Business ethics of communication. Ethics and etiquette of business communication

Each person, in the course of his professional activity, always has to communicate with his colleagues, bosses, subordinates, clients, contractors and other people. In addition, we often have to deal with business meetings, negotiations or conferences. Moreover, our professional career will largely depend on how correctly we build communication.

Therefore, it’s time to understand what business ethics is. After all, even employees in leadership positions must communicate correctly with subordinates in order to earn their respect and gain authority. It is also important to behave correctly with your superiors in order to achieve success in your professional activities and confidently move up the career ladder.

Basic types of business communication

In order to understand what business ethics is, you should understand the main types of business communication. There are three of them:

  • “Top down” (boss and subordinate).
  • “Bottom up” (Subordinate and boss).
  • “Horizontally” (colleague with colleague).

But remember an important rule. Whatever position you hold, business ethics, first of all, involves respect for any employee. If you are a boss, then respect your subordinates, if you are a subordinate, treat your boss and colleagues with respect. This rule should also apply to employees of other companies with which you cooperate.

Do not forget that business communication ethics must also be present in communication via telephone. Answer calls in a friendly manner and speak in a friendly manner. Be sure to introduce yourself and answer all questions that interest your interlocutor correctly and competently. Then the business of your company, and with it your career, will go up.

Ethics of business communication as one of the most important foundations of professional pedagogical activity.

"The only true luxury is

it’s the luxury of human interaction.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Ethics of business communication

is a set of moral norms, rules and ideas that regulate the behavior and relationships of people in the process of their professional activities.

The ethics of business communication in most cases affects all areas and levels of human relations. In the pedagogical field, it is one of the most important aspects of the professional activity of teaching staff. Ethics in business communication can be manifested in relationships[1]:

  • between the educational institution and the social environment as a whole (contacts with other enterprises and institutions),
  • between educational institutions themselves,
  • within this educational institution,
  • between the leader and the teaching staff,
  • between teachers (members of a given pedagogical community).

There are specifics between the parties to one or another type of business communication. The task is to formulate principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each type of business communication, but also would not contradict the general moral principles of people’s behavior in society.

The general moral principle of human communication is contained in the categorical imperative of I. Kant: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation.”

In relation to business communication, this principle can be formulated as follows: act in such a way that the maxim of your will is compatible with the moral values ​​of other parties involved in communication, and allows for the coordination of the interests of all participants in this process. Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be the coordination of the actions of all parties, and, if possible, the harmonization of the interests of the members of a given team.

Business communication should always be checked by ethical reflection, justifying the motives for entering into it. At the same time, making an ethically correct choice and making an individual decision is often not an entirely simple matter. However, despite all the problematic nature and difficulty of choosing a moral position, there are a number of provisions in business communication, the observance of which allows you to avoid mistakes [2]:

ü in morality there is no absolute truth and no supreme judge among people;

ü when it comes to the ethical mistakes of others, one should not make “moral elephants” out of “moral flies.” When it comes to talking about your mistakes, you should do the opposite;

ü in morality one should praise others and make claims against oneself,

ü the moral attitude of others towards us depends, ultimately, only on ourselves;

ü when it comes to the practical approval of moral norms, the main imperative of behavior is “start with yourself.”

In business communication, three main types of relationships can be distinguished:

Ethics of business communication “top-down” (manager - subordinate).

The rule of this contact is: “Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by your manager.”

. The attitude of a manager towards his subordinates influences the entire nature of business communication and largely determines the moral and psychological climate of the team. At this level, moral standards and patterns of behavior for all members of a given community are formed. Let's note some of them:

ü strive to turn your organization into a cohesive team with high moral principles of communication,

ü a remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards,

ü strengthen the subordinate’s self-esteem,

ü trust your employees and admit your own mistakes,

ü the privileges that you give yourself should extend to other members of the team.

Ethics of business communication “bottom-up” (subordinate - manager).

The rule of this contact is: “Treat your manager the way you would like to be treated by your subordinates.”

. Using certain ethical standards, you can attract a leader to your side, make him your ally, but you can also turn him against himself, make him your ill-wisher. Below are some ethical principles and standards that you can use in your business interactions with your manager:

ü do not try to impose your point of view on the manager or command him;

ü Express your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely;

ü do not talk to your boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or “no”. An employee who always says yes is annoying, and someone who always says “no” is a constant irritant;

ü be loyal and reliable, but don’t be a “sycophant”. Have your own character and principles;

ü you should not seek advice, with a proposal “over your head”, directly to your manager’s manager. In this case, your immediate supervisor loses authority and dignity.

