What to do if you're tired of everything: 11 ways to cope with the blues, 3 powerful practices that will help you regain your zest for life

There comes a period in every person’s life when, as they say, they give up, nothing makes them happy, there are no desires and aspirations, except for one thing - to hide their heads, not think about anything, not see anyone, and, especially, not communicate. This state is called spleen, blues, apathy - there are many definitions, but their essence boils down to one thing - this is internal devastation.

What to do in such situations? To begin with, we can analyze the most characteristic of them, which make up the general state of indifference.

What to do if you're tired of everything?

Let's look at popular situations when apathy and depression appear. We’ll also consider what to do if you’re tired of everything?

Tired of a cat or dog: what to do?

  • You find it difficult to carry your pet - you are annoyed by the need to feed it, walk it, and clean the tray with sand. In addition, animals are periodically capable of gnawing things or leaving claw marks on sofas, armchairs and even wallpaper.
  • Tired of your cat or dog, don't know what to do? In this case , there is only one way out: place the animal in good hands or give it up for foster care. Simply putting it outside is not a solution to the problem, since a creature accustomed to home conditions simply will not survive there. And after you cope with your blues, you will feel remorse.
  • In addition, having returned to a normal state, you may want to return your pet again - most often you can always pick him up from a shelter, but you are unlikely to find him on the street.

Can be given for foster care

Tired of the car: what to do?

  • Tired of the car? There is only one answer: lock it in the garage and forget about its existence for a while. After all, the reason is not due to changed circumstances, which simply force a person to change his car to a more expensive and prestigious one, and not because he is tired of the old car, but wants a new one.
  • No, I don’t want a new one either! I don’t really want any! So let the car rest while you deal with your internal problems. And you try to move on foot or by public transport - after all, there is a change in emotions and impressions.

Tired of mother-in-law, mother-in-law, parents: what to do?

  • Relationships with the mother of your other half have long been the topic of parables, anecdotes and, of course, complaints. But if, in general, your communication so far has been normal, friendly , or at least tolerant, then the reason is you, not her.
  • Tired of your mother-in-law, mother-in-law, parents? In order not to completely ruin your relationship during the time you remain “out of sorts,” try to simply restrain yourself and smile politely.
  • You have no desire to communicate - correctly refer to a headache, poor health , etc. The blues will pass, but your mother-in-law (mother-in-law, parents) will continue to be offended by you if you are rude or insolent.

If you're tired of your loved ones

What to do if your friend is tired of you?

  • What to do if your friend is tired of you? And again, it’s better not to do anything and certainly not to break off the relationship. By giving in to your negative emotions, you can hurt a loved one, which you will later regret.
  • Take a break in communication, refer to the are busy (sometimes it doesn’t hurt to twist your heart a little, if it’s for the good). You might miss your friend before you get over the blues!

What to do if you're tired of playing?

  • If indifference to games occurs in an avid gamer, then this may be a positive sign. Perhaps he has finally returned to real life, where he realized that the real values ​​are relatives, family, children, friends.
  • If such rejection is associated with a general apathetic state, then you can try to switch to games of a completely different direction, even better - those that you did not like to play before. Perhaps they will arouse interest with their novelty and “shake up” you.

Tired of loans: what to do?

  • Tired of loans? This situation is one of those that in itself can drive a person into depression. Therefore, in order not to aggravate your already dejected state, try not to think about them for a while.
  • How to do it? Apply for a credit holiday at the bank or restructure your debt by reducing the amount of the monthly payment (however, this will increase the loan repayment period). Such actions will help you temporarily disconnect from worries associated with the need to repay the debt.

Blues due to financial problems

Tired of poverty: what to do?

  • Tired of poverty, but how to improve well-being? A situation that many find themselves in. Only someone is trying to fight, look for a job (a second, third part-time job), change their environment, in a word, look for a way out, while the other gives up and loses heart.
  • If your apathy is largely caused or strengthened by your deplorable financial condition, then all you can and should do is not let yourself become limp .
  • Self-pity and whining in this case is the worst option of all. We need to act. And how - read below.

APATHY: It’s impossible to live like this, but how can it be possible - there’s no way to live

Apathy accompanies completely different processes and can occur in different vectors, with very few exceptions. Accordingly, the reasons for fatigue from life with apathy are completely different. This is where the question arises: what to do when you’re tired of everything. The difficulty is that only the person himself can answer.

