Safe distance from eyes to monitor

Minimum and optimal distances to the monitor

The distance from the monitor to the eyes depends, first of all, on its size parameters. These days, the most popular models are with diagonals ranging from 14 (laptops) to 27 inches, and the largest are equipped with screens with a diagonal of over 30″. The technical capabilities and scope of application of monitors depend on the dimensions in inches.

The most common models are those with the following characteristics:

  • 14–16″. These are mass-produced laptops, the dimensions of which allow them to integrate processors with optimal performance. Portable devices with a smaller diagonal have a narrower application.
  • 17″. A laptop with a voluminous body is one of the options for the office. Not very convenient to carry, but it saves space in the work area.
  • 18.5–20.1″. Small stationary models, mainly used for working in a text editor.
  • 21.5–24″. Video monitors with a medium diagonal are a universal option that allows you to comfortably type text, edit videos, and watch movies. To support 3D gaming, a minimum diagonal of 23 inches is preferred.
  • 27″ and above. They are most often used for watching movies, editing photos, videos and audio materials. These monitors are indispensable in studio work, namely when recording sound and filming. Screens of 32 inches or more are usually chosen for video surveillance. If you plan to use a wall-mounted monitor as a TV, the optimal diagonal is from 31 to 34″.

So, what is the minimum distance to a computer display based on its size? Based on scientific research, the human eye is able to clearly see an image within a radius of 17°. From here we get the answer mathematically: the smallest permissible distance between the user’s face and the screen is the length of its diagonal.

The top edge of the display should be 10° below your line of sight.

When figuring out how many centimeters should be between the eyes and the video monitor, you need to take into account not only its dimensions, but also its design features. It is safer to stay behind the LCD display with TFT panel.

Compared to traditional devices, which are based on a cathode ray tube (CRT), LCD models have the following advantages:

  • absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • larger size of the visible area (for a 15-inch LCD monitor it is the same as for a 17-inch CRT analogue);
  • no image distortion;
  • saving space on the table.

If you have a CRT, the computer monitor should be 60–70 cm away, and an LCD display, all other things being equal, allows you to reduce the distance to 30–50 cm. To reduce eye strain, it is important to correctly adjust the image, and first, test the monitor using special program (for example, PassMark MonitorTest).

Basic moments

According to medical standards, the optimal distance to a computer monitor should be greater than the minimum - from one and a half to two diagonals. The following formula is used for calculation: S = L * 2.54 * 1.75, where:

  • L – diagonal length in inches;
  • 2.54 – conversion factor from inches to centimeters;
  • 1.75 is the arithmetic mean between 1.5 and two diagonals.

Let’s calculate, according to the formula, the optimal distance from an office laptop with a diagonal size of 17″:

S = 17 * 2.54 * 1.75 = 75 cm.

The calculation results for different computer models are shown in Table 1.

Display diagonal size, inchesOptimal distance from eyes to screen, cm

Minimum distance from the eyes to the monitor: optimal values ​​​​to the screen according to SapPiN

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To ensure a safe stay at the computer, it is worth finding out what the minimum distance from the eyes to the monitor should be. If the monitor screen is positioned correctly in relation to the user, it will be possible to maintain the quality of vision longer, avoid osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, and improve visual perception of information.

Minimum and optimal distances to the monitor

The distance from the monitor to the eyes depends, first of all, on its size parameters. These days, the most popular models are with diagonals ranging from 14 (laptops) to 27 inches, and the largest are equipped with screens with a diagonal of over 30″. The technical capabilities and scope of application of monitors depend on the dimensions in inches.

The most common models are those with the following characteristics:

  • 14–16″. These are mass-produced laptops, the dimensions of which allow them to integrate processors with optimal performance. Portable devices with a smaller diagonal have a narrower application.
  • 17″. A laptop with a voluminous body is one of the options for the office. Not very convenient to carry, but it saves space in the work area.
  • 18.5–20.1″. Small stationary models, mainly used for working in a text editor.
  • 21.5–24″. Monitors with a medium diagonal are a universal option that allows you to comfortably type text, edit videos, and watch movies. To support 3D gaming, a minimum diagonal of 23 inches is preferred.
  • 27″ and above. They are most often used for watching movies, editing photos, videos and audio materials. These monitors are indispensable in studio work, namely when recording sound and filming. Screens of 32 inches or more are usually chosen for video surveillance. If you plan to use a wall-mounted monitor as a TV, the optimal diagonal is from 31 to 34″.

