How to emotionally let go of your ex-husband?

Divorce is a rather painful event in a woman’s life, even if she initiated it herself. It is almost always associated with stress, tears and other difficult emotions. The hardest thing to survive is a separation when it is the spouse who wants it. It is very painful to realize that the person you still love is now just an “ex”, and nothing connects you. The main task of a woman in this situation is not to get bogged down in her suffering and to get rid of a negative mood as quickly as possible.

Is it possible to avoid divorce?

There are many reasons for divorce. This could be incompatibility of characters, betrayal of a spouse, alcoholism and drug addiction, or gambling addiction. It is impossible to avoid divorce for these reasons, and if the marriage still continues, then the relationship will no longer be normal. Therefore, before going to the registry office, you should get to know your partner better.

A break in a relationship can only be avoided if the partners have a mutual desire to save the family. If independent work on oneself does not help the spouses come to mutual understanding, then a consultation with a family psychologist will help them.

What to do when the reason is another woman

“I can’t forget my ex-husband, what should I do?” - this is the question asked by women who are faced with the betrayal of their beloved spouse and his leaving for his mistress. Why can't they let their husband go? This is not just about children together and the feelings of the ex-wife. When a man exchanges his family home for a relationship with another woman, his ex-lover experiences jealousy. And not so much jealousy in its usual manifestation, but jealousy from the fact that it can no longer “possess” someone who has already become a loved one.

Women with a heightened sense of ownership have a harder time with divorce. For a certain period of time, the pain of separation subsides, but after mentioning her ex-husband or meeting him, the woman again experiences a painful sting of jealousy.

How to forget your ex-husband? The advice of your mother and close friends is practically powerless here. A woman, after her beloved husband leaves her for another, needs to work on herself, realize and eliminate her shortcomings. However, she should not think that she is somehow worse than that other woman. She needs to understand that she is not better than her, she is just different. With a different character, appearance and lifestyle.

How to forget your ex-husband: advice from a psychologist

Psychology helps to overcome the thorny path from divorce to new relationships and normal life. Closed representatives of the fairer sex, as well as overly emotional ones, need conversations with a psychologist. Consultations will help you free yourself from negative emotions and gain self-confidence.

It is not necessary to resort to the services of a professional; it is enough to have a conversation with a loved one. Self-diagnosis using the tips below will also help you recover faster after breaking up with your lover.

Steps into a new world

After getting rid of the negative emotions associated with the breakup, you need to change your lifestyle. To do this, you need to be open to change, accept yourself as a person and tune in to a positive result. You can go on a trip abroad and fulfill your old dream.

Open to innovation

It's time to stop dwelling on the past and go in search of inspiration. But before that, you should sit down and write down on paper your hobbies, desires, and unrealized projects. Crisis moments in life are a great time for drastic changes and daring endeavors.


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This could be writing a book, hitchhiking around Europe, learning oriental dances, mastering the culinary arts, etc. Ideas can be the craziest. Hobby will quickly take over and take the place of unpleasant memories and negative experiences. Far from reality and unproductive fantasies about the return of former love will go away forever.

Accept and love yourself

During this period, your attitude towards yourself is extremely important. You need to behave with dignity. Spying on your ex's life is a destructive activity and has no place in your new life. It's better to concentrate on yourself. Instead of constantly worrying about the absence of friends and loved ones, you should take a moment and spend time alone with yourself. This will help you take control of the situation.

There is a good exercise: to get to know yourself better, you should start with your own physical body. Awareness of yourself here and now in this moment of reality will allow you to break out of the endless flow of information with ephemeral significance, sitting on social networks, watching TV series. You must not allow yourself to lose your identity, to dissolve in something or someone.

Be positive

Another important step on the path to a new life is getting the right attitude. Spiritual practices will help with this: mantras, prayers, etc.

There is an effective psychological exercise for a positive attitude. At the first stage, you need to accept the breakup as a given and come to terms with reality. This needs to be said out loud to be understood.

Then you need to determine your true desires. To do this, you need to relax, breathe deeply and draw in your thoughts your desired future.

Once your desires have been identified, it is worth trying the method of positive statements or affirmations. It is necessary to repeat phrases that reflect the desired state of affairs. Affirmative statements cannot contain negation; they must be pronounced in the first person in the present tense. It is necessary to repeat phrases every day several times in moments of influx of positive energy and joy.

How to forget your ex-husband if you have a child

When marriages break down, children suffer the most. They do not understand what is happening to their parents, but they feel their pain and worries. In this situation, a woman should remain calm and minimize conversations about divorce in front of the child, since any negativity has a negative impact on his development.

After a divorce, stay in touch with your ex, even though it may make it more difficult to forget your husband. If you have a child, allow your spouse to communicate with the baby and do not interfere with their friendship. Forget about your own feelings and the desire to prick the offender more painfully. Try to establish a friendly relationship with your ex-lover yourself. Explain to him that you don’t owe each other anything, but you both must give your daughter (son) a normal childhood and growing up, despite your differences.

