Eye burn with quartz (ultraviolet) lamp

Eyes are the most vulnerable place of our body. They consist of a large number of parts, each of which performs an important function. It is enough to damage one of them for a person to partially or completely lose the ability to see. For minor injuries, the process is temporary, and visual acuity returns after adequate treatment. However, if the damage is severe, changes in the eye may be irreversible.

The most common injury to this organ is a burn received while operating a gas welding machine. The electric arc releases such a large amount of energy that it is divided into two parts. The first generates a thermal (thermal) wave that directly melts the metal. The second one creates strong ultraviolet radiation. Eye burns from welding can result from both of these effects.

Structure of the eye

To understand why you should not delay providing first aid for eye burns, and why they are dangerous, you need to know the approximate structure of the organ. Its structures are arranged sequentially. They can be roughly divided into those that refract light and those that perceive images. The latter includes only the retina.

Let's list the main parts, starting with the most superficial:

  1. The conjunctiva is a thin protein membrane covering the eye;
  2. The cornea is the first structure to refract light;
  3. The iris is an important part consisting of muscle, connective tissue and pigment cells that give a certain color to the eye. Regulates the process of pupil dilation/constriction;
  4. The lens is a biconvex lens-shaped structure of the eye that focuses light;
  5. The sclera is the largest layer of the eye and performs protective and refractive functions;
  6. The retina senses light and gives rise to the optic nerve.

If one of these structures is damaged, the eye cannot perform its function normally. A burn to the retina has the most severe consequences, since this part consists entirely of nerve endings and is responsible for the perception of light.

Electrical burns: how to identify, first aid, treatment

Electrical burns occur under the influence of current.
When in contact with the skin, the energy is converted into heat. As a result of this transformation, the liquid coagulates and the tissues are destroyed. When affecting living matter, high voltage current or atmospheric discharge causes internal damage. Electrical injury is dangerous due to the unpredictability of its consequences. No one can determine with certainty the degree of tension that will prove fatal. Much depends on the victim’s body, the timeliness of first aid, the efficiency and professionalism of medical workers.

What are the types of electrical burns?

Stress-related injuries are common, both in businesses and at home. Appear when simple safety precautions for using and working with electrical appliances are violated. Causes:

  • equipment malfunction;
  • touching wires with missing insulating materials;
  • self-repair without technical knowledge and skills;
  • voltage surges.

Electric shock causes a number of negative consequences for the body. Consultation with a doctor is necessary even with minor contact with electricity, since the risk of delayed consequences is high. When exposed to the body, lesions of various types occur:

  1. Thermal. The appearance of burn lesions on the skin.
  2. Biological. Muscle cramps, soft tissue ruptures, fractures. Respiratory problems.
  3. Electrolytic. They occur when blood and lymph are damaged, which, when destroyed, affect the functionality of organs.

Electrical injuries are divided into three types based on the type of interaction:

  • contact – direct output to the voltage source;
  • arc – damage is possible at a distance;
  • mixed - joint influence of two types.

By transmission method:

  • Household. You can get an electrical burn at home.
  • Production. Damage acquired while performing work at an enterprise is very dangerous. People come into contact with high voltage.
  • Natural. Lightning strikes are mostly fatal.

By type of impact

Chronic. A person who constantly works with electricity or carries out repairs in this area is exposed to prolonged exposure to low voltage current.

Short-term. The risk of injury depends on the body and the power of the discharge. They may be mild or cause death.

Features of electrical burns

The path of current through the human body is called a loop. Lower - the passage of tension from one limb to the second. Upper – from the contacting hand to the opposite one. Full – from the leg with exit through the hand.

The consequences of contact always depend on the strength of the discharge and the characteristics of the body. Convulsive contraction of muscle tissue is possible when touching an object with a voltage of less than 240 W. The fingers do not open to release the cable. The danger lies in the duration of the interaction.

When struck by a large electric current, a person is thrown away from the source of electricity. Possible injuries include serious burns. Up to charring. It is impossible to say with certainty which of the contacts is the most dangerous. People have survived shocks of 2,000 volts and died instantly from faulty wiring. Each case is unique.

