How to praise a man for work, night, achievements: examples of phrases and explanations of psychology

A man and a compliment: made for each other

Men are damn fed up with the “a man owes” attitude. Protect, extract, achieve and conquer. At the same time, don’t cry, don’t be afraid and don’t ask. Do everything and more to fit in. To what and why? Philosophical question. There is only one answer. It's called "must". It's hard work, I tell you.

Any work, of course, must be rewarded - “otherwise it turns into exploitation.” How to reward a man? Praise. Let him know that his efforts are not in vain. That his exploits matter. That he is great and the best.

Guys need validation and, unlike women, they are omnivores. They take any compliment at face value. Ready to swallow the “noodles” and experience genuine delight: “Yes, I’m great! Hero! Hercules!

From here we draw the right conclusion - it’s not difficult to compliment a guy. Anything will do, even the most unsightly ones:

  • “How do these jeans suit you?”
  • "What a beautiful shirt"
  • "Great haircut"
  • “How smart you are.”

Perhaps the only exception are compliments like “usi-pusi” (“baby”, “bunny”, “baby”). But this is also an individual moment. Some people are ready to move mountains for “usi-pusi”.

So, a compliment is the best way to thank, inspire, direct in the right direction and make things better. By the way, with the help of a compliment you can beg something for yourself. Include a request in your compliment and get what you want. For example:

“Of course, I don’t insist that you solve this problem. But you will definitely do it better than me and better than others. After all, you are so smart!

So, there are many reasons to use compliments in everyday life and there is not a single reason to ignore them. Here you can choose the right words, and then boldly make a man fall in love with you.

Practice: TOP 50 compliments to a guy

There was a time when the art of giving compliments was elevated to the rank of important sciences, because the ability to praise an interlocutor decided the fate of not only people, but entire countries. In the cynical 21st century, the value of praise has diminished. And although you can hardly buy anyone with flattery, you can still influence the situation.

Remember how your attitude towards a person changed depending on what he said. He said that you were beautiful, charismatic and unique - he ended up on a “blank slate”. Poked at the shortcomings - he “fell out”. Right? And are you still thinking about whether to compliment your guy or not?

Maybe you're afraid. This is the first time this happens. The unknown is scary. Relax. Speak in your own words. There is no need to “push” and “give birth.” The best compliments for a guy are those that come from the soul. And the words from this place can be very different - funny, awkward, tender or vulgar. Yes, vulgar too.

  • “I never get tired of hearing how good my penis is,” many guys admit.

And the following list of compliments is more for inspiration than for memorizing or copying.

  • You have amazing eyes - you can drown in them.
  • You know how to turn gray everyday life into a bright holiday.
  • You are that rare person with whom it is even pleasant to remain silent.
  • You are the person with whom you can go to a desert island.
  • You know the answers to all the questions - just Google!
  • You have great strength, and not just physical.
  • I have never met guys with such a strong character.
  • You fill my life with incredible emotions.
  • I admire how you slowly and confidently go about your business.
  • The guy you can be one hundred percent confident in is you.
  • I admire how clearly, calmly and convincingly you speak.
  • You are a sorcerer! When you start talking, I stop thinking!
  • You have something that most guys today don’t have – fortitude.
  • You know how to talk about everyday things in interesting and beautiful language.
  • I feel like I know you well, but you never cease to amaze me.
  • I'm happy that I met a guy whose words match his deeds.
  • How do you manage to keep up with everything everywhere and never rush?
  • Where others break and give up, you only become stronger.
  • You never give up when you hit a wall and only move forward.
  • Coffee made by your hands is an aphrodisiac for me.
  • A talented person is talented in everything. Like you, for example.
  • In this suit you are simply Mr. Respectable.
  • How do you manage to look luxurious even in regular jeans?
  • You have incredible willpower. Running in the morning is a feat.
  • I have never met a person with such self-discipline!
  • You're definitely not one to go with the flow. You are the director of your life.
  • Your voice is like a mantra - soothing and relaxing.
  • I want to live more than one life with you.
  • I was not mistaken about you - you are the best man.
  • Is it possible that I won’t share you with anyone?
  • Thank you for being a part of my life.
  • Is there anything impossible for you?
  • I envy myself. I have the best man in the world.
  • You can't be so beautiful and smart at the same time!
  • You fill my life with incredible emotions.
  • It’s so good to have you around – now and always.
  • My head is spinning when you unbutton your shirt.
  • You better not get dressed. Everyone should admire this body.
  • Let's go for a walk. I want everyone to see what kind of man I have.
  • How cleverly you solved this problem!
  • Great wine! You have impeccable taste.
  • Did you make me coffee? How caring you are.
  • Have you made tea without sugar? How attentive you are.
  • When you look, I feel loved.
  • Next to you, my femininity is revealed.
  • I admire how cleverly you do this!
  • The best place on earth is your arms.
  • You inspire me to be better.
  • Next to you I feel protected.
  • You are the best thing that happened to me in my life.

