How to meet a guy: tips, techniques and analysis of mistakes

Appearance is the main weapon when dating

Men, as a rule, are not good at fashion. But they can always appreciate a sense of style, beauty, and femininity. How to dress to please guys?

  • Neatness. Clothes should be neat, clean and ironed. This is the main rule. There should be no stains, pellets, patches, or holes on it. Some girls think that such little things are not noticeable, but they are wrong. Some guys like to look at the object of their passion for a long time; untidiness will definitely catch his eye, and he will get the wrong impression about the girl. Also try to keep your clothes relatively new; don’t walk around in stretched sweaters and faded jeans.
  • Emphasize your waist , especially if you have one. Belts, straps and other accessories will help with this. If you have problems with your waist, you can always choose a suitable style of clothing so as not to attract attention to it.
  • Dress sexy . The main thing is not to confuse the concept of sexuality with vulgarity. A deep neckline, an indecent mini in combination with high heels - bad manners. Bare collarbones, an open shoulder, and a sensual slit on the skirt look sexy. For a special occasion, such as a dinner at a restaurant or going out, a dress with an open back is suitable.
  • Color balance . Most men are sure that things that are too bright and acidic indicate a girl’s lack of taste. But “gray mice” are not suitable for them either. Find the “golden mean”. Have both basic and bright things in your wardrobe, learn how to combine them.
  • Don't try to blindly obey fashion . If a thing or accessory does not suit you, you feel uncomfortable in it, then refuse to buy it, even if it is the latest fashion trend.
  • Fabric selection . Try to choose natural fabrics and textures. This is not only good for the skin, but also creates a strong desire to touch you.
  • Don't put on all your jewelry at once . Men are also not strong in matters of jewelry and jewellery. But the gentleman can evaluate their compatibility with other wardrobe details, appropriateness, and color scheme. If you are not sure whether an accessory matches your look, then discard the first one or get by with the minimum.
  • Shoes mean a lot . Shoes should be appropriate for the occasion and situation. For example, high-heeled shoes are an option for celebrations. People usually wear sneakers when playing sports. Casual shoes should be comfortable, but at the same time elegant. Shoes with small, stable heels give the girl additional charm and elegance.
  • Relevance of the image . Dress according to the occasion. Shorts look inappropriate when going to the theater, and stiletto heels and an evening dress are not suitable for going to the beach.

Grooming is the key to success

There is no point in adapting to the ideals of beauty, because every guy has his own ideal. But it is imperative to be well-groomed so that the guy will definitely pay attention to you. What does this mean?

  • Healthy skin. It's not a matter of a couple of pimples, but a constant oily sheen, blackheads, peeling, blackheads, and redness. If you can’t take care of your skin on your own, contact a cosmetologist. Also learn how to apply makeup correctly to hide imperfections.
  • Beautiful eyebrows. Plucked, styled, even eyebrows immediately add charm and expressiveness to the face.
  • Clean hair. If you don’t have time for hairstyle and daily styling, then find it for washing your hair. Keep a bottle of dry shampoo on hand to quickly condition your hair in an emergency.
  • Neat nails. If you don’t have money for a salon, then learn how to file your nails yourself and give them shape. Avoid overgrown cuticles, hangnails, and streaks of dirt under your nails. Apply a transparent base to them. The same goes for toenails.
  • Healthy lips. Chapped lips of uneven color spoil the whole look. Don’t forget to monitor their health, feed them extra, make masks or peeling.
  • Nice smell. Remember to take a shower, change your underwear, and use deodorant on time. There is no point in wearing makeup, fashionable clothes, jewelry and manicure if a woman smells bad.

Choosing the right clothes

Often, an opinion about a girl is formed due to the clothes she is wearing. What to consider?

  • Be yourself . There is no need to pretend to be an elegant lady if you prefer to wear jeans and combat boots. But don’t forget to emphasize your strengths and individuality, but don’t overdo it.
  • Quality . When meeting guys, you should wear time-tested, comfortable clothes. It is important to enjoy communicating with your chosen one, and not worry about a wrinkled dress or uncomfortable sandals.
  • Down with extremes . Try to find a “golden mean” in your image. Don't show up in front of a guy in a washed-out sweater, but don't dress up like you're going to a ball.
  • Relevance . Clothes should be simple and comfortable so that you feel confident in any situation. For example, immediately after meeting, a gentleman may invite you to take a walk, go to a cafe, or ride a carousel.
  • Season . You need to dress up for the season, take into account the time of year, so as not to get into an awkward situation, and you don’t have to return home through the snowdrifts in nylon tights and light ankle boots.

Where and how to meet a guy if you're shy

The prejudice that a girl should take a wait-and-see attitude is a thing of the past. You shouldn't sit modestly until the handsome prince arrives. Now the weaker sex has the same rights to take the first step as men. Shyness and modesty need to be shown, but this can be done after getting to know each other.

In the shop

One of the places where it is easy to meet a guy is a store. The one that sells computer equipment and phones is especially good. The stereotype that ladies don’t understand all these sophisticated, non-stop new products is right in your favor.

You can safely ask the guy you like about the number of cores, battery capacity, shock protection, or the camera resolution of some “silver” model. This will allow him to show off his extraordinary mental abilities, and you will only have to admire him.

And what man doesn't like that? Therefore, most likely, he will ask for a phone number to continue the pleasant conversation. As a last resort, a regular store is also suitable for getting acquainted, where you can sweetly ask to take something off the top shelf.

At the fitness club

Start going to a fitness club, where there is a wide selection of pumped-up objects. By the way, the fact that a young man monitors his health and physical fitness is an indisputable plus. You can ask something like: “How many approaches on this simulator is best for a beginner to do?” Seriously listen to the answer and say thank you. Obsession is unacceptable!