So, what is the minimum distance to a computer display based on its size? Based on scientific research, the human eye is able to clearly see an image within a radius of 17°. From here we get the answer mathematically: the smallest permissible distance between the user’s face and the screen is the length of its diagonal.

The top edge of the display should be 10° below your line of sight.

When figuring out how many centimeters should be between the eyes and the video monitor, you need to take into account not only its dimensions, but also its design features. It is safer to stay behind the LCD display with TFT panel.

Compared to traditional devices, which are based on a cathode ray tube (CRT), LCD models have the following advantages:

  • absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • larger size of the visible area (for a 15-inch LCD monitor it is the same as for a 17-inch CRT analogue);
  • no image distortion;
  • saving space on the table.

If you have a CRT, the computer monitor should be 60–70 cm away, and an LCD display, all other things being equal, allows you to reduce the distance to 30–50 cm. To reduce eye strain, it is important to correctly adjust the image, and first, test the monitor using special program (for example, PassMark MonitorTest).

Basic moments

According to medical standards, the optimal distance to a computer monitor should be greater than the minimum - from one and a half to two diagonals. The following formula is used for calculation: S = L * 2.54 * 1.75, where:

  • L – diagonal length in inches;
  • 2.54 – conversion factor from inches to centimeters;
  • 1.75 is the arithmetic mean between 1.5 and two diagonals.

Let’s calculate, according to the formula, the optimal distance from an office laptop with a diagonal size of 17″:

S = 17 * 2.54 * 1.75 = 75 cm.

The calculation results for different computer models are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Display diagonal size, inchesOptimal distance from eyes to screen, cm

How to organize your workspace at your computer

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How to organize your workspace at your computer

In order to protect the labor of pupils and students, employees, operators, their workplace behind the monitor should be equipped in compliance with sanitary norms and rules - SanPiN and SanPiN A competent approach to this issue will help prevent visual fatigue and other occupational diseases.

General requirements

It is preferable to place the video monitor in a corner or turn its back to the wall. If there are several computers in a studio or office, you should maintain at least 2 meters between them and do not place their displays facing each other. There are other recommendations that apply to each user:

  1. During operation, the minimum distance to the monitor screen is about 70 cm. This will avoid computer vision syndrome. If you need to look at the display and immediately move your gaze to a document lying on the table, the sheets are placed closer to the screen so as not to constantly move your head or eyes (or better yet, purchase a document stand).
  2. Lighting is arranged so that glare does not fall on the screen. They interfere with the perception of information, force you to strain your eyesight, change the position of your body - all this requires excessive effort and leads to fatigue. If there is a window behind the office worker, it is shaded with curtains or blinds. LB type lamps with 300–500 lux are used as artificial lighting.
  3. Table. Its dimensions ensure comfortable use of the computer. The height is chosen so that the top of the monitor is at eye level; the depth should ensure the standard distance from the screen; The width depends on the set of peripheral devices. The more massive the table, the better it dampens vibration.
  4. Chair. Ideally, a rotating model with adjustable height, armrests, and a semi-soft seat.
  5. Keyboard. It, like the mouse, is placed on a table or a special retractable surface, approximately at elbow level. In this case, the forearms should be relaxed and hang freely at the sides. To avoid sudden head tilts forward, the keyboard is installed at an angle of 0 to 15°.

Correct distance to computer screen

The back is tilted a few degrees back

Hands are freely placed on the armrests of the chair. Elbows and wrists are relaxed. The hands have a common axis with the forearms: they do not bend or extend. Only the fingers work. The hips are at right angles to the body, the knees are at right angles to the hips. Feet stand firmly on the floor or on a special stand.

Buy a comfortable desk chair that will allow you to effortlessly maintain the correct posture at the computer. It is desirable that you can adjust the height of the seat and the tilt of the backrest, and move on casters. The ideal back of the chair follows the curves of the spine and serves as support for the lower back.

The location of other frequently used things should not force you to remain in a crooked position for a long time, or bend to the side, especially to lift heavy objects (with such a tilt, there is a high probability of damaging the intervertebral disc).

If you work with the keyboard a lot, purchase a special wrist rest. Keyboards are sold in which the panel is divided in half with the ability to rotate the halves relative to each other and tilt them. This keyboard is more expensive and takes some getting used to, but for those who type a lot, it will be a good purchase.

