How to change your thinking to a positive one. Positive thinking is success in life! Developing positive thinking and a positive attitude

How to develop positive thinking?

Yesterday we started a conversation about how to work with negative thinking.

Negative thinking and ways to overcome it

Today we will talk about how to develop positive thinking

Positive thinking is based on the search for personal benefit in everything that surrounds a person. Such people do not stop after an unsuccessful attempt, trying to achieve their goal. This is the key point that differentiates this thinking from negative thinking.

By gaining positive thinking skills, you

  • get rid of fears and complexes,
  • get to know the world around you in all its diversity,
  • meet new interesting people,
  • you can qualitatively improve your life.
  • find positive moments in failures,
  • gain experience from negative life situations.

Let's reformulate negative thoughts into positive ones.

We continue our work to develop positive thinking. Let me remind you that a whole series of articles on my website is devoted to this topic, and to achieve the best results, I recommend that you start your reading from the first material.

Today's article is a continuation of the previous one. Let me briefly recall its contents before offering you new information.

  • Almost every negative thought has a useful function. Therefore, our psyche does not allow us to easily replace any thought that seems bad to us with one that we consider good.
  • A negative thought is a thought that prevents you from moving forward. But even such a thought can perform a useful function.
  • The first step to transforming a negative thought into a positive one is to understand why we need this thought, what useful function it performs. I described in detail how to do this in a previous article. Now we will go a little further and look at how to formulate positive thoughts that will help crowd out the negative ones.

If you completed the exercise that was suggested in the previous article, you have a table. In one column of this table, for each thought, it is indicated what exactly its negative impact on your life is. The other column contains all the useful functions that a negative thought performs. Usually people get used to perceiving their negative thoughts only as something that interferes and ruins their life. Therefore, it is not so easy to understand their useful functions. Let me remind you that to complete this task you should read the previous article if you have not already done so.

Now I propose to take the next step. Next to each useful function you have identified, write an alternative way to implement it differently, without a negative thought.

Let's look at this with specific examples. Last time we looked at the common female thought “I’m ugly and unattractive.” For each possible useful function that this thought can perform, we will write an alternative way to implement it.

Let me remind you that the useful function of a negative thought very often lies not in real benefit, but in compensation for fears and complexes that are present inside. Therefore, very often, in order to get rid of a negative thought, it is necessary to deal with the psychological difficulties that are hidden behind it. So, examples. Use your cursor to click on each item to read the text hidden inside.

Example 1.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

Tells me that it's time to update my wardrobe (go to the hairdresser, lose a few extra pounds, etc.) in order to become more attractive

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Take actions to increase your attractiveness.

Example 2.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

When I believe in my attractiveness, I attract more male attention. But I’m afraid of men’s attention and don’t know how to behave in a flirting situation. The thought helps me behave like a gray mouse and not attract attention.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Learn to behave in a flirting situation, understand the cause of fears and eliminate it.

Example 3.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

If men pay attention to me, it will be difficult for me to remain faithful to my husband and save the marriage. The thought helps not to attract male attention.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Understand your relationship with your husband (strengthen it so that you want to remain faithful in this relationship, separate, etc.)

Example 4.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

After a bad breakup, I know that a man can cause a lot of pain. Therefore, by attracting male attention, I increase the risk of experiencing pain again. The thought helps not to attract male attention.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Let go of past relationships, heal the pain. Analyze mistakes in order to avoid their repetition in future relationships. Learn to face your fears and take steps to create new relationships.

Example 5.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

If I consider myself beautiful and attractive, I may become proud and arrogant. Thought helps to avoid such a situation.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Analyze where the fear of becoming arrogant comes from. If it is due to the fact that the girl really often behaves arrogantly, then you need to think about how you can combine the feeling of being beautiful with behavior with people “on an equal footing.” For example, recognizing not only your own beauty, but also the beauty of other women can help. The fear of becoming arrogant can come from childhood and be formed due to a harsh upbringing. There may be a negative thought behind it: “Only arrogant and arrogant people can be bright, attract attention, and stand out from the crowd.” Then you need to work with this thought.

Are you done? Now look at the actions that need to be taken in order to do without negative thoughts, and think: what positive thoughts will these actions help you take? Add one more column to your table:

Example 1.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

Tells me that it's time to update my wardrobe (go to the hairdresser, lose a few extra pounds, etc.) in order to become more attractive

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Take actions to increase your attractiveness.

Positive thought

• I have enough energy and ingenuity to find good ways to highlight my beauty. • You need to go to the hairdresser!

