Crisis of one year: how it manifests itself, how long it lasts

10/08/2020 Reading time: 6 min 8330 0

A baby's first birthday is not only a joyful event. For many, this is also the beginning of a period that seems like a complete surprise. Until recently, the calm baby becomes capricious, becomes uncontrollable, screams and cries a lot. This does not mean that he is sick with something or that you did something wrong. Most likely, the child is having a 1-year-old crisis - a natural condition that needs to be given a little more attention. The more carefully and competently parents behave, the easier it will be for both the child and themselves to survive this difficult period.

What is the 1st year crisis?

In psychology, the prerequisites for the emergence of a crisis in the first year of a child’s life are:

  • frequent whims, the reasons for which are difficult to understand;
  • mood swings.

The baby is growing, becoming more independent every day. Now he stands firmly on his feet and sees the world around him from a completely different perspective. The little one believes that he has become big, that he is no different from adults. However, he continues to be treated like a baby. This contradiction gives rise to a child’s one-year crisis.

The one-year-old toddler is driven in his actions by his own momentary desires. But adults dictate rules and prohibitions to him. For almost every “I want”, the child hears “I can’t” from mom and dad. He does not understand what the prohibitions are based on, why he needs to obey the rules. He has a burning thirst for knowledge of the surrounding reality, which contains sockets, mobile phones, and sharp household objects. But as soon as you reach out to an attractive object, a stern voice immediately rings out: “You can’t!” The child's interest is not satisfied, he gets angry and cries.

The psychological essence of the crisis in the first year of a child’s life is that the baby cannot combine into one whole the own desires and demands of adults, his need for independence and physiological dependence on the mother.

What communication methods should you avoid?

The one-year crisis is a stage that is difficult not only for the child, but also for the close adults around him. A mother who spends every day with a big-ass brawler experiences a colossal burden that is very difficult to cope with. It takes a lot of effort to remain calm, understanding, and supportive. Remember that the baby is learning to live in new conditions for him, hysterics and disobedience are not an attempt to manipulate, but the next stage of development, which the immature organism copes with in the ways that are available to it. Having adapted to the changed reality, the little man will become more flexible, calm, obedient, and some calm will come. To survive a crisis with less stress, avoid relationship-damaging behavior patterns:

  • Pressure, use of physical punishment, harsh communication with the baby. Screaming, spanking and attempts to “crush with authority” and force to obey will lead to fear on the part of the child and a huge feeling of guilt on the part of the adult.
  • Prohibition on independent actions. Even unintelligent, helpless children need the opportunity to do something themselves; this is the path to learning, development, and trusting relationships with loved ones.

  • Permissiveness. Excessive liberality undermines the child’s value system. When everything is possible, it’s scary; the stability and stability of the world around us disappears. Children definitely need frames.

Tell your child what is prohibited in a calm, even voice, without a smile, outside the game. Each “no” will have to be repeated several dozen times every day, be consistent and serious.

  • Fragmentation of views of adult family members. Grandmothers should be on the same page as mom and dad. Various demands will disorient the child and make it difficult to overcome the crisis.
  • Complete isolation on the child. Seeing adults who are passionate about their own affairs, the baby learns to occupy himself independently and respect other people's time and space. And for mom, the opportunity to drink tea alone or go for a massage will protect her from burnout and depression. 9
  • Toxic behavior. Watch how you communicate with each other. Raising a child is, first of all, raising oneself. Kids very quickly absorb methods of interaction and words, especially those that are pronounced emotionally and loudly. The key to children’s psychological comfort is the love and respect of parents for each other. Spend time on your relationships, show tenderness, affection, care, say pleasant words.


In the periodization of developmental psychology, the child’s 1st year crisis is the boundary between infancy and early childhood. Its signs are:

  • desire for independence;
  • a violent emotional reaction to an unsuccessful attempt to do something on your own;
  • attempts to express your needs in words;
  • stubbornness and persistence in getting what you want;
  • the desire to develop one’s own opinion, different from the point of view of adults.

As a rule, the first outbreak of a crisis of one year is the most striking, because the baby experiences an emotional intrapersonal conflict for the first time, does not know how to behave in such a situation, and cannot imagine how the parents will react.

It is important to correctly recognize the signs of a 1-year-old crisis in a child. By mistakenly explaining a strong emotional reaction by the fact that the child is ill or that he has a bad character, parents block the contradictions of the child's soul. In the future, this may cause difficult adaptation to the society of peers.

