Telephone etiquette: what is it, rules and restrictions

Why are there rules of telephone etiquette?

The rules of etiquette when communicating on the phone have been formed over the years. They are based on test results, psychological research data, and analysis of telephone conversations. With the advent of mobile devices and their widespread use, etiquette has been supplemented with new points.

According to statistics, about 70% of business communication takes place over the phone, so knowing the rules of telephone etiquette is one of the components of a successful business.

Compliance with etiquette, polite and correct communication, and neutral intonation will help you cope with a dissatisfied client, an irritated partner, and maintain control over the conversation in the most critical situation.

Debt collection from an important client

The secret to success in such a conversation is tactful firmness. In such cases, there is no point in beating around the bush or pretending that you are calling just to inquire about his or her health. Such a beginning not only sounds false, but also sets the wrong tone for the entire conversation. The best tactics are efficiency and directness. If you feel uncomfortable asking people for money, it may be a good idea to write down the main points of your message. It is especially important to be precise when presenting facts, when indicating the invoice or order number, date, etc. If you know from experience communicating with a client that he is an unsurpassed master of financial balancing act and uses any excuse to delay payment until the very last minute, rehearse your reaction to the interlocutor’s possible tactics so as not to make a mistake from the very beginning. If, for example, he uses the classic excuse: “The bank account is already paid,” which is considered one of the three most common forms of lies, it is best to accept this explanation, leaving yourself the opportunity to call the debt again when you think the money is already due. should come. A good response might be: “Could you tell me exactly when the payment was sent so we don’t miss it?” This phrase requires greater precision from the interlocutor. If the answer is: “A couple of days ago,” say that if the money does not arrive tomorrow, then you will assume that it did not reach the addressee and returned to the sender, and you have the right to expect a new check to be issued. Summary:

  • Plan such conversations carefully, anticipating possible delaying payment tactics.
  • Mentally rehearse the call.
  • Remain polite when speaking on the phone, but be persistent.

Actions before making a call

You should prepare for important conversations in advance. In order not to miss a point and not call back about the same issue (which creates a negative impression), you need to make a list of questions for discussion.

Think over a brief and clear content of the conversation if any information needs to be conveyed through a secretary or intermediary.

Have a notepad and pencil ready in case you need to write anything down.

It is not customary to call your home phone for business matters. If necessary, you should first find out whether this is convenient.

If possible, you should ask what time is best to call your home or mobile phone. It would be a good idea to mention when it will be convenient for you.

Sometimes, instead of a phone call, it is better to write an SMS or leave a voice message on the answering machine.

Rule 1. “I don’t recognize you in makeup. Who are you?"

Often inexperienced specialists begin a telephone conversation with the words: “Hello. , you left a request with us. Tell me...” As a rule, a user submits a request to more than one company and not only on one particular topic. That is why it is so important to correctly say who you are, where you are from and for what specific reason you are calling, so that your potential client understands this immediately. Otherwise, you start losing time and customer loyalty. Therefore, make sure that managers address you by name and introduce themselves as clearly as possible: “Hello, Ivan. My name is Petr, . We do furniture repairs. Today you left a request for reupholstery of a sofa from 1985 on our website sofa.rf.” And they continued to clarify until the client said: “Yes, yes, I remember.”

Everyday Conversation Etiquette

The manner of conducting a conversation with any person - close or unfamiliar - should always be calm, courteous and friendly.

It is advisable to mutually adapt to the rhythm and pace of the conversation. It is sometimes difficult for a slow or hard of hearing person to grasp not only the word, but also the meaning of the sentence.

If you are having a telephone conversation and guests come to you, you should apologize, indicating the reason for interrupting the conversation, and agree to call again.

If you do not recognize the voice of the person who answered your call, you should first clarify where you are.

If they call you with the wrong number, you don’t need to get annoyed and ask unnecessary questions. You should calmly and briefly inform the person about the error.