When the properties of vectors are not realized, desires are constantly not fulfilled - hands give up, and the psyche reacts mercifully - it extinguishes desires. So much so that it is no longer possible to understand what you want. All that comes to mind is that such a life does not suit you! I don't want to live like this anymore! How do I want it? Don't know. This is often called emotional burnout. But it is not always emotions that “burn out.”

We are largely guided by the understanding of the “correct” lifestyle that we see on TV or on the Internet. Every now and then we are shown “rich loafers” enjoying life on their yachts or villas, hanging out in expensive clubs and restaurants... But we always have problems - either with money or with time. Either the child has snot, or the grandmother has high blood pressure. Either the husband is a slacker and an alcoholic, or there is no husband at all - and no one knows which is worse. Each of us has more than enough of such adventures. We run without stopping, dragging bags, saving pennies, worrying endlessly. And there is no one to shift responsibility to. We can hardly remember when we managed to get enough sleep.

Thanks to system-vector psychology, we understand that each of us is endowed with our own set of unique qualities from birth. Each vector has its own desires, its own potential talents and mental properties that are ideal for their implementation. Moreover, nature intended that we get the highest pleasure from life when we realize our qualities in society.

We by nature cannot want what we cannot realize. What makes you live a life that is not yours? It’s not at all “external conditions” to which one so wants to shift responsibility. The reason, again, is a lack of understanding of oneself. Sometimes, intuitively, we find ways to bring ourselves into balance. The condition is improving a little, and we can continue to live. Soon fatigue returns again, and there is no longer any energy or time for your favorite activities.

What to do if you're tired of everything: 11 ways to cope with the blues

If we generalize the above situations, then in the question - what to do if you are tired of everything, the algorithm of actions comes down to the following. First, “lay low”, wait in solitude and silence (this is necessary so as not to “break the woods” in relationships with others), and then move on to active actions. And you can (and should!) act in a variety of directions.

I'm tired of all

  1. Let's go to the bathroom.
  • The feeling of streams and drops of cool or hot water (as you like) has a very beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state.
  • It has been proven that a person who takes a shower twice a day not only feels cheerful and energetic, but his business is more successful, he has more initiative and enterprise. This is explained by the fact that water helps relieve fatigue, calms the nervous system, and tones the skin and blood vessels.
  • And if you combine relaxation in a bathtub full of aromatic foam with a tonic contrast shower , you will definitely cheer up and feel a taste for life.
  1. We refuse snacks and fast food.
  • In a state of apathy, no one wants to stand at the stove to cook healthy steamed cutlets or cut a vegetarian salad.
  • Most often, the need for food in such situations is drowned out by ordinary snacks: pizza, doshirak noodles or chips with croutons. But our body does not care where it consumes calories from - either from fresh salad and baked fish, or from sausages smoked in carcinogens.
  • Therefore, you should not be lazy to prepare fresh and healthy foods for yourself, and drink more clean water. Within a month, this will become a habit, and you will notice not only an improvement in your physical well-being, but also an emotional uplift.
  1. We are looking for a new hobby.
  • It is best to discover some unknown area: sports, crosswords, yoga, dancing, fitness - in a word, something you have never done before.
  • It is the novelty of your hobby, its unfamiliarity, the need to learn and master skills that will bring you out of everyday life and a state of boredom.
  • If you were into music before, start running , and if you spent your free time doing handicrafts, then pick up brushes and paints.

Infatuation can be the most unexpected

  1. Let's start cleaning.
  • Our indifferent and apathetic state is greatly facilitated by the dirt and clutter in the room in which we live. The more disorder we see around us, the less desire we have to be “in order” ourselves.
  • So, you need to clean out the “Augean stables” - even if it’s only one room: tomorrow you’ll clean the next one, and then you’ll get to the kitchen. Ruthlessly throw away everything that you haven’t used or worn during the past year, dishes that are damaged or cracked, and get into the farthest corners. You should be sure that your room is now perfect in every way.
  1. Let's run.
  • You just need to force yourself to get up half an hour earlier in the morning and, like Munchausen by the braid, drag yourself outside. The first time it is better to do this on a nice sunny day, so that bad weather does not add to your despondency and regret that you have to strain your muscles instead of basking in bed.
  • You only have to overcome yourself once - and a surge of miraculous endorphin into the blood, giving us joy, is guaranteed. Thus, we receive emotional satisfaction , and our body is physically strengthened.
  1. Let's go on a trip.
  • Of course, it is difficult to expect pleasant emotions and new impressions if you lie on the sofa, with your nose to one point. It is necessary to change the location, as the military says.
  • At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive foreign tour . No, if funds allow, then please. But if one of the reasons for the state of “everything is tired” is lack of money, then you can discover a neighboring city or even the outskirts of your own, which you have never visited before.
  • A trip to the river, to the forest - all this will add positivity, and therefore you just need to take the first opportunity and break out of the familiar daily route.