He is pleased. It’s not difficult for you. As a result, both are happy. And if you have no one to compliment, immediately go to the page with ratings of dating sites, choose a dating portal to your liking and register. You'll get access to millions of guys who are eager to hear a nice word. Perhaps one of them will become your “soul mate.” However, I hope you are an integral and independent girl . “Halves” are not in trend today, unlike compliments, which are an eternal classic. Good luck!

Why you need to praise a man

How and for what to praise your chosen one is up to you to decide. But it’s still worth noting that compliments to the stronger sex are a little different from those that should be given to beautiful ladies.

If you have doubts about what exactly you can praise a man for, then pay attention to the following examples:

  • Appearance. If it is appropriate for a woman to compliment a dress that undoubtedly suits her, then it is not customary to praise a man for a brand-name suit. Want to compliment his appearance? Tell him how beautiful his eyes are or how his strong arms leave you in awe. Even if your lover has a truly gorgeous appearance, deep down he still has doubts about his attractiveness and your compliment will be received with joy.
  • Sense of humor. Men love to bring a smile to the face of the woman they love with their jokes. So, if your lover really has a sense of humor, don't be shy and compliment him.
  • Personal achievements. You shouldn’t neglect your man’s real successes. Did he get a promotion at work or just get a salary increase, or maybe he won some kind of competition? Be sure to compliment him on this. It is important for men to know that their successes are appreciated; this gives them self-confidence and serves as an incentive for further achievements.
  • Masculinity. Most men will never refuse to help a woman, especially if by doing so they once again show how strong and courageous they are. Such actions should also be marked with compliments; a real gentleman will appreciate this type of gratitude.
  • Intelligence. Every man gets pleasure if he has the opportunity to share his experience with his chosen one, give practical advice or teach something. Such a demonstration of his intelligence can significantly amuse his pride, and if he is also praised for this, then he will be ensured the best possible mood for the whole day.
  • Bed achievements. Every man, deep down in his soul, worries about how well he is able to satisfy his beloved in bed. Throw away your shyness and thank him for the best sex of your life, of course, if your partner was really able to make a worthy impression on you. He will be pleased to know that you consider him the best lover, and he will want to please you again.

What to remember:

So, in order for your compliment to touch a man’s nerve and win his heart, you need to remember the following:

  1. Your compliment must be true.
  2. You should not abuse this trick and shower the man with praise.
  3. You need to talk about your impressions in person when you meet.
  4. A compliment should emphasize a man's individuality, but in no case compare him with someone else.
  5. The style of presenting information depends on the level of the relationship. At the initial stage, these should be phrases describing general character traits, but in closer relationships you can talk about the personal merits and achievements of the chosen one.

Your relationship is in your hands. Tell your lover how strong, kind, gentle, passionate, caring he is and don’t be afraid to admit your feelings. However, do not forget that it is not you who should idolize him, but he who should idolize you.

How to compliment a man correctly?

First, praise should emphasize masculinity. Every representative of the stronger sex needs to boost their self-confidence. Therefore, he will positively accept a compliment that emphasizes the traditional image of a real man: strong, brave, smart, tall, muscular, successful, skillful, enterprising, able to solve problems and overcome difficulties.

Often girls, experiencing warm feelings for a person, animal, or phenomenon, use diminutive suffixes: eyes, car, yummy. In men, they usually cause irritation, bewilderment and even mild aggression. This was perfectly conveyed by the actors in the film “What are men talking about?”: “unshaven” and “cheburafka” are more likely to push a man away from a woman than to inspire warm feelings for her. By the way, the guys themselves often use “exaggerations” among themselves: “Dude!”, “Bro!”, “Super!”, “Well, you’re a giant!” There is no need to become like one, but diminutive variants in speech should be tracked and eliminated.