The rules of mobile etiquette dictate additional conditions:

  • When in public places, you should use the phone only when absolutely necessary;
  • when entering a cafe or restaurant, you should not put your mobile phone on the table, unless you are expecting an extremely important call (in this case, it is better to apologize to your companion and explain the reason);
  • it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of airlines, as well as hospitals, where calls may affect the operation of devices and equipment;
  • you should turn off the bell in a theater, museum or library without waiting for a reminder about this from the institution’s employees;
  • It is acceptable to use a headset while driving a car (although the horn also interferes with concentration); it is better to make a call at a more convenient time.

Basics of business communication by phone

When making a call, first of all, you should introduce yourself and state the purpose for which you are calling. In this case, you need to choose a friendly tone. A telephone conversation should take place without long pauses, it should be energetic and concise.

When communicating in business, try to maintain a friendly tone

You cannot apply psychological pressure during the negotiation process, since in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to win the favor of a potential client in this way. Try not to ask inappropriate questions. In the case where the telephone call is international or long-distance, it is necessary to ensure that it lasts no more than six minutes. All business proposals and demands must be supported by arguments. Questions should be answered truthfully and briefly. It is better to outline the conversation plan on paper in advance.

At the end of the conversation, be sure to talk again about all the agreements that you came to during the conversation. Since you initiated the call, the end of the conversation should also come from you, except in situations where the interlocutor is senior in position.

When at the end of negotiations you make a promise to call back, try not to delay it and make a second call within 24 hours. Be sure to keep in mind that you cannot dial partners to your home number.

In a situation where, after calling, you do not find your partner at work, specify a convenient time to call him back, and do not ask where he is now. From a business ethics point of view, this is incorrect.

Business calls

Particular attention should be paid to communication with colleagues. Following the subtleties of telephone etiquette helps create a favorable impression, which largely guarantees the success of business negotiations.

The main thing that distinguishes a business telephone conversation from a personal one is brevity. In business, it is not customary to waste time on empty talk. After introducing yourself and hearing the answer, you should briefly outline the meaning of the matter. The ability to clearly formulate and convey your thoughts will be appreciated by both colleagues at your level and senior managers.

Raising the tone and especially offensive language are unacceptable in a conversation with any employee, regardless of age and position. If you agree on a time and place to meet, immediately write this information down in a notebook.

When communicating with a client, it is better not to be distracted by incoming calls or, after apologizing, to talk as soon as possible.

Telephone etiquette includes the rule of active listening. To make your interlocutor feel that you are closely following his speech, engage in his monologue with short phrases or words (“clear,” “agree,” “yes”).

How long the conversation lasts and how well the conversation is structured often determines whether the joint work will continue.

It is customary to communicate by telephone on official matters on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Telephone etiquette or basic rules of conduct during telephone conversations: list

If your line of work calls on behalf of a company or organization that receives incoming calls or forwards customer calls to other persons, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of telephone etiquette. This will help you establish yourself in a professional environment as a competent specialist, as well as among clients.

Knowing the laws of telephone etiquette will help you maintain your reputation.

The norms of telephone etiquette dictate their terms to modern companies that systematically take care of their reputation. Knowing telephone etiquette is one of them.

Which of the company employees should know by heart and put into practice the rules of telephone etiquette:

  • someone who receives incoming calls
  • someone who, by occupation, calls on behalf of an organization
  • who receives customer calls forwarded to him

What does it mean to adhere to the rules of telephone etiquette:

  • When talking on the phone, it is important to maintain an even intonation of your own voice and not give free rein to your emotions. Since during a telephone conversation one of the three channels that allow people to communicate is activated (they include “body language,” intonation and words), the interlocutor, deprived of one of the channels, begins to perceive the meaning of the message in a somewhat abbreviated form.
  • The meaning of what was said over the phone is conveyed as follows: the absence of “gesture language” leads to the fact that the remaining two channels (intonation and words) account for 100% of the meaning of what was said, more precisely, 86% is allocated to intonation, and only 14% to words.
  • The interlocutor's voice conveys the emotional tone of the message. The interlocutor forms his own impression of who called him. Therefore, by communicating any information to your interlocutor over the phone, you can not only influence the initial perception of it, but you can also create the mood of your interlocutor.

