What can you give a guy for 4 months of relationship?

Have you been dating a guy for a decent amount of time and want to surprise your lover? Celebrate a small anniversary and please your loved one. Give the guy an original cover for documents, a photo magnet for the refrigerator, a cup with the inscription “Good morning!” Show your talents and do something yourself. Any trinket you make will be appreciated. We know what to give a guy for 3 months of a relationship. Read the article, analyze all the information and buy your beloved a suitable present!

Classic gift for boyfriend

I wonder what he looks like? It's all about the little trinkets you need, no matter how it sounds. Among which the most popular gifts remain:

  • Perfume - only a girl in love can choose and give a good perfume, this has already been proven. However, if you are afraid to guess the scent, give him a certificate for their purchase. Then look at what he chose and remember it for the next big date.

  • Shaving cream or aftershave care. Yes, it sounds corny, but you can work around it. Buy a product from a series of organic cosmetics or niche brands, one that he definitely never used before meeting you.
  • A belt or leather gloves are two things that a man can never have in his wardrobe. Or it doesn’t happen at all, so he’ll just be incredibly grateful. Well, it’s difficult to make a mistake with the choice of color or style here.
  • House slippers are the cutest gift for your loved one for 3 months of a relationship. Especially if they are chosen with humor and, for example, depict cartoon characters.

This is interesting: What to give a girl for a year of relationship?

What is better not to give to a guy if the relationship has just begun?

There is no doubt that there are gifts that are not entirely appropriate to give to a guy, especially if we are talking about the very beginning of a relationship. They will not necessarily provoke strong negative emotions, but they may leave behind an unpleasant aftertaste or some disappointment. Such gifts include:

  • items that are too intimate, the gift of which could be embarrassing or misinterpreted (underwear or items from an adult store);
  • clothes or shoes, the size of which will not be easy to choose; instead, you can give a coupon for the purchase of items;
  • gifts of very high value, causing a feeling of some dependence or embarrassment;
  • lunch or dinner in a restaurant, since such romantic evenings should be initiated by a man;
  • a bouquet of flowers will not be a very successful gift for a representative of the stronger sex;
  • At the beginning of a relationship, you shouldn’t give your guy gifts that hint at excessive seriousness.

In conclusion, it must be said that you should not rack your brains over the choice of a gift. It is enough to show sincere feelings and a little imagination to make the present desirable and memorable.

Guessing wishes in the month of relationships

Before you think about what you can give your guy for a month of relationship, keep in mind: the gift should not be too expensive and directly “shout” about your feelings for your partner. Give useful and beautiful things.

To prevent the guy from getting into an awkward position, hint to him that you are going to surprise him on this day. This can be either an innocent question in the style of: “Do you remember what day is tomorrow?”, or a direct hint: “What would you like as a gift?” The question of what to give for a month of relationship can be asked to a guy’s best friend. These actions can do two things at once: unobtrusively remind the young man about an important date for you and find out what he wants to receive as a gift.

Original gift ideas

Not all girls have enough imagination to choose a good gift for their loved one. Here is a list of several options:

  • Pen . A thing that will be useful to everyone. It can be either an original pen or an exquisite souvenir in a suede case with a personalized engraving and a metal case. This option is also good because, despite the intricacy of the design, its cost will be low.
  • Inexpensive and good alcohol . There is no need to insist that the guy use it in your company. He can share a bottle with his parents or friends. Such a gift will tell about your refined taste and trust in your partner.
  • A gift certificate to his favorite store . A salvation option for girls who don’t understand guys’ hobbies. For example, if he is a fan of computer games, and your interaction with the computer is limited to social networks, then it is not necessary to spend a lot of time searching for the right gift. Give your guy a certificate to the game store. He will be happy.
  • Book . Perhaps it will be a recently released work by his favorite author, or maybe you will present him with something completely new. With this gift you can not only please a young man, but also make him think about a topic that worries you. Perhaps you will have common interests.
  • Portrait . An unusual and memorable present. If you don’t know how to draw, you can order a painting from an artist. Or let the desire to surprise your loved one encourage you to learn a new skill.
  • Thermos mug . Who among us doesn’t like to drink invigorating coffee or aromatic tea? A guy will remember you with gratitude when you allow him to enjoy his favorite drink everywhere. In addition, you can present gift packaging of loose leaf tea.
  • Going to the skating rink . What could be more romantic? If you both don't know how to ride, then hire an instructor. If you don’t want to spend extra money, then learn it yourself. Doing it together is easier and more fun. In addition, there are always many experienced people at the skating rinks who are ready to help beginners.
  • Headphones . Many young people simply cannot imagine life without music. It will be simply wonderful when, listening to his favorite track, a young man remembers his girlfriend.
  • Electronic Cigarette . Your boyfriend smokes, and you're afraid to tell him that you don't like it? Studies have shown that vaping is much safer for the body. And there’s no question of which cigarette smells better. Such a useful unit will allow you to no longer feel the eternal aroma of tobacco next to you.
  • Handmade product . Such a gift will unobtrusively show the young man what kind of housewife you are. So choose something that you can do really well. It could be knitted warm socks, an embroidered picture, or even a cake baked by yourself.