If you go with friends, then ask them to start a general conversation, and then “accidentally” join in. Be open, smile and act natural.

In the Internet

Online dating is your backup option in case other methods have given unsatisfactory results. When meeting virtually, you don’t need to overcome the fear of approaching and speaking first; you have time to think about your answer.

The downside is that you don't really know who you're dealing with. And there is also a risk of getting stuck in the status of “a regular on a dating site” without ever moving on to real action.

On the street

Starting a relationship with good conversation is great. Let the guy see not only the outer shell, but also his deep inner world.

In addition to conversation, you need to charm a guy with your appearance, gestures, and behavior. Unwashed hair and dirty nails will scare anyone away even before you open your mouth.

You can speak beautifully and interestingly. But make sure that when you “attack”, your appearance is as beautiful as your speech. You can come up with a couple of phrases yourself to start a meaningful conversation with a young man. It is necessary to feel exactly which line of conversation is suitable for this.

Golden rules for meeting guys on the street:

  • choose words according to the location;
  • do not be afraid of refusals (it is better to do and regret than to regret not having done);
  • leave other people's masks at home;
  • smile;
  • do not let a man think that you are “running” after him;
  • the first three seconds are the most important: you need to engage and retreat.

Secret words on how to meet a guy on the street:

  1. “It seems like we already know each other. It is so?"
  2. "Could you please help me?" Good to use in the store. You can ask for help in choosing. An interesting option is to ask a man for help to park for you.
  3. "I'm just wondering what." Complete this phrase with the words “what brand of glasses do you have (car)” if you know what they are (incident in the library). You can ask his opinion on some specific issue, for example, “about the hard life of Bengal tigers.”

  4. Do it yourself to make the guy interested in you. Ask the question: “theoretically, if given the opportunity, would you go on a date with me?” or “what kind of girls do you like in appearance?” Your task is to run his search program and then wait for the results.
  5. Call him by someone else's name. “Nikolai Ivanovich, how did you end up here?” Pretend that you saw in the guy your old acquaintance, boss, childhood friend, and so on. Be surprised that you were wrong. Don't forget to give him a smile as a sign of your acquaintance.

Once a man becomes interested in you, back off. Let him take some steps. The fish is already on the hook, wait until it swims up to the boat. If the guy does not continue to develop the conversation, move away. He's not interested. If he wants to keep you, he will keep you. If not, it is not the only option. Find someone else.

Stop tediously watching couples passing by. Now you know how to meet a man on the street. It is advisable to apply recommendations on how to meet a man on the street depending on the situation.

You will significantly reduce the number of refusals if:

  • you will not be silent like a fish in water;
  • When you first meet someone, don’t play the fearless Roksolana.

A man by nature is a hunter. You can't take this opportunity away from him. Dating on the street is still considered relevant. If you have fallen under the power of a stranger’s appearance, charisma or pheromones, then the easiest way (but not for everyone) is to approach the object and ask for a phone number.

Make up your mind! After all, he can leave, and you will never see him again. Be polite, and if he refuses, “save face.” An alternative to asking for a phone number would be to suggest meeting at the park on the weekend to go on the rides together or just feed the ducks.

Take the first step and wait gracefully for him to take the reins into his own hands.

Where to meet a man

You are more likely to meet your lover where guys regularly visit. You can meet a man in the following places:

  • Business seminars, advanced training courses, self-development, etc. If a man strives for development and professional growth, then in the future he will make an excellent family man.
  • Sport's event . You can go to it even without having any knowledge about a particular sport. The main thing is to start a dialogue, and then look at the circumstances. You can always refer to a friend or brother with whom you were supposed to come together, but at the last moment he refused.
  • Shop or supermarket . Take a closer look at the candidate's shopping cart. If there is hair dye, diapers or diet yogurt, then he is clearly in a relationship. Bachelors prefer, due to lack of time and a significant other, to buy simple products, semi-finished products, baked goods, canned goods, and visit prepared food departments. They usually go to the store in the late afternoon, after work. You can also visit a store exclusively for men's goods (building materials, fishing tackle, car parts).
  • Holiday or party . The cheerful atmosphere is conducive to communication and flirting, and mutual acquaintances will always help you get acquainted and learn more about a potential gentleman.
  • Gym. Usually guys feel confident in such an environment. And they are never averse to helping an attractive girl do an exercise or use a fitness machine.
  • Speed ​​dating club . If you are a witty and relaxed girl, then this type of dating is for you. On quick dates, you need to be able to charm, interest, and intrigue your interlocutor in literally 5-7 minutes. And at the end of the event, you can always exchange phone numbers and wait for the coveted call.
  • Social networks and dating sites. Modern technologies greatly simplify life. You can meet your soulmate without even leaving home. The main thing is to carefully study the guy’s profile, not trust everyone, and treat information critically.
  • Cafe. Stop by the cafe not in the late afternoon, but during your lunch break. Usually single men dine in the cafe. Married people usually have their food packed at home.
  • Street. Of course, gigolos, pick-up artists, or seekers of easy money often operate on the streets. But even there you can meet a decent person. It's better to meet people in public places, this will help you protect yourself.

Attention! Don’t show excessive interest, don’t show that you came to a place where men gather to meet you. Pretend you're here on personal business.

You can find out more in this article: rating of the best places to meet men.

Passive and active steps to meet a good man

The question of where to meet a man worries most girls. First of all, you need to adopt the right tactics. Correct and thoughtful actions will allow relationships to develop faster. With our tips, the most timid girl will be able to start dating a guy.

