Feeling of sand in the eyes: reasons 56863 19


In addition to eye pain, there are additional symptoms that indicate a pathological process:

  • intense itchy areas;
  • burning;
  • feeling of pain;
  • copious secretion of tear secretion;
  • blurred picture;
  • formation of suppuration;
  • increased dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • feeling of the presence of foreign particles;
  • soreness when pressed;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • hyperemia of the conjunctiva or sclera.


The manifestations accompanying sharp cutting pain depend on the cause that caused it. Additionally, the following symptoms may occur:

  • deterioration of visual acuity,
  • increased lacrimation or dryness,
  • severe redness,
  • increased sensitivity to light,
  • swelling of the eyelids,
  • formation of a tumor in the corner of the eye or on the eyelid,
  • headaches and/or dizziness,
  • general deterioration of the condition (nausea, drowsiness, irritability).

If a sharp pain in the eye, accompanied by a feeling of a needle prick from the inside, occurs once, there is no reason to worry. If such pain develops systematically, you should definitely consult a doctor.


The occurrence of pain is caused by pathological conditions of the visual apparatus due to exposure to the following factors:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards. Discomfort in the morning appears due to unwashed makeup in the evening and the accumulation of excess dust on the eyelashes.
  • Overstrain of the visual apparatus. Prolonged work in front of a gadget monitor or activities with small particles in poor lighting leads to deterioration in the functionality of the eyes. Overexertion leads to morning discomfort and increased tearfulness.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for using contact correction products. In this case, the symptom develops when the product is unsuitable or worn for a long time. Infection of the visual organ is possible due to improper care of the device.
  • Non-compliance with the daily routine. Working at night and sleeping less than 6 hours leads to eye strain, as they do not have time to recover.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane. Against the background of irritation, an inflammatory reaction, and small particles getting into the eyes, mechanical injuries to the visual apparatus occur. Harm to the organ can be caused by working with chemically active compounds.
  • Allergic manifestations. The action of the allergen leads to the development of irritation and hyperemia of the conjunctiva. Aggressive components include animal hair, food, plant pollen or mosquito bites.
  • Colds. Due to inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct or sinusitis, pain develops in the eye area. A strong and prolonged cough puts additional stress on the organ.
  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Since the surface of the eyeball interacts with environmental factors, it is susceptible to particularly pronounced effects. Due to smoke and excess dust in the room, strong wind, and dry air, the mucous membrane does not have time to clean itself and begins to dry out.
  • Hormonal changes. At the stage of gestation or adolescence, a change in hormonal levels is observed, which affects not only vision function.

Pain syndrome in the morning indicates ophthalmological diseases of the visual organs:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • keratitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • uveitis;
  • cyclit.

If pain persists during the day, you should contact an ophthalmologist to find out the provoking root causes and eliminate them.

Causes of pain and burning in the eyes

Pain in the eyes can have quite a few “culprits” - let’s look at the most common causes of this symptom.

Dry eye syndrome

causes of dry eye syndrome

This common unpleasant phenomenon is associated with insufficient production of tear fluid in the eye. The syndrome is especially common among computer professionals, as well as among all those who spend a lot of time behind a monitor screen. Dryness of the eye leads to many unpleasant sensations, in addition to cutting pain: redness of the whites of the eyes, pain, burning, tearing, etc. Removal of papilloma on the eyelids is almost painless.

Dry eye syndrome occurs most often for three main reasons:

  • due to long-term intense work at the computer;
  • due to specific, too harsh and bright office lighting;
  • due to the air conditioner running.


Negative reactions of the body of an allergic nature can also cause pain in the eyes. Allergies can be caused by various factors: from foods to medications and household items. Strabismus in adults often occurs due to long periods of time spent at the computer. The most common symptom is constantly very watery eyes; pain occurs when the mucous sclera dries out.