Congratulation details

While talking for a long time about what original gift to give a guy for a month of relationship, many forget about the key moment of presenting the gift.

Congratulations on the month of your relationship can be even more important and interesting than the gift itself.

Before presenting a surprise, they think about:

  • Packaging. The Internet is full of videos where girls literally squeal with delight when they find an iPhone or a ring in a hairdryer box. This surprise effect works with guys too. If you don’t want to shock the young man in this way, then simply beautiful and bright packaging will do. After all, everyone remembers the delight with which we unpacked gifts from our parents as children. Let your gift awaken those same emotions in your lover.
  • Time and place of delivery. It is better to give a gift in a calm and quiet environment, when you are alone. If you are celebrating the first month of a relationship in a restaurant or cafe, then it is better to give a gift before the waiter brings the food. Unpacking a gift on a dirty table is inconvenient and unhygienic.
  • Words of congratulations. When girls think about what to give for the month of their relationship, they rarely think about the words they will say when presenting the gift. But such seemingly small details are important. You can read a short poem, or you can express in your own words the hope that your relationship will last a long time. But you need to think about what you will say in advance.

Surprise for two months of romance

Time flies quickly and the first month of the relationship is followed by the second. You still don’t know each other that well, and your imagination has exhausted itself even when choosing the previous surprise.

A gift for 2 months of a relationship should be romantic and remind your chosen one of you.

It’s hard to come up with something special for 2 months of a relationship. The most popular gifts are:

  • Perfume. You've known your man long enough to understand what scents he prefers. You can choose a perfume that is similar to the one he wears all the time, but with new aromatic notes that will appeal to you.
  • An original bow tie or tie. Every man has these items in his wardrobe. They perfectly complement the image of a business person. Thanks to the item of clothing you donated, the young man will feel your love and support, even while at important events.
  • Shokobox or sweet card. If your loved one prefers sweets, then he will be delighted with this gift. Now in almost any city you can find a master who professionally creates shockboxes. He will decorate the gift packaging according to your wishes. So, you can order a box with your common photo, and print pleasant wishes on the candy wrappers.
  • Personalized towel. You can embroider the name on the towel yourself or purchase a ready-made one. But if none of these options suits you, then limit yourself to a hygiene item with a general inscription. For example: “The man of the house” or “The most handsome guy.”
  • External solar battery. It's an eco-friendly way to always stay connected. If the sun is a rare guest in your region, then take a closer look at models that charge both from the sun and from electricity.
  • Homemade postcard. This is a little childish, but a charming gift in its own way. You can paste your common photos onto the postcard, decorate it with rhinestones and beads. You can write your congratulations with shiny pens. In general, you should use your imagination.
  • Set of tools. Useful for every man. There are both very cheap options and expensive things.
  • Mini exercise machine for hands. If your boyfriend spends a lot of time watching TV, then why not try to make this pastime more useful? Of course, this won’t make your man Arnold Schwarzenegger, but his hands will get less tired. This gift is suitable for people who type or write a lot.

Gift for three months of dating

Time passes and now you have been together for the third month. It's time to start thinking about what to give your guy for 3 months of relationship. It’s easier to choose a gift here, since you get to know each other better. You know the tastes of your boyfriend and it’s difficult to make a mistake with your choice.

There is no longer the same excitement as when choosing a gift for the first month of a relationship. You and your loved one are approaching a period when you need to try with all your might to maintain at least some kind of romance. This can be done with the help of a properly selected gift.