Passive steps

It is generally accepted that the initiative in a relationship should belong to the man. But some of them need a little push to take action. The following recommendations will give you a better chance of meeting a man.

  • Choose the right place.

A variety of situations and circumstances can become a reason for getting acquainted; the desired meeting can happen not only in a bar or cafe. The first step should be to have a clear idea of ​​what kind of partner you dream of. The choice of places to meet will depend on this; for example, it is easy to meet an active athlete in the gym, while intellectuals are more interested in lectures, conferences, and exhibitions.

It may be helpful to think about the places you visit during the day or where you spend your free time. Most likely, there you can make acquaintance with someone who shares your interests.

How long have you been planning to learn diving or skydive? Stop dreaming - it's time to act! By the way, new acquaintances are guaranteed to you.

There is a certain category of places where a larger male contingent is often present: automobile and technical exhibitions, sports competitions, construction goods departments. As a rule, these are the places where you can meet a wealthy man. Moreover, here it is quite easy for a girl to attract attention.

  • Become a frequent visitor.

Still, the easiest way to meet people is in a relaxed atmosphere of a bar, cozy coffee shop or restaurant. Surely, you like some cafe more than others, so become its regular visitor. After a little while, having gotten used to it, you will feel at home within the walls of this establishment. Self-confidence will give you strength, and talking to the right man will be relatively easy.

  • It's easier to start communicating if you're without company.

The presence of cheerful girlfriends or, especially, male friends can become a serious obstacle to getting to know you. That is why it is better to go alone to a cafe, for a walk or to an entertainment event.

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“The main secrets of relationships with a man” Read more

However, if in the same cafe you constantly listen to music on headphones or talk on the phone, then the chances of meeting someone will sharply decrease. With such actions, on the contrary, you convey your reluctance for someone to approach you.

  • Give up the unapproachable image.

An indifferent and cold appearance will only push away a possible applicant. But looking too interested is also not recommended. An open look and a slight smile will help you express your disposition.

  • Remember that people are greeted by their clothes.

Not only is the choice of a place where you can meet a man important, you also need to take care of the consistency of your appearance. If we are talking about dating with serious intentions, then you should not wear things that are too short, shiny and bright. The created image will most likely indicate bad taste, despair, fear of loneliness, as a result of which you will attract someone completely different from what you dreamed of.

Our advice: dress simply, but sticking to one specific style, also do not forget to match your hair and makeup. In principle, clothes should be clean and tidy every day. A well-groomed appearance is a sure sign of self-respect and attentive attitude towards other people.

Active actions

For a long time now, no one in our society has been surprised that girls, wanting to meet a guy, can take the first step. We present several options with which you can easily start communication:

  • Show off your acting skills.

Let's move from the question of where you can meet a normal man to how to do it. A girl should not act too straightforwardly; it is much more interesting to put on a small performance. For example, you can ask a young man you like to give you his phone number, supposedly you bet with your girlfriend that you can do this. Or, approaching (as if by chance), speak, and then apologize, saying that they were mixed up/looked like someone you know/didn’t recognize, etc.

To make this as natural as possible, it is better to use such “tricks” after a little practice.

  • The simplest thing is to ask for help.

Asking for help always looks natural, and this method can be used in a variety of situations: ask a man to open the door, give a coat in the wardrobe, tell him how to get there.

Just do not abuse this method, so as not to appear completely helpless in front of a new acquaintance. Not every man is ready to constantly be on hand.

  • Please contact us with a question.

A friendly and attentive attitude will help you quickly win favor. Men appreciate attention too. Getting acquainted at work, on a course or training will be quite simple if you ask a stranger or a young colleague to clarify an unclear question.

  • Start with a compliment.

Men also don’t mind compliments addressed to them. Of course, it was not proper for a girl to shower herself with praise in front of a stranger. The compliment can refer to the dog that the guy you're interested in is walking with. It's also perfectly acceptable to express admiration for a colleague's performance.

  • Come and meet us.

If it is unacceptable for you to start some “games” in order to meet a handsome man, then try to speak openly about this desire. If the object of your interest is sitting alone at a cafe table, you can find out if he will refuse to join you in company.

Attracting his attention

There are many different ways to attract guys:

  • Just smile at him . A smile helps to establish contact, gives positivity and a good mood. Few people would approach a sad and gloomy girl to meet her.
  • Captivate with your gaze . A perky twinkle in his gaze, shooting eyes, and the guy can no longer think about anyone but you.
  • Language of the body . If you find yourself close to a gentleman you are interested in, then casually touch your own earlobe, play with a strand of hair, run your hand along your neck or hip line. Just remember that you should not resort to outright vulgarity and vulgarity.
  • Give a compliment. Absolutely all people love to hear pleasant words addressed to them. Take advantage of the moment. Compliment his new shirt, perfume or haircut.
  • Play with him . Pretend that you are interested in him, and then abruptly disappear from his field of vision. This technique works great at a disco, party or city festival. However, keep in mind that not everyone likes to play catch-up. He may turn his attention to another girl.
  • Take the initiative yourself . If you sit and wait “by the sea for weather”, you can be left with nothing. Try to openly, but unobtrusively express your sympathy and express your intentions. For example, tell him that there will be an interesting exhibition next weekend. Invite him to join you.
  • Use your acting skills. Pretend that you have confused him with an old acquaintance of yours. Or that you bet with your friend that you will ask the guy for his phone number.
  • Just kidding. Negative people who spread bad moods and complain to the whole world attract few people. If you don’t want to be known as the “Snow Queen,” then try to joke and flirt more. In the end, you can always turn everything into a joke and laugh at yourself.
  • Be mysterious. Don’t lay out all your cards at once; men like intrigue, unpredictability and a mystery that needs to be solved. Behave unpredictably and unconventionally, but remain within the bounds of decency.
  • Collect information . Try to find out more about the object of your affection. Perhaps he often visits a certain cinema or coffee shop. This will help you arrange a “casual” meeting there.
  • Request for help . Sometimes you should use a trick and ask a guy to help you. For example, carry heavy bags, suggest a bus route, help choose an alcoholic drink. After that, don't forget to thank the gentleman.

