How to make a man chase you: tips on how to get the attention of guys

The secret dream of every woman is to feel the most desirable. Young ladies want to be admired and adored. However, it is not always possible to achieve such an effect, and then the girl asks the question - how can you make a man run after you? It's actually quite simple. You must adhere to certain rules in communicating with your chosen one, and then success will be on your side.

What steps should you pay attention to to achieve the desired result? Let's look at each point in more detail.

The ideal girl through the eyes of a man

What kind of woman does a man want to see next to him? There is an opinion that the way to a lover's heart is through the stomach. But culinary delights and housekeeping skills are far from high on the wish list. Of course, everything is quite individual and it is impossible to say for sure what qualities an ideal girl should have in the eyes of a man.

But, if you put all the available information together, you can identify five main points that women need to know:

  1. Sexuality and attractiveness.
    Not a single representative of the fairer sex will ignore a seductive and sensual girl. How to achieve this? Of course, take care of yourself. It would be a good idea to diversify your wardrobe with a short dress that fits your hips, a stylish blouse with a deep neckline, and a pair of high heels. But sexuality is not only clothes, but also gait, gaze, gestures and facial expressions.
  2. Femininity.
    Recently, masculine girls are a common occurrence. For a man, this option is something frightening and not desirable, because they love with their eyes, and in this case, attractive female forms are hidden under robe clothes. But not only things can play a cruel joke on the fair half of humanity. A heavy gait, a rough voice, bad manners - all this will make a man give a girl a wide berth.
  3. Easy character.
    Nowadays, we often meet women with the status “life is pain” who manage to find a problem even where there is none. And, of course, a man must decide it. And this can continue indefinitely. A girl with a light character has such wonderful qualities as the absence of the habit of being offended over trifles, or of harboring a grudge. She is non-confrontational and pleasant to talk to. She does not try to put pressure on a man and respects his personal space. In a word, a man feels comfortable with such a girl.
  4. Positive attitude and sense of humor.
    “What a wonderful day, what a wonderful me and my song” is the perfect motto. A woman who endlessly remains in a bad mood will, in any case, push a man away from her. She sows negativity everywhere, denies the very idea that life can be enjoyed. And, as a result, he infects those around him with this mood. A man is drawn to the one who will inspire and make him feel that it is with her that he can move mountains. A sense of humor is also an important factor. The undoubted advantage is that being with a girl is easy and fun, she understands your jokes and knows how to joke herself.
  5. Good hostess.
    Despite the fact that most modern men can handle cleaning and cooking on their own, they view a woman as the keeper of the hearth. It’s so nice to come to a warm, cozy home, where there is cleanliness and the smell of delicious food.

Don't Make These Mistakes

  1. Don't be aggressive. Whatever happens in contact with your ex, remain calm. If you make a scandal and he enlists you in the “enemy squad”, consider it all over.
  2. Don’t hang around his neck, don’t pursue, don’t seduce, don’t grovel, don’t beg (see “What Men Want,” learn it like “Our Father”).
  3. Do not remember grievances: what happened, happened. And in general, don't talk to him about your relationship. For what? Now you have new roles.
  4. Do not complain to his friends and relatives, do not show them your suffering due to the separation. Don't ask them to help you get back together. There is a chance that these conversations will reach the guy, but you don’t need it at all right now.
  5. Don't talk to him about your problems, don't ask for help. Remember: you are happy and self-sufficient. You're doing well, period.
  6. Give me a minimum of information about yourself. There is no need to tell literally everything about your life - where you were, what you did, what you had for dinner. A man must feel the deficit, otherwise there will be no interest.
  7. Do not go to bed with him as soon as he wants it, because after that you can immediately put an end to your “operation”. Sex between you should take place only after all the “proper” stages of his courtship.

Guys want to see healthy, beautiful and confident girls next to them. The kind that motivates actions and lights up a sparkle in men’s eyes.

You want to achieve them, move mountains and conquer seas for them. Next to such a woman, a man feels like a Man (with a capital M), since he fulfills his functions inherent in him by nature. Be like that for him.

On the other hand, you need to be aware that your efforts may not bring the desired results. No, they are not useless - you will have a lot of new experience. However, if your ex left you because he fell in love with someone else, the likelihood of him returning noticeably decreases. Lawless Heart.

Women's tricks

In order to keep a man's attention, girls often use feminine tricks in their arsenal. What are we talking about?

