The role of subordination in business relations


In every work structure, hierarchy is important: the position of the employee and his responsibilities relative to other team members. Subordination at work is the key to proper relationships, healthy competition and mutual understanding.

The working climate depends on observance of subordination

Subordination is a service code that outlines the provisions of the relationship between the boss, his subordinates and equal employees. Violation of subordination entails punishment.

What is the essence of subordination

What is subordination in the workplace? This is business etiquette that describes the behavior of each member of the work team. The code determines the type of subordination to superior employees and the relationship between the position and responsibilities assigned to each team member.

The Code is a collection of rules that outlines the role functions of each employee. Dialogue establishes correct interaction not only between management and employee, but also in the relationship of business partners.

Rules of subordination

The behavior of the employee and his superiors is strictly regulated by certain legal documents. This may be the charter of the enterprise or precise job descriptions: the regulations must be officially adopted by higher-ranking employees as rules for the interaction of all employees.

The existence of any enterprise is based on the correct interaction of vertical and horizontal subordination:

  • each employee performs his duties;
  • does not disrupt the work of his colleagues;
  • does not create conflict situations in the team.

When a new employee starts work, he signs a contract and carefully studies the job description, agreeing with all the provisions of business communication.

Etiquette standards are a general document that must be observed in the enterprise. Additionally, documents are signed describing the rights and responsibilities of each team member. During work, failure to comply with business etiquette standards is considered a serious violation.

Address in business correspondence

When contacting the addressee, his official position, field of activity, and degree of personal acquaintance are taken into account. The most general address formula, which can be used regardless of the listed factors, is “Dear Mr. [Last Name]!”, “Dear Madam [Last Name]!”

When addressing officials of the highest and central bodies of state power and administration, presidents (chairmen) of societies, companies, it is possible to address them with an indication of their position and without surnames:

“Dear Mr. Minister!”, “Dear Mr. President!”

In invitation letters and notices, addresses by name and patronymic are allowed: “Dear Vladimir Andreevich!” When addressing persons of the same professional circle, it is possible to address “Dear colleagues!” If the text of a document begins with a personal address to the addressee, the rules of business etiquette require at the end of the text, before the signature, the final politeness formula “With respect.”

According to the traditions of domestic business etiquette, when formulating requests, requests, proposals, opinions, the form of expression in the first person plural is accepted:

“We bring to your attention a new line of products,” “We remind you that the completion date has changed.”

The formula of address in the first person singular (I ask, I propose, I invite) is used in confidential letters, as well as in documents drawn up on official letterhead.

System of right relationships

The rules of business etiquette ensure effective interaction between all employees: the behavior described by the code eliminates conflicts and quarrels between employees. Business etiquette is just conditional rules that can be changed by higher levels.

There are 3 planes of business relationships: boss - subordinate, subordinate and his boss, partner with partner.

The established code is a model of relationships, the violation of which entails punishment. The boss is an authority, an unconditional leader. He demands respect and honor from every junior manager, subordinate or assistant: all business etiquette is built around him.

General discipline depends on the behavior of management. The disorganization of the head of the enterprise leads to chaos and disorder. The relationship between all team members allows us to establish proper work that generates income. Business etiquette is based on a system of assignments and recommendations and their implementation by each member of the team.

Situational rules of business etiquette: introductions

Chief - subordinate

Relationships with the boss are built on 2 factors: the norms of the general work process and authority among subordinates. As the subordination is established initially, so will the relationships of the team develop.

The relationship between a boss and a subordinate is based on work discipline, a system of punishments and rewards. Discomfort in a team indicates violations of norms: the employee is uncomfortable communicating with his superiors, he avoids responsibility. In such conditions, employees on duty rarely take the initiative.

Business relationships between boss and subordinate involve:

  • in case of failure to complete the task, an explanatory conversation is held with the employee;
  • You cannot make comments to an employee in the presence of colleagues;
  • the boss should avoid rude, unfounded claims;
  • criticism from superiors should concern the employee’s professional actions.

The authority of higher levels is not built on rules alone: ​​superiors should show fairness and restraint. Personal insults to an employee indicate the incompetence of the leading members of the team - such actions violate all discipline.

You cannot give personal advice to subordinates: a familiar attitude is unacceptable. There should be no doubt or panic on the part of the authorities. Even in difficult situations, employees must rely on his authority and competence.

Ethics of business communication: relationships in a team

Subordinate - leader

Relationships in a team are always two-way: if management builds the right model of behavior, in response, employees should show flexibility, understanding and scrupulousness. If every employee in a team knows their duties and responsibilities, work goes faster and more efficiently.

The payment for his work and the attitude of his superiors depend on the behavior of a subordinate. First of all, a subordinate must create a healthy, calm atmosphere in his workplace: no one needs conflicting and quarrelsome employees. For management, the speed and quality of the work performed are important - the employee’s image is built on these two factors.

