Reasons for missed periods with a negative test

A delay in menstruation with a negative test is often found in modern women. Hormonal disorders, excess weight, inactive lifestyle, changing climate conditions, stress - all this provokes menstrual irregularities. As soon as you notice that your period is a few days late, purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy to conduct a home diagnosis. This will make it possible to exclude conception with a high probability and select effective ways to restore the menstrual cycle.

Delay of menstruation

Many women encounter the problem of delayed menstruation, for some it may be 2 days, and for others 7 days, so let’s talk about the normal options that exist in medicine. First of all, let’s define what is meant by the term “delayed menstruation” - this is a violation of the female cycle, as a result of which menstruation does not occur on time.

A delay is considered normal if it does not exceed 5-7 days; this may well occur once or twice a year and does not indicate any irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

The cycle may not be constant over several months (sometimes years), or it may be an isolated incident. The delay itself is not a pathology, it only indicates the presence of disorders in the body, and to identify them you need to consult a doctor.

If a woman has a persistent irregular cycle and ignores this symptom, she may develop:

  • atherosclerosis and osteoporosis due to metabolic disorders in the body;
  • inability to bear a child, frequent miscarriages against this background;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • inability to get pregnant (infertility);
  • other pathologies caused by dysfunction of the hormonal system.

How is delayed menstruation treated?

Treatment of delay involves eliminating the disease that caused the menstrual cycle to go wrong. There are no special medications to solve the described problem. Immediately after identifying the provoking factor and blocking its negative impact on the female body, the periodicity of menstruation is restored.

Medicines such as Dinoprost and Mifepristone are abortifacients and are not intended solely to stimulate menstrual bleeding. Taking them leads to hormonal imbalance, which only aggravates the situation in the future. Therefore, you cannot use them if your period is not due to pregnancy.

How to induce menstruation if you are late

Relatively safe ways to help quickly induce menstruation if there is a delay are:

  • Taking a hot bath. The temperature of the collected water should be such that it is uncomfortable to lie in it. The “heat session” should not last longer than 20-30 minutes.
  • Increased frequency of sexual intercourse.
  • Active sports training (unless the reason lies in physical fatigue).

Among the effective folk recipes used for delays:

  • Eat a pinch of parsley 4 times a day. Chew very thoroughly before swallowing.
  • Pour 150 g of parsley into a liter of boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes. After straining, drink half a glass twice a day. The best results can be achieved if you use the recipe regularly a week before the expected date of your period.
  • Pour 3 cups of boiling water over a glass of onion peel. Leave for an hour. Drink 200 ml of dark liquid. Your period should start the next day.
  • Mix 4 tablespoons of chamomile with 3 tablespoons of valerian and 3 tablespoons of mint. Pour 2 cups boiling water. Leave for 10-20 minutes. Strain. After cooling, take 100 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons each of nettle leaves, elecampane, oregano, knotweed, yarrow, Rhodiola rosea, rose hips. Pour in a liter of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 12 hours. Strain. You need to drink a liter of decoction per day to promote the onset of menstruation.

If menstruation is late, medications can also be used (only as prescribed by a doctor!):

  • "Pulsatilla" Homeopathic tablets based on meadow lumbago. Take 5-7 granules under the tongue for 3 days.
  • "Duphaston". Take 2 tablets for 5 days.

If you haven't had your period for more than six months

A delay in menstruation for more than six months is amenorrhea. It cannot be called a simple disease. Among the problems caused by amenorrhea:

  • infertility;
  • cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The risk of developing osteoporosis also increases significantly, which is fraught with frequent fractures and dislocations.

The reasons for a delay in menstruation for more than six months are the same as for a delay of several days. Therefore, treatment also consists of eliminating the factors that provoked the gynecological problem.

Reasons for missed periods

The exact reason why menstruation does not occur can only be determined by a doctor during an examination or based on diagnostic results. All causes can be divided into pathological and physiological causes.

