Dependent relationships. How to stop living for Him and regain Yourself

He is the best, I will never feel so great with anyone... When he is not around, I feel bad... I can’t imagine how to live if he leaves me...

This is usually what women say when they are in love with a man.

Test yourself. You are in a dependent relationship if:

  • out of fear of losing your loved one, you have to endure his rudeness, anger, betrayal, or simply cold neglect;
  • you are seized with panic at the thought of ending the relationship, even if your chosen one has not yet offered to do so;
  • You broke up with your loved one, but you can’t cope with the feeling of great loss and depression.

The tips given in this article are aimed only at getting rid of dependent relationships .
If you don’t want to let go of
your ex-partner, if you were happy with him and passionately dream of reunification, this is the place for you >>>
So, what is a dependent relationship? They can be characterized as the inability of one of the partners to break off the relationship, even when the other partner insists on ending it or causes pain with his indifference and cruelty.

Such love dependence does not bring happiness: the woman does not feel joy and love, but her own inferiority and dislike.

You can try to break off an addictive relationship for years and not make any progress. Or you can get out of love addiction and become a free, happy person.

I will tell you how to overcome dependence on a man. You'll learn about the types of addictive relationships that exist, learn the true story of the disaster that love addiction can lead to, and gain a fantastic tool for breaking free from addiction and reconnecting with your identity.

Here we go?

Four types of dependent relationships

The main reason for love addiction is extremely low self-esteem. It is expressed in the absence of one’s own desires and goals, dependence on the opinions of other people, the inability to refuse a loved one and the fear of loneliness.

Psychologists divide dependent relationships into 4 types.

Dissolution: dependent relationships of the “I don’t exist without you” type

With this type of love addiction, a woman completely dissolves in her partner, lives his life and interests, puts his needs and values ​​at the forefront, forgetting about what she wants and desires.

She perceives a man’s opinion about herself as the ultimate truth, which completely neutralizes her as a person. The same one usually sees only vices and shortcomings in her.

Often such a woman patiently endures humiliation, beatings, threats and betrayals of her loved one.

Absorption: dependent relationships of the “I know better how to” type

This type of dependence on a man is similar to the relationship between dad and child. “Dad” decides for “daughter” what she should look like, who she should communicate with, what she should do. He is the one who knows how to do it and what is best.

A man absorbs and crushes a woman under himself, justifying his control and excessive care with love and care.

As a result, she completely loses her independence and (as in dissolution relationships) is ready to forgive her partner for any inappropriate behavior.

Destruction: dependent relationships of the type “I am your master, you are a nonentity”

This type of dependent relationship is characterized by the ruthless use by the “master” of his “slave,” over whom he has unlimited power.

A man, like a real puppeteer, controls a woman’s reactions and actions, methodically destroying her self-esteem and psyche through manipulation and violence.

The “slave” is told that she is insignificant, stupid, ugly, sick in the head, and therefore is not capable of taking responsibility for her actions.

Mirror: dependent relationships of the “You must love me” type

In such relationships, the woman performs the function of a mirror - she reflects to the man his beautiful image. In other words, he admires, cherishes, cherishes, solves his problems, provides him with love, treats him “correctly”.

He appeals to a woman’s best feelings, clings to pity, throws hysterics, uses blackmail to gain her attention and dog-like devotion. If he doesn’t like something, he demonstrates icy indifference and ruthless criticism.

On the subject: Ideal relationship: dream or reality? Analysis of your situations. Part 4

Dependent and codependent relationships - their signs

To determine whether you are dependent on your partner, ask yourself the following questions. And if the answer to most of them is “yes,” then something needs to change.

Are you sacrificing your emotional, physical and mental needs for your partner?

Compromise is what strengthens relationships. But it's not good when you're the only one donating and providing support. While the partner does nothing for his part.

Do you feel lonely when you are alone?

Maintaining your individuality is critical to developing a healthy relationship. If you feel lonely and don't know what to do when your other half is not around. Then it's time to understand yourself and understand what you are like as a person? Who are you without your partner?

What can love addiction lead to?

To understand the catastrophe that dependent relationships can lead to, read the story of a woman who was “stuck” in the first type of dependence on a man—dissolution.