You can find out more in this article: How to meet a guy on the street in an original way.


1) Introduce yourself as a journalist or sociologist and ask him a question. You can come up with an abstract question, or you can make a hint. For example, ask him what interesting ways he knows to meet people.;)

2) Rush towards the object of your affection, hug, kiss and... apologize, citing the fact that you confused him with your childhood friend Kolya.

3) The reverse method to the previous one. Look long and hard (without laughing) into his eyes. Perhaps he will simply be embarrassed and remove you from his field of attention, but in the best case, he will think that you know each other and say “hi.” Next, the main thing is not to get confused.

4) Ask him to call your phone (Otherwise you can’t find it in the depths of your purse!). So you will have his number, and he will have yours.

5) Ask him to take a photo of you in front of something. It’s better to choose places where there are a lot of different attractions, but as a last resort, a playground, a tree, or any other object in your field of vision will do.

6) Can you take a photo with him? Here you will have to give him a compliment or convincingly lie that he is very similar to some star or your best friend.

7) You can approach him and just honestly admit: “You know, I have absolutely no idea what I should tell you so that we can get to know each other, but let’s better imagine that I’ve already said all this.”

8) If you and the boy of your dreams find yourself in line, say, in the school cafeteria, try starting a conversation with the following phrase: “I wonder if there are any cottage cheese cakes today? Do you happen to see it?”

9) Or go up to him during recess and say: “Oh, I have a test in physics now. Are you from an older class? Help me solve the problem!”

10) Approach him from behind and cover his eyes with your hands. When he goes through a couple of guesses, remove your hands, make a surprised face and say: “Oh, you’re not Petya! Sorry, I got it mixed up." He will smile, and you can safely ask what his name is.

11) “How to get to the library?” – the method, of course, is banal, but effective, time-tested and not scary. :)

12) You can ask “What time is it?”, “How long have you been waiting for the bus?” or something else. The main thing is not to miss the “victim”, but as soon as he answers, continue the conversation. For example, if you checked the time, ask: “Is your watch accurate? Otherwise, mine are out of order, I’m looking for someone to get the exact ones so I can set them up.” And continue in the same spirit.

13) Feel free to approach him and say, “Could you pretend to be my boyfriend?” You ask for help getting rid of an annoying fan or ex. To be convincing, ask your friend/brother/boyfriend to play along with you.

14) This method requires that you are not alone, but with a friend. It is advisable that the guy be with a friend. You approach the one you like and say that your Masha/Olya/Glasha is very shy and she really likes his friend. You ask him to help introduce her. This gives you a number of advantages: firstly, he is surprised that you didn’t come up to get to know him, secondly, you are united by the pimping of those two, and thirdly, you are already familiar with him and can start talking further on any topic.

15) Similar method. Go to his friend and whisper in his ear, but so that the guy you like hears: “Sorry, I’m embarrassed to meet your friend. Maybe you can help me?

16) Ask him for a cultural news page from his magazine/newspaper and see if he has heard of any interesting new films or exhibitions. If this topic inspires him, invite him to an evening session.

17) A bit of a cheeky scenario, but with this method of dating, the guy will immediately appreciate your sense of humor. So, your dialogue:

- Why are you looking at me?

- I'm not looking at you.

- So, why don’t you look at me?

18) You tell the boy you like that you bet your friend a box of chocolates that you will find a guy in one day. You beg to play along and promise to share some delicious food.

19) You have seen this method more than once in Hollywood films. As soon as you see the object of your sympathy approaching, wait until he comes closer and, stumbling, fall right on him. He will catch you, look into your eyes, drown in them and submit.;)

20) If you are on the street, go up to him and speak to him in English or any other language you understand.

21) If the boy of your dreams is sitting, say, on a bench, sit down next to him, and after a few minutes get up and leave, as if by chance, a package. Just leave the package, preferably empty, and not a bag. What if the boy turns out to be inattentive?

22) When you see a “victim” in a clothing store, grab the first men’s sweater you come across and tell him the following: “It seems my brother has your size. Could you try on this sweater?”

23) If the action takes place at school, then just go up to him and say that you and he were asked to urgently come to the assembly hall. No one will come there except you, you will be a little indignant, and then the dialogue will begin by itself. :)

24) If you are very embarrassed to meet someone first, go on so-called five-minute dates or speed dating. Their essence is as follows: several lonely guys and girls gather in one place with the goal of meeting each other. You sit down at a table and talk to new boys every 5 minutes. Thus, during the evening you will meet at least 10 representatives of the opposite sex.

25) And finally, we’ll just advise you when meeting boys to relax, don’t be nervous and be yourself. And also smile, because a smile is always very captivating.;)

What original ways of dating do you know? :)

Let's start a conversation

Usually guys come up to meet each other first. But if he is indecisive, you should not miss the chance. What to do?

  • If you know the address of his page on social networks, then study his profile. Perhaps you will have common acquaintances or interests. This will help start communication.
  • Talk to him about beautiful things. Ask him what he thinks about the upcoming premiere of a film or popular literary work.
  • Don’t want to complicate things and come up with something on the fly? Then just go up to him, say hello, introduce yourself and ask if he would like to meet you.
  • If you know for sure that he is interested in reading, video games or music, then ask him for advice like this: “Hey, I know that you read a lot. Please recommend an interesting book in the detective genre.”
  • Ask him to tell you more about his hobby if he is interested in something unusual.
  • A conversation that starts out trivial can develop into an interesting conversation. If nothing comes to mind, then talk about the weather, public transport or the latest city news.
  • A great way to start a conversation is to notice that you and a man often go to the same place, but have never met. Invite him to correct such an annoying oversight.