The same applies to plush and cute nicknames: bunny, bear, kitten... They can be pleasant for young girls. Men will laugh at best! There are exceptions, but, as a rule, if the couple has been living for a long time and the nickname has become “family slang”.

In their desire to “hook” the object of love, some women make the mistake of literally starting to overwhelm him with compliments, insincerely praising and exaggerating his achievements. Most men perfectly distinguish where is cheap flattery from the desire to please, and where is real praise coming from the heart.

Infrequent, but appropriate compliments to a man or boyfriend, spoken in your own words, sincerely and truthfully, will be the best gift. He will appreciate them and remember them. As, of course, did the woman who said them.

The impact of praise is greatly enhanced if a woman knows how to reinforce it with non-verbal (non-verbal, non-speech) means.

A compliment is not only the right and warm words addressed to a man. These are also gentle intonations, a soft female voice, an open look, a light gesture.

Often, especially among young girls, the following can be observed. Embarrassed, they give the man, in general, the right compliment, but present it as a joke, even a joke. Such intonations reduce the pleasant impression to zero.

When giving a compliment to a guy or man, it makes sense to say it calmly, looking him in the face, in a gentle deep voice, extending his hand (but not “clinging” to him!) or placing his palm on his chest.

Men are carriers of their purely masculine individuality. The famous psychologist Alexei Kapranov talks about this feature like this: “Where one jumps over the fence, another will dig a tunnel, and the third will figure out how to bend the rusty nails holding the boards!”

Women think that they are giving a compliment to a man by comparing him with someone in a positive way: “You’re great, you bought a new car, and Vaska keeps going through his Lada!” But for a man, this sounds like a comparison, for example, of apricots with a chainsaw - what does Vasya and his Lada have to do with it??? In addition, a suspicion arises that this Vasya is somehow related to the woman, is considered (or was considered) by her as an “option”. A man may think: she was disappointed in Vasya and began to condemn him, the moment will come - and she will begin to “drill into my brain”?

Another typical mistake is compliments in which the girl tries to please the guy by putting herself down. For example: “You are so smart, but I was stupid, I couldn’t figure out how to do this!” Maybe some not very picky man will fall for such dubious praise. But the woman herself, “with her own hands,” forms a disdainful attitude towards herself, which will certainly have a negative impact on the further development of the relationship.

What words of praise will be pleasant for a man? What qualities are worth emphasizing?

Sense of humor

Most men consider this property important for any person, regardless of gender. Moreover, many of them will not be able to love a woman who does not understand their humor.

For a guy, a sense of humor is “2 in 1”. Firstly, it is a property of the mind. Only an intelligent person will be able to appreciate the paradox inherent in jokes, the non-standard move in an anecdote, the play on words.

Secondly, from a male point of view, humor is a sign of resilience and a positive attitude.

People who do not appreciate a man’s joke automatically become “strangers” or “others” for him. General laughter is like a confession: “You and I are of the same blood!”

Here is a list of sample phrases on how to praise a man for his sense of humor:

  • Thanks for making me laugh! The mood is lifted!
  • Your joke just made my day! Thank you!
  • That's why I love talking to you - you can make me laugh!
  • Super! You find positivity in any situation!
  • I love your stories - they have so much humor!
  • Thank you, your humor helps me enjoy life!
  • Great anecdote! And most importantly – on topic and with meaning!
  • I like your sense of humor! It's impossible to get bored with you!
  • Well done, very witty!
  • It's so nice for me to communicate with you because you have a great sense of humor!

When assessing a guy's humor, don't spare him compliments. But you shouldn’t resort to labels or hidden comparisons: “Well, you’re a comedian!”, “You need to go to the Comedy Club!”, “Pavel Volya is resting!” – men have a negative attitude towards any comparisons with anyone.


A man rarely receives compliments about his appearance - especially since they are dear to him!

But it is important to remember that the guy will treat them critically, catching and filtering outright flattery, lies or discrepancies with reality. He will not be happy if he is praised for something that is not considered a “standard” for a man. Even if a woman really likes balding guys and considers this type sexy, a guy is unlikely to be happy to hear such a description. It is better to emphasize what men themselves consider a sign of masculinity.

Being by nature conquerors and conquerors of territory, representatives of the stronger sex will regard praise of their things as a compliment to themselves. Therefore, we can safely praise not only “physics,” but also clothing, accessories, the appearance and functionality of men’s household items.