Ethics of business communication “horizontally” (between managers of the same rank or ordinary team members).

The general ethical principle of this form of communication:

“In business communication, treat your colleague the way you would like to be treated by him.”

. Some principles of horizontal communication are given below:

ü do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from another;

ü try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in performing common work;

ü do not make promises that you cannot keep;

ü regard your colleague as a person who should be respected in himself, and not as a means to achieve your own goals;

ü don’t get into a person’s soul. At work, it is not customary to ask about personal matters, much less about problems,

ü do not try to seem better, smarter, more interesting than you really are.

Whatever business communication is, it must always comply with the laws of business ethics. Any form of business communication should include kindness, respect, specificity, openness, receptivity and empathy.

List of sources used:

1. Professional ethics of a teacher: Educational and methodological manual / Comp. I.V. Timonina. - Kemerovo: 2014.

2. Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities P86 / Ed. prof. V.N. Lavrinenko. — 4th ed., revised. And. add. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2005. - 415 p. ISBN 5-238-00384-6

Educational psychologist

mediation department Shkryabina O.N.

Communication between boss and subordinates

What business ethics and business etiquette are required in this case? The boss or director is the person who manages the activities of the company. There are several forms of leadership: order, request, question. Regardless of which form you use, the main thing in leadership is a fair and loyal attitude towards all your subordinates. For good work - a reward, for a mistake - an adequate punishment. Just don't overdo it! Don’t have favorites if you don’t want to witness various intrigues and sidelong glances.

Psychology of business communication: role and characteristics

Business communication is a multifaceted process of relationship development. His role is important. Often opponents forget about it, which leads to various problems. It is necessary to know about the proper level of communication in a business environment, without exaggerating your opinion of yourself. At the same time, it is important to understand that the role of business communication is different if we evaluate it from the point of view of the status of the interlocutors. However, it has one thing in common – its importance is undeniable.

Characteristics of business communication are:

  • Regularity – subordination to certain rules, which are determined by the type of communication, the degree of formality, the purpose, as well as national and cultural traditions;
  • Compliance with role role. In different communicative situations, a person has to act in a different role: boss, subordinate, etc.;
  • Responsibility for the result. The success of business communication is determined by strategy, tactics, in other words, the ability to clearly formulate one’s goals and determine the interests of opponents;
  • Strictness in relation to the use of linguistic means. It is unacceptable to use profanity, jargon, or engage in rude conversation, which is a requirement of business communication ethics.

Communication between subordinate and boss

The business ethics of an employee or employee in relation to his boss also has its own nuances. The main principle here is the so-called reasonable submission. You should not try to manage your boss, and also refrain from constant arguments with management. You, of course, can express your opinion and your point of view, but in a very correct form. Business ethics and business etiquette must be observed by absolutely all subordinates. Then you will earn the respect of your manager and, perhaps, a good promotion will await you in the near future. And remember: never lie! Lying is the highest form of disrespect and negligence.

Ethical principles

Ethical principles are moral laws based on a value system that establish the responsibilities of an individual. The literary synonym for this concept is the word “virtue”. The formation of internal laws occurs during the education of the individual. The result of this is the awareness and acceptance of such moral categories as humanity, honor, justice, dignity, responsibility.

The most extensive and in demand by human society are the following principles:

  • humanity is a conscious, selfless attitude towards people, in ordinary life it is expressed through the ability to provide free help, to give in, to do a favor;
  • respectfulness - respect for the environment, for the world around, which is realized in the form of gratitude, politeness, goodwill;
  • rationality - involves actions based on wisdom, logic, that is, on innate intelligence, supported by experience and moral values;
  • courage is a person’s ability to overcome life’s difficulties while maintaining respect for oneself and others.

Examples of principles with a minus sign are utilitarianism (consumerism), opportunism, unprincipledness.

In entrepreneurial activity, all these categories are reflected in the ethics of business relations, which has an applied nature and a practical goal: simplifying the mechanisms of interaction between participants in one team or representatives of other organizations.

Communication between colleagues

Ethics and etiquette of business communication must be observed by employees and in communication with each other. The main principle of such interaction is respect. Remember that everyone does their own thing, and any work is worthy of respect. There is no point in arguing, it is better to express your opinion in a correct form. This will only benefit you: you will save your nerves and earn the respect of your colleagues.

During meetings, conferences and presentations, do not interrupt speakers. Let them express their point of view, then express yours.

Be friendly

The ethics and culture of business communication are based on your internal and external state. In any situation, no matter how bad you feel, you should keep your face. Smile at the person and speak to him as friendly as possible. Your opponent is not to blame for family troubles, that the bus was late, or that the car didn’t start in the morning.

