Urine the color of meat slop: causes, damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys

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Published: 10/01/2020

Reading time: 11 min



  • Characteristics of the pathology
  • What should the urine of a healthy person look like?
  • Reasons for changes in the color of urine Pathological reasons for changes in the color of biological material
  • Causes of red urine in women and men
  • What diseases does urine color indicate?
      White urine
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Green urine
  • Red urine
  • Milky urine
  • Brown urine
  • Beer-colored urine
  • Black urine
  • Orange and pink urine
  • Blue-violet urine
  • Foods that affect urine color
  • If there is sediment in the urine
  • Diagnosis of the disease
      Research with testing Clinical analysis
  • Test according to Nechiporenko
  • Zimnitsky test
  • Instrumental studies
  • Treatment
      With the help of medications
  • Using traditional medicine
  • Lifestyle change
  • Diet
  • Dangerous conditions
  • Preventive measures
  • Conclusion
  • Characteristics of the pathology

    Urine the color of meat slop in urology is called hematuria, this is a pathological condition characterized by the appearance of blood impurities in the urine. Hematuria is a symptom of diseases of the renal system.

    Normally, there are no blood impurities; in a healthy person, the number of red blood cells in the urine sediment is within 1-2 cells in the entire field of view.

    The color of urine the color of meat slop is due to the content of a large number of red blood cells, which is typical for gross hematuria, when an open source of bleeding appears. The intensity of urine coloring depends on the stage of the pathological process and varies from pink to deep red.

    Folk remedies

    Glomerulonephritis can also be treated using traditional medicine methods, if they are used as additional therapy to the main complex. The recipes listed below will help, but you must first obtain permission to use them from your doctor. The most useful tools:

    1. Flax seeds. The infusion is prepared from 4 tbsp. flax seeds, 3 tbsp. birch leaves, 3 tbsp. steelweed leaves. Grind the raw materials, mix, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain the finished mixture, drink 50 ml in the morning, afternoon, evening.
    2. Black elderberry (flowers). An infusion of flowers is prepared simply - 1 tbsp. dry raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse until cool. The composition is filtered, drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals, 50 ml.
    3. Corn silk. The infusion is prepared from 1 tsp. stigma, 1 tsp. chopped cherry tails. The raw materials are mixed, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave to cool, wrapped. Take the composition in the morning, afternoon and evening, 50 ml before meals.

    A change in the color of urine from straw to purple (the color of meat slop) indicates a pathology of the urinary organs. Some diseases pose health risks. Therefore, as soon as the urine changes color for a reason not related to gastronomic preferences, you need to contact a urologist and undergo an examination.

    What should the urine of a healthy person look like?

    When taking a general urine test, laboratory technicians evaluate a number of important indicators:

    • Density
    • Color
    • Acidity of urine
    • Glucose and protein content
    • The presence of cells - leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelium, cylinders.
    • The content and presence of salt crystals and mucus in urine.
    • Presence of bacterial or fungal flora.

    Each indicator provides information about a particular disorder in the functioning of the renal apparatus. The coloring of urine allows one to suspect pathology in the early stages.

    A good indicator is the light yellow color of the urine. In medicine it is sometimes called straw. Urine becomes such due to the presence in it of a special coloring pigment - urochrome, and, to a lesser extent, uroroserin, urobilin. If a change in color is observed, then it is worth undergoing an examination, since the reasons can be from the most harmless to quite serious, affecting life expectancy. Also, the discharge should not contain all kinds of inclusions (flakes of mucus, clots or streaks of blood).

    Causes of urine color change

    In most cases, a person himself can notice a change in the color of urine. This does not always depend on kidney damage; in some cases, the reason may be in the functioning of other anatomical units. In diseases of the hepato-biliary system, urine darkens and acquires a “beer” tint. This may be due to bile entering the blood, increased bilirubin levels, and dehydration of the body.

    Microhematuria can give a pinkish tint to urine. In this case, the discharge contains a small amount of red blood cells. As a rule, they are determined only by performing a general blood test. This change occurs in the first stages of cystitis, urethritis, and tumor processes.

    Urine becomes red in color when there is bleeding in the organs of the urinary system. This may be due to injury to the latter during the passage of stones or the presence of tumors. Blood can be observed with cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, tuberculosis. After stopping the pathological process, coloring is resumed.