Dissolution in a man. Marina's story

The love story of my friends Marina and Sergei began at an exhibition of contemporary art. Walking around the hall, the young people stopped at a painting that they both liked.

We started talking. It turned out that they had common passions not only in painting.

We exchanged phone numbers. We met. Then again and again... Two months later, Marina and Sergei were already living together in her apartment.

Fascinated by Sergei, Marina did not notice anyone around: she did not answer phone calls, stopped meeting with friends and relatives.

She completely relieved her man of housework, pleasing him in everything, and admired the intelligence and talent of her chosen one. I left my job, giving up my favorite activities.

At first Sergei liked it, then it began to irritate him. He stayed late at work more and more often, coming up with all sorts of excuses. And one day he didn’t come to spend the night at all. True, he came home in the morning with flowers. Marina readily forgave him, without even asking where he spent the night.

realizing that Marina was ready to accept anyone, Sergei decided not to spend the night at home, was rude, made trouble, and mocked.
Relatives and friends tried to talk to Marina about their relationship, but she did not see the obvious and idolized her “king.”

Finally the day came when it turned out that Sergei had another lady of his heart. He admitted that he was “sick of Marina’s tolerance and sacrifice” and left her, slamming the door.

So she was left alone with a broken heart and crippled self-confidence. She cried, did not sleep at night, sorting through her “sins and mistakes.” She constantly called her ex-lover, begging her to come back... At first he answered the phone, and then he blacklisted Marina’s number.

On topic: “He left me. How to continue to live?”: Analysis of your situations

Continuous attacks of self-flagellation, pain and suffering due to love addiction led Marina to prolonged depression. From a cheerful woman
she turned into a hunched old woman.
Fearing for her life and health, family and friends sounded the alarm. They took me to the doctor. The latter prescribed a bunch of antidepressants.

One day, while waiting for a doctor’s appointment, Marina accidentally saw herself in the mirror. A casually dressed woman of unknown age with empty, indifferent eyes looked at her. This caused her such genuine horror that she vowed to regain herself.

entered her new life with the understanding that not a single man in the world is worth dying over.

Gradually she got back into shape and found an interesting job. She returned to communication with her friends, remembered how she liked to spend time before marriage.

Periodically I met with Marina and learned news from her. Therefore, she was not at all surprised when she got a new boyfriend. Now they are already married. And in this new relationship, Marina no longer suffers from pathological dependence on a man, because now she loves not only her husband, but also herself. I would even say this: she loves first of all

myself. That is why her love for her husband is harmonious and gives her a lot of happiness.

If you, like Marina, would like to meet new love and build a new wonderful relationship, take the first step towards this right now.

Join Elizaveta Volkova's free master class and learn how to attract the man of your dreams in 35 days.


Independent relationships

Similar relationships sometimes develop between creative individuals - artists, poets, actors. Partners do not want to limit their freedom in any way in connection with the development of relations; they do not compromise in conflicts. The very possibility of “merging” with another person, or at least a partial loss of one’s own individuality, seems terrifying.

Life in such a relationship can bring suffering, as it leads to constant conflicts (where no one wants to give in or “adapt” to the other), and a lack of “attunement” between partners. As a result, each of the partners begins to feel that life in their “own space” is much more tempting than such coexistence with a partner.

Such relationships indeed allow one to maintain a sense of personal freedom, but such freedom seems more likely to be the partners’ indifference to each other. Clinging to their freedom, partners are afraid to look “deeply” and understand each other better, and therefore their relationship remains terribly superficial. This is the paradox of “independent” relationships: partners are in the shackles of their freedom, unable to move on and develop.

How to get out of love addiction

Marina's story ended well in the end. But among my friends there are other examples - when dependent relationships drag on for years without any resolution, or when an abandoned woman cannot get out of depression and get rid of love addiction.

Marina was helped by her unbending intention to change herself. She gradually found everything else - practices, advice, recipes - in self-development books. Some things I liked, some things “didn’t stick.” But the main thing here was the firm decision once made.

Therefore, if you, like Marina once, need help, think about this first.

Are you really ready to choose yourself and your happiness instead of constant suffering and disappointment?

I hope the answer is obvious to you.