Minor troubles should not spoil the mood of either you or your colleagues. Thanks to your positive outlook and friendly attitude, you will be known as a kind and open person. This characteristic will allow you to gain the trust of colleagues, clients and superiors. And most importantly, by always being in a good mood, you will develop the habit of positive thinking, which will help you overcome all life's troubles.

A correctly set goal is the path to success

In order for this or that activity to be successful, it is necessary to set a goal that must be achieved at the finish line. It is very good if the team has a model of business communication, then each employee will understand what he is getting into. In this way, many disputes and quarrels can be avoided, and the work of the team will become productive and harmonious. The result will exceed all your expectations. Every person wants to know what they will get at the finish line, and setting a goal is the most direct path to success!


Business ethics is respect for your colleagues. What kind of respect can we talk about if a person spreads gossip? Normal relationships can be maintained with those people who will not mix their personal lives and business connections. Of course, your colleagues may be interested in information about the new restaurant you were at yesterday, but not everyone will be pleased to hear about how tired you are of your boss. And if discussing management with your colleagues is not so bad, then discussing your colleagues is a real problem. If you talk about someone and spill other people's secrets, they will no longer take you seriously.

You need to be able to respect other people's privacy. Don’t make up stories or pass on what you hear from your colleagues over a cup of coffee together. Know how to be above gossip and gossip. If someone asks you for an opinion regarding this or that person, simply say what you could safely say to the person in question.

Principles of ethics in business communication

Business ethics, the principles of which were very competently formulated by the American sociologist L. Hosmer, are the basis of any interaction in a team. Let's look at what points it requires:

  • Refuse from activities that are not in your interests and not in the interests of your company.
  • Never do anything that you couldn’t tell the whole country about.
  • Never do anything that is not for the good of the company.
  • Never break the law.
  • Never interfere with the self-development of another employee.
  • Confirm yourself only at your own expense.
  • Don't infringe on the rights of others.
  • Do not humiliate the “weak” in society.
  • Don't do anything you wouldn't want others to do.
  • Be honest with yourself.

If a person knows how to behave at work, in negotiations, business meetings, conferences and presentations, he will definitely achieve success. But don’t forget that you are an individual. Your main weapon in your professional activities is your individuality. It’s no secret that companies have a lot of employees, but there are always not enough self-sufficient individuals. So why not fill this niche?

Ethics and etiquette of business communication have their own special principles that any self-respecting person should know:

  • Honesty and integrity.
  • Responsibility and collegiality.
  • Reliability.
  • Professionalism and competence.
  • Justice.
  • Respect for yourself and colleagues.
  • Non-conflict.
  • Own opinion.

Ethics and etiquette

The term "ethics" has two interpretations. According to the first, it is a philosophical discipline that studies morality and ethics. The word was first used in this meaning by Aristotle and was interpreted as a branch of anthropology.

The second version of the decoding explains ethics as a set of norms of behavior, the morality of one individual or social group. In this case, ethics reveals how to behave when interacting in different spheres of life and activity, based on the concepts of morality. The boundaries between ethics in general and business ethics are extremely arbitrary.

What is etiquette

Ethics offers a person a set of rules that allow him to function organically in society. These norms are divided into prohibitive (legislative) and prescriptive (etiquette); their violations make others want to get rid of the person.

In the first case, this happens physically, that is, by isolating him (prison or exile); in the second, by fencing him off. Violation of moral standards leads to the formation of a vacuum around the violator; people diligently avoid contact with him.

Business ethics includes etiquette in the culture of communication. Accordingly, its violations lead to the termination of partnerships, personnel drain, and other troubles that can destroy a business.

Code of Ethics

Any community (an association of people along ethnic, social, professional lines) is a complex mechanism of relations between the individuals within it. To regulate it, norms and principles are created, the system of which is called a code.

Based on the focus of the groups, codes are divided into religious, professional, and corporate. In the field of entrepreneurship, the last two varieties coexist.

Corporate codes operate within the team and are regulated by management. Professional codes are expressed in business codes that vary depending on the characteristics of the company and the scope of its activities. But their basic rules usually remain the same:

  • respecting the interests of all parties to business relations;
  • promoting the introduction of innovations aimed at increasing production efficiency or improving products;
  • environmental approach to solving production problems;
  • compliance with the law, honesty between partners;
  • respect for representatives of other cultures and religions;
  • achieving success by improving product quality;
  • building cooperation on the principles of mutual trust.

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This list solves a number of problems related to running a business (from recruiting to financial reporting, pricing).

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