    Urine the color of meat slop occurs when there is hemoglobin in it. This occurs due to the destruction of red blood cells - erythrocytes. Thus, free hemoglobin enters the blood and is then carried by current to the kidneys. This fraction of hemoglobin has a detrimental effect on the globular apparatus of the kidney, causing its “contamination.” Discharge with this tint can lead to kidney failure.

    Pathological causes of changes in the color of biological material

    Urine that has the color of meat slop, that is, red, in the presence of a pathological condition of the body is due to the content of a large number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in it.

    The presence of blood in human biological material can appear as a result of the following diseases:

    1. Urolithiasis of the kidneys. Stones formed in the organs can penetrate the ureters and bladder. If the structure of the stones is uneven, then the sharp edges scratch the mucous membranes, resulting in blood appearing in the urine.
    2. Porphyrin disease. Disorders of pigment metabolism and increased levels of porphyrin in the blood.
    3. Glomerulonephritis. Pathology can occur either as an independent disease or as a complication of another. Kidney disease is immunoinflammatory in nature with predominant damage to the renal tangles.
    4. Hemoglobinuria. An abnormal condition in which intravascular destruction of red blood cells occurs. This leads to the localization of free hemoglobin in the kidneys. Pathology can occur under the influence of hemolytic poisons, transfusion of a blood type incompatible with the patient, poisoning with heavy metals, etc. An increase in the level of productivity of the spleen also leads to the appearance of red urine.
    5. Hemophilia. A rare hereditary disease characterized by a disorder of blood clotting.
    6. Back injuries. Damage to the lumbar region can also negatively affect the organs of the urinary system.
    7. Diseases of the reproductive system.
    8. Bladder cancer. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself at all. Urine the color of meat slop in the presence of this problem occurs as a result of the process of tumor disintegration. Additional signs of the oncological process are: increased body temperature and sudden weight loss, difficulty urinating, etc.

    A large number of different diseases can cause changes in the color of biological fluid, which cannot be determined independently, especially if a person does not have the necessary medical knowledge. An accurate diagnosis can be made using a number of different laboratory tests and other studies of the body.

    Safe reasons for urine to be the color of meat slop:

    1. Food products such as blackberries, beets, and other products containing a coloring pigment.
    2. Medications. There are many medications that can change the color of urine, for example, medications based on phenolphthalein or anti-tuberculosis drugs.

    Causes of red urine in women and men

    Due to the peculiarities of the physiological structure, biological material with the color of meat slops can only be diagnosed in women for the following reasons:

    • endometriosis;
    • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
    • erosion;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • tumor disintegration of the reproductive organs.

    Blood streaks can also be seen in the changed color of the biological fluid. Additionally, pain may appear in the lower abdomen, and the act of urination may become difficult and painful.

    Inflammation of the bladder, that is, cystitis, is characteristic of both sexes, but, according to medical statistics, it is more often diagnosed in the fair sex.

    Causes of appearance, diagnosis

    A disease such as hematuria (the appearance of blood in the urine) is quite common, however, there are many reasons for this. Experts agree that there are about 160 reasons for the appearance of such a symptom, some of them require prompt assistance, others are a sign of a chronic disease. In any case, if you discover blood in your urine for the first time, this is a serious reason to seek help from a doctor and this should be done as soon as possible.

    Among the main reasons for the appearance of such a symptom are various blood pathologies, as well as urinary tract infections, such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, glomerulonephritis. Blood in the urine can also be caused by kidney tumors, prostate diseases, urolithiasis, and various injuries to the genitourinary system. Often blood in the urine is accompanied by severe pain. When diagnosing, the main attention is paid to which portion of urine the bloody discharge was found in. If blood is detected in the first portion of urine, we should talk about diseases of the urethra or prostate, in the last portion - about diseases of the bladder neck. If all the urine is stained with blood, you should pay attention to the bladder, ureters, and kidneys.

    It is also important not to ignore the color saturation of the urine, so if it is deep red or pink, but the red-pink tint is visible to the naked eye, we are talking about gross hematuria, at the same time, if the presence of red blood cells (blood cells) in the urine is determined only in the laboratory , then we need to talk about microhematuria. In each case, timely diagnosis is important to identify the causes of blood in the urine. Below are the main groups of diseases when blood is the primary symptom.