When praising a guy's appearance, you shouldn't put a stop to it. Because it will be perceived as rude flattery, requiring some specific reaction. Bury the compliment in dialogue. The man will definitely hear him, but it will be easy for him to continue the conversation.

For example:

  • You're super tanned. Did you go on vacation?
  • Cool shirt. This is your style! You haven't worn it before, have you?
  • It's so nice to go with such a tall man! I feel comfortable. Are your parents tall too?
  • You have an unusual eye color. Beautiful shade. From mom or dad?
  • Tasteful suit. Do you love classic style?
  • Cool watch! How long have you had them?
  • You have a truly “masculine” office! Did you furnish it yourself?
  • Nice style of jacket! Very functional! Is the hood detachable?
  • Excellent figure, well-developed muscles. What sports do you do?
  • If you move well, you feel like you’re taking care of yourself! Do you go to the gym?
  • MMMM! Nice smell! New cologne?


Another tip on how to properly praise a man is compliments related to his successes in life and hobbies.

Historically, a man, more than a woman, is aimed at achieving a high social status and position in society. Therefore, compliments that emphasize a girl’s admiration for a guy’s successes or his hobbies always find a response in his heart.

Markers of a man’s social achievements are his profession, education, place of residence, and performance of socially approved roles. There is no higher aerobatics for a woman than to compliment a man’s achievements in public or to praise him in front of those who are sure to convey words of admiration to him.

  • Are you an architect? Cool profession. I really appreciate that you have such an interesting field of activity.
  • (The man mentioned military service) Respect! It is important to me that the man served honestly!
  • Cool! A very courageous profession!
  • A completed education is very valuable. This means you have enough persistence and willpower to bring the matter to victory!
  • Congratulations on your promotion! I'm glad your professionalism was appreciated!
  • Leading people is a manifestation of the best masculine qualities, you are a true leader!
  • New job? Well done, I like your ability to not stop there.
  • Own business? This is a great responsibility. It's cool that you can do this!
  • Moved to …? Super! I love that you are capable of such changes in life.
  • I really respect your serious attitude to work!
  • You have an interesting hobby.
  • Great selection of music! I like your taste!

Strength and Masculinity

By complimenting a man's strength and masculinity, you positively reinforce his self-esteem. In recent years, the spread of unisex and metrosexuality has deprived representatives of the stronger sex of the opportunity to manifest themselves in their truly masculine form. Strength, by the way, is not only physical, but also strength of spirit, character, and will. Here is a list of phrases on how to compliment a man, emphasizing these qualities of his.

  • I admire your will to complete the project in such difficult circumstances.
  • I watched with pleasure how you (moved, rearranged, lifted...). You feel so much strength.
  • You have a strong character!
  • It's so masculine!
  • Excellent endurance!
  • In this situation, you behaved very courageously!
  • You handled this situation with such confidence as a man!
  • You have strong hands! Please help me …
  • Thank you for your support! It's so nice to be next to a strong man!
  • Your behavior is admirable! A real masculine character!

Compliments in sex life, praise of sexuality

Of course, such compliments can only be given to a loved one with whom you are in an intimate relationship. In other situations, sexual praise threatens to turn into suspicion about a woman’s “availability” and “low bar”, her offering of herself.

But it is important for a husband to hear from his woman praise of his sexuality, a compliment to him as a lover. The fact is that in this area a man always experiences some uncertainty and doubt in his abilities. The unbridled boasting of some "peacocks" confuses ordinary men, so they will be grateful to a woman for sincere compliments of their sexuality:

  • I get excited next to you!
  • I enjoy your caresses!
  • Thank you for being so gentle with me!
  • I had great pleasure today because you were so attentive and affectionate!
  • I really appreciate that you do everything to please me!
  • It's great that you love variety!
  • I enjoy your touch so much!
  • Your body is very sexy!
  • I love touching you!
  • You are an amazing kisser! I'm losing my head!

We remember! Not a hint of comparison!!!

Compliments on intelligence

There is only a small amount of humor in the joke that a man’s most erogenous zone is his brain.

For a man, recognition of his mental abilities and intelligence is a prerequisite for feeling accepted, respected and worthy in a relationship with a woman. You can encourage the guy to show these qualities and immediately praise him.