So how do you get out of an addictive relationship? I share advice based on Marina’s experience.

Boost your self-esteem

This is perhaps the most important thing. Effective ways to work with self-esteem can be found in the books of American psychologist Louise Hay. For example, try this practice:

Stand in front of the mirror.

Look yourself in the eyes.

Say the following af.

Say it over and over again: “I love and approve of myself.”

Repeat this affirmation at least 100 times a day. Let the words “I love and approve of myself” become your mantra.

Repeat this affirmation every time you pass by a mirror or see your reflection.

If negative thoughts arise, such as: “How can I approve of myself when I’m so fat?” or “It’s stupid to think that I can think like that,” or “I’m not good,” don’t resist them, don’t fight them, don’t judge them. Let them just be.

Focus on what you really want to experience, which is to love and approve of yourself. You can gently let go of all the other thoughts that get in the way and focus on one: “I love and approve of myself.”

Louise Hay

“Become happy in 21 days. The most complete course of self-love"

On the subject: Lesson on the healing power of thought from Louise Hay

Learn to refuse

Often a woman who is dependent on a man is afraid to contradict him, and obediently fulfills all his requests and demands, even when she considers it unnecessary.

Under no circumstances should you unconditionally agree with any opinion of your man, stepping on
the throat of your desires and needs .
First, try to understand what you yourself think about this. Do you agree or not? If not, learn to tell your partner about it firmly. This will give you back a sense of self-respect and responsibility for your life.

Get rid of the fear of loneliness

Leaving an addictive relationship is often hindered by the fear of rejection and fear of loneliness.

Think about this: the most important person on earth is yourself. And you also have family, friends, colleagues who love and respect you. There is God, the Universe, who always help and unconditionally support.

Also, your views and ideas about life can be shared by your favorite artists, writers, musicians, songwriters, and talented contemporaries who are close to you in spirit.

And most importantly, having freed yourself from dependent relationships, you will open your heart to new love and be able to meet your truly one and only.

So what kind of loneliness are we talking about then?

Break the destructive connection

To overcome dependence on a man, you must break off all relationships with him. We are talking not only about physical, but also about energetic connection.

The practice from Stephen Andreas' book "The Heart of the Brain" is a powerful tool for ending destructive relationships. I offer it to you in the form in which I once advised Marina. This is an adapted version of my psychology teacher, NLP master practitioner Ekaterina Khudobina.

Technique “Getting rid of
love addiction
1. Sit comfortably. Relax. Imagine your beloved man next to you. How far is he from you?

2. Take two chairs. Place them at the same distance from each other as your man would be. Sit on one of the chairs and mentally place your loved one on the chair opposite.

3. Look carefully at how you are connected to him: are there energy connections between you - ropes, cords, threads? What thickness and color are they? What part of your body, your man's body, is attached to?

4. Identify the positive intention your connection had - joy, safety, love, protection, etc. Tell yourself that you are willing to receive it in a different way.

5. Now mentally pick up the scissors and cut the energy ties connecting you and your man.

6. Thank your partner for giving you the positive things in your relationship.

7. Turn your chair 90 degrees and look into the future - how you come from there, more mature and wiser than now. This is an improved version of yourself. Let her approach you at the same distance as your man on the chair opposite. Establish between yourself today and yourself from the future exactly the same energetic connection that was between you and your man.

8. Determine which conventional anchor sign will allow you to receive the positive things that connected you with your man from yourself in the future. For example, scratch your finger, touch your nose, smile, etc. Use this anchor whenever you remember a man with whom you were in
a dependent relationship .
9. Agree with your future self on a means of communication: how you will “call” this future self. Then allow your future self to turn its back on you and move into the future.

10. Return the chair to its previous position. Look at your man opposite. Take the ends of the energy threads that are left after you cut them. Connect the scraps of your threads with your heart. Scraps of a man's threads - with his heart.

11. Thank your partner for everything that happened between you and let him disappear from this connection.

12. Turn your chair 90 degrees and look into the future again. Again, allow yourself to come from the future - a woman more confident, protected and strong than you are now.

13. Enter mentally into her image, feel complete freedom from love addiction and give yourself the positive that you received from the relationship with your man. Return to your body.