During this period of relationships, it is recommended to give something that brings partners together. Such a gift will be remembered by your loved one for a long time. The most romantic surprises:

  • Joint photo session. It is important to find a good photographer. When the photographer is experienced, the pictures turn out beautiful, even if you and your loved one are far from models. In a few years, you will be pleased to look at these pictures and remember the beginning of the relationship.
  • A game for lovers. There are many similar variations of the Truth or Dare game in stores. But if you haven’t found anything suitable, then you can make such a gift yourself.
  • A poem or short story about love of your own composition. This will help you talk about your feelings for your partner in an unobtrusive manner. Rhymes, quality of style, and text style are not so important. What matters is what emotions you put into your work.
  • Chinese flying lantern. Launch it together - it's very romantic. It is believed that with a flashlight, everything bad flies away from your life. All grievances and omissions will disappear from your relationship, only real feelings will remain.
  • Going to the water park. Time to remember your childhood and ride steep slides, swim in warm water. You and your loved one will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions. Such a pastime brings us closer together.

In general, there are many options for gifts for the anniversary of a relationship. You can always find an option to your liking. Let your heart help you make the right choice. Love each other and the romance of your relationship will not disappear after 9 or 10 months.

Romantic gifts for a guy for 3 months of relationship

To demonstrate your affection, you need a suitable gift. It can be found in the online store. Choosing a gift for a guy for 3 months of a relationship depends on how much money you are willing to spend. We offer a variety of romantic gift options for every budget:

  • photo postcard “Favorite Pictures” - personalized postcard with congratulations and photographs. It is made to order. You need to find photographs and upload them to the website of a company that does such work;
  • The “Heart Love” toy is a handmade product made in the shape of two hearts sewn with thread. This toy symbolizes love and sincere relationships;
  • The “Beloved” tea set is a pleasant surprise that the guy will like. Clover tea has a unique taste. It can be enjoyed on cold winter evenings;
  • Thermal mug "ECG" is a unique cup, the appearance of which depends on the temperature of the drink inside. When there is cold water in the mug, a cardiogram of the heart is visible. When hot tea is poured into the cup, the inscription “I love” appears;
  • A poncho for two is a wonderful gift for 3 months of a relationship. This poncho is suitable for walking together in the park, for picnics, and for relaxing in the fresh air. It is warm and visually attractive;
  • The photo notebook “Face from the Cover” is an exclusive gift that you can give to your boyfriend. The notebook cover is made based on the photograph. The photo notebook is a memorable gift;
  • The “Two Hearts” tie clip is a romantic gift that emphasizes a man’s look. The clip is made in the form of a clothespin. This is a stylish accessory that modern guys love;
  • neck pillow “I love” - a pillow on which declarations of love are written in different languages. It easily takes its original shape and gives you a healthy sleep. The pillow is made of jersey.

Give a picture consisting of many words for a small anniversary. When creating a picture, a variety of words are used. For example, “Joy”, “Enjoyment”, “Happiness”.

Classic gifts

Many guys prefer to receive practical gifts. And the three-month anniversary is no exception. Therefore, we suggest giving your beloved:

  • Perfume. Most likely, you already know which scents your lover prefers. If you are in doubt about the choice, it is better to give him a gift certificate for a purchase in the appropriate store.
  • Shaving cream. At first glance, such a gift seems banal, but you can always order an organic product for your loved one or even create it yourself by learning the basics of cream making.
  • Belt and leather gloves - these things are never superfluous. If a man works in an office and must look according to the dress code, give him a gift set of cufflinks.
  • House slippers are boring only at first glance. After all, you can always approach a gift with humor and give your beloved cute slippers with images of funny characters from an animated film.

This is interesting: What to give a guy for 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months of a relationship?

Gifts-emotions - creative ideas

Creative gift ideas:

  • A trip to a clay workshop.
  • Landscape drawing.
  • Congratulations on the cinema screen.
  • Theater tickets.
  • Swimming with dolphins.
  • Picnic in nature.
  • Visit to the water park.
  • Slideshow of vivid impressions.
  • Cooking master class.
  • Certificate for visiting the quest.
  • A bottle of champagne or cognac with a themed label.
  • Going to an amusement park.
  • Subscription for couples dancing.
  • Horseback riding.
  • Excursion tour.

Unusual ideas for congratulations can be borrowed from forums, or you can turn to professional organizers, they will definitely help you surprise your other half. Much depends on financial capabilities, but he won’t forget even a fishing trip and cooking fish soup by the fire. But it is better to go not on your own, but as part of an excursion group.


