The reader is the newspaper. What are the rules for addressing each other according to etiquette?

What is modern etiquette

Today, human life cannot be imagined without constant interaction with other members of society. In order for communication to be pleasant and contacts not to cause conflicts between people both at the business level and in everyday life, it is customary in society to adhere to certain norms of etiquette. The meaning of the word “etiquette” can be defined as “manners of behavior accepted in society.” The term originated in France and comes from the French "etiquette".

Modern rules of etiquette are aimed at regulating human behavior in various areas of communication, his appearance, and maintaining the culture of oral and written speech. They were developed over the centuries-old history of mankind on the basis of the customs and traditions of many peoples.

With the changing pace of life and new social and living conditions, there is a tendency to simplify cultural conventions and etiquette norms.

Much of what was considered important to observe 100 or 50 years ago may now seem strange and even absurd. However, having changed in form, modern etiquette has retained its basic features.

These include:

  • naturalness;
  • sense of tact;
  • moderation;
  • ease;
  • self-esteem;
  • politeness;
  • benevolence.

As a result of active communication between peoples, the rules of etiquette acquire a universal meaning: you cannot offend someone either with a word or a gesture. Communication should be aimed at establishing friendly contact and avoiding conflict situations.

Rules of speech etiquette

Each culture has certain norms and traditions of speech etiquette that differ from each other. However, there are general principles that allow us to navigate when building communication.

Let's briefly look at the rules and norms of speech etiquette, and also delve into some of its nuances - such as features of non-verbal communication, telephone etiquette and greetings.

Speech etiquette , whether communicating over the phone or in a meeting, is aimed at establishing contact and avoiding misunderstandings. It is multifaceted, including a combination of politeness, verbal forms of courtesy, and goodwill.

It's not just about the ability to say the right words and following a certain system of rituals. It's also about how a person speaks. A certain tone of communication must be maintained.

If we briefly consider the rules and norms of speech etiquette, they are characterized by the following principles, which were formulated in 1975 by researcher Herbert Paul Grice:

quality – the addressed message must be characterized by truthfulness and a specific basis;

quantity - the text message should not be very long and not very short;

the method of reporting used - according to etiquette, the use of incomprehensible words and phrases is not allowed;

attitude – the information transmitted to the addressee must be useful and necessary.

Speech behavior is built on several levels, within which there are their own norms and traditions:

  1. Dictionary – forms of address and expression generally accepted in society, characteristic vocabulary (“Thank you,” “Goodbye,” etc.).
  2. Stylistic – literacy, well-mannered speech, non-use of obscene words.
  3. Grammatical - polite address through the use of the plural (for example, “you”, not “you”), avoiding the pronunciation of imperative sentences. Instead, they are addressed in a questioning context (“Could you help me?”).
  4. Intonation - due to different intonation, an identical phrase can sound friendly or hostile.
  5. Correct pronunciation – no changes in the pronunciation of words are allowed.
  6. Organizational and communicative . This includes common truths that are familiar to everyone from childhood, namely, those concerning the fact that you should not interrupt your interlocutor, butt into someone else’s conversation, listen to speech that is not addressed to you, etc.

I recommend reading 20 rules on how to behave at a party

These are something like postulates on which all speech etiquette is built, which involves the performance of certain functions:

  • attracting the attention of the desired audience to the interlocutor;
  • establishing successful communication;
  • regulation of the necessary emotional environment;
  • demonstration of attitude towards the interlocutor.

The benefits of everyday etiquette

Man is a social being. It is impossible to imagine his life separately from the lives of other people. All members of society have to behave in accordance with accepted etiquette so that each of them feels comfortable in their environment. Manners, speech, and clothing style indicate the level of culture and moral qualities of an individual, and the impression he makes on others affects his success both in the personal and professional spheres.

Not all situations require strict adherence to the rules, but relaxations in everyday norms of behavior do not mean that you can completely forget about the label. Wherever one is: in a store, on a walk, in transport or on a tourist trip, in order to obtain the characteristics of a well-mannered person, one should choose the appropriate style of behavior. Cultured people behave according to the situation both among their loved ones and at official receptions, and therefore do not cause awkwardness or shame for themselves among others.

Some consider polite behavior to be old-fashioned, but why not adhere to etiquette in everyday life if it will help avoid conflict situations and make communication with relatives and neighbors more pleasant.

