Glass eyes in a person, the reason for how to cure them

Eyes are a person’s calling card. Their color, squint, and depth of gaze can tell a lot about their owner. A person's glass eyes can also provide information about their physical and emotional state. In most cases, this term applies to people under the influence of drugs or strong alcohol. However, when you see that a person has glassy eyes, you should not rush to draw conclusions. The reasons that provoke this effect may be different.

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Why does a person have a glassy look?

Sometimes this expression is used in a figurative sense, characterizing a person who is indifferent to everything that is happening around him, behaving aloofly and indifferently. You may also hear the phrase "doll eyes", referring to a person's frozen gaze. If this is not a figure of speech, the eyes become glassy for the following reasons:

  • Alcohol or drug intoxication. Alcohol and drugs disrupt the functioning of the mucous membrane of the eye, the eyeballs accumulate excess fluid and look as if covered with glass.
  • Diseases of the visual system. One of the signs of keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal damage is a glassy look. All these diseases are caused by inflammation in the mucous membrane of the eyeball. If you experience unpleasant sensations, you should not make a diagnosis yourself and do not self-medicate. The cause of the pathology must be determined by an ophthalmologist who will prescribe comprehensive treatment.
  • Fatigue. Working at a computer for a long time, watching TV, reading, or staying awake for a long time provoke increased tear production, which creates a so-called veil.
  • Depressive state. An upset, depressed person often tries to hide his mood in public. Holding back tears, his eyes look like glass.
  • Joyful glow. In contrast to the previous factor, when a person experiences delight and other positive emotions, his eyes sparkle with happiness.
  • Action of drugs. A “glassy” look is observed in cancer patients who take potent painkillers.

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If a child has glass eyes

A frozen gaze in a small child can be a symptom of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball; in this case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist to get rid of the cause of the pathology. Glassy eyes in a teenage child may be the result of poisoning with drugs or strong alcoholic drinks. To remove all speculation, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, for example, nervousness, abrupt speech, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, etc. After that, take proper action.

A glassy look is not a clear indicator of drug or alcohol intoxication. Sometimes it means banal fatigue, depression, bad mood. It is not recommended to rush to reprimand the child, but it is important to show tolerance and participation.

Patho-ophthalmological reasons

The following pathologies can provoke glassy eyes:

What do you associate with glass eyes in a person? For me, these are, first of all, the lifeless eyes of dolls - they are beautiful and flawless, but always empty and frozen. In a word, glass eyes are detached eyes.

Today on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful” we will figure out why people have glass eyes and look at the main reasons for this phenomenon.

When people say their eyes look glassy, ​​they mean they are too shiny. This symptom cannot be ignored. Treatment depends on the cause of the glass eyes effect.

Possible reasons:

  • Dry eyes . Often a glassy look occurs due to eye strain. If there is not enough tear production, dryness occurs. This condition can also be caused by working in front of a computer screen or undergoing eye surgery. Eye drops or artificial tears can help relieve symptoms of overexertion.
  • Allergy . Due to an allergic reaction, the eyes become irritated and red, and the gaze may become glassy. The most common allergens are dust, pollen, cosmetics, and animal hair. Eye drops and medications containing loratadine or diphenhydramine reduce symptoms caused by allergies.
  • Intoxication . Eyes can become “glassy” after consuming alcohol and drugs that affect the central nervous system, which also controls blinking. Due to the decrease in the frequency of blinking, the effect of glass eyes occurs. After the body has detoxified, the eyes begin to look normal.
  • Medicines. Some medications can cause your eyes to appear glassy. By suppressing the central nervous system, they provoke less frequent blinking, resulting in dry eyes.
  • Dehydration . Dry, shiny eyes can be a symptom of dehydration, especially in children. Other symptoms include dizziness, dry mouth, and extreme thirst. While drinking water helps treat moderate dehydration, severe cases may require hospitalization and intravenous fluids. Signs of severe dehydration: no saliva, no urination for the last 6 hours, severe dry mouth, weakness. Call your doctor immediately if you notice symptoms of severe dehydration.
  • Conjunctivitis . The causes of conjunctivitis are bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections. The eyes turn red and look glassy. Crusts may form around the eyes. To prescribe optimal treatment, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. As a rule, in such cases the doctor prescribes eye drops.
  • Hypoglycemia . Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar levels are low, which often occurs in diabetes. In addition to the glassy-eye effect, symptoms of hypoglycemia include pale skin, sweating, hand tremors, blurred vision, and dizziness. Drinking carbohydrates or a sugary drink will help relieve mild symptoms, but severe hypoglycemia requires medical attention.