The best way to deal with the blues

  1. Relieve the blues with stress.
  • In a state of apathy, a shake-up . All of the above methods can play this role, or you can resort to the direct meaning of this word and organize a stressful situation for yourself .
  • For example, unexpectedly changing jobs. Or plunge headlong into a new romance, breaking off a hateful long-term relationship, of which only the outer shell and appearance remain.
  • As a last resort, if you are very scared to change something in an established rhythm, you can add adrenaline by skydiving or riding a roller coaster.
  1. We think about good things.
  • Feel sorry for yourself, lament, see everything in dull black and gray colors, and at the same time expect that life will change for the better? This is in vain. And if it’s not very possible to change yourself and everything that surrounds you physically, then you can try to change your own attitude towards everything that happens .
  • It can even be a kind of game, finding the good in the bad. Any situation, even the seemingly most hopeless and depressing one, should be considered from the point of view of the positive aspects present in it or the advantages that it will turn out to have in the future.
  • For example, do you find it annoying to have to get up early? But how fresh the air is, not polluted by car exhausts, how well you can hear the bird trills outside the window, not drowned out by the hum and rumble of public transport. And how delightful the morning coffee smells!
  1. Helping others.
  • A method that is often practiced by psychologists and sincere believers. When you feel bad, think not about yourself, but about those who are much worse off. You are standing in a traffic jam (in your own car!) and you are angry, nervous, and at this time an old man or a child is crying in pain on a hospital bed. An orphan child hopelessly peers into the darkness from the window of an orphanage, trying to see the silhouette of his own mother, who has finally come to pick him up.
  • And if you really evaluate and compare the size of your problems, then you will understand that your “misfortune” is such a trifle! And to finally make sure that you are far from the most unhappy person in the world, try helping people who need it. Sympathy for them and satisfaction from the real support that you will provide them will completely displace blues and despondency from your soul.

Help others

  1. We relax and have a good rest.
  • It is possible that the state of apathy and indifference, the feeling that everything in this life is boring, is a kind of defensive reaction that the body exhibits. He is tired of being in constant tension and by going into depression he is simply trying to protect himself.
  • This means that it is simply vital for you to give yourself a break - otherwise, you are not far from real physical and emotional exhaustion.
  • And in such a situation, the best way out is to forget about all urgent matters for a few days, take a vacation (or at least a few days) and devote this time to yourself.
  • Sleep, relaxation, massage, beach or just doing what you love (reading, knitting, etc.) is a very effective medicine.
  1. We visit the doctor.
  • If you understand that your apathy has already gone beyond that and is taking on painful forms, turning into a real depressive state, then you should clearly formulate for yourself and realize that this can be dangerous for your health.
  • But only a doctor can cure the disease, so it is necessary to turn to him. A good neurologist will prevent your condition from becoming even more severe, will stop the disease and prescribe a set of medications that is suitable for you.

I want happiness, but I don’t know what I get

“Everyone at least once in their life has experienced a state when they are tired of everything and don’t want to do anything. Thoughts come that everything has lost its meaning, and sometimes that it never made sense...”

Does everyone have such thoughts? About the meaning - not everyone. And fatigue from what is happening, apathy can visit almost anyone. Online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan helps to clearly identify the real causes of experiences. This is important so as not to mess things up and get out of an unpleasant state as quickly as possible.

Our desire is formed from lack. But everyone formulates this lack in their own way, depending on their value system. Based on claims to the surrounding world, it is easy to determine natural properties and desires.

From this understanding it is much easier to figure out what to do when you've had enough of everything. To begin with, highlight what exactly is “everything” and understand how “enough” it is. Then it will be clear what to fight.

For example, what complaints women may have:

  • The owner of the skin vector is infuriated by the extravagance of her loved one or his lack of desire to earn more. He has been working in the company for a whole year, and has not yet become a boss. Or she works two jobs, manages to take care of the children, and all he does is complain about the economic situation in the country and scold the government.
  • But for the owner of the anal vector, it causes severe tension, which develops into resentment, and a lack of gratitude. She tries to be good, but everyone just takes advantage of her. No one will even say thank you.

What do both sides really want? You need to know your own desires, then understand their differences from the desires of your partner. This is the only way to come to an agreement and then create an emotionally close relationship.

