Balanitis and balanoposthitis in children: symptoms and treatment.

Tetracycline ointment belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics with bacteriostatic properties. It is intended for local use. When used, you can successfully fight most types of streptococci and staphylococci. Numerous reviews confirm the rapid positive effect in the treatment of many diseases.

Composition and release form

Tetracycline ointment is produced in two types:

  • 3% for external use in tubes of 5, 10, 30 or 50 g.
  • 1% ophthalmic in tubes of 3, 7 and 10 g.

Antimicrobial ointment is yellow in color and has an oily structure. Aluminum or polymer tubes are packaged in cardboard packaging along with instructions for use. The active ingredient in its composition is tetracycline hydrochloride. In the production of tetracycline ointment, auxiliary components are used:

  • Lanolin, which nourishes the skin and enhances the anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of the ointment.
  • Vaseline, which enhances the protective properties of the drug.
  • Paraffin, which has softening properties and increases the viscosity of the product.
  • Ceresin, used as a base and giving the ointment the desired consistency.
  • Sodium disulfite, which is used as a filler.

Methods for treating balanoposthitis in men

Treatment of balanoposthitis is prescribed to men, based on factors such as the stage of development of the disease and the presence of complications. If lymphadenitis is present, in addition to standard treatment, an opening and removal of dead tissue and infection in the lymph nodes will be required.

To treat the disease, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotics. Before prescribing medications, the cause of balanoposthitis is determined. With the streptococcal form of the disease, slightly different medications will be required than if the disease occurs due to infection with syphilis or other sexually transmitted infections. In the second case, it is necessary to direct all efforts to treat the man’s primary disease, after eliminating which, the symptoms of balanoposthitis go away without outside help. Treatment of balanoposthitis should not be delayed, as the disease develops into a complex ulcerative form, which threatens the development of gangrene. Tissue necrosis is a very dangerous phenomenon that can be treated with surgery to remove dead skin; if left untreated, it can lead to amputation of the penis or death. Long-term damage to the head of the penis by ulcers also leads to a decrease in sensitivity, up to its complete loss.

Effect of the drug

The antimicrobial ointment contains tetracycline hydrchloride. This substance destroys the cell membranes of many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. In addition, the ointment is effective in the treatment of pathologies caused by other pathogenic microorganisms: gonococci, chlamydia, salmonella, pneumococci, etc. Tetracycline ointment, the instructions emphasize this, has no effect on viruses and fungi.

The principle of action of the external agent is to destroy the pathogenic focus, which allows stimulating restoration processes on the wound surface.

Causes of the spread of the disease in men

Most often, balanoposthitis appears against the background of sexually transmitted diseases. The most common causes of the disease are gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, fungal and yeast infections, and herpes. But this is not always the cause of the disease; sometimes it manifests itself in cases of weakened immunity, the presence of psoriasis, and in people with high blood sugar levels. In these cases, balanoposthitis develops as a consequence of pathological changes and is considered a secondary disease.


Understanding how the drug works, you need to know what tetracycline ointment helps with. Due to its wide spectrum of action, the drug is indicated for the treatment of various skin diseases.

A 3% product for external use is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Severe acne.
  • Purulent skin lesions caused by staphylococci and streptococci.
  • Infected eczema.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Folliculitis.

Tetracycline eye ointment 1% is indicated for the treatment of:

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis.
  • Barley, which occurs on the eyelid due to inflammation of the hair follicle.
  • Trachoma caused by chlamydial infection.
  • Blepharitis, which develops against the background of various infectious diseases.

Prohibited measures for inflammation

Before starting treatment for balanoposthitis, it is necessary to determine the cause of the inflammation. During therapy it is strictly not recommended:

  • make hot compresses;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • squeeze out ulcers on the penis;
  • visit baths and saunas.

If the cause of inflammation is a bacterial infection, antibiotics Doxycycline and Unidox are included in the therapy. Additionally, drugs are used that prevent dysbacteriosis: Linex Forte, Acipol, Enterozermina.

The formation of purulent-necrotic ulcers on the head of the penis indicates the transition of balanoposthitis to a gangrenous form. It is fraught with phimosis and paraphimosis, which can only be treated surgically.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory lesion of the preputial sac and glans penis in men. The basis of therapy is drugs of etiotropic action - antibiotics, antihistamines and antifungal drugs - which eliminate the cause of the pathology. Treatment is supplemented with alternative medicine - lotions, ointments, baths. But if itching, redness or rash occurs after using them, consult a doctor.

Contraindications and adverse reactions of the body

Tetracycline ointment, the instructions confirm this, has contraindications. First of all, its use should be abandoned in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance and auxiliary components in its composition. Otherwise, serious allergic reactions may occur during treatment.