Try to convey your energy and enthusiasm with your intonation.

  • A smile during telephone conversations is also necessary. You should not think that, deprived of the opportunity to see you, the interlocutor will be able to pick up the confidential notes and positive attitude you need in the absence of a smile. Try to convey your enthusiasm through intonation.
  • When talking on the phone, do not lie back on your chair, do not stretch your legs on the table. In a semi-lying or semi-sitting position, the angle of the diaphragm shifts, which changes the timbre of the voice. At the other end of the line they will definitely guess that at this moment you are lying down. The only thing you can convey to a client or employee of another organization with a phone call in this manner is your disinterest and complete indifference.
  • When answering a phone call, do not forget to greet the caller. However, for different times of the day, use the appropriate greeting: “Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!".
  • By greeting the person who dialed your organization's phone number, you show how important this call is to you and that the conversation brings you joy, regardless of what information you hear. But even if your personal attitude towards the person from whom you need to find out some information over the phone has a negative connotation, then those on the other end of the line should not guess about it.

Don't let your emotions run wild during a phone conversation

There is a category of people who, when picking up the phone, invariably and without any intonation say “Hello!”, “Yes!”, “Listen!”, “Company (name)!”, “At the machine!” You should not be like such “telephone dinosaurs”, because after such a “greeting” the caller is unlikely to express a desire to continue the conversation. Most likely, he will also dryly provide the necessary information and end the conversation.

A telephone conversation after the greeting includes the name of the organization. When receiving external calls, do not forget to fully name the company or institution where you work.

There are two options for official greetings, which are carried out over the telephone:

Option 1: with a minimal approach.

The person receiving the call greets the caller and names the organization. An example of such a greeting: “Good evening! Editorial board of the magazine "Rocket".

Option 2: with the maximum approach.

This option includes a greeting, the name of the organization, and the name of the person answering the call. An example of such a greeting: “Good morning! The editors of the magazine “Raketa”, Nadezhda Viktorovna is listening!”

Whichever option you like best, use it. Both options help make the person answering the phone seem professional. The caller will have the same opinion regarding the organization.

Answer an incoming call after the 2nd or 3rd ring

  • One of the main laws of business telephone communication is that you need to answer an incoming call after the 2nd or 3rd ring. “Telephone” personnel whose responsibilities include answering telephone calls (telephone operators, secretaries) learn this rule as the most important thing.
  • Why is it not recommended to pick up the phone after the first call? Everything is explained very simply: the caller may think that the employee of the organization was bored before, not knowing what to do, while waiting for the next call. In the few seconds that you have before the second or third call, you will be distracted from what you were doing before and completely focus on the incoming call.
  • Answering incoming calls after the 4th or even 5th call is not recommended for the simple reason that the caller may lose patience while waiting for an answer on the phone. In this short period of time, the caller will have time to form a “definite” opinion regarding the company’s interest in clients and the ability to quickly respond to their needs and problems.

It is not recommended to answer incoming messages after the 4th or even 5th call

Mobile bans

Cell phone etiquette is much more extensive than the rules for landline phones. This is due to the fact that mobile devices accompany a person everywhere: in transport, cafes, restaurants, theaters, churches, hospitals and other public places. Part of the rules of mobile etiquette concerns the functions of a cell phone: using silent mode and speakerphone, taking photos and videos, choosing a ringtone, etc. At their core, mobile prohibitions are basic rules of politeness that presuppose a respectful attitude towards the people around you.

