Methods of cognitive behavioral therapy in counseling and psychotherapy

Methods of cognitive behavioral therapy in counseling and psychotherapy

Class format


Labor intensity of development

216 academic hours

Training period

6 months

Operant conditioning does not mean controlling a person like a puppet; Operant conditioning is a classification of the world in which an individual performs actions that influence that world. and the latter, in turn, influences a person. Burress Frederick Skinner

People are not upset by events, but by how they perceive them. Epictetus

Thoughts and facts are not the same thing. You may think something is true, but you won't necessarily be right. I may think that I am a zebra - but this thought will not turn me into a zebra. You need to compare your thoughts with facts. Robert Leahy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular, dynamically developing modern areas of psychotherapy in the world. The popularity of cognitive-behavioral therapy is ensured by: a wide range of tasks, high effectiveness, clarity, measurability and predictability of the results obtained, relative short-term duration, relative simplicity and accessibility of mastering explanatory models and therapeutic techniques.

Today, cognitive behavioral therapy is successfully used both in the treatment of diseases usually classified as “big psychiatry” - schizophrenia, hysteria, manic-depressive psychosis, etc. - and in the treatment and correction of neurotic disorders, developmental disorders, and behavioral disorders in adults and children. – aggressive, insecure, demonstrative, dependent behavior, fears, depression, hyperactivity, autistic disorders, speech disorders, learning difficulties, etc.

Since the methods and techniques of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy are based on learning theories, they are widely used in health care, social work and education, including to improve the quality of life of older people and people with disabilities, as well as to improve the teaching and educational process in educational institutions. institutions – ensuring discipline, strengthening motivation, preventing and resolving conflict situations.

If you do not have a higher education, you can listen to the program and receive a certificate of participation upon completion.


Formation in students of practical skills in applying techniques, techniques, methods developed within the framework of cognitive-behavioral therapy in their practice of psychological counseling and/or psychotherapy, as well as in their own everyday life.


  • To form in students an understanding of the concepts underlying CBT, techniques, techniques and methods developed on the basis of these concepts for therapeutic intervention.
  • Train students in the use of basic techniques and CBT techniques in individual and group work.
  • To provide students with psychotherapeutic experience in solving their own problems using CBT techniques.
  • To give students their own experience of psychological counseling and psychotherapy within the framework of CBT in face-to-face and remote work formats.

Cognitive behavioral therapy: not talking, but doing

I'm currently re-reading a good text about cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, written by Lucy Oldfield, a clinical psychologist from the UK.

And I think that’s exactly how it is: every client signs up for a consultation with the expectation of a magical cure for their problems. Through chatter. Magic and miracles, right? And even I, when I come to personal therapy, also somewhere latently expect the same thing :)

Each client experiences anxiety and excitement in connection with experiments. And me too. By the way, I just remembered another one of my most frequently used phrases: I can tell you how to feel as much as I want, but until you try it “on your own skin,” you won’t believe me.

So this is what L. Oldfield writes about ⏬

Is psychotherapy just talking to a good person?

You won't be able to think or talk about self-confidence and gain it.
Still, something will have to be done. Cognitive behavioral therapy often suffers from bold claims that it is a talkative panacea treatment for all ills. That just a couple of sessions will give anyone the opportunity to feel better or find a job. Live a richer, more meaningful life. Just like that.

Sometimes results like this are actually possible for some people. But no one talks about the complexity of psychotherapy and its demandingness, both for the client and the therapist.

People come to psychotherapy expecting a quick “fix” with words.

And this is not surprising.

Many people think that undergoing CBT is just sitting and chatting with a nice person who listens to you, encourages you and does not judge you. Well, yes, it's true: a good cognitive behavioral therapist sits, listens, encourages, and doesn't judge. But he also does something else to make sure that some sense comes out of the conversation.

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