LECTURE No. 7. The concept of social role and characteristics of its influence on personality development

Definition of the concept of social role

A social role is a dynamic characteristic of a social position, which is expressed in a set of behavior patterns.
Those, in turn, are consistent with social expectations, which are set by special norms addressed from the corresponding group to a person with a certain social position. We can shorten this definition a little:

Social role is a set of expectations that society places on people when they occupy certain social positions in the hierarchy.

The same person can have different roles. For example, in the family there is a mother or father, and at work there is a boss or a subordinate.

The more roles one person has, the more interesting and rich his life.

The concept of social role can be divided into the following elements:

  • behavioral reactions - actions, speech, deeds;
  • appearance - a doctor must wear a robe, a policeman must wear a uniform;
  • human motivation - members of a social group approve or disapprove of a person’s actions and actions based on his motivation.

Characteristics of a social role

American sociologist Talcott Parsons identified such characteristics of a social role as scale, method of obtaining, formalization and motivation.

The scope of the role depends on the range of interpersonal relationships. That is, the wider the range, the larger the scale.

For example, the social role of the spouse has a large scope, since there is a wide range of relationships between husband and wife. On the one hand, these are interpersonal relationships that are based on a variety of feelings and emotions; on the other hand, relations are regulated by regulations and can even be called formal. Participants in such social interaction are interested in different aspects of each other’s lives, their relationships are practically unlimited.

In other cases, when the relationship is strictly defined by social roles (for example, between a seller and a buyer), interaction occurs only for a specific reason (for example, a purchase). In this case, the scope of the role is reduced to a limited range of issues and is small.

The way a role is acquired depends on how inevitable the role is for the person. Thus, the roles of a young man, an old man, a man, a woman are automatically determined by age and gender and do not require special efforts to acquire them. In this situation, the problem can only be in the context of compliance with one’s role, which already exists as a given.

Other roles are achieved or even won over the course of a person's life and as a result of deliberate efforts. For example, the role of student, graduate student, scientist and other roles related to profession and achievements.

Formalization as a descriptive characteristic of a social role is determined by the specifics of interpersonal relationships. Some roles involve only formal relationships between people with regulation of rules of behavior; others are only informal; still others may combine both formal and informal relationships.

For example, the relationship between a traffic police representative and a traffic rule violator should be determined by formal rules, and relationships between close people should be determined by feelings.

Formal relationships are often accompanied by informal ones, in which emotionality is manifested, because a person, perceiving and evaluating another, shows sympathy or antipathy towards him.

Motivation depends on the needs and motives of a person. Different roles are driven by different motives. The motivation can be personal profit, public good, etc. When parents care about the welfare of their child, they are guided by a feeling of love and care, and the leader works for the sake of the cause.

Roles and personality

Film "Julie and Julia: A Recipe for Happiness"

During the day I am a civil servant, and in the evening I am a glutton. Both there and there I am real.

​​​​​​​From the point of view of the behavioral approach, a person is what he does. If a certain way of human behavior has a semantic core and a predictable scenario, it is called a role.

There are so many roles! There are the roles of boss and subordinate, buyers and sellers, visitors to government agencies and officials, there are roles of parents and children, older and younger, loving and offended... And also confident and not, capable and foolish, lucky and hit by life...

If the role is set by society, in this case they often talk about a social role.

“He behaves this way because he is the director.” “Well, what do you want, it’s a policeman!”

If the role is created or chosen by the person himself, we often talk about a personal role, talk about a personal model and a personal image.

Does the girl act like a girl or like a guy? A guy - like a man or a wimp? Is a man like a leader or an angry toddler? A woman - as a servant or as a queen?

Within the framework of the role approach, a personality can be considered as a set and a dynamic combination of habitual personal and social roles, and the formation of a personality and its achievement of social maturity can be represented as its mastery of certain roles. A personality is not just what it does, but what it plays. And she either plays something of her own, or something that was assigned to her. The more primitive and predictable the scenario, the easier it is to agree that personality is a system of roles, and the less you want to do it. The more beautiful, complex and sublime the life scenarios are, the more they are the author’s creations, the more difficult it is to call such behavior role-playing... It is almost always possible to get out of a role that is unnecessary for you, even if it has almost grown into you, and there is always a danger of falling asleep, personally die in already familiar, daily roles that are obligatory for you.