How does the 1st year crisis manifest itself?

It can be difficult to recognize crises in children, since the pace of physiological and psychological development in all children is individual. As a rule, manifestations of the crisis become noticeable 3–4 weeks after the baby develops the ability to walk independently. The 1st year crisis in a child manifests itself as a combination of the following neoplasms:

  • surge in physical activity, restlessness;
  • genuine interest in dangerous objects;
  • the appearance of demanding intonations in the voice;
  • the ability to experience resentment and disappointment;
  • ability to express dissatisfaction;
  • stubborn resistance to the rational actions of an adult;
  • expansion of the stock of facial reactions (the baby can purse his lips tightly, frown his eyebrows, look from under his brows or squint);
  • expanding the range of means by which the baby demands what he needs (loud screaming without tears, stamping his foot, sharp waves of his arms, falling to the floor);
  • jealousy towards mother, importunity;
  • refusal to comply with regulations.

Crisis of the first year of life

Children are considered babies until they begin to walk and talk. These new formations, as psychologist Vygotsky called all the skills acquired by children, appear in the age range from 9 months to one and a half years. This period is called the crisis of the first year of life.

Speech activity and walking are distinctive signs of the development of a one-year-old child. The ability to walk and speak emerges at different times for each baby. Some people say their first words at 10 months, others later. It's the same with walking. Everything is individual.

The first steps and first words make the child more independent. There is a certain gap between him and the guardianship of adults. He wants to do everything himself. Parents are sometimes afraid of such independence and needlessly hinder the child’s development. He will still taste everything, such is the nature of understanding the world. Adults need to show tolerance and ensure the safety of their child. He will stomp around without holding his mother’s hand, he will take into his mouth everything that catches his eye and interests him, he will try and “give commands” by pointing with his finger or by starting a hysteria.

Parents need to make sure that they do not hit sharp corners or fall near hard objects, remove small parts, medications, etc., and learn to negotiate. By the way, it is at this stage that you can lay the foundation for a good relationship with your baby.

Reasons for changes in behavior

Knowing the reasons that underlie the crisis of the first year of life helps to understand the essence of this phenomenon. These include:

  • a large flow of information that the baby encounters every day, discovering the entire space of the apartment;
  • daily acquaintance with a large number of new subjects;
  • a leap in the development of mental functions;
  • poor speech development, which does not allow you to clearly and clearly tell adults about your needs and desires;
  • the first experience of independent and conscious spatial distance from parents;
  • the need to train a large number of skills every day (washing yourself, dressing yourself, eating with a spoon, speaking);
  • greater physical activity due to the development of independent walking skills;
  • loss of psychophysiological connection with the mother and stress as a result of stopping breastfeeding.

A brief description of the causes of the 1-year-old crisis in a child shows that this is a natural phenomenon of developmental psychology, which cannot be avoided. The further social development of the baby at the early childhood stage will not be complete if the 1st year crisis is excluded from ontogenesis.

How to behave to close adults

In order to survive the crisis of the first year of a child’s life with little loss, you need to build a common line of behavior for all family members. It is important that all adults with whom the baby comes into contact adhere to the same principles, so it will be easier for the baby to accept the right guidelines, learn correct interaction, and understand boundaries. Modern psychology adheres to a rather soft, but at the same time clear model for constructing communication with the god.

  • Instead of restrictions, there are opportunities. A large number of prohibitions is a serious test for the baby and family, who are forced to repeat “no” all day long and remove/remove/leave/distract the young researcher. Creating a safe environment will help solve this problem. Place valuable, fragile, and dangerous items out of the reach of children. Fill the lower cabinets with things that can be taken out, thrown around, chewed on, or thrown. A kitchen drawer filled with towels, plastic utensils, sealed bags of cereal, pasta, and beans will give you 5 to 30 minutes of time. An extra half hour to an hour of morning sleep for mom is the bedroom, where there are boxes with toys, a container with all kinds of wires, a ball, there are doors that you can open and throw out your own clothes. Each child has his own preferences. Perhaps your child likes household appliances - ask your friends for a broken toaster, mixer, or unnecessary kettle, and give it to your child to be torn to pieces.

For every “you can’t”, try to find an alternative “you can”. It is forbidden to knock on the glass; it is better to knock on your chair. We don't tear books, take plain paper. Throwing a heavy toy is dangerous, here's a ball for you.

