Commercialism - Consultation with a professional psychologist in 5 minutes

Hello, dear reader. In this article I will touch on probably the most controversial topic that concerns many people - commercialism. We are all accustomed to associating the term “mercantilism” with miserliness, penny-pinching and selfishness. Yes, there is a category of people who seek benefits even where moral and spiritual values ​​do not allow it.

Mercantile people do not hesitate to steal money from their loved ones, friends and colleagues. Such people are condemned by society, although few notice signs of mercantilism in themselves. I want to dwell on this concept in detail, to analyze which individuals are most often subject to commercialism, how it manifests itself and affects a person’s life as a whole.

Commercialism is a very common phenomenon.

What is commercialism in simple words

Initially, the term “mercantilism” did not carry a negative message. Previously, this word was used in the economic segment. In the 16th-17th centuries, the mercantile system provided for the expansion of foreign trade relations at the expense of other states. But already in the twentieth century this meaning was given a different color. Mercantile comes from the French word “mercantile” and is translated as “mercantile/selfish.”

Today, this word denotes a person with a certain set of qualities. The one who is focused on petty prudence, practicality and stinginess is mercantile. A person of this kind squeezes out profit in any conditions, he does not hesitate to build “trade-personal” relationships, even with close people, and does not see anything reprehensible in this. On the contrary, mercantile people are confident in their pragmatism, and believe that they are doing the right thing, honestly and frankly with others.

Commercialism is the desire to obtain financial or other material benefits from any life situation by any means, which is expressed in a huckstering attitude towards everything. Moreover, such a person can easily transgress all moral and ethical standards and spiritual values ​​in order to gain profit.

The main feature of such people is to receive material benefits. He will not be friends with a person if he is not useful to him.

Commercialism examples

If a person borrows from a selfish friend, the latter will remind him every day of the hanging debt. A mercantile person experiences discomfort every time he remembers that someone owes him money.

A mercantile girl will not throw in her lot with an intelligent, kind, but poor man. She will tolerate an evil tyrant who has a lot of money.

Selfish people evaluate others by their salary and status. They will not become friends with a person who does not have useful contacts or financial benefits.

Who is a mercantile person

Almost every person is mercantile to one degree or another. The level of this psychological state is also laid down in us by our parents, society, and the economic situation in the country. That is, there are many factors that influence our attitude towards money.

If from childhood a child is taught not only to be careful with money and think about spending, but focuses on the fact that he needs to “take money from wherever possible,” he is unlikely to turn out to be a generous person. Parents do not recommend sharing toys or recommend exchanging them for something no less useful and interesting. Their postulate “Friends are friends, and everyone pays for themselves” brings up a real mercantile in a child.

A mercantile person is so petty that he doesn’t even want to pay for coffee for a friend who, by chance, didn’t take his wallet with him, or he will grudgingly lend it to him and will definitely remind him if he forgets. The same applies to any aspect of life: mercantile people do not want to lend anything or help even in small things. Colleagues at work know that you cannot approach this person and ask for a bag of tea, otherwise he will get angry or say that he doesn’t have it. Such people live by the “buy and sell” principle. They will not do anything selflessly.

Do you have mercantile friends?

Yes, I have




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A person’s commercialism manifests itself quite clearly. These people are incapable of altruism, unconditional love, they do not even provide all possible help. In personal relationships, this character trait is also clearly expressed, both in girls and boys. But it is worth noting that the commercialism of girls and boys is strikingly different, and I will talk about this further.

As practice shows, absolutely everyone has at least one mercantile acquaintance.

Commercialism in women

Do you think female commercialism really exists? Or was it invented by stingy men or young guys without jobs? In fact, commercialism is not gender specific. Rather, it is a human factor, not a gender one.

Every girl wants to have a wealthy and successful man next to her. Is this commercialism? No. Women's nature gravitates towards the financial well-being of her partner for a reason. Every girl wants stability and a clear understanding that pregnancy and childbirth will not be accompanied by beggary. In this vein, finances act as protection for mother and child from a difficult, unpredictable life.

Today, few people live with the slogan “God gave a child, he will give for a child.” A woman understands the need to have enough money to live without needing anything. It is also important for her to see that her partner is not a romantic slob, but a responsible person who can support his family while his wife is on maternity leave.

It is known that a woman drops out of social and work life for at least a year or two, devoting all her time to everyday life, her child and her family. And, of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that she wants to find a stable earning responsible person.