An important factor in ergonomics is noise in the workplace. System units are noticeably noisy, and hard drives, especially older models, “howl.” If you work with such a computer for a long time, this will become a factor in increased fatigue. Options to solve the problem:

  • buy a special computer desk in which the system unit is stored in a drawer with a door
  • place the computer on the floor (under the table)
  • make a noise barrier separating the workplace from the system unit, place a noise-proof pad under the system unit. Just remember to ensure normal ventilation of the system unit: there should be enough free space in front of the ventilation holes (these are usually small holes or slits on the side walls of the system unit) and near the fan (its hole is usually located on the back wall).

Most people are only able to do one thing well; if the brain receives information from several sources (for example, a computer radio), fatigue increases. On the other hand, pleasant music and specially selected sound design can increase work efficiency. If you work in a noisy office, try using headphones (most CD drives make them easy to plug in) and listening to recordings of music or nature sounds.

Saturating the air with negative ions using an air ionizer (otherwise called “aeroionizers”, “Chizhevsky Chandeliers”), which have now even been learned to be built into a mouse, will help improve working conditions at the computer.

Computer and Vision: The Hidden Threat

It’s hard to imagine modern life without a flickering monitor screen.

However, in recent years, doctors have been sounding the alarm: constant work in front of a monitor increases the load on the entire body, especially the eyes.

Irina LESCHENKO, an ophthalmologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Acuvue expert, talks about how to reduce the risk of overwork and reduce the harmful effects when working at a computer.

– Computers do pose a serious risk of overloading our vision. Screen flickering, poor sharpness of characters, glare and distortion, suboptimal brightness and contrast ratios - all this creates serious problems for the user’s eyes and brain, which leads to visual discomfort and visual impairment in 60-85% of users. During the working day behind the monitor, the eyes must refocus about 20 thousand times!

Many people believe that when working with a computer, the most dangerous radiation is from the monitor. Indeed, just a couple of decades ago this was the case. However, already in the 90s, strict requirements for the quality of monitors were established, limiting electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, if today a product meets the TCO-95 or TCO-99 standard, then you can be sure that it is completely safe. The main harm from the monitor comes from prolonged static load on the organ of vision.

Dry eye syndrome and myopia

– The most common vision problem when working at a computer is the so-called “dry eye syndrome.” According to research, about 40% of office workers who regularly work at a computer complain about it. Discomfort is caused by: a decrease in the frequency of blinking, faster thinning of the tear film, the appearance of non-wettable areas of the cornea, increased exposure to the open area of ​​the eye surface, a higher angle of gaze than for performing other work at close range, incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure when blinking, anomalies blinking. Moreover, even in healthy people, when working on a computer, the frequency of blinking decreases by an average of 5 times. This increases complaints and discomfort in people already prone to dry eyes.

Monitor and eye

Working at a computer for many hours leads to visual fatigue. As well as blurred vision, muscle tension, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. And all this becomes especially noticeable at the end of the day.

But fortunately, there are several ways you can minimize discomfort and potential damage to your vision. One such method is to properly configure your monitor.

It ensures maximum productivity from your computer and protects your vision without causing eye fatigue.

Minimum and optimal distances from the eye to the monitor

Experts recommend maintaining a distance of 50-70 cm from the monitor. In addition, the user's eyes should be positioned at the same level as the top edge of the display. In addition, the center of the screen should be located 15-20° below eye level.

And to reduce eye fatigue and make reading easier, it is recommended to use a vertical monitor with a high pixel density. In this case, it should be positioned 31-35 inches from the eyes.

And also increase the text size, which will make it clear and easy to read. High-quality monitors with a resolution of 1920x1080 have a diagonal of 54 to 66 cm.

Please note that the larger the display, the further it must be placed from the eyes.

Monitor setup: basic parameters

How to set up your monitor so your eyes don't hurt:

  1. Text size . Small font on the screen may make you squint. And also strain your eyesight and get closer to the device, which leads to additional stress. And to prevent this, you need to set the appropriate text font and optimal color contrast.
  2. Text color . When it comes to color combinations, black text on a white or slightly gray background is preferable for the eyes. Low-contrast color schemes should also be avoided.
  3. Colorful temperature . Most devices contain functions that allow you to independently adjust the color temperature. For dark rooms, it is recommended to use warmer tones with a yellowish tint. And for light ones - cool shades, mainly blue. Color temperatures are measured in degrees Kelvin on a scale from 1000 to 10000°K. And, for example, in daylight it is better to use 6500°K, and in evening light - 3400°K.