A close-knit team achieves better results, and each member personally improves their skills - the employee is interested in a good attitude towards his colleagues.

The employee’s polite and calm speech is important. The boss sets the tone of the meeting, but the employee on duty must show by example that there is no place for rudeness and inappropriate behavior in the work process. A categorical, harsh tone is not suitable for business interaction: monosyllabic answers create the wrong impression of a person.

Subordination is observed during work: if an employee does not take into account a superior employee, he undermines his authority before the team. Doubt about the professionalism of a higher level indicates a violation of the norms of business relations in the team. You cannot enter your boss’s office without knocking or not notify about your visit: the only exception is in emergency cases.

Partner - partner

A horizontal model of relationships is built between people who occupy positions of equal importance. The behavior of two partners at business meetings or at a meeting with subordinates is especially important. To avoid problems, the two partners must:

  • maintain a calm tone, speak without jokes or familiarity;
  • operate with facts and figures, do not use conditional, unsubstantiated information;
  • do not react to attacks and criticism (even if the partner behaves aggressively, the second boss remains calm);
  • An informative dialogue is a favorable basis for proper cooperation.

Equal partners must guide lower-level employees, their actions are coordinated and clear. It is important to demonstrate the competence of management personnel. The partner is shown respect: during the meeting, it is not advisable to answer phone calls or be distracted by other matters. At the end of the meeting, you should exchange business cards if it is a partnership, or agree on a schedule for future meetings - for managers in the same organization.

A telephone conversation should also be calm and informative; if your partner is busy, you should not insist on talking. You cannot use obscene words; such behavior will ruin the relationship and put partners in an uncomfortable position.

Rules for business communication with a partner

Basic principles

The general principles of subordination must be observed not only by employees, but also by managers. The structure of the service hierarchy implies that the boss with the department at the level below is subordinate to the manager at the level above. If this rule is not followed, the authority of the entire management team will be undermined.

A competent manager adheres to the principles of corporate culture and does not allow familiar behavior towards subordinates. Mutual adherence to etiquette by all parties helps to avoid misunderstandings in the work process and incorrect actions.

Familiarity, an inappropriate categorical tone and banter, especially when communicating with a manager, make an employee a prime candidate for dismissal.

A boss who discusses personal problems and experiences with employees condones indiscipline and negligence in the performance of official duties and may ultimately lose his authority and reputation as a leader.

What is subordination at work and what are the features of inter-level relationships within the company are explained to all employees at the stage of applying for a job.

According to the requirements, every boss is obliged to observe the basics of business ethics when giving instructions and orders to subordinates. All instructions must be drawn up correctly; humiliation of self-esteem and criticism of the personal qualities of junior employees are unacceptable.

Respectful communication is the key to proper working relationships between superiors and subordinates, as well as a favorable environment within the team.

At all enterprises, in any company, there are established regulations for the boss to submit orders to his subordinates. Employees must be familiar with the rules adopted in the organization, the forms in which they report to management on the work done.

Along with his job responsibilities, an employee needs to know about his right and opportunity in controversial situations to appeal the actions of his immediate superior to higher management.

How to build relationships

A successful enterprise is a folded mechanism, each part of which performs its own function. You cannot follow orders if the authority of your superiors is in doubt. Correct relationships consist of an open dialogue between colleagues and their appeal to higher levels. Well-deserved praise from management encourages employees and shows the value of each of them. A system of incentives for fulfilling the duties assigned to the employee is important.

Fairly distributed work among subordinates does not create difficulties: each employee must know the degree of his responsibility and the value of the services he performs.

The principles of the enterprise should not be subject to doubt or criticism. If employees know that payment is the result of work done, they will treat it properly. Unfulfilled promises from management and unfair treatment of employees will create an unhealthy atmosphere in the team.

Punishment system

Violation of subordination entails punishment: depending on the established legislative norms and the personal charter of the company, the offending employee is reprimanded, reprimanded or fired. The offense determines the punishment.

Failure to comply with subordination at work always entails disciplinary liability: such rules should not be violated. Responsibility can be general or personal (one or more employees are punished). If the rules are violated once, a reprimand is issued, after which the employee receives more attention. Reprimands are issued orally and recorded in a personal file (depending on the offense). Dismissal is an extreme measure that is used after repeated and gross violations of discipline by an employee.

In case of insubordination and unsatisfactory work, it is recommended to conduct an explanatory conversation

Consequences of non-compliance

Familiarity with the boss, failure to follow instructions, and criticism of him undermine business principles and the authority of the senior in position.

The consequences will not be long in coming: a reprimand, a reprimand, deprivation of a bonus . Dismissal is an extreme measure for violation of labor discipline and subordination.

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