What does the word “thank you” mean and why should you not say it?

Why can't you say this word?

“Thank you” was once considered a magic word. They were taught to pronounce it from an early age. What happened, why is it now banned?

When watching old films, we hear the word “thank you,” “thank you,” or “give thanks.” It turns out that the word “thank you” contains not entirely positive energy. It is hidden on a subtle level and seems to push people away from each other.

To prevent the relationship from deteriorating, say “thank you,” or “thank you.” Again, a question mark, what is the difference between words of gratitude, because both mean only good things.

Even in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, “thank you” means: “God save.” It turns out that the man asks God to save me from this man! That is, at a subtle level, the channel that connects these two people is closed. What a twist!

Today it seems different to us. If you don’t say this word of gratitude at all, then the person will be so offended that he will turn away forever.

“Thank you” has become such a strong part of our speech that when you hear “thank you,” it already hurts the ear. We are not used to this kind of thanksgiving. How can we understand this behavior of people: when we say “thank you,” we see a smile or a nod of the head in response. So it has a positive meaning!

In our society, the one who says “thank you” is considered a rare intellectual who miraculously made his way into our world. But the fact that this man will be remembered for a long time is indisputable.

Why you can't say "thank you"

One topic caught my attention, I want to share it, hear other opinions. Currently, the media periodically covers the topic of how to communicate with people correctly and that one should not say “thank you,” but should say “thank you.”

From an early age, everyone knows that there is a magic word - “thank you.” Every polite person uses this word every day. In former times, the words “thank you”, “thank you”, “thank you” were common in people’s everyday life. These words have migrated to the present day.

There is an opinion that every spoken word has a certain energy at a subtle energy level. And if there is a desire for communication between people to continue in a positive way, then you should answer not “thank you,” but “thank you,” otherwise the relationship will gradually begin to deteriorate. If you think about it, it sounds like absurdity. It would seem that the person thanked him with an ordinary, familiar word, why should the relationship worsen?

If we resort to interpretation, then the word “thank you” in the literal sense in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language means: “God save me,” and this means save me from this particular person! I will not argue that when a person says the word “thank you,” he thereby closes his energy channel connecting with this person, as various sources explain. But one thing is certain: if a person does not say “thank you” at all in a certain situation, then this will certainly build a wall of resentment or misunderstanding between people.

In most cases, people do not attach much importance to what they say and automatically respond with “thank you” for any service provided, and there has always been a normal attitude towards this, everyone was happy with it. The word “thank you” has become so firmly entrenched in the linguistic tradition that when you hear the rare word “thank you,” it just hurts the ear. Moreover, you want to turn around after the one who talks like that. It is highly doubtful that when a person says the word “thank you,” he closes himself off from people at that moment. We say “thank you” to anyone and everyone and in response we usually receive a smile or an accepting nod.

Let us assume that when a person says “thank you,” he sends and wishes goodness to another, but he is no less sincere at the moment of pronouncing the word “thank you.” The meaning of both concepts has the same essence; what difference does it make what word you give to your interlocutor?

At most, upon hearing the word “thank you,” you will be considered a rare intellectual, miraculously preserved in our world. No more. And it becomes strange because it turns out that you can’t say “thank you,” because by doing so we make things worse for ourselves. The experiment was carried out personally, it did not bring any life changes. It did not affect the quality of relationships with people in any way - all people are equally pleased to receive both “thank you” and “thank you” as a sign of gratitude. One thing is certain: when you thank, it attracts people’s attention, and you may be remembered and remembered for a long time.

But the word “thank you” can still be said. If you follow popular superstitions, they advise saying “thank you” to those who, for example, have done harm or with whom we no longer want to continue communicating like “thank you, for everything!” The meaning of thank you in this case takes on a sarcastic connotation. It would be appropriate to say “thank you” to those who caused you trouble or hurt you. It is believed that in this way a person protects himself from possible future troubles on the part of this person and this is not a manifestation of weakness. Superstitions of this kind are perceived differently in society and generally do not react to them in any way. Only a person who firmly believes in superstition and wants to attract goodness into his life increasingly introduces the word “thank you” into his everyday life. According to history, it is believed that saying the word “thank you” is beneficial for the speaker himself, since by saying “thank you,” we thereby wish good things to a person, and by wishing good things to another, we subconsciously believe that the benefits will boomerang back to us. This is very reminiscent of business communication, built on long-term mutually beneficial conditions, and there is great doubt about the sincerity in the relationship.

By consciously using the words “thank you” or “thank you,” people thereby attach great importance to these terms, classifying them as magical, wanting to attract goodness to themselves or thus protect themselves from someone. To make sure that nothing in life will change for the worse and there is no need to be afraid of this, it is enough to conduct simple experiments with pronouncing these words.

Author: Daria Petrova.

