Review of 3 herbs that remove uric acid from the body + recipes based on them

Excess metabolic waste in the body has serious consequences. And although, according to statistics, a considerable part of the world’s population faces these problems, it is dangerous to leave such alarming symptoms unattended. How to remove uric acid from the body, and what are the dangers of a high concentration of the substance?

What nutrition is indicated for hyperuricemia?

Patients should be well aware of which foods contribute to further progression of the disease and which will alleviate the condition. We have already talked about foods that are prohibited for hyperuricemia, but in addition to salty foods, smoked foods and alcohol, it is necessary to limit the consumption of the following foods:

  • grape,
  • rhubarb,
  • salad,
  • sorrel,
  • turnip,
  • eggplants,
  • tomatoes.

Now let’s find out what is the best way to enrich your diet. Enrich your diet with whole grain cereals, berries, fruits, and vegetables. Products that remove purines include:

  • plums,
  • apricots,
  • apples,
  • pears,
  • potato.

Alkaline water is indicated for hyperuricemia.
There is no need to reassure yourself, because diet alone does not always help normalize purine levels. In many cases, medications are needed to remove purines from the body. What kind of drugs are these?

Traditional methods of treating hyperurecemia

How to remove uric acid from joints: effective medications, diet
You can remove uric acid from the body with gout using folk remedies in the form of infusions and baths.

Herbal Recipes:

  • Lingonberry broth: 1 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed leaves. Wrap the container and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place. Drink the decoction 2-3 times a day, a few sips,
  • Birch decoction: 2 tbsp. birch leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for several minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Take the finished drink 3 times a day, 150 ml with meals,
  • Foot bath: mix 200 grams of chamomile, calendula and sage flowers and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 2 hours. Add the strained broth to the foot bath (water temperature up to 34C) and immerse your feet in it for 20 minutes . The procedures are performed daily for 20 days. Positive dynamics are noted after 3-5 baths,
  • To reduce pain, it is recommended to lubricate the affected joint with eucalyptus oil,
  • Vaseline oil and 50 grams of chopped horseradish are mixed (it is permissible to squeeze the juice from the plant). Apply the prepared ointment to the affected area to reduce pain and inflammation.

Traditional methods ensure a decrease in uric acid with a slight increase; positive dynamics are observed with long-term use of decoctions and infusions.

The effectiveness of herbal medicine for hyperuricemia

In folk medicine, the removal of uric acid from the body has been practiced for hundreds of years. According to research, some herbal medicine methods show good results in reducing urea levels and stimulating kidney function, while remaining the safest way to treat and prevent various diseases.

It is necessary to use folk remedies in parallel with a special diet. With hyperuricemia, it is necessary to strictly limit the consumption of alcohol, salt and foods high in purines and oxalic acid.

The choice of herbs for removing uric acid from the body depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Each plant has its own contraindications. Healing infusions can only be taken after consultation with a doctor.

Methods of correction for physiological increase

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Methods to lower uric acid in the blood directly depend on what factors led to an increase in this metabolite. Of course, you can use several recommendations, and then recovery will happen much faster and more efficiently.

If the concentration of the metabolite has increased due to the high content of purines in food: natural substances that are found mainly in red meat, offal, cocoa, and legumes, then it will be enough to exclude them from the diet. Most often, with an increase in the content of non-pathological UA, deviations from normal values ​​are insignificant, and the diet will quickly bring them to the proper state.

Normal level of uric acid in urine

  • Rich broths, lard.
  • Bakery products.
  • Chocolate, mushrooms.
  • Sausages.
  • Smoked meats, pickles.
  • Spicy dishes, anchovies.
  • Beer and other alcohol.

Foods rich in starchy carbohydrates include plant species such as rice, cassava, quinoa, oats, potatoes, bananas and spaghetti made from whole grains. And it is also recommended to include avocados, raisins, apricots and green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach) in your diet. To reduce uric acid, you need to consume more complex carbohydrates, which are rich in fruits and vegetables.