  • Do it yourself. Allow them to show independence, support initiative, be there for backup. The baby wants to climb onto the sofa - place a high pillow on the floor, which will act as a step. If he wants to eat with a spoon, put him in a high chair, undressed, and give him some food that can be easily washed off surfaces.
  • You won't be forced to get full. One of the most popular problems voiced by mothers is “he doesn’t eat anything!” Children of crisis age may refuse to eat out of a feeling of confrontation. Force-feeding a resisting child is every parent's worst nightmare; most often it ends with three spoons of mashed potatoes and general cleaning of the kitchen. Try changing tactics - invite your son/daughter to sit down and eat with you, the same food that you eat yourself. Of course, such an experiment presupposes proper nutrition for the whole family - high-quality products, a minimum of spices, gentle cooking methods. Don’t forget to remove unhealthy snacks like cookies and place them within the toddler’s visibility range after the main meal.

  • Listen and hear. It is difficult to understand children who cannot speak; sometimes you have to guess for a long time what they want. Pay attention to the gestures and sounds of your little fidget, over time you will accurately determine his desires.

Help other relatives decipher children's requests, tell them what this or that sound or gesture means. The baby will be more willing to communicate with those who understand him.

  • The value of communication. Talk - voice your actions, name objects, feelings (yours and your child’s), read. The development of a child’s speech is facilitated by the competent, clear speech of adults.
  • Not the mother for the child, but the child with the mother. Despite the importance of playing together, a parent cannot devote all his time to this alone. Adults have work, household chores, and hobbies. When a baby sees its parents going about their daily lives, it develops. The natural course of family affairs reinforces the child’s behavior patterns, concepts of social roles, and teaches inclusion and independence. Involve your son or daughter in your daily routine, kids love it.

Today, psychologists talk about the need for about three hours of independent play or creativity for preschoolers during the day. There is no need to entertain the children around the clock; let them be alone, come up with some kind of activity of their own, even just hang around the apartment. For a year old, this might be picking at a box of pasta or 10 minutes of selfless banging on a stool with a spoon.

  • A sea of ​​tears. In developmental psychology, a faithful companion to a child’s 1-year-old crisis is crying. Children can cry for a long time, loudly, for any reason. With the help of tears, the little ones try to break the will of adults and demand what they want. Is it worth making concessions so that the child does not cry? No, if we are talking about clearly defined prohibitions that are of fundamental importance. The child must understand that the parent’s word is final, firm and unshakable. Through restrictions, the little pioneer gets acquainted with the concept of boundaries, and also gains confidence in the stability of the world around him, its reliability, consistency, which is very important for the harmonious development of the individual. You can and should feel sorry for a crying child, caress him, accept and name the emotions he is experiencing, and let him throw out his resentment, anger, and indignation through tears. A loving, understanding adult is better than blanket indulgence to avoid negative experiences. Speak words of encouragement, but be firm in your decisions: “I see that you are upset that you cannot take this doll with you outside, you really wanted to take a walk with it. Unfortunately, it will get dirty on the court, so we will leave it at home, take a truck or a ball, it’s possible.” The kid must understand that the head of the family is not he, but mom and dad, and they decide.

How does the baby feel?

According to developmental psychology, a one-year-old baby is in a state of stress due to a leap in mental development. Now he is aware of his own desires and wants to declare them to the whole world. He feels that he has become physically independent: he can let go of his mother’s hand and run away from her into another room. However, he does not like the fact that the mother will go to work, disappearing from the baby’s sight for a long time against his will. The psycho-emotional connection with the mother is very strong; if the mother leaves, the baby cries.

The experience accumulated by this time makes the one-year-old baby very susceptible to the phenomena of the surrounding world. He likes to be among people, he looks at their faces with interest. He is interested in everything, he wants to touch and taste everything, because he is not yet familiar with the dangers of this world.

The behavior of a one-year-old toddler is determined by an adult, but at the same time he has already formed such a psychological structure as character. Some of the adult’s prohibitions contradict his own beliefs, which is why a violent protest arises.

For a one-year-old baby, an adult is a source of positive emotions. At this age, children are able to accurately recognize the mood of adults. His parents play with him, feed him, and take him for walks. The child enjoys spending time with mom or dad. When people don't pay attention to him for a long time, he gets bored and wants communication. To attract the attention of an adult, the child begins to whine.

It is not at all difficult to understand how a child feels. To do this, you just need to recognize that he is an individual, he has his own preferences, desires and needs.

How to cope with a crisis of 1.5 years?

