10 working ways to make a man go crazy about you: the rules of flirting and the power of magic

Differences in male perception

In order not to re-read in search of an omission, we will concentrate all male characteristics in brief theses:

  • the overwhelming majority of men are straightforward and their words do not imply anything more than what is written in Dahl’s dictionary;
  • they want straightforwardness in response, that is, communication, requests, phrases that are not overloaded with hidden subtext and labyrinths of hints;
  • after a quarrel, you need to talk through your grievances, the very reason for the squabble, in 90% of cases, men do not understand why they were fighting, and they will not understand themselves, no matter how long you wait;
  • to feel and accept one’s strength and steadfastness, even the most brutal alpha needs compliments and kind words;
  • they need to achieve the object of desire, always, even after the golden wedding anniversary, not to mention the first dates;
  • the stronger sex is very shy to take the first step, women's initiative in this matter is not at all punishable;
  • to switch between topics of communication, or between work and rest, men need a break, small, but sufficient to decompose the completed topic in the depths of the psyche;
  • Appetizing, tasty food can really seduce and retain the stronger sex for a long time;
  • appearance is still an important feature of a girl, its importance should not be belittled, guys love with their eyes.

Well, now we can move on to the attack.

Male mentality

To understand men's desires, increased attention should be paid to studying the peculiarities of the mentality of the strong half of humanity. In order to feel the difference between a man and a woman, imagine that many phrases that come up in a conversation are understood differently by guys than by girls.

The first rule of male psychology is the absence of hidden subtext in communication. Most men are straightforward, which is confirmed by their habits. The main mistake of most girls is that any actions of a man are assessed through a certain prism, with the help of which ladies try to find the hidden meaning of this action. It is the wrong conclusions that give rise to interpersonal conflicts.

One example of such a situation is when a man cannot answer the phone. Many ladies perceive this attitude as a lack of desire to communicate, or hiding any secrets. And only in rare cases does one come to understand the simple fact that a man can be busy fulfilling his work duties. Many women take randomly spoken phrases literally, taking them out of context.

It is important to remember that a man has a different type of thinking compared to a woman, and various “omissions” can only be incorrectly formulated thoughts.

Male psychology lies in transparency of explanations, which is closely intertwined with straightforwardness. Most guys don't take women's hints well. That is why most hints aimed at a call to action are not perceived in any way by male representatives. Psychology experts recommend that women avoid hints when communicating with men. Building logical labyrinths can lead to a man perceiving every phrase as a call to action.

That’s just how men are - they are not interested when something is presented “on a silver platter”

It is important to understand that men, like women, do not know how to read the thoughts of their interlocutors. That is why in a conflict situation, it is very important to clearly formulate the cause of dissatisfaction. Otherwise, even resolving the conflict cannot prevent the possibility of making a repeated mistake.

Many women who understand male nature know that a man needs support and attention no less than girls. Such feelings can strengthen self-esteem and overcome insecurity. It is attention to men's problems and compliments on their positive qualities that can bind a guy to a girl.

Every man is a hunter by nature. This quality manifests itself especially strongly in the sphere of winning a girl’s heart. When the “prey” falls into the arms of a young man on his own, there can be no talk of a long-term relationship. In order to drive a guy crazy, you need to grasp the fine line between modesty and seductiveness. Only by being on this edge can you arouse lasting and lasting interest in a man.

Secrets of conquering men

There is no universal approach; people are too different. Moreover, we are not talking about men, but about the possibilities of a female approach. Not all girls, in order to make a man want you madly, are ready to completely conquer men's hearts, wear miniskirts, or paint their lips red. Therefore, we will consider several approaches, both for modest beauties and for lovers of mysticism.

5 ways for self-confident people

The girl who knows what she wants and confidently moves towards her goal is already a tasty morsel for men. They find it attractive that, despite her self-sufficiency, she chooses him out of all the options. But it is quite possible that behind the external confidence, there is hidden one that has already experienced a painful breakup and is afraid to trust again, to open up to the opposite sex. As a result, the relationship either ends at the stage of falling in love, or it’s just an ice queen that you can’t get close to.

