Color pulse therapy in eye treatment


  • 1 Light is a miraculous elixir
  • 2 Causes of photophobia
  • 3 Stages of gradually accustoming your eyes to the sun
  • 4 Color therapy for eyes


About the beneficial effects of sunlight on the eyes

and more than enough has been written about the close interaction of the heavenly body and the organs of vision. In order to be convinced of the decisive role of light for the eyes, it is enough to place people with different vision in absolute darkness.

Agree that, regardless of the degree of visual pathology, all participants in the experiment will be equally blind. It is not for nothing that the Bible said that “the sun is both food and drink for the eyes,” and the medical encyclopedia defines the eye as an organ of vision that perceives light stimuli.

The healing properties of light have been known since ancient times.

The ancient Greeks left records of the theory and practice of solar therapy they developed. The city of Heliopolis (city of the Sun) was famous for its healing temples, in which light was used to heal people. There is evidence of the medicinal use of spectral components of light - the colors of the rainbow - in Ancient Egypt. In particular, ancient Egyptian doctors prescribed wearing clothes of a certain color as a means of healing from various diseases.

Among modern scientists who studied the influence of light on living organisms was the American D. Stipler. He proceeded from the fact that since all life on Earth exists thanks to sunlight, light is something more than a source of heat and food. Becoming a follower of Stipler, American psychologist, doctor at a clinic in Colorado, Jacob Lieberman, fleshed out his ideas and began to use light in his medical practice.

Over 30 years of practical work, he managed to cure more than 15 thousand people from cancer, eye and cardiovascular diseases.

His technique also helps with sexual disorders and disorders of the immune system.
Based on his rich experience, he suggested that sunlight is a miraculous elixir that can heal all diseases. However, how can light affect health?
We are accustomed to thinking that the eyes perform only one function - to see. We do not know about their other amazing purpose - to be “windows” through which light enters our body. Lieberman argues that as the light ray passes through the optic nerve, it splits into two. One impulse goes to the part of the brain where it directly creates a visual image. Another impulse enters the hypothalamus, the most important part of the brain connected with the entire body, and primarily with the nervous and endocrine systems. It is thanks to the hypothalamus that blood pressure and body temperature are maintained at a certain level, our heart beats, we experience joy, fear, hunger, etc.

EXERCISE N 46 (2nd stage)

Stand facing bright sunlight with your eyes still closed. Now begin to freely, without tension, turn your head and body first to the right, then to the left, lifting your heels off the ground to facilitate this process and thinking as follows: “The sun floats past me to the left, then right again, left again, and so on again and again, always in direction opposite to my turn." What you think about while solarizing is very important because it prevents your closed eyelids from staring at the sun and keeping your eyes glued to it as you spin. Let the sun pass by you.

↑ Light is a miraculous elixir

Yes, light is a miracle elixir for the whole body. With the help of light, since ancient times, people have been getting rid of many diseases, and especially eye diseases, about which a lot of scientific evidence has accumulated.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a German doctor from Bonn, G. Meyer-Schwickerath, reported at an international congress of ophthalmologists in New York that patients with serious eye diseases were helped by looking at the sun with open eyes during sunset. Many of Bates' followers successfully use sunlight and artificial light to strengthen the eyes in any pathology.

Why is it that today we are faced with a craze for people with sunglasses?

Why do people, having barely waited for warm sunny days, immediately put on dark glasses? Moreover, this trend appeared quite recently, literally a few decades ago. Remember Panikovsky from “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov: it was enough for this comic hero to put black glasses on his nose and pick up a cane, and people began to mistake him for a blind man, such a rare phenomenon was then. And many of the older people among my listeners do not remember that wearing dark glasses was so common in their youth.

When I ask my associates what they think is causing this sudden change in the situation, various versions are given: harmful ultraviolet radiation, the need to hide a bad conscience, protect yourself from wrinkles, get rid of the discomfort experienced from bright light, and, finally, fashion. In this case, the version about the dangers of light and ultraviolet sounds especially unconvincing, although to many it seems the most valid reason for hiding your eyes under dark glasses. According to this baseless assertion, an organ that had successfully adapted for millions of years to any solar influence suddenly became unable to tolerate it without such charitable mediation. And we seem to have forgotten that in the eyes of all living beings there is a wonderful adaptive mechanism - the pupil, which perfectly protects us with its narrowing from excess light when the sun is too intense, and vice versa.

Alas, the more we use dark glasses, the worse this adaptation mechanism works and the weaker our eyes, our body and even our brain become, not receiving enough beneficial solar energy.

