One solution to adhesion problems is the lens effect.

How to choose colored lenses - taking into account the recommendations of an ophthalmologist and the natural color of the iris. The range of these devices for changing the appearance in optical salons is quite wide. Models differ in cost and brand recognition, comfort and duration of wear. And many contact lenses not only change eye color, but also correct vision.

Tinted lenses

These lenses are not designed to radically change eye color. They only emphasize the natural color of the iris and increase its intensity. Unlike colored optical products, such models contain a small amount of coloring pigment, which is used at certain stages of production. High-quality tint lenses only slightly tint the iris, and their level of “darkening” does not exceed 20%. They can only be used by people with light eyes:

  • gray;
  • blue;
  • green;
  • ocher color.

But such models are not suitable for brown-eyed people, so they should choose only colored products. Lenses that change the shade of the iris, enhancing the expressiveness and depth of the eye, come in blue (Blue), aquamarine (Aqua) and green (Green). All of them are ideal for people with gray eyes. In other cases, it is advisable to choose a lens shade that is as close as possible to the physiological color of the iris.

Advantages and disadvantages of eye magnifying lenses

The main advantage of Korean lenses is the ability to visually enlarge the eyes, thanks to which every fashionista can radically change her image. In addition, such products have the following positive qualities:

  • Ability to change eye color from light to dark or vice versa.
  • Magnifying lenses, when used correctly and following the manufacturer's recommendations, have a gentle effect on the organs of vision and do not cause harm to health.
  • Lenses with diopters will help not only change your image, but also correct myopia or farsightedness.
  • People with visual defects that significantly impair attractiveness (for example, eyesores) can disguise the defect and get rid of complexes.
  • Thanks to the huge assortment, you can change your eye color every day and create extravagant images.
  • Since the pattern in most models does not block the pupil, magnifying lenses do not impair vision in low light and at twilight.

The disadvantages of magnifying lenses are:

  • When using some models with a dense pattern, your eyes may get tired quickly.
  • Products larger than 15 mm in diameter may cause dry, red and irritated eyes. To avoid this, it is recommended to use special moisturizing drops and not wear lenses for more than 3-4 hours.
  • An incorrectly selected model can give the image an unattractive and inharmonious look.
  • If the dilated pupil extends beyond the uncolored edge of the lens, a feeling of cloudiness in the eyes may occur. For this reason, you cannot drive a car in such products.
  • For people suffering from astigmatism and other diseases that require constant wearing of corrective lenses, magnifying lenses may not be suitable.

Color contact lenses

Contact lenses prices can be found on our website. The line of directly colored lenses is represented by a huge number of models. After putting them on, a blue-eyed girl easily becomes brown-eyed. But everything happens exactly the opposite. The owner of the blackest eyes turns into blue-eyed. This effect is ensured not only by a high concentration of coloring pigment, but also by a special pattern that imitates the mesh of the iris. These products do not look as natural as tint ones. What color lenses are especially in demand in optical shops:

  • emerald green;
  • dark violet;
  • sky blue;
  • ocher;
  • nutmeg;
  • pearl gray;
  • rich blue.

The higher quality the model, the more imperceptibly it changes the shade of the iris. There is an opinion that vision is blurred in such lenses. This is not true - the iris does not innervate impulses to the brain, so vision acuity does not decrease.

Carnival lenses

The choice of such products is difficult, but solely because of their diversity. The expression “eyes run wild” is appropriate, the range of carnival lenses is so wide. Some imitate the pupil of a snake, others imitate cats, and others imitate various mythical creatures. You can find models with smiley faces, soccer balls, dancing people, stars and snowflakes.

Products with bold design solutions usually do not have diopters. Its scope of application is making adjustments to the usual image and creating an original image. These optical products are not intended to be worn for long periods of time, so after the party they must be removed and placed in a case.

How to choose

When choosing the right model, you need to pay attention to its diameter - the larger it is, the more noticeable the enlargement effect.