Public place

In a public place, when you are surrounded by many strangers, it is better to avoid talking on your mobile phone altogether. If you receive a call while you are on public transport, accept the call and say you will call back later. You must answer so as not to annoy your fellow travelers with the ringing tone. If you are in a room surrounded by people, after receiving a call, you should immediately leave the room and talk outside of it. When it is not possible to go out, telephone etiquette recommends seclusion and speaking in a low voice so as not to disturb others. If the call caught you at that moment, you cannot talk for a year, answer it and tell the interlocutor that you will call him back later.

Silent mode and turning off the phone

A mobile phone is with a person 24 hours a day and provides him with many conveniences, but at the same time it should not disturb others. Cell phone etiquette requires lowering the ringer volume in public places and, where required, turning on silent mode or turning off the phone. So, observing mobile etiquette and basic rules of decency, in a theater, museum, library, cinema, or at a concert you need to activate the vibration signal or turn off the phone altogether.

While at a meeting or negotiations, you should turn on silent mode on your mobile phone. If you expect an important call during a meeting, warn those present about it in advance. When the call comes in, excuse yourself and go out into the hallway to talk. Mobile etiquette requires using silent button operation in public places so that sound signals do not irritate people nearby.


According to the rules of mobile etiquette, you can send SMS at any time. It is believed that the phone user must take care himself so that he is not disturbed by the sound of SMS - turn on silent mode or turn off the cell phone.

How to properly introduce yourself over the phone when making an outgoing call to a company, office, or home call?

  • When making an outgoing call, be sure to ask if your interlocutor can talk to you. After all, he can have his own to-do list or plan meetings and meetings. Most likely, before picking up the phone he was busy with something and you tore him away from this activity. Keep this in mind when making a call to a mobile phone.
  • After you've introduced yourself, don't immediately jump into the question that prompted you to call him. Find out whether the interlocutor has time to listen to you and only if the answer is positive, move on to business. This way you will show that you value his time and position yourself in the eyes of your interlocutor as a professional. This cannot but inspire respect for you and the organization you represent.

How to put the above recommendations into practice:

Option 1: First of all, introduce yourself. After this, ask the other person if he has time to listen to you, while stating the purpose of the call.

Option 2: Introduce yourself, state the purpose of the call, and only after that ask if the interlocutor can spare time for you.

When making an outgoing call, be sure to ask whether your interlocutor can talk to you, especially if you are calling on a mobile phone

When a client calls...

The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?”

The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you must hang up.

Change ears to change interpretation

If talking on the phone requires you to analyze complex facts and figures, as well as logically and objectively evaluate information, try to put the receiver to your right
Sounds entering this ear are transmitted to the left hemisphere of the brain slightly faster than those entering the right hemisphere. This happens because the speed of impulses passing through the auditory canals leading to the opposite hemisphere is slightly higher. Or, in scientific terms, contralateral inhibition of nerve fibers is weaker than ipsilateral. Because the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for analysis and logical processing of information in most people, it is often better suited to assess the truth of ambiguous information during telephone conversations. Right-handed people can do this without much effort as long as they don't have to write something down at the same time. If it is better to evaluate an incoming message on an intuitive level, for example, when trying to determine the emotional state of the interlocutor, try holding the receiver to your left
ear. This means that sounds will reach the right hemisphere of the brain slightly earlier than the left. Since the right hemisphere of most people is responsible for imagination and intuition, this can increase your sensitivity to unspoken cues.

Voice messages

Statistics show that there are fewer people who like voice messages than those who are annoyed by them. Audio messages always require permission to send, and the recipient has every right to say that he cannot listen to it at the moment and respond when it is convenient for him.

Exact data (address, time, place, names, numbers, etc.) are not indicated in the voice message. A person should be able to access them without listening to the recording.

Examples of ready-made phrases

To ensure that the conversation follows all the rules and leaves only positive emotions after completion, you can adhere to certain phrases.

