Tea to increase potency - which one should a man choose?

Increase libido, increase potency, prolong sexual intercourse - sooner or later every man faces these problems. And if mild erectile dysfunction is not associated with a disease, then there is no desire to take medications. It is much easier to choose a good potency tea that will cope with the problem, and at the same time improve the health of the man’s entire body. In addition, male potency tea does not have a long list of contraindications or side effects and is quite cheap.

What types of tea benefit men?

Many types of tea are beneficial for men's health. Let's figure out which ones.

Healthy green tea

The drink helps stimulate the production of sex hormones such as androgens and estrogens.
Green tea has a very effective effect on male strength. Its leaves are saturated with many biologically active particles, vitamins C and P, which are necessary for blood vessels, and zinc, which increases testosterone levels. In addition, the benefits of green tea are simply invaluable for men's health.

Hibiscus to increase potency

This tea gives strength and leads to excitement.
Hibiscus tea, rich red in color, is considered a cure for all diseases. It has a general strengthening effect, has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and the organs of the reproductive system.

For men, the drink is prepared with the addition of cloves, cinnamon, ginger and sugar.

Chinese oolong for health

Tea is considered the most effective for men.
Chinese oolong is one of the types of green drink, characterized by the highest zinc content. This allows him to take an active part in increasing the amount of sex hormones, which leads to sperm growth.

With systematic consumption of the drink, testosterone levels increase, impotence and prostate tumors are prevented

It is affordable and easy to prepare. To normalize potency, it is recommended to consume up to 3 cups daily. You can drink milk oolong.

Men's Mursal tea

It is combined only with honey; it is drunk hot or cold. The
composition of the Mursala drink includes herbs growing in the mountainous regions of Bulgaria. The drink is a sedative for the nervous system, which leads to the elimination of problems in the functioning of the male genitourinary organs.

This type can be consumed in an amount of 100 ml per day, but no more.

Flower additives – aphrodisiacs

It is known that aromas directly affect the psychological and emotional state. Add a pinch of flowers

in tea - and the evening will become hot! ;-)

  • Jasmine buds
    tone, relieve tension, improve your mood, help you relax and get into a creative mood. Jasmine increases potency and increases sexual desire. An effective antidepressant. By the way, green tea with jasmine is effective in increasing sexual activity for the fair half of humanity.
  • Osmanthus
    (cinnamon tree flowers) invigorates, tones, stimulates mental and physical activity, and is a known aphrodisiac. Awakens feelings and inspires creativity.
  • Anchan
    (blue tea from the flowers of the trifoliate clitoris) - calms, pacifies, harmonizes the emotional state, awakens the senses.

Aphrodisiacs to increase male power

Substances that can increase the level of sexual desire are called aphrodisiacs. In this case, tea not only heals the male body, but is also a natural stimulant. It safely affects the production of serotonin, has a positive effect on the sensitivity of intimate areas and increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

Natural aphrodisiacs are cinnamon, ginger, thyme, chili pepper, chocolate, hibiscus, figs, raspberries, seeds, vanilla. They can even be added to black tea

There are many recipes for preparing miracle remedies to enhance sensual desire and increase the level of attractiveness.

Components such as ginger, seeds, garlic, berries and spicy spices cope with the problem of male weakness.

To normalize potency, you can prepare a drink containing chili pepper, cinnamon, chocolate and fruit.

Why should it help?

Potency depends on many factors: it worsens from poor environment, stress, chronic illnesses, unbalanced diet, low-quality products. By enriching your diet with healthy foods and drinks, you can improve your quality of life, including your sexual life.

Potency depends on the vitamins and nutrients entering the body. Particularly important are substances that stimulate the production of testosterone, which is responsible for sexual activity. These are vitamins B, A, E, C, D, selenium, zinc. Such substances improve reproductive abilities, increase libido, and strengthen potency. Tea contains many substances that a man needs, it removes toxins, strengthens vascular walls, and improves immunity.

Tea contains many substances necessary for the male body.