Physiological causes of delay

The reasons included in this group are related to the body’s natural reaction to external or internal factors:

  • pregnancy - if a woman has a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative, this does not mean the absence of pregnancy; in order to be sure, it is necessary to conduct several tests or visit a gynecologist;
  • due to taking medications;
  • poor diet - often menstruation disappears during periods of strict diets or simply poor nutrition, since the body does not receive enough useful elements to perform all body functions;
  • climate change – a sharp change in climate is stressful for the body, so some functions may be disrupted;
  • hormonal changes - during puberty or at the initial stage of menopause, inconsistent bleeding may be observed;
  • reaction to the end of taking COCs or OCs, this can also include a delay caused by taking emergency contraception, since it has a large dose of hormones that are not characteristic of a healthy body;
  • lactation period - during breastfeeding, a woman produces a large amount of the hormone prolactin, which prevents conception and can delay ovulation;
  • due to various colds, flu and ARVI, the cycle may be disrupted;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus.

Pathological causes

Pathological causes are changes that disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system:

  • menstrual irregularities due to medical abortion or surgery;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • malignant or benign formations of the uterus, ovaries, hypothalamus, pituitary gland or adrenal cortex;
  • hormonal disorders that arise due to disruption of the reproductive system;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome - due to the fact that the egg does not mature and is not released from the ovary, the endometrium may not form and menstruation may be absent, or may arrive with a significant delay;
  • the presence of cysts in the ovarian area, especially corpus luteum cysts.

Delay due to other reasons

Many reasons for the absence of menstruation are on the border between pathological and physiological, so some can be classified in a separate block:

  • stress – the psycho-emotional state is closely related to the hormonal system, and its strong shocks can affect the mechanisms occurring in the body, this is typical for both negative emotions (depression, fear, worries) and lighter ones (joy);
  • increased physical activity - heavy physical activity contributes to the active production of male sex hormones in a woman, which can suppress the female sex hormones estrogens, as a result of which there is a delay or absence of menstruation;
  • period of severe poisoning and intoxication.

How to recognize a delay in menstruation?1

Normally, the menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days. If the test is negative and there is no menstruation, you need to contact a gynecologist. The absence of menstruation for more than 5-7 days against the background of a negative pregnancy test is a reason for additional examination. During diagnosis, the true reasons for the absence of menstruation can be determined. Keep in mind that a negative test during a delay may be false, especially if you do it on the day of your expected menstruation, when the level of hCG (the hormone that is produced after fertilization and fixation of the egg) is insufficient to determine pregnancy.

Delayed menstruation is divided into several types:

● cycle disturbance, which is accompanied by rare menstruation with an interval of 40-60 days, while the duration of menstrual bleeding is only 1-2 days;

● the cycle lengthens, lasts more than 35 days, and menstruation is delayed;

● absence of menstruation for more than 6 months.

The usual delay in menstruation lasts several days and does not pose a threat to health. But if menstruation constantly comes irregularly, is delayed by weeks or months, then you need to sound the alarm. Signs of delay due to cycle disorders are practically no different from the manifestations of the first weeks of pregnancy. The symptoms for both of these conditions are similar.


A woman should know that amenorrhea is a disorder in which menstruation disappears for 6 months or more. This condition can occur in any woman of childbearing age. The term can also be used for young girls under 16 years of age who have not yet started their menstrual cycle.

A delay in menstruation for such a long period as 6 months or more is not considered a separate disease, but indicates possible pathologies of organs and systems.

To better understand the problem, it is worth knowing in what cases a long absence of a cycle is considered normal:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • the onset of menopause (usually occurs in women between 45 and 55 years old);
  • lactation period in women after childbirth;
  • during puberty.

If a woman cannot explain the long absence of menstruation to one of these reasons, then she should immediately consult a specialist, since a healthy woman of childbearing age should have regular menstruation.


Since amenorrhea can be caused by various factors, it is classified into types and types.