  • What do you think is the best way to do this? Super, great option!
  • I admire your ability to solve such complex problems!
  • Please advise...! Thank you, it's a pleasure to deal with such a knowledgeable man!
  • You have amazing erudition!
  • Have you encountered...? As there …? Thank you, it was important for me to hear your opinion!
  • This is what I did. This is right? Your logic is brilliant!
  • You always make such deep conclusions!
  • Thank you, the expert’s opinion was important to me!
  • Your advice is important to me because you always speak soundly.
  • Wise saying! I'll take note!

What kind of compliments do men like?

Now let's move on to compliments. What compliments work on men and we'll also look at why they work.

“You did such a great job.”

An excellent compliment, firstly because it satisfies the very need that we just talked about, i.e. he inspires a man, you show him your support, at the same time you stroke his vanity that he is such a hero, that he can.

This compliment has another wonderful effect: you can reinforce in a man those habits that are important to you, that you need. For example, if he fixed something, even a minor one in an apartment, in a house, you can say that he did it so wonderfully that he succeeded, although it may be some small thing, but, nevertheless, it will condition his thinking to repeat similar things further.

In the same way, if a man gave you flowers, you can imagine it as a heroic, chivalrous, attentive, noble deed, which, in general, no one has done in the entire millennium, and then he will remember this reaction of yours and want to repeat it . These are the best compliments for a man that he will never forget.

“You are so courageous! I feel safe next to you!”

There is some kind of internal need for a man to protect his woman, there is a need to hear from a woman that she feels him as her protector, then he feels like a man, the head of the family, feels some responsibility for the safety of your union and in general. This very much inspires a man to do some feats, to do some things, to somehow feel his role as a man, and yours as a woman. Those. he feels that you are not brother and sister, not just some kind of roommates, but really beings of different sexes who are destined to be attracted.

"And you're funny!"

This compliment works when you laugh, when the man actually said something funny and you laughed. And indeed, if this is part of his jokes, then he will feel cooler, feel important, feel like a man. After all, what a sense of humor really is for a man is the ability to joke.

What is a sense of humor for a woman? This is, first of all, the ability to laugh at his jokes, and the ability to appreciate them. If you give him a compliment, saying that he is funny, tells great jokes, or that he has a good sense of humor, then, of course, he will feel important and want to please you even more.

"You're so sexy!"

Many women take advantage, especially at the beginning of a relationship. All the compliments to a man's skills in bed, his abilities, the way he satisfies you, the way you feel good with him, they greatly satisfy men's pride, because sex is an area that we may not have talked much about, but it is very important men's competition. Also, a man becomes inspired by you, begins to think more about you, begins to become more attached to you, and simply literally cannot forget about you, just thanks to such simple words. This is a very sexy compliment.

“You know so much! I can listen to you for hours!”

The last compliment to the male mind, because this is also an important male competition. If you say this to a man, he will feel that you really like what he is talking about. He will want to be loved, including for his intelligence. Few women say this. With you he opens up, he reveals the best part of himself, he talks about the things that he wants to say, that he likes to say. In this way, there is a greater immersion in these relationships. The more he talks and you listen, the more he trusts you and the more he wants to spend time with you.

Nice words for a man

You can not only speak words of love to your beloved man, but also write them. It is very pleasant to hear tender words of love, and even more pleasant to read them. Today, everyone has a mobile phone, and the “send sms” feature is included with any model, so you can send sweet words to your loved one at any time.

The selection includes the most pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words in prose, which can be used in an SMS message for a charming declaration of love to your soulmate.

  • I remember all the gifts that I have been given throughout my life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Each of your gifts is a little “pleasure” of the soul, which, like the apple of your eye, is guarded by memories.
  • You are a jack of all trades.
  • I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder every evening.
  • Just the thought of being separated from you kills me.
  • Don't give me stars from the high heavens! Don’t give me the sun, the moon... Give me only your love, filled with sincerity and passion. Your feelings are more important to me than anything else!
  • My beloved angel! You gave me your wings, you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take everything... Take all of me...
  • Sometimes in life you understand how needed yours, only your love, and I won’t love anyone again... My soul screams, wait, don’t go, I will always think about you, I will never give you to anyone... After all, this is for two - for us dear and dear...