  1. We answer as politely as possible: “Hello/Good afternoon! Manager Olga (your name). (name of your organization).
  2. “It will take 5 minutes to find the information you need. Are you ready to wait?
  3. "Do you have a minute?" or “Can you talk now?”
  4. “Please state your name and phone number.”
  5. “Would you like to leave information?” or “Can I pass something on?”
  6. “Okay, I will contact my colleagues and consult with them.”
  7. "We will wait for your response."
  8. "I'm afraid we cannot accommodate your request."
  9. “I consider it necessary to discuss with you...”
  10. “I provide information about...”
  11. “Due to the emergence of new circumstances, I propose...”

Cold calling to establish business contacts

Most people do not like “cold” calls (i.e. unprepared, without prior agreement). But if you're used to rejection, this can be a very effective way to start new business. The first step is to connect with the person you need, which often means overcoming the secretary's resistance. The secretary may require you to indicate what business you are calling about. There are two tried and true ways to overcome this barrier. The first way: “My name is..., I am a partner (or someone else). I’m calling about your company’s upcoming financial report and I need to speak urgently with... Kindly put me through to him.” The second method is shorter, but usually more effective: “I’m calling from afar. Please connect me with…” Once connected to the right person, you have no more than 15 seconds to pique the prospect’s interest. Therefore, it is important here to capture the attention of your interlocutor from the very first words. Tried and true methods include asking questions of interest, such as, “Is your firm interested in making an extra $10,000 a month in profit?” - or references to other people: “I’m calling you on the advice of Bill Jones. He thinks you could benefit from our suggestions.” In addition, you can make an offer that the interlocutor simply cannot refuse: “I would like to tell you about a method that allows you to increase your profits by 75 percent. It is already used by most multinational companies.” Summary:

  • Don't choose a time of day when the person you want is especially busy.
  • Be prepared for secretaries and assistants to try to interfere with you.
  • Use an attention-grabbing first phrase. The longer you chat, the better your chances of closing the sale or getting an appointment.

1️0 questions and answers about telephone etiquette

  • Is it appropriate to respond to an important message on the phone while simultaneously talking to someone in person?

During the meeting, it is advisable to put your phone away and turn off the sound. This is how you demonstrate interest in your interlocutor. If you are expecting an important call or message, warn in advance, apologize and respond. However, try not to give the impression that you have more important things to do than talk to the person next to you.

  • If the second line calls you, when is it inappropriate to ask the person on the first line to wait?

Priority always goes to the person you are already communicating with. It is better not to make the first one wait, but to call the second one back. But it all depends on the situation and on your relationship with your interlocutors. You can always politely notify one of the participants in the conversation and agree to wait or call back, indicating a time.

  • After what time is it indecent to call? In what situations can an exception be made?

Again, it all depends on your relationship. After 10 pm it is usually too late to call on personal matters (for a company employee - after the end of the working day), but if you are used to calling on the phone before going to bed, then communicate in good health. If the situation is stalemate, then you can write a message, this will disturb the other person to a lesser extent.

  • Is it appropriate to write to messengers after 22:00 (WhatsApp, social networks)? Is it possible to send messages, SMS at night?

Late time, night and early morning are not the time for correspondence and calls if you are not so familiar with the person and his regime. Not everyone mutes their phone, and you may wake up or raise questions from loved ones. Why become a cause of irritation?

  • A girl should not call the first man” - is this true?

Etiquette, contrary to many beliefs, is not about muslin young ladies; it changes along with society. Nowadays, a girl calling a man is not considered indecent.

  • How many times can you call a person on business if he doesn’t answer the phone?

If we take the standard situation, it is believed that you can call a second time after 1-2 hours. That's all. Write a message briefly stating the essence of your appeal, the person will release and call you back.

  • If you're busy and the phone rings, what's right: pick up the phone and say you're busy, or just hang up?

It's impolite to hang up a call. It would be better to pick up the phone and agree on a time when it would be convenient for them to call you back. If you have a long, serious task to complete and you do not want to be distracted, warn your colleagues. Maybe someone can take on the temporary secretary role.

  • How to behave correctly if your interlocutor eats during a conversation?