By type they distinguish:

  • primary - occurs in girls in adolescence, when menstruation does not occur until approximately 16 years of age, usually the cause is a complete delay in sexual development or a delay in the development of individual sexual characteristics;
  • secondary – occurs in women who have already had a regular or rare cycle.

By type they distinguish:

  • true - begins when the hormonal system fails, due to which the egg does not mature in the ovaries and does not leave them for fertilization due to insufficient production of sex hormones;
  • false.

True amenorrhea can be physiological or pathological. Physiological occurs due to natural processes in the body and its cause is not the pathology of any hormone-producing organs. Pathological is formed due to dysfunction of organs that participate in the formation of hormones.

If you do not pay attention to the irregular cycle, then from a mild form you can come to a severe one, which is characterized by the absence of menstruation for 3 years and irreversible disturbances in the functioning of the entire body occur.

Reasons why periods disappeared

Various pathologies can provoke dysfunction:

  • underweight to the point of anorexia or eating disorder;
  • early menopause;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome and PCOS;
  • genetic features of the structure of internal organs;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • malignant and benign formations in the brain;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious diseases, including STDs;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Amenorrhea can be provoked by uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives and COCs, prolonged fasting, and constant weight changes.

Symptoms of amenorrhea

The main symptom is, of course, the absence of menstruation for a long period, but this condition at different stages of development can be accompanied by:

  • decreased sexual activity;
  • the presence of pain of various types during sexual intercourse;
  • Due to disruption of the hormonal system, irritability may increase, stress resistance may decrease, and mood may often change.


To make a diagnosis, a number of studies are required:

  • examination of the patient by a gynecologist;
  • donating blood for some sex hormones (FSH, LH, progesterone, prolactin);
  • determination of the concentration of thyroid hormones (TSH and T4, mainly);
  • biochemical blood test, determination of blood sugar;
  • in some cases, a blood test for insulin levels is prescribed;
  • performing an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • performing laparoscopy;
  • It is possible to study certain areas of the brain using CT or MRI.

The diagnostic procedure is aimed at identifying the reasons why menstruation may be delayed.

Delay with a negative pregnancy test

A fairly common situation is when menstruation does not start at the scheduled time. There is nothing unusual in this phenomenon, but the reasons can be different, and not all of them are positive.

The first thing that is recommended to do if you have such a problem is to purchase a pregnancy test at your nearest pharmacy. What to do if the test shows a negative result, but there is no period?

First you need to figure out what is causing this delay. The length of the cycle should be 26-32 days and the cycle should be approximately the same length each month. With a shorter or, conversely, longer cycle, one can assume some disturbances in the functioning of the body. In this case, it would be wise to visit a gynecologist. If the delay is one-time with a negative test, and lasts no longer than a few days, you don’t have to worry, since there is no pathology in this. However, if the delay in menstruation is regular and the test is negative, it is worth finding out the reason by consulting a doctor.

The presence of pregnancy symptoms (nausea, drowsiness, frequent changes in mood and taste preferences) often suggests pregnancy. However, the test may turn out to be negative, in which case the question arises: why are there no periods and what to do in this case.

  • To begin with, after a few days you need to repeat the test. It is possible that a different brand of test will give a different result immediately.
  • A human chorionic gonadotropin test can show the presence or absence of pregnancy with greater accuracy.
  • You can also consult a doctor who will determine if you are pregnant during an examination.

Reasons for missed periods with a negative pregnancy test

  • Often a delay in menstruation occurs after childbirth, and the test in this case will be negative. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. Due to prolactin produced by the mother's body, menstruation may be absent.
  • Other options are much more dangerous. Delay may occur due to hormonal imbalance. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon that causes amenorrhea. Signs of polycystic disease may include excessive hair loss or increased male-pattern hair growth, and increased oiliness of the skin and hair.
  • The presence of retention and pain in various areas of the abdomen may indicate the presence of various gynecological diseases, including fibroids, endometriosis, cancer, and ovarian inflammation.
  • Endocrine pathologies and thyroid dysfunction can also be the cause of the absence of menstruation.
  • Against the background of hormonal disorders and pathologies of the endocrine system, early menopause can occur, which also causes a delay.