In addition, children easily adopt the behavior of adults. In families where courteous manners are accepted, representatives of the younger generation grow up to be well-mannered and cultured people.

Briefly about the types of etiquette

Rules of behavior in society are marked by place, time and level of communication. Depending on this, there are different etiquette situations that imply special behavioral stereotypes, for example: greeting, farewell, going to exhibitions, visiting, going to the theater, on a date, receiving and negotiating with a foreign delegation, presentations, etc.

Standards of behavior in the same etiquette situation may differ, and therefore the following types of etiquette are distinguished:

  1. Diplomatic. Regulates the rules of conduct of official representatives of states at negotiations, diplomatic receptions, and during state visits.
  2. Military. It is a set of rules that must be followed among military personnel.
  3. General civil. It consists of rules adopted when people communicate in everyday life, on the street, on working days and holidays, in telephone conversations and interactive discussions, when receiving guests, etc.
  4. Business etiquette. Regulates standards of conduct in the business sphere.

The degree of etiquette is determined by existing social, age, status, national, cultural, etc. differences between communication partners: the more of them, the more etiquette the situation is considered.

Different mentalities, traditions, and language barriers require adherence to stricter limits of behavior, because any mistake can be taken as an insult. For example, being in a theater is more ritualized than a friendly party, and international cooperation requires adherence to stricter norms than in one country.

Greeting etiquette

Not all people know the rules of greeting: who says hello first when meeting on the street, indoors, at various events; what is the order of greeting; exactly how to greet in certain situations.

So, we answer the question of who greets first in different situations:

  • man woman;
  • suitable for one who stands;
  • subordinate of the manager;
  • younger in age than older;
  • the one who came later, those who are already there.

Here are some more rules of greeting etiquette:

  1. A man greets both other men and women while standing. You can greet while sitting only in cases where the greeter is an elderly man, he is not feeling well or is on duty.
  2. If a woman is much younger than a man, then she is the one who greets first.
  3. There are separate greeting standards for married couples. The married lady greets first, then the married man, and after that they greet each other.
  4. When a person greets, he needs to look into the eyes of the person to whom the greeting is addressed.

As for the handshake, it also has certain rules:

  • The woman is the first to offer her hand, since it is she who decides on the appropriateness of this form of greeting.
  • At the same time, women do not have to take off their gloves (neither outdoors nor indoors).
  • But, even if a man decides to be the first to offer his hand, this will not be a serious violation of etiquette norms.
  • There are rules for shaking hands based on age. The elder offers his hand to the younger.
  • If a person walks up to a group of people and shakes the hand of a specific person, then everyone else should also shake hands.
  • Usually they extend their right hand to shake, but if a person is comfortable shaking hands with his left, then he needs to apologize for it. Also, do not show excessive strength or excessive weakness when shaking hands.

I recommend reading 25 etiquette rules for men

And remember: not wanting to shake hands can be considered an insult.

General rules

Etiquette begins with the ability to behave and control your body. Good manners must be observed both while sitting and walking. Movements should be calm and confident, you should walk at a moderate pace with medium steps. Sit upright, with knees closed or legs crossed low (at the ankles), hands should rest freely on your knees. You cannot rock the chair or sit astride it.

In a cultural society, it is customary to begin communication with greetings, introductions, and addresses established by etiquette, with preference given to some individuals over others.

The advantages are:

  • elders before younger ones;
  • women before men;
  • people with disabilities versus healthy people;
  • persons superior in position to everyone else, incl. superiors before subordinates.

Difficult situations often arise, for example, in relation to a male boss and a female subordinate. For such cases, exact rules have not been established; the manner of behavior will be dictated by a sense of tact.

The first to enter the room, start a conversation, set the general tone and direction of the conversation are the elderly or those of a higher position. But the performance is done in reverse: the names of younger people are called to the elders. Guests are greeted first by the hosts, then by women according to seniority, and then by men in the same way. Late arrivals are the first to greet those waiting, just as those entering are the first to greet those present.

Seated young people are supposed to stand up when greeting. On the street, people walking greet those standing, men raise their cap or hat in front of a woman (but not other hats).

If at the entrance of somewhere 2 people are trying to let each other go ahead, then the first person to go through should be the one who was asked to do this twice.

When asking a question or request, or after an accidental collision, you should use polite forms of speech, and be sure to thank for any help. According to etiquette, it is customary to congratulate colleagues and acquaintances on various holidays and family dates or express condolences on the occasion of loss. A bad mood is not shown in public; a friendly smile and a friendly look in the eyes contribute to pleasant communication.