Incorrect selection of vision-correcting products

inflamed conjunctiva - a manifestation of pain in the eyes

If you purchased lenses or glasses with diopters that are unsuitable for your vision, your visual organs will be forced to greatly strain when using these products. As a result, the “picture of the world” before the eyes is distorted, and the eyes themselves experience pain due to constant tension. The diagnosis of eye presbyopia is more common in older people.

If the pain is caused by contact lenses, do not rush to blame the manufacturer for the poor quality of the products. Perhaps the issue is the individual sensitivity of the cornea: in this case, wearing contact lenses is contraindicated in principle.

Injuries and foreign bodies

With mechanical injury to the eyes, a resulting stinging sensation is not uncommon. If dust, sand, speck or other foreign body gets into your eyes, then pain is one of the main signs of this phenomenon. Eyelid ptosis can be corrected surgically.

Inflammatory diseases

If a person experiences any inflammatory disease of the cornea, conjunctiva, or other organs of vision, the appearance of pain is a common symptom.

With ophthalmological diseases such as blepharitis and uevitis, pain in the eyes is often felt. Note that these diseases are also accompanied by photophobia and excessive lacrimation. Treatment of eyelid xalthesma with folk remedies gives good results.

demodicosis of the eyelids is often accompanied by pain in the eyes

A parasitic disease such as demodicosis, caused by microscopic mites, can also cause a feeling of pain in the eyes.

In addition to the above, pain in the eyes can also occur due to:

  • neuralgia;
  • infectious diseases of a non-ophthalmological nature;
  • astigmatism;
  • glaucoma;
  • eye burns, including from hot steam and household chemicals;
  • acrid tobacco smoke;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • Rarely, but still, a corneal ulcer does occur - a disease that also leads to a feeling of pain.

Sometimes pain is caused by taking antidepressants, as well as medications used to lower blood pressure. Antihistamines can also sometimes give a similar side effect. How to treat dry macular degeneration of the retina can be found here.

If the pain occurs simultaneously with profuse lacrimation, the cause may be a sharp wind, frost or other not very pleasant weather conditions. Note that in this case the symptom will go away on its own as soon as external conditions become more favorable for the eyes.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons - in order to get rid of the unpleasant sensation, you need to find out exactly what caused the pain in your particular case. What night blindness is can be read here.


In therapy to eliminate morning discomfort, not only medications are prescribed, but also a series of preventive recommendations. If a patient has pathological conditions, traditional medicine methods also effectively help, which is not so effective for eye diseases.


To eliminate the symptom in the morning, topical medications are used:

  • Aktipol. The main purpose of the drug is immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Eliminates keratitis and conjunctivitis. Drops are also prescribed to eliminate dry mucous membrane syndrome.
  • Tobrex. The medicine is characterized by a wide spectrum of effects in cases of lesions by pathological microflora. The product is intended to eliminate cyclitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis.
  • Opatanol. The product relieves allergic manifestations. The cost is about 480 rubles.

Regardless of the versatility of the drug, before using it, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary, which is necessary to prevent complications of the disease.

Traditional methods

To eliminate the pain syndrome that appears after sleep, traditional methods will help:

  • Lotions made from a decoction of chamomile and sage. For this, a decoction of pharmaceutical herbal preparations is used. To obtain the mixture, you need to brew a bag of herbs in a cup and let the solution cool. Cold decoction is used to apply lotions for up to 15 minutes. The frequency of the procedure does not exceed 6 times.
  • A decoction based on string, dill and sage seeds. To obtain a healing mixture, use sachets of the mixture purchased at a pharmacy. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew. After cooling, apply gauze or cotton wool soaked in the broth to the eyelid. The duration of the manipulation is about 20 minutes. The frequency of repetitions is no more than 5 times.
  • Infusion of trefoil, yarrow and rose hips. To obtain the mixture, you will need a thermos, into which 3 tablespoons of each component are added. Pour boiling water over the herbs and infuse for about 4 hours. You should drink the decoction before meals with the addition of honey and lemon.