    What diseases does urine color indicate?

    Any pathological condition of the body is reflected in the activity of the urinary and excretory systems. It is for this reason that analysis of the physical and biochemical properties of urine is used as the main diagnostic method. A change in the color and composition of urine can be an early symptom of the disease, therefore, if there is any coloration that is not related to the normal functioning of the body, you should consult a specialist.

    White urine

    This condition is caused by two reasons - an increase in the amount of urine and poor kidney function, in which almost only water is excreted from the body.

    Urine becomes clearer in the following diseases:

    • Sugar and diabetes insipidus. With these diseases, urinary production increases sharply, so the concentration of pigment in it decreases. Its density decreases, which normally is 1018-1026 g/l, and in diabetes it approaches 1005 g/l.
    • Acute cystitis and urethritis , accompanied by frequent urination. The constant passage of urine forces the patient to drink a lot of water, as a result the concentration of bile pigment decreases and the urine becomes very light.
    • Kidney failure . In this case, pigments and other substances that must be eliminated from the body are not filtered through the kidney structures. As a result, waste and toxins remain in the blood, which causes a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition.

    Therefore, the combination of poor health and light urine is a sign that requires an early visit to a urologist.

    Dark yellow urine

    This situation occurs when the concentration of bile acids increases. If there is little moisture in the body, the urine becomes very concentrated, becoming dark yellow. This condition occurs when dehydration is caused by vomiting and diarrhea.

    A rich shade appears with stagnant buds. In this case, due to circulatory stagnation caused by diseases of the heart and blood vessels, renal filtration is disrupted and excess fluid is not removed from the body. Congestion is accompanied by swelling, pain in the heart and lower back.

    Nitroxoline and B vitamins can give a yellow color to urine. In this case, after you stop taking the medication, the rich yellow tint will disappear on its own.

    Green urine

    This shade appears with severe purulent lesions of the urinary system, accompanied by stagnant processes.

    Another reason for such an unusual color is the introduction of a methylene blue solution, which is used to determine the patency and functioning of the urinary organs. The blue color of the dye mixes with the yellow urine, turning it green.

    The same coloring is given by taking some antidepressants, sleeping pills and medications for Parkinson's disease.

    Red urine

    This condition, called hematuria, occurs when blood enters the urinary tract. A slight reddish tint indicates a small concentration of blood - microhematuria, and a bright red color indicates macrohematuria. This is a sign of serious bleeding in the urinary system.

    Hematuria is caused by:

    • Injuries to the kidneys , ureters, and bladder, in which destruction of blood vessels occurs and blood cells enter the urinary system.
    • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder and prostate gland, which also damage small vessels. A reddish color is a common sign of STDs and other infections.
    • Urolithiasis , accompanied by the passage of a stone from the kidney. As a result, the ureteral mucosa is injured by the stone, which leads to hematuria. The condition is accompanied by significant pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.
    • The release of large amounts of urates - uric acid salts. This condition, called uricemia, is a symptom of gout, a disease accompanied by inflammation of the joints.
    • Malignant tumors that bleed during decay. With cancerous lesions, the shade varies from bright red to the color of meat slop.
    • Mass death of red cells - erythrocytes . This situation occurs with infectious diseases, poisoning, snake bites and blood transfusions that are incompatible with the group.

    Therefore, such staining is a sign of a serious complication - hemolytic anemia, accompanied by a drop in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. As a result, oxygen is not delivered to the tissues, which causes oxygen starvation, which is life-threatening.

    Red coloring can be caused by eating large amounts of beets. This condition is called bituria. In itself, it is not dangerous, but it indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract and a lack of iron in the body. Therefore, with such a symptom, it is advisable to donate blood for anemia and check the gastrointestinal tract.

    If this situation is not related to the consumption of beets or products with red dye, you should urgently consult a doctor. This condition requires immediate treatment.

    Milky urine

    A milky white tint is characteristic of pyuria, a discharge of pus caused by damage to the kidneys and bladder. The situation also arises when an abscess breaks through from a neighboring organ into the urinary system. Sometimes cloudy urine has an unpleasant odor.