Now you can call up your future self and enter into a more advanced version of yourself whenever you want.

This will give you self-confidence and increase your sense of self-esteem.

On the subject: How to increase self-esteem and increase self-confidence

How to understand that a woman is dependent on her partner?

If you are wondering whether there is an emotional dependence in your relationship, pay attention to the following alarming symptoms:

You are often jealous of your partner. Self-doubt and constant fear of losing the object of passion makes dependent individuals suspect your loved one of infidelity.

of any changes. Any changes in relationships, life, and even more so in a man’s behavior cause great anxiety.

You are constantly focused on your partner. “He came home from work somehow cheerful,” “Why did he lock himself in the bath for so long?”, “Who’s writing to him?” - an addicted person is constantly focused on his partner. His behavior, mood - everything becomes extremely significant and affects his overall emotional state.

Your partner's autonomy causes you great anxiety . “Should I let him go to a bar with friends? Will he go on vacation alone? And what about me?" It is completely intolerable for a dependent person to accept the fact that a loved one is a separate person, with his own friends, interests and even thoughts. If a partner seeks to spend time separately, this is always perceived as an attempt to destroy the relationship.

It is difficult for you to make decisions on your own . Dependent individuals are emotionally immature and always need support from their partner. It is difficult for them to act independently, especially if a loved one expresses their dissatisfaction with them.

You often abandon your interests in favor of the interests of your partner . Ideally, you would like to spend all your free time with your loved one and not be separated. Well, if he decided to go fishing, then what kind of meetings can you have with your friends? You will go fishing with him. A dependent person, out of fear of losing a significant object, begins to live a life that is not his own, and even often completely forgets about who he is and what he wants.

You can't imagine your life without a partner . Imagine for a moment that your loved one broke up with you. What will your life be like? If thinking about this confuses you and makes you anxious, there may be an addiction creeping into your relationship.

The best is yet to come!

Even if things are bad for you now and you are stuck in an addictive relationship, don’t despair. You can successfully work with any type of dependence on a man.

There is no point in dwelling on the past if you can find another man and build a new, happy relationship with him.

out how to program yourself a new happy relationship with your ideal husband
here >>>
I hope the tips from this article will help you cope with dependent relationships.

Did you like these practices? Is it possible to regain yourself with their help? Write in the comments.

II. The environment says: your needs are too many, you have a high level of aspirations.

And the child stops wanting, because... there is no experience of meeting, there is an experience of disappointment - no matter what I ask, they don’t give me. Loses the right to want, to dictate one’s will.

And I can’t show healthy aggression within a relationship. One of the partners says that he is not like that. Unconscious feeling of guilt - I want too much, I always do something wrong, I’m somehow not like that.

The object appears in hatred (Freud). A good inner object appears when one is able to withstand one's hatred and anger. The child gets angry, and if the mother tolerates his anger, contains it and maintains a good relationship, the child internalizes that he is good enough to not only be tolerated, but even loved in a state where he is not good enough.

If the mother returns the child’s aggression without containing it, an eternally punishing object arises inside the child, which says: you are to blame, you are behaving badly, if you would behave well, there would be a normal relationship.

And then we find a complimentary partner who seems to say: I will warm you up, but you will really owe me, because you cannot be loved just like that. Sit quietly and don't show yourself.

At the same time, the needs do not go away. And they are achieved through manipulation.

Signs of addiction in a relationship


Constantly missing your partner

At work, at school, while playing sports or your favorite hobby, you cannot concentrate and think only about him or her.
This situation is unhealthy. Another person should not be the center of your universe. Missing your loved one is normal, but if a person is not able to live even half an hour, doing personal things and not fantasizing about his partner’s hugs, this is a problem.

Obsessive surveillance

Spying on a guy or girl means not only emotional dependence, but also insecurity in one's own personality. Checking your loved one’s phone, interrogating in detail about where, with whom and when he (s) spends time, being jealous of every post are signs of excessive dependence on a person.

The desire to make your partner your property

Constantly being together, demanding more attention. Believe that free time should be spent only together and nothing else. Waiting impatiently for a call/message from your loved one, checking your phone literally every minute, counting the time spent apart, is not normal.

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