A business lunch in a restaurant involves sharing a meal and socializing. However, it is also indecent to speak with your mouth full and eat while someone else is speaking. A tactful person will not express his indignation, but will determine for himself the degree of importance of the subsequent relationship with the interlocutor who chews during a conversation.

  • If you get a call while you're having a snack, is it appropriate to pick up the phone and apologize for chewing, or is it better to hang up the call?

The best way is to chew your food, answer that you are busy and call back.

  • How to politely end a conversation with a very chatty interlocutor who ignores that you are busy, you have to go, and continues to talk about something? Is it appropriate to hang up? What can I say without it being impolite?

Hanging up is rude in any case. Your tone should be friendly but firm. Arrange to continue the “fascinating” conversation at another time. So, a person will not have the feeling that he has been abandoned. And if he needed to speak out right now, then probably later he himself would lose this desire.

There are many more rules of telephone etiquette than we managed to cover. It is important to remember that there are rules, and there is a specific person in a specific situation. A sense of tact, the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes, and adherence to basic rules of politeness will allow you to observe telephone etiquette, even if you are unfamiliar with all its rules.

Question: How to quickly end a conversation if you are called by intrusive “sales people”?

Expert’s answer: I usually answer: “Sorry, I have to interrupt you so as not to waste either my or your precious time. I am not interested in this service."

Question: The earliest time to call according to etiquette: on weekdays and on weekends.

Expert answer: Everything is very individual. Government agencies often start their working day at 9 o’clock, business – from 10 – 11 o’clock. A freelancer can start his day at 12 or even 14 hours. It is not accepted to call on work days on weekends. In the era of instant messengers, it is more appropriate to write first and, after waiting for an answer, call.

Question: If you called at an “ethical” time, and the interlocutor was clearly asleep, or is sleeping, do you need to apologize and end the conversation?

Expert's answer: You should always apologize for causing trouble. And the advisability of talking with a sleeping person is questionable.

How to effectively conduct business negotiations over the phone

Business communication over the phone is specific and requires special preparation. A participant in a business conversation over the phone must clearly understand what his interlocutor wants to achieve and what he himself wants to get from this communication. To save your own and other people’s time, stick to a rational composition of a business conversation, which is easy to remember as the “Seven Ps”. The following practical recommendations will help you achieve success in telephone conversations.

Any communication has some purpose. For example, in ordinary, interpersonal communication, this is most often the discovery of new information. The purpose of business communication is most often to establish business contacts or solve any production problems. Business communication over the phone is specific and requires special preparation. A participant in a business conversation over the phone must clearly understand what his interlocutor wants to achieve and what he himself wants to get from this communication.

If you have an important telephone conversation, you need to prepare for it in advance and think through everything. Sometimes thinking alone is not enough: during a discussion of a complex topic or intense communication, thoughts, figures or facts that are needed at the moment may disappear from your memory. To prevent this from happening, even at the stage of preparing for the conversation, be sure to make notes, write theses, key thoughts, arguments or numbers. In addition, having key facts or documents at hand during a telephone conversation will significantly reduce the risk of misstatements or misstatements of certain arguments.

When making a plan for a future telephone conversation, try to think through all possible options for its passage, as well as ways to solve possible problems. If you do not think through the answers to the most problematic questions in advance, this may later cause difficulties in communication. Hearing only your voice, your interlocutor may interpret these hesitations as unprofessionalism and unpreparedness, which can turn him against you.

The call time should also be convenient for both the client and the person working with him on the phone. Try not to allow a situation where your telephone conversation distracts your interlocutor from an important matter. An incorrectly chosen time for conversation will be an obstacle to establishing a business contact. Also, you should not combine telephone communication with other matters.

Telephone conversations that are too long are a common mistake for many people. You must always remember that business communication over the phone should not last longer than 4-5 minutes. In addition to the length of the conversation, it is important to ensure that a two-way dialogue is maintained throughout the conversation. To do this, you can from time to time ask your interlocutor questions about whether he understood what is being discussed, what is his opinion on the issue under discussion, etc.