In order not to alienate men with excess self-confidence, you should follow a few tips:

  1. Choose your wardrobe carefully.

You can have a stunning figure, but in pursuit of its presentation you forget about the sense of proportion. Men will look at beautiful legs in well-fitting jeans and a maxi-sized pleated skirt. Just like a thin waist will not be hidden by a T-shirt or sweatshirt. Short miniskirts, revealing cleavage, and revealing underwear attract attention, but only for a short-term romance. Clothes should leave a mystery, a desire to see what is underneath. In addition, it is important to convey true inner beauty through wardrobe items, that is, choose clothes that characterize your personality.

  1. Eat beautifully.

Another point that many people miss. Often the first date takes place in a cafe. Here it is important not to overact and not become mannered or vulgar. According to statistics, men love to watch their chosen one eat strawberries, ice cream and even pasta. Eat more temptingly and watch his reaction. It will be very helpful if your eating habits coincide. That is, if he is crazy about meat, and the girl cannot stand the sight of a killed animal, then no matter how you radiate sexuality while chewing salad, you will not achieve a strong union.

  1. Don't try to change him.

Confidence in the correctness of your decisions, in your position in life, can become an obstacle to understanding someone else’s point of view. During the first at least six months of a relationship, you should not try to change the consciousness or behavioral traits of the man you like. His unironed T-shirt on the third date in a row, or his loud manner of speech, will not change with just one request. Of course, he can obey, but this will go against his usual way of life, which the girl does not yet have the right to correct. Don’t force a man to suit you, look for a compromise; this skill, along with the ability to smooth out rough edges in a quarrel, drives guys crazy.

  1. Flirt with others.

It is also possible to stir up interest in yourself with the help of other people's views. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, especially if the guy is jealous and even possessive. Be more tactful, attract attention, but direct the main flow of energy to your chosen one. This will allow him to feel his uniqueness, that he turned out to be the best of many applicants. You should not flirt openly with a guy's friends or with men in his presence, it humiliates his dignity. In general, we’ll return to the topic of flirting a little later.

  1. Use red.

Advice that is relevant at all times. Red is subconsciously perceived as a challenge, an awakening of passion. Any of his shades in clothes or scarlet lipstick on the lips, or a harmonious combination of both, will attract the eye. He will also help you keep him if you do not reveal yourself on the first day of meeting him, but continue to attract him, remaining a mystery to Him. And there is no vulgarity in red at all, if you choose the shade according to your skin color type.

5 ways for the modest

For many girls, wearing bright lipstick is an extreme act. Therefore, the topic of charming guys is sometimes extremely complex. It is difficult to drive you crazy if complexes and fears are hidden behind your gaze. But in order for a man to be attracted to you, you don’t have to use direct text, just like choosing a stylish outfit, you can act on a subconscious level. We will come to magic later, as long as we are talking about quite tangible things and actions.

  1. Smell.

Some people associate with their scents. Many people use one type of perfume for decades. It’s difficult to choose your own scent, but after that it can become your calling card. If at the same time you pay attention to the preferences of a particular man, or focus your choice on the presence of seductive pheromones in the composition, then you won’t need to do anything. Even from a distance, having caught the notes of a familiar perfume, he will begin an irresistible rapprochement. And by the way, the power of smell in the sphere of love has been proven.

  1. Sight.

A girl in love is even afraid of being seen by her chosen one, let alone making eye contact with him. But, if he doesn’t give in for a long time, you can overcome yourself. You should try it on someone less desirable first. For example, on a passenger on a bus or a passerby, an employee in a store. But preferably not on a colleague, but there is a possibility that later you will have to explain that it was just a test, but he will consider it as love.

The principle is to hold your gaze and look away as naturally as possible. The “eye to eye” look should last literally a couple of seconds longer than usual and go modestly downward. It's worth practicing in front of a mirror, otherwise it can be terribly artificial the first time. After several similar meetings, he is guaranteed to fit.