Berries that reduce uric acid in the blood

Doctors usually advise such patients to eat at least one apple per day (preferably in the second half), preferably red or green. They contain malic acid, which cleanses the body well, relieving it of urinary sac. Sweet cherries and sour cherries have a similar property - their natural dyes - flavonoids - have a lowering effect on the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Drinking regime

Equally important for hyperuricemia is adequate fluid intake. It is optimal if the patient takes about 2.5 liters per day. This will ensure the rapid removal of uric acid by the kidneys, and as a result, a decrease in its level in the blood. You can drink regular still water, a variety of teas (preferably green), fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, juices and compotes.

Physical exercise

Exercise in moderation will benefit patients with elevated sUA levels. However, you should not overdo it, as the opposite effect may occur. You should do as much exercise as you can with simple sets of exercises, and exclude heavy sports that are accompanied by muscle fatigue.

In the case of high physical activity during professional activity in a patient with hyperuricemia, you need to think about changing production or reducing working hours, which can also have a positive effect on health. It is imperative to undergo regular examinations so as not to miss a high jump in the substance in the blood.

When there is a slight increase in uric acid in the blood, alternative medicine methods are successfully used. They are quite simple and have virtually no contraindications. In addition, the likelihood of developing negative consequences as a result of treatment with folk remedies is very low.

The recipes have long been time-tested and are widely used, passed down from generation to generation. At the same time, they are easy to prepare yourself at home, and the ingredients are available to everyone, and, as a rule, inexpensive. Most often, the following recipes are used for hyperuricemia:

  • Tincture from lingonberry leaves. Pour boiling water over the leaves at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass, wrap well, and let brew for an hour. Then strain and drink 1 sip at an hour interval.
  • Boiled onion. Wash two medium-sized onions and cook in 1 liter of clean water. When the onion is well boiled, cool to room temperature, strain and consume before meals 3 times a day for two weeks.
  • A decoction of birch leaves. Pour 1 tablespoon of leaves into a glass of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. After that, let the broth brew and cool, then divide into three parts and drink in equal parts in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Nettle. Wash fresh nettles and squeeze out the juice. Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Birch leaf tincture is a simple and effective remedy for hyperuricemia

Traditional remedies

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If the level of uric acid (urate) is elevated, medication is prescribed. The drugs are prescribed by doctors. Based on the results obtained, they will decide how to remove the salts. Medicines can act in two ways:

  • increase the release of urate from the joints;
  • inhibit the development of uric acid.

Treatment begins at the time of gout exacerbation. Medicines and diet are prescribed to reduce inflammation and increase acid output. To properly prescribe treatment, the doctor will need a urine sample, which was collected throughout the day. Such an analysis will provide insight into the cause of the pathology.

Medicines that the doctor may prescribe:

  • Probenecid. The medicine promotes the release of urates from the body during gout disease. The product stimulates the release of salts and deposits are reduced to a minimum.
  • Allobenecid. The drug reduces the formation of urates in the blood and reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease. The medication is supposed to be taken for a long time and is designed for combined treatment with diet and exercise. After two weeks of taking the drug, the acid level returns to normal, but the medication continues, only the dose is reduced. After six months, the dosage of the drug is reduced to a minimum and is taken only to maintain the effect obtained. Some people will have to take the drug for life. This approach gives positive dynamics.
  • Blemaren. One of the effective medications in the fight against gout. The product normalizes the function of uric acid metabolism and promotes the dissolution of urates. Reducing the salt value has a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of patients. The medicine does not cause side effects on the kidneys and liver. The maximum course of taking the medication is six months.

Curing gout is a long and labor-intensive process. It is impossible to completely recover from the disease, you can only alleviate the condition and relieve the attack.


For a comprehensive impact on the problem, doctors recommend adjusting the diet, which is mandatory. In this case, it is recommended to take medications, exercise (physical therapy), and physical procedures.