Electrical burns are classified according to the level of damage. There are four of them:

  1. The first is called household or low-voltage. The extent of damage depends on the duration of exposure. The person is conscious. Convulsions, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure are possible. Electrical marks are lighter than skin color. They have a pale yellow or gray-white tint. Burns are painful because the nerve endings are affected.
  2. Possible shock, convulsions, arrhythmia. The respiratory organs and cardiovascular system do not suffer pathological damage. At the affected area, the epidermis peels off and blisters form.
  3. In all cases, loss of consciousness, respiratory and cardiac dysfunction are observed. Strong muscle contractions can lead to muscle tears. Possible consequences are dislocation or broken bones. Soft tissue lesions are deep with partial charring.
  4. Caused by contact with high voltage. Complicated by thermal burns from ignition of clothing and equipment. All organs are affected. Asphyxia is observed, and, as a consequence, clinical death. The wounds are very deep and can cause dangerous complications. All soft tissues undergo necrotic changes, bones become charred. Possible cardiac arrest.

Treatment of electrical burns is carried out only in medical institutions.

How to understand that a person has suffered from an electric shock

Electrical injury is recognized by burns from an electric arc. The skin may change color from red to gray or black if the burn is severe. There will certainly be convulsive movements. They always occur if a person comes under stress.

Signs of electrical injury:

  • weak, shallow breathing, asphyxia is possible;
  • accelerated pulse;
  • muscle convulsions;
  • memory impairment;
  • lack of orientation in space;
  • blurred vision;
  • burns with clearly defined contours.

Complaints of nausea and dizziness. The pain may not have a specific location. When affected, it spreads to the entire body. Possible confusion, slurred speech, and loss of sensation in the limbs.

Examine the victim. If the action of the electric arc was prolonged, then marks should remain. The seriousness of the situation is indicated by swelling, numbness and muscle contraction.

First aid for electrical burns

The consequences and outcome of treatment for electrical injury depend on the correct actions of the witnesses to the accident. The first thing you need to do is cut off the power to the source of the problem. If a person is holding a wire or device in his hands, try to knock it out of his hands and move it away. A tree branch, a mop, or a rolled-up newspaper will do. It is prohibited to use objects made of metal.

You cannot run to the scene if the accident occurred on the ground. Take small steps. A step voltage can occur in the circuit between two points when a person moves in large leaps, or stands side by side with his legs spread wide apart.

If you cannot turn off the power source, you need to move the victim away. Do not touch the person with your hands until the power is turned off. You can receive a shock through the victim. Drag him away from the scene of the tragedy. Do not touch exposed areas of the body, only clothing.

If the victim is conscious, place him on his back. To overcome the effects of shock, the head must be lower than the body. Therefore, place things rolled up under your legs and lower back. Examine the victim. If you find burn injuries or injuries secondary to falls, cover them with a clean cloth to prevent contamination.

In this case, it is necessary to provide emergency assistance to the victim if he is unconscious. Begin resuscitation measures. Follow these steps:

  • place the person on a hard surface;
  • clean the oral cavity with your finger, after wrapping it with a handkerchief or cloth;
  • tilt your head back a little and open his mouth;
  • Cardiac massage is performed with straight arms, leading from above;
  • 100 presses are performed in 1 minute;
  • artificial respiration, every thirty compressions;
  • continue actions until help arrives;
  • when palpitations and breathing appear, lay the person on his side and wait for the doctors to arrive;
  • Clean the burned surface and cover it with a cloth;
  • do not wash wounds with water or apply topical anti-burn agents;
  • do not give food or drink.

Electrical burns are very dangerous. This can seriously compromise the victim's health. According to statistics, more than 30% of deaths occurred due to ignorance of first aid rules.

Electrical burn treatment

The main goal of doctors at the initial stage is to identify damage resulting from an electrical discharge. A full examination of the victim is carried out.