You will learn more in this article.

Active methods

Experts have compiled a popular dating method that is suitable for women of any age. In romantic comedies, future lovers often butt heads: he accidentally brushes her shoulder or she inadvertently steps on her foot. This is followed by an apology, a nice dialogue and an exchange of phone numbers, but it is advisable to leave this scenario to the filmmakers. It doesn’t work because the conversation usually ends with the word “sorry.” It’s good if the man doesn’t respond rudely, but he will definitely notice the woman’s clumsiness.


How to start a conversation with a guy you like: examples of dialogues

Use cunning

Obvious interest will confuse or repel the gentleman, so it is useful to turn the moment of acquaintance into a joke or make it original:

  • “confuse” a man with a childhood friend;
  • say that they lost a bet, and the bet was the phone number of a brunette (brown-haired or blond);
  • in transport you can be asked to understand the mobile application;
  • in the store you will probably need the help of a tall man who will be able to get the goods from the top shelf.

It is important to maintain a cheerful mood and naturalness so that the chosen one does not suspect anything.

Ask a question

Men love to feel needed and important, so they will not refuse support. You can ask for directions, location of the house, minibus number if the acquaintance takes place on the street. In an electronics store, technical knowledge will come in handy when choosing a laptop or smartphone. Near the cinema, questions will concern films or a sensational premiere. Even in a supermarket, near the freezer with semi-finished products, it is appropriate to ask for advice about the product.

You cannot interrupt the man, and after answering you need to thank him and unobtrusively continue the conversation.

Give a compliment

As popular wisdom says: “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat.” The advice is still relevant after 40 years. It is not necessary to sing praises, shower yourself with flattering comments about your appearance, or come up with an ode to your gentleman on the spot. You can praise him for an interesting and bright performance, an original line of thinking, or note his sophisticated perfume. There are many “dog walkers” in the park, walking their four-legged friends - a compliment addressed to a cute pet will work here.

Openly declare your interest

An option for the bravest and most desperate girls that always works. You need to put aside shyness and just talk about your interest. The phrase: “I like you, let’s go somewhere” works better than veiled hints. If a lonely man is sitting in a cafe, it is appropriate to ask whether it is possible to keep him company. Guys are hunters, they are rarely interested in easy prey, but after the first step, the initiative can be transferred into his hands. And the girl declared herself, and the man is confident in the positive development of the dating scenario.


How to behave on a first date with a man to make a good impression


Meeting men is an art.
Unfortunately, not all girls behave correctly. And then they suffer, wonder and suffer because the gentleman never called them back.

What is the best way to behave?

  • Speak confidently, don’t hesitate, don’t stutter. There is nothing wrong with communication between two people. Even if he rejects you, the world will not cease to exist.
  • If a guy said something wrong, or didn’t say what you wanted to hear, don’t rush to leave, laugh at him and end the conversation. For him, meeting someone is just as exciting a moment as it is for you.
  • You shouldn’t mumble, answer in monosyllables and withdraw into yourself, but behaving arrogantly and aggressively is even worse.
  • Do you see that the guy is not against dating, but is just as confused as you? Help him. Ask leading questions, smile, put him in a positive mood, but under no circumstances start feeling sorry for him.
  • Let’s say that an acquaintance has taken place, and the man immediately invites you to a cafe, for a walk, to a club, or to watch a movie at his home. Don't agree to all of his terms right away. He may turn out to be a dishonest person.
  • Even if your efforts are crowned with success, you should not start openly flirting with him or behave indecently. A man will consider you easily accessible and flighty.

How to meet men correctly

Most girls, when meeting a man, ruin everything themselves - they don’t know how to behave correctly. And even if a man took the girl’s phone, he may not call back and disappear immediately after the first meeting. And then she wonders why? Has this ever happened to you?

I remember a wonderful moment
My beautiful ones, you won’t be able to make a first impression a second time. Remember how you behave when you meet someone? “He would have approached, I would have turned away. He would pester me, I would leave,” something like this? Or not?

Let's play a little. The game is called: “Pavel Rakov gets to know each other.” My advice for women, by the way, is never unfounded. We often play out the scenarios below at trainings, and I play the roles of obsessive or gallant gentlemen all the time. And girls make the same mistakes over and over again.

Situation one: “Mm-m-can I get to know you?

Imagine that a timid guy meets you, and he’s quite nice. He stutters and can’t put two words together. What will you answer him? What will you do?

  • Most likely, you will listen condescendingly, but you will not continue the acquaintance. Either you will try to feel sorry for him, or perhaps you will arrogantly ignore him or laugh at him. Think carefully.

Situation two: “The weather is nice, don’t you think? By the way, I know one cool restaurant with an open veranda, will you join me? How will you behave with him?

  • You will probably get excited and blurt out something inarticulate or completely inappropriate for the occasion. And agree to go to the restaurant without delay. Or you will pretend that you don’t care, although you are really ready to run after him to the ends of the earth right now.

Situation three: “Hey, baby, you have a nice ass, let ’s What will you do?

  • Will you try to escape, will you tell him off or will you loudly call for help? Or maybe you’ll use force, it’s not for nothing that you attended self-defense courses - yes, this happens too.