In addition, the drug should not be used if there are disturbances in the functioning of the liver or kidneys. The ointment is prescribed with extreme caution for the treatment of children under 12 years of age. It is necessary to avoid using the product during pregnancy and lactation.

Frequent adverse reactions of the body during treatment are itching and burning on the skin. If such effects occur, you should discard the ointment and consult a doctor about replacing the product.

In rare cases, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as:

  • Tissue hyperthermia.
  • Quincke's edema.

Overdose with local use of the drug has not been confirmed in practice.

Balanoposthitis in boys

Balanoposthitis in boys is an inflammatory process that involves the glans penis and the inner layer of the preputial sac (foreskin). Balanoposthitis in boys is characterized by itching and burning in the glans area, swelling and redness of the foreskin, difficulty urinating, and purulent discharge from the preputial sac. Balanoposthitis in boys is diagnosed on the basis of external signs and laboratory data (CBC, FAM, results of bacteriological culture of discharge, PCR, ELISA). Treatment of balanoposthitis in boys includes local baths with disinfectant solutions, washing the head of the penis, removing smegma and secretions, using antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointments; for chronic balanoposthitis, circumcision is indicated. Symptoms of balanoposthitis in boys

At birth, boys have such a physiological feature as fusion of the foreskin with the head of the penis. Usually, by the age of one and a half years, the preputial sac, filled with epithelial particles, opens outward and self-cleansing occurs. However, in some cases this does not happen. In this case, an inflammatory process may occur on the head of the penis, which also affects the tissue of the foreskin - balanoposthitis.

This condition develops very rarely in infants, but in older children it can occur quite often.

Balanoposthitis in boys often develops acutely. Usually, after going to the toilet, the child begins to complain of burning and itching in the area of ​​the glans penis, pain or difficulty urinating. Small children become restless and cry when urinating. Examination reveals redness and swelling of the head of the penis and foreskin; when the head is exposed under the foreskin, accumulated smegma is discovered, which has an unpleasant odor. With balanoposthitis in boys, there may be abundant cheesy or serous-purulent discharge from the preputial sac. A rash, cracks or diaper rash may appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. With further progression of balanoposthitis in boys, erosions and peeling of the skin may appear.

In addition to local signs, with balanoposthitis in boys, general symptoms are expressed: malaise, lack of appetite, poor sleep, irritability. Often in children, the body temperature rises to 37-38°C, and the inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged. Due to the fact that the child tries to hold back urination due to its pain, daytime and nighttime enuresis may develop.

Symptoms of acute balanoposthitis in boys increase over 4-5 days; Self-healing is possible if you independently open the preputial cavity and clean it of smegma. However, more often, in the absence of proper or correct treatment, acute balanoposthitis in boys transforms into chronic. Chronic inflammation is fraught with the formation of scars on the foreskin with the development of pathological phimosis and paraphimosis, chronic urethritis, and deformation of the glans penis.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in boys

In most cases, with acute balanoposthitis in boys, local treatment is sufficient. It is recommended to carry out sitz baths with antiseptics (potassium permanganate, furatsilin) ​​or herbal decoctions (chamomile, etc.).

Any antiseptic can be used to treat inflamed mucous membranes. Iodine and brilliant green are excluded. Applying such products to the site of inflammation will cause a burn and aggravate the situation.

It is possible to instill antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc.) under the foreskin. After washing the glans penis, you should carefully pull back the foreskin, remove smegma and pathological discharge, put ointment (levomekol, synthomycin liniment, for fungal balanoposthitis in boys - clotrimazole) into the preputial sac and return the foreskin to its normal position. If it is impossible to independently expose the head of the penis, separation of the synechiae of the foreskin and cleaning of the preputial sac is carried out by a pediatric surgeon or urologist.

To reduce pain and swelling, you can use NSAIDs, in particular ibuprofen.
In severe forms of balanoposthitis in boys, systemic administration of sulfonamides, antibiotics, and antifungal drugs may be required. For chronic balanoposthitis in boys and the development of pathological phimosis, circumcision (circumcision) is indicated.

Rules of application

Features of using the product:

  • Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment, in a column no more than 1 cm long, is placed intraconjunctivally into the conjunctival sac (under the lower eyelid). A sterile stick is used for this. It is important to then distribute the product correctly using a cotton-gauze swab, performing gentle massaging movements.
  • Ointment for external use 3% is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer. In this case, you need to capture a small area around the problem area. Additionally, a bandage is applied to enhance the therapeutic effect. If there is no damage to the skin, the product is practically not absorbed.

The course of treatment and its duration are determined by the attending doctor depending on the type of disease. For eye diseases, procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day. When using a 3% product to treat skin diseases, the dressing should be changed every 12-24 hours. Tetracycline ointment, the instructions for use provide this, can be used for acne. In this case, it is applied pointwise. The product can be used for 3 weeks in the absence of negative reactions from the body. If no improvement is observed within 2 weeks, then you should stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.