  • You combine the incongruous perfectly.
  • Darling, thank you for being by my side...
  • I can't wait to see you.
  • You are the best in the whole wide world.
  • I want to be with you forever.
  • No one knows how to kiss like you.
  • You are my dream that came true thanks to our meeting. I am glad that we are together, my beloved. Let's always be together, both in joy and in misfortune. We need each other.
  • I love your facial features.
  • Your friends imitate you because for them you are ideal.
  • I will not deceive you for anything in the world. You deserve only the purest truth. Even if the truth tastes bitter, I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And I will make her bitterness sweeter every day with the help of kisses.
  • You can find a way out of any, even the most difficult, situation. When you say that everything will work out, I believe that it will, because I can rely on you in everything.
  • I will write confessions to my love and ask the rain not to touch them when he wants to go for a walk. My love is something long-lasting, something eternal... I will never be able to stop loving you, because I don’t want it myself!
  • It is difficult to say about you that you are good at your job, because you are indispensable in it.
  • You are the only one for me.
  • For me, you are warmer than the sun, softer than clouds, more fragrant than flowers. I am the happiest woman in the world, because my happiness is you.
  • I don’t feel as completely safe with anyone as I do with you.
  • You’re like smoking, I seem to be dabbling, but I’m starting to get used to it...
  • Didn't realize that you loved animals?! I know that only kind and sensitive guys are capable of loving animals.

Good, pleasant words for your beloved boyfriend, man, husband

  • I love you so much that if you leave, the breath in my chest will stop in an instant.
  • It's good and calm with you. Safe as behind a stone wall.
  • You awaken such warm feelings in me that, basking in them, I can not freeze even in the coldest winter.
  • You are affectionate and gentle. Plush, like a bear. Pleasant, like sweet candy.
  • How can I get by without someone as pleasant as you all day?
  • Your eyelashes are like two curved fans, just a sight to behold!
  • I woke up before you and admired your face for an hour. You're an angel.
  • You are my brightest fantasy, my most cherished dream.
  • You have fulfilled my wish. You are my.
  • The only stars in the sky are better and more beautiful than you. And that's not all.
  • I want to scream love to you. These screams are bursting from my chest.
  • I will hug you and you will hear my soul beating at your door, like a small hammer of my heart.
  • Let me into your love. I promise to behave well and faithfully.
  • You are so dear to me. I need you so much. You are vital.
  • Your kiss in the morning saves me from sadness all day long.
  • Hot and sexy words for a man
  • I want you so much that there is not a single centimeter of my body left that is not covered with goosebumps of desire.
  • Your body aroma takes my breath away and my heart begins to beat even faster.
  • One look from you is ready to strip me naked!
  • I forgot to put on something... Let's check what exactly?
  • I remember our caresses at night and I still can’t exhale this pleasure.
  • You are the ideal of a sexy, real, reverent man.
  • Your naked body excites me even right now when you are fully clothed.
  • You were very affectionate at night, want to repeat it?
  • I still feel your hands on my body...
  • How tender is your every kiss. Do you want me to show you my kisses?
  • Yesterday you lit a fire, but it still hasn’t gone out... What are we going to do about it?
  • I want you right now. I can barely restrain myself from attacking you, tearing off your clothes.
  • How sexy you look at me... Stop it! Otherwise, you will regret it.
  • Do you want to be late for work? I'll show you how it can be done!
  • You don’t need to talk to me in that voice, otherwise you won’t even notice how you end up without pants...
  • I'm so excited. Like from what? Because you look at me with such a hot gaze!
  • Do you know that under this dress I have absolutely nothing on? Do not believe? Check it out!
  • I want to kiss every centimeter of your body, and some centimeters even twice...
  • No matter how much you look away, I still want you...
  • As soon as I imagine you on the bed, my thoughts immediately become dirty!
  • No, you are not imitated in bed. It's very good to be with you.
  • The best thing you can do is take me to the bedroom right now...

Compliments for men

Don't forget to compliment men, they love them just as much as women, they just react a little differently. Choose the most pleasant words for men.

Make them happy every day.

  • You are as beautiful as a Greek god!
  • I never cease to admire your masculinity!
  • Everything about you is good: your body, your facial features, and your mind.
  • All the best that can be in a man came together in you at once!
  • Every feature of yours seems to have been sculpted by a skilled sculptor.
  • And they say that men are not beautiful... They just haven’t seen you!
  • I've met attractive men, but never as handsome as you!
  • You have such taste that many women can envy you!
  • Your insight and sharp mind never ceases to amaze me!
  • You are not only beautiful, everything you do, you also turn out beautifully!
  • You are the most attractive man I have ever met in my life!
  • Everything in your hands goes well, is repaired and blooms. Well done!
  • Never give up! How can you give up such beautiful hands!
  • You even seem to exude the scent of masculinity. You stand next to him and you understand - this is a real man.
  • It’s so nice for me to just walk next to you. Everyone looks around, and I mentally say: “he’s mine!”
  • We still need to look for people like you! Handsome, smart, kind. Perfect!