In all the above cases, girls almost always behave incorrectly


  1. In a situation with a timid man, you will probably humiliate him with your behavior. He will be left with an unpleasant aftertaste, or worse, he will suffer psychological trauma if a beautiful girl starts laughing at him. But timid does not mean a failure.
  2. In the second situation, you will almost completely lose the man of your dreams after meeting or the first night. After all, if you immediately allow him to take you to a restaurant, and then look at the collection of rare paintings at his home, he will definitely quickly run away. And if you pretend that you don’t care, he won’t want to continue your acquaintance.
  3. In the third, you will provoke a sneaky man into aggressive behavior. He can use force and then take it out on someone else. You will ruin your evening and once again you will think that men are assholes.

Remember the main thing, my beautiful ones, you need to behave with any man, regardless of whether you like him or not, with dignity.
Like a queen . Does the queen allow herself to laugh in the face of someone who is intimidated by her beauty? Or will he send a rude person to three cheerful letters? This is no longer a queen, but an evil fury. She, as an accessible woman, will also not agree to everything at once.

Work on mistakes

We have analyzed situations that often occur in life. On stage, during my live show trainings, we, of course, do more variations. Now let's look at the errors in a general way.

So, depending on who came up to meet you, girls can:

  • Ignore the man or laugh at him.
  • Be silent, say something out of place, answer in monosyllables, become tense.
  • Behave arrogantly or aggressively.
  • Trying to help, to feel sorry for the man.
  • Agree too quickly to all his terms.
  • Openly flirt, take initiative, allow more than necessary.

Moreover, many will not even notice that they are doing something wrong. For example, any girl would want to kick a drunk guy. The only question is how. If you respond to rudeness with rudeness, you have a low spiritual rating. A successful man will never choose such a girl as his wife.

And if you respond delicately to the dirty jokes or advances of a sneaky guy, with respect for him, you will soar in the eyes of all men to unattainable heights compared to other ladies. They will see you as that very queen. Of course, if you meet a drunk in a dark alley and he begins to threaten you, it is better to keep a gas canister ready. Let's look at the situation.

Perhaps you are now thinking that you don’t really need such a copy, then why be nice to it? Then, you need to be on top in any situation. Train constantly. This is your spiritual rating. The advantage in this case is your safety.

Why can’t you easily give in to the man of your dreams, because you really want to? Or should I flirt properly with a normal guy? Why not agree to a date that same evening if you are free?

It's simple. Remember that a man is a hunter by nature. He wants to choose the best of the best. And the one that came easily, the one that floats into your hands and literally hangs around your neck, is uninteresting. A normal guy who easily gets a girl’s phone number and hers in addition will be deprived of the main thing - the opportunity to conquer. And if there is no excitement, everything is lost. The man is bored. Well, I got it, slept and goodbye. Maybe there will be a few for show. However, interest has already faded, and you have again lost a potential husband.

What to do? How to behave? So that men have only one thought when meeting you: “This is a woman!” I’m getting married!” Catch magical equipment.

A win-win technique for dating

My beautiful ones, if you want to marry a successful, handsome man, you will increase your marriage rating. And get to know each other correctly! How does a confident girl behave when meeting someone? She is open to dialogue, but at the same time remains an eternal mystery for a man. She never humiliates a man. Anyone. She plays by the rules from the very beginning and wins in the end. What are the rules?

The main rule is to use the PDA technique: Compliment-Program-Compliment. When you look for Pavel Rakov’s advice for women, you will definitely see this technique more than once. It's great for dating and always works. It can be safely used in the situations that we discussed above. Learn it and then all normal men will be yours, girls. I'm serious. And most importantly, you can not only meet the man of your dreams, but also marry him.

PDA - instructions:

  1. Compliment
    . A man came up to meet you? Give him a compliment. You can have more than one, but no more than three. Only a compliment not on appearance, but on masculine qualities. Regardless of whether you like him or not. Learn to notice the good and radiate goodness.
  2. Program
    . Voice your wishes. What do you want the man to do? What actions? After a compliment, the man changes tactics and is ready to play by your rules. He is stunned.
  3. Compliment
    . The finishing touch is another compliment. I don't remember the appearance. His strength, drive, confidence, courage, originality, etc.

This is what it would look like with a drunken clingy guy : “I see that you are a strong, confident man.
And I’m a girl who doesn’t encourage such liberties when meeting someone. Only my loved one can touch me. You are an assertive man and I am sure that today you will definitely meet the girl who will be ready to go with you.” Here is another example with the man of our dreams from our sketch:

“I see you are a connoisseur of good cuisine, attentive and generous. And I go to the fitness club for training in the evening. You are an interesting conversationalist, so today you will probably easily meet a girl for a pleasant pastime.”‎.

If a man is interested in you, he will definitely try to arrange a date. Agree to a date convenient for you. Even if you are free in the coming days, pretend that you have everything planned. A man will be amazed by your ability to see in him what others do not notice. Plus, the hunter’s instinct will awaken in him - after all, it’s not so easy to arrange a meeting with you.

Men love compliments, and after them they are ready to accept your conditions, fulfill your request or wish. If you start dating with a compliment, it will make you stand out from other girls. Perhaps for a man this will be the most pleasant acquaintance that he will definitely remember. He will want to seek your attention, play the conqueror.

And in this way, on the contrary, you will safely send away the obsessive type. By the way, if you just don’t like a man and want to end the conversation, with PDA technology you will forever remain in his memory as a beautiful stranger. After all, no one has probably dynamized him so beautifully. This is a plus for your rating and karma, dears! Are you using this technique or is this the first time you’ve heard about it? Will you try it?


How to make a man look forward to the next meeting with you and think only about you? How to get his attention?