Regardless of the gender of the child, he will always need a father. Of course, if the reason for the divorce was the spouse’s drunkenness or drug addiction, then his communication with the baby should be minimized. At least until my father’s addiction is completely cured.

If a man refuses to raise a child after a divorce and completely disappears from your life, then you should not look for him and force him to communicate with your son or daughter. This will take a lot of your time and nerves, and can also harm the baby’s psyche.

Effective techniques

Starting a new full life after a divorce and becoming a different person is not easy, but necessary. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of pain and suffering. A new life must begin with drastic changes, which can be painful. In psychology this is called “leaving your comfort zone.”

Going through a divorce from someone you once loved is difficult. If a couple has a child together, this process becomes even more painful. The breakdown of parents' marriage does not have the best effect on the child's psyche. The baby will start asking questions (you will still have to answer them) or withdraw into himself.

When a woman begins to come to her senses depends on her internal resources. But knowing exactly what to do will help you cope with this task.

Process and let go of negativity

It is normal to experience negative emotions towards your ex-spouse. There is no point in blaming yourself for such feelings. You can use the tense state as a resource. Often a negative emotional shock has a strong motivating effect: a person, out of spite, tries to achieve success and become better. As a result, the emotions will subside, but the result will remain.

But if emotions only have a destructive effect and reinforce harmful patterns of behavior towards oneself and loved ones (abuse of addictive substances, aggression towards family and friends), it is necessary to solve the problem differently. In this case, you need to let the negativity come out through tears and a conversation with a loved one. Another method to let off steam is to go to a secluded place (forest, park) and scream. Scream therapy is an effective technique for combating stress. In addition, you can relieve stress in the gym.

Find strength within yourself

When the pain subsides, you need to find motivation to start a new life. The void needs to be filled, otherwise everything will return to normal: the girl will remain at home, continuing to revel in self-pity and enjoy watching TV series about love. To find inspiration, you need to leave the house. It could be a nice picnic with a friend in nature, a hiking trip, or a get-together in a cozy restaurant.


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The past is behind us, the horizons are open. All that remains is to become happy. You can remember your aspirations and dreams before marriage. Public, entertainment and educational events (going to the cinema or theater, attending a master class) will be useful in finding a new path.

Increase self-esteem

Love is lost, awareness of this always negatively affects self-esteem and takes away hope for a better future. This gap needs to be filled.

Psychological training and exercises will help here. For example, you can remember your positive qualities, or better yet, write about them on paper. There is no need to be modest, because bold and impudent praise addressed to you will make you reassess the current state of affairs. The list must be re-read every day. Gradually, self-respect and love will begin to return.

Color your life with new colors

When self-esteem is normal, you need to turn to the outside world, throwing off the veil of past disappointments and grievances. The life around us has shades with which people paint it. The whole palette is in the head. You need to learn to feel the connection with the world, nature, natural beauty and harmony even in everyday things. As soon as contact is established, the dark past will disappear without a trace.

It is worth paying attention to your appearance, going to the fitness room or beauty salon. Perhaps during marriage there was not enough strength or time for this. But now you can enjoy freedom, change your hairstyle, lose weight. This will help you relax internally, throw off the shackles of self-flagellation and nostalgia.

Stop contact or minimize communication

The ex-spouse must be erased from life if there are no children together. Otherwise, it will be difficult to exclude contacts with him, but you can reduce them to a minimum: communicate only on topics related to children. There is no need to be interested in your ex's life and ask if everything is okay with him.

Letting go of memories of your husband means blocking all his accounts on social networks and not viewing photos. You shouldn't try to be friends with your ex, even if he suggests it, because it's a disastrous idea. In shared companies, it is better to try not to intersect, especially in the first time after breaking up.

A cheating husband may feel guilty if the breakup was initiated because of his infidelity. He will try to regain his wife’s favor, press on her pity and take advantage of many years of affection. Even sex is possible against the background of past love. Such an impulse will not bring anything good. The girl will take this as an attempt to reunite. In fact, this will simply help him gradually wean himself off his wife and leave without feeling guilty.

Get specialist help

You don’t always have the strength to cope with the problem and normalize your psycho-emotional state on your own. The advice of a psychologist specializing in family relationships would be appropriate here. Don’t be embarrassed to seek help from a specialist—this is normal practice.

Many people around the world visit psychological offices and express their gratitude to the doctors who gave them the right direction and prevented the development of severe depression and saved them from suicide. A psychologist will not only listen, but also help to carefully work through the problem and close it.

How to forget about feelings for your ex-husband: a few simple steps

Divorce never goes unnoticed. Women perceive the loss of stable, time-tested relationships more acutely. Especially in situations where they are left alone with their own pain. If there is no support from relatives and close friends, then you need to provide psychological help to yourself.

Step by step you will feel more confident, and your attachment to your ex-spouse will gradually fade away. But you shouldn't hope that everything will happen quickly. It will take time to “bring” the person you still love out of your thoughts, as well as to open up to a new relationship.

