Create the right mood

You can be sure that your wife will love you more and enjoy you more and more if you create the right mood. Here you need to consider what she likes and how she likes to get pleasure. This knowledge will help you create the perfect setting for a romantic night. For example, you can dim the lighting and put in scented candles. A warm bath with foam or bath salts is ideal. You can also add some rose petals there. The water should not be too hot or cold, as then it will hardly be possible to achieve pleasant sensations.

Help your lady into the bath with you, sit next to her, look into her eyes, say a few gentle words and kiss her. Another important point is pleasant, quiet music, which will help create a romantic atmosphere. The main thing is that it is not loud or annoying.

How to seduce your wife with romance

Let the words flow

Women love to hear how much they mean to you. Love letters have been around since men have courted women, and many have managed to win the heart of the woman in question. Think of it as an ancient art form that is always appreciated, which will not only let your wife know that she is loved, but will also rekindle the passion that you are looking for.

Start your love letter with a greeting that means something to her. Try a pet name or a loving greeting; don't start with her name. Spice it up a little by trying something like: “My Darling” (insert her name here); To the love of my life; To my beautiful wife. do you understand.

Then, let her know what you're writing about. Tell her that you are writing to remind her how special she is and how incredibly lucky and fortunate you are that she has chosen to spend the rest of her life with you. These words will resonate in her heart. Take advantage of this memory that you both share. Pick a time when you felt connected, when it felt like the world was a perfect place, even if just for a few moments. It could be your wedding day, your first date, or the moment you saw her walk down the aisle. (Now is probably not the time to have sex.)

It's good to praise her intelligence, but don't stop there; let her know that she is much more than smart - she is also beautiful and strong. Women love to hear that they are beautiful, even if they think they don't look their best. Let her know you think she's gorgeous, sweatpants and all. If you have memories of a time when she looked especially beautiful, share it with her and tell her what was so beautiful about that time.

Close the letter with love by sharing your hopes for the future with her. If you have plans to stay together and race wheelchairs when you're both old and gray, tell her so. Women feel secure when they know they have a future with the person they love. Once you've written your letter, be sure to leave it somewhere she'll find it, maybe with a rose next to her side of the bed or in the kitchen where she'll see it while drinking coffee.

Reconnection after negative habits

According to a study conducted by Funding for Health Research, the most common reasons for a sexless marriage include hurt feelings about the past, one partner constantly rejecting the other, being too busy or too careless, communication breakdown, lack of trust, anxiety and other marital problems. , such as children, money or career.

In this case, it often helps to begin to reconnect as individuals and throw the sexual routine out the window. Instead, focus on sharing intimate sexual thoughts and sensual feelings. Then find a compromise that you both mutually find attractive. Seduction is not about strategy; it's more about getting to know your partner and then catching them off guard. You will want to remind them of the attraction that exists and has always existed between you. Seducing your spouse is a reminder that the love you have together is still burning hot, and you're ready to pursue it like you always are, being the wild romantic that you are.

Consider her likes

What does your wife like to do? Perhaps she loves to eat. Surprise her one day after work by going to the new romantic restaurant where you have a reservation. Nice touch? Call the restaurant in advance and offer champagne (or her favorite drink) on the table when you arrive.

Maybe she's a big fan of gardening and plants. Perhaps you could clean your house to surprise her. Then place the large onion on the new potted plant and leave it on the kitchen counter with the map next to it. The possibilities are endless! You know your wife's taste better than anyone else, so use this knowledge to your advantage.

Clothes can also be used for flirting2

Most men are accustomed to quickly undressing a woman and immediately putting her to bed. However, this is far from the best way to excite her and give pleasure. Clothing deserves much more attention. It can be safely used to bring a woman to the desired state. It’s trivial to just remove all these things from her. Add sensuality to this process, trying to please the lady.

When ridding her of the things she is wearing, do not rush in any way; your movements should be slow and seductive. This is quite the right time to create the right mood and for her to feel your attitude towards her. Slowly, as if by chance, touch her skin with your fingers, and do not forget about touching with your lips, choosing the most intimate places, as far as it will be comfortable for you.

Turn the process of getting rid of clothes into a game, for example you can take off only part of the things: get rid of the shirt, but leave the bra. You can try to unbutton the buttons of the shirt with your teeth, while lightly biting her on the stomach and nipples. If you do decide to rid her of her bra, again, take your time. First, run your fingers over the fabric, then stroke your breasts, gently massage your nipples until you feel them swelling. Once you realize that she is horny, you can completely get rid of this part of a woman's wardrobe.