If we consider a delay in menstruation as a symptom of non-gynecological diseases, it may be the consequences of poor nutrition, severe weight loss or obesity. Delay often occurs as a result of fasting and the use of various diets, which are hard on the body, but are in no way related to pregnancy, so the test remains negative. Acclimatization when changing place of residence can also cause disturbances.

Heavy physical activity among professional athletes, various psychological shocks, stress, injuries and surgical interventions can cause disruption of the monthly cycle. A delay in menstruation with a negative test may be an individual allergic reaction when using medications, including contraceptives.


With such symptoms, you must first make sure that there is no or no pregnancy. In case of a negative pregnancy test, it is necessary to find another reason for the delay in menstruation and prescribe treatment. Most often, this requires doing various tests, visiting an endocrinologist, nephrologist and gynecologist. For some cases, it will be enough to simply adjust your diet and exercise. In other cases, a full examination may be necessary.

It is necessary to realize that a cycle disorder in the absence of pregnancy is a serious reason for immediately contacting a specialist, since an undetected gynecological disease can lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, infertility, or even death in the case of cancer.

Delay, pregnancy, test

Treatment of menstrual irregularities

Treatment is prescribed by a specialist depending on the reasons that led to this condition, and if we are talking about amenorrhea, then based on its type.

If we talk about the primary type of amenorrhea with undetected pathologies, then the patient is monitored and diagnosed. In addition, complexes of vitamins and minerals may be prescribed to maintain the general condition of the body; the doctor may advise you to protect yourself from stress, play sports, but not much physical activity, and adjust your diet and daily routine.

Most women feel their condition improves after losing weight. This can also be seen in the test results, and for many, the cycle returns after this adjustment to their lifestyle.

For secondary amenorrhea, one of the types of treatment or a combination of them will be prescribed:

  • lifestyle changes - sufficient physical activity, a nutritious diet, sufficient sleep time, a normal psychological state have a great impact on the health of a woman’s hormonal system, so it is necessary to normalize your weight and lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • treatment with medications – depending on the root cause of the disease, medications are prescribed based on the characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • surgical intervention (in extreme cases, if the cause is a tumor, etc.).

Treatment usually lasts about six months. During this period of time, the patient’s hormonal levels may return to normal and menstruation may return. But we can talk about this if we fully comply with all the doctor’s requirements and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, you should first consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the woman is pregnant and the doctor will see this during a standard examination; in addition, she will take a smear test, which can reveal inflammation or infection that could lead to an irregular cycle. If the doctor does not find any pathologies, then it would be better to consult an endocrinologist, since the problem most likely lies in a hormone imbalance.

An experienced endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, Georgiy Nikitich Romanov, conducts paid online consultations with patients. This specialist worked for a long period of time in state medical institutions, was the head of the department, and teaches at the department of a medical university. Has the ability to study the medical history, prescribe and correctly interpret the results of the patient’s tests, on the basis of which a diagnosis will be made and the necessary treatment will be carried out. Romanov Georgy conducts medical practice, based on modern knowledge and treatment methods, and helps women eliminate menstrual irregularities.

You can contact a specialist in several instant messengers and social networks, he is almost constantly in touch with his patients, you can find out more here.


It is clear from the article that the reasons for delayed menstruation can be different, including the nature of the delay, how long the cycle has been disrupted, the patient’s age and individual indicators. Every woman needs to have her own calendar where her cycle will be tracked, because the absence of menstruation is only a symptom that says that there is a problem in the body that requires elimination.

To avoid the development of pathologies and deterioration of health, you must come annually for an examination to your gynecologist and undergo a number of mandatory tests (blood test for certain hormones, smear and ultrasound), you should also pay attention to your lifestyle and try to make it as correct as possible, and also avoid stressful situations. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to treat it.

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