The average diameter of a standard lens is 13–14.3 mm. Such products can only give the look more expressiveness and are suitable for daily wear:

  • 14.5 mm – models with this diameter slightly increase the size of the eyes, do not cause any discomfort when worn and have a natural appearance. Most often, products with a diameter of 14.5 mm are used by singers and actresses.
  • 14.7–15 mm – lenses to create a doll-like look can be worn for a short time – no more than 6–8 hours. They are suitable for parties and photo shoots.
  • 17 mm - the part painted under the pupil covers the entire iris and almost the entire sclera, which makes the pupils large and gives the eyes an unnatural appearance. Such models are intended to be worn for no more than 5 hours, since they significantly impair the supply of oxygen to the organs of vision and can lead to hypoxia.
  • 20–22 mm – the colored area covers the entire eye. The main disadvantage of such models is the possible difficulties and discomfort during installation and removal.

Unnaturally large eyes can be intimidating and off-putting to others. Therefore, it is better not to wear lenses with a diameter of more than 15 mm in everyday life, and even more so, you should not wear them to work in the office.

Huge eyes look more harmonious on fashionistas with large facial features, while girls with petite features will look ugly with such lenses. To see if an extra-large lens is right for you, it's best to try the smallest magnifying lenses first.

When choosing a product, in addition to its diameter, you also need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The radii of curvature of the cornea and the lens must match. Otherwise, the product will cause discomfort when worn.
  • An important indicator that you should pay attention to is the ability of the material from which the product is made to transmit oxygen. If this indicator is low, the material will prevent free access of air to the eyes, which is not very good for their health. You should not wear products made from such materials for a long time.
  • It is also recommended to choose models with a high moisture content. They will moisturize the cornea and facilitate sliding over the surface of the lens, which will prevent the development of dryness, irritation, redness and other uncomfortable sensations. The largest amount of water is contained in silicone hydrogel lenses. They also have good breathability, but are characterized by high price, low strength and fragility. If you do not plan to wear magnifying optics often and for a long time, then you can opt for lenses that contain a small amount of moisture in the composition. Their cost is much lower, they have greater strength and durability.

Beauty lenses

This is a new product in ophthalmology, which has virtually no disadvantages. But such optical products have a lot of advantages. They help make the look deeper and more voluminous, emphasizing the natural color of the iris. By enhancing the contrast between it and the white of the eyes, the eyes appear radiant. The beauty effect is provided by a combination of your own iris pattern with a special pattern applied to the edges of the lens.

The safest and highest quality are 1 Day Acuvue Define. When choosing a model, you need to clearly understand what tasks its wearing should solve. For example, Natural Shimmer will make your eyes shine, and Natural Sparkle will make your eyes deep and expressive. There is no single tint scale for Beauty lenses. They can be used by people with any eye color.

What else should you pay attention to?

Take your time to make a decision, because the comfort of wearing and the service life of lenses depends not only on their size.

  1. Radius of curvature. It does not coincide with the curvature of the cornea, but depends on it. For Europeans, models with a radius of curvature of 8.6 are most often suitable; for people with a narrow eye shape, it is better to choose a radius of 8.4.
  2. Oxygen permeability. It depends on how long you can wear the lenses without breaks. With a parameter of 80 Dk/t, you can spend 8 hours daily in the lenses. 130-140 Dk/t allows you to wear them without taking them off for several days.
  3. Moisture content. Lenses with low water content (up to 50%) last longer, are durable and are great for correcting minor imperfections. Eye magnifying lenses also most often have a moisture content of 38-42%.
  4. Material. Hydrogel lenses are cheaper, and their oxygen permeability directly depends on the water content in the lens. Silicone hydrogels allow you to not worry about moisture content and wear well all day, but they are more expensive.

Silicone hydrogels have good breathability

Don’t forget to read these parameters on the packaging or the manufacturer’s website, because lens care and wearing comfort depend on them. And use eye drops if you are in a dry room or feel uncomfortable ; a damp shine will give your eyes even more expressiveness.

How to choose a manufacturer?

Today, most eye magnifying lenses are made in South Korea, but some are imported from other countries.

