9 Stars With Bad Vision (They Don't Try To Correct It)

Etiology and pathogenesis of vascular diseases of the optic nerve

Photoreceptors form the visual layer of the retina.
It is the most important part of the eye. The visual layer is seriously damaged due to lack of oxygen. When the central artery stops supplying blood to the retina, immediate vision loss occurs. This happens because the retinal tissue is too delicate. It cannot work even with a slight lack of oxygen. If a person has lost vision, it is necessary to restore blood supply as quickly as possible. Otherwise, a heart attack will develop. After this, it will no longer be possible to restore vision.

Main causes of myopia

Doctors identify two main causes of myopia:

  • elongated eyeball;
  • excessive refractive power of the eye.

Normally, the human eyeball has such a size and shape that the rays entering the eye are focused in the center of the retina. If the anteroposterior ocular axis is slightly longer than normal, the rays do not reach the retina and are focused in front of it. Due to the shifted optical focus, a person has difficulty seeing into the distance. If the length of the eyeball increases, myopia progresses and visual impairment becomes more pronounced. Sometimes myopia is caused not by the size of the ocular axis, but by the strong refractive ability of the cornea or lens. When the optical media of the eye refract light more than necessary, the focus of the image also shifts to the area in front of the retina and this is reflected in the clarity of distance vision.

Types of memory disorders

Memory diseases occur from a blow to the head, old age, stroke and alcohol. Amnesia can be fleeting and smoothly flowing. A person may forget his name, but remember his professional skills. Only parts of the events that take place can disappear from memory, or your whole life, along with your biography and surname, can disappear.

Such cases are told in movies. Too frequent memory loss in able-bodied, healthy men suggests that special drugs have been developed to eliminate memory. A person who does not remember himself can become an obedient doll in the unkind hands of others.

Dangerous! Do not accept food from strangers on trains. Don't drink with strangers in restaurants. Clonidine and other drugs can be quietly added to food and drink, causing persistent and complete amnesia.

Korsakov's syndrome

Disorientation in time, the inability to remember present events with a complete memory of the past, is called Korsakoff's syndrome. Patients begin to believe in fictitious events that they themselves invented, and concentration is impaired.

These symptoms are the result of endless drinking, malnutrition, and sometimes head bruises. Young people who give up alcohol can recover by taking medications that improve brain function.

For those who continue to drink after 65, the prognosis is not so positive. Fatalities that result from regular drinking bouts are not uncommon.

The choice is yours! Vodka or life!

Dementia (dementia, senile insanity)

Why have we seen worse?

When at some point you catch yourself thinking that you can’t read the price tag on a store window, or you can’t thread a thread through a thin eye of a needle, or when looking at the night sky you suddenly discover that the number of stars on it has greatly decreased , you don't usually wonder why your eyes don't see as well as they used to, or what causes poor vision.

Of course, we know that reading in poor lighting, in shaking vehicles, working for many hours at a computer or continuously watching TV shows is very harmful to the eyes, but with persistence worthy of better use, we drive this thought away from ourselves.

When vision begins to deteriorate, the most common reaction is regret and sad thoughts that it is time to buy glasses (or contact lenses).

In fact, this is not entirely true: visual stress and age certainly play a role in vision deterioration, but the causes of poor vision are not limited to age-related changes or computer work, otherwise all people without exception, having reached a certain age threshold or working at the computer, you would automatically lose your sight, but this is not so.

Most people are not even aware of some causes of poor vision.

Poor vision has long been transformed from a medical problem into a social one.

The most common causes of poor vision are myopia, presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) and cataracts, which, according to WHO, is the main cause of blindness in residents of industrialized countries.

More than a billion people on the planet have been diagnosed with presbyopia, and about the same number of people suffer from myopia. Along with the increase in the number of visually impaired people in the world, experts also note a significant “rejuvenation” of eye diseases.


Main causes of poor vision

One of the main causes of visual impairment is refractive error, or disturbance in the optical system of the eye.

The main types of disorders are myopia (nearsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness), astigmatism and presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).

Myopia develops when the optical axis of the eye lengthens or when the refractive power of the cornea increases.

Farsightedness occurs as a result of a shortening of the optical axis of the eye or a decrease in the refractive power of the cornea.