Rules of conduct in the theater, at a concert and in other public places

  1. Laughing loudly, communicating noisily, staring and discussing people in a public place is offensive.
  2. Always turn on silent mode or turn off your phone completely in the theater, library, cinema, lecture, and so on.
  3. It is permissible to use a telephone on the sidelines. But if you need to make or receive a call, move two or three meters to the side so as not to disturb the conversation of your friends.
  4. Smoking in the presence of non-smokers should only be done with their permission.
  5. A man never carries a woman's bag.
  6. A woman may wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.
  7. At the mirror in the wardrobe you can examine your appearance and slightly correct your hairstyle. But combing your hair, putting on lipstick, pulling up your trousers or stockings is only allowed in the toilet.
  8. Go to your seats in the hall facing those already seated. The man goes first.
  9. If two couples are seated in the auditorium, the women sit in the center, the men on both sides. Women sit in the box in front, men behind them.
  10. In the auditorium you should not sit with your heads bowed to each other. Even if you are in love.
  11. Leave kisses, hugs and other tenderness for later. Do not force people sitting next to you to watch two performances at once - on stage and in the hall.
  12. At the exhibition, do not try to touch the exhibits with your hands, unless specifically permitted.
  13. Do not try to take photos secretly where it is prohibited by the rules.

Gender etiquette

Standards of behavior differ depending on a person's gender. This division developed historically and was due to the different roles of men and women in society. In the 21st century gender etiquette has acquired new features: freer relationships require clear boundaries so that simple politeness is not perceived as flirting.

Basic rules of good manners for men:

  1. When meeting in a public place, you should say hello first. A handshake is also acceptable if the woman offers her hand to do so.
  2. They open the doors for their companion, help them into the car, hand them clothes, and pull out a chair.
  3. When entering/exiting a room or on stairs, a woman is allowed forward. The implication is that the man is keeping her safe.
  4. When walking together, they take a place to the left of the lady so that she is not disturbed by people walking towards her.

Service relationships are regulated by company rules and are the same for both sexes. On a date, all expenses are paid by the man, on a business lunch/dinner - by the inviting party (joint payment is also possible). A woman should look appropriate for the event, follow the dress code at work, and use cosmetics wisely.

Good manners and technology

  1. People are more important than technology! Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing this, you show how important the phone plays in your life and how uninteresting you are in what is happening around you. As a last resort, if you are expecting an important call, take out your phone and place it face down on the table.
  2. It is better to answer the call after the second or third ring, so that the caller has time to concentrate. If you are not answered after the fifth ring, hang up.
  3. If the connection is interrupted during a call, the initiator of the conversation must call back.
  4. Use your full name if calling from an unknown number.
  5. It is indecent to report important events via SMS.
  6. Alert about a video call with a text message. Don't put your interlocutor or yourself in an awkward position.
  7. During a video call, communicate with the person, rather than admiring your own image in the corner of the screen. A camera is not a bathroom mirror.
  8. Always keep correspondence confidential. Don’t read other people’s letters, don’t look at the monitor when someone is chatting, turn away when a person is typing a password.
  9. Treat people the way you want to be treated!

Etiquette standards and practical examples

Well-mannered people know how to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette in different life situations. However, sometimes there is a need for etiquette lessons, for example, before a business trip to another country.

During oral conversation

The culture of verbal communication implies the use of linguistic means that are appropriate in certain circumstances. It is considered polite to address elders and strangers with “you”, use stable words and expressions (hello, I beg your pardon, thank you, etc.). It is acceptable to make a request or apologize for an accidental collision with the words: “I’m sorry for causing you trouble,” “Please be kind enough to advise me,” or you can add the word “please” for greater politeness.

They respond to an apology with the phrases “Everything worked out” or “Nothing happened.” If the request is going to be fulfilled, then they voice it like this: “Willingly” or “With pleasure,” otherwise they kindly explain the reason for the refusal.

Topics for conversation are chosen that are interesting to all interlocutors and do not cause any hostility. In conversations with unfamiliar people, neutral events are touched upon; with closer ones, you can show interest in the circumstances of their lives. It is considered unacceptable to gossip, divulge personal information and chat about nothing.