Another mistake that people who are used to communicating in person often make is using gestures. When talking on the phone, they can express their agreement or disagreement with the speaker, nod, frown, wrinkle their forehead and smile, in a word, demonstrate the whole range of ordinary gestures, understandable to any person, which their interlocutor cannot see.

Strive to ensure that not a single telephone conversation is wasted. Insufficient specification of agreements is a fairly common mistake in telephone conversations. If any important task is being solved, it is necessary to make sure that the results obtained are clear and equally perceived by both interlocutors.

The following practical recommendations will help you achieve success in telephone conversations.

1. It is necessary to carefully prepare for the conversation.

You should not act impulsively as soon as the thought of calling arises. You should clearly define the purpose of the conversation, highlight the main thing in it and think through the content of the conversation. When preparing for a conversation, think about whether your interlocutor is ready for this conversation, whether he has time for it; Are you confident in the successful outcome of the conversation, what outcome of the negotiations will suit you (or not); what methods of influencing the interlocutor can be used during a conversation; what is the strategy of behavior in the event that your interlocutor strongly objects, switches to a raised tone, and does not respond to the arguments presented; will show distrust of information; is it possible to do without this conversation, etc.

To prepare for a business conversation over the phone, you can prepare a form in which the future conversation is recorded taking into account the predicted answers. For example, like this:

Phone numberOrganization
Last name, first name, patronymic of the subscriber
Book in advanceRecorded as the conversation progresses
QuestionsPredicted answersAnswers
Conclusions: (result achieved, information received, further actions, etc.)

2. You should always keep in mind the names, surnames, dates and numbers of documents and official materials relevant to the conversation.

If necessary, you can record the list of topics on paper. Try to foresee the interlocutor’s possible reaction to the information, that is, think through your answers to all his possible questions. If you have to discuss several provisions, then it is better to consistently finish discussing one and move on to another.

You can end the discussion of each situation using standard phrases: “So, we have reached an agreement on this issue?”, “Can I assume that we have agreed on this issue?”, “How did I understand you (in this question), can we count on your help? etc., which will help save time and also demonstrate your politeness and tact.

3. Keep it short.

Conversation lasting more than 4-5 minutes. - rather an exception than a rule. To save your own and other people’s time, adhere to the rational composition of a business conversation, which is easy to remember as the “Seven Ps”:

  • P1. Greetings.
  • P2. Performance.
  • P3. Reason (explanation of the purpose of the call).
  • P4. Problem (discussion of the issue).
  • P5. Summing up the discussion.
  • P6. Appreciation: Expressing gratitude.
  • P7. Parting.

Think through your words and your partner’s possible reaction at each stage of the conversation. In telephone communication, it is good to use so-called “closed questions”, which require monosyllabic (“yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”) answers from the interlocutor. It is also recommended to end the conversation on each topic discussed with similar answers.

4. The most common telephone greeting options are “yes”, “hello”, “listening”

. These words are identical and impersonal in their information content; they can be called neutral. In business communications, replace neutral greetings with informative ones: start the conversation by introducing yourself and your organization. People like to know who they are talking to. Find any friendly greeting formula that you like (how you would like to be answered). If your interlocutor has not introduced himself, it is appropriate to politely ask who you are talking to. This is best done at the beginning of the conversation.

5. Remember the rules of conversation.

Always try to speak evenly, restrain your emotions, listen to your interlocutor without interrupting him. At the same time, confirm your participation in the conversation with short remarks. Otherwise, your interlocutor may think that you are distracted from the conversation and are not listening to him or that the connection has been interrupted. If there is a disconnection due to technical reasons, then the person who called will call back.