Example 2.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

When I believe in my attractiveness, I attract more male attention. But I’m afraid of men’s attention and don’t know how to behave in a flirting situation. The thought helps me behave like a gray mouse and not attract attention.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Learn to behave in a flirting situation, understand the cause of fears and eliminate it.

Positive thought

• I have enough energy and ability to deal with my fears. • The ability to behave in a flirting situation is just a skill, and I will definitely master it. If men pay attention to me, it will be difficult for me to remain faithful to my husband and save the marriage. Soap helps not to attract male attention.

Example 3.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

If men pay attention to me, it will be difficult for me to remain faithful to my husband and save the marriage. The thought helps not to attract male attention.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Understand your relationship with your husband (strengthen it so that you want to remain faithful in this relationship, separate, etc.)

Positive thought

• I’m ready to sort out my relationship with my husband and understand which direction we should move.

Example 4.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

After a bad breakup, I know that a man can cause a lot of pain. Therefore, by attracting male attention, I increase the risk of experiencing pain again. The thought helps not to attract male attention.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Let go of past relationships, heal the pain. Analyze mistakes in order to avoid their repetition in future relationships. Learn to face your fears and take steps to create new relationships.

Positive thought

• I let go of my past relationships and the emotions associated with them. • My past relationships are experiences that will help me create more harmonious relationships in the future. • I admit my fears, and at the same time I am ready to step towards a new relationship.

Example 5.

What is the function of the negative thought “I am ugly and unattractive”?

If I consider myself beautiful and attractive, I may become proud and arrogant. Thought helps to avoid such a situation.

How can you manage without a negative thought?

Analyze where the fear of becoming arrogant comes from. If it is due to the fact that the girl really often behaves arrogantly, then you need to think about how you can combine the feeling of being beautiful with behavior with people “on an equal footing.” For example, recognizing not only your own beauty, but also the beauty of other women can help. The fear of becoming arrogant can come from childhood and be formed due to a harsh upbringing. There may be a negative thought behind it: “Only arrogant and arrogant people can be bright, attract attention, and stand out from the crowd.” Then you need to work with this thought.

Positive thought

• I feel attractive. And at the same time, I also see and appreciate the beauty of other women. • I now know techniques for working with negative thinking, and I have every chance to deal with my negative thoughts.

After getting acquainted with examples of positive thoughts, I propose to analyze what characteristics make a thought positive. I have highlighted the following.

  • The positive thought is formulated simply and clearly. The shorter the positive thought, the better. Ideally, it should be formulated in such a way that a five-year-old child can understand it. Remember the slogans that are used in advertising. They are bright, understandable and therefore memorable to people. A positive thought should be somewhat similar to an advertising slogan: if it is simple and understandable, it will be easily remembered, recorded in the subcortex and will influence behavior.
  • A positive thought is formulated in such a way that it does not contain a “not” particle. Compare two phrases: “I no longer feel nervous at work” and “I feel calm and confident at work.” The first phrase, upon closer inspection, is negative because it focuses on negative emotions. When formulating a positive thought, always say what you want, and don't run from what you don't want.
  • A positive thought helps you make your life better and happier. It stimulates positive action and inspires. Do you remember that not every seemingly positive thought actually turns out to be so? Read more about this here.
  • A positive thought is consistent with your inner values. She is truly close to you, and you believe in her. If, when speaking a positive thought, you experience internal discomfort, or if deep down you do not believe in the thought you formulated, it is worth figuring out why this is happening and changing the wording.

Speak positive thoughts to yourself more often so that they take root, become entrenched deep inside, influence your perception of life situations, and stimulate you to take positive actions. When correctly formulated positive thoughts take root inside, they crowd out negative thoughts. Thus, there is no need to fight negative thoughts. You need to cultivate positive thinking in yourself, and negative thoughts will go away on their own.

The technique I have proposed in this article is based on rational analysis. But this is not the only way to transform negative thoughts into positive ones. In the next article I will offer you a radically different method. I'll show you how to use meditation for this purpose.

Ways to combat negative thinking

Choose your surroundings carefully.

Hang out with smart, creative, and positive people.

If there are pessimists, losers and negative people in your social circle, think: what example are they setting for you?

When communicating, energy is exchanged between people. Perhaps it is precisely this kind of environment that internally devastates you and deprives you of vitality.

After communicating with easy-going and cheerful people, you will no longer want to return to your previous company.