Svetlana Kovalenko

Psychologist, clinical psychologist

Men often perceive women's practicality as money-grubbing. But it is not always the case. The young man initially chooses a beautiful, well-groomed girl. And he must understand that maintaining this beauty requires financial investments. When a couple starts living together, the budget becomes common, but the girl continues to visit the salon and do the usual procedures. Therefore, it is absolutely normal when a woman evaluates her partner’s prospects, and a man focuses on her appearance.

It is not so difficult to identify a mercantile woman. She tends to look for her own benefit in everything. Its main leader is self-interest. Warmth is alien to her, she does not show concern, does not “give herself over” to relationships, but only talks about spending and money. It is dominated by calculation, and not by the mood of the partner. Moreover, women of this kind often complain about financial difficulties, indirectly hinting that she would not mind getting help from her man.

Typically, for such women, getting benefits becomes a priority. They try to achieve benefits at the expense of feelings, i.e. when humanity is eclipsed by self-interest. A pragmatic and reasonable girl should not be confused with a mercantile person. Every person gravitates towards stability, and this is normal. It’s bad if the issue of money overshadows sincere, warm relationships.

Men often attribute to commercialism even things that in fact are not commercialism.

Commercialism in men

Men are no less, and sometimes even more, materialistic than women. This is due to the fact that girls are mainly looking for immediate benefits. They are guided by the fact that they feel good here and now. Men think more globally. A mercantile guy is many times more prudent, he thinks ahead and makes plans for the future.

Everyone is susceptible to commercialism to one degree or another. We work for money, we agree to a deal if it is beneficial to us. Trade relations help us in the material world to stay afloat and gain benefits. But mercantilism in relationships is a different story. This is more about humanity, morality and spiritual values, which are alien to a selfish person.

Mercantile men are also easy to spot. You just need to look carefully at his lifestyle or the companions he chooses. Such “friends” will never give a ride to a friend when needed, and if he does agree to help his friend, it will only be if he gasses up his car. The pettiness of this situation lies in the fact that a friend could simply take him to short distances (around the city, for example), but he is so stingy that he cannot help but benefit from it.

Svetlana Kovalenko

Psychologist, clinical psychologist

I don’t want anyone to think that a real, non-mercantile friend will take his friend to another country for free. No, a stingy person is distinguished precisely by pettiness and pragmatism where it is not needed at all. He will charge others for even the smallest expenses.

Prudent men always choose a girl with status or a young lady from a good, promising family. He doesn’t care that she’s boring or that he doesn’t really like her in appearance. He chooses her status and the opportunity to safely get a job in his father-in-law’s company, for example. The main goal of such men is to conclude a profitable deal, and not to marry the woman they love.

The same gigolos who become lovers of mature women are also not devoid of commercialism. It is clear that they are driven not by feelings and affection, but by self-interest and profit. Such men are not capable of selfless acts. But even in this case, there is a thin, almost imperceptible line in the form of manipulation of feelings. Such individuals often give gifts, show tender feelings and emotions, preparing the foundation for future relationships. He will first “invest” in a woman, she will believe in his selflessness and love, and then she will safely support him and give him money for his “unique and working” projects.

All the proposed situations clearly show how male commercialism manifests itself. But let's not forget that generalization is incorrect thinking. Take, for example, the example of the relationship between Rose and Jack from the cult film Titanic. Despite the fact that Rose was from a wealthy, intelligent family, Jack fell in love with the girl, and not with her social status. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult for a woman in love to identify a manipulator due to the idealization of her partner, but if she wishes, she can do an analysis and part with the mercantile person.

Such men are quite easy to spot.

What is a girl's commercialism

What does a woman's commercialism mean? This is excessive prudence and pragmatism. In simple words, this is the reluctance to do something for nothing. A mercantile girl never gives vent to feelings and emotions, is guided exclusively by personal interests and achieves her goals at any cost. She has no friends, at work she also proves herself to be a skilled manipulator and fighter, but the most feminine commercialism is noticeable in love relationships with men.

Sometimes mercantile women are confused with careerists. What is the difference? The first ones have no ambitions in their work. They don’t want to build a career, learn, or develop. Professional self-realization and self-satisfaction from work are not important to them. They only want money. For this purpose, they can get a job somewhere, but, as a rule, this resembles an imitation of vigorous activity and ends quickly. Career women are interested in both professional development, self-realization, satisfaction from doing what they love, and the material side of the issue. How else? You need to live somewhere, eat something, wear something. But career women do not chase luxury and brands. They create a comfortable life for themselves and their family, and they receive money for a reason, but for a job well done.