Tissues affected by necrosis must be removed as quickly as possible, since there are prerequisites for the development of gangrene. Diagnosis of all internal organs that could be damaged is mandatory.

There is always a possibility of serious damage after contact with high voltage.

Drug treatment

High-voltage burns in most cases are accompanied by loss of consciousness and cardiac failure. Therefore, the victim immediately goes to the intensive care unit. Treatment at this stage is carried out through infusion therapy with anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances. A blood transfusion from a donor is used.

Medicines are combined with local ones to achieve a positive result. They begin to be used after stabilizing the patient’s position and removing him from a serious condition.

Ointments and creams are used mainly with an antibacterial effect and those that stimulate regeneration. There is active support for immunity. Correction of treatment is carried out based on the condition of a particular organism.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, sedatives and antidepressants are prescribed. For dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, drugs that stimulate cardiac activity. Dehydration therapy is recommended in case of circulatory problems or cerebral edema.

Surgical intervention

Surgeries are performed only on deep wounds to clean them or transplant healthy tissue. In very severe cases that cannot be treated, amputation is performed.

The decision to use radical measures is made in each case individually. It depends on the patient's condition. Sometimes surgery is required immediately, and to delay means risking the patient’s life. In another case, you need to give the body time to recover from the shock and begin recovery.

Electrical injuries in the home are considered minor because they are caused by low voltage current. Such lesions are often located in the lip area of ​​the face and limbs. The damage is minimal and heals within two weeks. During treatment, local agents are used to relieve inflammation, prevent suppuration, relieve pain and heal.


Effective prevention measures are:

  • compliance with precautionary rules when operating equipment, repairing and installing the electrical network;
  • informing people about ways to safely use household appliances and precautions in high-risk situations;
  • educating the population about the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

The number of electrical accidents is not decreasing. It is necessary not only to know the safety laws, but also to comply with them. And proper first aid for electrical burns can save someone's life.

Source: https://firetravma.ru/pervaya-pomoshh/ozhogi-elektricheskim-tokom

How can you burn your eyes when welding?

Depending on the cause of occurrence, there are two types of eye burns from welding:

  1. Thermal - it develops when very hot substances or liquids come into contact with one of the parts of the eye. The organ of vision can be damaged by flying scales, splashes of hot metals, scalding steam (when using hot-dip galvanizing technology, hot air welding, etc.);
  2. Ultraviolet burn (radiation) - this injury can be caused not only by a welder, but also by an ordinary passer-by who looks at the electric arc. Ultraviolet light typically only damages the surface of the eye, so it is considered less dangerous.

First aid and treatment differ significantly for various eye injuries, so it is important to promptly determine the type of burn. This can be done using simple signs that will be described below.

The effect of quartz and ultraviolet lamps on the retina of the eye

Exposure to an ultraviolet lamp should not cause harm to a person if the device is used correctly and does not violate the developed recommendations. However, if safety requirements are violated, you can get burned by a quartz lamp. Depending on the type of device used, damage occurs as follows:

  • when using long waves, the equipment causes skin pigmentation, but does not cause corneal injury;
  • waves of medium length can have a negative effect, which is accompanied by redness of the eyes;
  • short waves cause the most severe damage, accompanied by severe pain and redness of the eye.

When using quartz treatment, the amount of ozone increases, which negatively affects the human condition. If the room ventilation standards are not followed, you can get a burn to the cornea with quartz.

The severity of eye damage from UV rays depends on the duration of contact with the equipment and its power.

Chemical burn to the eyes

This type of damage is much more dangerous than exposure to scale or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Eye burns from chemicals manifest themselves with the same symptoms as after welding. However, there is one important difference - in 85% of cases the damage is deep and irreversible.

In principle, chemical burns are divided into acid and alkaline.

Alkali burn

Typical representatives of alkalis are soda, lime, ammonia solutions, and cleaning products. They are present in every person’s everyday life, and are extremely dangerous if they come into contact with the eyes. The fact is that alkalis enter into chemical reactions with the conjunctiva, cornea and sclera, rapidly destroying them. Therefore, a chemical burn to the mucous membrane of the eye quickly becomes deep and damages all structures, right up to the retina.