The most effective way to optimize the color temperature of your monitor is to use the F.lux program. This application will be able to automatically adjust the display to the desired color temperatures. The monitor will be adjusted depending on the location of your computer and time zone. With this approach, the brightness will closely match natural light.

What screen resolution to choose

A vertical monitor displays more vertical space than a widescreen monitor with a horizontal layout. This makes it possible to see more information on the screen.

High-quality monitors with a resolution of 1920×1080 and the function of rotating between vertical and horizontal positions have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The fact that the text is stretched too wide makes it more difficult to read. Text containing about 150 characters per line is more difficult to read, while 60-95 characters per line are faster and easier to read.

Which eye monitor is better to choose:

  1. The screen can rotate and change position to horizontal or vertical.
  2. Screen diagonal is less than 60 cm.
  3. Resolution 1920x1080 or 1920x1200.
  4. The use of a TN matrix, because when using TN the eyes are less tired than with IPS or VA.
  5. Use a matte laptop screen, as a glossy one puts additional strain on the eyes.

What screen brightness should I set?

Screen glare and too much brightness, especially on LED displays, can cause eye fatigue and even headaches.

Adjust the brightness to avoid reflections on the screen and at the same time not create too much light. When the screen is bright, you can use a special anti-glare film to protect your eyes.

Many people try to adjust the monitor so that the brightness of the screen matches the brightness of the surrounding space. But if the white page on the screen looks like the light source in your room, it means the light is set too bright.

If the monitor screen is gray and looks dull and gloomy, the brightness needs to be increased.

If you work in a space where there is a lot of shine and reflective elements, then special filters with a diffraction grating will help reduce glare on your computer screen.

What contrast to choose

Too high a contrast can negatively affect your vision. Therefore, it is important to choose a high quality monitor and make the correct contrast and brightness settings. The monitor contrast should be increased to an average value of 60-70%. Next, you need to check whether the adjustment has caused excessive sharpening or distortion of images or other graphic elements.

What screen refresh rate should I set?

The viewing quality depends on the screen refresh rate setting. The frequency of 60 Hz is optimal and sufficient for everyday tasks.

If you set the frequency below 60Hz, you may experience some viewing difficulties. To achieve clarity and smooth viewing, the optimal refresh rate is adjusted.

And its values ​​depend on the screen resolution, the quality of the monitor and the type of built-in video card.

General requirements

To efficiently organize your computer workflow, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. You should create good lighting in the office. Because darkness causes the eyes to strain, which leads to fatigue.
  2. Keep indoor air clean and fresh.
  3. Eliminate or minimize room noise and distracting sounds.
  4. It's best to choose an ergonomic keyboard that will keep your wrists straight and relaxed. The elbows should be slightly pushed forward and the forearms should remain straight.
  5. The distance between monitors is from 2 m.

Installation of monitors for a surveillance system

The surveillance system makes viewing images and other documents available on central monitors.

The device can record files or transmit information via IP networks, which makes it possible to view and control a remote location online.

In this case, the correct distance between the operator and the display must be maintained, depending on the parameters of the video device and other factors.

How to install monitors in a computer lab

According to the requirements of SanPiN, the following standards must be observed:

  • the minimum allowable area for 1 computer is 6 m²;
  • the distance to the screen should be at least 50 cm from the eyes;
  • the seat height should be 38-55 cm;
  • feet should rest on the floor;
  • computer desk height - 72-75 cm.

Mistake 1: Not taking breaks

Take breaks periodically to ease and relieve eye strain. It is recommended to look away from the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.

Mistake 2: Not doing eye exercises

If you look at a monitor screen all day, your eyes get used to focusing at a short distance, which can cause vision problems.

Gymnastics for eyes and body

Eye exercises help ease this task and relieve muscle tension. 3D pictures for the eyes will also be useful for training. However, it should be borne in mind that any exercise for the eyes and body should be gentle and enjoyable.

Mistake 3: improperly equipped workplace

An improperly designed workspace can cause eye, neck, back and shoulder fatigue.

Reasons that may lead to discomfort:

  • the table or workspace is overcrowded with various foreign objects;
  • work is performed for too long in one position and without a break;
  • unsuitable chair without adjustment;
  • The lighting in the room is too bright.

The key to success and maximum productivity is a well-organized workspace. This ensures ease and comfort in the work process. It also helps focus attention and eliminate distractions.

Source: //

Optimal eye distance from the monitor according to Sanpin

Of course, to reduce the impact on the eyes when working with equipment, it is necessary to properly organize the position.