Eye solarization: what is it?

Solarization has a comprehensive effect on all structures of the eye.
Solarization is a method that restores visual acuity through exposure to sunlight. The technique was developed and tested by an ophthalmologist from the USA, Bates, back in the 20th century.

By treating the retina of the eye with natural or artificial light, we achieve the following:

  1. the muscles responsible for the functioning of the pupil work more actively;
  2. blood circulation increases;
  3. the retina of the organ of vision is strengthened;
  4. eliminates eye inflammation;
  5. the effect of pathogenic microbes is reduced.

The second side of solarization is preparing the eyes for better vision of brightly lit objects. Eyes prepared by exposure to light will not get tired and there will be no painful sensations in them.

The procedure is performed on the organ of vision both with eyes open in the evening and with eyes closed at noon. Instead of the sun, use a regular light bulb or candle.

↑ Causes of photophobia

Let us omit the moral and ethical considerations of wearing glasses by some people who are trying to hide behind dark glasses for some reason.

Fear of wrinkles... The more we fear sunlight and consider it harmful to the eyes, the more we squint and frown when we suddenly find ourselves in the light. It is clear that our eyes, overtired and overstrained from prolonged work and improper use, painfully perceive such external stimuli. But is the sun to blame?

In fact, the main causes of photophobia are, oddly enough, fashion and the belief imposed on us that light is harmful to the eyes. Around the middle of the last century, one of the idols of the crowd came up with the idea of ​​darkening their eyes and going on stage like that. Maybe this man decided to change his image, or maybe he just wanted to hide the consequences of a stormy, sleepless night on his face. Immediately hundreds and thousands of his fans wanted to follow the example of their idol. The demand for rare glasses for the blind has increased sharply, which gives rise to you know what. Well, in order not only to satisfy demand, but to recoup all costs, it is necessary to expand production and, accordingly, the need for goods. How? Very simple. In certain medical circles, the myth that light is harmful to the eyes needs to be created by spreading it among the population.

As a result, medical alarmists, as well as the traders and advertisers exploiting these pundits, for their own benefit, convinced the general public that ordinary sunlight contains harmful ultraviolet radiation, thereby instilling a panic about it.

«It is not true

, says Aldous Huxley in his book, “
but if you believe that it is so and act accordingly, you do the same harm to your eyes as if this delusion were actually true.
If faith moves mountains, then it is much easier for it to ruin people’s vision. Observe people suffering from photophobia who are suddenly thrust into bright light. They know that the sun is bad for them. As a result, what grimaces, what frowning eyebrows! What obvious symptoms of overwork and tension! Generated by a false belief, a purely mental fear of light expresses itself physically in the form of a tense and completely abnormal state of the sensory apparatus. Instead of experiencing sunlight with ease and bliss, the eyes suffer from discomfort and tissue inflammation that develops due to instilled fear. Hence even greater suffering and even greater conviction that light is harmful to you. "

But even if you have no inherent fear of light and still suffer from its effects, then you are simply using your visual organs incorrectly. Excessively exploited and overstrained in conditions of artificial light sources, the eyes are simply no longer able to respond normally to external stimuli. Bright light is painful for tired eyes, but the more we hide from it, the weaker our visual organs will be and the stronger the false fears and discomfort. Acquire a bad habit of wearing dark glasses

as easy as becoming addicted to alcohol and tobacco, especially if this addiction is constantly supported by the media. Already in our days, we have witnessed how quickly foreign beer barons, who bought our breweries and built their own, instilled in the population the most terrible belief in the harmlessness and popularity of their product. It’s hard to call this destructive poison and drug a drink. Nevertheless, women, teenagers, and almost the entire male population of the country joyfully and selflessly indulge in self-poisoning, naively believing that it is good for their health, beneficial for the state and safe for mental and physical activity.

Returning to dark glasses, we can safely say that wearing sunglasses has in no way reduced the percentage of people with poor vision and has not yet saved anyone from one or another refractive error. On the contrary, there are many cases where people noted worsening vision after a hot summer, when dark glasses were practically not removed from their faces. And not surprisingly, dark glasses themselves often attract the entire solar spectrum, focusing its radiation on the eyes. They began to openly write about this in newspaper articles, calling for people to buy not cheap glasses with colored lenses, but branded glasses that supposedly absorb ultraviolet radiation. However, such frames cost at least 200-400 dollars. Guess where and where the wind is blowing.