The child will survive this crisis - you can be sure. The question is how to cope with your nerves at this moment! And save your precious nerve cells :).

The most important thing I can advise you is to spend more time with your child . Qualitatively. Be sure to try to understand what exactly he wants and satisfy his desire, if this does not go against safety and vital principles. That is, you will not give the scissors to the baby, even if he is hysterical, but you try to distract his attention, caress him, hug him, sing a song. My daughter at this age was best distracted by beautiful poems, for example, “I came to you with greetings.” By the way, this is a great opportunity to learn something new to interest the baby - juggle, dance, sing in falsetto, do origami or something else.

If the child demands to take a longer walk, or to eat at a common table, and not in his own high chair, or to get what he wants from the refrigerator, then at the moment of crisis of 1.5 years, allow him to do this. Soon, literally in a week, everything will fall into place. But for now the baby desperately wants to see that he is recognized as an individual, that he can do whatever he wants, that he is not limited. Imagine how difficult this is in general: you have just learned that you are a separate person and are free to choose: to obey or not, to eat porridge or not, to go on a swing or a slide; and after a couple of weeks you realize that you must also follow some rules, which, it turns out, everyone follows! And where is the boundary between “I”, “we” and “they”? How can we live now?!

You and I probably won’t even be able to imagine what it’s like. Recently my husband taught me how to ride a bicycle, and he couldn’t explain how to turn, because he had been doing it automatically for many years. But it was absolutely incomprehensible to me how to turn without falling - explain, help. This is exactly what our children expect from us, and if we are no longer able to understand how one can not know or be able to do something, then we should at least support it .

Therefore, patience and more patience! You will definitely succeed. I wish you to survive the 1.5 year crisis with minimal losses, because this growth spurt is the last . All that's left is to be patient just a little bit. The next crisis is already called the three-year crisis, although for some children it begins already around two. By the way, in the future, crises will become less and less frequent, but in terms of power they will be much stronger. Perhaps some of you will soon have to endure a crisis of average height with your man, and this is absolutely wow! Don’t forget about our other halves - they also need our support and support.

Wish you all the best!

Your Blogomomochka - Ekaterina Ulyanova



Ekaterina Ulyanova

Mother of two wonderful daughters and author of the blog

Duration of crisis in a one-year-old child

The name of this age crisis is very arbitrary. The time it appears in a child depends on the development of independent walking skills. How long a child’s 1-year crisis lasts and how it proceeds depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the reactions of adults to negative behavioral surprises caused by the transition to a new stage of development.

According to Komarovsky, a child’s 1st year crisis lasts from 8 to 15 months. However, there are cases where a child managed to successfully overcome the crisis stage within a month. And for some it takes 10-12 months. The duration of the crisis is determined not only by the psychophysiology of the baby, but also by the parents’ competent response to behavioral outbursts.

The optimal time for overcoming age-related intrapersonal contradictions in a child is the period from 12 to 15 months. By this time, the physiological maturation of the brain and nervous system comes into balance with the psychological situation of development. The more a child understands, the easier it is for him to survive the crisis stage of ontogenesis.

If the crisis began before 12 months, parents need to understand that the child’s brain does not yet have a sufficient number of neural connections, so it will be difficult for the baby to cope with the emerging contradictions.

Parents note that after the successful completion of the crisis of one year, the baby takes a huge step forward in his development: he learns to jump, learns to subordinate his desires to rules, his vocabulary expands, and arbitrariness can be traced in his behavior.

Should we be afraid of changes in behavior?

The crisis of the first year of life is a natural stage in the development of the child’s psyche. Parents should not be afraid of dramatically changed behavior. Even in an acute period of crisis, you need to remain on the side of the child.

Transitional age stages occur differently for all children. Some people's behavior changes slightly, while others turn into little devils. Parents should be alarmed by the complete absence of any changes in the baby’s behavior.

Age crises are an opportunity to adapt to new stages of development. They are important for children and parents. The child's exit from adolescence will depend on them. Constant categorical prohibitions are fraught with infantilism and inability to adapt to life.

Dangerous moments of a child’s independence at 1 year old

Children's interest in everyday objects can lead to injury. It is impossible to remove all dangerous objects from the baby’s field of vision. It is important to understand that the danger for a child lies not in the object itself, but in the fact that the child takes this thing without the control of an adult.

A child will develop a complete picture of the world only when he gets acquainted with all its objects and phenomena, including dangerous ones. But this should only be done together with an adult and under his supervision.

