She took her husband away from the family, but she bet on the wrong guy. The payback was unexpected...

Why are you drawn to him like a magnet?

So, a married married man: who is he? This is already an accomplished person. He is confident in himself, successful in his career, and responsible for his loved ones. It’s better to come to everything ready, and not to suffer with single ones.

The logic is quite clear. And I want it, and it injects me. On the one hand, the mistress wants the best for herself. On the other hand, she secretly hopes that her husband will leave his family and live happily ever after with her. But, alas, the statistics are sad. Only 7% of men leave their wives for a new passion. So think about whether the game is worth the candle.

Signs that he won't leave the family

So, you understand that there are only three reasons due to which you will find happiness. But don't build castles in the air. In all other cases, you will have to be content with the role of a mistress, no matter how much you want to take away a married man. Here are the signs that he is not going to get a divorce:

1. He constantly feeds you breakfast. He promises to talk to his wife, but all this drags on forever. You wait, but nothing changes. So it will be, I hasten to disappoint you.

2. It is carefully “encrypted”. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends, avoids places where his friends could see you together.

3. He makes appointments for you himself. Rarely does he come at your request. In other words, he does what is convenient for him.

4. He gives gifts only “for something.” No matter how proud some mistresses are of the fur coats and cars they receive from rich men, it’s all a beautiful wrapper. In reality, everything is quite banal. In this case, you shouldn’t even think about how to beat off a married man.

5. He never says “we.” Most often, phrases slip into his speech: “I’m so tired,” “I want,” “I’m glad you’re around.” That is, the person just feels good with you and he is not going to change anything.

My dear girls, this list can go on and on, but I don’t see the point in it. I think you get the point. While you wait, hope and believe, time passes. It is quite possible that your lover will indulge himself to his heart's content, then come to his senses and again become a prudent family man. Alas, no advice from a psychologist on how to take a man away will help here.

She took her husband away from the family, but she bet on the wrong guy. The payback was unexpected...

A friend came to complain about her ex-husband. Just a few years ago I would have called her a friend. But now I don’t even know what to call it or who to consider it.

We just grew up together, she attended our weddings, we seemed to be friends, although the matter didn’t concern her boyfriends. She was reluctant to introduce us to her boyfriends.

And one day I called her to talk, and her mother said: she was gone, she got married, and she and her husband moved to the regional center. With which husband? When did it come out?

As it turned out, no one suspected what had happened at all. She didn't contact us for several years.

Once I met her by chance in a store with this husband (apparently they were visiting my mother), but after literally saying hello, she said that they were in a hurry and quickly left.

That’s it, no more communication, I didn’t even wish her happy birthdays. No one gave us contact numbers.

And then she recently got divorced, it turned out that her husband had left for another woman. Well, he left and left. But then she remembered about us, started calling everyone (she had our numbers), offered to meet, otherwise we stopped communicating (we stopped???!!!).

Well, everything is as usual: the husband is a goat, a freak, a scoundrel, etc. And the most painful thing about this marriage was this: she really wanted children, but there were none. She was examined and treated for a long time. It took at least 6 years. They eventually divorced.

And then she accidentally learned from his friend’s wife that he couldn’t have children. That is, he knew everything perfectly well, saw how she suffered, was examined, treated, and did not tell her anything.

Well, to be honest, we rushed to feel sorry for her. What a scoundrel! He deceived an innocent woman.

And then I say: why wasn’t he examined? Why did you decide that it was you?

And a friend says: how why? He had two children in his previous family!

Now it’s our turn to think deeply. I ask carefully: so you stole a man from a family with two children?

An acquaintance hesitates and begins to say something about love, about her ex-wife being a bitch (well, yes, it’s always the ex-wife who is bad!). We noticed a certain arrogance in her attitude towards others, from which flowed the confidence that she could do what others could not.

My husband also noticed this in her at one time, and then sarcastically said that she also considers herself a beauty. In my opinion, she is really cute.

It’s just that some of her outfits were too extravagant: a men’s suit, a tie with a skirt, some kind of hat with a huge brim, men’s shirts, etc.

So, I ask, where are the children from? She replies that these were his wife’s children from a previous marriage, she just didn’t know, she thought they were his children.

Well, I couldn’t stand it. I’m saying, so you took your father away from his two children with a clear conscience? You didn’t even ask the man you “beloved” if these were his children? You didn’t even ask, what do they live on now, thinking that these are his children?

And you make claims that he treated you badly? Who did you marry? You are an adult, you understood perfectly well that a man abandons his children and does not provide for them!

What did you hope for: that he was dishonest with others (is this normal?), but will he be decent with you? I compared them to Nag and Nagaina from the cartoon. The perfect couple has been found!

In short, we turned out to be cruel! She is in tears: girls, we are friends, why can’t you support me in difficult times?! (Ohhh, I remembered about friendship after so many years!).

And then he says that he will call his ex-wife (the one who has two children) so that she can form some kind of alliance against her husband and his new woman.

We were completely left in the dust. Poor woman, what a surprise is about to fall on her head! We hope she will quickly send our friend.

On the other hand, we may, of course, be wrong. Maybe I should have regretted it, out of old friendship? I am tormented by doubts - after all, we were friends in our youth.

But my friend, who was present, thinks that her tears simply moved me to pity. And these tears are crocodile tears.