Those who have not succumbed to fashion, have not accustomed themselves to dark glasses and boldly face the sun's rays, do not experience any discomfort and are distinguished by bright, rich eye color and excellent vision.

Look, for example, at sailors, fishermen, shepherds, hunters and other people whose professions involve prolonged exposure to the air.

What shining, expressive eyes sometimes on a rough, stale face. “ Doctors have always been amazed by the deeply healthy pinkness of a well-solarized retina, in contrast to the usual pallor of eyes suffering from lack of sunlight

“, says M. Corbett in his book “How to Get Good Vision Without Glasses.”

And who in the animal world is the standard of vigilance for us?

Of course, birds. Eagles, golden eagles, falcons - those who fly high in the sky, look at the sun with open eyes and are literally able to see a mouse or other prey from a bird's eye view. Well, symbols of blindness are underground and nocturnal animals, and above all, of course, the mole.

No, just don’t think that you need to run away right now and boldly expose your eyes to the sun. In no case. Especially if you have photophobia and an unconscious or conscious fear of the sun. The first thing to start with in this case is to banish the fear of light from the mind and gain confidence in the non-danger of the sun, which is realized in us only through gradual accustoming to it. The stages of such gradual getting used to the sun and weaning off glasses will be outlined below, and they must be followed, but for now I would like to say that for certain types of activities, protective glasses are simply necessary.

And it is no coincidence that the equipment of mountaineers, rock climbers and skiers necessarily includes sunglasses. Snow sparkling in the sun really blinds the eyes and threatens the safety of people in extreme professions. You should protect your visual organs from the blinding sun in the desert, from the glare of the sun on the surface of the water and from reflected rays on the asphalt surface.

However, I myself was faced with the fact that glasses while driving gradually became a hindrance, not protection. Despite the fact that before I couldn’t even walk without dark glasses. I have already said that for many years my “optical crutches” had special “chameleon” glasses that tend to darken in the sun. Having taken off my glasses, I suffered for a long time from direct interaction with the sun, since my pupils, apparently, had completely lost the ability to adapt. In the course of getting used to the sun, I lost a lot of dark glasses (which is also a typical fact), until I bought branded glasses in Italy. And they began to be used mainly as hairbands, only occasionally used for their intended purpose.

So, start by banishing fear and falling in love with the sun during sunset and sunrise. Always different and such a beautiful sight of the setting sun can become the brightest everyday event in the life of every person. For example, especially for this purpose I am adding a balcony to my country house, from where I can watch the setting sun for a long time. And I am keenly envious of those people who have the fortunate ability to get up early in the morning and admire the magnificent picture of the sunrise. 10-15 minutes a day of such morning or evening contemplation will saturate your eyes with energy, strength and beauty. And most importantly, they will leave magnificent visual impressions in your memory and distract you from the dullness of everyday life and bustle.

Current issues



How quickly can strabismus be cured?

Treatment of strabismus is a complex and lengthy process. Doctors recommend starting it as early as possible



If the child has strabismus, a bandage is applied to the healthy eye. Treatment takes a long time. Will he “forget” how to see with it?

Treatment using this method requires constant monitoring of visual acuity (VA) of the healthy eye, and to increase the VA of the worse eye, there is a special complex of hardware treatment (laser therapy, amblyocor, electrical stimulation, etc.)



What is amblyopia?

Amblyopia, or “lazy eye”, is a persistent decrease in visual acuity in one of the eyes, without any noticeable improvement with the help of optical correction devices. Amblyopia develops exclusively at an early age and without proper treatment leads to irreparable consequences - low vision, not amenable to optical correction, for life. The disease most often develops when the optics of the eyes are very different (squint, high degree of farsightedness or myopia). In this case, the eyes receive too different images, and in order to avoid visual chaos, the brain seems to turn off the image from the worse-seeing eye.

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↑ Stages of gradually accustoming the eyes to the sun

First stage.

Stand on the edge of thick shade with one foot in the sun and the other in the shade. Take off your glasses, raise your head, close your eyes and gently turn your head either towards the sun or into the shadow, while saying: “The sun comes, the sun goes.” You can simply sway, transferring your body weight from one leg to the other, you can simply make large turns. Even with severe photophobia and serious eye diseases, this technique is completely safe and will not cause any harm. Only after getting used to the light of the sun in such a comfortable way should you move on to the next stage of interaction with the sun. For some, the first stage may take very little time, while for others it may take weeks or months. Do not hurry. Everything has its time.

Second phase.