Only by bringing the child's hand closer to the fire so that he feels its temperature will he be able to explain to the child the danger of fire. Only by carefully touching the sharp blade of a knife will the child understand that this tool can get hurt.

With this approach, the child understands on a subconscious level that he needs to be careful. Through tactile sensations, a signal of danger is transmitted to the brain.

How to easily survive a crisis

In order for the crisis to pass quickly and painlessly, parents need to prepare for this important period. Psychologists advise adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Recognize that the child is an individual. His demands for expanded rights are natural. All parental prohibitions must be justified. If a child wants to try to do something on his own, he needs to be given this opportunity, but under the supervision of an adult.
  2. It is important to formulate prohibitions correctly. The use of the particle “not” in the ban should be abandoned. Instead of the word “impossible” it is better to use the word “dangerous”. At the same time, there should not be many prohibitions. Before prohibiting a child from doing anything, parents need to discuss it among themselves in order to develop a common view on upbringing in the family.
  3. Create safe living conditions. If the baby is allowed to participate in household activities with his mother, he will be delighted.
  4. Create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child.
  5. During games, the child should be allowed to break buildings made of cubes and disassemble the mosaic. After the child has destroyed the built tower, you need to build it again. This develops logical thinking.
  6. Talk to your child. If the baby is outraged by something, you need to let him speak out and be sure to try to understand his feelings. Hearing the mother’s calm speech, the baby calms down. Mom can accompany her statements with kisses and strokes. Such communication forms a trusting relationship between the child and parents.
  7. Compliance with routine moments is important for the baby’s health. You should not refuse them just because the child protests. They can be preserved if we use play rather than strict coercion.

The child does not let his mother go anywhere - what to do?

Many mothers in the crisis of 1 year or in crises in children after a year are faced with the following problem: there is no time to do household chores, since the child does not let him go anywhere and does not get out of his hands. What to do in such a situation?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the child is afraid of his mother disappearing from sight. It can be:

  • A very strong psychological dependence of the child on the mother. When the mother is nearby, the child feels safe. If she leaves, he becomes worried. In addition, children very sensitively feel the emotional mood of their mother. If a woman is worried, worried, leaving the baby, he will copy her condition.
  • Fear of loneliness. When the mother leaves, the child does not know the exact time of her return. He fears that she will not return. This happens if parents use threats as the main means of behavior correction: “If you behave like this, I’ll leave you!” When mom leaves on business, the baby believes that the moment has come when, because of his bad behavior, mom left.
  • Attention deficit. If the mother is next to the child, but is busy with her own affairs, he lacks communication. Seeing that his mother is getting ready somewhere, the child gets upset: he was waiting for his mother to turn her attention to him, but she leaves.

You can teach your baby to calmly accept his mother’s absence if you play hide and seek with him more often. Frequent visits from close relatives and family friends help him develop a calm attitude towards the fact that his mother may not always be with him. There is nothing wrong with the fact that sometimes another person is nearby, no.

The mother’s phrase: “I’ll go to the store, I’ll be back soon” helps reduce the baby’s situational anxiety. Such phrases build the child’s trust in the mother: the mother said that she would be back soon, and she actually came in a few minutes. It's better than sneaking out. If a child was busy playing and then discovered that his mother had disappeared, he sobs out loud. When the mother returns, the baby does not leave her one step, fearing that she will disappear again.

What parents need to do

  • Try to maintain your usual daily routine.
  • Create the richest possible developmental environment in the home. Train him. Let him touch different surfaces, smell smells, listen to sounds. Show how to use different objects.
  • Support your baby in everything.
  • Set only a good example for your child.
  • Give him simple instructions so that the baby feels responsible and independent.
  • Coordinate the upbringing model with other relatives so that there is no conflicting behavior between different family members, when one prohibits and the other allows.

To avoid unnecessary conflicts, put away items that the child should not touch.