How to choose a present for your beloved guy?

There are several rules for choosing gifts for a guy at the beginning of a relationship:

  • 1. You should not choose an expensive and exclusive gift as a present. If you give a guy French perfume or a Swiss watch for a month of relationship, this may scare him away, because a poor young man will not be able to respond in kind.
  • 2. It is better to present a gift made with your own hands so that the guy appreciates the abilities and talents of his chosen one and feels her affection and care. For example, knitting mittens or a scarf if a girl does needlework; write a poem or song if you have poetic talent; prepare an original dessert or cake if cooking is your strong point.
  • 3. It is necessary to take into account the character of the chosen one, his age, lifestyle, hobbies. If a man is interested in collecting, then you can present him with a rare, but not too expensive item for his collection.

You should not wait for a return gift, because for a young man this date may be insignificant. Therefore, accusations and reproaches from the girl about the lack of a present can cause a break in the relationship.

What to give a guy for six months of a relationship: gift ideas


Gift options

The best ideas for gifts for 1, 2, 3 or 4 months of a relationship:

Homemade gift
  • Cakes or a cake with comic predictions and the inscription: “We have been together for 3 months” (or the date we met, the number of days spent together). You need to ask your loved one in advance about his taste preferences, since the guy may not eat sweets and will not appreciate such a gift.
  • Coffee card in the shape of a heart. Such a card will be able to lift your spirits not only with the warm wishes written inside it, but will also give a boost of cheerfulness and good mood to a coffee drink lover.
  • Handmade soap. The young man will think about the girl while taking water procedures and enjoy the pleasant aroma.
  • Socks, gloves, scarf or other hand-knitted item. You can give such a gift to a man who values ​​home comfort and is kind to his family.
  • Men's bracelet made of leather laces. You can weave wooden beads with your lover's name. This decoration is perfect for a sporty and classic style, and will also look harmonious with everyday clothes.
  • A video or collage of successful photographs. A sensual musical composition and pleasant words written under each photo will win the heart of a romantic and will not leave anyone indifferent
Gift for a motorist
  • Original keychain for car keys.
  • A pendant or flavoring with a pleasant smell.
  • Anti-stress pillow.
  • Cover for the driver's seat with a massage effect.
  • Cool stickers for car windows
For fans of computer games
  • A licensed disc with your favorite game.
  • Ultra-modern mouse.
  • Headphones with stereo effect.
  • Wireless keyboard or speakers.
  • Flash drive in the shape of a pistol or other unusual shape
Present for an athlete
  • Yoga mat.
  • Dumbbells or other sports equipment.
  • Statuette engraved with the words: "To my champion (victor, kidnapper or heart conqueror)"
For the intellectual
  • Interesting book.
  • A board game, such as Monopoly or Scrabble.
  • Invitation to an exhibition of paintings.
  • Theater or ballet tickets
For the music lover
  • Pocket MP-3 player with his favorite songs.
  • Vinyl record.
  • Tickets to a concert of your favorite artist or group.

Win-win gift options include cosmetics, men's accessories (belt, wallet, gloves), key chains, cups with various inscriptions, an engraved lighter (if the guy smokes), a diary and a stylish pen.

How to choose a gift for a guy at the beginning of a relationship

There is no doubt that choosing a gift is a purely personal matter, but there are a number of general rules that apply to choosing a gift for a guy at the beginning of a relationship:

  • if possible, the gift should be practical, as this is valued by the stronger sex;
  • You shouldn’t give impersonal gifts that won’t remind the guy of his girlfriend. It is possible to complement the gift with a postcard signed by yourself;
  • a gift at the beginning of a relationship should not be obligatory or with a hint of excessive seriousness;
  • It is advisable to get some information about the guy’s preferences; you can try to secretly ask his friends. In this case, choosing the desired gift will be much easier;
  • gift wrapping will give the gift additional originality and show that it was prepared and was not thoughtlessly bought in a nearby store;
  • the process of presenting a gift must necessarily be accompanied by warm words, which are not at all necessary to come up with in advance, the most important thing is that they are spoken sincerely.

TOP useful gifts for the first anniversary of a relationship

What can you give a guy on your relationship anniversary?

  • Flash card.
  • Business card holder or wallet.
  • Pedometer.
  • Hobby present.
  • Wireless mouse for computer.
  • Pillow with anti-stress effect.
  • Dumbbells or other sports equipment.
  • Book.
  • Board game.
  • Heated food container.