It is quite difficult to remove alkali from fabrics, so it is important that first aid is provided as early as possible.

Acid burn

Easier to deal with than alkali damage. When acid gets in, the superficial structures of the eye are often damaged. During the chemical reaction, a lot of protein is released from the destroyed mucosa, which delays the acid on its way to the retina. Therefore, with timely assistance, visual function can be preserved.

In everyday life, the following acids are most often used:

  • Potassium permanganate (synonym: potassium permanganate) - there is an additional sign that will help determine damage to manganese. At the same time, the mucous membrane turns brownish-brown;
  • Vinegar;
  • Nitric acid – is included in almost all solutions for cleaning metals;
  • Formaldehyde is a typical component of nail polish remover;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Boric acid.

Electric shock eye burn first aid

Electrical burns occur under the influence of current. When in contact with the skin, the energy is converted into heat. As a result of this transformation, the liquid coagulates and the tissues are destroyed.

When affecting living matter, high voltage current or atmospheric discharge causes internal damage. Electrical injury is dangerous due to the unpredictability of its consequences. No one can determine with certainty the degree of tension that will prove fatal. Much depends on the victim’s body, the timeliness of first aid, the efficiency and professionalism of medical workers.

What are the types of electrical burns?

Stress-related injuries are common, both in businesses and at home. Appear when simple safety precautions for using and working with electrical appliances are violated. Causes:

  • equipment malfunction;
  • touching wires with missing insulating materials;
  • self-repair without technical knowledge and skills;
  • voltage surges.

Electric shock causes a number of negative consequences for the body. Consultation with a doctor is necessary even with minor contact with electricity, since the risk of delayed consequences is high. When exposed to the body, lesions of various types occur:

  1. Thermal. The appearance of burn lesions on the skin.
  2. Biological. Muscle cramps, soft tissue ruptures, fractures. Respiratory problems.
  3. Electrolytic. They occur when blood and lymph are damaged, which, when destroyed, affect the functionality of organs.

Electrical injuries are divided into three types based on the type of interaction:

  • contact – direct output to the voltage source;
  • arc – damage is possible at a distance;
  • mixed - joint influence of two types.
  • Household. You can get an electrical burn at home.
  • Production. Damage acquired while performing work at an enterprise is very dangerous. People come into contact with high voltage.
  • Natural. Lightning strikes are mostly fatal.

Chronic. A person who constantly works with electricity or carries out repairs in this area is exposed to prolonged exposure to low voltage current.

Short-term. The risk of injury depends on the body and the power of the discharge. They may be mild or cause death.

Symptoms of an eye burn

Regardless of the cause of the burn (ultraviolet radiation, scale, acid, etc.), eye damage manifests itself with almost the same symptoms. These include:

  • Severe lacrimation;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Increased sensitivity to light (or even photophobia);
  • Redness of the eyes due to the appearance of a vascular pattern on the sclera;
  • Feeling of “sand in the eyes” - the patient constantly wants to rub his eyes or wash them with cold water. This symptom is very pronounced when the cornea of ​​the eye is burned by welding;
  • Blepharospasm is uncontrolled squinting of the affected eye.

If hot objects (scale, steam, etc.) come into contact, the eyelids may additionally burn, which is manifested by their redness, swelling and the formation of blisters. Severe or prolonged exposure to high temperatures can even lead to necrosis (death) of the eyelids. This greatly complicates the treatment of the burn.

Signs of different degrees of eye burns

The time and conditions of being near the device influences how much damage is caused to the eye. The eye is an extremely sensitive organ, so it is extremely easy to get injured, especially with the powerful impact of the device. The causes of a burn from an ultraviolet lamp can be:

  • staying indoors for a long time with the device running;
  • excess radiation dose;
  • too close to the radiation source;
  • special reaction of the body.

Consider 3 degrees of facial burn with a quartz lamp:

  • 1st degree - minor damage;
  • degree - moderate damage;
  • degree - severe damage.