Stand facing the sun, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your head, close your eyes and make large turns, repeating to yourself: “The sun goes to the right, the sun goes to the left...” Repeating this phrase helps not to stick your eyes to the sun during rotations and relieves dizziness.

At this stage, you can stop and do solarization only this way. It is convenient because it does not require any special conditions: where the sun found you, that’s where they started swinging. At the bus stop, on the street, in the park, near your front door and even on the balcony. By the way, solarization can be done while sitting, simply turning your head from side to side and closing your eyes. And you don’t have to look for secluded places, or wait until you find yourself outside the city or on your Dacha plot. I repeatedly swung demonstratively with my eyes closed right on Nevsky Prospekt, in parks and at bus stops. And not once did anyone stop or offend me in any way. During all this time, only two bored grannies in the park took an interest in the exercise, and they were very grateful to me when they found out how easy it is to help your eyes.

And when your eyes completely stop flinching when your closed eyelids are exposed to bright light, you can move on.

Third stage.

Stand in front of the sun, cover one eye with your palm or a bandage and make slow turns with your body, glancing with your open eye at the ground at your feet. In this case, you should blink quickly and easily with both eyes and breathe correctly. Then, raising our head and elbow, we continue to turn and blink quickly, looking directly at the sun. After performing the turns several times, we repeat the same with the other eye, and then combine both eyes. If, while performing this and other variations of the exercise, you feel that ripples and glare have appeared in your eyes, move into the shadows and palm for twice as long as the solarization itself lasted.

During periods when there is no sun, you can perform this exercise with a lamp, preferably a halogen one, with a bright reflector. The lamp should be located approximately 15 cm from the face, with a power of about 150 watts. You can take a more powerful lamp with a very bright reflector, but place it further away, about a meter away from you. At the same time, you should feel a slight warmth on your face.

Agree that such harmless interaction with the sun cannot be harmful to health or dangerous to the eyes. However, restoring a normal reaction to light is only one of the important points in the art of vision. The newly acquired ability to easily and comfortably respond to sunlight will become an element of dynamic relaxation, without which there can be no perfect vision. And plus, you will find a great way to relieve mental stress, accessible to everyone and effective for everyone.

This is what Margaret, already familiar to us, writes about the benefits of solarization. D. Corbett:

«Once your eyes begin to perceive sunlight with ease, you will be overcome by a pleasant feeling of physical comfort that the sun gives you. You will not be left with a feeling of soothing lightness and mental relaxation. You won't get even half the sensations that you achieve in sunlight in your dark rooms.

From a physiological point of view, strengthening light-sensitive eyes is priceless, since they no longer suffer from the glare of the sun on the surface of mountain lakes and on the ocean expanse, snow sparkling in the sun. Not to mention achieving a sense of comfort in city life, where there is a lot of illumination and light from car headlights. This comfort alone is worth the effort of relaxing the retinal nerves, allowing you to easily perceive any light, no matter how strong it may be.

Add to this the increased visual power that the sun provides to the retinal nerves and optic nerve, and the sun is something to be reckoned with. When a person understands that the sun keeps the eyes healthy and strengthens weak eyes by increasing the metabolism in them, thus cleansing them of toxins, he can hardly overestimate the benefits of sunlight for the eyes.”

There are many more methods and techniques of solarization described by Bates and his followers, some of which are described in one of my collections, which I give as an appendix to my listeners.

Despite all the different interpretations of solarization options, all authors agree on the main thing:

* Properly performed solarization is completely harmless, despite all the frightening threats and warnings from doctors. On the contrary, the eyes always relax, blood circulation increases, vision improves, inflammation of the eyelids and the eyes themselves slows down or disappears altogether.

* You cannot look at the sun for a long time and intently, but it is better not to look at it with open eyes at all when the luminary is at its zenith. But even a temporary deterioration in vision in such cases soon goes away without any consequences, especially when mastering relaxation techniques.

EXERCISE N 45 (1st stage)

First of all, you need to take off your glasses. Stand on the edge of dense shade. This could be a corner of the house or a lit doorway. Place one foot on a shady area of ​​the ground and the other on a brightly sunny area. Now close your eyes and, after taking a deep breath, begin to turn your head from side to side so that your closed eyes alternate between the unlit area and the area on which the sunlight falls. At the same time, the head should be raised high enough so that the sun hits directly into the gap between the edges of the closed eyelids and the eyebrows. While turning, think: “The sun is approaching, the sun is moving away.” Repeat these turns until your closed eyes stop flinching in the sun from pain.