The best compliments for a man list

When complimenting men, you can mention their virtues:

  • You are an amazing person! I am so proud of you!
  • I can only envy your tact!
  • You have incredible willpower.
  • You are the most wonderful person on the Planet.
  • You are the reason for my joy and happiness!
  • With you I feel so warm, calm and comfortable.
  • Happiness is when you are near!
  • Only with you do I have wings behind my back.
  • You are the most reliable and faithful man on Earth.
  • You can be trusted in everything. With you to the end of the world!
  • You are my ideal!
  • You are so attentive!
  • Your hugs are the warmest.
  • Your hairstyle is just super!
  • I only live for you! You are unsurpassed!

Important rules or don’t forget about submission

You need to learn how to correctly give original compliments to a guy. Either funny or pleasant - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that he is touched, hooked, in some cases even excited, and compliments become part of your relationship.

You probably need to imagine yourself in his place, that is, imagine that you are a little bit of a man. Yes, an unfamiliar situation. But this is the only way to rehearse the tone, facial expressions, gestures and even touches at the moment when kind words are spoken. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, don’t forget that a guy won’t appreciate a compliment on his “new pants”; he’s not a girl. You should forget about the wardrobe, at least in this form.

What then? You need to learn the rules that will help you not only pronounce a compliment correctly, say pleasant words, but also assure (once again!) of the softness, tenderness and depth of your feelings!

Men like unobtrusive compliments, short, succinct and meaningful.

A man will quickly forget how sexy and kind he is if you tell him about it in his right ear. But to the left is what you need! All that remains is to sneak up behind you, hug you by the shoulders and whisper exactly those words, slightly touching your ear with your lips. The answer won't take long to arrive!

Emphasize with words truly masculine, “tribal” qualities: sexuality, endurance, willpower, etc. You can also add personality traits that you adore about him. You love him for something special, something that caught your eye on the first date. Remind him of this more often, especially if the relationship begins at a distance. You can even write a poem or delight in prose.

Don’t pay attention to appearance: this is secondary for a guy - he’s been taught this idea since childhood. But emphasizing in a compliment those parts of the body that excite is a non-trivial decision. These can be strong arms, wide chests and even elastic buttocks, why hide it!

Don't babysit - guys don't like that. Choose an intimately exciting whisper and give a compliment with your whole body: with your eyes, smile, hands, slightly touching. Light flirting, a special mood, a few grams of excitement will not be superfluous!

Remove the irony and sarcasm that run through each of us when communicating with our loved ones. “Darling, I didn’t know that you can use a hammer so well: the wall is intact and your fingers are in place.” What is this anyway? Your own bitter experience, dragged from past relationships? But they are no longer there, and your man, good, affectionate and extraordinary, is with you!

Giving compliments, as it turns out, is as easy as shelling pears. Pronounce your words with feeling, love and never forget that there are never too many beautiful words!

So, let's give compliments! Let's remember the golden rules:

  • Make small things great. Try to discern significant details in ordinary things.
  • “You have two degrees - I can imagine how much perseverance and ambition you have to move forward like that. For me, such a person is someone who loves to learn new things, form his own vision, and build his own path to success.”
  • Give a compliment from a slightly lower or neutral role, not from a higher role, “mom” or “teacher” - “You’re smart,” “You’re great.”
  • The way you have built your business simply amazes me. This is an original and wise way. It would seem that you used incompatible things, but they led to such success. This is an indicator of an extraordinary creative mind, I bow in a deep curtsey.”
  • Don't skimp on your words and make your compliments reasonable, taking into account his strengths and actions.
  • “You play the piano so well that everything inside me sings. I can’t imagine how much effort and time you spent to achieve this mastery. Only a deeply feeling man can convey this.”
  • Compliments should be reasoned; explain why you admire or appreciate the man.
  • “You drive the car so courageously and make maneuvers so deftly that it just takes my breath away and makes me feel hot, and then lets go...”
  • Understand what zone you are going into when giving a compliment. These are physiology, sexual desire, emotions, intelligence and spiritual communication:

Weave your physical sensations into the compliment, and he will answer you the same way at the physiological level.