A mild burn occurs when you stand face to the lamp for a short period of time. The following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • the appearance of sensitivity to light.

Such signs may not be noted immediately, but only a couple of hours after exposure to UV radiation.

A moderate burn wound occurs with a longer stay near the lamp. In this case, the conjunctiva and iris of the eyes suffer. Severe painful sensations appear, the eyes become red, and it is impossible to open them. Other symptoms are similar to the first degree, but are more pronounced. Possible consequences of a quartz burn are vision problems, clouding of the cornea, and the appearance of visual interference.

A burn of the last stage is extremely rare, since to get it you need to look directly at the device for a very long period. But such exposure provokes the appearance of blisters on the eyelids and severe pain. The victim's tears begin to flow profusely, the eyes turn red, and grayish and yellowish crusts appear. As a result, necrosis of the conjunctival tissue is observed, and the deep tissues of the apple of the eye are affected.

Symptoms of a retinal burn

A severe burn from ultraviolet radiation or a chemical can cause damage to the deep structures of the eye - the retina. This is one of the most severe injuries, which manifests itself as irreversible loss of vision or blindness. During the acute period of the disease (4-6 hours after contact with ultraviolet radiation), the following may additionally be observed:

  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Blepharospasm;
  • Photophobia.

After a few days, most symptoms disappear, but myopia/blindness remains forever.

Conservative treatment helps slow down the damage process, but eye function can only be restored through surgical methods (retinal transplantation).

Prevention and prognosis

High-quality glass glasses are the best protection from the sun.
To avoid photokeratitis, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • In clear weather, use sunglasses, which should be made of glass and have special filters.
  • Use protection after using products that increase photosensitivity and dilate the pupil.
  • Avoid sun exposure after eye surgery.

Sunburn in most cases can be eliminated with gentle therapy, but special treatment may be required. Prescribed medications must be used strictly in the prescribed doses. You cannot use folk remedies without medical advice. If the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations and refrains from self-medication, the prognosis is favorable.

How to determine the type of burn

The symptoms of eye burns for different types are very similar, and they should be provided first aid and treated differently. What to do in such a situation? There are special signs that make it quite easy to determine the real cause of the burn. To do this, you need to carefully question and examine the patient to detect differences.

Distinctive featureThermal burnUltraviolet burn
Time of onset of symptomsImmediately after contact with a hot substance in the eye areaNo less than 4 hours later
What parts of the eyes are affected?Most often, one of the following structures is affected:
  • Eyelids;
  • Conjunctiva;
  • Cornea.
As a rule, ultraviolet radiation from welding damages all parts of the eye (except the retina) at the same time.

With severe exposure, the burn can even affect the retina.

Symptom severityDepends on the amount of hot substance that gets into the eye and the duration of its exposure. The following degrees of damage are distinguished:
  • Mild – symptoms slightly reduce the patient’s quality of life;
  • Moderate – the patient’s normal activity is difficult;;
  • Severe - accompanied by necrosis or irreversible damage to part of the eye.
Most often, ultraviolet burns slightly affect the structures of the eye, so the symptoms are mild.

An exception is a retinal burn. With this pathology, all symptoms appear in full force.

Duration of symptomsFrom a few days to the end of the patient's lifeSymptoms decrease after a few hours (exception: retinal burn)

Diagnosis of eye burns during welding is carried out on the basis of patient complaints and the above symptoms. Laboratory and instrumental methods, as a rule, are not of fundamental importance.

Degrees of retinal damage

Radiation burns to the retina are classified depending on the degree of damage received. There are several types of injuries:

  1. in the first type, redness occurs, the patient complains of a burning sensation and pain. Even with a mild lesion, it is difficult to look at the light. Tear production also increases. Signs are observed several hours after the retina has been burned by ultraviolet light. You can burn the cornea if a person looks at the switched on device for at least a few minutes;
  2. the second, moderate degree of injury, is characterized by severe redness and increasing pain. At this stage, it is difficult not only to look at the light, but also to open your eyes. There is cloudiness on the mucous membrane, which causes blurred vision;
  3. with severe damage, significant retinal clouding was noted. The skin around the eyes becomes crusty. The third degree occurs with prolonged contact with emitting equipment and is very rare;
  4. the last, fourth, degree threatens complete loss of vision. With this type, tissue death occurs on the cornea and on the skin next to the mucous membrane. Ulcers form and take a very long time to heal.