If we talk about diet, foods containing purines are excluded from the diet. Among these we can note: tea, sorrel, beans and fatty meats. Quitting alcohol is equally important. It is recommended to increase fluid intake, in particular mineral water containing alkali. It is advisable to minimize salt consumption or completely limit it.

A gout attack, as well as its chronic manifestations, can be treated with drug therapy.

Traditional methods

In folk medicine there are many good recipes that help remove acid from the blood and internal organs. As a rule, infusions, decoctions of various herbs or prefabricated mixtures are used for this. They can be used for already progressive diseases, such as inflammation of the joints, gout, joint problems.

  1. Take twenty grams of lingonberry leaves, pour one glass of boiling water into a container and infuse the herb for half an hour. We drink the resulting infusion a tablespoon of the medicine four times during the day.
  2. Using the same method, steam the nettle leaves, drink a small spoon three times. In addition, you can use nettle juice, one or two spoons at a time.
  3. Decoctions of birch leaves are effective. Pour two tablespoons of herbs with four hundred grams of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Let it brew for half an hour and drink fifty grams during meals.
  4. To prevent the accumulation of acid in the blood, we use celery juice on an empty stomach. The course lasts two months. The recipe is recommended for active people.
  5. To remove kidney stones, we take a tincture of knotweed, one spoon of herb per glass of boiling water.
  6. You can also use decoctions of lingonberries, cloudberries, and cranberries. To do this, take twenty grams of berries per one hundred grams of water, boil for about ten minutes and leave to brew.
  7. It would be a good idea to drink a tincture of garlic and lemon every morning as a preventative measure.
  8. To relieve joint inflammation, we use a decoction of madder herb. The pharmacy also has medicinal tablets containing this herb.
  9. For sore joints, we make a herbal bath. We use herbs such as chamomile, sage and calendula. Cool the water to twenty-six degrees and lower the sore joints into the water. The effect becomes noticeable after five procedures. The full course is twenty baths every evening. We take a break for twenty days and repeat.
  10. Another effective recipe: one and a half liters of whey, eight hundred grams of natural honey, eight raw eggs. Mix everything and leave for nine days in a dark place. The mixture is taken fifty grams half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Many healers recommend using folk remedies simultaneously with medications prescribed by a doctor to increase effectiveness. The tendency to excess of this harmful substance is inherited, so if you are on the risk list, you need to urgently undergo examination and begin preventive actions.

In what cases does it increase the level of toxic compounds in the blood and urine?

In most cases, the answer to the question of how to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood directly depends on the reason for its increase. Doctors include the following among the most common conditions:

  • changes in diet;
  • long-term malnutrition;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • high physical activity.

It is especially important to consider malnutrition as the cause of the described pathological condition. It, in particular, occurs with excessive consumption of foods rich in purine bases: meat, black bread, dark beer, legumes, sorrel

An increase in the amount of uric acid due to the reasons presented above can be easily corrected with diet and folk remedies. But if a symptom is observed for a long time, it is most likely associated with organic pathology. In this case, more serious therapy with medications is required. It is these problems that will be discussed later in the article.

Types of increase in urate in the blood

The choice of drugs that reduce the level of uric acid in the blood depends on the type of hyperuricemia. Only a qualified specialist can correctly identify it and prescribe the appropriate medicine.

There are two types of this pathological process:

  • primary - an independent disease, the cause of which could not be determined;
  • secondary - pathology manifests itself as a symptom of other diseases.

The most common disease that is accompanied by an increase in uric acid is gout. In this case, the toxic compound accumulates in excessive quantities for one of two reasons:

  • increased production in the liver;
  • worsening urinary excretion through the kidneys.

Excess uric acid in the human body: causes and symptoms

In medical terminology, there is a term - “hyperuricemia”. It denotes a clinical symptom consisting of an increased level of uric acid salts in the blood. What are the reasons for this increase? There are several main ones:

  • specific nutrition: eating large amounts of protein foods (eggs, meat, etc.);
  • fasting (long term);
  • intense physical activity;
  • impaired renal function - chronic diseases, alcohol intoxication, etc.;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • obesity;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • gout and other joint diseases;
  • taking certain medications.