Note! In most cases, commercialism is noticeable in all areas of a person’s life, but sometimes it can be observed only in one thing. For example, when a girl marries a wealthy man who supports her, pays for her to have fun with her friends, etc.

Is there anything good in commercialism?

Despite the fact that the very concept of commercialism carries a negative message, almost all people are susceptible to this condition. The difference lies only in the intensity of the actions taken. We live in a competitive world, we need to survive and be “on the level” in society, so one way or another, our brain is looking for ways to get along well and benefit from everything we do.

For example, you work in an office, you are paid a certain amount per month, but as always it is not enough. Suddenly, by a stroke of luck, your friend invites you to a job where the salary is 2-3 times higher. Of course, such an offer cannot be refused. However, the boss asks you to stay because you are indispensable. But you still decide to change jobs, and you feel a certain moral residue that you acted so “uncivilized” by leaving the department without a specialist.

Now let's look at this example from the perspective of mercantilism. There is nothing wrong with wanting to earn more and work less. Here commercialism is completely justified. On the other hand, a boss who pays little but values ​​you as an employee also has his own benefits. Unfortunately, a good attitude from your boss has no effect on how full your refrigerator is.

That is, the conclusion suggests itself: in trade and economic relations, mercantilism is relevant and even necessary. It helps us survive and become more prosperous. In work, this side of human character helps more than harms. However, everything needs moderation, of course.

But when commercialism enters interpersonal relationships, it says something completely different about a person. Total mercantilization has led to the fact that “merchant” relationships have entered the love and friendly sphere of our lives. Mutual help, care, and empathy are alien to such people. Their main credo is to get as much benefit as possible and enter into profitable relationships despite their spiritual needs.

But it is worth noting that pathological commercialism also negatively affects the “fortune hunter”. Despite the fact that a person acquires all kinds of benefits, he soon feels disconnected and empty from this. What he has becomes not enough for him, so he begins to chase new achievements.

Usually such people suffer from neurotic disorders, live in fear of losing everything they have acquired, and fear for their benefits. This lifestyle is not every person's dream. Mercantile people lose in many ways, especially when it comes to a person’s psychological health.

For some, someone else's commercialism can only be to their advantage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Probably, many people would like to live for their own pleasure and not work. In terms of psychological comfort and harmony, this is attractive. Of course, if the worm “Why do I live?” does not gnaw due to idleness? or “I am nobody and nothing.” This is a plus of commercialism.

The downside is the unconscious understanding that all this is temporary and conditional. Loneliness, old age, poverty – mercantile women have many fears. And this makes them unhappy.

How to quickly recognize a mercantile person

Considering that mercantilism is, in fact, a tradition of the Western world, such people are treated more favorably there. The concept itself suggests that a person is thrifty, economical and practical.

It's not like that with us. Commercialism is associated with an unreliable, stingy and greedy person who observes his own benefit, regardless of moral and ethical standards.

How can you understand that a person is overstepping the bounds of rationality?

  • He clearly builds a “you give me – I give you” relationship. One cannot expect selfless actions from such a person, even if it is a trifling issue or matter;
  • The person takes a special interest in the financial situation of others. He is interested in who earns how much, how much he bought this or that product for, how much money was spent on vacation, etc. Moreover, financial issues are the basis of his conversation with the people around him;
  • Such people are unable to show empathy. They don’t care that a person is in trouble, the main thing is what he will receive in return if he helps him;
  • A mercantile individual will carefully select his society. He is not interested in poor people. He is looking for wealthy and socially significant friends who can be useful to him.

Also, people of this kind tend to hoard and live according to the “money for money’s sake” program. Despite the fact that they have a set aside reserve just in case, they never lend.

A revealing joke about commercialism.

Signs of a mercantile person

Despite the impartial connotation of this concept, commercialism is, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of all people.

A person has vital needs for food, clothing, shelter, which he must satisfy daily. Our world is built on commodity-money relations. You give me - I give you. Would you go to work if you weren't paid there?

There is a fine line between unhealthy commercialism and ordinary pragmatism. Pathological commercialism begins where the attitude towards friends and loved ones is measured by their ability to pay you for the help they provide.

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A mercantile person becomes a kind of merchant who sits “wasting away over gold.” For any of his insignificant actions, he demands a bonus and reward.