Now it's the turn of the bottom part. Slowly remove her main clothes, and after that you can move on to her panties. Do it slowly, further stimulating her with your hands and tongue. After you've completely rid her of her clothes, it's time to move on to foreplay.

Advice from sex psychologists: how to seduce?

The girl and hold her

To seduce a girl, you need to remember that this period in life is characterized primarily by ease of communication, readiness and positive attitude towards new contacts , that is, acquaintance and the development of relationships at this time occur very naturally.

Girls willingly share their interests and look for new, vibrant experiences.

Having met a girl you want to seduce, you can easily find out how she likes to spend her leisure time, what she is interested in, what she plans for the future, and then find common points of contact with your own interests.

As a rule, common interests become a good excuse to continue communication.

Once mutual sympathy has arisen, it is also important to maintain it. To do this, you need to maintain the girl's interest , since otherwise he may switch to another young man.

Diversify your leisure time, give her those vivid impressions that she wants to receive, and for this, be attentive to her desires .

Chosen one by correspondence

When writing, your main trump card is eloquence , and an additional joker in your sleeve is the time during which you can think about what to write.

It is incommensurably greater than during live communication.

Humor will help you evoke the necessary positive impressions, and the lack of eye contact will make it easier to communicate on rather intimate topics.

Don’t be intrusive, when you ask a question, be sure to wait for an answer, and don’t continue the list of interrogative sentences.

Correspondence also gives the opportunity to share quotes from works of art and poetry, which in real communication can be confusing.

An adult woman

An adult woman looks more for stability in a man than for the ambitious impulses characteristic of youth. She is also much more demanding of comfort in communication.

The most crucial moment in seduction is the step in which a woman agrees to spend leisure time with a man.

Do not rush into an intimate setting ; a public place is more suitable for the first meetings, and only after that can you move on to a meeting in solitude.

Also, adult women appreciate attention to themselves ; with an attentive attitude, you will show that you are able to create the necessary comfort for her.

My wife

In relationships connected by marriage, sometimes there come times when feelings become a little dull ; this may be due to everyday problems or monotony in relationships. All this does not encourage intimate relationships and forces people to focus more on routine.

To seduce your wife, you need to evoke a positive emotional outburst in her.

To do this, you can give her new impressions, for example, a trip to places that she has long been planning to visit, a long-awaited gift, and even the manifestation of ordinary attention, if the mutual desire for each other has long come to naught.

Spend the evening together, you can create an intimate atmosphere at home, go to the cinema, visit a restaurant, a memorable place associated with your romantic relationship in the past.


Seducing your ex-wife can be quite a difficult task , since there is a reason that led to the divorce.

If the divorce occurred recently, consider perhaps waiting a little, as the unpleasant memories may be strong enough to be able to rebuild the relationship.

The most important thing is to eliminate the reason that led to the divorce , and only then take steps towards seduction. If the divorce occurred due to the fact that you did not get along, a pause in the relationship may be beneficial.

Next, show that you can make a reasonable compromise, of course. If the reason was your betrayal, you should make it clear that your ex-wife is still your favorite person.

It must be remembered that after some time a reassessment of values ​​may occur, because the resumption of relations with an ex-wife is far from a rare occurrence.

Give plenty of time to foreplay3

For women, this is a very significant component of their sex life. If the actual sexual act is more important to a man, then women like to enjoy the times before it. Foreplay not only creates the right mood, it also helps prepare the body for the act itself, since during foreplay her body produces the necessary lubrication. This makes sex less painful and allows for more pleasure.

Foreplay should not include too strong or rough movements. Even if your wife sometimes prefers something harder, it's best to save that for the next step. The best option for foreplay is a gentle massage, teasing touches, stroking the breasts, nipples and thighs. You can periodically touch more intimate places, this will help her body produce lubrication faster and prepare for the main stage.

Use your tongue4

Women don't always talk about it out loud, even if they like it. But once you realize that you are on the right track and will give her pleasure, be prepared that she will want it again and again. Spend time with foreplay first, let your wife get aroused, and then move on to the “oral” part. Do everything slowly, use not only your tongue, but also help with your fingers. If your partner can't openly discuss what she likes, experiment and see what gives her more pleasure.

Tease her5

Don't get straight to the point, tease her so that the anticipation turns her on even more. But don't take too long a break between oral sex and actual sexual intercourse. Moving on to the main part, you should not immediately use any special, for example, rough techniques, or immediately move on to the final part. Try to prolong the pleasure.

After you've had oral sex, it doesn't take long for her to reach climax, but don't rush it. Observe her reaction, as soon as you realize that she is almost ready, stop, take a short break and then continue. Repeat this part several times until she begins to demand that you be more active and not stop.

