Hemianopsia - loss of vision by half

The most important human organs are the eyes. The ability to see the world is provided by central (formal) and peripheral (peripheral, lateral) vision. The first allows you to recognize the details and shapes of objects. Divided into near and far. Peripheral vision is a function regulated by a special part of the retina that helps with orientation. With its help, a person distinguishes objects at dusk and at night. Peripheral vision is characterized by the field of view. This is the space perceived by a fixed gaze. Impaired peripheral vision is often the first symptom of serious pathologies. Deterioration in the perception of objects located on the sides is called hemianopia. Loss of function, even while maintaining central vision, makes it clear to a person what it is like to lose the ability to navigate in space.

What does narrowing the field of view mean?

Concentric narrowing affects all boundaries of the visual fields. Such disorders often develop against the background of diseases of the nervous system or ophthalmological pathologies. Local narrowing occurs due to disruption of fields in a specific area. The boundaries of vision remain unchanged.

The development of narrowings is distinguished taking into account the degree of damage. It may be minor when vision deteriorates gradually and slightly. With rapid narrowing, tunnel vision develops. At the same time, the person looks at objects as if through a pipe.

It is important to consider that such disorders may affect one or both eyes. They are divided into symmetrical and asymmetrical. The reason lies in limited or functional vision.

Organic narrowing of fields is accompanied by a violation of orientation in space. Functionally, it leads to impaired perception of the size of objects. This significantly affects a person’s work activity and usual way of life.

Torsion fields and their nature

What are torsion fields? Does this concept have a real basis or is it an unproven theory from the section of esotericism and pseudoscience? Torsion fields are reciprocating movements of an electromagnetic field that turn into a spiral. As mentioned above, the theory of torsion fields excited the minds of scientists at the beginning of the last century, but there was no real evidence of their existence, or they were indirect and subjective. The first breakthrough in this matter occurred in the 80s, when physicist Oleg Gritskevich created a water engine based on the concept of torsion fields. Oleg Gritskevich combined the torsion of water with a magnetic field, using as a basis the “Ranke tube”, developed by the French physicist back in 1932. The device created by Gritskevich resembled a “donut” in appearance, inside which water circulated, heating up to a high temperature. Gitskevich’s invention was not just an interesting exhibit; the installation generated energy and supplied it to a small scientific town.

Then Gritskevich went to the USA with his colleagues and there he produced a more advanced example of his invention - a powerful hydromagnetic dynamo. But, apparently, oil tycoons intervened, for whom mass production of such an invention would have meant a complete collapse of the business, and research was soon curtailed.

Gritskevich explains the principle of his invention as follows. The water molecule has the shape of a pyramid. There are about a million such molecules in one cubic centimeter of water. At a pressure in the pipe of 10 atmospheres, the vortex spinning the water breaks the “pyramids” of water molecules, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are separated, and when they unite again into molecules, a powerful release of energy occurs.

So, according to the Shipov-Akimov theory, the energy of swirling water is extracted from the physical vacuum. According to their research, the torsion field is generated by special geometric shapes. For example, a pyramid generates a powerful torsion field. Thus, architectural forms can be energy generators or portals to other layers of reality. It has long been suggested that the Egyptian pyramids are not tombs at all, but ancient energy generators (well, something like modern nuclear power plants) or portals for moving to other dimensions. Of course, modern science (both physics and history) denies such assumptions, because we will have to reconsider not only our view of energy and space, but also ask the question that previous generations of earthlings were in many ways smarter and more developed than us. And this means casting doubt on the generally accepted theory that past generations with stone axes ran after mammoths and communicated with each other by inarticulate mooing. Can modern science take such a radical step? The question is rhetorical.

Any geometric figure changes the property of ether - the element of space. This subtle matter “twists” and a torsion field is formed. As we know, theory without practice is dead. You can endlessly read about torsion fields in the works of talented scientists, but it’s easier to check everything through personal experience.

Torsion fields. Practical use

Anyone, even without special education, can create the simplest torsion generator at home. To do this, you need to take four neodymium magnets and tighten them, for example, placing them on the fan blades. The faster the rotation, the more powerful the formation of the torsion field from the vacuum will be. How can this invention be used? According to Akimov, various negative energy, which can exist in the room or directly cause illness in the body, leaves the area of ​​formation of a powerful torsion field. Akimov even described examples of patients recovering after using such devices in an apartment.

The use of such a device for the formation of a torsion field will allow you to feel this very field on a purely physiological level - a metallic taste in the mouth and other symptoms. However, Akimov warned that it is not enough to form a torsion field using such a device. For a torsion field to benefit a person, you need to be able to structure it, and not everyone can do this. Otherwise, the unstructured torsion field will damage the human aura, and instead of a positive impact there will be a process of destruction.

Thus, anyone can generate a torsion field, but not everyone can structure it to use it for its intended purpose - to heal diseases or increase personal energy or the energy of space. Forming a torsion field without the proper ability to handle it is like giving a child a grenade.

How to determine the narrowing of peripheral vision

This violation can occur due to the following phenomena:

  • excessive strain on the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine attacks;
  • the appearance of a film before the eyes;
  • sparks, bright flashes of light in the eyes;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.

Sometimes such pathologies make correct diagnosis difficult. Additional examinations and consultation with a neurologist and neurosurgeon may be necessary. In order to detect impairment or loss of visual fields, perimetry is used. A more accurate examination can be carried out using computer perimetry. The duration of this procedure is at least half an hour. Therefore, the patient must be patient.


The types of visual field impairment are presented in the table.