Distinctive features of a mercantile person:

  1. No gratuitous actions. The main principle of life is “bash to bash”. Completely denies selflessness.
  2. Commercial approach in relations with people. Lack of warmth.
  3. He chooses his life partner based on mercantile interests. They are characterized by arranged marriages.
  4. Evaluates others only by their well-being. Forms a social circle only from wealthy people.
  5. His main interest in a person is his financial condition.
  6. Constantly talks about money and benefits.
  7. The main goal in life is hoarding. Lives by the principle “money for money’s sake.”
  8. They don't do anything for nothing. Altruism is a foreign concept to them.

Reasons for commercialism

Psychologists have no reason to believe that the level of commercialism depends on heredity or other congenital factors. It is, rather, a quality of a person’s character, shaped by society and upbringing. I will dwell on these aspects in more detail.


We all know that it is our parents who instill in us the values ​​and attitudes with which we enter adulthood. And sometimes parents’ obsession with material goods negatively affects the child’s life. For example, many mothers explain to their daughters that they need to wait for the “prince on a white horse” who will carry you in his arms and give you all kinds of gifts. This attitude makes a girl believe that a man should do everything for her at once, because she is the weak, defenseless sex and deserves it.

Many girls choose their boyfriends based on their material wealth and attitude towards them. They do not accept the “let’s do it together” option, but expect single actions from their partner aimed at her benefit.

Parents instill a similar attitude in their sons. You can often hear from the lips of a father or mother that the main thing in life is to make a career and earn enough to not need anything. In essence, there is nothing wrong with this attitude, but the slogan “this is the main thing in life” will turn a child into a mercantile, money-obsessed person.

Education is one of the main reasons.


The level of commercialism of a person also depends on the society in which he lives. Our environment actively influences us and forces us to respond to the moment. If the public environment pays great attention to financial well-being and career, a person is forced to achieve a given level, otherwise he will feel like an outcast.

Success has always been highly valued in Western culture. Therefore, people there were initially focused on success and achieving material wealth. Considering that there is no longer information differentiation in the world, we willingly adopted this tradition from them. People began to devote more time to their careers and financial accumulation. In fact, it is even beneficial for society. But spiritual values ​​and sincerity in relationships faded into the background.

Unfortunately or fortunately, many in modern society have this trait.

What explains commercialism?

It is believed that commercialism is inherent in all people, but to varying degrees. After all, this is the desire for a good life, which in itself does not imply anything bad. Such people consider themselves pragmatic analysts, because they find benefit for themselves in everything.

Important: For them there is no concept of selfless help - it is a waste of time in their understanding.

The degree of mercantilism depends on upbringing and society. Core values ​​are instilled in a person by parents. If they insisted that the main thing in life is money, then the child will grow up mercantile. Parents often convince their daughters that a man needs to look for a rich man who will provide. As a result, a woman grows up who, when choosing a life partner, looks only at his wallet. Also, a lot depends on society; if people around them attach great importance to money, then the person will be mercantile.

Pros and cons of commercialism

The main problem of people in this category is that they build relationships and view them from a consumer point of view. However, mercantilism had a positive impact on trade and economic relations among people. When we talk about commercialism, we often emphasize the negative aspects. But this concept cannot be viewed one-sidedly, because this character trait also has good points. Therefore, let us dwell on the pros and cons of commercialism.

Svetlana Kovalenko

Psychologist, clinical psychologist

Advantages and disadvantages

Responsibility. Mercantile people are responsible and never give up what they have started. You can completely rely on them in this regard;

Determination. Who knows, they know perfectly well what they want and how much. To achieve the goal, they use all possible tools;

They may say a firm “No!” It is in this case that they can be praised. Many selfless people cannot say “no” and suffer from it themselves. A mercantile person can stand up for himself and outline the boundaries of what is permissible.

Also, it should be noted that with similar earnings, a mercantile person will still manage to put something aside. This is also a positive and useful character trait.

Narrow range of interests. A person is convinced that money rules the world, and a person’s happiness depends on its quantity. Such narrow-mindedness in thinking makes them neurotic and always whining people;

Spiritual limitation. Warm, strong relationships are not important to them. Everything is based on money;

Problems with personal life. Both girls and men find it difficult to find a life partner due to their fixation on material wealth.

The saddest thing is that such people have no real friends, cannot build organic relationships and live in an eternal desire to accumulate even more money. These circumstances make a person’s life meager and uninteresting.

How to treat mercantile people?

In relationships between people, mercantile relationships often arise. If people are business partners, then there is nothing wrong with that. Commercialism and prudence in business have the right to exist.

In relationships with close people, mercantile interests are not allowed. Human relationships cannot be measured with money.