Easy prey. How to seduce a married woman

In fact, human society, since the time of King Pea, has carefully advised men not to hang dangerously close to the fragrant skirts of their neighbor’s wife. And, believe me, not at all because it is immoral and immoral. Quite the opposite. It’s just that our wise ancestors knew for sure since the Ice Age: seducing a woman is a very quick and extremely simple matter. But seducing a married woman in general is easy. The only question is - why do you need this?

Oh, it's still necessary. You have never met such a beauty in your life, you are going crazy with passion and are ready for literally anything. Okay, I'm ready to agree with this. Moreover, despite the fact that over the past two years I have written no less than a thousand times that all of Eve’s daughters are the same in principle, which means that the one you so ardently desire is absolutely no different from the others. Or rather, it is different, but only in that it is not yours. That is why you desperately want her.

Well, if you need it so much, take it.
But first, remember the four big DON’Ts that every decent man should take into account when seducing a married woman. 1 DO NOT interfere with the family nest, which was founded by a respectable, influential and wealthy man.
And this despite the fact that bankers and pot-bellied businessmen, as luck would have it, have incredibly high-quality and fresh wives. I think additional explanations are unnecessary. You yourself understand perfectly well that at best you will be beaten very badly. And this, I repeat, is the best case scenario. So stay away from pretty ladies in silver sables and black Mercedes. Even if they themselves strive to hang around your neck. They, of course, have fun. But here it is for you. However, you still have one loophole. Quickly become wealthy, respectable and influential yourself, and only then steal away the rightful half of your new Russian colleague. Although it is unlikely that she will interest you then. You’ll immediately buy yourself a new one - brighter, younger and not used.

2 DO NOT try to interfere with the idiotic and, in essence, completely harmless happiness of the newlyweds. Firstly, in the first two months after a hard-won and long-awaited wedding, women become so pathologically stupid that they are unable to react to any external stimuli. Secondly, according to statistics, newlyweds spend 90 percent of their time in bed, doing whatever they want until they are completely mentally and physically exhausted. Don't climb into the marriage bed! And in general, you shouldn’t waste your time and nerves - yesterday’s bride simply won’t understand that you are seducing her. You can pinch her, pull her, lift up her skirt and even drop her on the sofa - the young wife will still look inside herself with well-fed honey eyes and from time to time tenderly say: “And my bunny - can you imagine? — As a child, I loved stealing apples. Isn’t it cute?” Therefore, if you are not lazy, wait a little. After a year or so, the beauty’s eyes will lose all their honeyedness and begin to sparkle with the beautiful hungry sparkle of an unsatisfied predator, the bunny will turn into an ordinary goat, and the phrase about stolen apples will be heard with outright regret that, alas, stolen apples in our country are not shot . And right on the spot.

3 You CANNOT seduce a woman who is unhappy in her marriage from the true path. Well, there, her husband is a drunkard, or beats her up in vain, or walks around like crazy. You never know how much grief there is in a cat's fate. It is better for an honest libertine not to get involved in such a family. This sounds paradoxical, of course, but judge for yourself. First of all, it's simply unsporting. The prey is so easy that your act will strongly resemble the most ordinary poaching. Secondly, this is somehow completely inhumane. What can you give the poor thing, except one hasty sexual intercourse a week? And she needs to get married, for real, in a good way, with borscht, kids and a Vyatka-semi-automatic washing machine. You won't marry her, will you? You won't take it. So it turns out that they stroked a stray kitten on its matted fur, treated it to a sausage of dubious freshness, and then took it and threw it out the door. Very humane.

4 And finally, the most important thing, a big and categorical DON’T. Under no circumstances should you meet your chosen one’s husband, much less drink with him. Women are big bitches and famous sadomasochists. Don’t feed them bread, but let them bring both husband and lover together on the same territory. In order to compare them with each other in a calm atmosphere once again and secretly enjoy their power. Here, they say, which ones I grabbed. Yes, two at once. Categorically do not succumb to her provocations and avoid meeting your opponent at all costs. And not at all for reasons of personal safety. It’s just that men, unlike women, are collective creatures, in other words, pack creatures. The feeling of camaraderie is in their blood. Therefore, I bet one hundred against one hundred that you will truly feel sorry for the poor horned fellow. Because he's probably a completely normal guy. And after the first bottle, a normal man, as you know, easily turns first into a great guy, and then into the best sidekick. In general, after the third, you will probably lose your married mistress forever, but you will gain a bosom buddy. Which is better is unknown. Choose for yourself.

Anyway, enough moralizing. Let's move on to tactics.

So, we decided that it is best to break up full-fledged, happy, healthy, moderately wealthy families of about five to seven years old. And preferably with a certain number of children. This is it. Just a nutritious broth for breeding lovers.

