Where to look for your calling in life - 15 signs

Job by vocation - what is it?

There are four indicators that characterize work according to vocation:

• Time passes unnoticed while working. It seems to a person that he spent an hour at work, but in fact a working day passed.

• People around him are critical of a person’s occupation, even suggest changing his field of activity, condemn him for his fanatical passion for work, but he, indifferent to the opinions of other people, continues to move in the chosen direction without hesitation or doubt.

• The activity increases energy, causes pleasure, and gives a feeling of comfort. Positive results and decent income provide additional motivation.

• People around you ask for help, advice, and share their problems.

Every person is able to find his life's work. The way you can understand how to find your calling is elementary - you need to carefully analyze the sides of your personality and skills, based on their characteristics.

What hinders you from finding a calling?

Factors that prevent a person from finding his calling, happiness and spiritual harmony include:

• Lack of self-confidence, presence of complexes. People are afraid of change, day after day they go to a job they hate, without trying to find another, and they motivate their inaction by the lack of experience, education, and vacancies.

• The habit of constantly comparing oneself with other people, since the desire to be like a work colleague, the hero of a popular TV show or an Instagram blogger deprives a person of the chance to find his place in life.

• Lack of persistence in achieving goals. From the first failures a person gives up.

Business coach Olga Monakova, who has been working in coaching for a long time, notes that many clients admitted to her that they had a long-term desire to do what they love. At the same time, desires remained unfulfilled without objective reasons. She is confident that by studying other people's unsuccessful experiences, you can understand what direction you need to move in to achieve success and how to find your calling.

How to determine purpose

To find a vocation you will need free time, its limit is individual for everyone. You will also need a pen or pencil, blank paper, and perhaps the opinion of your loved ones.

How I found my calling

I'll tell you how I came to my calling. I just came, but didn’t find it. Because it was always there, but I didn’t want to see it point blank.

I worked for many years as a dispatcher in electrical networks. The work is so-so, I tell you. Especially when a thunderstorm comes or snow piles up. That’s when electricians begin to have a “happy” life. The most polite thing you can hear on the phone from subscribers on days like this:

- Yo... your... how much longer will you mock us?!?

The only thing that saved us was that communication took place mainly by phone, although sometimes we had to actually defend ourselves from embittered comrades who were breaking into the control room.

Of course, not everyone was like that. Sometimes they were praised for their efficient work. It was nice and made you feel like you were bringing benefit to someone.

What did this give me? Experience communicating with a variety of people. Great experience! Did I appreciate it then? Never mind! I didn't even think about it. On the contrary, I often wanted to give up everything and quit for nothing, and considered all (almost) subscribers to be ungrateful bastards.

The job of a power grid manager also involves constantly making difficult decisions. Not only because of the extensive networks, but also because it was necessary to coordinate the work of repair teams and at the same time monitor compliance with safety measures. Electricity is no joke!

The experience is also considerable and useful in its own way - the ability to make complex and responsible decisions.

Then I quit and started making websites. Both for yourself and for others. New social circle, new knowledge. I gained a fair amount of experience in this matter and began to share it with others on my blog.

Did I consider this my calling? Nothing like that! I just learned how to tinker with the code. What the hell kind of calling is this? So-so calling. Did I like this business? At first, yes, when I wanted to figure everything out myself. But very quickly it became ordinary and even boring.

Along the way, I created several other blogs where I shared my life experiences. Including this Find Yourself. Do you know how many times I wanted to close it? I will not say.

Along the way, I myself searched for this mythical Calling, performed a bunch of tests and filled out all sorts of lists, from current wants to some kind of metaphysical research in lucid dreams. And nothing! That is, absolutely. Everything looked far-fetched and far-fetched.

And only when I began to receive positive feedback and gratitude for my articles, I began to gradually feel that I was doing something worthwhile.

Do you think that even then I realized that this was the One? No. I didn't even think about it. I continued to shake the Universe so that it would roll out My Calling to me in all its glory.

Then it somehow happened naturally that I finally began to use my writing skills to simply earn piastres. Wrote review articles about hosting and online services.