Don't make mountains out of molehills


If something in your life did not go according to plan or trouble occurred, you should thank this situation for the gift of experience and let it go. Perhaps you only benefited from not getting what you wanted.

Usually, troubles happen before something beautiful is about to enter our lives.

For example, if you fail an interview, life does not end there. Most likely, after a while you will receive a more interesting offer. Thoughts like these will help combat negative thinking.

We are what surrounds us. If you want to learn to think positively, start small: remove things from your life that upset you or cause negative emotions. For example, stop watching television programs about the lives of celebrities or soap operas. These shows rarely focus on positive events.

As a result, you will have free time that needs to be filled by watching funny movies, listening to good music, and communicating with new people.

You can overcome negative thinking if you don't feed it.

Find the true cause of suffering.

Surely you are familiar with the situation when you really wanted to eat, but then you realized that you were actually thirsty. Using the same principle, you can understand the true cause of negative thinking. Perhaps, in fact, you suffer from a lack of mutual understanding with your mother and feel sad after every unsuccessful conversation or quarrel. Then, being in a bad mood, you negatively color all events in your life.

Are there people who changed their thinking with the help of Vladimir Serkin’s book “Freedom of the Shaman”?

In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, to the question “ What has changed in your life after communicating with a shaman?” Vladimir Serkin replied:

- I have become much calmer. Long-time acquaintances tell me that I seem to have become younger... Relationships with loved ones have become more spiritual. In some aspects it has become softer, and in others it has become tougher... Priorities have changed. But it is difficult to relate and explain.

It's really difficult to explain. As I said above, for a long time the book “Freedom of the Shaman” was a reference book for me, and every time I found new meanings and answers in it. This book by itself, without any practices or exercises, is a real simulator for changing perceptions, changing thinking, for looking at life from a different angle. Judging by reader reviews, this is indeed the case. Here's what people who changed their thinking with the help of this book write:

Reviews taken from the website
www. _

Exercise to develop creative thinking

Try a simple exercise.

imagine in front of you the most ordinary brick, white or red. Now write down on paper ten ways to use it in non-standard ways. What else can a simple brick be useful for, other than for construction? Write any answers that come to your mind.

  • you can sell it
  • you can sit
  • can be placed under a car wheel,
  • use for self defense...

General goal:
In the future, also reflect on any negative situation that has happened or may happen in your life.
Instead of a brick, you can use any object that catches your eye for the exercise.

Ask yourself:

- What benefits will I get from failure in this case?

Over time, you will learn to find positives in seemingly completely negative situations, which will help you avoid negative thinking.

  1. Active sports will help you throw out suppressed aggression and negative emotions.
  2. Yoga promotes deep relaxation and healing of the body. Any physical exercise gives us a good mood and a boost of vitality. Try to be outdoors more often, in the fresh air.
  3. The contemplation of flowing water, the feeling of a warm breeze and the sounds of birds singing heal the soul no worse than psychotherapy.
  4. Try to combine walks in nature with deep, relaxed breathing.
  5. It can be symbolically scattered to the wind. If you have been sincere with yourself, after this exercise you will feel freedom and lightness.

Why is it important to think positively

The human brain is divided into conscious and subconscious. Consciousness - new ideas, thoughts, knowledge or skills. The subconscious stores information about processes that, from the point of view of our brain, are vital for us. They are performed automatically, even in an unconscious state - breathing, blinking, swallowing, etc.

It is extremely important to monitor what you constantly think about, because any conscious thought, repeated enough times over a period of time, turns into a subconscious program. Thus, if a person is constantly surrounded by negative thoughts, the brain gradually tunes into this form of thinking, looking for negative aspects even in the most positive phenomenon. Negative thoughts take up a lot of energy, making a person depressed and “broken.”

The same thing happens with positive thinking. When we try to see the positive side in any situation, while maintaining a healthy perception, after a while such behavior in our minds becomes permanent.

What is the power of positive thoughts?

The power of positive thoughts refers to the primary tool to help you overcome negative energy in your life. This does not mean that they deny reality or wishful thinking.

People with positive thinking are not dreamers divorced from reality who spend all twenty-four hours of the day flying according to their imagination. Not at all. Because everything is exactly the opposite. People with positive thinking are true realists. But they do not consider any adversity and difficulties along the way to be a dead end.

After all, positive thinking is a program that allows you to reprogram bad thoughts and emotions that lead to stress, anxiety and anger. And this program fills you with happiness and optimism. Because it gives inner strength to carry out all life's tasks gracefully and calmly.