A woman, of course, cannot escape from such a cozy and familiar swamp; she is warm and damp there, but also bored to the point of complete impossibility. Especially if the husband is already thoroughly fed up, and the cubs have grown so much that they do not require all of the mother’s time and energy.

Take matters into your own hands6

Most women prefer their partners to take the dominant role. In addition, this is a great opportunity to excite your wife. Dominance does not mean that you will ignore her wishes and do only what you want. Remember what pleases her while showing her that you are in your power. Hold her firmly and turn her, paying attention to different parts of her body. But don’t forget how much stronger you are than her and don’t harm her in any way.

Controlling her. Don’t forget to talk, explain what she can and can’t do. For example, if you see that she is approaching climax, instruct her to moan as loudly as possible, but forbid her to hold your hands.

Sexual experience is the most intimate thing that can happen in a relationship. Here both parties must be attentive to each other's feelings and needs. It is important to communicate with your spouse and delve into what your other half likes.

Victoria Fomina


Doctor sexologist of the highest category, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. I have been working as a sexologist for more than 10 years. I help couples resolve problems in their sex life.

For the vast majority of married couples, sexual fervor gradually fades away. There is a completely logical explanation for this - routine, a lot of everyday problems, fatigue. However, it is definitely impossible to leave the situation in this form. Make efforts to rekindle the passion in your relationship! Try to excite your beloved wife and do not treat sex as a marital duty. Remember how your relationship began and how strong feelings you had for each other then. Make surprises, add variety, arrange a date - in general, pleasantly surprise your wife. And then her sexual arousal will be at its peak!

Message from the Editor

If you have studied this article, then our work was not in vain! Our professionals work seven days a week to surprise you with something new and interesting every day. Tell me another secret? The results of many studies have proven that it takes at least 10 years to achieve complete emotional and intellectual unity with a partner! It follows from this that if you think that after 3 years of relationship you know almost everything about your loved one and have practically merged into one whole, take your time. There are many more interesting events ahead that will test your relationship to the limit. Join us - we will try to solve every problem you have!

The Basics of Seducing Your Wife

A woman is a more sensitive creature than a man. For her, the emotional aspect of the relationship is more important, so the wife often feels the first signs of an approaching period of misunderstanding earlier. A man understands that the problem of lack of emotional connection exists when it turns into the sphere of physical problems.

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Giving up sex or reducing its quantity is a sure sign that the union is going through another milestone, which could end in divorce. At this moment, it is important to take the initiative if there is a goal to save the relationship. To do this, you will need to master the practice of seducing your beloved wife. Five tools that are useful are available in any man’s arsenal, so using them will not be difficult:

  • In a relationship, the first thing to take care of is emotional stability. A woman must understand that the man nearby is capable of protecting the family. Since the selection stage has already passed, with a 99% guarantee, the spouse understands that the person nearby guarantees stability. However, it wouldn’t hurt to remind you of this. Do a symbolic act - build a new closet, throw out the trash from your house or garage, fix the faucet. This is the first step with which your spouse will attract attention.
  • The daily schedule, especially if the wife stays at home or is busy with boring work, does not change. Rhythm and routine become boring, taking away the last of your strength. First, you need to get your spouse out of the vicious circle with a non-standard manifestation - a trip out of town, a two-day weekend excursion. This is the second step that will add newness to the relationship.
  • A woman who has been married for several years is probably exhausted. Daily worries and an ever-growing to-do list impose a number of obligations. In addition, unlike her husband, the girl is able to perform two or three activities at the same time, which she uses in everyday life. As a result, the wife’s general mood in the evening leaves much to be desired. If there are one or two children in the family, then additional responsibilities in the form of washing, cooking and education completely drain the energy. To seduce his beloved, a man needs to provide her with rest. It is not necessary to spend your last money on a last-minute trip to the sea. It is enough just to help with daily chores - wash the dishes, wipe the dust and check the readiness of the children’s homework. This is the third step that will surprise you.
  • Wife and husband are a legal union, from which, as a rule, romance has disappeared. A man does not feel the need to conquer a woman who already belongs only to him. To seduce and liberate your spouse, you will need a powerful act. Don’t rush to frightenedly grab your last savings - it’s inexpensive. The beauty of romance is in the surroundings, not in the price. A set of scented candles, a downloaded movie, a bottle of wine and an ordered pizza is all you need. This is the fourth step that will melt your heart.
  • And, so to speak, a “control shot.” They will have memories of their youthful days, hot courtships and incidents they experienced together. After influencing a woman for many days, talking about this topic will remind you what a seductress she can be.

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