Is our entire personality reduced to the roles we play? Of course not. Much behavior is determined by the body pattern and its functional state. When either fatigue or awakening genes begin to interfere with the implementation of life scenarios, when hormones suddenly begin to play a motivating role, it happens that the most worthy scenarios break down.

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Do we choose roles or do roles choose us? - it happens both ways. If you are a lazy mass person, then more often the role chooses you, you don’t want to, you try to resist, but you slowly give in. Later, when you finally master and become comfortable with the new role, you gradually begin to use it arbitrarily, choosing a place and time, choosing it or another role, choosing the style and method of performing this role. If you are a more active and more developed person, then more often you initially choose the roles that you plan to master, and soon you become the one you chose. When you feel confident or want to relax, you can switch to autopilot and submit to the role or roles that control you.

Personal role is a rich concept. A personal role creates certain values, characteristic motivation, and appropriate tools. A woman in a leadership role looks at you as a leader, not as a woman. A woman in the role of a bitch feels and wants something completely different than a woman in the role of a cutie.

The personal role begins with a recognizable pattern of behavior - for example, for the Queen's personal role it is a willingness to be the center of attention, to give orders in the calm confidence that all orders will be carried out immediately. A certain body image is naturally associated with this - for example, a royal posture, a high, proud neck. A woman in this role has an appropriate face (facial expression), gestures and manners: a calm face with attentive eyes, smart, reliable and gentle hands. Associated with the role of the Queen are characteristic views on life, beliefs, values ​​and motives, for example, “This world belongs to me, and I will take care of it,” as well as the feelings, culture, and lifestyle that flow from this complex.

For example, feelings of respect for oneself and for people, high culture, lifestyle - free, strong and responsible.

The first and main condition for mastering a new personal model is choice, a person’s internal consent to this, interest and desire to do it. The second step is trying on and making a decision: “Promising or not for me.” The third step is the actual development. Getting used to it, living in a new style, harmonizing with other internal personal images, developing a habit. Cm.

Personal roles and masks

Masks constrain and hide the self, while personal roles give freedom and develop. At the same time, in the process of mastering, almost any personal role for some time turns out to be a little alien and an interfering mask, only over time becoming a convenient tool of the Self or even a natural part of it. Cm.

Personal roles and subpersonalities

Personal roles usually describe the field of a person’s capabilities, subpersonalities - the field of problems. Personal roles are talked about mainly in developmental psychology, and subpersonalities are talked about in the psychotherapeutic approach.

Mastering new roles as a way of personal development

Mastering new roles is a natural way of personality development, however, what was so natural in childhood begins to raise questions from a certain stage of growing up... See.

By changing the role, we change the personality and manage behavior

By changing our own and others’ personal roles, we change the entire motivational situation as a whole.

– You are talented, you can do it. Please connect your computer!

That's it, the guy goes and works. What prompted him to do this? A flattering role for the TALENTED. Obviously, this is a local specification of a more general formula: “You are a real man, you can do it!” Depending on the situation, real men know how and should take out the trash, go to the store, wash the dishes, conclude a lucrative contract, perform a feat, etc. And those who remember this remind those who know this in time. So that they can do all this. Cm.

Types of social roles

There are several classifications of social roles. Let's look at some of them.

By type of social relations

  • Professional roles are associated with a person’s status and his professional activities. Such roles are characterized by depersonalization and independence from the performer (salesman, builder, teacher, driver).
  • Socio-political roles - political leader, authoritative person, citizen.
  • Family and household roles - husband, wife, daughter, son, father, mother.
  • Situational roles - arise within the framework of changing circumstances, during joint activities (passenger, pedestrian, spectator).

By type of social values

  • Represented social roles are the expectations of a person and members of his social group.
  • Subjective social roles are a person’s ideas about his relationship to other people.
  • The social roles played are behavioral attitudes that depend on a person’s position in society.

By type of role received

  • Social roles prescribed by a public institution (woman - mother, daughter, wife, grandmother).
  • Conventional social roles are the result of the adoption of a social agreement on a voluntary basis (professional).

Social role and social status

Social status is a person’s position in society, which corresponds to his age, gender, profession, origin and marital status.