    Urine may become cloudy due to insoluble calcium and phosphorus salts entering it. This phenomenon is observed during the disintegration of a bone tumor containing a large amount of calcium and phosphorus compounds.

    This condition is very dangerous and therefore requires an urgent visit to a urologist. In this case, you cannot hesitate.

    Brown urine

    It acquires this color when a large volume of muscle protein myoglobin is excreted, which appears after extensive injuries.

    A brownish coloration may appear when eating beans, taking metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, or laxatives containing senna.

    Brown, cloudy urine appears when there are fistulas through which feces from the rectum enters the bladder or urethra. Its difference is a sharp putrid smell.

    Beer-colored urine

    This symptom occurs with pathologies of the liver and gallbladder - cirrhosis, hepatitis, poisoning, cholelithiasis, taking drugs that affect liver function. Its cause is blockage of the bile ducts caused by an inflammatory process, tumor or stone.

    As a result, bile pigments that should go into the intestines remain in the body, entering the blood, and from it into urine. Therefore, brown coloration of urine is accompanied by lightening of the stool.

    Foods that affect urine color

    Everything a person eats affects the body. Accordingly, the urinary system does not stand aside. The kidneys are the main filters of the body, but even they are not always able to rid urine of the pigment that comes with food. Do not be alarmed by the sight of changes in urine; you need to analyze the composition of the food eaten the day before.

    Eating large amounts of carotene-containing foods causes urine to turn orange.

    Urine becomes brown or red in the presence of beets, cherries, and blackberries in the diet. This does not mean that the discharge contains blood, it is simply colored by natural dyes. This can also happen when synthetic food additives enter the body.

    There are a number of pharmaceutical drugs that change the color of urine. This is not an indication for stopping the medication and is not a cause for concern.

    The property of staining urine pink-red color is possessed by:

    • Rifampin - used in patients with tuberculosis lesions.
    • Sulfonamides are drugs that have an antimicrobial effect.
    • Analgin - used as an analgesic and antipyretic agent.
    • Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug.
    • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic) acid is an antipreventive, anti-aggregate, anti-inflammatory agent.

    If a change in urine color is accompanied by additional symptoms, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

    The color of urine can be the first symptom of a serious illness, so changes should not be ignored. Timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

    If there is sediment in the urine

    The urine of a healthy person should not contain foreign impurities. Only isolated inclusions of epithelium located in the bladder, urethra and renal pelvis are allowed. All other elements are a symptom of the disease.

    Thus, the formation of a crystalline precipitate indicates a metabolic disorder and possible urolithiasis or the development of gout. Protein impurities are recorded in cases of kidney injuries, infectious lesions of the whole body, and liver pathologies. The appearance of pus accompanies venereal and oncological processes, serious inflammatory lesions.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    A urologist is a specialist who should be contacted if a change in the color of urine is detected and associated symptoms appear. To make an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive diagnosis is required, which includes laboratory tests and the use of instrumental diagnostic methods.

    Research with testing

    To determine the type of pathogenic microflora that could cause inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, and to diagnose the condition of the body as a whole, the following laboratory tests are carried out:

    • urine examination according to Nechiporenko;
    • urine examination using the Zimnitsky method;
    • bacteriological culture for microflora;
    • general urine analysis;
    • immunological blood tests;
    • albumin test.

    During bacteriological culture of microflora, a study is carried out to determine the resistance of microorganisms to certain antibiotics. The results of the analysis will help the doctor select an effective antibacterial drug for treating the pathology.

    Clinical analysis

    The main laboratory method for diagnosing glomerulonephritis remains a general urine test.

    It allows you to identify urinary syndrome in a patient:

    • An increase in the relative density of urine associated with the appearance of a large number of cellular elements in it.
    • Decreased transparency, turbidity of the fluid secreted by the kidneys.
    • Dark colored urine. With exacerbation of glomerulonephritis, it becomes a dirty brown, rusty color (a shade of “meat slop”).
    • Macrohematuria and microhematuria are the release of red blood cells associated with increased vascular permeability in the renal glomeruli.
    • Minor or severe proteinuria is the excretion of protein in the urine.
    • Leukocyturia is a nonspecific syndrome, slightly expressed.