First aid for eye burns caused by welding

What to do in case of a thermal burn?

If the burn is caused by hot substances getting into the eye (scale, steam, etc.), the following steps should be taken:

  1. Remove visible parts of the foreign substance (a piece of metal, plastic or any other cause of burn);
  2. Rinse the affected eye generously with distilled (purified) water. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a large 20-50 ml syringe. The patient should open the eyelid slightly and irrigate the conjunctiva generously for 5-15 minutes;
  3. If possible, the patient should be given one of the following drugs: Diphenhydramine, Nimesulide, Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Analgin. As a rule, they can be found in any medicine cabinet or women's handbag. These medications will somewhat reduce pain and inflammation;
  4. Apply an aseptic bandage or cold compress to the affected eye;
  5. Call an ambulance (ambulance) team.

The paramedic/doctor at the ambulance will provide qualified assistance to the victim and decide whether the patient should be hospitalized or whether he can be treated on an outpatient basis.

What to do if you are burned by ultraviolet light?

Treatment of eye burns during welding should begin with first aid. After exposure to ultraviolet light you must:

  1. Remove the source of ultraviolet light (electric arc, quartz lamp, etc.), if this has not been done previously;
  2. Reduce the load on the affected eye as much as possible - place the victim in a dark room, exclude exposure to bright light, recommend that the patient keep his eyes closed for 30-60 minutes;
  3. Apply an aseptic dressing;
  4. Anesthetize the patient using any available means: apply cold for 5-10 minutes, take NSAIDs (Ketorol, Analgin, Paracetamol, Citramon, etc.), instill anesthetic drops (Lidocaine, Tetracaine);
  5. If you have Diphenhydramine, you should give the patient 2 tablets. This drug somewhat inhibits damage to eye tissue and improves the prognosis;
  6. Contact an ophthalmologist or call an ambulance team.

An indicator of correct treatment is a significant reduction in symptoms within a few hours. If this does not happen, then therapy should be reconsidered and the eye checked for retinal damage.

First aid for chemical burns

  1. Rinse eyes with distilled (purified) water for 30 minutes. It is recommended to use a large syringe for this. Continue until clean rinse water is obtained;
  2. Call an ambulance - the faster the ambulance team arrives, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome of the burn;
  3. It is necessary to apply a special disinfectant ointment behind the eyelids; as a rule, 1% Levomycetin is used;
  4. Apply an aseptic bandage to the eye.

First aid for a chemical burn to the eyes should be provided within 3-5 minutes for optimal effect.

Cause of eye burns from welding

Many people who work with welding machines have encountered a situation where, due to elementary carelessness, they burned their eyes. In medicine, such burns from working with electric welding are called electroophthalmia. This diagnosis is given to people who have suffered a burn to the mucous membrane of the eyes as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The main causes of burns when working with a welding machine include:

  1. Neglect of safety rules that must be followed when working with electric welding;
  2. Negative effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation;
  3. Negative influence of smoke emanating from welding;
  4. The formation of gas that has a bad effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  5. Pieces of hot metal can damage unprotected eyes.

The main symptoms of a burn to the mucous membrane of the eyes:

  • Uncontrolled and profuse production of tears;
  • Stitching pain in eyes;
  • Redness of the eyeball;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Painful sensations when moving the eyes;
  • A feeling similar to the presence of sand under the eyelids;
  • Unpleasant feeling when being in the light;
  • Blepharospasms.

When a person receives a real eye burn from welding, symptoms increase and worsen over the course of several hours. If a person is lucky and his retina is not damaged as a result of the burn, then his vision will be completely restored in 1-3 days.