  1. Modern technologies.

Fortunately, in the 21st century it is not necessary to stalk a person in order to be in his sight. Social networks and instant messengers have slightly pushed aside live communication, thereby allowing a good half of humanity to exhale. Flirting by correspondence is a separate topic of building a love relationship, which has its own laws and rules:

  • the message should contain understatement, a hint of something more, with a complete absence of vulgarity and overt intimacy;
  • via SMS you can touch on topics that are either inappropriate for a meeting during the day or are provocative, for example, embellish its meaning by writing that you dreamed about it last night, it attracts;
  • share something positive to be associated with positive emotions, strictly taking into account his tastes;
  • reveal a little secret about yourself, sharing something personal builds a deeper and more trusting connection.

The main thing is to know when to stop. If the guy is still responding to the first message, there is no need to send 10 more in addition. It is better to think through the words in the message more carefully, to fit the whole meaning into short phrases, and not stretch it out over a whole story.

  1. There is strength in flaws.

There is no need to artificially model your appearance, unless of course it’s going to the gym. Covering up imperfections on the face with a layer of makeup, changing the way you speak, it’s all too conspicuous. Many disadvantages can easily be transformed into advantages if they are presented differently. The rest should be fought in a different way, not through temporary disguise.

  1. Smile.

If you walk down the street and smile at a gloomy passerby, there is a 99% chance that you will receive a smile in return and a 100% chance that you will cheer him up. Radiating positive, good energy means attracting the right people. When he is in direct reach, demonstrate more of your love of life, sense of humor, and openness. Such girls seem full of energy, energize others, and drive the opposite sex crazy.

Why do guys lose their heads?

They are excited by physical contact with the girl, her affectionate behavior, and gentle voice. Men are attracted to spontaneous, courageous and proactive women.

The importance of skin-to-skin contact

When communicating with a colleague, neighbor or new acquaintance, you should enter the intimate space of your interlocutor and lightly touch his shoulder. The excuse could be the desire to shake off a hair or straighten his tie. Or you can sit next to him, touching the man with your knee. Sometimes girls ask a guy to help: to straighten a loose curl or hairpin. The main thing is that the interlocutor touches the girl’s body.

Penetration into personal territory makes men want a companion. Biological mechanisms are activated. Skin-to-skin contact in nature causes males to mate with females. The same mechanism is activated when a girl leaves a memory object (lipstick, tights, the smell of perfume) with her partner after a meeting. This way physical contact continues even at a distance.

Affection and attention

It is worth learning the techniques of erotic massage. Tantric technique or “geisha massage” will relax and excite your lover. Sex will be more vibrant. In the process, you should compliment your partner and admire his body.

Trembling voice

It is worth speaking in a voice that seems to come from the lower abdomen. The sexual tone is lower than usual. It seems that such a voice belongs to a calm, balanced person. After all, a high voice is considered an indicator of excitement and uncertainty.

Fast speech also reflects uncertainty and stress. The seductress should speak slowly and calmly. It is believed that aggressive people talk loudly. This causes a negative response. Such speech betrays complexes, and this does not excite the male sex.


What men like in women: how to start and maintain relationships

You can learn the “breathe-pause-sound” technique. It allows you to talk while exhaling. This manner fascinates guys. The girl takes a breath (her mouth is slightly open), pauses for a second and pronounces the word as she exhales. It’s worth practicing by recording a few phrases on a voice recorder. As a result, the voice should sound more gentle and smooth.

It is worth using pleasant words. The guy's subconscious will create a cozy fantasy out of them. From “negative” words the same depressing fantasy will arise (it’s hard, it hurts, it’s boring). “Positive” words should sound from the lady’s lips (pleasant, sweet, gentle, happy). They can be used when talking about hobbies, music, food or your day. Let your partner hear these words at your first meeting. A lasting, pleasant association with this woman will arise.