Reference! The distance itself directly depends on the characteristics of the monitor. So, below are the most important aspects that it is recommended to adhere to:

  • It is desirable that the fifteen-inch screen be at least at a minimum distance, namely 50 centimeters.
  • For owners of a seventeen-inch unit, you will need from 80 centimeters.
  • If vision does not allow you to withstand the presented limitation, then you should take care of reducing the resolution. In this case, you will also need to enlarge the font.
  • Based on the advice of SanPiN and summarizing all the requirements, it is possible to identify the optimal value range: from 40 to 70 cm. Thus, the user will be able to bypass computer vision syndrome. In order to completely protect your eyes when you need to view the display and documents on the table, it is best to install a specific stand as close to the unit as possible. This way, you won’t have to be too distracted by other pieces of paper or make sudden movements.

How to choose a monitor

3D support - allows you to play three-dimensional graphics on the monitor: 3D films, photos and games. But in this case, you need special glasses, a compatible video card in the computer, and the monitor itself must have a refresh rate of at least 120 Hz.

VESA mount - special connectors for a standardized mount or bracket that can be used to place the monitor on a wall or hang it from the ceiling.

Stereo speakers built into the monitor are most often used in monitors with a TV tuner. They will allow you to do without additional speaker systems and save space on your desktop. This option is especially convenient for voice communication on Skype, games or watching videos.

PIVOT - rotating the screen from landscape to portrait orientation will be useful when working with documents of various formats, allowing you to make the most of the monitor's working area.

The absence of backlight flickering will allow you to work at the monitor for a long time without feeling eye fatigue. If the brightness is adjusted by increasing the voltage, and not by pulse-width modulation, there will be no flickering.

A curved screen allows you to completely immerse yourself in the virtual world, especially with a large monitor diagonal. The fact is that when working on a flat analogue, the eye has to constantly refocus in order to view the image at the edges of the screen. It is much more comfortable to work with a curved model.

Height adjustment makes it possible to adjust the monitor to your personal requirements, choosing the most convenient location.

The touch screen will allow you to use the monitor as a tablet computer with the hardware power of a desktop PC. By the way, the Windows 8 operating system is specially designed with touch control in mind, including using monitors.

A TV tuner will allow you to combine the qualities of a TV and monitor, significantly expanding the functionality of the model.

Monitors with a built-in video camera are rare, but such models are on sale and will be very convenient for video calls.

For the office or working at home, a small, 19–22-inch, affordable monitor with a TN matrix is ​​suitable, which will be enough to work in office applications, correspondence on social networks and display photos and videos. If you plan to watch movies at home, then you need a monitor with an IPS matrix that will not only display the color gamut realistically, but will also give you freedom of movement around the room - the image will not be distorted regardless of the viewing angle.

If the monitor is more often used for cinema than for work, its diagonal should be 24–27 inches.
A gamer will need a TN matrix, with a good response, or a more expensive, but rich in color palette, H-IPS. A professional designer, photographer or video editor will also be suitable for a monitor with this diagonal, but the matrix should be chosen P-IPS so that the colors on the screen are as close to natural as possible. Buy a monitor

At what angle should you hold the monitor?

An important point is the angle at which your view and the device itself are located. It also makes sense to keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • The display should be installed so that its top edge is directly in front of the user's eyes.
  • The invention itself should be placed at a slight inclination of five to fifteen degrees. In such a situation, the person will sit and look down on him. This is necessary so that the organ is slightly covered by the eyelids. Therefore, drying out will not occur. In addition, the head will be slightly tilted, which will prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis. And also you will not notice muscle fatigue in the neck and back area.
  • The above-described indicators can be achieved using an adjustable stand.

In the world of technology, certain characteristics have already been identified and improved, due to which vision does not deteriorate so much. Let's take a closer look:

  1. It is a common belief that LED backlighting can cause greater fatigue. But this variety is very popular on the market and is widely used, unlike the mechanism with fluorescent lamps. However, the negative side is caused by the high intensity of the glow in the long-wavelength region of the spectrum. Accordingly, manufacturers have already invented the best option - based on two (GB-LED) or three (RGB-LED) shades.
  2. For gaming enthusiasts, the best thing to pay attention to is the response time. Because it is important that the pixels have time to switch. So representatives based on the TN matrix are considered the most reliable and safe in this regard.
  3. Advanced brightness settings. Often a person uses equipment with increased brightness in a dim room, or vice versa. This, one way or another, affects work. It is important that the invention has a wide range of this value and can automatically adapt to its environment.