Chapter 9. Solarization
The sun is both food and drink for the eyes
More than enough has been written about the beneficial effects of sunlight on the eyes and the close interaction between the heavenly body and the organs of vision. In order to be convinced of the decisive role of light for the eyes, it is enough to place people with different vision in absolute darkness. Agree that, regardless of the degree of visual pathology, all participants in the experiment will be equally blind. It is not for nothing that the Bible said that “the sun is both food and drink for the eyes,” and the medical encyclopedia defines the eye as an organ of vision that perceives light stimuli.

The healing properties of light have been known since ancient times. The ancient Greeks left records of the theory and practice of solar therapy they developed. The city of Heliopolis (city of the Sun) was famous for its healing temples, in which light was used to heal people. There is evidence of the medicinal use of spectral components of light - the colors of the rainbow - in Ancient Egypt. In particular, ancient Egyptian doctors prescribed wearing clothes of a certain color as a means of healing from various diseases.

Among modern scientists who studied the influence of light on living organisms was the American D-Stipler. He proceeded from the fact that since all life on Earth exists thanks to the sun, light is something more than a source of heat and food. Becoming a follower of Stipler, American psychologist, doctor at a clinic in Colorado, Jacob Lieberman, fleshed out his ideas and began to use light in his medical practice. Over 30 years of practical work, he managed to cure more than 15 thousand people from cancer, eye and cardiovascular diseases. His technique also helps with sexual disorders and disorders of the immune system. Based on his rich experience, he suggested that sunlight is a miraculous elixir that can heal all diseases.

However, how can light affect health?

We are accustomed to thinking that the eyes perform only one function - to see.
We do not know about their other amazing purpose - to be “windows” through which light enters our body. Lieberman argues that as the light ray passes through the optic nerve, it splits into two. One impulse goes to the part of the brain where it directly creates a visual image. Another impulse enters the hypothalamus, the most important part of the brain connected with the entire body, and primarily with the nervous and endocrine systems. It is thanks to the hypothalamus that blood pressure and body temperature are maintained at a certain level, our heart beats, we experience joy, fear, hunger, etc. Light is a miraculous elixir
Yes, light is a miraculous elixir for the whole body. With the help of light, since ancient times, people have been getting rid of many diseases, and especially eye diseases, about which a lot of scientific evidence has accumulated.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a German doctor from Bonn, G. Meyer-Schwickerath, reported at an international congress of ophthalmologists in New York that patients with serious eye diseases were helped by looking at the sun with open eyes during sunset. Many of Bates' followers successfully use sunlight and artificial light to strengthen the eyes in any pathology.

Why is it that today we are faced with a craze for people with sunglasses? Why do people, having barely waited for warm sunny days, immediately put on dark glasses? Moreover, this trend appeared quite recently, literally a few decades ago. Remember Panikovsky from “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov: it was enough for this comic hero to put black glasses on his nose and pick up a cane, and people began to mistake him for a blind man, this was a rare phenomenon then. And many of the older people among my listeners do not remember that wearing dark glasses was so common in their youth.

When I ask my associates what they think is causing this sudden change in the situation, various versions are given: harmful ultraviolet radiation, the need to hide a bad conscience, protect yourself from wrinkles, get rid of the discomfort experienced from bright light, and, finally, fashion.

In this case, the version about the dangers of light and ultraviolet sounds especially unconvincing, although to many it seems the most valid reason for hiding your eyes under dark glasses.
According to this baseless assertion, an organ that had successfully adapted for millions of years to any solar influence suddenly became unable to tolerate it without such charitable mediation. And we seem to have forgotten that in the eyes of all living beings there is a wonderful adaptive mechanism - the pupil, which perfectly protects us with its narrowing from excess light when the sun is too intense, and vice versa. Alas, the more we use dark glasses, the worse this adaptation mechanism works and the weaker our eyes, our body and even our brain become, not receiving enough beneficial solar energy. Causes of photophobia
Let's omit the moral and ethical considerations of wearing glasses by some people who are trying to hide behind dark glasses for some reason.

Fear of wrinkles... The more we fear sunlight and consider it harmful to the eyes, the more we squint and frown when we suddenly find ourselves in the light. It is clear that our eyes, overtired and overstrained from prolonged work and improper use, painfully perceive such external stimuli. But is the sun to blame?