How to prevent glass eyes:

  • Drink enough fluids.
  • Reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens on electronic devices. Follow the 20-20-20 rule.
  • Visit your ophthalmologist regularly.
  • Do not share cosmetics with anyone.
  • Wash your hands before touching the area around your eyes.
  • Don't abuse alcohol.

It is important that the patient receives treatment that helps resolve the problem that is causing the glassy eyes. In most cases, the diseases or conditions that cause the eyes to appear glassy are easily treatable.

Article “What does it mean when your eyes are glassy”


It’s not for nothing that people say that eyes are the mirror of our soul. But they become glass not because a mirror is glass through which we can look into the soul, but because our eyes are directly connected to the nervous system. They will tell you what is happening to the person at the moment.

If you feel good and joyful, they glow with happiness; if your soul is filled with pain and sadness, your eyes become sad. They convey our state of mind. It has been noticed that even after a person has died, the pupils still react to light for some time.

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Emotional shock

Why can eyes be glassy? What does this look say?

First of all, about emotions: the person is not with you now, he is indifferent to everything that happens to him. The look becomes empty, detached, cold - glassy.

From a psychological point of view, a glassy gaze indicates exhaustion and psychological weakness of the patient or indicates that the person has renounced the world around him and hid his soul from those around him. It is often said about a person with glassy eyes that he has withdrawn into himself - that he has withdrawn from the world around him.

The reason for this state is events that knock him out of the usual rhythm of life: some kind of shock occurs, depression sets in.

The most common reason is the loss (illness) of a loved one, great grief, and emotional stress.

Eye diseases

Often the cause of a glassy, ​​unnatural look can be ophthalmological diseases. In addition to a blank look, eye diseases cause changes in the color of the cornea and its transparency. These signs are characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Keratitis. With this disease, the gaze becomes glassy, ​​the cornea becomes cloudy, tearing and photophobia are observed, and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye is created.
  • Conjunctivitis. In addition to the inflammatory process (the reasons for its appearance are different), which is characteristic of conjunctivitis, there is a glassy look, swelling of the mucous membranes and eyelids, photosensitivity and burning.
  • Glassy eyes are also considered a symptom that is characteristic of corneal dystrophy. The doctor determines the degree of damage and selects appropriate treatment that relieves all symptoms and eliminates the causes of the disease.
  • With Graves' disease, half of the patients have a glassy, ​​frightened look that accompanies this disease.
  • When you have a cold, your eyes also become glassy.

Today, these diseases are successfully treated by ophthalmologists.

Heavy eye strain

Examination methods

Diagnostic procedures for a person with a feeling of speck in the eye include a thorough examination of the visual organ, questioning of previous events, and laboratory and instrumental studies. First, the examination is carried out under natural light, then under the light of a slit lamp and using an ophthalmoscope.

Sometimes, to detect a foreign body, it is necessary to stain with special dyes that glow under an ultraviolet lamp. Trauma or deep penetration of foreign objects may require ultrasound, MRI or CT.

When an infectious cause of a symptom is suspected, an analysis of the discharge from the mucous membrane and tear fluid is performed.

If a person complains of a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, but it is not detected, and there are no other visible symptoms, then a full examination will be required. The doctor measures eye pressure, determines the boundaries of the visual fields, prescribes laboratory tests (OBC, OAM, blood biochemistry) and consultations with other doctors.

Caution - danger!

Are there other, very unpleasant reasons that will help explain why a person can have glassy eyes?