For a woman with the skin vector, a high income is important as confirmation of a high social status. But she will always choose a man with completely different life values. The most stable pairs are created in this way: a combination of opposite properties - “two halves”.

And while everyone demands personal happiness, mutual claims are inevitable. Everyone is annoying each other! The situation is aggravated by the fact that residents of modern megacities usually have several vectors, sometimes with conflicting desires. Here you can’t always agree with yourself.

What to do if you're fed up with everything and no one loves you?

“And my boyfriend got me, the unfortunate egoist, until you start a scandal, he doesn’t understand anything! As soon as you yell, he immediately loves you madly, what kind of men!”

Do you agree that without love, life has no meaning, and loneliness is the worst curse? For a woman whose purpose is to love, the absence of emotional fulfillment is tantamount to the absence of life. I want feelings, romance, but this one sits there, buried in the TV, and doesn’t even notice the new hairstyle. You can't get words out of him! Got it already!

Owners of the visual vector cannot exist without changing feelings and emotions. The greater the amplitude of experiences, the brighter life feels. In this sense, the difference between a man and a woman with a visual vector is conditional - in the generally accepted acceptability of the manifestation of emotions. The level of development of the properties of the visual vector and combination with other vectors also influences. Eventually:

  • someone cannot live without hysterics with a constant demand for love and attention to their person;
  • someone loves, filling everything they touch with light, warming everyone they meet along the way;
  • We, for the most part, are somewhere in the middle: we either fall into hysterics due to stress, or illuminate the world with happiness in moments of falling in love.

How to avoid hysterics when you've had enough of everything? After all, it doesn’t relieve tension for long. Then melancholy comes, the pendulum of emotions goes down. And again a shake-up is required. We unconsciously create situations where we will definitely have to worry. And now it seems that everyone is just trying to get it out. That's how we live.

What if you try to love, and not demand attention? Understand and love your husband for who he is. To love those who will not reciprocate. Compassion, empathy, help. Try it! This is the best implementation of the properties of the visual vector, giving incredible fulfillment and a feeling of meaningfulness in life.

It’s difficult to immediately adjust your feelings in the right direction. At the online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan, every owner of the visual vector gets rid of fears that interfere with the manifestation of sensuality. All shades of emotions will be revealed to you in a new way.

What to do if you've had enough of everything and don't want to live?

“They tell me that I annoyed everyone, but first of all I annoyed myself. Everything is not what we dreamed of. Everything is not what I wanted. I want to howl, but it won’t get any better. Antidepressants for a while, problems are not solved, balance does not come.”

The owner of abstract intelligence, a woman with a sound vector, does not know what she wants.

In fact, she wants to understand the Meaning, “why do we need all this life if we are going to die anyway?” She wants to know the First Cause. But it’s not always possible to correctly understand and formulate your own request. The sound man wants the same thing. But a woman, by virtue of her nature, first of all expects answers from a man. Subconsciously expects to see a spiritual teacher in the chosen one.

But the marriage partner may not have a sound vector. Or his internal search stopped at an intermediate or erroneous answer that the woman is not satisfied with.

She demands “nobody knows what.” He cannot satisfy her desire. Everything is the same as with material desires, when his “I can” does not pull out her “I want”, but the irritation from the unsatisfied need of the sound vector is many times stronger. Only owners of the sound vector know how poisonous hatred can be when it grows in the place of unfulfilled desire. And the depression that comes after the conclusion “life has no meaning.”

Everything is annoying. People are annoying. Life itself is annoying.

A man with an anal vector can infuriate a sound girl with excessive care. If he also has a visual vector, he gets overly involved in saving his suffering wife. I want to escape from this obsessive mother hen. Or shout: “Mom, leave me alone!”

A man with a skin vector is annoying with his fussiness. What in a normal state is perceived as activity and, in general, seems to be a positive quality, in a state of depression cannot be perceived as anything other than excessive fuss. I want to freeze this whole world so that the flickering stops. So as not to be distracted by others.

What to do if you're tired of everything: 3 powerful practices that will help you regain your zest for life

  1. Love yourself.
  • This is a necessary condition in order to see, first of all, the positive , which is already inherent in relation to oneself. It is positive , and therefore cannot be purposefully “tuned”, like an antenna to negative aspects.
  • If your attitude towards yourself is not yet positive enough and you continue to find flaw after flaw in yourself, then take up auto-training , which involves establishing contact with yourself.
  • So, standing in front of the mirror, tell your reflection about all its (and therefore your) advantages and positive qualities. Look for them sincerely, without prevarication or inventing anything - after all, there is no person in the world who has nothing to praise for.
  • Having found many advantages, confess your love to your reflection - also sincerely, choosing words that come from the heart, and not using standard phrases. Repeat this practice daily and your mind will agree with your words.