For example, take an event that can be terrifying for anyone - the diagnosis of a serious illness. The person may either fall into panic and despair, which will make the situation even worse. Or use techniques that allow you to attract positive thinking. But this will already contribute to improved well-being and even recovery.

If you master your consciousness and start thinking about health, not illness, develop a positive outlook and control the quality of your thoughts, then there is a much greater chance of healing! If only because positive thinking helps to concentrate on the goal. And the person does not helplessly give up. But he takes control of his life and moves towards a successful solution to the problem.

How to tune in to positive thinking

You need to decide for yourself whether you want to continue to think as you are now, or change something in your thoughts for the better. Once you decide to make a change, it will be the beginning of a transition to positive thinking. The duration of the changes depends on the initial state - the deeper you are mired in sad and negative thoughts, the longer you will have to work on yourself. By performing simple techniques and exercises every day, you will begin to notice results after the first lessons.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Exercises for the transition to new thinking are performed independently or in the company of other people. When performing any of the techniques below, try to put as much effort into the process as possible. Even if at first little happens and you want to return to your usual form of thinking, do not be led by these thoughts, they are temporary.

Remove negative words

You will need to take some time to carefully monitor everything you say and think throughout the day. Try to avoid any phrases or thoughts that contain the particle “not” - “I won’t succeed”, “I’m unlucky”, etc. They are a clear sign of the predominance of negative thoughts.

Try to change any negative attitude to a positive one.

Affirmations will help you - formulas of suggestion that help a person adjust his consciousness to a positive wave.

Tune in to positive thinking - download the applications “Affirmations for Happiness”, “Success in Life”, “100 Wishes”.

The essence of the technique is to find the positive aspects in any of the negative events in your life. In each event, try to find at least 5 aspects that are beneficial to you. Such a simple “revision” will help you tune in to positive thinking.

Perfect day

Every person has some event or people who offended or harmed him. As a result, a feeling of resentment accumulates in a person, and behind it - all the other negative emotions that poison thoughts.

How to change your attitude towards life and find inner freedom

One of the most powerful myths, which literally throws off any attempts to change something in yourself and your life, is the myth about willpower, about volitional efforts, about what you need to do and force yourself, not to think about obstacles, but just move forward (it is not very clear where exactly this “forward” is located).

It is clear that this myth was invented for a reason, but for very practical purposes. And that goal has very little to do with you and your interests.

In reality, the strain of mental strength and attention that an unlucky consumer of a myth undertakes in order to begin some changes (monitoring weight, making calls, doing business, etc.) can be compared with the efforts of a person who wears heavy, leaden, in addition, boots covered in healthy clods of mud, and tries to run a marathon in them. It is clear that he will fall after a hundred or two meters.

Three layers of our personality

One of the main messages of modern psychology is that all problems are within ourselves. And you can’t argue with this, since there are a million specific facts behind it. Indeed, almost all failures in life were generated or attracted by the person himself - illness, financial failures, bad relationships, career difficulties, and so on.

Another question is why? Is a person a fool and his own enemy to attract bad instead of good?! On the one hand, yes, he is a fool and his own enemy for allowing this to happen instead of working on himself. On the other hand, everything is somewhat deeper and scarier. And to understand this, you need to have a more or less adequate idea of ​​what a person is like.

If we imagine ourselves in the form of concentric circles, then in the center will be our Self, our ID or, in other words, our self-determination of ourselves, our personality, our existential position. And here it is important to understand that it, this state of ID, is practically not realized! This is the key point.

The next layer or circle is, in computer language, our “firmware”, the software shell, that is, our ideas about life, about people, about circumstances. In other words, these are our stereotypes, thinking patterns, perception filters, gestalts, life attitudes, and so on and so forth. They are also very difficult to comprehend.

And finally, the third layer is our thoughts, words, reactions, actions, actions and inactions, which determine our position in reality. For example, a word spoken in the wrong place and to the wrong people leads to serious problems. And a word not spoken at the right moment closes promising opportunities or starts the process of collapse of relationships. Actions are even worse.

How the unconscious controls us

How does this all happen? I will outline a simple but understandable diagram: an unhealthy, damaged ID affects the “firmware”, which, in turn, becomes inadequate to reality and distorts all the flows that come to us from the world (informational, material, social, etc.). As a result, instead of a clear and precise map on which we can see what is where and where and how to go, we get outright madness in our heads.