Useful gifts should meet the needs of your other half. What one needs, another may never need. If the time after meeting was not enough to identify needs, then this category of gifts should be abandoned.

Best answer

Adore 7 (49679) 4 43 182 6 years

Seven blowjobs. He will definitely like it.

kuks 6 (11703) 6 122 303 6 years

aloha 7 (32863) 5 23 66 6 years

Nothing. give it for a year.. these months are bullshit

nasjuk777 7 (35777) 5 21 159 6 years

Give something that will symbolize your love for him and you as a couple =) This could be an unusually designed photo collage, or a homemade cake.

Great idea, Raccoon! Or latex Krishna, as an option =)

In general, it’s somehow strange to ask strangers on the Internet about something that you yourself know more about than all of us here combined - your boyfriend, after all =)

It is customary among lovers to celebrate even the most insignificant and small dates of a joint relationship, because for lovers nothing is unimportant and every minute spent together deserves a real holiday. And even more so when we are talking about several months of mutual sympathy and love. But what to do if you don’t know what to give your guy for 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months of relationship? You are about to celebrate your anniversary, but have not yet figured out what to present this time? Well, you don’t have to despair at all, in this article you will find the answers to your question and you will be able to choose a great gift from the proposed options for a loved one of any age.

Remember that this is only your holiday, a holiday of your love, so you can safely present something personal. Perhaps these will be some amulets that mean a lot to you two and even we don’t know about them. Symbolism is the main component of the gift!

Cheap but cheerful - budget gifts for your loved one

Budget gifts for your loved one:

  • Mouse pad. A useful and practical thing in everyday life, especially since you have the opportunity to print your photo or even a group shot on it.
  • Cinema ticket. A romantic comedy or an intriguing action movie doesn’t matter if the tickets are in the last row for kissing or it’s a high-profile premiere that everyone has been waiting for a long time.
  • Notepad and pen. It will allow you to record the most touching moments or become an indispensable assistant at work.
  • Car air freshener.
  • Key ring. It can be personalized, divided into 2 halves of one whole, or made of semi-precious stones.
  • Thermal mug. A useful accessory for coffee lovers or office workers who risk spilling a drink on the keyboard.
  • Winner cup, medal. He is the winner of the heart, and this is an opportunity to say it personally, a good reason to make it clear that you like him or to start a new level of relationship.
  • Laser pointer. A useful gadget that is used by teachers, managers and other office employees during presentations.
  • Phone case. Plastic, personalized, fur and any other, he will not let go of his hands, because... many young people spend most of their free time in the virtual world.
  • Cactus. If you place it in front of a computer monitor, it will absorb all the harmful radiation.
  • Car pillow. A decorative one will decorate the inside of the car, but if a man often travels long distances or spends a lot of time in the car, then it should also be comfortable for sleeping. Each time he will mentally thank his chosen one as soon as he uses the gift.
  • Unusual lighter. There are branded and stylish options that run on gasoline. They can be refilled and used endlessly. So that he is not tempted to lose it or give it to someone else, you can make a personal engraving on the case.
  • Cover for documents. A simple gift that is always needed. An old cover may be less attractive or may have lost its original appearance. To lift your spirits, you can choose a cover with a comic print or unusual pictures.
  • Pie or cake with wishes. As an alternative, you can put coins in several pieces - whoever gets them will be happy and rich. Variations can be on different themes, but it is better to choose romantic themes.
  • A set of aromatic essential oils. They can be used in the bath, sauna, car, at home, after a shower and during a massage. Men can be given more brutal and sharp aromas; they should also remember about the healing therapeutic effect.

For many lovers, this is the most obvious category of gifts, which does not require large investments and allows you to show attention to your other half. A man will definitely appreciate even a small present and an insignificant sign of attention from a girl.

Souvenirs for memory

A good gift option for a guy is souvenirs. Three months of a relationship is not such an important date to spend a lot; you can buy something that reminds you of your acquaintance. Or one of these options:

Keychain. If you want your boyfriend to never forget the date you met, give him a keychain in the form of a car license plate; it is clear that the numbers on the sign are your date. Well, if your memory is also not very good, make yourself a copy of this keychain;).

Suspension. A gift that has become a classic for all loving hearts is a pendant in the shape of a heart made of two halves, one will remain with you, the other with your boyfriend. And then you will see whether he will wear it and how seriously he treats you!