  1. The ability to be weak.
    Every man wants to feel strong, because he is the protector of his woman. Therefore, resorting to his help, whether it is the need to open the lid of a jar or solve some significant problem, is a good way to increase his self-esteem. The main thing is not to forget to thank him after he helped you deal with your next difficulty.
  2. The ability to listen and hear.
    Men, of course, are the stronger sex, but they also have difficult days. Therefore, it is very important to be able to listen and understand at the moment when he so needs it.
  3. Don't limit freedom.
    Everyone should have personal space. You should not interfere with your lover’s opportunity to meet with friends or go fishing or hunting. For him, this is the same way to relax and have fun as for a woman to go shopping or visit a spa.
  4. Admire.
    How nice it is to be admired. This increases the self-esteem of any person and creates self-confidence. The most important thing is not to overdo it so that the words do not seem like flattery.
  5. Sympathy.
    This is another important element of a strong relationship. Don’t be shy to sympathize and empathize with your loved one. This will help him feel that you are interested in his life. In addition, it is easier to share problems between two people. Encourage your man, he will definitely appreciate it.

The simple way

Why do relationships fade? Most often this happens at the moment when partners fully adapt to the presence of essentially a stranger in their lives. People become close, sexual interest is lost. Really, how can you get excited at the sight of a man who has lost his belly, curls his hair in curlers at night, or smears his face with greasy cream? In this regard, man is a primitive creature and always inclined to strive for novelty. Therefore, you can truly love your other half, but at the same time admire the shape of a movie star.

Are you thinking about how to make a guy chase you? Press for sex! Men love seductive and revealing clothes. They love the deep neckline and bulge of a woman's breasts, so push-up bras are a surefire weapon. Nowadays you can “improve” yourself with the help of similar panties, so many girls with a somewhat flat bottom buy underwear with pads. Red has long been considered the hottest and most attractive color. Do you have a luxurious red dress in your wardrobe? It might make sense to buy one!

Rules of conduct for women and men

Every girl wants to make her relationship with her chosen one perfect. But, as you know, the road to hell is built with good intentions, and attempts to do better often lead to complete failure. To prevent this from happening, you should study the rules of behavior between women and men:

  1. Treat your lover the way you want him to treat you.
    Mutual respect and understanding will certainly lead you to harmony.
  2. You shouldn't play games with your man.
    After all, parameters such as secrecy and deception are the qualities of a player pursuing one goal - to win. Don’t consider your lover dumber than you - he will definitely feel your game, and this does not contribute to a good relationship.
  3. Do not forget that a man needs love, affection and reciprocity.
    He needs attention just like a girl. He also wants to feel like the best and most needed.
  4. Don't put your financial situation first.
    Of course, you really want to have complete financial security, but in this case there is a risk of being nothing more than a temporary toy to satisfy your needs. Appreciate a man for his strength, masculinity, intelligence and ability to approach issues rationally. The thickness of the wallet is not paramount.
  5. Don't try to change your man.
    He is who he is, and he has the right to be so. After all, we are all human. Each person has his own character, his own vision of life, his own thoughts. And trying to change it will make the situation worse.

How to make a man chase you

There are several steps that will help you make a man run after you.

Stage one - get your partner interested

There are a lot of beautiful, educated, interesting women around. But you need to interest a man, and also be the most unique and inimitable. How to achieve this?

  • be impeccable
    - in everything, be it hairstyle, makeup or clothing style;
  • study your partner
    - it would not be superfluous to find out as much information as possible about the habits and characteristics of a man from mutual friends. Having this knowledge, it will be much easier to draw his attention to your person;
  • don’t overdo it
    - the male part of the population does not value overly self-confident and aggressive women, there should be harmony and moderation in everything.

Stage two - make contact

The job is done and the man noticed you. What's next? The success of the event will depend on the first dialogue. But how to avoid making mistakes?

  • be correct
    - stupid giggles or inappropriate questions will end communication at the very beginning;
  • be a mystery
    - don’t immediately lay out all your trump cards for everyone to see, leave them for last. If you manage to awaken a man’s interest in your person, success is half guaranteed;
  • be original
    - discuss an interesting film or any hobbies - this is many times better than asking about work or how he is doing.

Stage three - development of events

You managed to create a pleasant impression. But how can you get a man to run after you? The strong half of humanity appreciates trophies that have to be achieved long and hard. If a woman is easily accessible, it’s boring. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain constant interest, surprise him with the diversity in the development of events and show that you are truly special.