To achieve a certain status, a person must adhere to one or another type of behavior, conform to the role, that is, perform specific actions.

For example, the coach of a basketball team is an authoritative status in a sports society. To lead the team to victory, he needs to train and train athletes. Thus, the social role represents a full range of actions to achieve social position and maintain it in the future.

We conclude: social status is a position, and a role is a pattern of behavior that is associated with status.

Social role theory

The American sociologist Merton was the first to draw attention to the fact that any social status has a whole set of social roles. This discovery formed the basis of his theory.

Currently, in science, such a set is called a role set . It is assumed that the richer it is, the better for the realization of the person himself. If a person has a small number of roles, then in this case we can talk about severe isolation from society.

How to write a term paper on speech therapy

07.09.2010 221418

These guidelines are compiled to help students gain an understanding of the content and structure of coursework in speech therapy.

Logopedia of pedagogical science that studies anomalies of speech development with normal hearing, explores the manifestations, nature and mechanisms of speech disorders, develops the scientific basis for overcoming and preventing them means of special training and education.

The subject of speech therapy as a science is speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with speech disorders.

The object of study is a person suffering from a speech disorder.

The main task of speech therapy as a science is the study, prevention and elimination of various types of speech disorders.

Coursework in speech therapy is a student's scientific and experimental research. This type of educational activity, provided for by the educational and professional program and curriculum, contributes to the acquisition of skills in working with literature, analyzing and summarizing literary sources in order to determine the range of insufficiently studied problems, determining the content and methods of experimental research, processing skills and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. The need to complete coursework in speech therapy is due to the updating of knowledge concerning the content, organization, principles, methods and techniques of speech therapy work.

As a rule, during their studies, students must write two term papers - theoretical and practical.

The first course work should be devoted to the analysis and synthesis of general and specialized literature on the chosen topic. Based on this analysis, it is necessary to justify and develop a method of ascertaining (diagnostic) experiment.

In the second course work, it is necessary to provide an analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining experiment, as well as determine the directions and content of speech therapy work, and select adequate methods and techniques of correction.

So, let’s present the general requirements for the content and design of coursework in speech therapy.

The initial and most important stage of working on a course project is the choice of a topic, which is either proposed by the supervisor or chosen by the student independently from a list of topics that are consistent with the areas of scientific research of the department.

Each topic can be modified, considered in different aspects, but taking into account a theoretical and practical approach. Having chosen a topic, the student needs to think through in detail its specific content, areas of work, practical material, etc., which should be reflected both in the formulation of the topic and in the further construction of the study. It should be recalled that the chosen topic may not only have a purely theoretical orientation, for example: “Dysarthria. Characteristics of the defect”, “Classification of dysgraphia”, but also take into account the practical significance of the problem under consideration, for example: “Speech therapy work on speech correction for dysarthria”. It should also be taken into account that when formulating a topic, excessive detail should be avoided, for example: “Formation of prosodic components of speech in preschoolers of the sixth year of life attending a preschool institution for children with severe speech impairments.”

The course work includes such mandatory parts as: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

The text of the term paper begins with the title page . An example of its design can be seen here.

Then the content of the work is given, in which the names of chapters, paragraphs, and sections are formulated in strict accordance with the content of the thesis. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the text, each subsequent chapter and paragraph begins on a new page. At the end of each chapter, the materials are summarized and conclusions are formulated.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the problem under consideration in general and the topic being studied in particular; the problem, subject, object, and purpose of the study are defined. In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, objectives and a set of research methods aimed at achieving the objectives must be defined.

The relevance of the topic lies in reflecting the current level of pedagogical science and practice, meeting the requirements of novelty and usefulness.

When defining the research problem, it is important to indicate what practical tasks it will help to implement in training and educating people with speech pathology.

The object of research is understood as certain aspects of pedagogical reality, perceived through a system of theoretical and practical knowledge. The ultimate goal of any research is to improve this object.

The subject of research is some part, property, element of an object, i.e. the subject of research always indicates a specific aspect of the object that is to be studied and about which the researcher wants to gain new knowledge. An object is a part of an object.