Astigmatism is characterized by a violation of the sphericity of the cornea, as a result of which the image on the retina is not focused at one point. With presbyopia, visual impairment is associated with degenerative changes in the lens and impaired accommodation ability.

Pathology of the cervical spine, including displacement of the cervical vertebrae, neck injuries, osteochondrosis, can cause disturbances in those areas of the spinal cord that are associated with the organs of vision.

By the way, birth trauma can also be the cause of poor vision. Since the visual act involves the participation of not only the visual organs, but also certain parts of the spinal cord and brain, disruption of the functioning of any of the components naturally causes a deterioration in visual acuity.

To prevent such disorders, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and training the joints of the cervical spine.

Visual stress and general fatigue, both physical and mental, are the cause of chronic stress, causing overstrain of almost all systems and premature wear and tear of the body.

With mental fatigue, the eyes are often the first to signal trouble through pain, redness, and watery eyes. The appearance of such symptoms is an obvious indication that the body’s reserves are running out, and in order to avoid the development of complications, it is urgent to rest.

To prevent overwork, proper organization of work and rest, adequate sleep, and balanced nutrition are important. You can overcome eye strain by regularly performing exercises aimed at training and relaxing the eye muscles.

Past diseases, including sexually transmitted or infectious diseases, can cause vision impairment.

The fact is that a number of microorganisms (some types of viruses, protozoa, bacteria) affect the nervous system, including the centers that are responsible for normal visual acuity. In this case, vision may begin to deteriorate as if for no apparent reason.

Slagging in the body is also one of the causes of poor vision. Harmful substances that accumulate in the body have an extremely negative impact on health in general, and, in particular, on visual acuity.

Slagging can occur in people living in environmentally unfavorable conditions, as well as in those whose work involves hazardous working conditions.

To prevent the occurrence of chronic poisoning of the body, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of food and timely cleansing of the body.

Regular exercise also helps maintain your body.

Bad habits and their impact on the state of the visual organs is a topic for a separate serious conversation.

It is known, for example, that smoking causes organic changes in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to disruption of microcirculation, including in the retina. Poor blood supply to the eyes causes vision deterioration over time.

Source https://proglaza.ru/articles-menu/79-prichini-plohogo-zreniya.html

Diagnosis of short-term vision loss

In case of an ocular infarction, it is very important to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible.

The following methods are used to identify the disease:

  • ophthalmoscopy of the fundus to check the condition of the veins, determine color, search for swelling;
  • viziometry, which helps check the acuity of eye functions;
  • perimetry, which is used to find the blind spot;
  • live eye microscopy, which helps identify pupil opacities;
  • laser scanning of the eye using a special tomograph;
  • computer perimetry;
  • FAG eyes.

The latter technique makes it possible to make a final diagnosis.

Treatment of short-term blindness

First of all, treatment of temporary vision loss is aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked the development of the disease.

Most often, with short-term blindness, the patient is prescribed to take special restorative vitamins. These include:

  1. Ascorbic acid. The drug contains vitamin C, which promotes collagen synthesis, regeneration of affected tissues and blood clotting.
  2. Retinol. This product contains vitamin A, which affects cell reproduction and growth.
  3. Thiamine. The main active substance is vitamin B1, which helps normalize eye pressure.
  4. Tocopherol. The medicine has the ability to prevent retinal detachment. The active ingredient of the drug is vitamin E.

In addition to vitamins, the doctor may prescribe special eye lotions based on beneficial substances and herbs.

Traditional medicine also offers treatment for temporary loss of visibility with the help of various medicinal plants, which are used in the form of solutions, infusions, decoctions, compresses and baths.

To ensure your vision always remains good, you need to visit an eye doctor several times a year.

If the disease takes you by surprise, it is better not to wait for it to go away on its own. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, complications may develop, including complete loss of vision. In addition, as mentioned above, short-term blindness in most cases is only a symptom of a serious and dangerous disease.

By identifying the type of thrombosis, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Based on the data obtained, the specialist determines the possible course of the disease and the possibility of restoring vision.

Most often, patients are diagnosed with vascular obstruction. Arterial blockage is less common. In case of vascular obstruction, the prognosis is very favorable, and the probability of maintaining vision is high.

The earlier a retinal infarction is diagnosed, the fewer cells have time to die. Sometimes a few minutes are not enough to be able to restore vision.