It is better to communicate using complete sentences. In everyday life, people say: “let’s go for a walk,” “it was delicious.” The seductress should speak smoothly and drawlingly. It’s worth saying: “Let’s take a walk to the river,” “The evening was magical.”

Activity and enthusiasm

Guys dream of an active partner. If a woman behaves with her partner as if she is doing him a favor, this destroys sexual desire. Passivity and condescension are not a feature of female psychology. Guys are turned on by girls who truly enjoy the process. Enthusiasm makes a lady beautiful. The male sex likes to watch how a girl seduces and accepts courtship with pleasure. It is worth considering that men do not control their arousal. Passion can flare up in the morning or in the middle of the night. Do not be offended if your partner asks for tenderness at these moments.

A horny girl becomes attractive. The body itself speaks for her. This feature is called the “allowing state.” At such moments, a woman radiates natural sexuality. The look, breathing, posture, body language changes. To quickly achieve this effect, you should tense your intimate muscles (20 compressions are enough).

An active girl is an optimist who is able to enjoy life. A lady who constantly suffers is not interesting to her partner. Married couples face this especially often. If a woman decides to seduce, she will have to forget about her troubles and start seducing. The guy will want to feel sorry for the sufferer, but not possess her.

Sincerity and humor

Erudition, sincerity, sense of humor are the main attributes when communicating with guys. An appropriate joke helps overcome embarrassment and defuse the situation. Even before sex, laughter will relieve tension and bring partners closer together. But humor must be correct, without criticism or ridicule.

Spontaneity of sexual intercourse

Closeness on your home bed quickly gets boring. Spontaneity turns guys on. A man is excited by the risk and uncontrollable passion of his partner. Don't stop kissing and move to bed. It is better to give in to passion in the same place. It could be a kitchen, a car, a garden bench. This will refresh the relationship, and the moment itself will remain a romantic memory.

Manifestation of fantasy in sex

It is important to enjoy your own body. If a girl is not able to enjoy herself, she will not be able to please her chosen one. Guys notice a woman's stiffness, and it turns them off.

It's worth taking up dancing. Seduction requires flexibility and smooth movements. Dancing relaxes and liberates. A lover will love to look at a woman's writhing body. There is a well-known rule: sexual temperament is transmitted through dance. Therefore, watching the dance is a prelude to intimacy.

Partners should discuss each other's sexual needs directly. But if the lover does not open up, you need to listen to his jokes and fleeting remarks about sex. Especially if he jokes about some sexual practice very often.

Candid correspondence

Thanks to erotic messages, lovers can maintain intimacy at a distance. Intimate photos, sexual compliments, fantasies will stir up the interest of the chosen one and make him wait for the meeting. But you can’t bombard your lover with dozens of SMS messages. The girl should warn her partner that she will only be able to answer at a certain time because she is busy. This will make the lover wait for a message and think about his partner.


How to become desirable to a man: advice from psychologists and astrologers

Magic tricks

For those who, in principle, are disgusted with seducing men and want to get everything without effort, you can resort to the power of conspiracies. They are often approached by those who are looking for an answer on how to make a married man think about you. Morality is discussed in another article, here are just answers to the question. You can argue as much as you like about the miraculous powers of the Universe, but the fact that they have a two-way effect is worth remembering. So, if when used, it means harming someone, then after a while you will get it back a hundredfold.

Magic is usually called the involvement of higher or otherworldly forces in the fulfillment of a specific request; with its help, it is possible to force the mind of the right person to act according to the right scenario. By and large, all the power of magical rituals is tied to concentration and repetition of the same words. If we throw aside all the candles and water on a platter, then the power of thought and its influence on consciousness is described in detail in esoteric treatises. Psychological research confirms that a thought generated in the brain is not retained there, but is immediately projected into the surrounding space, which means its influence is quite real.

So, instead of casting spells on the full moon and collecting his DNA, follow these steps:

  • choose a specific time when no one will disturb you for at least 15 minutes;
  • close your eyes, even out your breathing, relax as much as possible;
  • imagine the image of the desired person, the events associated with him, remember the past dialogue;
  • mentally approach him, kiss, hug, do what you always wanted in reality, imagine a walk together, a night of love, flowers;
  • do not use negative energy, focus on the favorable development of relationships.

