What turns men on in sex - 12 ways to excite your partner

There is nothing easier than to excite a man if he has just returned from the army, for example. It's enough to smile. There are also more complex strategies, including social engineering, planning and sophisticated sexual techniques. There are many ways to excite a guy, but all of them, without exception, are well known to every girl. If someone says that they came up with something original in this topic, most likely they are a rogue. After Viagra and poppers, you can’t expect anything fundamentally new. But these decisions lie in the realm of pharmaceuticals, and not in new psychological twists and sexual positions.

However, we will also make for our readers a small selection of tips on how to excite a guy.

Women's secrets

How to be beautiful without convolutions is quite clear. External sexual attractiveness in itself is an undeniable argument. And it is he who will be decisive, all other things being equal. The most beautiful lady with a rich inner world and a soul of rare beauty will miserably lose the competition to her rival, who has graceful forms.

But this is only for a short distance. If we are talking about any long-term relationship, the dull “bimbo” will very quickly begin to lose ground. The male's biological strategy is to scatter his seed to as many potential mothers as possible. And only psychophysiology works here.

The social meaning of relationships is much more complex. A boring young lady with the sexiest features and a certificate for taking lessons on arousing a man in a coma is unlikely to be able to maintain interest in herself in any long-term relationship. Bed acrobatics quickly gets boring, all the friends have already appreciated the victory and are envious, the girlfriends smiled strained, but what next?

But then you will have to turn on your brain, because your buttocks will no longer cope with the task.

Taste buds

Have a romantic candlelit dinner.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The path to the bed lies through it. Of course, a tasty treat in itself cannot cause quick arousal, but the right food is a known way to increase natural desire. The following foods are edible aphrodisiacs:

  • Oysters.
  • Shrimps.
  • Black chocolate.
  • Lean beef.
  • Red wine.
  • Asparagus.
  • Dill, parsley.
  • Watermelon.
  • Strawberry.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Peaches.
  • Sea fish.

The main thing is not to overeat before sex, since a heaviness in the stomach is a bad help in getting pleasure.

How can you excite a guy?

Let's discard the most effective ways to excite a man, which do not involve direct contact. Clothing, behavioral strategies, makeup. Let's move directly to bodily interaction.

Here are some simple tips on how to turn a guy on. The most important indicator of the condition, also known as a primitive lever, by acting on which you can instantly assess the effectiveness of your manipulations, is located in the perineum.

You should not immediately grab this organ and rotate it in different directions. This can scare even the most confident partner. Approach the phallus slowly. Let your chosen one get used to your touch and the very fact that you are in his comfort zone. Move slowly. You can move on to direct stimulation only when there are significant signs of erection on your face. Stimulate through clothing first. Remember that it will largely hide the effect of tactile influence. Therefore, your movements must be confident.

An interesting point: when hidden in linen, a one-eyed snake can react very differently to touch. There are a lot of details here - from the way your partner dresses and the choice of a particular model of underwear to whether he has undergone a circumcision procedure.

When you release the penis and move on to direct application, expect the release of natural lubrication. Visually, it is a cloudy liquid with a characteristic slightly musky odor. The sensitivity of a moistened penis increases many times over. In addition, natural lubrication will avoid traumatic effects.

To get a guy on faster, you can use artificial lubricants and lubricants. Most of them are made on the basis of petroleum jelly with the addition of aromatic oils and occasionally dyes.

If events take place in the bathroom or on the shore of a pond, be especially careful. Unlike the fiery scenes in adult movies, water can play tricks on you. The fact is that it very effectively removes both natural lubricant and its artificial analogues. Passionate embraces in the waves can be traumatic for both partners because such a natural environment is not intended for sexual play.

In the shower, you can easily solve the problem with generous use of foaming products and body washes. When choosing them, you can focus on hypoallergenicity. The pleasant side of the issue is the ease of transition from manual stimulation to oral caresses. The issue of hygiene in this situation resolves itself.

So one of the remarkably convenient strategies for stimulating a husband, who has somewhat cooled down to repeated scenarios of intimacy, precisely involves the development of relationships in the soul. Just ask him to rub your back. Soap lather itself and hands sliding over the body can work wonders. Plus a comfortable ambient temperature, intimacy of the room and its isolation.

Hot bath

A proven folk method of increasing potency is a hot bath. It is indicated for men whose lives are filled with stress and nervous strain. Hot water relaxes, removes negativity from the body and cleanses the soul. A bath eliminates the effects of lack of sleep, constant tension and excessive emotional excitement.

A hot bath helps you relax and achieve harmony

A hot bath eliminates both systematic stress and psycho-emotional disorders. Using the presented method strengthens the central nervous system, puts emotions in order and has a positive effect on the general condition. The procedure not only restores, but also increases potency.

A hot bath helps you relax and achieve harmony between body and soul. In the matter of excitability, this is a key aspect. In a tense state, a man is unable to relax and distract himself from pressing problems. This negatively affects his sex life. To receive positive emotions from intimacy, you need to be able to relax and focus on one issue.

Before taking a bath, you need to remember important rules:

  • The water is warm or hot, the temperature does not matter. However, you should not take a cold bath. It is more effective to use warm water; it promotes relaxation and transition to the rest phase. In the case of hot liquid, relief occurs faster, but constant temperature control is required. High rates negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system, in particular the prostate gland;
  • The duration of the bath is 30 minutes. This is the maximum time; if this indicator is increased, there will be no strength left for intimacy. Staying in high temperature water for a long time completely relaxes the body and prepares it for sleep;
  • To improve tone, after a hot bath you need to take a contrast shower. This action has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate gland and the body as a whole.