ConcentricAffects the entire eye and is a dangerous pathologyDivided into functional - develops against the background of neuroses, hysteria; organic – associated with ophthalmological diseases (glaucoma) For diagnosis, objects of different sizes are used, which are placed at a certain distance, using the Donders method
HemianopsiaBilateral or unilateral, partial loss of visual fields. The patient sees part of the image, which is divided by a central vertical line; has a congenital and acquired nature Disruption of the central nervous system, damage to the blood vessels of the brain, consequences of stroke and coronary heart disease, neoplasms in the brain, circulatory disorders, migraine, epilepsyTopical examination to determine the affected areas of the brain
HomonymousWhen viewing a picture, the patient can only see the right or left part of itDamage to the optic nerve and occipital part of the brainPathology is divided into: complete, partial, square. Using tables, the doctor determines the type of such disorders
ScotomasAccompanied by a darkened area that may be round or oval in shapeAbsolute damage is accompanied by complete loss of vision, and relative - partialPerimetry, biomicroscopy, and ophthalmoscopy are used for diagnosis.
HeteronymousVisual fields fall out in the temporal or nasal partThe line runs horizontally between the visible and invisible areasDiagnosed using the same method as the homonymous species
BitemporalA common type of pathology in which there is loss of fields in the temporal part, loss of vision in the nasal partAortic aneurysm, benign or malignant tumorMRI, CT brain

Focal defects (scotomas)

If vision is reduced or absent in a certain area, the boundaries of which are not adjacent to the outer contour of the visual field, then we are talking about a scotoma. In this case, visual defects may not be perceived by the patient, because the image is completed by the second eye. Such scotomas are called negative. With positive scotomas, the patient perceives the defect as a spot or shadow located in the field of view.

The shape of scotomas can be different (sector, arc, oval, circle, irregular polygon). Depending on the location of scotomas relative to the central point of fixation, they also have different names (peripheral, sectoral, pericentral, paracentral, central). If vision is completely absent in the area of ​​the defect, then the scotoma is called absolute; otherwise, it is called relative (only the clarity of perception is impaired).

An interesting fact is that in one patient the scotoma can be both relative and absolute (when examining the visual field using markers of different colors).

In addition to various pathological scotomas, each patient also has so-called physiological scotomas. These include the blind spot and vascular pattern.

In the first case, we are talking about an oval-shaped absolute scotoma, which is located in the temporal zone of the visual field. This scotoma corresponds to the projection of the optic nerve head. There is no light-receiving apparatus in the blind spot area. A physiological scotoma has clear dimensions and location. If a change in these parameters occurs, for example, an increase in size, then the scotoma becomes pathological. In particular, an increase in the size of the blind spot is observed with papilledema, glaucoma, and hypertension.

To identify scotomas, doctors previously resorted to rather labor-intensive visual field studies. Recently, mainly automatic perimeters are used, as well as testers for central vision, which greatly simplifies the procedure and reduces its execution time to several minutes.


Narrow field of vision and other types of loss occur due to various pathological processes and often affect the brain. Concentric narrowing occurs against the background of such diseases:

  • cataract;
  • eye injuries;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal detachment;
  • neuralgia;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysfunction of the optic nerve.

If the image is partially blurred, the presence of cataracts and pterygium should be checked. The initial stage of glaucoma is accompanied by damage to central vision, and then gradually to peripheral vision. Lateral vision also disappears. If left untreated, there is a risk of complete loss of vision. This process is irreversible. Eye injuries can also lead to this. This depends on the extent of the damage.

Retinal detachment is accompanied by curvature of objects, and part of vision may be lost.

What you should be most concerned about is hypertension and atherosclerosis. Such diseases can cause the development of blood clots in the vascular system of the visual organs. This is accompanied by the appearance of a dark spot in the retina. Against this background, vision is impaired. Suspicious symptoms should be a reason to visit a doctor.

How fov works in CS:GO

Let's say right away that the viewing angle directly depends on the aspect ratio of the monitor. Those. The wider the viewing angle, the more you see. Let's look at everything in practice so that you can better understand what works and how. Just pay attention to the right wall. This is what the picture looks like with an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a viewing angle of 90.

And like this - with a ratio of 16:10 and a viewing angle of 84.

And this is what 4:3 looks like with an angle of 74.

Well, so – 5:4 and 70.

And this is what, for example, a 16:3 ratio looks like with a viewing angle of 143.


The most dangerous complication is complete loss of vision. This is a consequence of many ophthalmological diseases. Therefore, if suspicious symptoms develop, you should consult an ophthalmologist. A full inspection will help determine the loss of fields. The narrowing may completely affect one or both eyes. In addition, such disorders negatively affect the functioning of the brain and can cause the development of pathological processes in it.

It is useful for many to know how to determine the narrowing of visual fields. The main diagnostic method is perimetry. Additionally, the doctor uses examinations: biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound, MRI, CT scan of the brain. Various tables and images will help determine the type and degree of loss of fields. It is impossible to independently diagnose and cure such deviations.


Treatment depends on the type of pathology and the degree of damage. Hemianopsia in most cases is a sign of a certain disease. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the use of medications will be sufficient. More severe lesions can only be cured surgically.

Retinal detachment is often the cause of such disorders. To eliminate it, laser coagulation is used. Glaucoma requires constant use of medications to normalize intraocular pressure. If severe glaucoma develops, surgical intervention is prescribed. If the lesion extends to the brain, you will need to consult a specialized specialist. The presence of benign and malignant neoplasms requires consultation with an oncologist.

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