  • Organize your child’s personal space where he will feel in charge.
  • Try to understand all the baby’s requests; if you understand, voice them. For example: “Oh, do you want to get a toy?” - and even: “Do you want to touch the fire?” Then you can explain why this should not be done. It is important that unresolved situations do not arise.
  • Do not be afraid that the child will bump, hurt or burn himself, of course, if we are not talking about a serious wound. A little person mastering the surrounding reality must necessarily go through some tests in order to learn to act safely in our difficult world.
  • Respect the child's personality and demonstrate your respect. This will help him grow up to be a strong and confident person.
  • Show unconditional love for your baby. Hug and kiss him often.
  • If you need to leave the house, talk about it. Explain that you will be back soon.
  • If a child does not listen to you and continues to commit some unacceptable actions, it is important to clearly build a system of rules and prohibitions. Don't force anything. Figure out how to distract or engage him. For example, if your baby refuses a certain food, offer to eat it with toys.
  • Before going to the toilet, get your child interested in something, otherwise he will definitely be upset because of your absence. In this case, talk to him from behind the door, explain that you will be leaving soon.
  • If a child asks for help, help, but do not overdo it. Let the baby try to cope on his own, and you will “insure” him in that part of the matter that he is not yet able to do.
  • If your baby requires attention, give him time. And if you don't have one at all, distract him with something interesting.

We hope these tips will help you establish constructive communication with your baby. Let this period not be a crisis for you, but an exciting “quest” that will teach you endurance and wisdom, and help your child become more mature.

Article on our Yandex Zen channel

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky calls the 1-year crisis in a child a capricious time. In the works of this author you can find tips on overcoming the crisis of 1 year:

  1. Before doing housework after returning home, the mother is recommended to spend half an hour with the child: play with him, talk, sit him on her lap. Then you can go to the kitchen together. While mom is busy preparing dinner, the child will happily sit next to her, watching her actions or playing with pots.
  2. Bright pictures or candy wrappers can help the child come to terms with the fact that mom needs to be alone in the bathroom for a while. Taking several of these pictures with her, a mother can captivate an anxious baby with an interesting game: the baby is looking forward to the next bright picture appearing from under the door. If you don’t have pictures at hand, you can sing songs. Hearing the mother's voice, the baby will not worry about the fact that she has disappeared.
  3. It will be easier for a child to come to terms with prohibitions if parents offer alternative permitted actions. For example: “The book cannot be torn. You can leaf through it and look at pictures”, “When a cat is pulled by the tail, it hurts. You can only pet the cat.”
  4. Toys will help stimulate compliance with routine moments. If your child doesn't want to brush his teeth, you can ask a teddy bear to show him how he brushes his teeth. If a girl is capricious before going to bed, you can draw her attention to the fact that the Katya doll is already sleeping, because she is obedient.
  5. An effective way to stop an outburst of negative emotions is to switch the baby’s attention to something else.


Basically, the crisis of 17 years is associated with self-determination. Boys and girls of this age constantly find themselves in a situation of choice: which exams to take, where to enroll, who to be friends with, who to be, etc. This heats up the situation and exacerbates stress.


For all 11th grade students, final exams become a big stress. The Unified State Exam is sometimes comparable to Russian roulette. Some people get a simple option, others get an unsolvable one. Someone can pull themselves together, concentrate and do everything, but someone gets lost and, despite the fact that they know everything, gains an insignificant number of points. The tension begins with preparation for exams, reaches its maximum peak during the exam and stays there until the results are announced.

Situation of choice

Every teenager faces a certain choice: continue studying or look for a job, where to go next, where to get a job, study full-time or part-time, whether to work part-time, leave their parents or continue to live with them, etc. Almost every day requires making responsible decisions, on which fate depends.

Expectations of others

Teachers, parents, friends, relatives, acquaintances - everyone expects something from 17-year-olds and constantly bombards them with questions. “Where are you going?”, “Are you already working or not?”, “What do you want to become?”, “What are your hobbies?”, “Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?” Society dictates its own norms. And at this age it is incredibly difficult to meet his standards. Moreover, the opinions of others become too important for them.

New life situation

Entering another educational institution after school means a change of environment and daily routine, inclusion in new activities, meeting a lot of people, sometimes moving away from parents and the need to live independently. Adaptation is also stressful.

All these life situations cause an exacerbation of the youth crisis at 17 years old.

My recommendations

New developments of the psyche on the threshold of new stages of ontogenesis are associated with crises. This is fine. Parents need to be patient: it will take a little time and everything will get better.

You should not scold your child for negative behavioral reactions during a crisis. Psychological practice shows that this is ineffective. An alternative to this is confidential communication, explaining to the child the essence of emotional states. The baby calms down when he sees that his mother understands his feelings and shares them.

Those children whose parents encourage their independence overcome crises more easily. Starting with independence in dressing and washing, parents gradually develop in the child self-confidence, initiative and a love of order.

If the parents’ views on upbringing coincide, and the spouses are calm about the crisis, then its course will be painless for the family.

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