In fact, the main causes of photophobia are, oddly enough, fashion and the belief imposed on us that light is harmful to the eyes. Around the middle of the last century, one of the idols of the crowd came up with the idea of ​​darkening their eyes and going on stage like that. Maybe this man decided to change his image, or maybe he just wanted to hide the consequences of a stormy, sleepless night on his face. Immediately hundreds and thousands of his fans wanted to follow the example of their idol. The demand for rare glasses for the blind has increased sharply, which gives rise to you know what. Well, in order not only to satisfy demand, but to recoup all costs, it is necessary to expand production and, accordingly, the need for goods. How? Very simple. In certain medical circles, the myth that light is harmful to the eyes needs to be created by spreading it among the population.

As a result, medical alarmists, as well as the traders and advertisers exploiting these pundits, for their own benefit, convinced the general public that ordinary sunlight contains harmful ultraviolet radiation, thereby instilling a panic about it. “This is not true,” says Aldous Huxley in his book, “but if you believe it to be true and act accordingly, you will do as much harm to your eyes as if the falsehood were actually true. If faith moves mountains, then it is much easier for it to ruin people’s vision. Observe people suffering from photophobia who are suddenly thrust into bright light. They know that the sun is bad for them. As a result, what grimaces, what frowning eyebrows! What obvious symptoms of overwork and tension! Generated by a false belief, a purely mental fear of light expresses itself physically in the form of a tense and completely abnormal state of the sensory apparatus. Instead of experiencing sunlight with ease and bliss, the eyes suffer from discomfort and tissue inflammation that develops due to instilled fear. Hence even greater suffering and an even greater conviction that light is harmful to you.”

But even if you have no inherent fear of light and still suffer from its effects, then you are simply using your visual organs incorrectly. Excessively exploited and overstrained in conditions of artificial light sources, the eyes are simply no longer able to respond normally to external stimuli. Bright light is painful for tired eyes, but the more we hide from it, the weaker our visual organs will be and the stronger the false fears and discomfort.

Acquiring a bad habit of dark glasses is as easy as becoming addicted to alcohol and tobacco, especially if this addiction is constantly supported by the media. Already in our days, we have witnessed how quickly foreign beer barons, who bought our breweries and built their own, instilled in the population the most terrible belief in the harmlessness and popularity of their product. It’s hard to call this destructive poison and drug a drink. Nevertheless, women, teenagers, and almost the entire male population of the country joyfully and selflessly indulge in self-poisoning, naively believing that it is good for their health, beneficial for the state and safe for mental and physical activity.

Returning to dark glasses, we can safely say that wearing sunglasses has in no way reduced the percentage of people with poor vision and has not yet saved anyone from one or another refractive error. On the contrary, there are many cases where people noted worsening vision after a hot summer, when dark glasses were practically not removed from their faces. And not surprisingly, dark glasses themselves often attract the entire solar spectrum, focusing its radiation on the eyes. They began to openly write about this in newspaper articles, calling for people to buy not cheap glasses with colored lenses, but branded glasses that supposedly absorb ultraviolet radiation. However, such frames cost at least 200–400 dollars. Guess where and where the wind is blowing.

Those who have not succumbed to fashion, have not accustomed themselves to dark glasses and boldly face the sun's rays, do not experience any discomfort and are distinguished by bright, rich eye color and excellent vision.

Look, for example, at sailors, fishermen, shepherds, hunters and other people whose professions involve prolonged exposure to the air.

What shining, expressive eyes sometimes on a rough, stale face. “Doctors have always been amazed at the deeply healthy pinkness of a well-solarized retina, in contrast to the usual pallor of eyes suffering from lack of sunlight,” says M. Corbett in his book “How to Get Good Vision Without Glasses.”

And who in the animal world is the standard of vigilance for us? Of course, birds. Eagles, golden eagles, falcons - those who fly high in the sky, look at the sun with open eyes and are literally able to see a mouse or other prey from a bird's eye view. Well, symbols of blindness are underground and nocturnal animals, and above all, of course, the mole.

No, just don’t think that you need to run away right now and boldly expose your eyes to the sun. In no case. Especially if you have photophobia and an unconscious or conscious fear of the sun. The first thing to start with in this case is to banish the fear of light from the mind and gain confidence in the non-danger of the sun, which is realized in us only through gradual accustoming to it. The stages of such gradual getting used to the sun and weaning off glasses will be outlined below, and they must be followed, but for now I would like to say that for certain types of activities, protective glasses are simply necessary. And it is no coincidence that the equipment of mountaineers, rock climbers and skiers necessarily includes sunglasses. Snow sparkling in the sun really blinds the eyes and threatens the safety of people in extreme professions. You should protect your visual organs from the blinding sun in the desert, from the glare of the sun on the surface of the water and from reflected rays on the asphalt surface.