After 40–50 minutes of instant loss of vision, it can no longer be restored.

No-shpa and papaverineHelp relieve vasospasm and reduce intraocular pressure.
TrentalImproves blood circulation.
Various thrombolyticsThey clear the lumen of the arteries by dissolving blood clots.
Heparin and other anticoagulantsReduce blood clotting (dosage must be agreed with your doctor).
AngioprotectorsStrengthens the walls of blood vessels.
AntibioticsThey allow you to rid the vessel of a clot of microbes that has blocked the lumen.
Diprospan and dexamethasoneRelieves swelling.
Cardiomagnyl and other antiplatelet agentsThe platelets are not allowed to fuse.

In case of acute vascular obstruction, eye injections are prescribed. They use means to dissolve the blood clot.

These medications include:

  • fibrinolysin;
  • urokinase;
  • plasminogen;
  • streptokinase;
  • hemazu.
  • in this case, the patient is placed in a room with a high oxygen content;
  • Thus, the cells of the visual layer are saturated with oxygen and remain viable much longer than under normal conditions.
Laser coagulation method
  • it promotes the destruction of blood clots;
  • Subsequently, blood circulation is normalized, swelling goes away, and hemorrhages are eliminated.

Psychosomatics of vision

The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also the organ through which the modern human brain receives most of the information from the surrounding world.

Despite the fact that official medicine has a list of possible causes of visual impairment in people, there always remains a large percentage of exceptions to the rules - hereditary predisposition, poor conditions and poor hygiene may or may not “work”.

Supporters of the psychological origins of all “problems” in the body, that is, psychosomatic doctors, have their own well-founded point of view on the causes of the development of myopia, farsightedness and other visual impairments.

According to the vision of psychosomatics, disorders in some organ or system are associated with certain unhealthy psychological states of a person.

A perfect system of the body “breaks down” on the physical level if a person has a “failure” in his head. In the case of vision problems, this failure may be due to the fact that information perceived through vision causes psychological pain to the person. According to V.V. Sinelnikov, who is convinced that all our diseases appear, roughly speaking, according to our subconscious desire, visual impairment is a reluctance to see certain things around us or in ourselves.

For example, why do children often develop myopia at an early school age?

The reasons are that in their home, in their family, in their parents’ relationships, there is always a lot of negativity - quarrels, screaming, even beatings. It is painful for a child to see this, because for him parents are the closest people, and he himself cannot influence the situation.

And as a psychological defense, his eyes weaken, myopia helps him dull the pain, “not seeing” what is happening. This time.

There is also the opposite option. For example, at home, before school or kindergarten, a harmonious atmosphere reigns in the child’s family, kind and respectful relationships between parents, the child receives love and support.

Having become accustomed to such an attitude, he ends up in a team where the conditions are completely different - no one loves him just like that, he has to fulfill certain conditions in order to achieve a good attitude from teachers and friendship from classmates.

The model of the world that he learned in the family turns out to be completely different from the “big” world. The child does not want to put up with what he now sees, experiences stress, pain. As a result, this leads to the fact that he develops myopia - and he can clearly see only what is next to him, protecting himself from the injustice and cruelty around him.

In addition, according to observation, myopia and farsightedness develop in people who are prone to generalization and schematization of reality. Those of its realities that do not fit into the logical structure are ignored.

In general, the mechanism is clear. And it also works in adults, since we carry most of our conditions out of childhood without much revision. Louise Hay, V. Sinelnikov believe that the trigger mechanism for diseases is a person’s emotions, since it is he who invests a large amount of energy.

The reasons for its occurrence are said to be fear of the future, inability to perceive objectively, and distrust of what lies ahead.

Louise Hay interprets the occurrence of farsightedness as a feeling of constant danger, alertness, and hostility of the world towards a person.

In my opinion, the most clear and specific psychological mechanisms of the occurrence of myopia and farsightedness are given by the Canadian psychosomatics specialist Liz Burbo.

Her methods can be recommended to get rid of these diseases:

Liz Burbo. Myopia

A myopic person is afraid of the future. In order to find out the cause of myopia, you just need to remember what was associated with your fear that you felt when its symptoms first began to appear.

Many teenagers become nearsighted during puberty. They are afraid to become adults because they are alarmed and frightened by what they see in the adult world.

In addition, myopia often affects people who are too focused on themselves and have difficulty perceiving other people's ideas. They have a limited outlook.