Safe distance from eyes to monitor

Since modern technologies occupy a separate place in our time, we interact with them a large amount of time.

At the same time, each user is recommended to know certain measures that can protect him from negative influences or simply smooth out the degree.

In the article we will look at some rules when contacting a computer, and also learn about the elements of the device that ease the strain on your eyesight.

Optimal eye distance from the monitor according to Sanpin

Of course, to reduce the impact on the eyes when working with equipment, it is necessary to properly organize the position.

Reference! The distance itself directly depends on the characteristics of the monitor. So, below are the most important aspects that it is recommended to adhere to:

  • It is desirable that the fifteen-inch screen be at least at a minimum distance, namely 50 centimeters.
  • For owners of a seventeen-inch unit, you will need from 80 centimeters.
  • If vision does not allow you to withstand the presented limitation, then you should take care of reducing the resolution. In this case, you will also need to enlarge the font.
  • Based on the advice of SanPiN and summarizing all the requirements, it is possible to identify the optimal value range: from 40 to 70 cm. Thus, the user will be able to bypass computer vision syndrome. In order to completely protect your eyes when you need to view the display and documents on the table, it is best to install a specific stand as close to the unit as possible. This way, you won’t have to be too distracted by other pieces of paper or make sudden movements.

At what angle should you hold the monitor?

An important point is the angle at which your view and the device itself are located. It also makes sense to keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • The display should be installed so that its top edge is directly in front of the user's eyes.
  • The invention itself should be placed at a slight inclination of five to fifteen degrees. In such a situation, the person will sit and look down on him. This is necessary so that the organ is slightly covered by the eyelids. Therefore, drying out will not occur. In addition, the head will be slightly tilted, which will prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis. And also you will not notice muscle fatigue in the neck and back area.
  • The above-described indicators can be achieved using an adjustable stand.

In the world of technology, certain characteristics have already been identified and improved, due to which vision does not deteriorate so much. Let's take a closer look:

  1. It is a common belief that LED backlighting can cause greater fatigue. But this variety is very popular on the market and is widely used, unlike the mechanism with fluorescent lamps. However, the negative side is caused by the high intensity of the glow in the long-wavelength region of the spectrum. Accordingly, manufacturers have already invented the best option - based on two (GB-LED) or three (RGB-LED) shades.
  2. For gaming enthusiasts, the best thing to pay attention to is the response time. Because it is important that the pixels have time to switch. So representatives based on the TN matrix are considered the most reliable and safe in this regard.
  3. Advanced brightness settings. Often a person uses equipment with increased brightness in a dim room, or vice versa. This, one way or another, affects work. It is important that the invention has a wide range of this value and can automatically adapt to its environment.


You should briefly summarize the information and highlight the most serious points, the implementation of which can definitely reduce harm:

  1. First of all, it is important to choose a device with optimal characteristics. A 15-inch display needs to be used at a distance of up to 60 cm.
  2. Natural light should come from the left side.
  3. The time for continuous work is two hours for an adult. For children, half an hour is enough. The break must be kept at 15 minutes.
  4. Special attitude towards games: it is advisable to reduce the time period for them.
  5. The structure should be installed against the wall, respectively, with its rear surface.
  6. It will be better if you wash your face after work and ventilate the room. And also try to regularly eliminate all possible dust.
  7. Musical accompaniment during the work process is highly undesirable. This is explained by the fact that the organ being described relaxes. And because of this, he may get tired prematurely, which will reduce the permissible time spent behind the screen.
  8. Buy special stands for documents so that you don’t have to look far away while searching for them.
  9. The mechanism that holds the screen should be supported and adjustable.
  10. Try to get rid of glare by using the backlight, which was discussed above in the article.

Thus, in order not to harm your own health, it is extremely important to attach value to each of the points. And arrange your position in front of the computer with maximum comfort and convenience.

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You should briefly summarize the information and highlight the most serious points, the implementation of which can definitely reduce harm:

  1. First of all, it is important to choose a device with optimal characteristics. A 15-inch display needs to be used at a distance of up to 60 cm.
  2. Natural light should come from the left side.
  3. The time for continuous work is two hours for an adult. For children, half an hour is enough. The break must be kept at 15 minutes.
  4. Special attitude towards games: it is advisable to reduce the time period for them.
  5. The structure should be installed against the wall, respectively, with its rear surface.
  6. It will be better if you wash your face after work and ventilate the room. And also try to regularly eliminate all possible dust.
  7. Musical accompaniment during the work process is highly undesirable. This is explained by the fact that the organ being described relaxes. And because of this, he may get tired prematurely, which will reduce the permissible time spent behind the screen.
  8. Buy special stands for documents so that you don’t have to look far away while searching for them.
  9. The mechanism that holds the screen should be supported and adjustable.
  10. Try to get rid of glare by using the backlight, which was discussed above in the article.