A blank look often indicates that a person is taking drugs. The glassy look is one of the main signs by which one can assume that a person has become involved with drugs.

Next, we will explain to you why glassy eyes occur in a person taking psychotropic drugs.

How does the visual organ work in a healthy person?

The pupil reacts to light. If the light is strong, the pupil contracts. The muscles do not need to tense to catch the light beam. If the light is weak, the eye muscles must tense to detect the light flux.

That is, the pupil reacts to light all the time - it either narrows or expands.

How does the visual organ of a drug addict work?

In drug addicts this process is disrupted. Under the influence of the substances included in the drugs, the eye muscles are paralyzed for several hours - from 12 to 24. The pupils do not work, but freeze in place - hence the lifeless, doll-like look, empty and absent. A person’s eyes become glassy, ​​motionless and almost unresponsive to stimuli.

  • If the pupils are maximally constricted - no larger than the head of a sewing pin, and do not react to light in any way, this indicates that the person is addicted to heroin, morphine (it is also attributed to cancer addiction in the final stages).
  • If a person has a glassy look, but the pupils are significantly dilated, this may indicate that he is taking amphetamines.

Remember! Drug addicts will always be betrayed by their eyes. So, if you are looking for why a person has glassy eyes, the reasons for this condition, do not throw away drugs. Better take a closer look. The sooner you notice the first signs, the greater your chances of helping your loved one.

Be careful! Today, some addicts have found a way to prevent their detached gaze from attracting the attention of others. They put special drops into the eyes that force the pupil to work. So be sure to pay attention to other symptoms that may indicate your loved one has started using drugs.

Do not ignore all the “oddities” that suddenly appeared in him: in addition to his glassy gaze, mood swings, inarticulate conversations, irritation, “Napoleonic plans.” You can also pay attention to the gait: half-bent legs and a voice with trembling notes.


When drinking a small amount of alcohol, a person's eyes begin to shine, which gives his look a playfulness.
By the way, in Ancient Egypt, women would drip lemon juice into their eyes to make their gaze expressive and their eyes to shine like clear glass. And a little later they began to drink a small amount of alcohol to “spice up” their look. Such measures were enough to make the look lively and attractive. If a person drinks a large amount of alcohol, then his look from playful and playful turns into meaningless, drooping and frozen - it becomes glassy. So don’t overdo it with alcohol, so as not to look at the world with “glassy eyes”.

As you can see, eyes can really tell a lot about a person. And the glassy gaze of a healthy person will show and reveal his state of mind.

Most likely, he has problems, something is pressing on him, forcing him to constantly return to the problem, to immerse himself in himself - hence the empty, absent look.

But sometimes you need to take a closer look at a person in order to protect him from harm.

If you suspect something is wrong or feel that your loved one is involved with drugs, try to find an approach and find out the reason why the person has glassy eyes.

Often, due to certain circumstances, a person’s eyes change beyond recognition, so that they take on a lifeless, glassy appearance. This is preceded by various events, but such a symptom cannot be left without attention.

In this case, the person’s gaze becomes doll-like, the pupils look either at one specific object or into the distance, aimlessly. An unhealthy shine is visible in the eyes.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the eyes

Signs of a foreign body in the eye can vary in intensity from slight, almost imperceptible discomfort to unbearable intense pain. It depends on the type of foreign body and its location. The main symptoms of a foreign body in the eye are:

  • Burning;
  • Scratching in the eye;
  • Eye irritation;
  • Painful sensations;
  • lacrimation;
  • Redness of the eye;
  • Photophobia;
  • Difficulty opening the affected eye;
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Diagnosis of foreign bodies in the eye

If there is a suspicion of a foreign body in the eye, an ophthalmological examination is performed using a special slit lamp. If necessary, the doctor turns the upper eyelid inside out and checks for foreign particles underneath it.

To detect intraocular foreign bodies, an examination is carried out using an ophthalmoscope, an ultrasound of the eyeball is performed, as well as radiography in two projections.