  • Try to talk to your gentleman in a matter-of-fact manner, omitting unnecessary details. Most men get tired of it.
  • Don’t focus on the negative, focus at first on discussing light and pleasant topics.
  • Don't try too hard to impress him. Just be yourself, communicate, express your thoughts, share your emotions.
  • Talk not only about yourself and your interests, but also about what interests your interlocutor.
  • Behave naturally, avoid excessive dramatization of events, gestures and romanticization of what is happening.
  • Avoid sensitive topics, controversial situations, and provocative questions. If your relationship works out, there will be plenty of time ahead to discuss.
  • Watch your interlocutor. If he starts yawning, getting bored, looking around, or spending more and more time on the phone, then it’s time to change the topic of conversation.
  • Don't speak too loudly, but don't whisper under your breath either. Make sure that your interlocutor enjoys listening to you.
  • Eliminate swearing, jargon, and rude expressions from your vocabulary. This does not make a girl beautiful and does not make her attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

More details on this topic in the article: How to interest a stranger.


Water does not flow under a lying stone - a wise saying perfectly reflects the situation. Only in romantic films or fairy tales does the betrothed go in search of the lady of his heart. In life, everything is much more prosaic, so personal initiative will not hurt. Before you start communicating with a man, it is useful to pay attention to yourself. An unkempt, boring or pessimistic girl is unlikely to arouse interest. Psychologists recommend taking a “young fighter’s course” so that you will be fully armed at the moment of the meeting.


How and where you can find a husband: 9 options for searching and analysis of mistakes


Intelligence and character are assessed in communication, and “meeted by clothes.” Before communicating with an attractive and worthy man, you need to put your own appearance in order. You don’t have to rush to the nearest fitness club or starve yourself to regain your slim figure. It is enough to choose the right outfit, emphasizing the advantageous aspects and hiding the disadvantages.

Cosmetologists advise taking care of the condition of your skin, hair, nails and even teeth from a young age - a sincere smile will demonstrate existing problems. A fateful meeting can take place at any moment, but if a woman herself is looking for ways and a reason to get acquainted, she must show herself in all her glory. An evening dress and an elegant stiletto heel are sure to make an unforgettable impression - especially in line at the market. It is important to choose the right wardrobe elements so as not to look ridiculous or vulgar. You can create a feminine look by wearing regular jeans and a fashionable T-shirt, highlighting your natural beauty with natural makeup.

It is difficult for a man to understand a girl’s readiness to meet someone if she is in a hurry with a gloomy look on her way to work. All that remains is to add a hunched back, a tense facial expression and a dull look. The gentleman will not want to take the first step, so as not to be refused in a rude or harsh form.

Psychologists recommend straightening your posture, walking slowly and smoothly, and also trying on a slight smile - it is advisable to practice it at home in front of a mirror.


How to tell a guy that I like him: tips for girls

How to deal with fears

All attempts to find a match will be useless if the girl is not too confident or shy. At the most crucial moment, fear will be stronger than the desire to arrange your personal life - and everything will not go according to plan.

Psychologists have named the main women's fears and ways to combat them:

  1. Unattractive appearance. Ideas about beauty are subjective, so it’s easy to turn flaws into advantages. If a woman is confident in herself, her feelings are conveyed to others, including the object of her adoration.
  2. Fear of rejection. A negative result is a good and useful experience. A man may refuse if he is already in a romantic relationship or has absolutely no time for a relationship. There is a definite plus in the answer - the gentleman turned out to be an honest and open interlocutor. Surely fate will give you a meeting with another simple and sincere guy who turns out to be free.
  3. Dependence on stereotypes. The older generation continues to say that a man should come first. The Women's Initiative does not present the girl in the best light, but this opinion is long outdated. At the beginning of the last century, parents chose a couple for their children, but grandmothers and mothers already had the opportunity to independently arrange their own lives. Psychologists see nothing wrong with taking fate into your own hands and being the first to talk to a stranger.
  4. Fear of rudeness. A man can not only refuse, but also do it in a harsh manner. All that remains is to thank the universe for giving me a sign at the right time. A well-mannered guy will never be rude to a girl and will not assert himself at her expense.

Experts do not advise approaching a guy when he is with friends - he will probably become confused and behave inappropriately, which he will later regret. You should also ignore the noisy male company, where they talk loudly, laugh and drink alcohol.

Catch his sympathy

It's easy to tell if a guy likes you if you communicate and see each other often. What signs indicate sympathy?

  • He's looking after you. A man always gives you his hand, opens the door, pays for two people in a cafe, offers help, and is interested in all areas of your life.
  • Doesn't take his eyes off you. An interested guy keeps you in his sights, even when communicating with other people.
  • Trying to be better. Next to you, a guy in love becomes more dignified, straightens his clothes, stretches out, and tries to look more attractive.
  • Eye contact. During a conversation, he looks you in the eye, doesn’t turn away, doesn’t pay more attention to his phone than to you.
  • Contents of the conversation. When talking to you, he allows for slight flirting and does not miss the opportunity to tease you or give you a compliment. He also shares personal information with you that is usually not intended for outsiders.
  • Help. A man in love helps a girl with everything, be it a heavy and uncomfortable bag or just a pen that fell on the floor.

I told you a lot more in this one: How to understand that a man is interested in you.

Fighting fears

Fear is a normal feeling for any person. It is important to understand their cause, nature, and then begin to fight them. What can you do?

  • Understand that a guy’s refusal to get acquainted is unpleasant, but not fatal. You just met the wrong person. Soon you will definitely be interested in someone else.
  • Don't justify yourself by saying that you will still be rejected. You won't know for sure until you try.
  • The object of your sympathy is a very ordinary young man. Don't make him some incredible Mr. Universe.
  • From time immemorial, men have been conquerors, but if you invite him to meet you, this will not make you easily accessible or wrong. Most often, those around you are busy with their own problems, and they don’t care about other people’s experiences.
  • A man can refuse you not because he didn’t like you, but because he already has a lover. This also happens often. Take this fact for granted and switch your attention to someone else.