Decreased vision after 40 years

There is an opinion among people that after 40 years the body begins to exhibit diseases that only exist. But all these are myths. If a person takes care of his health, then even after 70 years he will feel good. The same cannot be said about vision.

Everyone knows well that its sharpness depends on the retina and the refractive ability of the lens. Over time, it loses its properties and can no longer instantly focus on a particular object. The eye muscles lose their elasticity and can no longer hold the lens well in the desired position.

A person develops farsightedness, which is called age-related. And those who suffer from myopia hope that thanks to this, after 40 years they will recover from their disease on their own. But in this they are very mistaken. On the contrary, myopic people have even more problems than before. One such problem may be a retinal tear, which can be repaired with a laser. But to prevent this from happening, it is better to regularly come for examination to an ophthalmologist.

To at least slightly stop the deterioration of vision, you need to consider several rules:

  1. Wear glasses prescribed by your ophthalmologist.
  2. Carry out correction using lenses. To do this, a lens is placed on one eye. And it turns out: one eye for distance, the other for close range.
  3. And take vitamins.

The impact of poor vision on human life

Children as well as adults may be visually impaired due to a birth defect or injury. Children with low vision may have learning problems and therefore need special teaching from an early age. They also need additional help socializing with other children and adults.

Poor vision is still more common among adults and older people. Loss of vision for them can become a psychological trauma, leading to disappointment and depression. Lack of the ability to safely drive a vehicle, read quickly, watch TV, or use a computer can make people with low vision feel disconnected from the world. They may be unable to get around the city on their own or buy food and other necessities.

Needless to say, many people with poor vision have difficulty finding a job.

Some people with vision problems become very dependent on friends and family, while others suffer alone. This is not correct as there are many devices available today that can help people with low vision live a decent life.

Risk factors

In addition to the reasons, there are also factors that increase the likelihood of an ocular infarction.

These include:

  • development of infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • overweight;
  • vasospasm for a long time;
  • constant disruption of microcirculation in the capillaries;
  • smoking;
  • increased tension and constant eye fatigue, accompanied by insufficient supply of blood and oxygen;
  • temporal arthritis (due to inflammation of the vessels located next to the carotid artery, insufficient blood begins to flow to the eyeballs and optic nerves).

The development of circulatory disorders and thrombosis is most likely in the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • constantly increased content of heavy metal salts in the body;
  • decreased blood flow rate;
  • pathologies of the walls of blood vessels (their thickening, fragility or high permeability, which ultimately causes vasoconstriction);
  • multiple vascular sclerosis;
  • local dilation of blood vessels;
  • leukemia.

How to understand that your vision is deteriorating

When visual acuity begins to deteriorate, the first signs appear that the patient should pay attention to:

  • he begins to see worse in the distance and near;
  • by the middle or end of the day, the eyes hurt and get tired;
  • discomfort occurs in the eye area during the daytime in the form of pain, pain, increased sensitivity to light;
  • the eyes dry quickly, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Changes in color perception rarely occur.

The above factors lead to the appearance of reasons that must be identified and eliminated by the doctor to prevent relapse of the condition.

Lack of eye muscle function

The internal structure of the eyes contains a lens. This is the part of the organs of vision through which light passes and is refracted. There are muscles around the lens that help change its shape. If a person is constantly focused on close objects, for example, a computer, books, phone, the muscles gradually lose their functionality. They become weaker, unable to quickly exert themselves. Therefore, the lens changes its size more slowly, and light rays are refracted incorrectly.

Retinal aging

The retina is the part of the eye on which a ray of light passing through the lens is projected. The retina contains nerve endings that transmit color perception signals to the brain. Inside the nerve receptors are pigments that can perceive color.

The older a person gets, the worse the perception of nerve receptors on the retina. This is due to a slowdown in the rate of tissue regeneration (renewal).

Poor circulation

The eyes are penetrated by blood vessels through which blood, rich in useful substances, microelements, minerals and vitamins, reaches the tissues. If the supply of these substances becomes insufficient, the metabolism of eye tissue decreases. Cell renewal occurs at a reduced rate, so the visual organs lose their functionality.

Poor circulation occurs for the following reasons:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • insufficient intake of nutrients into the body;
  • inflammatory conditions of the vascular wall.