6. If disagreements arise, try to resolve them tactfully.

Don’t give free rein to your emotions: the effectiveness of a business telephone conversation also depends on the person’s emotional state. Excessive emotionality creates the preconditions for speech inaccuracy, incorrect phrases, and increases the conversation time. Even if your interlocutor talks in a raised voice or makes unfair reproaches, be patient and do not respond in kind, and if possible, move the conversation in a calm direction. State your arguments briefly and clearly. Your arguments must be correct in essence, convincing and literate in form.

7. Remember about intonation, tone and timbre of your voice: they carry up to 40% of the information in a conversation.

Loud speech on the phone is often less intelligible because the microphone and phone settings are set for normal, average volume levels. In case of poor hearing, you should not raise your voice yourself, but ask the person calling you to speak louder, and at the same time ask how he hears you.

8. If you receive a call during a conversation with a visitor or employee, remember that the rules of the conversation require you not to interrupt the conversation with telephone conversations

. You should first apologize to the interlocutor for the need to interrupt the conversation and only then pick up the phone. Next, your actions could be as follows:

  • ask the caller to wait a little (if your face-to-face conversation is close to completion and someone younger in age or position is calling you);
  • arrange to be called back in a few minutes (if you are not currently ending the conversation and it is not a higher-ranking official calling);
  • write down the phone number of the caller and agree that you will call him back at a time convenient for both of you.

Your face-to-face interlocutor will also see that you put off other things to talk with him. This will show that you treat your visitor with respect. If you interrupt a conversation by talking on the phone, in most cases this may be perceived negatively by your face-to-face interlocutor.

9. Keep a pen, paper or any electronic device next to your phone that you can use to save the necessary information (computer, smartphone, etc.)

To avoid missing important details of a conversation, train yourself to take notes during the conversation or immediately after it ends. During the conversation, write down important details such as new names, numbers, and basic information that you or your colleagues and subordinates may need later.

10. The initiative to end the conversation belongs either to the caller or to the senior speaker by social status or age.

It is very important to end the conversation politely. If you need to urgently end the conversation, it is better to use the most polite phrases: for example, “Sorry for interrupting you, but I’m afraid to be late for the meeting,” “It was very pleasant to talk with you, but I promised to call you back to another organization.” Can I call you later? You can also refer to being very busy, to the need to complete the work started. Sentences like “Thank you for calling,” “It was nice talking to you,” etc. will help you end the conversation politely.

11. After finishing a business conversation, spend a few minutes analyzing its content and style.

Analyze your impressions. Find the weak spots in it. Try to understand the reason for your mistakes. All this will subsequently help you save time by reducing the duration of negotiations, as well as understand and correct possible mistakes made in telephone communication, which will have a very positive effect on both your image and the prestige of your company.

Common mistakes

To ensure that the conversation takes place in the right environment, you need to avoid common mistakes.


  1. Inattention. People often do not listen carefully to their interlocutor and because of this they find themselves in awkward situations.
  2. A large number of questions. If you bombard your interlocutor with questions, business communication will develop into interrogation.
  3. Long pause. The main thing here is not to abuse the awkward pause, as it will become difficult to establish contact in the future.
  4. Habit of interrupting others. Each person must finish their thought. You can’t interrupt anyone in order to draw all the attention to yourself.
  5. Monotony of speech. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters. The story should be accompanied by gestures and intonation. Many people mutter under their breath, and in the end nothing good comes of it.

Business communication over the phone is a common genre that requires adherence to certain rules. The main thing is to remember what needs to be done and how it will be done correctly.



How to greet a client over the phone during a business conversation?

If you are not the initiator of the conversation:

  • “Leonardo Art Center, good evening, administrator Olga, I’m listening to you.”
  • If you think this phrase is too long, then you can limit yourself to an abbreviated greeting: “Leonardo Art Center, good evening!”
  • Very often you can hear this greeting: “Hello!” However, it is permissible to say hello in this way during a personal meeting, but in business communication such free phrases are unacceptable.

If you are the initiator of the call:

Introduce yourself, name your organization or company and ask if your interlocutor has time to

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