Why do they pass by

You are undoubtedly very beautiful, smart, stylish, kind and interesting. Then why do all dating men end in failure?

  • You don't take good enough care of yourself. It doesn't matter how rich a girl's inner world is if she looks bad. Dirties rarely arouse men's interest.
  • It's about the body. If you are not happy with your figure, then find a way to fix it. Also remember that everyone has different preferences. Some people are not averse to meeting a plump girl, while others are looking for a thin one.
  • Face. Remember, with what face do you usually walk down the street? If you are gloomy, unsociable and do not want to smile, then quickly correct this habit. Guys are probably simply afraid to approach you.
  • You are too tense and closed. It's hard not to worry when meeting a guy, but try to make sure your emotions don't get the better of you.
  • It's all due to a sad experience. After a failed relationship, many become isolated and subconsciously program themselves for failure. Try to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. If you were rejected or abandoned once, there is no chance that it will happen again.
  • You talk about your exes a lot. Guys like to be loved and the only one. They are repulsed by the fact that the girl constantly talks about her ex, compares them, and shares details of her failed personal life. The guy will come to only one conclusion - his girlfriend is still in a previous relationship, so she is not ready for a new one.
  • You don't respect members of the opposite sex. If you think that all men are scoundrels and womanizers, and normal men have been married for a long time, then you are subconsciously dooming yourself to failure. Stop labeling, think more broadly and more positively.
  • Inability to be weak. Perhaps you have little femininity. Learn to ask men for help (don’t impose!) and gratefully accept it. A man will be pleased to feel strong and needed.

You can find out much more in the article: Why don’t guys get to know me.

How to attract the attention of the man you like

Finding acquaintances nearby is not difficult. It is important to interest the man you like. But how to do that?

  • Be casual. Don't try to be someone you're not. Believe me, the pretense is very noticeable.
  • Look neat. Men like girls who take care of themselves, but do not overdo it with cosmetics or fitness. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Watch what you say. If you don't know something, it's better to ask a man for advice. He will be pleased, so he will be happy to meet you again.
  • Also, don't be afraid to ask for help, because guys love it.

How to fall in love with a man

Falling in love with the man of your dreams is the desire of any free girl. To do this you will need:

  • Be educated;
  • Behave decently and not provocatively;
  • Be feminine. Moreover, it is important not to try to seem feminine, but to be so;
  • Smile back at the potential candidate.

What not to do when searching, the most common mistakes

When you want to meet a man for family and marriage, you don’t need to do the following:

  • Deceive, because the lie will still be revealed, and you will lose his trust;
  • Pretend to be someone you are not;
  • Meet only on the Internet or in a cafe. If you meet in numerous places, you will be able to find a suitable man faster;
  • Set up dates on your own, without giving the man the opportunity to take the initiative.

Remember that the one who is looking will definitely be happy. It is only important to be patient and not worry about the absence of a guy.

What really attracts men?

Without exception, all guys like the following:

  • The girl's self-confidence.
  • No complexes.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • A sincere smile, a positive attitude.
  • The girl is easy-going (she doesn’t refuse to go to the cinema, to a party, to take a walk, to go to a barbecue, etc.)
  • Sociability and friendliness.
  • Lack of obsession with past failures and former boyfriends.
  • Politeness, education, ability to carry on a conversation.
  • Ignoring attitudes of past centuries and years such as: “A girl should not be the first to approach a guy” or “Only a man should initiate a relationship.”
  • Respect for men.

I talked more in this article: What really attracts men to women.

Where to look for a companion if you are no longer young

Age is not a reason to give up personal happiness. In the age of advanced technology, it is not difficult to find a partner for a serious relationship at 50 years old. Study and work are behind us, but this does not diminish the prospects:

  1. Internet. A beautiful photo and a complete profile on a dating site are a reliable foundation for success. There is no need to embellish reality or underestimate age, since each period of life has its own unique charm.
  2. Recreation centers or sanatoriums. On vacation, the chances of a successful acquaintance increase significantly.
  3. Dacha communities. Country life implies the help of a man, and a gallant gentleman will not refuse a lady’s participation and support.
  4. Interest clubs. Dancing, singing, hobbies, hobbies, hiking - the list goes on. In every city there is a club “for those who are in favor.”

Psychologists say that after 50 it is possible to meet a serious and wonderful man. Of course, by the half-century mark, almost all worthwhile options are married, but there are exceptions. Bored widowers or careerists tired of loneliness can make a good match.

Advice for girls from guys

“There have been different situations in my life. It happened that I approached a girl to introduce myself, and it happened that they approached me. I don't get hung up on what I should do or what I should do. As it happened, so it happened. You shouldn’t live in stereotypes and think in the same way.”

Arkady, 30 years old

“Dear girls, you should not think that all men meet exclusively for the purpose of sex and are preoccupied. We also need communication, correspondence, emotions, new experiences, trips somewhere. Don't make hasty conclusions."

Anton, 25 years old

“I am an adult and accomplished man, but when meeting girls I still get nervous. Beautiful and non-trivial phrases completely disappear from your head, something primitive is spinning on your tongue. I am sincerely grateful to the girls who listen to me to the end, and do not demonstratively leave.”

Stanislav, 32 years old

“I like unapproachable girls who need to be persuaded a little and persuaded to get to know each other. In my eyes, this does them credit because she doesn’t throw herself at the first person she meets.”

Mikhail, 23 years old

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