Magnet. If you met in a park or other famous part of the city, you can give a photo magnet that will remind your boyfriend of that happy day.

Cover for documents . An original document cover with a 3D print in the form of two wolves is a gift that is both stylish and romantic at the same time. These animals were not chosen by chance, because they are the ones who value fidelity and live with one partner all their lives.

Teapot. Surely you already have your own cute nicknames as a couple, if you call your loved one nothing other than Lev, then you can buy a silicone teapot for a cup in the shape of the head of the king of beasts.

No need for expensive gifts

Four months of a relationship is not the case when you should save money in advance and present your loved one with something mega-cool and expensive. Very small things and gifts made with your own hands can bring even more joy and tender feelings to the person in love with you. Pleasant little things that can be given as a gift:

  1. Joint photo. For example, in a beautiful frame. Well, if the frame is unusual, you can make it yourself, and creativity is welcome. You can buy a simple wooden frame in the store and paint it, cover it with buttons or beads, another option is to wrap it with jute rope or simple knitting threads. You can make the frame yourself, for example, from a wooden ruler, it looks unusual and funny. Or you can not make a frame at all, but make a slide show for your boyfriend and turn it on during an evening together.
  2. Any items with your image. A T-shirt or mug, a diary, when opened, he will see your photo and a declaration of love, or maybe a smartphone case with photo printing. If you want the gift to be more intimate, give him a pillowcase with your image, let him always fall asleep with you, even when you are not around.
  3. A beautiful men's trinket. Keychain, bracelet (silver or simple bauble, or something symbolic, with engraving). You can give him a pen in a beautiful box, a ring (a good option is paired rings that both lovers wear, and when combined they form one), an amulet. Other options: a wallet, a key holder, a diary with a leather cover (for a cool and informal guy, a notebook with a cover made of ripped jeans, which you can make yourself, is suitable).
  4. Useful and pleasant little things for your computer or smartphone. For example, a mouse pad (of course, an unusual design is welcome), headphones, a small desktop speaker or a funny animal that is attached to the monitor and will always remind your boyfriend of you. You can give your loved one a new phone case, with a funny picture, or vice versa, a classic and very “masculine” one.
  5. Sweets. Many guys love sweets, and if your loved one is also not a fan of sweets, give him something tasty - a chocolate bar (you can hide a note with nice words under the wrapper), a kilogram of his favorite chocolates in a beautiful or funny box, a block of chewing gum " Love is...", or maybe a heart-shaped cake made by yourself. Whatever you have enough imagination and skill to create, you can rest assured that the simplest cookies in the shape of hearts will please your soulmate.
  6. Some men's cosmetics and care products. Of course, not shampoo or shower gel, such a gift may offend a particularly impressionable macho, but a set of gentle and hypoallergenic shaving foam and a softening after-shave balm will definitely come in handy and should please him. Especially if you tell him how much you like the soft skin on his face after using these products. You can choose his favorite eau de toilette as a gift (and if he is not very picky in this matter, just buy him the scent that you like).
  7. Everything for his car. If you don’t know what to give your boyfriend, give him everything for his car. A person who has a car and pays a lot of attention to it will be happy with any car trinket, keychain, or at least a fragrance.

A gift that you make with your own hands is perfect, and it doesn’t matter what it is: a knitted scarf, handmade soap or a T-shirt painted with acrylic paints. The guy will love it!

Practical things

If your chosen one is far from a romantic, then you can give him some practical things. Even if it’s a banal pen, it will always be with him and will remind him of you every time.

Pillow. The gift is practical and useful, but since it is dedicated to a specific date, let it be a pillow with photo printing, all that remains is to choose the best joint photo.

Umbrella. You have been together constantly for three whole months and practically never parted? Then the rain shouldn't separate you. An original umbrella for two of the two combined domes will help with this.

Cup. If you live separately and there is no way to personally say “Good morning” to your loved one, you can give him an interesting mug with a picture of coffee, a croissant and the inscription “Good morning, beloved!”

Notebook. An original version of a classic gift is a notebook with black sheets, the main thing is to add a white marker or pencil in addition.

House slippers. Bright yellow slippers with funny smiles are the hit of the season.