Thus, in order not to harm your own health, it is extremely important to attach value to each of the points. And arrange your position in front of the computer with maximum comfort and convenience.

Recommendations based on specifications

You should briefly summarize the information and highlight the most serious points, the implementation of which can definitely reduce harm:

  1. First of all, it is important to choose a device with optimal characteristics. A 15-inch display needs to be used at a distance of up to 60 cm.
  2. Natural light should come from the left side.
  3. The time for continuous work is two hours for an adult. For children, half an hour is enough. The break must be kept at 15 minutes.
  4. Special attitude towards games: it is advisable to reduce the time period for them.
  5. The structure should be installed against the wall, respectively, with its rear surface.
  6. It will be better if you wash your face after work and ventilate the room. And also try to regularly eliminate all possible dust.
  7. Musical accompaniment during the work process is highly undesirable. This is explained by the fact that the organ being described relaxes. And because of this, he may get tired prematurely, which will reduce the permissible time spent behind the screen.
  8. Buy special stands for documents so that you don’t have to look far away while searching for them.
  9. The mechanism that holds the screen should be supported and adjustable.
  10. Try to get rid of glare by using the backlight, which was discussed above in the article.

Distance table depending on screen diagonal

When using electronic gadgets, a person is unaware that it is necessary to maintain a minimum distance from them. This parameter depends on the screen diagonal. For example, if a person is using a phone, it can be brought closer to the eyes. If it is a widescreen format, a person who comes close to the monitor risks their eyesight.

As a result, ophthalmologists developed a table in which the minimum distance was calculated.

Monitor diagonal, inchesRecommended distance from the eyes to the monitor, at which the organs of vision will not be damaged, cm

The required distance to the monitor increases gradually. If there is an error of a few centimeters, this does not mean that vision will be impaired.

What should be the distance to the monitor?

The human eye is designed in such a way that it normally perceives an image that deviates no more than 20 degrees vertically and horizontally from the axis perpendicular to the screen plane.

This can be achieved if you place the display at a distance from the eyes one and a half to two times greater than the diagonal of the monitor. It is easy to calculate for which diagonal what distance is recommended:

  • 20 inches – 75–100 cm;
  • 22 inches – 82–100 cm;
  • 24 inches – 90–120 cm.
  • 27 inches – 100–135 cm.

You should remember your own individual characteristics - for some users the comfortable distance from the eyes to the monitor may be greater, and working with it will not cause significant fatigue.

However, this is the exception rather than the rule. If visual acuity is insufficient to see the image and text on the screen, the eyes will be constantly strained.

This not only leads to overwork, but can also cause headaches and a general deterioration in well-being.

Reducing the minimum distance below the minimum recommended limit is not recommended at all. If, when the display is optimally positioned, you squint to see what's happening on the screen, it looks like it's time to order glasses.

Correct position at the computer

When using a computer, you must follow a number of important rules to prevent many negative conditions:

  • you need to sit upright, on a chair with a backrest; if a person gets tired, you can lean on it;
  • the neck and back are straight, this prevents the formation of stoop and osteochondrosis;
  • the chair should be moved towards the table on which the computer is located, the person should not bend over to reach it;
  • It is recommended to select not an ordinary chair, but a special work chair with a soft back;
  • the head is held straight, the eyes look directly at the computer monitor, and there is no need to arch, look up or, conversely, down;
  • the table should be similar to a work table or a kitchen one, you cannot use high counters or low desks; in the first case, the person will have to raise his head, and in the second, he will have to bend over the computer;
  • legs should be lowered to the floor to ensure normal blood circulation throughout the body;
  • while typing text, there is no need to bend over the keyboard; you can move it or the entire laptop so that you don’t have to bend your shoulders;
  • To give yourself a warm-up, you can periodically get up and walk around, concentrating your gaze on distant objects.

If these rules are followed, the risk of decreased visual acuity and increased eye strain will not be eliminated, but only reduced.

Optimal distances from the eyes to the monitor at different diagonals

Greetings, dear readers and friends! According to statistics, myopia, that is, myopia caused by the use of computers and other devices with a display (tablets, smartphones, TVs, etc.), today affects 65 to 80% of users.