I give you the blessing - a wish from the heart?

So say “thank you” or forget? There was an opinion among the people that this word should be spoken to those with whom you no longer want to communicate or to those who have harmed or hurt you. In this case, such gratitude takes on a sarcastic meaning.

You can often hear people answer “no way.” It turns out that this is protecting yourself from possible troubles from that person.

If we say “thank you,” then we are doing something beneficial to ourselves. By saying “thank you,” we wish the person good. That is, having wished good for another, we begin to believe that all good things will return to us.

Do these words really have such different meanings? Try saying both of these thanksgivings, you will see that nothing in your life will change. Doubts will just begin to live in your soul.

Why you can’t say “thank you” in prison

In prison there is no need to say “thank you” at all. A newcomer can be taught a lesson in such a way that he may not survive. Why is it forbidden to say such a word of gratitude in the zone, but only “thank you”?

It is impossible to understand the logic of the prisoners. They probably have a strong opinion that God Save means a direct call from God to save the soul from everything worldly.

If you were told this in everyday life, then defend yourself with the expression “you’re welcome.” That is, you are saying that there is nothing to punish you for. The prisoners will not understand this, but immediately go on the offensive, and everyone who is close to the one who was so thanked.

In prison there is a special unwritten “etiquette” that must be observed. For violating any rule you can become a “rooster”. You should thank your cellmates with the following words: “from the heart,” “spiritually,” “thank you,” or “thank you.”

And “thank you” cannot be used even in letters to family or notes. “Proper guys” can be offended even because of one such thanksgiving.

There is another explanation for this attitude. In the zone, “thank you” and “please” seem obscene to the prisoners to pronounce. This is explained by the fact that the one who pronounces them wants to once again put himself above the prisoners. They will teach a newcomer a lesson the first time, but then they will not stand on ceremony.

Most of the “caregivers” are children from disadvantaged families. They respectfully call themselves “men.” They feel fierce hatred towards more prosperous people. And the prison authorities use precisely these expressions indecent for prisoners in their vocabulary.

Another reason why you can't say thank you like that. If they share tea or cigarettes in the zone and hear “thank you” in response, then this will be the most severe insult. In prison, tea and cigarettes are considered the highest good. They also say “thank you” for them.

Thank you and thank you. How to give thanks correctly

Thank you and thank you. How to thank correctly Don't tell people - thank you! Few people living in modern cities know that the ordinary and familiar word “thank you” is perceived worse than a curse in the outback. Indeed, thank you means - God bless! Reasonably, people asked the question - what to save from, and why on earth... Therefore, in response to thank you, they answered - no problem (that is, I didn’t do anything bad to you to save me) or, please (better give me a hundred rubles) . That is, thank you is equivalent to the situation - for example, you took the goods in a store, and at the place of payment you say - God will pay for me. They said and say, well-mannered people - Thank you. That is, you share part of your benefit. You, personally, and not someone else, are responsible for good for good. That is why in Rus', when meeting, they said “Hello,” and this came from you personally, your personal wish. And the Western one is good morning, a simple statement of the weather conditions, and not a wish for health to another. Think about the very meaning of this word (thank you - God save) and its application. If we are talking about God, then according to all the canons, no mortal has the right to tell Him who to save. Or maybe there are those among you who are ready to work only so that at the end of the month, instead of a salary, the boss pats you on the shoulder and says: “God will provide (pay).” I would be happy to hire people like you. Secondly, read at least something from Russian literature. Until the twentieth century, practically no one would find something artificially imposed, cold - thank you. Just - thank you! Indeed - an ethical, beautiful word - Thank you, now we will not always hear in response to kindness. And we don’t always teach children the rules of good behavior... This word, like many words with the first part good (grace, prosperity, benefactor, complacency, etc.), came from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which it was a calque of the Greek word with the meaning of the parts “good, good" and "give, present". - Thank you, sir, I’ll refresh myself a little for your health. (N. Gogol. Overcoat). In M. Lermontov and other Russian writers we find a parallel plural form: thank you. - Maxim Maksimych, would you like some tea? - I shouted at him out the window. - Thank you; I don't want something. (M. Lermontov. Maxim Maksimych). - Oh, thank you, gentlemen! Oh, how you revived, how you resurrected me in an instant. (F. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov). Thank you, it arose as a result of the fusion of the combination God forbid; the reduced ъ and the final r disappeared in it: God save → thank you → thank you. In Ukrainian, thank you. Have you ever paid attention to how often people thank each other and for what? It has been noticed that they tend to say more negative thanks than to say simple positive thanks. Sad but true! The costs of our hectic life, filled to the brim with what comes from TV screens and other sources of information... Saying “thank you” means expressing approval to a person. So, do good. Approval is a powerful incentive for personal growth. To give thanks is to give a blessing! Gratitude gets people's attention. You will be remembered long and warmly. Don’t let “thank you” get lost in the hustle and bustle of the busy day. Take time in any situation, stop and remember who you haven’t said “thank you” to. “Thank you” is an unpleasant little thing. It's like a small nail in the cogs of a relationship. From this nail, the mechanism of human relationships can become fragile and shaky. What if we “tighten everything up” with words of thanksgiving? Imagine how great it will be! People are surprised when they are given thanks. They catch themselves thinking that they are pleased, they are great, they are happy! You are worthy of thanksgiving, you are worthy of being told “thank you.” Always be grateful! Be grateful for what you have and you will receive more. Say “thank you” for everything in your life. Show your gratitude around you by setting a contagious example for others. “Thank you” - this very word is a gift for us, a gift. When we have nothing to give, we always have a “Thank you”, and this in itself raises the giver in the eyes of others. And in the future it encourages even greater generosity. Share your joy with others, give them your love, peace and... “Thank you”!