Signs of sand in the eyes

Typically, sand in the eyes has the following characteristic signs:

  • burning;
  • dryness;
  • pressure in the eyes;
  • purulent or mucus-like discharge;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • pain;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • sometimes photophobia;
  • Possible vision impairment.

Very often, these symptoms do not appear throughout the day, but, for example, in the morning - after waking up, when the mucous membrane of the eyes is so dry that it interferes with the movement of the eyelids, or in the evening - after prolonged visual stress.


Among the preventive recommendations for eliminating morning discomfort are:

  • elimination of the root causes of pain in the visual apparatus;
  • use of cosmetics with hypoallergenic composition;
  • carrying out wet cleaning in the premises of stay;
  • long walks in the fresh air, except in windy weather;
  • when working at the monitor for a long time, take a 15-minute rest once an hour;
  • night sleep lasting at least 8 hours;
  • compliance with the rules of hygienic care of the visual apparatus;
  • in case of discomfort when wearing a contact correction device, it is necessary to purchase another more suitable one;
  • do not clean lenses with dirty hands and do not apply the solution twice;
  • promptly carry out therapy to eliminate colds;
  • consult an endocrinologist to prevent hormonal surges;
  • in the presence of chronic pathologies, it is recommended to treat them;
  • balance your diet.

To eliminate eye strain, special gymnastics are recommended:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, preferably sit on a chair;
  2. close your eyes intensely several times in a row;
  3. Draw a circle clockwise with your gaze;
  4. repeat the exercise identically in the other direction;
  5. draw vertical lines with your gaze from top to bottom and vice versa;
  6. repeat a similar exercise with a horizontal position.

What to do if your eye hurts

If symptoms of irritation are caused by environmental factors, you should protect your eyes with glasses. If the organ of vision is tired, you need to give it rest and limit visual stress. A foreign body or small speck must be carefully removed.

Treatment of uncomplicated cases is carried out with local forms of drugs.

Some diseases require surgical treatment. For example, in case of glaucoma, operations are performed to form pathways for the outflow of aqueous humor. Surgical treatment may be necessary for injuries and burns and is aimed at restoring anatomical integrity.

Drug therapy

Effective and common drugs:

  • Drops for dryness and pain caused by overstrain of the visual analyzer: “Vizin”, “Lakrisin”, “Artificial tear”. They are suitable for drivers with fatigue in the visual analyzer or when working at the computer for a long time.
  • For the treatment of intense dryness and pain in the eyes, which can occur in the morning and throughout the day, the cationic emulsion Cationorm . The drops not only effectively eliminate the symptoms of dry eyes, but also prevent its further development by restoring all layers of the tear film. They do not contain preservatives, so they are very suitable for people who wear lenses more than 5 days a week or more than 10 hours a day. Drops also help with other eye diseases, such as glaucoma, blepharitis, and allergic conjunctivitis.
  • For periodic dryness and sore eyes, most often in the evening, drops based on ultra-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid - Ocutiarz . Drops quickly help relieve dry and tired eyes after intense visual work. Suitable for office workers, drivers, students, travelers. The drops are preservative-free, so they can be used on contact lenses. Effective for relieving eye discomfort, which usually occurs in the first 6 months after corneal surgery.
  • In cases where there is no desire or opportunity to use drops during the day, an eye gel is suitable - Oftagel . A one-time use of the gel at night will save your eyes from dryness and watery eyes for a long time.
  • For the treatment of bacterial diseases, antibacterial drops “Floxal” and “Albucid” are prescribed; ointments "Tetracycline", "Tobrex".
  • Viral inflammations are treated with Ophthalmoferon and Actipol drops; ointments "Acyclovir", "Zovirax".
  • Allergies are treated with antihistamine drops for pain in the eyes “Allergodil”, “Cromohexal”. To quickly relieve allergic manifestations, the hormonal ointment “Dexamethasone” is prescribed. Sometimes Zyrtec and Tavegil tablets are prescribed.
  • The drugs “Defislez” and “Korneregel” improve regeneration (healing) after traumatic injuries.
  • Anti-inflammatory drops to relieve redness and swelling: Indocollir, Diclofenac.