You can give an example of the formulation of the object, subject and problem of research:

– The object of the study is the speech activity of preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The subject of the study is the features of intonation speech of children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The research problem is to determine effective directions for speech therapy work on the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech in the system of correctional intervention.

The purpose of the study contributes to the specification of the object being studied. The goal of any research is to solve a specific problem. The goal is specified in tasks taking into account the subject of research.

The research objectives are formulated in a certain sequence, which determines the logic of the research. The research objectives are set on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem and an assessment of the state of its solution in practice.

The first chapter is an analysis of literary sources, which examines the state of this problem in historical and modern aspects, and presents the most important theoretical principles that formed the basis of the study.

When writing the first chapter, you should pay attention to the fact that the text of the course work must be written in a scientific style. When presenting scientific material, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

– Specificity – a review of only those sources that are necessary to disclose only a given topic or solve only a given problem;

– Clarity – which is characterized by semantic coherence and integrity of individual parts of the text;

– Logicality – which provides for a certain structure of presentation of the material;

– Reasoning – evidence of thoughts (why this and not otherwise);

– Precision of wording, excluding ambiguous interpretation of the authors’ statements.

A literary review of the state of the problem being studied should not be reduced to a consistent presentation of literary sources. It should present a generalized description of the literature: highlight the main directions (currents, concepts, points of view), analyze in detail and evaluate the most fundamental works of representatives of these directions.

When writing a work, the student must correctly use literary materials, make references to the authors and sources from which the results of scientific research are borrowed. Failure to provide required references will reduce your coursework grade.

As a rule, in coursework on speech therapy, references to literary sources are formatted as follows: the number of the cited source in the general list of references is placed in square brackets. For example: General speech underdevelopment is a speech pathology in which there is a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar [17].

When using quotations, in square brackets, in addition to indicating the source number, the page number from which this excerpt is taken is indicated, for example: Speech rhythm is based on a physiological and intellectual basis, since, firstly, it is directly related to the rhythm of breathing. Secondly, being an element that performs a communicative function, “correlates with meaning, i.e. controlled intellectually” [23, P.40].

However, course work should not be of a purely abstract nature, so you should not abuse the unreasonable abundance of citations. Quoting should be logically justified, convincing and used only when really necessary.

In the second chapter , devoted to experimental research, the organization should be described and the program of the ascertaining experiment should be presented. The survey methodology, as a rule, consists of a description of several series of tasks, with detailed instructions, visual and lexical material, the procedure for completing tasks by experiment participants, and scoring criteria. This chapter also provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

When analyzing the results of an experiment, it is necessary to use a scoring system. Examples of various criteria for quantitative and qualitative assessment are presented in the following works:

– Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. - M.: Arkti, 2002. - 144 p.

– Fotekova T.A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren. - M.: Arkti, 2000. - 56 p.

– Levchenko I.Yu. Pathopsychology: Theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 232 p.

In order to visually present the results obtained during the experimental study, it is recommended to use tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. Histograms can be used in a variety of ways - columnar, cylindrical, planar, volumetric, etc. An example of the design of tables, figures, and histograms can be found here.

The third chapter provides a rationale for the proposed methods and techniques and reveals the content of the main stages of correctional work.

The conclusion contains a summary of the material presented and the main conclusions formulated by the author.

The bibliography must contain at least 25 sources. The list includes bibliographic information about the sources used in preparing the work. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the application you can present bulky tables or illustrations, examination protocols, observation records, products of activity (drawings, written works of children), notes from speech therapy classes, etc.

The volume of one course work must be at least 30 pages of typewritten text.

In general, coursework in speech therapy is the basis for a future thesis, in which the study of the begun problem can be continued, but from the standpoint of a different approach or a comparative analysis of the disorders being studied in different age categories of people with different types of speech disorders.

The content and format of theses in speech therapy can be found here.


1. How to write a term paper on speech therapy: Methodological recommendations. Educational and methodological manual / Comp. Artemova E.E., Tishina L.A. / Ed. Orlova O.S. – M.: MGOPU, 2008. – 35 p.

2. Research work of students in the system of higher professional pedagogical education (specialty 031800 - Speech therapy). Methodological recommendations for completing the thesis / Compiled by. L.V. Lopatina, V.I. Lipakova, G.G. Golubeva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2002. - 140 p.

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