New relationship after divorce

Not everyone is able to forget their ex-husband forever. Only a new relationship can displace the feelings that a woman had for her ex-husband. However, you should not rush to make acquaintances with men immediately after a painful divorce, since it is during this period that a woman is most vulnerable. An ordinary compliment and support can be regarded as a sign of sympathy, and the lady completely succumbs to the “charms” of her new partner. When the scales fall from her eyes, she may be very disappointed with those around her.

A common mistake some divorced women make is that instead of taking a break from their previous relationship, they seek to drown out the pain and longing with the embrace of new gentlemen. Ladies waste themselves on casual relationships, and then feel empty and lonely. Take your time, the man who will make your heart beat stronger will appear in your life. Soon, but not now.

Flirt with men, communicate with them, but not on equal terms. You will feel that the opposite sex likes you, and this is another small step towards a normal life after a divorce. An easy office romance without intimacy or commitment will help you become more self-confident.

Divorced mothers need to be extremely careful when considering a new relationship. They should choose not so much a sexual partner as a friend and ally. A man must accept someone else’s child as his own and raise him without interfering with his communication with his own father (if he himself shows a desire to communicate).

There is one main rule for mothers - never bring an unfamiliar man into your home and do not force your child to accept him. Everything here should happen gradually. Get to know your potential partner better and only then introduce him to the baby. The child should be comfortable with him. Never put your own interests above the interests of your son or daughter. Children are better judges of people than adults. Therefore, listen to the child’s opinion.

Do not look for the same traits in the character of other men as in the character of your ex-husband. New relationships are given to forget the past and live in the present.

Main stages

According to psychologists, the appropriate age for marriage is up to 28 years old, and for first love - 21 years old.
The latter often ends unsuccessfully, and young people experience loss. During a difficult period, it is important to understand that many people go through this; you just need to get over the breakup. It's difficult, but the situation gives experience for the future. Psychology calls separation a loss of relationship and divides this period into 5 stages, after which a person returns to a normal mental state and regains the ability to build a happy life.

READ How to forget your wife after a divorce: advice from psychologists


This stage occurs after the woman finds out about the divorce. The first reaction manifests itself differently for everyone. Screaming and hysteria or complete numbness and apathy. The girl is in a state of shock, she is scared and she does not understand how she can forget her ex-still beloved husband and start a free new life. The realization of the man’s departure and the lack of a future together has not yet come. Denial is a painkiller that temporarily pushes away the bitterness of parting. With her mind, the woman understands everything perfectly, but her heart does not want to put up with the current situation.

As a rule, ladies withdraw into themselves, cut off all contacts with others, and perform all necessary actions without any enthusiasm. At the end comes the stage of denial. The woman hopes that the man will come to his senses and return.

During this period, it is important not to be alone with your worries, but, on the contrary, to be more with friends or burden yourself with everyday worries. Thanks to constant employment, there is simply no time left to worry.


This stage is marked by the manifestation of rage and hatred. As a rule, they are aimed at the ex-spouse or his new passion. The woman is angry that he caused her this pain and did not give her a chance to improve the situation.

In addition, negative emotions are projected onto other potential culprits in the breakdown of relationships. These include friends who knew about her husband's infidelities, or acquaintances who could have contributed to his decision to leave. Accusations can also be directed at fate or evil fate, higher powers and other circumstances that provoked this situation.

There is no point in being ashamed of your emotions and pushing away loved ones who want to support you. On the contrary, if you share your experiences, throw out all the pain and resentment, it will become much easier.


After the first awareness of what happened, a period of relative conscious analysis of the situation begins. When the reason for her husband’s departure is revealed, the girl tries to build a dialogue with him and agree on restoring the relationship.

Most often this is accompanied by a large number of phone calls and messages asking them to forgive all mistakes and come back. She tries to come up with various ways to return everything to its previous places, not wanting to put up with what is happening. And also the woman blames herself for what is happening, but in most cases this does not correspond to the real reason for the man’s departure. A woman is afraid to look into the future, so she clings to the past.

To cope with such a state, you need to limit possible contacts with your ex and try to give yourself as few attitudes as possible like: “I love him and I can’t live without him.”


This stage is the most difficult. The woman feels absolutely helpless and lost. She doesn’t know how to forget her ex-husband forever. During this period, emotional experiences reach maximum strength and can be felt even physically. It comes after full awareness of the end of the relationship. If a depressive state drags on for too long, it can lead not only to psychological problems, but also to deterioration in overall health. In such a state, a girl can commit rash and very terrible actions, even causing harm to her own health.

Now, more than ever, a lady needs the support and care of others. It is not recommended to experience depression alone.


The last stage consists of two parts: acceptance and humility. The girl finally understands that the past cannot be returned, she is looking for ways to forget her ex-husband forever and let go of the situation, trying to adapt to new living conditions. Mental wounds gradually heal, the pain of loss passes. The woman gradually returns to her usual rhythm of life and begins to make plans. Perhaps he will even start looking for a new partner. The main criterion for the beginning of the last stage is the lady’s peace of mind even after contact with her ex.

Now it is important for her not to give up, try to raise her self-esteem, and also believe in her uniqueness.

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