A girl likes me but she avoids me. How to understand that a girl likes you: advice from a psychologist

Women's behavior is a mystery not only for men, but sometimes for psychologists and even psychiatrists. Very often girls say no, and then shed crocodile tears. There are many reasons for this behavior. It happens, for example, that the situation can be changed by adjusting your behavior: something was done or said wrong and the female reaction was not long in coming. But it's not always that simple. Why a woman refuses - this may hide various problems that you are powerless to fight. In any case, you should not take women’s refusals too seriously, but it is better to understand the reasons for their occurrence and try to prevent them in the future.

The woman does not want to meet and refuses to meet

Let's go progressively. You are trying in every possible way to make an acquaintance with a girl, but she refuses you with manic obsession and is not going to go on a date under any pretext. There are not many reasons why a woman refuses:

  • Challenging behavior. Remember, perhaps at the first contact or in telephone conversations you behaved too impudently or assertively. Men think that by showing their toughness they will win a woman's heart. Well, not like that. Bold behavior is intimidating. What else should she expect from you when she meets? Where can a sweet, defenseless girl go with such an armored comrade? And the answer is obvious - nowhere!;
  • Timidity. The reverse side of the previous situation. Every woman wants to see a confident man next to her. Find that fine line and the problem goes away;
  • You are not from her circle. Yes, this happens too. There are women who know their worth and see only a partner of a certain level and income next to them. Such a madam will never go on a date with an ordinary guy;
  • Too much blah blah blah. You were too annoying and only interested in yourself. You were interested in yourself, and the girl was just a silent application;
  • The smell, the cleanliness of the clothes. Perhaps your hygiene failed you at the first meeting. Or there was too much perfume. The problem is solved perfectly. But with another girl;

  • She has a different type. You may be tall and handsome and full of muscles, but she prefers those who are short and have a potbelly. Unfortunately, this happens. If your charisma doesn’t attract her in any way, then consider everything lost;
  • Plain bad luck. You chose the wrong day, time or place. Something from above prevented your harmonious relationship. Perhaps she was in a bad mood or had a bad day. The element of chance did not work in your favor;
  • She already has someone. No comments here.

Types of female refusals2

Sometimes psychological problems or habits are hidden behind the usual refusal. We are not talking about the fact that your potential companion is sick and it would be a good idea for her to see a doctor. It's all about old habits:

  • Refusal is like a pause. This type of refusal is formal in nature. The woman takes time to think. Try again after some time;
  • Habit. A woman is used to being disappointed, so refusal is the body’s defense against new stress. We'll have to hide and wait. Perhaps your potential chosen one will be able to change her mind;
  • She doesn't like your idea. You suggested going to a restaurant or something, but she didn’t like the idea. Try modifying your sentence and picking up the key;

Signals of sympathy

One of the oldest flirting tricks is playing with your hair. If a woman straightens her hair or shakes her hair slightly, throwing it back, she is clearly interested in the interlocutor. At the same time, if the interlocutor is constantly fiddling with her hair, such an action may indicate her uncertainty or nervousness.

The eyes also speak volumes. Eye contact can convey interest in the interlocutor or hostility. If a man is interested in a woman, she will glance at him briefly, which will be repeated after a while and will be longer. This will happen until the object of curiosity pays due attention to the fair sex.

Another important way to show a woman's affection is through the signal sent through body language. The body of any girl, regardless of her consciousness, is capable of revealing all her innermost and secret desires. Arms crossed on the chest, the body turned away from the man indicate that the lady is not interested in the interlocutor, she is blocking his attempts to get to know her better. If a woman leans slightly towards a man and tries to be face to face with him, a dialogue will most likely take place.

Communication is also an indicator of sympathy. If a man has not aroused a woman’s interest, he will receive “dry” answers to all questions. A friendly response is a reason to continue the acquaintance.

A tilt of the head when communicating, accompanied by a charming smile and playful eyes, gives a signal that the man can act. Teasing is another chance to show that you like the person. If a woman touches her interlocutor during communication, this also expresses her sympathy.

Imitation is a special form of flattery. This happens on a subconscious level, but it suggests that the interlocutors are somewhat similar. In addition, behavior in which a woman listens to her interlocutor with interest and asks leading questions can also indicate sympathy. A woman’s laughter in response to even the most unfunny joke of a man indicates that she is glad to meet you and is ready to continue it.

Don't know how to tell if a girl likes you? Believe me, you are not the only one! Girls are very mysterious creatures and it is almost impossible to understand what is going on in their heads. But we are not looking for easy ways and will try to get to the bottom of something.

Still don't know how to understand that a girl likes you? Try to track her behavior by unconscious actions, facial expressions and gestures. If you use the information provided correctly, then you are close to success.