The drugs have contraindications and side effects are possible, so it is better to entrust the selection of medication to a specialist.

Traditional methods of treatment

Pain in the eyes caused by non-dangerous causes can be treated not only with drug therapy, but also with folk remedies. Ideally, a combination of both methods.

  • Chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over chamomile and leave for at least 1 hour. Strain from the small leaves. Use warm infusion for rinsing 3-4 times a day.
  • Cornflower. Pour in 2 tsp. cornflower, let it brew. After 1 hour, strain the infusion. Moisten a cotton pad or gauze pad and apply to closed eyelids for 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
  • Aloe. Aloe leaf juice is mixed with boiled water (1:10). The resulting solution is instilled 2 times a day.
  • Cheremsha. Pour in 1 tsp. wild garlic. Leave for at least 8 hours. Use the strained infusion to wipe your eyelids in the morning.

It is better to treat pain in the eyes with folk remedies after consulting a doctor, since self-medication can aggravate the condition.

Useful video

Pain after a night's sleep does not always signal the presence of a disease, but it does indicate pathological processes in the eye area. Both pharmaceutical medications and traditional medicine recipes will help eliminate discomfort after sleep. If pain persists for more than a day, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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What is sand in the eyes

In order for the eyes to be comfortable, they need hydration. The lacrimal glands are responsible for this need. For normal hydration of the eyeball (and, accordingly, for its comfort), they must produce 1 ml of liquid within one day. Due to disruptions in the activity of these glands, the lubrication of the eye is also disrupted, which is why the feeling of sand in the eyes occurs.

What to do and how to relieve discomfort?

Using eye drops or rinsing, you can relieve unwanted sensations in the organs of vision.
First aid for pain in the eyes in the morning is to wash the visual organs. If you have eye drops, you can use them to alleviate the situation. Normalizing the daily schedule helps to cope with the problem. Gymnastics helps get rid of redness and pain, which often bother you. It is equally important to reduce the time spent at the computer or in front of the TV. It is not recommended to sit for a long time in front of the monitor in the evening, which increases the chances of stinging your eyes in the morning.

Treatment with medications

Cutting sensations in the area of ​​the visual organs in the morning are associated with inflammatory processes and other pathological conditions. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist, who will select the best eye drops and other medications that eliminate cramps in the morning. The table shows commonly used drugs for deviation:

Drug groupName
Drops with antiviral effects"Idoxuridine"
Antibacterial drugs"Chloramphenicol"
"Sulfacyl sodium"
Antifungal or antiseptic"Miramistin"
Medicines that stop the inflammatory response"Diclofenac"
Medicines with a combined effect"Sofradex"
Antiallergic drugs"Ketatifen"
Drugs that constrict blood vessels"Vizin"
Drops with artificial tear effect"Systane"
"Hilozar Chest of drawers"
Medicines that stabilize intraocular pressure"Pilocarpine"

Do folk remedies help?

Thanks to the tonic and moisturizing properties of cucumber, pain symptoms in the visual system can be relieved.
Frequent morning cramps in the eye area can be eliminated using unconventional methods. Such treatment must be coordinated with a doctor, since natural components often cause an allergic reaction, which aggravates the symptoms. It is important to understand that folk remedies provide symptomatic treatment without eliminating the cause of the pain in the eyes in the morning. In case of problem, the following ingredients are effective:

  • Cucumber. The vegetable is cut into small rings, which are applied to the damaged eyelids for a few minutes.
  • Honey. The beekeeping product is dissolved in boiled water, adhering to the proportions of 10 grams per 200 ml. The resulting liquid can be dripped into sore eyes in the morning, a few drops at a time.
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