You can cope with difficulties on your own. To do this, you need to learn to relax by any means. A hot bath, delicious food, pleasant aromas, an interesting picture - all this has a positive effect on the process of arousal and activates it. A man must be confident in his own abilities.

Ways to excite a man

Intimate toys, special costumes, role models of behavior - all of this can be conditionally attributed to activities preceding direct arousal. It itself begins with touch.

What should you remember when touching the male passion indicator? First of all, this is a very, very sensitive instrument. Study its structure, understand the function of different parts. So stimulating the testicles may be painful for your partner. But this does not mean that you should avoid contact with them. Just don’t do it as if you were holding a pair of Chinese meditation balls. No sudden movements. Optimal use of nails. Pass them from bottom to top from the anus towards the penis, first lightly touching the hairs, and then literally scratching a little. This stimulates blood flow to the cavernous bodies, so you can excite a man as soon as possible after the first intercourse.

The penis itself should also not be ignored in the period immediately preceding contact. But after it it’s better not to touch it at all. After ejaculation, the sensitivity of the phallus ceases to provide pleasant sensations to the man.

The shaft of the penis will be practically indifferent to your manipulations. All the main receptors are concentrated in the head. If your partner is not circumcised, pay attention to his foreskin as well. At a time when the erection has not yet reached optimal values, the skin covering the head is available for separate stimulation, which can be performed with two fingers. As the tension builds and the penis rises, the skin tightens and gives access to the exposed flesh of the head. Be extremely careful, touching this area may be painful, wait for the lubricant to appear or use a lubricant.

When manipulating an erect penis, be careful with the frenulum, which visually limits the space of the head. Strong pressure on it in the upper part can not only delay ejaculation, but also weaken arousal.

Your movements should be progressive and rhythmic; if you feel that the foreplay is too long, slow down the rhythm and loosen the fixation. Use your mouth and breasts to arouse your partner's interest and control his arousal.


Words also have a stimulating effect.

Even words can excite:

  1. Phrases about female desire. Men don’t like cold, reserved women, but hot girls are every guy’s dream. If you let a guy know how much you want him, the response will not take long.
  2. Memories of erotic moments from a shared past allow you to once again feel the emotions and sensations you experienced.
  3. Compliments for a guy. If he feels like the most desirable man on the planet, then the excitement will be much stronger.
  4. A story about sexual fantasies and dreams. Whether to implement them or not will be at the discretion of the partners, but just talking about them is not the worst way to achieve high arousal.

How to increase interest in yourself?

Never stop there. Not all men are explorers by nature and are ready to offer new options in relationships. But each of them is curious in terms of satisfying a basic instinct.

Change roles, context and situational behavior. Try to ensure that there is always an intriguing mystery in your relationship. Even the interest that you notice in your partner for another woman is better to sublimate not into a banal marital quarrel, but into a role model in which the focus of attention will shift in your direction. The inner arbiter of eroticism that lives in every woman will tell you how to excite a man with a simple conversation or even a couple of hot words. Remember: your sexuality is much broader and more complex than men’s, and the notorious male dominance is only the external side of what is happening between a man and a woman. All vectors for the development of relationships are almost always laid out by the woman.

Flirt, tease him and play with him.

Being cheerful is good. But the ability to become a flirt for a while is even better. Light flirting has never stopped anyone from arousing passion and emotions on the part of a man. And if in addition to this you learn to tease him correctly, then he will not be able to remain just a friend to you.

The easiest way to flirt with a man is to think of him as a little brother who you can always tease innocently. You can make jokes about his favorite sports team, his funny habits, etc. Of course, you don't need to give it a serious tone, otherwise the guy may misunderstand you. The main thing is to monitor his reaction to what is said.

Any conversation with any man can be taken in a different direction if you use flirting techniques correctly. Just don't overdo it: in some cases, he needs regular communication. In any case, you will quickly get the hang of this if you start practicing now.

What is better not to do?

Don't push! Even in cases where one party prefers a model of submission and adores direct orders and stimulation to the point of physical pain, remember: this is just a game. The need for the presence of a dominant personality arises in everyone from time to time. But on an ongoing basis, such a distribution of roles can only lead to depression and comprehensive sexual frustration.

Compromise in relationships is the only road to harmony not only in sexual life, but also in everyday life. Study yourself and your partner; perhaps those types of pleasures that you in the past did not consider acceptable for yourself at all will be exciting and especially acutely sensual for you. There is not and cannot be anything shameful in the relationship between two people who are not indifferent to each other. And it is within the framework of sexual life that we are able to overcome the stress and anxiety into which the feat of daily existence plunges us.

Be exceptionally good in bed.

Well, how can you do without this? If you set out to arouse strong attraction on the part of a man, then you need to match this in bed. It will be a shame if the first step is taken, but you are not able to support the feelings.

Of course, you can buy yourself special literature and learn hundreds of new positions, or resort to dirty talk, but all this will not matter if you do not take it seriously. You have to do it for real. A man will quickly realize that you are playing out of tune.

Posted by Sean Jameson

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