Stage four - what next?

Ultimately, the main goal of a woman is to be happy next to her man. Become a faithful companion and good friend for him. Help, support, inspire. And then he will not go anywhere and will faithfully follow you.

How to make a married man chase you

It would seem, how can you surprise a man who is spoiled by the love and devotion of his own wife? But in reality, everything is not so rosy. Over time, married relationships are complicated by everyday life and routine, and all romance is often reduced to zero and turns into a habit. It is for this reason that men are looking for new acquaintances on the side. It is quite logical in this situation to give him what he lacks in the marriage. Basically it comes down to the banal ability to listen and show interest in his words. You will be able to attract him with new sensations that he has not experienced for quite a long time, allowing him to relax and feel welcome. This will allow him to compare marriage with a new relationship and make a choice in favor of the latter.

Another important factor to make a married man run after you is the lack of intimate relationships. They either don't exist at all, or they've stopped being interesting. Therefore, a man is looking for a mistress on the side in order to again feel like a hero of carnal pleasures. But in this regard, you should not create illusions that in the end he will stay with you. He will either be satisfied with a double life in which you will have to secretly coexist with your wife, or after a while a new mistress will appear, and instead of a happy family life you will be left with nothing.

What do men want?

Have you noticed that you can often meet representatives of the fair sex who for some reason are not at all beautiful? Although they are well dressed and decently made up. But there is no freshness, no interest in life! The impression depends on the little things, and sometimes a trifle can make it clear how to make a guy run after you. Almost every girl recites advice on self-care from time to time, but in practice only a few follow them. How many of us watch our posture? Remember the old ladies on the streets? Do you want your back to turn into a poker in old age? No?! Then it’s worth giving up convenience and straightening your shoulders. Yes, it can be awkward and tiring at first.

A conspiracy to make a man chase you

Women do not hesitate to use unconventional methods to make a man chase you. In this case, conspiracies and love spells come to the rescue.

The most famous of the rituals is a love spell on a pie.

While kneading the dough, you need to whisper the words: “I conjure that (the man’s name) will unite again with (his name) forever and ever.” Amen!".

It is believed that you need to bake a cake and cast a love spell on a full moon. It should be offered to your partner the next day. But, the main thing is to make sure that no one else tries the baked goods except your beloved.

Conspiracy to prevent treason

If there are suspicions that your loved one has another woman, a conspiracy against betrayal will help. It is read in a photo of a partner or his item, which is placed near a church candle.

Text for the spell: “As a candle burns before me, so all other roads burn before you. Now we have a common road leading through life together. Amen!".

Wedding plot

Every girl dreams of a bright wedding and a magnificent dress. But if this cannot be achieved in the usual way, a wedding plot comes to the rescue. Any drink that needs to be treated to the chosen one should be spoken about.

Text for the spell: “As water pours into your stomach, through your veins to your very heart, so the path and road will lead you straight to my door. Don’t linger anywhere, don’t falter and don’t forget. I will shed light on your path to me. Come quickly, dear. I'll be your wife! Pecking, tongue, lock!

It is difficult to say for sure whether such methods actually work. But many women actively use them to achieve the desired result.


A stereotype has long been formed in the male head, according to which an active girl is characterized by cheeky behavior. No matter what they say, the initiative in their eyes immediately belittles the girl somewhat. Well, how can you treat a person with aspiration without unnecessary complexes and fears? Involuntarily, you begin to look for problems in yourself, and men do not like this at all.

So the girls have to accept the rules of the proposed game and gradually lead the men to the necessary actions. Women's pickup technique is very cunning and subtle compared to men's. There are no provocations here, but there are plenty of hints. With this technique, how to make a guy run after you? Psychology tells us to focus on femininity and charm. A woman seduces with a gait with a playful sway of her hips, a swing of large curls, and a delicate aroma. Flirting is used - an open smile to the object of seduction, a look from under lowered eyelashes.

Men love it when women laugh at their jokes, praise their taste and the right tie for their shirt. Men go crazy over a woman's simple display technique; in a tight passage, walk close and lightly touch it with your chest. In a dark restaurant, bite his earlobe or show the hem of your stocking under a long dress. Let his imagination play.