A person who is mercantile to the core is unlikely to be able to experience true feelings of love and inspiration from selflessly helping his friend. He is not characterized by compassion. Such people often remain lonely because they believe that women only love him for his money.

What does commercialism lead to in relationships?

Unfortunately, commercialism leads to spiritual degradation. All human feelings, such as love, care, empathy, are replaced by thoughts about money and income. And if you think about it: what will happen to a person if he ceases to be beneficial to others? For example, a girl relies on her youth and beauty. But over the course of life, these privileges will “go away”, and loneliness and inner brokenness will remain. But what if a young man becomes uninteresting to his partner or has serious life problems? Such people are comfortable when everything is going well for them and when they have something to give in return. There was no talk of sincere, sincere relationships in their lives.

The partner almost always suffers from commercialism.

What to do if you are a mercantile person

Considering that commercialism is a character trait, you can re-educate this in yourself, at least a little. That is, the main thing is to realize that this circumstance exists and try to reduce the level of stinginess. How to do it:

  • Awareness of deep commercialism is already a breakthrough for a greedy person. You can consult a psychologist, but it is also possible to reduce the degree of commercialism on your own;
  • Try to do something nice and useful to another person. You can simply give money to a beggar, or respond to a request from a neighbor or colleague;
  • Learn to value and love yourself just like that, and not for the things you have done;
  • Do some self-analysis. What made you close yourself off from people and become a hoarder? Try to help someone financially. This way you will balance your commercialism step by step.

And we need to understand that commercialism was originally given to us for survival. Today this concept speaks more about internal anxiety and fear of being left with nothing. But this circumstance also has psychological roots.

What to do if your loved one is materialistic

This question can be answered more accurately by understanding the degree of commercialism of a loved one. Sometimes, a person becomes greedy due to fear of poverty or the upbringing model. Some individuals do not hesitate to quickly send their relatives to the next world for the sake of an inheritance.

The best way to find out why a person suffers from hoarding is to have a heart-to-heart talk. If a person understands that he is mistaken and does not see himself from the outside, you can help him “emerge” from this obsessive money whirlpool. If the relationship does not work out and the person stands his ground, then you need to choose whether to stay with him or not.

What are the consequences of commercialism in relationships?

Reducing any relationship only to material benefits leads to spiritual degradation. A materialistic person will never know what unconditional love and acceptance is. What will happen if a person loses what he is given benefits for and how he benefits others? For example, will a mercantile girl lose her beauty, youth, and attractiveness? And nothing will remain - emptiness and loneliness.

How does commercialism differ from greed?

Yes, there really is a difference between these two concepts, but it’s small. A mercantile person tries to find profit in everything. A greedy person does not share with anyone and does not give anything to anyone. He does not welcome exchange, “bash for bash”, but is engaged in personal accumulation.

For example, a greedy person does not see the benefit if he is offered honey in exchange for apples that grow in his garden. They will lie around and rot, but he will never part with his fruits. But a mercantile person thinks differently. He will take himself a jar of honey and give away the unwanted apples. At the same time, he will be glad that he made a great deal and purchased a bee product practically for free.

Although they are very similar, they are different concepts.

Books about commercialism

  • "Mother Courage and Her Children." Playbook. Author: Bertolt Brecht;
  • "Inspector". Nikolay Gogol;
  • "The Sealed Letter" by Emma Donoghue;
  • "Vanity Fair" William Thackeray.

From modern literature, you can read:

  • Story by Daria Maximova “Not everyone dreams of seeing Paris and dying. Some people prefer to see Moscow and register”;
  • Evgri's story “Fear of Loss” on the topic of what mercantile relationships can lead to.

The well-known “Inspector General” by Nikolai Gogol.

Films about commercialism

The cinema presents a lot of films related to mercantile relations:

  • “Fatal Beauty” directed by Pierre Salvadori (2006);
  • "Heartbreakers." 2001 American comedy film directed by David Mirkin;
  • “Intolerable Cruelty” starring George Clooney and Catherine Zeta Jones;
  • “Billion” with Vladimir Mashkov in the title role (2019);
  • “Orange Juice” directed by Andrey Proshkin (2010).

I consider commercialism to be one of the most difficult problems in psychology. After all, it cannot be denied that money is very important for life here on Earth. But it is necessary for a person fixated only on material wealth to explain that there are still many wonderful aspects in the world that are worthy of our attention. It is important to strive for healthy pragmatism and enjoy the fact that you earn money, and not feel anxiety and fear.

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