  • “You play such incredible music that gives me goosebumps all over my body and butterflies in my soul.”

Tell the man how you feel, convey your emotions to him.

  • “You tell your humoresques so well that I laugh non-stop!”

Combine several rules in a compliment!

How to compliment a guy correctly

The most important thing on which any compliment should be based is sincerity. Many do not use this magical method and instead of open, honest words, they end up with a complete lie. We must remember that you cannot win a man with flattering words and sweet speeches, while keeping a cunning plan in your head.

Say important phrases, such as 100 compliments to a guy, if the person is nearby, better looking into the eyes, with the appropriate intonation. If the message is sent in the form of an SMS or email, then you need to add certain punctuation marks and, if possible, emoticons. They will help convey emotions electronically.

Important! Compliments should be appropriate to the situation, and even if they are spontaneous, they should not put the person in an awkward position or embarrass him.

25 best loving compliments for a guy

When you are close to your loved one, you want to constantly give him warmth and tenderness. And if ordinary words are not enough, compliments come to the rescue. From 100 compliments to your beloved guy, you can choose the main 25, the most sensual and the most frank. They will definitely not leave him indifferent and will remain in his memory for a very long time.

  1. Temperamental.
  2. Passionate.
  3. Sincere.
  4. Frank.
  5. Sensual.
  6. Seductive.
  7. The only one.
  8. Loyal.
  9. Caring.
  10. Captivating.
  11. Significant.
  12. Sensitive.
  13. Exciting.
  14. Exceptional.
  15. Unsurpassed.
  16. Spectacular.
  17. Indispensable.
  18. Unique.
  19. Irreproachable.
  20. Heady.
  21. Playful.
  22. Courageous.
  23. Strong.
  24. Invincible.
  25. Gentle.

Such words will show the guy his importance in the eyes of his chosen one. And if you combine them with superlative words, such as, for example, “most-most,” then each phrase will have a double or even triple effect.

25 best friendly compliments for a guy

In a situation where a young man is just a friend and has excellent friendly relations with him, compliments will also be very, very appropriate.

By emphasizing his life achievements or excellent comradely qualities, you can express your respect and once again show that friendship with him is important and valuable.

Since we are discussing 100 compliments for a guy, a list of the 25 best for a friend or colleague is highlighted separately.

  1. Hardworking.
  2. Responsible.
  3. Wise.
  4. Kind.
  5. Polite.
  6. Generous.
  7. Smart.
  8. Smart.
  9. Capable.
  10. Gifted.
  11. Nimble.
  12. Funny.
  13. Smiling.
  14. Interesting.
  15. Honest.
  16. Creative.
  17. Selfless.
  18. Curious.
  19. Vigorous.
  20. Extraordinary.
  21. Witty.
  22. Economic.
  23. Humane.
  24. Brave.
  25. Courteous.

A friendly compliment is also a great opportunity to make acquaintances and attract attention. In this way, you can make a positive impression on your interlocutor and win sympathy.

Inappropriate compliments

Naturally, under no circumstances should you remind a person of his shortcomings or mistakes. Even as a joke, even playing up and, it would seem, turning negative aspects into a positive direction.

You shouldn’t go too far and sprinkle a huge number of even charming, attractive words in a row. Too much will look too sweet, artificial and unnatural.

Even if a guy has 100 compliments in his arsenal, each of them should be appropriate to the situation, be sincere and unobtrusive. And only such a message will be accepted and appreciated.

Universal table of compliments and nice words

Finally, we want to share with you a table that contains adjectives with which you can praise a man and earn the necessary points for a seductress.



What not to do

It’s not enough just to know how to praise a man and examples of phrases. Some statements may be inappropriate. For example, you can't compare a guy with others. In other words, the compliment “you do it better than N” is unacceptable.

Every man wants to be unique. Therefore comparisons are inappropriate. You cannot make fun of him, humiliate him or try to hurt him. It hurts and upsets.

When communicating with a guy, a girl should watch her language. Sometimes a careless word can quickly ruin a budding romance. You cannot discuss your chosen one in a negative way with his relatives.

The ability to give compliments comes with experience. Therefore, you need to practice more often, start casual conversations, then the girl will be able to easily praise men from different social groups: from a work colleague to a lover. This skill will be useful in life and will help you easily make many contacts.

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