Effects of Herbal Tea on Men

The safest remedy for treating impotence in men is herbal tea, which can be bought at any pharmacy. It is prepared either from one component or from several.

This drink is used to keep the body in good shape throughout the day. It is contraindicated for insomnia and increased excitability.

Linden tea helps with prostatitis and hemorrhoids. Inflammation in these areas leads to sexual dysfunction.

The composition of colza includes fatty oil and vitamin C. The herb has a positive effect on potency, increasing sperm volume

Schisandra solves several problems of the male intimate sphere at once. It prevents premature ejaculation, stimulates erection, and produces sperm.

In ginseng, the root affects men's health.

Ginseng stimulates libido, awakens desire and enhances pleasure

Herbal infusions have a good effect on the male body. For example, you can mix St. John's wort and nettle with dried hawthorn fruits. The use of this remedy helps prevent prostatitis.

Herbs for potency

If there is a deterioration in male sexual function, it is recommended to use traditional methods - herbs for impotence. Their cost is low, such preparations include all the same herbs that are used in tea for potency disorders. You should be careful with herbs, because not calculating the correct dosage can only harm your health. The results of treating sexual dysfunction with herbal remedies are longer lasting than with synthetic drugs, but side effects are minimized and the price is attractive.

The following herbs are used in herbal medicine to improve potency in men:

  • ginseng - the root of this plant improves blood flow to the male genital organ and dilates blood vessels, increasing desire, making orgasm brighter;
  • rapeseed - increases the volume of sperm produced, eliminates inflammation in the prostate gland;
  • hawthorn – strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular system, increases libido and lengthens the duration of erection;
  • St. John's wort is an excellent way to combat depression and fatigue, improves urination and the secretion of male hormones;
  • Dubrovnik - men's tea based on this herb has a stimulating effect, solves the problem of frequent emissions, and restores the functionality of the genitourinary system;
  • Schisandra chinensis (Far Eastern or schizandra) – can help fight stress, stimulates the production of hormones and sperm, and improves the quality of sexual intercourse.

Blooming Sally

The well-known fireweed plant has properties that eliminate the causes of decreased potency. People call it fireweed, and it can have a positive effect on male sexual health:

  • This herb contains 18 amino acids, vitamins A, C and group B, 70 beneficial microelements, pectin substances and bioflavonoids, which prolong the life of cells. Herbal tea for men from this plant helps remove toxins from the body and prevents the occurrence of diseases.
  • Ivan tea stimulates the endocrine system, which increases the amount of the hormone testosterone. Activation of hematopoiesis improves blood supply to the penis.
  • The plant gives a mild calming effect. If there is a decrease in potency due to regular stress, fireweed tea helps to cope with this by stimulating the male reproductive system, awakening sexual desire.

How to properly prepare and drink tea for a man

To prepare tea, soft water with a minimum content of mineral salts is recommended.

In this case, the infusion turns out to be more saturated. The kettle must be preheated. Pour 2 tsp of water at a temperature of up to 90°C. leaves and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Men are not recommended to drink an infusion of leaves on an empty stomach, as nausea and gastrointestinal cramps may occur.

It is important to know how to brew any tea drink correctly.

It is better to consume it hot, in small sips. The amount of drink that can be beneficial is 400 ml per day. You can supplement your tea drinking with honey, nuts, and dried fruits.

Harm and contraindications to drinking tea by men

To avoid harm to the body, it is forbidden to drink even healthy drinks without limiting them. Exceeding the norm leads to headaches, problems with blood pressure and stomach. Tea is a tonic product, so you should not drink it at night.

When using the drink, an allergic reaction may occur. Caution should be exercised when using a collection with a complex composition

Tea with the addition of lemon balm or mint is contraindicated for men. These plants cause weakening of erections. A cheap drink produced in bags will not be beneficial either. It consists of small particles of low-grade tea leaves.

Any tea is best drunk freshly brewed. A drink that has stood for some time loses its healing qualities.

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