However, I myself was faced with the fact that glasses while driving gradually became a hindrance, not protection. Despite the fact that before I couldn’t even walk without dark glasses. I have already said that for many years my “optical crutches” had special “chameleon” glasses that tend to darken in the sun. Having taken off my glasses, I suffered for a long time from direct interaction with the sun, since my pupils, apparently, had completely lost the ability to adapt. In the course of getting used to the sun, I lost a lot of dark glasses (which is also a typical fact), until I bought branded glasses in Italy. And they began to be used mainly as hairbands, only occasionally used for their intended purpose.

So, start by banishing fear and falling in love with the sun during sunset and sunrise.
Always different and such a beautiful sight of the setting sun can become the brightest everyday event in the life of every person. For example, especially for this purpose I am adding a balcony to my country house, from where I can watch the setting sun for a long time. And I am keenly envious of those people who have the fortunate ability to get up early in the morning and admire the magnificent picture of the sunrise. 10-15 minutes a day of such morning or evening contemplation will saturate your eyes with energy, strength and beauty. And most importantly, they will leave magnificent visual impressions in your memory and distract you from the dullness of everyday life and bustle. Stages of gradually accustoming the eyes to the sun
First stage

. Stand on the edge of thick shade with one foot in the sun and the other in the shade. Take off your glasses, raise your head, close your eyes and gently turn your head either towards the sun or into the shadow, while saying: “The sun comes, the sun goes.” You can simply sway, transferring your body weight from one leg to the other, you can simply make large turns. Even with severe photophobia and serious eye diseases, this technique is completely safe and will not cause any harm. Only after getting used to the light of the sun in such a comfortable way should you move on to the next stage of interaction with the sun. For some, the first stage may take very little time, while for others it may take weeks or months. Do not hurry. Everything has its time.

Second phase

. Stand facing the sun, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your head, close your eyes and make large turns, repeating to yourself: “The sun goes to the right, the sun goes to the left...” Repeating this phrase helps not to stick your eyes to the sun during rotations and relieves dizziness.

At this stage, you can stop and do solarization only this way. It is convenient because it does not require any special conditions: where the sun found you, that’s where they started swinging. At the bus stop, on the street, in the park, near your front door and even on the balcony. By the way, solarization can be done while sitting, simply turning your head from side to side and closing your eyes. And you don’t have to look for secluded places, or wait until you find yourself outside the city or on your Dacha plot. I repeatedly swung demonstratively with my eyes closed right on Nevsky Prospekt, in parks and at bus stops. And not once did anyone stop or offend me in any way. During all this time, only two bored grannies in the park took an interest in the exercise, and they were very grateful to me when they found out how easy it is to help your eyes.

And when your eyes completely stop flinching when your closed eyelids are exposed to bright light, you can move on.

Third stage

. Stand in front of the sun, cover one eye with your palm or a bandage and make slow turns with your body, glancing with your open eye at the ground at your feet. In this case, you should blink quickly and easily with both eyes and breathe correctly. Then, raising our head and elbow, we continue to turn and blink quickly, looking directly at the sun. After performing the turns several times, we repeat the same with the other eye, and then combine both eyes. If, while performing this and other variations of the exercise, you feel that ripples and glare have appeared in your eyes, move into the shadows and palm for twice as long as the solarization itself lasted.

During periods when there is no sun, you can perform this exercise with a lamp, preferably a halogen one, with a bright reflector. The lamp should be located approximately 15 cm from the face, with a power of about 150 watts. You can take a more powerful lamp with a very bright reflector, but place it further away, about a meter away from you. At the same time, you should feel a slight warmth on your face.

Agree that such harmless interaction with the sun cannot be harmful to health or dangerous to the eyes. However, restoring a normal reaction to light is only one of the important points in the art of vision. The newly acquired ability to easily and comfortably respond to sunlight will become an element of dynamic relaxation, without which there can be no perfect vision. And plus, you will find a great way to relieve mental stress, accessible to everyone and effective for everyone.

This is what Margaret, already familiar to us, writes about the benefits of solarization. D. Corbett: “Once your eyes begin to perceive sunlight with ease, you will be overcome by a pleasant feeling of physical comfort that the sun gives you. You will not be left with a feeling of soothing lightness and mental relaxation. You won't get even half the sensations that you achieve in sunlight in your dark rooms.