In this simple way, after some time it will be possible to create a psychological channel for communication. His consciousness will receive the flow of energy, process it, and direct it in the right direction. And for this you don’t need to go to the dark rooms of the shaman, you just need to believe and regularly allocate time for the ritual.

How to drive a man crazy in bed?

You can get a man into bed very easily. The question is: how often does a man want to go to bed with you? Women are all attractive at one time, but you always want to sleep with just one. How to drive a man crazy here?

  • Body. You should always be in shape, well-groomed and clean.

A woman must be beautiful. This, perhaps, is not a slogan of modern fashion, but a law of nature. If among animals males attract females, then the opposite function is inherent in human nature: women attract men.

  1. The beauty of the female body - who needs it?

No matter how you look at it, men love beautiful women. Absolutely any man admires the beauty of a woman’s body more than her intelligence. Undoubtedly, a woman should have everything - a soul, a beautiful body, a perky character, and a reasonable mind. But still, a man first chooses a woman based on her external attractiveness. Mind and soul are good. But this does not matter to a man if a woman does not attract him externally.

  1. The beauty of the female body - why are women against it?

The feminist movement is against women torturing themselves for the sake of some kind of beauty. Why? Because a woman either needs to get better, then she needs to tighten herself with corsets, or she needs to lose weight. Feminists are more focused on the laws of nature, which say that a woman must have enough fat in order to be able to give birth to children. And modern fashion trends contradict these laws.

But let's be honest, in fact, most feminists do not defend the right to be a woman by nature, but the right not to take care of oneself and to be a little more beautiful than a monkey (as men are allowed). A woman is tired of walking in high heels, tightening her waist with corsets, applying makeup every day, using creams, shaving her armpits and legs, etc. Feminists simply do not want to take care of themselves the way modern society requires. And it is better to shout about natural beauty than about that which is called artificial.

  1. The beauty of the female body - to be or not to be?

If you want to please men, then you should take their wishes into account. Every man has his own tastes and views on female beauty. This gives the green light to those who don’t want to lose weight or wear makeup every day. There are men who don't need makeup or a bony body. But there are men who pay attention only to the ideal image of a woman, which is now replete with all fashion magazines. Men have different tastes, and this is good for those who do not want to bother themselves with constant body wraps, diets and cosmetic procedures.

To be or not to be beautiful is up to you to decide. After all, no one can force you to do what you don’t want to do or have. But every decision you make comes with a consequence. What result do you want to get?

  • Smell. Pleasant odors should emanate from a woman's body. Don't forget to use perfume only if the man likes it.
  • Phrases. Despite the fact that women “love” with their ears, men can also say a few phrases:
  1. “I’ve never felt so good.”
  2. "You are the best".
  3. “You give me crazy desires.”
  4. “Would you like to stop by for a cup of coffee?”
  5. “I love you” - but this phrase is better to say to someone with whom you are in a relationship.

The power of flirting

With the help of flirting, you can conquer men's hearts, or you can cause ridicule. All the methods described above are the basis of seduction, but the main thing is to learn to apply the methods naturally and without effort. This also applies to the look, even to the rules of wearing red lipstick. All actions should be a continuation of the personality, come from within, and not forcefully squeezed out for a specific person. Therefore, it’s worth learning to flirt and, first of all, starting with yourself, with your psychological core.

You need to develop real, not feigned confidence in yourself and your femininity. There is a fairly short and instructive video on this topic on the Internet:

By developing self-confidence, success in communicating with the opposite sex will appear. Men subconsciously feel squeezed and filled with complexes, and try to stay away from such people.