How to cure balanoposthitis at home: the best recipes

For infectious inflammation of the head of the penis and prepuce, home treatment is carried out with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs:

  • oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • coltsfoot;
  • sequences;
  • yarrow.

The duration of herbal medicine for balanoposthitis depends on the speed of healing of the affected skin areas. Before using the decoctions, an allergy test is carried out: a little liquid is applied to the wrist for half an hour to an hour. In the absence of undesirable reactions - redness, itching, rash - it is used for its intended purpose.

To achieve the desired effect in the treatment of balanoposthitis, folk remedies with pronounced pharmacological properties are used - disinfecting, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating.

Oak bark

Oak bark contains tannins, catechins and pectin. It has anti-inflammatory activity. When used systematically, it eliminates swelling of the head of the penis and eliminates itching.

Recipes with oak bark for balanoposthitis:

  • Recipe No. 1. 20 g of raw material is poured into 250 ml of water. Boil in an enamel bowl for at least 5-7 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and 100 ml of boiled water is added. Gauze folded in four is soaked in the liquid. Apply to the affected area for a quarter of an hour 3 times a day.
  • Recipe No. 2. 1 tsp. crushed bark is steamed with 300 ml of boiling water. Leave in the container with the lid closed for 3 hours. The filtered infusion is used to wash the genitals up to 5 times a day.

Before treating balanoposthitis, you need to make sure there are no allergic reactions. The course of therapy with oak bark-based products ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.


Very often, treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home is carried out with sodium bicarbonate. It shifts the pH of the skin to the alkaline side, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. For inflammation of the foreskin, the following are used:

  • Soda baths. 1 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate is diluted with ½ liter of warm water. If desired, add 5-7 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. The head of the penis is lowered into the container with the solution for 10 minutes. The procedure is performed in the morning and evening for 2 weeks in a row.
  • Lotions. Dissolve 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiled water. soda Gauze is moistened in the solution and applied to the genitals for 20 minutes up to 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out daily for 7-10 days.

Soda baths and lotions are contraindicated for ulcerations and scratches on the head of the penis.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate has pronounced antiseptic properties. It is used to destroy viral, bacterial and fungal infections. For balanoposthitis, baths are effective:

  • add potassium permanganate to warm boiled water (0.5 l) on the tip of a knife;
  • the head of the penis is washed in a solution of a soft purple hue;
  • perform the procedure 2 times a day.

Depending on the extent of the lesions, treatment takes 7-14 days. To achieve maximum effect, the solution is prepared immediately before use.


Pharmaceutical chamomile has combined properties - antimicrobial, antiseptic, softening, wound healing. To cure balanitis or balanoposthitis, use:

  • Decoction. 1 tbsp. l. the raw materials are boiled in 300 ml of water for 2 minutes. Cool for 25-30 minutes and strain. The head of the penis is dipped into the broth for 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day.
  • Infusion. 20 g of chamomile are poured into a thermos. Pour ½ liter of boiling water. Leave for 3-4 hours. The filtered liquid is used to wash the genitals in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Folk remedies with chamomile are effective in treating any form of balanoposthitis. It is recommended to take baths after hygiene procedures. The therapeutic course is 2-4 weeks.

In isolated cases, pharmaceutical chamomile provokes allergic reactions - peeling of the skin, pinpoint rashes, redness. If the condition worsens, treatment should be stopped.


Baths with a series are effective for inflammatory skin diseases and pustular rashes. To cope with balanoposthitis, you should:

  • pour 25 g of chopped herbs into 600 ml of boiling water;
  • leave in an airtight container for half an hour;
  • strain the liquid through cheesecloth.

The prepared infusion is used to wash the genitals for balanoposthitis up to 4 times a day. It retains its healing properties for no more than 8-12 hours. Therefore, urologists advise preparing the infusion daily before use.


The herb and rhizome of dill have antispasmodic, capillary-protective and wound-healing effects. When used systematically, they reduce vascular permeability and accelerate skin regeneration. As a result, swelling and redness are eliminated.

Recipes with dill for the treatment of balanoposthitis:

  • Tincture. 2 tsp. crushed rhizomes are mixed with 100 g of dill herb. Pour into a glass container and add 500 ml of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10 days. Soak a cotton pad in the tincture and wipe the lesions on the penis with it 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  • Decoction. 50 g of raw material is boiled over low heat in 500 ml of water for 3-5 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered, 10-20 drops of tea tree essential oil are added. The head of the penis is dipped into the broth for 10 minutes twice a day.

Due to possible side effects, alcohol tincture is not used for erosions or the gangrenous form of the disease.