It is important to remember that if you suspect an eye burn, you should immediately seek medical help. After diagnosing and determining the extent of the burn, the doctor will be able to determine the treatment method and recommendations for eye care.

What not to do if you have an eye burn

  • Wipe the eye with dry objects (clothing, towels, napkins, etc.) or with your own hand;
  • Apply hot lotions/objects to the eyes;
  • Continue working with the source of the burn (gas welding machine, ultraviolet lamps, hot steam, etc.);
  • Rinse your eyes with dirty water (river, tap water, etc.) - it contains a large number of microbes and harmful impurities, which can cause an infection or increase eye damage;
  • Do not instill Sulfacetamide, Albucid, Sulfacyl sodium and other drops containing irritants and antiseptics. Special treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Precautions when using ultraviolet lamp

If you are planning to purchase emitting equipment for your own use, carefully read customer reviews and recommendations. After purchase, read the instructions and act in accordance with them. Children should not be left alone in the room where the device is operating.

Be sure to use special safety glasses when the lamp is on, do not exceed the recommended time of use and ventilate the room. Compliance with safety requirements will help avoid unpleasant complications.

If damage to your eyes occurs due to radiation equipment, you should first visit a doctor. The ophthalmologist will determine the extent of the injury. Depending on the severity, a treatment method is selected and medications are prescribed to restore visual function.

Treatment of eye burns

After providing first aid, you should consult a doctor, who will determine what to do next if your eyes are burned by welding or chemicals. For superficial damage, as a rule, it is enough to use eye drops and “visual rest” - avoiding bright light, eye strain when looking into the distance, etc. This will help reduce discomfort and slightly reduce pain.

The composition of eye drops for eye burns from welding must contain several components - an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent (glucocorticosteroid hormone). It is this combination of drugs that is found in the drugs Maxitrol, Sofradex and Combinil Duo. If it is not possible to purchase them, you can use two drugs at the same time:

Antibiotic for eyes

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tsipromed;
  • Tobramycin.

Anti-inflammatory (in the form of eye drops)

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Dexamethasonelong;
  • Dexapos.

For severe pain, it is possible to use anesthetics in the form of drops: Leocaine 0.3%; Dicaine 0.3%, Alcaine. However, you should not take them more often than in the prescribed regimen. Otherwise, they can irritate the affected eye and delay its healing.

Deep damage (retinal burn) can only be cured by surgery. Diphenhydramine or Chloropyramine eye drops are used to reduce inflammation, but these drugs will not help restore vision.

Consequences of eye burns

With timely treatment of superficial burns, they do not have any consequences in the future. The eye recovers within a few weeks, and acute reactions (pain, redness, feeling of “sand”) subside within a few days. To speed up regeneration, you can use Etaden or Etadec-MEZ drops, which stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the cornea and conjunctiva

After damage to the retina, as a rule, the patient's vision begins to decline irreversibly. The consequences of such an eye burn are blindness, decreased quality of life and loss of professional suitability (for some specializations). All these phenomena can be eliminated with the help of an operation that is performed in regional ophthalmological centers - retinal transplantation. Modern technologies make it possible to restore a person’s vision within a few weeks of hospitalization.

Unfortunately, such medical care is practically not funded by the state, so the patient has to be treated at his own expense.

Possible consequences and complications

Not in all cases, treatment of burns after welding occurs without any complications. The consequences directly depend on the severity of the injuries received. As a result, a person may get chronic inflammation of the eyes, the appearance of scars on their surface or a cataract. In addition, clouding of the corneal membrane is often observed.

Read also: Metal halide lamp for plants

It is important to remember that lack of treatment often leads to tissue death, which in turn results in loss of vision.

A similar development of events is observed when refusing medical care and using traditional medicine methods.

Often, complications after severe forms of eye burns from electric welding are associated with pathologies such as:

  • Astigmatism;
  • Decreased visual function;
  • Cloudiness of the corneal surface;
  • Chronic inflammation of the cornea;
  • Erosion of the ocular cornea.
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