    Test according to Nechiporenko

    Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko allows you to determine the degree of erythrocyturia, proteinuria and cylindruria, which usually correlate with the severity of the disease. The combination of protein and red blood cells excreted in the urine with a low level of leukocyturia allows differentiation of glomerulonephritis from other inflammatory kidney diseases.

    Zimnitsky test

    Urine testing according to Zimnitsky allows you to evaluate the concentrating abilities of the kidneys. Since in acute glomerulonephritis the functioning of the tubular apparatus is not impaired, there will be no pathological changes in this diagnostic test. As sclerotic changes progress in CGN, patients may experience polyuria (or, conversely, oliguria) and nocturia.

    In the nephrotic form, the protein is over 3.5 g/day, edema is observed, and lipiduria (fat in the secretions) subsequently develops. The main clinical manifestation is massive proteinuria caused by damage to the filtering mechanism of the kidneys.

    Transferrin is also excreted in the urine, causing hypochromic anemia. In addition to protein, a slight increase in red blood cells, white blood cells and casts is detected in the urine.

    Some patients have a mixed form, which is accompanied by urinary syndrome and hypertension. More often, this course is observed in secondary chronic glomerulonephritis.

    Thus, the diagnosis of chronic glomerulonephritis is not difficult and is based on identifying the priority syndrome: nephrotic, acute nephrotic, urinary or arterial hypertension. Additionally, the disease is indicated by signs of renal failure.

    Nephrotic syndrome most often occurs with minimal changes in the kidneys. Acute nephrotic syndrome is a combination of protein, blood in the urine, and hypertension. Usually occurs with rapid progression of the disease. Urinary syndrome combines signs of hematuria, cylindruria, increased leukocytes and protein in urine.

    The prevalence of nephritic syndrome among patients suffering from kidney disease is growing every year. The number of patients with acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is increasing, despite adequate treatment of sore throats and their prevention carried out on an outpatient basis. In the development of chronic nephritis, researchers increasingly see hereditary predisposition and autoimmune mechanisms. A urine test for glomerulonephritis is the first thing that leads the doctor to the correct diagnosis. It has not lost its diagnostic significance, despite the emergence of more modern methods for studying the kidneys.

    Inflammatory diseases

    Inflammatory processes of the urinary system, for example, the kidneys, can lead to the appearance of blood in the urine. Usually the inflammatory process is characterized by microhematuria. In addition to erythrocytes, laboratory tests will certainly show the presence of leukocytes and bacteria; this fact only confirms the presence of an inflammatory process, which can be caused by the presence of E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci. Another symptom that you should also pay attention to is the presence of a long-lasting elevated body temperature of up to 38 degrees.


    Therapy is selected individually, depending on the pathological factors that led to urine staining the color of meat slop. Treatment methods include taking medications, using physiotherapeutic techniques, and using traditional medicine recipes is allowed. The patient is required to comply with all doctor's instructions, adhere to the correct daily routine and therapeutic diet.

    With the help of medications

    If urine with a tinge of meat slop appears due to infectious microflora entering the bladder or kidneys, causing inflammation, antibacterial agents are prescribed. Antibiotics are selected purely individually, depending on the type of pathogenic microflora.

    To treat cystitis and other inflammations, which are accompanied by the appearance of urine the color of meat slop, diuretics are prescribed - drugs with a diuretic spectrum of action, for example Furosemide. Bacterial microflora is washed out of the bladder with urine, which promotes faster recovery. Diuretics restore and accelerate blood circulation. The number of red blood cells drops and the urine will gradually return to normal color.

    The drug treatment program includes taking immunosuppressants, Cyclosporine, Prednisolone. Immunosuppressants prevent the process of destruction of the soft tissue of the kidney tubules. To prevent the kidney glomeruli from becoming clogged with blood clots, anticoagulants are used - Dipyridamole, Heparin.

    Using traditional medicine

    Traditional treatment methods alone cannot cure infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Traditional recipes are used only as an auxiliary therapy in combination with drug treatment. The use of decoctions and tinctures based on medicinal herbs and natural products will help quickly relieve the symptoms of diseases and significantly speed up the recovery process.