But that is not all. The firmware determines all our thoughts, words, reactions, and actions. This is a very important point to understand. Numerous experiments have proven that an ordinary person does not control himself. In the best case, his consciousness is able to control 3% of everything that is in the third layer. Scientists have successfully proven that the conscious choice of an ordinary person in the vast majority of cases is nothing more than an illusion. We are commanded by the unconscious: through thoughts that we are not aware of, actions that we do not think about, reactions whose true causes we do not understand.

As a result, everything happens exactly as Freud described in his brilliant metaphor, saying that the unconscious is a horse that rushes to where it needs to go, and consciousness is the rider who pretends that it is exactly where it needs to go. Therefore, it is not surprising that life is built according to the scenario that is in the unconscious, and not the one that the person himself would like.

A simple example. The unconscious script dictates that money should not linger in a person’s hands. A person tries with all his might to hold on to money, refuses shopping and spending on all sorts of nonsense. But, since he has no control over himself, with imperceptible micro-movements of his hands he begins to break his equipment - he drops his camera, spills coffee on his laptop, scratches his or someone else’s car, and so on. Whether you like it or not, you have to shell out money.

Therefore, changing your attitude towards life means changing the “firmware”, that is, the settings (the work process for changing the settings is at the 2nd stage of the School). Stupid affirmations and self-hypnosis will not correct the situation here.

Accept life changes

The stupidest way in this situation is to fight yourself. And the wisest thing is to identify, realize and revise the scenarios of unconscious games. To do this you need to understand their structure. And it is quite simple: there is a certain decision (for example, “nobody loves me”) that starts the process of searching or creating conditions for the game, in which the implementation of this decision will take place, i.e., in fact, the game process itself. The end of the game is getting a “benefit”, which consists of confirming the correctness of the decision (“yes, no one really loves me…”).

The vast majority of the sources of these games are children's decisions and neurotic complexes. This is the very “trigger” that launches the game scenario, which is important, unconscious by the person himself. A person is able to notice and understand only pieces, individual elements of the game process, but is unable to connect them together in order to understand the game and uncreate it.

It would seem that the situation is hopeless, but only for an ignorant person. Smart people understand that almost any problem can be solved if you act according to a certain algorithm and follow a certain technology. The process of exiting unconscious game scenarios is no exception; there is also an algorithm here. And this algorithm allowed many people to qualitatively change their lives: maintain relationships, get out of the vicious circle of failures and defeats, change their profession, open their own business, stop attracting problematic people and situations.

And here there is a point that many people stumble over because they simply don’t see it (again due to inadequate “firmware”). Life is constant, inevitable change. Constant! And always only in two directions - for better or for worse. You need to accept this, even if you do not yet fully understand the meaning of this statement. Following the unconscious game script is always a choice in favor of changes for the worse. No options. What choice will you make, consciously or not?


Each of us is capable of filling our lives with bright moments, valuable people and feeling happy. But sometimes negativity is so firmly rooted in our minds that it is impossible to track when the problems began and whether there is a way to break this cycle of failure. If it seems that you are attracting unfavorable events to yourself and the world itself is against you, it’s time to think about developing positive thinking, what it means and how to develop inner harmony and always remain positive: in this article I will describe the basics of the theory and examples its practical application.

What is the meaning of positive thoughts

An optimistic attitude is the path of winners. When faced with certain circumstances, we are free to choose our own reaction: to be a victim and tune in to a sad outcome, or to become a hunter, accept the challenge and see the situation in a favorable light. Which of these types of people is most likely to succeed?

A person who thinks positively creates an energy field around himself that attracts others, and knows how to gain positivity and switch to positive thoughts. Such individuals have not only charm, but also fortitude: they are focused on finding solutions, confident in themselves and know exactly what brings them pleasure and energizes them.

Happiness is not something that needs to be chased, nor is it something that comes from outside. It's a state of mind. No amount of money, loving people and achievements will make someone happy who is driven into the framework of worries, obstacles and uncertainty. To think optimistically means to look at the world based on opportunities, not obstacles.

Characteristics of Positive Thinking

To understand how a person can change his thoughts to positive ones, always be positive and find it in his life, it is necessary to understand the psychology of this worldview. This paradigm does not at all call for ignoring failures or infantilism. On the contrary, an optimistic person accepts and rationally evaluates all unpleasant events, draws conclusions and, most importantly, extracts valuable experience from them. Such people know that success does not come without mistakes and failures; it is important to work with them correctly.

Test yourself! Below I will give a list of attitudes that are used by differently thinking individuals. What state are you in most often? Do you know anyone who is also trapped?

