (alcoholism, drug addiction), obvious troubles in the family. Social factors of antisocial behavior are numerous, have varying degrees of impact and are specifically grouped in each specific case. Research shows that the reasons for deviation most often lie in the family, school, and groups in the immediate environment.


families whose members have mental or other serious illnesses; addiction to drugs, alcohol or antisocial behavior. families in which there is misunderstanding, lack of love, hostility, dominant influence of one of the parents, and violence in the relationship between parents. families in which the father is the authority and at the same time is not interested in the personal development of the child, and the mother is responsible for raising the child; families with a lack of care and love from one or two parents to the child; punitive action; limiting nature; authoritarian educational influence is aimed at developing strict obedience and discipline in the child; liberal educational influence, which complicates the formation of a system of values ​​and norms in a child; excessive custody of a child; raising a child in a spirit of disrespect for social norms and forms of social control. A small or friendly group can also be a factor in antisocial behavior if there are antisocial elements in the system of norms that guide group members in their behavior; in relationships in the group, an authoritarian style dominates and violence manifests itself; if an anti-school subculture is widespread in the group.


Children's alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, homelessness, neglect, prostitution The use of psychoactive substances, including narcotic substances, is one of the most pressing problems facing society. Most drug addicts begin using drugs during adolescence, and more than half of those who regularly use psychoactive substances are teenagers. Features of childhood alcoholism: rapid addiction to alcoholic beverages; malignant course of the disease; taking large doses; low effectiveness of treatment. Reasons: family dysfunction; positive advertising in the media; lack of free time; lack of knowledge about the consequences; self-affirmation; avoidance of surrounding problems. Issues of drug addiction treatment are developed only in general terms. This is a long, multi-step process with a risk of failure. The main thing is the prevention of drug addiction among young people: explaining to adolescents both the medical consequences of using psychoactive substances, of which they are generally aware, and the social consequences. For teenagers, the opinion of their age environment, which is the reference group during this period, is especially relevant.

12% do not know about the effect of drugs on the body. We see that teenagers have the most loyal attitude towards drinking alcohol and smoking. It is necessary to significantly strengthen the work on anti-alcohol and anti-nicotine propaganda. Combine work on promoting a healthy lifestyle with organizing leisure time. Thus, properly organized preventive work will prevent manifestations of antisocial behavior among adolescents. Teenagers noted that adults held conversations with them about the problems raised in the questionnaires. But most often these conversations are in the nature of moralizing and prohibitions. Teenagers would like to talk more about how to build their relationships with people of the opposite sex, to understand why people are drawn to alcohol, smoking and drugs, how to resist temptations and peer pressure, how to replace an antisocial lifestyle so as not to be left alone.



is a system of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of a phenomenon.

Prevention of antisocial behavior

– this is a scientifically based, timely activity aimed at preventing possible deviations of adolescents; maximum provision of social justice, creation of conditions for the inclusion of minors in the socio-economic and cultural life of society, promoting the process of personal development, education, and crime prevention.


preventive work, providing assistance to teenagers who find themselves in difficult life situations, identifying and suppressing cases of abuse of teenagers, ensuring and protecting the constitutional rights of minors, providing assistance in crime prevention, preventive work with families.


preventing the occurrence of circumstances conducive to social deviations; eliminating such circumstances; monitoring the work being carried out and its effectiveness. Approaches: informational (informing teenagers about their rights and responsibilities, about the requirements for fulfilling established social norms through the media, cinema, literature, cultural works, the legal education system); social and preventive (identification and elimination of the causes and conditions for the occurrence of negative phenomena); medical and biological (targeted measures of treatment and preventive nature); socio-pedagogical (restoration and correction of personality traits of a teenager with deviant behavior).


— divisions of internal affairs bodies

— education authorities

— educational institutions, guardianship and trusteeship authorities

— commission on juvenile affairs, special and specialized educational institutions

— social protection authorities

— labor and employment institutions

— youth affairs institutions

— cultural and physical education institutions

— healthcare institutions

— public associations and associations

the main objective

— comprehensive development and implementation in the Center for Social Education of an effective system of educational and educational influence on the personality of adolescents with antisocial manifestations in behavior.


: If in the organization of the educational process we study the specifics and dynamics of the manifestation of deviations in adolescents, identify the risk group, conduct individual work;
equip adults with knowledge of personality traits, then we can expect a positive influence
on adolescents in relation to the assimilation of norms of social behavior; their conscious and justified choice of forms of behavior that exclude the manifestation of deviations.


1) Analyze the reasons for deviant behavior of students, study their psychological characteristics.

2) Develop a methodology for identifying risk groups among adolescents with various manifestations of deviant behavior, and trace the age dynamics of these manifestations.

3) Study the features of the relationship between parents and adolescents, identify disorders and psychological causes of disorders in children.

4) Develop recommendations for educators on organizing individual educational influence on adolescents, taking into account their psychological characteristics.



Ensuring priority for the development and upbringing of children

Humanization of relationships between children and society

Implementation of a set of measures to ensure the humanization of the child’s society, the harmonious development of his personality, and the prevention of school and social maladjustment

Development of forms of work on the use of effective methods of social influence in order to correct the behavior of children at social risk.


Creation of a humanistic educational system that provides children with the intellectual, social and moral training necessary for life adaptation;

integrity of the educational process, increasing the educational nature of education and the educational effect of education;

developing teachers’ skills for constructive interaction with “at-risk” teenagers;

work to form and maintain the desire of children and adolescents for positive changes in lifestyle by providing them with reliable medical, hygienic and sanitary knowledge;

development of a network of additional education that provides opportunities for education, development of creative potential, self-determination and self-realization of adolescents;

organizing recreational activities for teenagers;

development of a system of training courses on legal issues; organization of leisure activities for teenagers, moral education; career guidance and employment; promotion and dissemination of a healthy lifestyle among children.


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