Most eye enlargement lenses are made in Korea

  1. EOS company (Korea) produces lenses with a diameter from 14 mm to 14.8 mm. There are models in black, brown, green, blue, gray, purple and even pink, with natural patterns and geometric patterns. There are almost 200 options in the model range. Most lenses are without diopters, but some can correct vision, the maximum optical power is -8. Radius of curvature 8.6 and 8.8, depending on lens size, moisture content 38%. The lenses last up to a year.
  2. G&G Contact Lens (Korea) is a company with a 30-year history. It produces scleral lenses with a diameter of 22 mm, as well as the Colors Eye Free carnival and Crazy Colors Eye Free lines with a diameter of 14.5 mm. All lenses are designed for quarterly replacement. Moisture content 42%, oxygen permeability 35. They are distinguished by extremely original patterns. The lenses do not have diopters.
  3. The Dreamcon Co Ltd brand from Hera (Korea) is a relatively new manufacturer; the company was founded in 2003. It produces one-, two- and three-tone lenses ranging in size from 14 mm to 14.5 mm, with and without patterns. They do not have an outer rim. Their moisture content is 40%, but their oxygen permeability is only 13, so you shouldn’t wear lenses all day. Lenses require quarterly replacement.
  4. Lensmam (Korea) specializes in namini-sclera and sclera, 17 mm and 22 mm respectively. The lineup is small, but the options presented look unusual and would only be appropriate at a party. Designed for 6 months of service.
  5. Geo Medical (Korea) produces Geo Eyevelyn, the only Korean lenses made from silicone hydrogel. They have increased oxygen permeability, their moisture content is 48%. They have protection against UV radiation. The lenses slightly enlarge the eyes and look natural, because their diameter is 14.2 mm. Excellent quality, but the price is high. Magnifying hydrogel lenses are also available, the quality of which is similar to the products of the above manufacturers.

Green magnifying lenses on brown eyes

An example of magnifying lenses on the eyes

Advantages of eye magnifying lenses

  1. Most modern models allow you to see well even in semi-darkness, because they do not block the pupil.
  2. They allow you to make even dark eyes light or completely change their color.
  3. Visually enlarge the eyes.
  4. A wide range of models helps you create spectacular daytime makeup or a doll-like look.
  5. There are models that correct vision for myopia.
  6. Good quality.


  1. Unnatural appearance of some models.
  2. They require careful selection to match the color type and facial features.
  3. Individual intolerance is possible.
  4. May not be suitable for people with astigmatism or who are used to continuous wear lenses.

Video - Tips for caring for contact lenses

Enlarging your eyes today is easier than ever. Do you want a bright doll look? Contact Korean manufacturers. Maximum naturalness? Your lenses are made in the West. The main thing is to choose those models that you like, then those around you will be delighted.

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Age restrictions

For the manufacture of colored contact lenses, hydrogel is used - a modern material that is relatively safe. It allows air to pass well to all structures of the eye, reliably retains moisture, protecting the conjunctiva from drying out. Therefore, rumors about the dangers of wearing colored items are nothing more than a myth. There is little coloring pigment in them, which is clearly not enough for the development of ophthalmic pathologies, including myopia.

But manufacturers have not provided data on the safety of colored lenses for children and adolescents. The results of neither laboratory studies nor clinical tests are widely available. So ophthalmologists allow them to be worn only after 18 years of age. Some “clouding” of vision plays a role here, especially when using carnival products and those that enlarge the iris. The child’s visual system is at the stage of formation, so the design on the product may interfere with the development of the structures responsible for peripheral vision. You can find out how much contact lenses cost at any time on our online pharmacy website.

Radius of curvature and dioptres

It is in diopters that the optical power of a lens is measured. Those who have vision problems know this well. In the absence of any deviations or pathologies, it is necessary to choose lenses with zero diopters for both eyes. But there are pitfalls here. For a normal result, it would not be superfluous to consult an ophthalmologist. And all because if there is the slightest deviation in one of the eyes, wearing unsuitable lenses will greatly aggravate the situation. Therefore, before you think about your choice, you should worry about your health and consult a specialist.

From here we can draw a completely logical conclusion: diopters must be selected based on your vision parameters.

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