Then one hosting company invited me to write a series of articles for them. They liked my style. Then they even offered to work remotely for them in technical support. I agreed. And there my old skills of communicating with clients came in very handy.

And again the same story - work is like work, no better and no worse than others. It’s not ice, of course, and it’s not a calling to name a language. But when you are sincerely thanked for your help, then somewhere inside there is a feeling of correctness.

Psychological consultations are generally a separate topic, in which I am now actively advancing and also feel that I like it more and more. Because there is real feedback. Is this a calling? Hard to tell.

Why am I making all this fuss here? You will never enjoy your calling forever, no matter what it is. Moreover, for a long time you will push it away from yourself and say that this is not a calling, but a so-so business.

But the whole secret is that in reality this is exactly what you are trained to do and what you have real experience in. And only this will work for you. So stop looking for the pie in the sky, look for the tit in your hands. This is exactly what you really need.

Good luck!

Get to know your “I”

To begin with, you should write down your character traits on a piece of paper:

• how different emotions are manifested; • what are your favorite activities; • the opinion of close people on this matter. You can get it by asking people to describe you with a few adjectives.

This procedure will allow you to identify your dominant character traits and look at yourself from the outside.

Trainer at the Academy of Life Management, coach Natalya Sevastyanova, in her classes, advises people to analyze their best qualities and, based on this, choose professions in which they can be used in the best way. She recommends seeking advice from specialists or, if this is not possible, from friends or close relatives, since brilliant ideas may come from outside.

Co-owner of the training, Anna Morozova, recommends analyzing your skills and understanding how ready the results of this knowledge and skills are. The specialist emphasizes that determining whether an activity is a person’s true calling is quite simple. When thinking about this activity, a person certainly feels an uplift of energy and joy. He is ready to do what he loves at the expense of rest and other activities, without counting on super profits. A person simply cannot help but do this.

Mistakes in finding your purpose

When searching for their purpose in life, many people make some mistakes that greatly slow down and sometimes even stop the process.

1. Give the search for your calling global significance. Many people believe that someone has long been destined for their calling. They just need to find that wise person who will tell them about it. Such people are intensely searching for their calling, attending many trainings for their purpose, in search of their uniqueness and a guru who can consider it in them.

This approach to searching can continue for years, and the person will still be doing something he doesn’t like.

2. Finding what you love to do for life. Often, while still a child, we listen to the parting words of our parents that we must choose a business for ourselves that we can devote our whole lives to. But is it so great to do one thing without leaving yourself the chance to explore many more interesting and useful things for yourself?

If a person does not have any specific abilities, he may be afraid to start something new, since the fear of making a mistake in choosing a business for the soul is firmly rooted in the mind. Thus, a person can torment himself with thoughts for many years and never decide to make a choice.

3. Fear of trying something new. Many people torment themselves with doubts whether they should start doing this or that business. They are so absorbed in their experiences that instead of planning and searching for their path and their calling, they waste time on empty doubts and thoughts.

4. Lack of confidence in your abilities. Some people believe that they do not have special talents and cannot claim success in any business. However, each person is unique and each of us has something that he can give to the world. You just need to not be afraid to look for it and be sure to believe in yourself.

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5. The desire to get everything at once. Having looked at the successes of other people, many budding talents want to get everything at once and preferably in large quantities. But this only happens in a fairy tale. In real life, in order to get something, be it money or other benefits, you need to work hard.

Explore your own skills and desires

On another sheet of paper, you should write down at least 30 of your skills, interests, abilities and desires. This applies to everything that a person does with pleasure and skill:

• favorite activities from distant childhood; • activities that give you pleasure today; • what attracts you, what you want to learn; • all skills and abilities; • issues on which others most often ask for your advice.

This list should include everything, even seemingly insignificant or naive dreams and desires, as well as activities, even if frivolous at first glance. This could be the ability to masterfully ride a bicycle or car, creatively set a table for guests, or organize holidays. This also includes dreams of jumping with a parachute, enrolling in an art school and starting to draw, as well as plans to take up landscape design or open courses to teach people, for example, a foreign language.

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