Cool gifts for a guy

Three months is a significant date that should not be forgotten. Be sure to choose a cool present for your guy and decorate it beautifully. Suitable options include the board game “Between Us,” the double keychain “I Love,” and the paired pendants “Music of Love.” We have other gift ideas for a guy for 3 months of a relationship. Check them out and choose what you like:

  • A pocket umbrella is a product that, when folded, easily fits into a pocket. An umbrella protects from rain in bad weather. It is available in several colors: black, green, blue;
  • A USB ashtray in the shape of a car is a device supplemented with a hood. The ashtray runs on batteries and USB. She is beautiful and useful. The top of the machine opens, so you can put a cigarette inside;
  • Teapot "Dinosaur" or "Diver" is a product made of food-grade silicone. It is safe for health and does not change the taste of tea;
  • The “Skull” stack is a double glass stack with a 3D effect. If you look at it, it looks like there is a skull inside the stack. This is an unusual sight, breathtaking;
  • A lamp for a smartphone is a great alternative to a flashlight. A portable light bulb is attached to the phone. This is a convenient solution for travel and travel;
  • wooden construction set “Engine” is a complex mechanism consisting of numerous parts. Once the engine is assembled, it can be powered;
  • An anti-stress cube is a small device that can help you cope with anxiety in stressful situations. The cube contains buttons, gears, and switches. You need to pick it up and rotate it, press buttons, click and twist;
  • A rotating multi-colored lamp is ideal for an incendiary party. The set contains a special adapter with which the lamp operates from a socket. When it turns on, a magical atmosphere is created.

Give your guy a basketball laundry basket. With such a product, a routine process turns into a game. You need to throw dirty laundry into the basket. This doesn't always work out the first time.

List of the best gifts for a guy for 3 months of relationship

As the significant date approaches, the question arises about buying a present. Girls want to please their loved one, but don’t know what gift to choose. Original products, the cost of which is affordable, are more suitable for the holiday. An excellent gift for a guy for 3 months of a relationship can be found with our help. We have left a rating of the best gifts:

Ideas from the best gift store

  1. Gifts for February 23 – 539 ideas
  2. March 8 – 368 ideas
  3. Inexpensive gifts under 1000 rubles - 1632 ideas
  4. from 1000 to 2000 rubles - 576 ideas
  5. from 2000 to 3000 rubles - 96 ideas
  6. from 3000 to 5000 rubles - 288 ideas
  7. Expensive gifts (from 5,000 rubles) - 144 ideas
  8. Unusual gifts - 336 ideas
  9. Cool gifts - 480 ideas
  10. Personalized gifts - 528 ideas
  1. Thermo mug "Black gold".
  2. TV for smartphone.
  3. Shaker for sports nutrition.
  4. Magnetic key holder in the shape of a cloud.
  5. Jumping alarm clock.
  6. "150 Best Movies" scratch card.
  7. Collapsible picnic basket.
  8. Handle in the shape of a machine.
  9. Wine stand "Lasso".
  10. Glowing globe of the starry sky.

Romantic surprises

You can give your loved one an unexpected surprise for 3 months of your relationship. Perhaps this will become a good tradition, and your every date together will be held in a romantic and adventurous spirit. There are many original gifts or surprises. The most striking of them are the following.

Original photo shoot . You will look for creative ideas for photographs in the “Love is...” chewing gum. You simply open another piece of gum and try to bring what you have drawn to life by capturing the moment with your camera.

Gift-dream . You have so many plans for the future, a future together, but there is no way to implement them yet. But even now you have something to surprise your loved one with. Bake some gingerbread in the shape of an airplane, which symbolizes travel, cars, a house and a puppy for example. Decorate them beautifully with food markers and give your boyfriend a beautiful box with a bow and the inscription “Dream Gift.”

Dance master class. Nothing brings lovers closer together than the mystery of dance. A great gift idea is a certificate for a salsa master class. Dancing together such a fiery dance as salsa will bring you even closer together!

Movie tickets. A cool theme for lovers is night sessions. The main thing is to buy tickets to a film that both will definitely like.

Karting. A good gift option for a guy who loves extreme sports. The competitive spirit will be present on the race track, which will awaken the passion for each other even more! Your feelings are only gaining momentum, and you can compete: whoever loves whom more will come first to the finish line.

3 months of a relationship is a great opportunity to have a romantic dinner or exchange memorable gifts. It’s too early to think about expensive gifts, but the main thing is not the price at all, but the attention and feelings that flared up between him and you.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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