Causes of the glass eyes effect

There are several reasons why a person may have a glassy look:

  1. Colds, flu. This is probably the most common reason that everyone has encountered. Fever, watery eyes, and poor physical condition are immediately reflected in the eyes, which appear lifeless. Fortunately, this symptom goes away along with the disease and does not require separate therapy.
  2. Psycho-emotional shock. Everyone reacts in their own way to the difficulties and troubles that happen in life. The stronger the shock, the faster the person will develop “glassy eyes.” And, conversely, if there were no obvious shocks the day before, but the eyes take on an unhealthy shine and have less and less contact with the “outside world,” this may be evidence of prolonged depression. To get rid of this symptom, a serious correction of the mental state is needed.
  3. Physical exhaustion, severe shock, constant lack of sleep. This condition also affects the eyes, but, fortunately, passes quickly, along with other symptoms.
  4. Hangover. If a person drinks alcohol extremely rarely and in moderate doses, then such a symptom as glass eyes is not scary for him. It is often reflected on the faces of those who regularly abuse strong drinks. This is necessarily accompanied by “bags” under the eyes, general swelling of the face and the eye area in particular.

In this case, treatment will be aimed not only at correcting the appearance, but also at cleansing the entire body from the inside, removing the negative effects of alcohol. This is a long and troublesome therapy, primarily associated with ridding a person of the harmful habit of drinking alcohol. If the main goal is not achieved, the entire cosmetic effect will be short-lived, and the problem will get worse.

  1. Graves' disease. The glassy eyes symptom is not absolutely specific to this disease, but is observed in more than 40% of patients.
  2. Drug use. As in the case of alcohol, this symptom is typical for people with experience. At the same time, the gaze becomes lifeless, and any emotion in the eyes is associated only with the anticipation of satisfying the acquired needs of the body. This applies to drugs of varying strength.

What to do if there is a foreign body in the eye

If a foreign body gets into the eye, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not rub and generally touch the affected eye as little as possible. If you wear contact lenses, do not remove them. Any touch to the eye can change the original position of the foreign body and push it deep into the tissues of the eye.
  • Try to keep the affected eye closed. The harder and more often you blink, the more irritated your eye will be.
  • You should not attempt to remove a foreign body yourself or trust this procedure to random persons nearby. This is quite dangerous and fraught with serious consequences.
  • Contact a medical facility as soon as possible for specialized ophthalmological care.
  • Be sure to tell your doctor what substances or materials you were working with at the time of your injury.

Team of doctors Ochkov.Net

Method of getting rid of “glass eyes”

In most cases, especially when it comes to a hangover, treatment will be divided into internal and external. It is necessary not only to get rid of the external effect, but also to help the body fight the symptom from the inside - to influence the cause of the syndrome.

Internal methods of struggle

If we talk about how you can influence the body from the inside so that the eyes do not reflect its deplorable state, then there are several directions:

  • improvement of kidney and liver function (with a hangover);
  • increasing immunity;
  • stabilization of psycho-emotional state;

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For this, there are traditional methods of treatment and traditional medicine. It is worth noting that many people combine these two methods. So, if the cause of “glassy eyes” is a hangover, you need to take:

  • activated carbon (dosage according to weight);
  • fermented milk product or brine;
  • Drink more fluids throughout the day. Ideally, plain, non-carbonated purified water.

To help the body overcome swelling after a hangover, you can take medications that help the liver and kidneys work. But only a doctor can prescribe them, taking into account the patient’s tests.

The best option for a hangover is to drink herbal tea. Pharmacies and stores sell special preparations aimed at improving the functioning of one or another internal organ. They have virtually no contraindications, but with regular use they will significantly improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

You can make your own diuretic hangover tea. You should brew St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile or calendula in a teapot and drink in small sips throughout the day.

External means

External means are designed to combat only the visual, aesthetic effect of “glass eyes”. There are many recipes for masks, compresses and applications, proven over the years and generations. They help get rid of both the symptom itself and swelling in the eye area from a hangover, which is why they are so popular.