Where they don't say "thank you"

How surprisingly short the prayer - God save you - was twisted! Priests explain this way why Christians do not thank for a good deed or gift with such a word.

“Thank you” is a shortened phrase for “God bless.” It is also shortened from the blessing “May God save you,” which was used to address others. In modern Russian, this phrase has not been used in this meaning for a long time.

In the Orthodox tradition, in prayer, instead of “thank you,” it is customary to express one’s gratitude to God with the words “Thank you, Lord.”

When to say “thank you” is prohibited

There are 6 situations and places in which it is strictly forbidden to say “thank you”:

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  1. When talking to Christians, because the Bible forbids taking the name of God in vain, and by saying “thank you,” which is literally “save, God,” that’s exactly what you’re doing. In order not to offend the feelings of believers, you should not say this word in a conversation with them.
  2. At wakes and funerals, you should also avoid this word, limiting yourself to a polite nod of the head. Giving thanks during such a sad event can look like one is rejoicing at someone's death, and according to folk wisdom, saying “thank you” at a funeral can bring illness to family members. “Thank you” should only be said to funeral service workers, so as not to meet with them for as long as possible.
  3. In prison, this word is also avoided, because it is used by servants of the law. In addition, “thank you” can be regarded in prisons as insincerity and ill will.
  4. You cannot say “thank you” in the bathhouse, because this is a place where a person’s soul and body are cleansed. By pronouncing this word, it is as if you are putting a barrier and preventing your purification, as if you want to remain dirty and unclean. In addition, our ancestors believed that mythical creatures could live in the bathhouse: kikimoras, banniki, and it was blasphemy to mention God in such a place.
  5. If you need to contact a fortune teller or magician, you should avoid saying “thank you” when communicating with them. There are no good reasons for this, but in this way you will show the person your respect, because the world of magic, even white magic, has nothing to do with God.
  6. There is an expression “No thanks for poison”, so you don’t need to say “thank you” when buying alcohol or cigarettes in a store, or if you receive these items as a gift.

Another version about the pronunciation of gratitude phrases

God bless you is the real meaning of “thank you.” Early Christians in Rus' gave thanks with just such a phrase. Then this expression was shortened to “thank you” and people, forgetting about the true meaning, began to believe that in this way they were showing their good manners.

Considering this, they follow a false path that leads away from the true acquisition of eternal life in the Kingdom of God. By taking the name of God in vain, people devalue the very wish “God save you.”

A person who knows the real meaning of these words does the right thing, walks the path to Bliss, if he says “I give blessings.” In other words, this is Good, Bliss, Eternal Life. By saying Thank You, a person wishes another to achieve immortality, salvation and preservation in paradise.

This is the same as “God bless you.” But not quite like that. By saying “I give thanks,” we seem to share a part of our eternal life, our Bliss. We seem to be telling God that this person is righteous and deserves a reward - salvation and preservation on the Day of Judgment.

Saved people will not go to hell, their souls will not be erased. And whoever is not saved will go to hell. Only the righteous will gain eternal life.

Love for your neighbor

The words “thank you” and “thank you” are abbreviated phrases “God bless you” and “I give you bliss.” This is how people show that the one they turn to is on the righteous path, and therefore deserves salvation and preservation before the End of the World. That is, they show love for their neighbor. And who is our neighbor? Any person with whom you communicate or collaborate.

What should the answer be? When we answer: “No way,” we seem to not understand that we are refusing salvation and preservation in paradise. Even worse, we show disrespect for God. You must answer with love, as if you were answering yourself: “And the same to you,” or “God save you, too,” “Good for you, too.”

What does the word “thank you” mean and why should you not say it?

What does this word mean

We are used to thanking people with the standard word “thank you” and almost never think that this word is actually a powerful mantra.