Negative thinking: how the “victim” behaves

  • blames others for his failures;
  • criticizes more often than acts;
  • holds a grudge;
  • often shows anger;
  • discusses, evaluates and condemns others;
  • finds dozens of reasons why he will not act;
  • does not understand what he wants;
  • wary of change;
  • having made a mistake, he looks for excuses;
  • does not think about his goals;
  • sees everyone as a rival;
  • shifts responsibility for his life to circumstances: upbringing, environment, location, government and, of course, lack of resources.

Phrases of a negative thinker

Here's what you'll hear most often from these people:

  • "But I can not…".
  • “Only a few achieve this.”
  • “You understand that you won’t succeed.”
  • "It's all for nothing."
  • "You're doing wrong."
  • “Everything is based on connections; you can’t get anywhere with talent alone.”
  • “Why change anything, no one needs it.”
  • "I have no chances".
  • "Love is a fiction."
  • "You can't trust anyone."
  • “If only I had so much money...”
  • "I do not have time for anything".
  • “You’re just a maximalist! Take off your rose-colored glasses."

How to learn to think positively, attract positive things and achieve peace of mind and success

Forming any habit takes time. The first step you need to take is to realize that you want to break free from the wheel of life's troubles and take control of the situation. Most likely, it will not be easy, but if you are determined to become a warrior, how can anything stand in your way?

Every hero needs a wise mentor. Support is an important part of success. That is why I recommend that you do not wait for a magical kick from the Universe, but ask questions and look for answers, with which I am sincerely ready to help you.

How to form a positive mindset, quickly switch to the positive and always be more positive

During a personal or online consultation, we will together analyze your condition and determine the first steps towards internal transformation. Further, in the article I will describe general provisions that will help you get ready for practice.

Creating an enabling environment for optimistic thoughts

In order for the seed of the mindset for success to grow in you and bloom (and you to bloom along with it), you need to prepare fertile soil for it.

  • Pay attention to the movies and shows you watch, the books you read, the news you follow on social media. networks. What thoughts are they conveying?
  • Now let's look at the people around you. Are there those among them who believe that the role of the victim is much simpler? Those who have come to terms with the fact that the world is hostile and have given up? Such people will often convince you to stay with them. In this case, your task is either to take them with you on the ship of favorable changes and help change the old paradigms, or to learn to ignore the negativity emanating from them.
  • Before you try to figure out how to have a positive outlook on life and the world every day, pay attention to your health. Get rid of what has been bothering you for a long time. Remember that spiritual development should always be accompanied by taking care of the body. Learn to hear and be aware of your body’s reactions to food, your actions, and emotional shocks. Feel it.
  • Finally, let's look at your daily routine. Do you like what you do? What thoughts do you wake up with in the morning? Do you have time to communicate with yourself, to have a hobby, to simply enjoy what is happening? If you are spinning around in urgent worries every day, like a squirrel in a wheel, begin to gradually make room for what really matters to you.

Techniques for getting rid of negative thoughts

Working on thinking requires a lot of effort. I found several interesting techniques that will help you learn not to focus on the negative at the initial stage.


This technique helps you control yourself and your thinking. Put a bracelet or elastic band on your hand. As soon as you catch yourself in a negative thought, change the bracelet to your other hand. Or you can pull back the rubber band and snap your wrist.


Imagine that your thoughts are fish in an aquarium. Bad thoughts swim in the form of ugly, ugly fish, and good thoughts swim in the form of bright and colorful fish. It's like you're watching them from the outside. Which fish do you prefer to look at? I am sure that they are smart, beautiful and active. So, fill the aquarium of your consciousness with colorful fish that are pleasing to the eye.

Deferred Thoughts

Do bad thoughts haunt you and prevent you from falling asleep? Tell yourself that you will think about it later - for example, tomorrow. Your brain will accept this command and actually put aside unpleasant thoughts. And then, you see, he will completely forget to remind you about them.


Put your negative thoughts on paper. Write as detailed and colorful as possible what you think and feel. Your experiences will leave you and settle on a piece of paper. You won't return to them as often. After all, these arguments have already become history, and therefore remain in the past. To part with them forever, you can even burn what you wrote.


Bad thoughts can and should be confused. The wonderful word “but” will help you with this. For example: “I was rejected again. Nothing works out for me... But I have a fashionable jacket!” Even the smallest positive moments can confuse a whole stream of negative judgments. Finding the good things in yourself won't be easy at first. But over time, it will become a habit for you and doing it will be fun and funny.

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