  1. Potato mask. Grind one tuber on a coarse grater and squeeze out a little juice. Wrap the resulting cake in gauze and place it on and around the eyes for 20 minutes.
  2. Ice. Ideally, have green tea (or herbal, mint) frozen in molds. A piece of such ice is wrapped in thin cotton cloth and applied to the eyelids. This is one of the most effective methods of dealing with a hangover, helping to wake up.
  3. Decoctions. You need to prepare two herbal decoctions, taking one or two types of herbs (mint, chamomile). One container should contain fairly warm resulting tea, and the other should contain cold tea. Two pieces of cloth are soaked accordingly and applied to the eyes, alternating. This will tone the blood vessels, relieve swelling from a hangover, and improve complexion.
  4. Tea . 2 bags of black tea are literally immersed in boiling water for 1 minute, then taken out, cooled completely and applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Cucumber . A fresh cucumber will help relieve swelling due to a hangover. It, like potatoes, is coarsely grated, spread on the face, and left for about 20 minutes. By the way, this mask also has a whitening effect.
  6. Massage . This hangover remedy will help not only women, but also men. You need to wash your face with cool water, sit down, relax, apply a little day cream to your face with gentle movements, distribute it over the entire surface with stroking movements. You need to move in the direction from bottom to top. At the same time, pulling or stretching the skin is prohibited, as this will only increase the negative appearance of a hangover. In the end, you need to “walk” your fingers over your face several times, performing patting, driving movements. This will help the remaining cream to be completely and quickly absorbed. Massage will increase blood flow to the face, improve skin color, and refresh the look.

Treatment of foreign body sensation in the eye

To eliminate the symptom, therapeutic treatment is prescribed depending on the reasons that provoked it.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is used to relieve associated symptoms (redness, irritation, burning). Apply compresses, lotions, and applications to the eyes:

  • Recipe No. 1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers, cool and strain. Freeze as ice cubes. Wrap a couple of cubes in a cloth and apply to closed eyelids for 2-3 minutes. Do the procedure 4-5 times a day.
  • Recipe No. 2. Prepare a decoction of peppermint. Use warm. Moisten a gauze cloth in the broth, squeeze it lightly and apply it to closed eyes as a compress for 10–15 minutes.
  • Recipe No. 3. Wash and peel the aloe leaves, finely chop the pulp or grate. Add honey, elderflower decoction. Apply to closed eyelids and skin around the eyes 2 times a day. Keep the mask on for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water using a cotton swab.

Traditional treatment

Drugs with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antibacterial, and anesthetic effects are prescribed locally. These are solutions for instillation into the conjunctival sac, ointments, gels, suspensions.

For infectious and inflammatory diseases, the following eye drops are prescribed:

  • Tsiprolet;
  • Tobrex;
  • Oftocipro;
  • Dancil;
  • Phloxal;
  • Levomycetin.

Ointments can also be prescribed - tetracycline, erythromycin.

For dry eye syndrome, tear fluid substitutes are prescribed - Artificial tear, Vidisik, Oftagel, Hilo-komod, Oftolik, Artelak, Vet-komod.

After eye surgery, the following drugs are prescribed to restore tissue integrity, accelerate regeneration, and scarring:

  • Thiotriazolin;
  • Vita-iodurol;
  • Jetrea concentrate;
  • Ikervis;
  • Quinax;
  • Korneregel;
  • Optive;
  • Okoferon;
  • Sikapos;
  • Retinalamin;
  • Solcoseryl.

Preventive measures against “glassy eyes”

A hangover is a common culprit in causing glassy eye syndrome. Therefore, in order to no longer allow any evidence of a stormy evening, you need to remember some rules:

  • drink in moderation;
  • drink only high-quality drinks, which means from trusted manufacturers;
  • before drinking, it is advised to drink the required dose of activated carbon;
  • if you have a hangover, you need to have a hearty breakfast;
  • Drink plenty of water and herbal tea throughout the day.

Glassy eye syndrome occurs in people for a variety of reasons. The most common of them is a hangover. This condition entails some changes inside the body, which, naturally, are reflected in a person’s appearance, especially in the eyes.

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