St. John's wort

If a man suffers from candidal balanoposthitis, use herbal remedies based on St. John's wort. It has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, stimulates local immunity. When treating a fungal infection, use the following recipes:

  • Herbal decoction. 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers are boiled in 200 ml of water for 3 minutes. Infuse in a closed container for 1.5-2 hours, then filter. A cotton-gauze pad is soaked in the liquid and applied to the penis for half an hour. Perform the procedure 3 times a day for 1 week.
  • Collection of herbs. St. John's wort, calendula flowers, and nettle are mixed in equal proportions. 3 tbsp. l. herbs are poured into a thermos. Pour in 700 ml of hot water. After 3 hours, the infusion is filtered and diluted with 200 ml of boiled water. The head of the penis is dipped into the solution for 15 minutes, 2 times a day.

If balanoposthitis is caused by a fungal infection, you can add 10 drops of tea tree oil to the prepared solution.


A plant with pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Therefore, treatment of balanitis at home is carried out with a herbal decoction:

  • 20 g of sage herb pour ½ liter of boiling water;
  • leave in an enamel pan under a lid for 2 hours;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

The liquid is used for baths, compresses or washing the genitals 3-4 times a day. Treatment is stopped after the skin of the foreskin has healed.


Tree aloe leaves contain essential oils, phytoncides, amino acids and other bioactive substances. They provide the plant with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic effects. Compresses are effective in the treatment of infectious balanoposthitis:

  • 3-4 leaves are passed through a meat grinder;
  • pour 150 ml of boiling water;
  • after 2 hours, filter the liquid;
  • gauze is soaked in the infusion;
  • secure the compress on the head of the penis with a bandage;
  • after a quarter of an hour it is removed.

To speed up recovery, the procedure is done immediately after waking up and before going to bed for 1.5 weeks in a row.


Plantain leaves relieve inflammation, stop bleeding and destroy microbial flora. They contain substances that prevent the proliferation of pyogenic bacteria.

Features of plantain treatment:

  • 3-5 leaves are chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder;
  • the herbal mass is spread on gauze;
  • the compress is secured in the area of ​​the head of the genital organ with a bandage;
  • After 20-30 minutes, remove.

Treatment takes from 7 to 15 days. Plantain-based remedies prevent suppuration and stricture (narrowing) of the urethra in acute balanitis and postitis. Compresses are made no more than 2 times a day.

special instructions

The dangers of using tetracycline ointment during pregnancy are that the active substance can provoke processes of bone tissue mineralization, which increases the risk of developing bone abnormalities in the fetus.

It is not recommended to use the product for deep puncture wounds and other extensive damage to the skin, in particular after burns.

When using eye ointment for some time, the clarity of vision decreases. Therefore, after the application, you should not immediately drive a car. You should also be careful when performing work operations that require visual acuity.

Symptoms and clinical picture of balanoposthitis

The clinical manifestations of balanoposthitis are quite vivid - redness, swelling in the head area. There is no discharge from the urethra. The main symptoms depend on the root cause of the disease and the type of infectious agent, as well as the general condition of the patient. In some cases, ulcerative lesions may occur.

General symptoms of balanoposthitis:

  • discomfort, severe itching in the prepuce area;
  • development of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • burning when urinating.

How to choose an ointment to treat phimosis?

Before using ointments to expand the foreskin yourself, the man should be correctly diagnosed. The pathological condition has several stages, in particular there are four of them. Only the first two can be treated using conservative methods.

Important: if an adult man is diagnosed with a scar form of phimosis, then local remedies in the form of creams, gels and ointments will not help, since scar tissue is inelastic.

Most often, adult men are prescribed corticosteroid-based ointments. They are recommended for young children only as a last resort, since the hormonal substances contained in the composition can lead to a number of serious complications. For an adult patient, the course of using creams is 1-3 months. If phimosis is accompanied by an infectious or bacterial process, then topical preparations are not used.

When choosing an ointment, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Indications for use;
  • Side effects;
  • Medical contraindications;
  • Interaction with other drugs (in case the patient uses local medications or takes pills);
  • Possibility of long-term use.

Any medication must be prescribed by a doctor, especially if the drug contains hormonal substances. Corticosteroid ointment for stretching the foreskin increases its elasticity and provides an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

If the patient has symptoms such as swelling of the penis, hyperemia of the skin, then these manifestations must first be treated. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed to help fight inflammation and swelling.

Ointment for phimosis in men provides gradual softening of the foreskin of the reproductive organ. Over time, elasticity improves, allowing it to stretch. To achieve the required therapeutic effect, the tension method is used simultaneously with the use of creams.

Long-term use of hormonal gels is prohibited. This is due to the fact that hormones have a negative effect on the condition of the skin - they thin it, and also contribute to the disruption of the structure of blood vessels. If adverse reactions develop during treatment, discontinuation of the medication is required.

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