According to the explanatory dictionaries of Dahl, Ushakov and Pansky, thank you is an abbreviated phrase “God save.”

Since ancient times, people used the word “thank you” to reshape their connection with a person; they wanted to get rid of it. That’s why he said, “God save me from him.”

Remember what we say when we want to quickly stop communicating with someone: “Thank you very much, but I don’t need this” or “Thank you, but I need to go.”

Over the years and decades, the word “thank you” has become so firmly established in our everyday life that we began to say it constantly. And even when we sincerely thank someone who really helped us and gave us something valuable, we unconsciously say THANK YOU.

Meanwhile, it is better to use this word in cases where you are not sure whether they sincerely wish you health, give you a compliment or give you a gift. That is, with the word “thank you” you create a safe space around yourself.

“Thank you” seems to isolate you from the person, distances you, and, most likely, your relationship with him in the future will not be close.

However, if you are truly grateful to someone and want to continue communicating with that person, it is better to say “thank you.”

Thank + I give - this is also a kind of verbal formula that allows you to wish a person all the best, to give him good in return.

At the moment you say the word “thank you,” you make an invisible exchange of energy for something good that you received. And what you wish for other people will very soon return to you - this is the law of life.

Thus, it is advisable to use the words “thank you” and “thank you” wisely: say the first only if you are communicating with an unfamiliar person and someone with whom you no longer want to continue the relationship, the second should be said when communicating with pleasant, open and kind people to give them a GOOD and soon attract this good into your life.

Spiritual people claim that using the same scheme you can communicate with higher powers, Fate. If you have received something that you no longer want in life, say thank you. If life has given you a pleasant surprise or taught you an important lesson, thank it.

Now mentally or out loud say the words “Thank you” and “thank you” and feel how your body reacts to them. In the first case, you will seem to open up and be filled with positivity, in the second, you will seem to erect an iron barrier in front of you, cutting off contact with those who are in front of you.


How to give thanks for a bath

It turns out there is no need to thank us for the bath either. You just need to praise the bathhouse - that’s all. The bathhouse is such a mystical and mysterious place that you can’t joke with it.

Even the bath procedure is considered unsafe:

  • If the stove is not working properly, you can get burned.
  • The bathhouse is always located at a distance, so it is difficult to call for help when an accident happens to someone who is bathing.
  • Diseases were treated there and births were delivered.
  • There are many superstitions and omens associated with the bathhouse.
  • If the bathhouse caught fire, the entire village could burn out.

The owner of the bathhouse was considered to be a baennik. It was he who decided whether trouble would happen or not. If you anger the bathhouse, then the guest in the bathhouse could get angry on his next visit. Or the woman in labor will have a very difficult birth. Or the bathhouse could burn down if the offense was too severe.

Therefore, the baennik considered gratitude to someone, and not to him, to be the most unfair. Therefore, praise the bathhouse, not the owner. Yes, and mentioning God in a mystical place is not entirely correct.

Who else doesn't want to hear "thank you"?

Even today, Old Believers never say “thank you” as a form of gratitude. In their opinion, the mention of the Lord becomes “incomplete”, since the letter “G” disappears. And some Old Believers even today believe that this word of gratitude hides the name of the pagan god - “save Bai” or the idol Aba.

Some Old Believers do not accept this thanksgiving because the name of God is taken in vain. Old Believers say “Christ save (you)” or “Thank you.”

Many Cossacks today, just as before, prefer to say “thank you.”

They don’t say “thank you” at wakes either. After all, in this word we express gratitude for kindness or for the kindness shown to the living, so it is completely inappropriate to say this at the funeral table.

By pronouncing this phrase, you seem to express your satisfaction for the departure of this person to another world. There should be silence or a reserved presence at a wake.

When you are served a dish at a funeral, you also cannot say thank you. This way you can bring illness and misfortune upon yourself. Save your “thank you” for another occasion. It’s better to provide people with support, pay attention the next day or when the person is having a hard time.

It turns out that it is also better to say “thank you” to the doctors for the operation and for the medicine than our usual “thank you”.

It’s also better not to tell magicians and fortune tellers. It is blasphemy to give thanks to the evil one.

"Thank you" is a shield

And today, when a person is uncomfortable with a conversation and wants to end the conversation, the first thing he says is: “Thank you, I have to go,” “Thank you, but I don’t need this,” “Thank you, but call me later.” Unconsciously, people perceive this phrase as a way to isolate themselves from someone, move away from them, and remove them from their lives.

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Since the word “thank you” is a kind of barrier between the one who pronounces it and the one to whom it is addressed, it is recommended to say it only if a person wants to communicate less with a specific acquaintance.

Or if he is not sure that the gift was given sincerely, in this case it is also better to say “thank you” as a sign of gratitude. This word helps to secure the space around you so that negativity does not penetrate you.

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