During oral communication, you should listen to your partner, and not focus on yourself. The language should be understandable to the interlocutor; special terms and pretentious phrases should be avoided. A cultured person's speech is clear, moderately loud, with small pauses. You cannot interrupt your interlocutor or raise your voice at him.

At work and corporate events

Business etiquette regulates official relations, dress code, rules for holding business meetings, conferences and other events related to professional activities. Its standards can be more lenient or strict depending on the internal policy of the company.

Most often, working relationships are built on strict adherence to job responsibilities and mutual respect. In business etiquette, importance is attached to one's own and other people's time: work issues are discussed briefly and to the point, and one is not late for work or business meetings. When communicating with clients or partners, they adhere to generally accepted standards of behavior.

Corporate parties are informal events, but it is not recommended to be late for them. Refusal to visit them is allowed only for a compelling reason, otherwise you can lower your reputation. When celebrating with colleagues, it is better not to abuse alcohol or mix different types of alcohol: this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Familiarity is also unacceptable in relation to both higher and lower-ranking colleagues.

Meeting with guests

Hospitality etiquette requires consideration and attention to each person: no one should be made to feel like an unwelcome guest in the house. For example, even if an acquaintance just came to see you, they offer him tea or coffee.

Time to prepare for a large party is distributed so that all preparations are completed before it starts. The first guests are greeted by the host and hostess, the rest are met by one person, the second one takes care of those who have already arrived.

If this cannot be arranged, then all those invited to arrive should be occupied with something interesting. Guests are seated in the living room or at the table, taking into account their interests and circle of acquaintances. Subsequent communication or table conversation is regulated by the owners.

Telephone etiquette

Communication when communicating via communication is more difficult than during personal meetings: the interlocutors do not see each other.

The rules for talking on the phone are determined by the following cases:

  • when someone makes a call;
  • when the call is accepted;
  • secretary negotiations;
  • communication with call center operators.

In addition to standard politeness, telephone conversations require brevity and conciseness. Long pauses and indistinct muttering should not be allowed in conversations.

With the advent of mobile communications, rules have appeared in telephone etiquette that are not directly related to conversations. In public places or at business meetings, the sound of the bell is reduced to a minimum if possible. At doctor's appointments, in libraries, theaters and cinemas, it is completely turned off.

In cafes and restaurants, it is uncivil to put your gadget on the table and be distracted by it for no reason during a date or business dinner. It is prohibited to use ringtones that contain negativity towards people on any basis (nationality, skin color) or obscene language.

Gift Giving Etiquette

The culture of giving gifts presupposes not only the ability to choose them, but also to give them correctly. The process of giving should not happen in passing. For a birthday, they choose things that only the birthday person will use, and not all family members. It is considered uncultured to give too expensive gifts - this, as it were, obliges the recipient to the giver.

When going on a visit, it would be polite to give a small gift to the owners of the house. For example, a bottle of good wine or candy. In addition, edible gifts are usually served at the table. Animals should be given only with the permission of the recipient and all members of his family.

Communication between neighbors

Well-mannered people try to maintain good relationships with everyone around them, incl. and neighbors. According to etiquette, they are greeted when they meet, but do not talk about their achievements or failures. In apartment buildings, sound regulations are observed, and if there is a noisy party or repair work, those living nearby are warned in advance.

General rules for treating people

General rules for treating people

It is possible that having become acquainted with the content of this paragraph, you will not find anything new for yourself, that is, you always and everywhere do exactly this. That's great, we're happy for you, keep up the good work. We will also be happy for those who find acquaintance with the general rules of dealing with people a useful and timely reminder of what you, of course, know about, but for some reason have forgotten a little.

TRY TO FIND THE GOOD IN A PERSON FIRST OF ALL. SINCERELY ADMIRE AND PRAISE GOOD THINGS. Don't confuse sincere admiration with flattery. Flattery is false and selfish, it is always noticeable, it is difficult to confuse it with sincere admiration. Let's think about what we do most often? When we don't like something, we consider it our duty

tell a person about it, and when we like it, we remain silent. Why? Maybe because that's how they were raised? For example, in France, boys in school are taught to express their admiration for a woman about her dress, hat, hairstyle, and so on. It is unlikely that millions of French people are doing wrong. There's a lot to think about. We are not accustomed to say good things. You can do an experiment today. Go up to someone you know and say something nice. Look closely into his eyes. What will you see? Yes, a question, a silent question. Or maybe you will hear: “What do you need?”