From a physiological point of view, strengthening light-sensitive eyes is priceless, since they no longer suffer from the glare of the sun on the surface of mountain lakes and on the ocean expanse, snow sparkling in the sun. Not to mention achieving a sense of comfort in the conditions of city life, where there is a lot of illumination and light from car headlights. This comfort alone is worth the effort of relaxing the retinal nerves, allowing you to easily perceive any light, no matter how strong it may be.

Add to this the increased visual power that the sun provides to the retinal nerves and optic nerve, and the sun is something to be reckoned with. When a person understands that the sun keeps the eyes healthy and strengthens weak eyes by increasing the metabolism in them, thus cleansing them of toxins, he can hardly overestimate the benefits of sunlight for the eyes.”

There are many more methods and techniques of solarization described by Bates and his followers, some of which are described in one of my collections, which I give as an appendix to my listeners.

Despite all the different interpretations of solarization options, all authors agree on the main thing:

Properly performed solarization is completely harmless, despite all the frightening threats and warnings from doctors. On the contrary, the eyes always relax, blood circulation increases, vision improves, inflammation of the eyelids and the eyes themselves slows down or disappears altogether.

You cannot look at the sun for a long time and intently, but it is better not to look at it with open eyes at all when the luminary is at its zenith.
But even a temporary deterioration in vision in such cases soon goes away without any consequences, especially when mastering relaxation techniques. Color therapy for the eyes
And at the end of this chapter I would like to talk a little about color therapy. It is believed that it is the lack of certain colors in the solar spectrum and the body’s insufficient supply of them that leads to the development of certain diseases. There are many classifications of colors according to their effect on humans. In my opinion, all this is quite controversial, but the color baths for the eyes that I began to use in my classes really give a noticeable positive effect.

Having distributed special cards, I suggest looking alternately at pure red, gray and blue colors, arranged in a certain shape and against a certain background. It is typical that after looking at the color red for a long time, people see a turquoise square on a gray background. And looking at the blue color for a long time leads to the appearance of a yellow spot on a gray background. This is clear evidence that our eyes are capable of not only receiving, but also emitting color and light.

Regularly performing color baths is, it seems to me, an excellent way to stimulate the central part of the retina - the macula, which is responsible for color perception. Activating this function of the eyes is especially useful in the autumn-winter period, when there is so little color in nature, and on the streets we see predominantly black-gray-brown shades in clothes and objects around us. We hand out special colored cards to those who come to our courses, along with instructions and a demonstration of how to use them.

Playing with color, which reflects the mood and psycho-emotional state at the time of the exercise in the group, also helps my listeners remarkably. Companions not only determine what color they themselves are painted, but also strive to feel the color background of their neighbors. Having learned this in class, students continue to work with flowers in their diaries.

The main conclusion that follows from this simple game: each person has his own associations associated with flowers. For one person, the color green represents spring, awakening, warmth and hope, while for another, the same color may be associated with melancholy, despondency, and even the painting of walls in prison cells and public toilets, as one of our comrades said during the game. And one more thing: you can’t follow reality in your mood: it’s cloudy outside and it’s gray in your soul; problems appear - and everything is seen in dark colors. It is enough to dress in bright colors, find them in nature or in the environment, or maybe just imagine your favorite color - and the despondency will disappear. Even if life just blossoms a little and shines with new colors, the game is worth the candle.

By the way, about candles. If natural sources of color and light are not available, look more often at the candle flame. With her calming appearance, she will both calm you down and burn out everything bad, superficial, unnecessary. Imagine that all your bad thoughts, anxieties, fears and doubts are burning in the cleansing flame of a candle. Solarization on a candle can be combined with palming and used at any time of the day. I am well acquainted with the family of my colleagues at Optima-list from Vladimir, who always light a candle at every meal. And an element of festivity and solemnity is introduced into an ordinary breakfast, lunch or dinner.

As you know, the flames of the fire in the fireplace and the mesmerizing flames of the fire are very calming - it is no coincidence that we love hikes so much and that fireplaces are now so popular in many homes in European countries and in most country mansions.

It is only important that the smoke from the fire or fireplace does not corrode the eyes and does not create a fire hazard.

As for lamp solarization, which is popular among American colleagues, this method of light therapy suffers, in my opinion, from the fact that artificial light will not have such a deep therapeutic and aesthetic effect as the sun does. Therefore, take advantage of every convenient moment to expose your eyes to sunlight. He will give you health, strength, and beauty. Well-solarized eyes sparkle and sparkle!

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