Violation of microcirculation of the eyes is visible when examining the fundus of a person. If the cause is not eliminated, the disease will progress. A sharp deterioration in the quality of vision to the point of complete blindness is possible.


If the area of ​​the cornea, lens, and retina is affected by negative environmental factors, the eyes become overstrained. There are the following reasons for this condition:

  • excessive time spent on a computer, phone, tablet, TV;
  • polluting factor - exposure to smoke, smog, chemicals on the eyes;
  • photophobia, manifested by pain in the eyes, increased lacrimation when exposed to light on the organs of vision;
  • work in an enterprise that requires increased concentration in the eye area (driver, surgeon);
  • congenital or acquired farsightedness and myopia.

If negative environmental factors are accompanied by work in low light conditions, double eye strain occurs.

Dry eye mucosa

For the normal functioning of the organs of vision, first of all, the normal condition of the mucous membrane is necessary. If it is affected by negative environmental factors, or a person has diseases that lead to decreased production of tear fluid, the mucous membrane becomes dry. This leads to irritation and microtrauma on its surface.

If the patient wears contact lenses during the day and the mucous membrane dries out, this leads to a decrease in visual acuity. Moisture must be constantly present between the lens and the mucous membrane of the eye, which helps to refract light rays and better see surrounding objects.

Causes of sudden deterioration in vision

Possible causes of decreased vision are very diverse, and all existing factors leading to deterioration of visual ability are conditionally divided into three large-scale groups:

  • temporary decrease in vision caused by chronic eye fatigue (especially long-term work at close distances - computer, smartphone, documents, embroidery, etc.), lack of sleep, stress, hypo- or avitaminosis, lack of physical activity, insufficient or, conversely, too bright lighting , “dry eye syndrome” from infrequent blinking, etc.;
  • systemic diseases of the body, in which visual impairment becomes one of the possible complications: diabetes mellitus, disorders of the thyroid gland, brain and/or pituitary tumors, diseases of the spine, blood vessels, some infections, etc.;
  • directly eye pathologies, affecting both various elements of the eye itself (retina, lens, cornea), and nearby tissues and muscles.

Only a qualified eye doctor can accurately determine why vision drops sharply. In no case should you postpone a visit to a specialist when visual ability deteriorates quickly and severely; however, even some “sluggish” symptoms require careful diagnosis and therapy, as over time they can lead to severe and almost irreversible consequences.


Don't you know how myopic people see? The photo presented in the article demonstrates the abilities of their visual system.

Myopia occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • An active period of growth, causing a sharp stretching of the fundus muscles.
  • Head injuries received during childbirth.
  • Excessive workload at school.
  • Spending long periods of time in front of the TV, computer, tablet, smartphone.
  • Long periods of reading books without good lighting.

The following factors are identified that can lead to visual impairment:

  • An increasingly common cause is working at a computer, frequently watching TV and looking constantly at the phone screen. Especially if all this is accompanied by poor lighting and an awkward posture. Add to this reading, driving - all these activities cause eye fatigue. The focus shifts, the natural function of seeing distant objects suffers.
  • But the most common cause of development is a hereditary factor. About 50% of cases of myopia detection occur in children of primary school age with a genetic predisposition. It develops at a slightly faster pace in girls, progressing to 20–22 years.
  • Another factor is the incorrect selection of optics, which only accelerates the process of vision deterioration.
  • Less frequent, but common causes of acquired myopia are improper or insufficient nutrition, lack of microelements and vitamins, and short time spent in the fresh air.

Other reasons may be various eye injuries, changes in the lens and cornea.


To avoid ocular infarction, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures.

To do this you need:

  • completely give up the smoking habit;
  • avoid stress or at least reduce its duration to a minimum;
  • do not allow the nervous system to overstrain;
  • help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, and if they are present, be sure to be treated;
  • eat foods rich in vitamins, add vegetables and fruits to your diet;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the eyes;
  • use products that help regulate blood viscosity (only with a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision).

Ophthalmological problems

A sharp decrease in visibility may be due to organic disorders of the ophthalmological organs.

  • Chemical and mechanical injuries.
  • Acute infections.
  • Hemorrhages or retinal detachment.
  • Rupture of the eyeball.
  • Some types of migraine, etc.

Some pathologies affect both paired organs, others have a one-sided effect.

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