Get it at any cost! Which tactic should you choose?

Let's say you decide to carry out this dubious plan. Although I highly do not recommend it. Then first answer yourself a few questions. My article “Is the game worth the candle: is there a future in your relationship with your lover” will help you.

Take the blame

If your affair with a married man was revealed, and his wife found out about everything, shield him and justify him. Many girls act on the principle “It’s not my fault, he came himself.” It is not right.

Your task is to save the man’s face. Thus, your spiritual rating will skyrocket. Your beloved will definitely be impressed and, perhaps, he will make a choice in your favor.

Exude optimism

It is clear that the fate of most mistresses is completely unenviable. But there should be no tears or hysterics on your part. After all, how do many people take away married people? They manipulate, give ultimatums, and sometimes make threats.

And you be in an active position in life and take responsibility for your choices. Show that you are truly happy with him and are ready to support him.

Create something together

Think about a common cause, some interesting projects. Let you be connected not only by joint recreation, but also by work and hobbies. Learn from each other. In this way, an invisible spiritual connection will develop between you.

Many girls, having become lovers, only want to receive. And certainly not to create. Such “dummies” clearly do not pretend to be a life partner. Your main question should not be how to take a married man away from your family. And how to make him happy, take care of him. If you really love him.

Take care of yourself

Instead of languishing in the evenings waiting for a call from your loved one, devote time to yourself. Go out into the world, learn a new profession or learn to play the piano... By investing in yourself, you increase your rating. The higher it is, the more opportunities you have to arrange your personal life and attract the attention of your beloved.

Don't be wife #2

How else can you take away a married man? The advice is simple. Be yourself. Don't try to play the role of a wife. Of course, it’s good when you meet your loved one with a delicious dinner. But don't overdo it, please. You shouldn’t iron his shirts or pester him with questions about work. Otherwise, he will begin to see you as a second wife.

I take husbands away from the family

Our reader discusses the reasons for adultery


Hello! I want to say that in my opinion it is complete stupidity to think that a man is not guilty of anything when he leaves. And the woman is not to blame either, no one is to blame. Well, if your wife or husband no longer satisfies your needs, you will go looking for someone who will satisfy them. This is normal.

So far in my life it’s been like this that all the men I liked and with whom I had stories were married. I'm 27, and in ten years of truly adult life I haven't been single. I don’t know, maybe I’m looking for a dad in a man. All my men were always over 35. And my dad left my mom and me early. But I saw this in my family too. Mom was always absorbed only in herself and her problems, she didn’t care about what dad had. Yes, and what I have. But I couldn’t leave, and dad left for another woman. And now, when I am already an adult myself and have some experience to draw conclusions, I will say this: no one leaves a family where there is a dialogue between husband and wife. And my men always complained that they couldn’t even really talk to their wives.

It has already happened three times that a man left his family to come to me. We lived in a civil marriage, but I could not stand the woman’s anger and rage, and we separated. Ex-wives disrespect their husbands so much, consider them property, and generally do not see them as individuals capable of doing things on their own, that they blamed me for everything. They punctured my tires, broke my windows, threw herring into the inside of the car, and called the authorities. In general, they arranged a fun life for me, supposedly out of revenge for stealing their husband. Is he a weak-willed heifer, I took him on a string and led him away? But no. I simply gave him what my wife was not able to give. From them there are only demands and reproaches. They themselves are scary, they have never been to a beauty salon, their hair is upright, their nose is a snout. I often looked and compared my handsome, luxurious man and his ex-wife and asked: “How did it happen that you were married to such a woman?” Every now and again! Mymra and the handsome man, a fairy tale without end.

We always parted with tears, but they did not return to their family. I don’t know how my fate will develop further; I would, of course, like a healthy relationship for myself. So that another mymra does not loom around the corner. And I believe that one day I will meet a single man. I will definitely love him, not harass him, talk to him heart to heart, feel him. And don’t do everything to make him run away from hopelessness, and then blame everyone around for how bad everyone is, ayyyy, and I’m such a victim here!

What can you do?

Flirt! The man may be tied by marriage, but you are not bound by anything, right? So practice your flirting skills. This is a very useful quality. When you are flirtatious, your self-esteem increases and you exude feminine vibes. I talk about all these tricks in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.”

Remember, my beautiful ones. Even if you manage to become the most highly spiritual, feminine and beautiful for an unfree man, your chance of getting what you want is 1:1000. So don’t waste time, look around and choose a worthy man. Read about where to start best in the section “Secrets of dating and first dates.”

Please write comments. Do you think it’s possible to take married people away? Who takes husbands away from their families and how? Why are married men so attractive to girls?

Avoiding problems

Representatives of the stronger sex are not always ready to solve all problems in the family. Contrary to the generally accepted opinion that a man should completely resolve all family issues at a business level, not all guys agree to such conditions. Some of them are afraid of problems and run away from them faster than women.

Girls who take their husbands away from their families are happy that they have finally found worthy companions who will take on the burden of all worries and completely free their significant other from solving pressing issues. They forget that men often run away from this themselves and are not going to immediately take responsibility for a new passion. The guys expect that they will be provided with more comfortable conditions, but they fall into yet another trap. Partners feel deceived. The man is that he was disappointed, and the woman is that her lover did not live up to her hopes.

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