If we have sorted out the inner core, let us summarize in our own words the basic principles of driving men crazy:

  • be independent of other people’s opinions and other people’s wallets, rely only on your own strengths;
  • never reveal yourself completely, leave room for his guesses, be a mystery even in marriage;
  • don’t live in patterns, learn to be unpredictable, decide on adventures;
  • don’t get hung up on appearance and don’t mask flaws, be yourself;
  • love of life, humor, smiles - these are the main features of the one that drives you crazy;
  • use your gaze as a weapon of attraction;
  • find your scent and use it in moderation daily;
  • do not skimp on compliments, men love with their ears no worse than women;
  • know the limit in correspondence and live communication, even an interesting person can get bored if there is too much of him.

How to drive a man crazy, psychology, how to behave

Everyone has long known that not all representatives of the fair sex have model qualities. But everyone, without exception, dreams of finding their prince and love. And how to do it? Psychology knows many tricks on how to drive a man crazy. One conclusion can be safely drawn - men do not like bores and preoccupied boring ladies; they prefer light coquettes.

Psychologists say that a sincere radiant smile will make anyone look beautiful. A man has enough worries and problems of his own, so they will initially notice a laughing happy face in the crowd.

Experts say that the period of high-quality seduction can last for months. Conventionally, it can be divided into two stages.

  1. Acquaintance and friendship.
  2. Close approach.

And only after both stages are behind you can you move on to more effective weapons: delicious food and the most exciting leisure time for both, sexy beautiful lingerie and realized erotic fantasies of both, unusual interesting sex, and so on.

Of course, it is impossible to plan and calculate everything, but it is the little things that make up a pleasant time together. We must remember that a man always needs to be surprised and constantly delighted, made to be a little jealous within reason and appreciate the attention given to him. Otherwise, the hunter will lose interest and start looking for something new.

A girl should not ignore or miss any little thing that can affect a man.

Among these additional “things” we can highlight:

  • Perfume. They must occupy a certain place in the image and turn the head of the interested representative of the opposite sex. There is a special perfume that causes sexual desire on a subconscious level, but it is very important not to use it too often, because addiction can gradually develop.
  • Romantic dinners at home. Such evenings will be like a short break from visiting cafes or restaurants.
  • Small partings and separations. To prevent a man from growing cold, seduction tactics should include periods of insignificant separations and short separations, when feelings for each other should intensify. Such moments are very useful in order to avoid addiction in a couple. After all, most relationships are consumed by everyday life.


Becoming attractive and driving you crazy is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to choose the most suitable seduction option for yourself, based on the type of your temperament. All you need is faith in yourself. Stereotypes about the first step on the part of a man, by the way, have also become a thing of antiquity. Therefore, if you feel that a guy is in love, crazy, and doesn’t come forward in any way, then take the initiative into your own hands. If your plans are only to seduce men, without continuing serious relationships, if you only like ardent courtship, then in addition to the ability to attract, you need to learn to keep at a distance, but this is a topic for another article.

Share your successes in seducing men in the comments. Have you tried these methods and what effect did they bring in a particular case?

Examples from psychology

Is it possible to suddenly quit smoking - what will happen and how to do it correctly

A correspondence relationship can end in either a real relationship or a breakup.

A young man met a girl on a dating site. He wrote messages to her, the girl answered, but she did not show initiative to communicate - her messages were only answers to his questions. As a result, the initially serious-minded young man began to fear that he was imposing himself on the girl. He began to write less often. After some time on the social network, the girl wrote in her status: “I no longer believe in love, especially virtual love.” Then the gentleman, through mutual friends, got her phone number. A phone call clarified all the details. After six months of dating, the couple got married.

Another example can be given. A woman and a man were dating. Due to work, the guy was forced to leave for another city. For six months they maintained relations through social networks, phone calls and SMS. However, over time, the messages became shorter and the calls became less frequent. As a result, the woman told the man that she could no longer live like this and was putting an end to the relationship.

Love by correspondence

So, long-distance relationships through correspondence are possible. Sometimes this is how real feelings are born. However, serious relationships require dating. Correspondence is effective at the initial stage of communication. It cannot replace hugs, kisses, sex. If the man has serious intentions, the correspondence turns into dating mode. Otherwise, the relationship fades away.

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