It is appropriate, in our opinion, to dwell on the problem of “speaking the truth.” V. Levy warns us, reminds us that the truth includes our perception

. Before telling a person the truth, it is worth considering how it will be perceived. He who speaks the truth takes on a terrible triple responsibility: for the truth itself, for himself, and for the one to whom he tells it. It is necessary to know and remember that in areas that are beyond significant for a person, an undistorted perception of reality is almost impossible. You cannot cut a sore finger without making sure that there is no head under the knife at the same time.

It is better to leave a person with his illusions than, having destroyed them, not give the truth in return and thereby plunge him into worse illusions. The ability to tell a person the truth is directly proportional to the degree of his spiritual development, as well as the state of health of the soul at the moment [16].

REMEMBER, you can develop in a person all the good things that are
inherent in him only with approval and encouragement
You can't overpraise a person. Praise is like a drug; the more you praise, the more you want. But a person gets used to a negative assessment instantly and no longer reacts to it. Now is it clear why criticism has little effect? The first reaction of any normal person is to protect himself
What happens to him at the moment of criticism? A person hears you, but does not listen
, so in family life, in communication with friends, completely refuse criticism, and in business meetings, before criticizing, put yourself in the same situation, think, what would you do?
And remember the words of Confucius: “Do not express dissatisfaction with the fact that there is snow on your neighbor’s roof when your porch is not cleared
. D. Carnegie quotes the words of the American psychologist W. James: “Compared to what we should be, we are only half awakened. We use only a small part of our physical and mental resources. In other words, the human individual still lives without going beyond his minimum capabilities. He has a variety of abilities that are not usually put to use. One such ability that you probably don't use to its full potential is the magical ability to encourage people to realize their hidden potential through praise." PRAISE A PERSON FOR EVERY HIS MOST HUMBLE SUCCESS, AND BE SINCERE IN YOUR RECOGNITION AND GENEROUS IN YOUR PRAISE.

Give a person a good name so that he can live by it

. Both psychologists and writers teach us this. In her book, one Parisian theater actress describes the amazing transformation of the modest Belgian Cinderella. She writes: “The maid brought me food. She was almost a freak, cross-eyed, pitiful. One day, when she brought a plate of pasta, holding it with her red hands, I said to her: “Mary, you have no idea what treasures are hidden in you.” Accustomed to restraining her emotions, Maria waited for a few moments, not daring to risk the slightest movement. Then she put the plate on the table, sighed and answered intelligently: “I could never believe it, madam.” She didn't express any doubts, she didn't ask a single question. She simply returned to the kitchen, repeated what I told her - and such is the power of faith - no one began to mock her. From that day on, they even began to treat her with some respect. But the most curious change occurred in the most modest Mary. Believing that she was the repository of unprecedented treasures, the girl began to take care of herself so carefully that her starved youth seemed to blossom and hide her unattractiveness. Two months later, when I was leaving, she told me that she was marrying the nephew of the hotel owner. A short phrase changed her whole life" [10].

In real life, we often need to reprimand a person. It is advisable not to offend him, given the needs for significance and respect that are inherent in everyone. Therefore, if you have to point out a mistake to someone, start with praise.

. It is always easier to listen to unpleasant things after we are praised for something. Does this help in business contacts? Let's consider just one example given in D. Carnegie's book. WOK CAMPANY was contractually obligated to construct and equip a large office building in Philadelphia by a certain date. Everything was going according to plan, the building was almost finished, when suddenly the subcontractor who made the bronze decorations for the facade announced that he would not be able to deliver the order on time. Stunning losses. All work is delayed! Long-distance negotiations came to nothing. "A representative has been sent to New York," Mr. Gow asked as he entered the President's office. He was surprised: “No, I didn’t know that.” “Yes,” said Mr. Gow, “when I got off the train this morning and looked in the telephone book to find out your address, I found that you were the only person with that name in the Brooklyn telephone book.” The President began to look at the phone book with interest. Then he proudly spoke about his ancestors who came from Holland, and invited Mr. Gow to see his factory. Mr. Gow praised the president's factory. After the inspection, the President invited Mr. Gow to lunch. At the same time, Mr. Gow has not yet said a word in the conversation about the purpose of his visit. After lunch the President said, “Now let’s get down to business. Naturally, I knew why you came, but I did not expect that our meeting would be so pleasant. You can return to Philadelphia with my promise that the order will be made and delivered, even if others are delayed." Mr. Gow got his way without even asking for it. Would this have happened if Gow had used the "hammer and dynamite" method usually used in such cases? Of course not.