Psychology of men

The psychology of men is one of the most interesting topics that visit women’s minds. In order to make a man run after you, you need to learn to understand him. But how to do that? The main goal of any representative of the stronger sex is to assert themselves at any cost. He is a predator, and a woman is prey who must take into account his will and wishes. Therefore, the girl needs to be shown that the man is the head of the family, and his decision will never be subject to discussion or disagreement.

There are three points that you need to remember in order for calm and harmony to reign in your relationship:

  1. You can't meddle in men's affairs.
    Even when you are sure that he is wrong, even if you know that your words will be better. If your partner needs your advice, he will certainly ask it himself. But you shouldn’t get involved with your thoughts unless necessary.
  2. Use support tactics.
    It doesn't matter whether a woman is strong or weak. She should be a support and support for her man. And in any case, he should feel stronger and more significant.
  3. Hold your criticism.
    You cannot express harsh judgments towards your chosen one. In any case, he will react negatively to this.

Features of attracting men

Features depend on the status in which the guy is in relation to the girl. This could be a husband, an ex-boyfriend, or a stranger. Each case has its own nuances.

If it's the husband

A stamp in a passport does not mean that a man will always be there. It all depends on how the spouse manages to improve her life, and whether the house will be cozy, quiet and peaceful. So that when a man comes after a hard day at work, he can completely relax.

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A woman, being a wife, should not stop caring about her appearance. A washed robe, curlers, and eternal masks on the face do not create a beautiful image. And the man hopes to see a stylish, well-groomed wife next to him.

Even after a long marriage, a wife should be able to listen to her husband, praise him for his exploits, and laugh at a good joke. It is important not to forget to say warm words, make affectionate gestures, kiss goodbye or when meeting, and then it will not be difficult to make your husband run after you.

You should be attentive to your husband's hobbies, even if fishing rods are constantly getting tangled under your feet, and tools can be found in the most unexpected places. It is worth taking an interest in work matters as well. Men are not averse to gossiping about their boss or colleagues while sitting in the kitchen over a mug of tea.

A sensitive, attentive spouse is highly valued in the eyes of the other half. Correct behavior and small tricks will make the husband run after his wife for many more years.

If it's an ex

Making your ex-boyfriend run after you immediately after a breakup is a completely solvable task. The feelings have not yet cooled down, and there is a real chance of reviving the relationship.

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First, you need to determine the cause of the gap. And after finding out, work on mistakes and shortcomings. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Women behave selfishly. They demand increased attention to themselves without giving anything in return. It is unlikely that this state of affairs will suit the guy.
  2. Consumerism kills all feelings. Girls may demand expensive gifts, and young men are not always able to pay large bills. In such a situation, guys hear only reproaches addressed to them, and the desire to continue the relationship fades away.
  3. Jealousy out of nowhere drives not only the lady, but also her gentleman crazy. Life on a powder keg is not very tempting for a man.

If the breakup happened a long time ago, but there is still hope for a revival of feelings, then you can talk to the man, apologize for everything, even if he doesn’t really make contact. In any case, you need to make every effort and somehow still make your ex-boyfriend run after you.

If it's a stranger

If a girl likes an unfamiliar or unfamiliar man, then she needs to act carefully. It is necessary to find out what kind of person he is. Perhaps he is not at all as nice as he seemed when we met. You can chat with his friends, classmates, colleagues, and try to find mutual acquaintances. Knowing his first and last name, you should look for him on social networks.

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If the information received is quite satisfactory to the seductress, then you need to move on to searching for common interests. Perhaps he goes to the same pool, gym, or walks the dog in the evenings and goes for a run in the morning. A girl can appear in the same places as a guy. In a relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know him better and interest him. And using the advice of psychologists, bring what you started to a concrete result.

Psychologist's advice

To maintain mutual understanding in family life, you need to come to an agreement in your relationship with your partner. Do you want a strong family?

Follow the advice of a psychologist:

  • a woman should always look 100%, men like to feel aesthetic pleasure when looking at their beloved;
  • a woman must be flexible - show understanding and the ability to adapt, your partner will appreciate it;
  • keep his peace of mind - men do not value hysterical and scandalous individuals;
  • laugh even at unfunny jokes - he should feel confident;
  • do not disdain variety in your intimate life - this is extremely important for men;
  • give in to him - even if you are more experienced in something, let him feel like a leader;
  • respect your lover - this is the key to a healthy relationship;
  • smile - everyone without exception likes it and evokes sympathy;
  • do not remember the past - your partner will definitely not appreciate it if you tell him about the advantages of your ex;
  • Make him happy - surprises will help melt a man’s callous heart.