  1. Eye movement.
    You need to follow the eyes that can speak without words. By looking, you can determine a person’s mood - sympathy, interest, enmity or hatred. It's exactly the same with girls. It is necessary to follow her gaze in order to understand her attitude towards herself. If she focuses on you, is interested in you, and when your eyes meet, she abruptly looks away - she gets embarrassed.
  2. Head tilt.
    Remember, if a girl tilts her head and looks at you, her gaze is slightly narrowed, and a smile freezes on her lips, then you can be congratulated, she is definitely interested in you! If you have noticed such a pose, then you can no longer look for answers to the question: “How can I tell if a girl likes me?”
  3. Hair contact.
    If a girl pulls her hair with her hands, she is nervous or worried. If your chosen one twirls her curls onto her index finger in front of you, she is clearly flirting with you. How can you tell if your ex-girlfriend likes you if she has short hair? Read the next tip, she definitely has lips.
  4. Lip behavior.
    Girls often give themselves away with their lips and tongue. Only the conversation is not about those who like to chat. If a girl licks her lips in your presence, she may want to kiss you. Note that licking your lips is a sign of excitement.

Perhaps you just don’t know how to please a girl? First of all, we advise you not to make the following main mistakes:

  • No flirting with other young ladies!
    Your chosen one may become jealous or think that you are not interested in her at all.
  • Don't overdo it with smiles.
    She may think you're strange.
  • During a conversation together, you need not only to chat, but also to listen to the girl.
    Try to make sure she doesn't get bored.
  • The most important thing is to be yourself
    . Sincerity is above all! There is no need for masks; they will still need to be removed.

After reading the article, you will no longer look for the answer to the question: how to find out when a girl likes you. We have selected the best tips, all you have to do is put them into practice. And if you have already had a relationship and are thinking about it, then I advise you to read one more piece of our advice.

Did the woman really refuse or is there still hope?3

The reasons why a woman refuses are very diverse. How to understand when everything is hopelessly lost, and when it is worth continuing to show signs of attention and hope for a meeting?

Pay attention to the manner of refusal. If the tone was playful or calm, then perhaps she is just marinating you and wants to see the strength of your desire and willingness to be persistent. But when they did not stand on ceremony with you and the refusal was sharp and categorical, then, perhaps, there is only one answer - she is not interested in you.

Does this mean that you have to give up and give up the idea of ​​winning the heart of such an ice queen? Not always. Sometimes perseverance opens even tightly closed doors and breaks through any thickness of ice. But here, as they say, at your own peril and risk. Be prepared for a not very favorable outcome. Still, the second refusal can be even more painful than the first.

In the case of a girl who is interested in you, everything will be much simpler. She will happily make concessions to the second proposal. But the Snow Queen will once again repeat her decisive refusal.

Women's logic is sometimes beyond men's perception: at first women refuse, then they come to their senses and analyze what happened. It is important for you, as a man, to understand the true reasons and wait for the right moment for the next approach. Are you a hunter? So awaken the hidden instincts in yourself and then any woman will agree to spend not only another date with you, but also her life. Of course, if this is part of your plans.

Margarita Lopukhova


Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving “family units” from disintegration. I help couples find love and understanding again.

It is very difficult for men to understand the reasons for women's actions. And sometimes girls themselves don’t understand why they behave this way in a given situation. But if a woman refuses the next meeting, it means that the necessary “chemistry” has not arisen. It has long been known: it only takes a few minutes for girls and guys to understand whether they like a potential partner or not. If this does not happen, there is no hope for any changes. Interest appears almost immediately. And if a woman refuses to meet, it means that you simply are not interested in her. But this is not a reason to despair and stop dating!

Message from the Editor

We are collecting the most interesting and truthful information for you, since the relationship between a man and a woman is shrouded in a mass of erroneous stereotypes. Would you like us to tell you how family life affects couples? The results of many surveys and studies have shown that during the first 5 years from the moment of marriage, the character of each partner changes radically towards isolation. However, scientists have debunked all fears in this regard. This situation is not bad at all. If you notice this in yourself or your loved one, this proves that your priority is working on relationships, which is the most important element of a successful marriage.

What not to do if a woman ignores you?

  1. Don't be needy. If a girl suddenly stops texting or talking, there is no need to write message tones. This will make you seem desperate and needy. Instead, give it some time and see how things develop.
  2. Do not be angry. Anger and anger worsen any chances of a successful continuation of the relationship. Instead, try to remain calm and move on to more important things.
  3. There is no need to try to contact her through friends, acquaintances, or relatives. This will again show immaturity and make you seem needy.

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Want to know how to achieve your life goal? This blog will help you learn how to apply psychology to your relationships, health and well-being. My goal is to teach my readers how to maximize their effectiveness in life.

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