When calling people's attention to their mistakes, do it indirectly

One day, while walking around one of the steel mills under his command, Charles Schwab saw a group of workers smoking. There was a sign right above their heads that read: “No Smoking.” Could Schwab point to the ad and ask, “Don’t you know how to read?” Oh no, anyone but Schwab. He walked up to the workers, handed each of them a cigarette and said: “I would like you guys to smoke these in the fresh air.” What did Schwab do? A remark in indirect form. Is it possible not to sympathize with such a manager? [10] One more example can be given. Someone is shouting at you. After waiting until he is silent, you say: “If you speak more quietly
, I will try to understand you.” What have you done? You not only made an indirect remark, but also showed concern by saying: “I will try to understand you.”

If you want to say something bad, start with your own mistakes.

It is much easier to listen to a list of one’s own mistakes if the person making the remark begins with a modest admission that he himself is far from sinless.
Show empathy for the thoughts and desires of others
. Use the phrase more often: “I understand you. If I were in your place, I would undoubtedly feel the same.” What did you say with this phrase? They showed sympathy and didn’t lie at all. You weren’t in his place, how could you know how you would feel? So you have every reason to believe that you would feel the same way.

Remember the popular wisdom: “You can drive a horse to water, but you can’t force him to drink.”

We all know that there is only one way to make
a person
It is necessary to generate interest
in this matter. However, in real life we ​​make a mistake when we painfully search for the answer to the question: HOW COULD I GET HIM TO DO THIS? Try changing the wording of the question: HOW COULD I MAKE THIS PERSON WANT TO DO THIS EXACTLY? Having asked this question, ask another: WHAT DOES THIS PERSON WANT MOST AT THIS MOMENT? And link it and your desire. Only then will you achieve success. Dale Carnegie gives an interesting example of this. “ fine day a farmer and his son tried to herd a calf into a barn. But they made the common mistake of everyone, thinking only about what they wanted. The farmer pushed and his son pulled. But the calf did exactly the same thing as they did: he thought only about what he wanted. He dug in with his strong legs and flatly refused to part with the pasture. The maid saw their predicament. She didn't study psychology, but she just had common sense. Thinking about what the calf wanted, she put her mother’s finger in its mouth and calmly led it into the barn.”

And, perhaps, the most important advice: give people what you would like to receive for yourself,

treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Anytime and anywhere. Short phrases such as: “Sorry to bother you”, “Would you be so kind”, “Would you be so kind”, “Would you like”, “Thank you” - these little courtesies like oil lubricate the gears of a monotonously working mechanisms of daily life and, in addition, are signs of good upbringing.

Self-test questions

1. The main psychological key to all human relationships?

2. You are communicating with your interlocutor. What should you do or say to:

– your interlocutor has a feeling of security;

– your interlocutor realized that he is a person for you;

– your interlocutor had no doubt that you respect him;

– your interlocutor has satisfied his need for significance.

3. You don’t agree with your interlocutor, how can you object to him so that he doesn’t get offended?

4. How to say unpleasant things to a person without offending him?

5. Which phrase causes controversy?

6. What does it mean to win an argument?

7. Why is criticism not effective?

8. Your functional responsibilities include monitoring the activities of team members. How will you take into account the individual characteristics of team members?

9. Your functional responsibilities include assessing the performance of team members. How will you take into account their individual characteristics?

10. You are lucky, you found a job. In three days, the first meeting with the team. Your first task in this meeting is to please the team. How will you achieve this?

11. How to develop in a person the good that is inherent in him?

12. Why is it not advisable to make excuses?

13. Why is it necessary to “accept the inevitable”?

14. What needs to be done so that resentment does not become a noose around your neck?

The topic is vast

Frequent violations and errors

Some common rules that many people take as etiquette standards are their violation.

For example:

  1. The wish “Be healthy” to a sneezing person is appropriate only among loved ones.
  2. It is incorrect to let a woman pass first at the elevator entrance. The man is the first to approach the source of increased danger.
  3. The coughing person covers his mouth with his right hand. This is wrong because it is used to shake hands.

It is also a mistake when asking for salt to serve only a salt shaker without a pepper shaker.

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