    Recommended recipes:

    1. 1 teaspoon of corn silk is mixed with a teaspoon of cherry tails, poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left to cool completely. Strain, take 60 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
    2. Mix 4 tablespoons of flaxseeds with 3 tablespoons of crushed birch leaves and 3 tablespoons of omentum. Pour 500 ml of boiled water over the herbal mixture and leave to brew for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.
    3. Pour a tablespoon of dried and crushed elderberry inflorescences into a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse until it cools completely. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.

    After each urination, it is recommended to wash yourself with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark, herbs that have an antiseptic effect.

    The use of traditional medicine methods must be agreed upon with the attending physician, as there may be contraindications.

    Lifestyle change

    To speed up the recovery process, the patient must observe strict bed rest. This is necessary in order to reduce the load on the kidneys.

    Of great importance is adherence to a dietary diet that excludes the consumption of salt, spices, fried and fatty foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. It is necessary to reduce the amount of liquid you drink. Physical activity and sports are strictly prohibited. In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is recommended to abstain from intimacy during the period of treatment.

    Throughout treatment, the patient must regularly undergo laboratory urine tests to monitor their health status and determine the presence of a therapeutic effect.


    If the child’s urine contains fat cells, then nutritional correction is the primary stage of therapy.

    The diet consists of the following important stages:

    1. Limiting the amount of carbohydrates and fatty foods consumed.
    2. Daily meals should be balanced, divided, vegetable soups, fruits.
    3. During the diet, it is better to give up simple carbohydrates, fried, smoked foods, and alcoholic beverages.
    4. Correcting your usual lifestyle will improve your well-being; moderate physical activity will tone your muscles and help remove unnecessary fats through sweating.

    Proper nutrition will also help you get rid of many signs of diabetes and digestive system problems.

    Therapy for gross hematuria

    A set of measures is aimed at eliminating pathology. The initial stages of illnesses require conservative treatment. Urologists give patients recommendations:

    • maintaining bed rest to reduce the load on the kidneys;
    • dietary nutrition, including restriction of fluid and salt;
    • taking anticoagulants to prevent blood clots. Common medications are Heparin;
    • taking immunosuppressants (Cyclosporine, Prednisolone). They are needed to prevent the destruction of kidney tubule tissue;
    • taking diuretics (Furosemide). The medications will speed up blood flow to the affected areas.

    Some pathologies go unnoticed for some time; the only sign is a change in the tone of the urine. You need to pay attention to the indicator, contact a urologist in a timely manner, avoiding the process becoming chronic and complications developing.

    Dangerous conditions

    Conditions in which the urine becomes cloudy, acquires brown, red or black colors of any shade, and has an unusual odor, are life-threatening. These indicators may mean that there is hidden bleeding, the development of cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis, cancer, and complicated diseases. If the color of urine deviates from the norm (even from food/medicine consumed), you should immediately consult a doctor, if your health worsens, various pathological signs and symptoms of intoxication appear.

    Preventive measures

    The risk group includes those patients who at different times suffered from diffuse connective tissue pathologies (or currently have disorders).

    It is important to know! If specific pathogens (such as streptococcus) have previously penetrated the urinary system, there is a high probability that under the slightest unfavorable circumstances the disease may occur again or manifest itself in the form of another pathology.

    In this regard, doctors advise adhering to the following recommendations regarding the prevention of the disease:

    • promptly identify and treat infections;
    • avoid hypothermia;
    • eat wisely;
    • do not abuse alcohol;
    • do not experiment with pharmacological products.

    Glomerulonephritis and other inflammatory processes localized in the renal structures can cause the development of all kinds of complications: renal failure (acute or chronic form), hypertension, liver pathologies, heart failure. Preventing a disease is much easier than dealing with its negative consequences.

    Associated symptoms

    Since the color of urine from meat slop is a symptom of pathological processes in the urinary system, it may be accompanied by other symptoms:

    • pain in the lumbar region,
    • pain and stinging when urinating,
    • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder,
    • pressure surges,
    • constant thirst,
    • renal edema of the limbs and face,
    • general weakness,
    • temperature increase.

    If a change in the color of urine is caused by glomerulonephritis, in 80-85% of cases the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, the liver becomes enlarged, and the functions of the central nervous system are disrupted.

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