A wise woman can win any man. Today there is a huge variety of ways to achieve the desired result. But it is very important to remember that the secret to a successful relationship is sincere love and respect. Your task is to make him want to communicate, fall in love, spend time with you, and ultimately stay close for the rest of his life. And if a man feels this from his woman, he will follow her anywhere. Therefore, if you really want love, then you need to act today. Arm yourself with the knowledge you have acquired and begin the fight for your feminine happiness.

Methods and Tips

A woman should not force a man to communicate or meet. But she can somehow make it so that the guy himself will run after her. The art of enticement is to make the young man believe that the initiative comes from him. There are several methods that help women push men to do the right thing.

Do not despair

If a guy doesn’t pay any attention, then you shouldn’t get depressed and wet your pillow with tears ahead of time. Girls are capable of performing miracles in relationships. Once they want it, they will do everything to make the guy follow them on their heels. However, this will require a lot of strength and patience. Women should turn on their imagination and use all their ingenuity. Then the man who is indifferent today will watch the young maiden with admiration tomorrow.

Men love with their eyes

First of all, men evaluate a girl’s external characteristics.
It doesn’t matter to them how many languages ​​she knows, what higher education she received, if she has tangled hair, unkempt skin and incomprehensible clothes. Therefore, a lady should take care of her image. First, you can go through your entire wardrobe. It’s better to get rid of boring gray and black clothes. Robes and ill-fitting models must be removed. Let there be only a few things left in the closet, but they will fit your figure well, hide imperfections and emphasize the smooth curves of the body. It doesn't hurt to buy beautiful, correct sets of underwear. A well-chosen style will add confidence to a girl.

If your figure has flaws, then you should join a gym, follow a drinking regime and adhere to proper nutrition. A new lifestyle will rid the body of extra pounds, the skin will become toned and elastic.

Don't forget about manicure, pedicure, haircut and coloring. Overgrown roots give the head an unkempt appearance. And nails with chipped varnish create an unpleasant impression.

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And you should think about shoes. You won't attract a guy with just sneakers and ballet flats. It is necessary to wear heels sometimes. They immediately emphasize sexuality and make a woman more feminine.

The Snow Queen Principle

The tactic makes the girl feel like an impregnable fortress. Even if a young lady begins to tremble with delight in the presence of a young man, this should not be noticeable outwardly. Let the guy be in the dark about the lady's feelings. This will make him nervous, doubtful and spur him to new actions.

You need to try to awaken the passion of a hunter in a man. He will happily accept the conditions and plunge headlong into an interesting game. But if you give up some slack, the roles will change. He will make a woman run after him, and not vice versa.

Therefore, a young girl should not be the first to take active action. Calls and messages are prohibited. If you really want to call, then you need to overcome yourself. It’s better to get down to business: cook dinner, dance to music, or call a friend.

The snow queen principle brings good results. However, you shouldn't overdo it too much either.

Common hobbies and interests

A common hobby is the key to a strong relationship. The girl is recommended to find out more about her partner’s hobbies; he will be extremely pleased to learn about her knowledge.

And three tips:

  1. Sincere interest will help a girl get closer to the object of her adoration. If a young man is interested in fishing and invites his chosen one to take part in it, then there is no need to immediately refuse. You should accept the invitation and go at least once. Most likely, the guy will notice that the young lady is not interested in sitting with a fishing rod, but she is trying with all her might to understand his hobby. And next time he won’t insist on going, but will go himself without offense.
  2. Criticism is very poorly received by the stronger sex. Especially if your favorite collection of stickers, keychains, cards, cars is discussed. It is unlikely that the man will want to communicate further.
  3. To show her respect for a man’s hobby, a girl is recommended to buy the missing item to complete her collection.

It is advisable for a lady to familiarize herself with the history of the hobby, read articles on the Internet, and look through specialized magazines. A man will definitely notice and appreciate his partner’s efforts.

Intimate compliments

Guys, like girls, love to hear compliments, especially of an intimate nature. It is interesting that even a stern, brutal-looking man in his soul can doubt his irresistibility and sexuality. Therefore, ladies should often sing praises to the merits of their lover, modestly keeping silent about the shortcomings.

You can whisper in his ear that he looks like a Greek god and his sexuality is crazy. You should come up with several original phrases and repeat them every day. A man will quickly feel strong, irresistible, hot and a skilled master of love games.

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