Love yourself

  1. Take advantage of color and aromatherapy
  • It has long been proven and, probably, no one doubts the fact that color and smell can either depress our psychological state or improve our mood. Why not use color and aromatherapy techniques?
  • What to do if you're tired of everything? How to help yourself with color therapy? If we talk about colors, then to find peace of mind, you should not surround yourself with flashy bright shades. Warm, soft colors that soothe the eye and, accordingly, the nervous system are much better suited for decorating the walls in your apartment.
  • These are rich shades of green and blue, pink, orange, yellow. In a depressed state, black or gray will only aggravate it, and red will also inflame it. If changing the interior is too problematic, then use soft warm colors in fabric items: clothes, towels, bed linen.
  • As for aromatherapy, your favorite smells can always hover around your apartment if you get an aroma lamp , which will emit aromas that suit your tastes: pine or cinnamon, citrus or lavender.
  • And bergamot and patchouli, in addition to filling the space with fragrance, will also invigorate you. The main thing is not to overdo it and not achieve the opposite effect, so that instead of a light aroma, there is no suffocating background in the apartment. A couple of times a day, burning such a lamp for 10-20 minutes is enough for the desired atmosphere.
  • If you have the opportunity to just sit and relax near the aroma lamp, you should take advantage of it. And, of course, your favorite perfume! This is a magical antidepressant for any woman, and the pleasant aroma of eau de toilette gives men cheerfulness and a good mood.

Pleasant therapy

  1. Learn to say “no” and “yes”
  • Many people simply do not know how to refuse, even if they are unwilling or unable to do what is asked of them. The boss asks you to do someone’s work, a friend confronts you with the fact that he is going to visit you, but this is not part of your plans?
  • In such a situation, you need to politely but firmly refuse. It is necessary to say “no”, otherwise your inner comfort will be disturbed, and it should be the most important thing for you - after all, this is your life. You can explain the reason why you refuse, and this will make the situation transparent and understandable, you will not worry about people “thinking differently” about you.
  • But you need to learn to say “yes” first of all to yourself. Do not deny yourself what gives you pleasure and what you simply want to do.
  • Do you have a desire to go out of town? This means you need to throw away unwashed dishes, an unfinished book, any unfinished work, and go to the forest, to the river, go to the park and enjoy ice cream there while riding on the carousel. All the work you left at home will be completed in no time when you return, filled with energy and charged with positivity.

Useful articles to improve your life are as follows:

  • Methods for dealing with stress and depression in women and men
  • Books for the Depressed
  • How to independently determine the presence of depression - test
  • Depression after wedding, childbirth - why do we react this way?
  • Is it good to cry when you are stressed or depressed?

Tired of what you love

Or here's the thing. Favorite. Good. Cool. It has different areas. You like it here, but not so much here. Here there is excitement and creativity, and here there is despondency and apathy. But sometimes you get up on the wrong foot and there’s no need for any creativity. And I want to drop everything and change. As if that would solve the problem. Find something more favorite to do, so that there is nothing unpleasant there at all.

Sometimes it seems to us that we should pack up our belongings and move from the hated provincial town to the capital - and everything will work out. Same. Or better yet, go abroad, somewhere warm or closer to civilization. I’ll just take it and move and that’s it! No problem! Fig. Because along with your suitcase you will also take yourself. This means that time will pass, and then on some wrong day (new moon, full moon, PMS, birthday, pregnancy, bad astrological period, etc.) you sit again and think - maybe you should give it all up? Leave? Run away? Change?

But is it possible to run away from yourself and from what is itching inside? Is it possible to change the essence by changing only the scenery?

We will create the same world and the same problems everywhere again and again. Until we pass our exams.

What to do?

This material world is not a place where you can be happy 24/7 and 365 days a year. This is not a place where you will never get tired of anything, where you can find something ideal and eternal. Everything here is slightly defective and illusory. And here, in order to be happy, you need to work. Soul first.

Therefore, when thoughts arise in your head about leaving everything and going to the village, to your aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov, it is best to drink warm herbal tea and go to bed. New day, new mood, new opportunities to move forward. A day when you can try a little more and take a little deeper care of your imperfect husband. A day when you can take a short sabbatical - even for a couple of hours. A day when you can allow yourself to dream.

What we are looking for does not exist in this world. But all this exists in another dimension. You can only get there by passing your exams here.

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