It's something of an epidemic: not only adults, but many children and teenagers wear glasses or contact lenses. There is every reason to believe that the situation will only get worse in the future.

In addition to decreased visual acuity, many complain of “dry eye syndrome.” When carefully examining the screen, a person, as a rule, stops blinking even involuntarily.

And this is not only discomfort, but also an additional risk of overworking the eyes, which over time will lead to more serious consequences.

However, not everything is as terrible as it might seem. If you organize your workspace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection regulations, the risks are significantly reduced.

Today we will look at what the distance from the eyes to the monitor should be and what recommendations should be followed when working at the computer in order to get tired less and do more.

What should be the distance to the monitor?

The human eye is designed in such a way that it normally perceives an image that deviates no more than 20 degrees vertically and horizontally from the axis perpendicular to the plane of the screen. This can be achieved if the display is positioned at a distance from the eyes one and a half to two times greater than the diagonal of the monitor. It is easy to calculate for which diagonal what distance is recommended:

  • 20 inches – 75–100 cm;
  • 22 inches – 82–100 cm;
  • 24 inches – 90–120 cm.
  • 27 inches – 100–135 cm.

You should remember your own individual characteristics - for some users the comfortable distance from the eyes to the monitor may be greater, and working with it will not cause significant fatigue.

However, this is the exception rather than the rule. If visual acuity is insufficient to see the image and text on the screen, the eyes will be constantly strained.

This not only leads to overwork, but can also cause headaches and a general deterioration in well-being.

Reducing the minimum distance below the minimum recommended limit is not recommended at all. If, when the display is optimally positioned, you squint to see what's happening on the screen, it looks like it's time to order glasses.

Recommendations for working on a computer

A modern person, on average, spends up to 50 hours a week in front of a monitor. Of course, for many this period is significantly longer. These few simple tips will help you organize your workspace correctly, which will ensure less eye fatigue:

  • During focusing, the body's reflexes slow down. Remember to blink frequently to prevent your eyes from drying out.
  • Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the monitor and look at objects six meters in front of you out of focus for 20 seconds. During this time, the eye muscles will receive the necessary relaxation and rest.
  • The top edge of the monitor should be at eye level or slightly below. To achieve this, use a desk with height adjustment and a similar chair, preferably ergonomic.
  • You can achieve the optimal viewing angle by tilting the monitor 20 degrees away from you.
  • Remember to regularly clean the surface of the screen to remove dust and fingerprints.
  • Position the monitor so that it does not reflect other objects - windows, lamps, etc. An appropriate coating or monitor with a matte surface will help to avoid glare.
  • Use an adjustable chair to position yourself at the optimal distance from the monitor. Read more about proper seating in front of the monitor here.
  • When working with text or numbers, use appropriately sized characters. All this can be changed in the settings of the programs you use. When reading Internet sites, the zoom can be changed by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl button.

These recommendations are not mandatory - you can continue to use the monitor as you are used to, gradually noticing how your vision and posture deteriorate.

As for the youngest PC users, the recommendations for children are almost the same. The main difference is that you can use any gadgets with a screen for no more than half an hour a day. For teenagers, the permissible period is longer, but should not exceed two hours in total.

The safest thing to do is not let your child use a computer or tablet at all. However, in our progressive age this is unrealistic - kids love to watch children's bloggers and cartoons about Luntik.

Of course, it’s different in different families, but in most cases, almost any modern child is an active user of various electronic gadgets.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend a couple of good monitors with screen diagonals of 24 and 27 inches, respectively – Samsung S24F350FHI (F350FHIX) and ViewSonic VX2776-SMHD 27″.

Also, if you wish, I advise you to read about comparing monitors from different brands. Subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss interesting publications. Till tomorrow!

Sincerely, blog author Andrey Andreev


High-quality and properly configured monitor

To preserve the function of the visual organs, it is necessary not only to sit correctly in front of the computer, but the device itself must be configured.
The monitor should not be too pale, but not too bright. Its illumination should be proportional to artificial or daylight in the room. There should be no glare on the screen that would make viewing images difficult.

The monitor screen should be parallel to the human body. But it should not be tilted back or forward, as this will require the person to change their body position, which is not recommended.

It is recommended to select the parameters for the monitor according to the need for its use. If a person works on it daily or studies, it should be small. The larger the monitor, the further you need to sit from it. Therefore, small screens are suitable for constant work.

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