Is it possible to independently determine that there is something wrong with the concentration of uric acid in the body? Unfortunately, it is difficult to do this without a blood test, because the symptoms of hyperuricemia are specific to many diseases.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • an allergic-type rash appeared on the skin - pinpoint redness;
  • joints become inflamed and painful;
  • unstable blood pressure is noted;
  • the frequency of trips to the toilet changes significantly (increased or decreased urination).

High levels of uric acid in the blood cannot be ignored - this can lead to serious health complications, including the development of gout.

What else can you do to help your body?

Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to joint disease. When treating joint diseases, use medicinal herbs and products that help remove salts from the body. We offer some simple folk recipes:

  • Apples - decoctions and infusions from them. Cut 3-5 unpeeled apples into slices. Boil for 15 minutes in a sealed container. Let the broth brew for 4 hours. Drink the prepared infusion little by little throughout the day.
  • To cleanse the body of salts, use honey and raisins. Take 1 kg of honey and 1 kg of raisins. Eat a handful of raisins on an empty stomach in the morning. After this, do not drink or eat for 2 hours. The next morning, eat 1 tbsp. honey and also take food and water only after 2 hours. Alternate honey with raisins until they are gone.
  • Celery and parsley are a healing mixture for salt deposits. You will need 100g of celery, 100g of parsley (stem with leaves and roots). To prepare the decoction, chop the celery and parsley and add 0.5 liters of water. Boil the resulting mixture for 5-7 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain and squeeze. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the resulting broth and add 2 tbsp. honey This mixture must be drunk a day.

What are the dangers of too high a level?

Elevated levels of uric acid are among the factors that provoke the occurrence of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • muscle pain;
  • rheumatism.

An excess of uric acid leads to joint destruction, the formation of stones, the development of gout and other pathologies.

Expert commentary

Kardash Anton Borisovich

Therapist, cardiologist. Doctor of the highest category.

Herbal medicine is part of the complex treatment of these diseases. Herbs that have a diuretic effect are used to cleanse the body of uric acid. Such plants are called diuretics.

Some of them not only remove excess water from the body, and along with it substances harmful to the body, but also have disinfectant properties.

Symptoms of high uric acid levels

Some symptoms indicate elevated uric acid levels.

  • When this substance accumulates in children, redness, eczema, and psoriasis are observed on the skin.
  • In adults and older people, severe pain occurs in the joints, on the skin, and wounds also appear. Men may experience severe pain in the groin, cystitis
  • The accumulation of uric acid leads to diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Kidney stones are also actively formed due to hyperuricemia
  • Uric acid is also bad for teeth. Doctors note active tartar deposits and gum inflammation
  • Uric acid can deposit in the heart, causing pain and rapid heartbeat. In general, a person feels constantly tired and may suffer from insomnia

Causes and signs of acid in the body

Why does a person's uric acid level begin to increase? There are several factors that provoke the development of this phenomenon.


  1. Uncontrolled use of medications that increase urine output
  2. The presence in the diet of large amounts of food rich in purines,
  3. Pathological processes in the kidneys,
  4. Alcohol abuse,
  5. Addiction,
  6. Presence of diabetes mellitus,
  7. Toxicological disorders in pregnant women,
  8. AIDS,
  9. Oncological diseases.

Excessive levels of uric acid provoke the appearance of urates (crystals) in the organs, which causes serious diseases.

Negative influence:

  1. The appearance of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract,
  2. Problems in the functionality of the nervous system,
  3. High salt content leads to the spread of gout and arthritis,
  4. Formation of plaque on teeth during the removal of a toxic substance (partial),
  5. Migraines are common, the risk of strokes increases,
  6. An adverse effect on the veins provokes the development of varicose veins.

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How can a person understand that uric acid levels are elevated? What are the symptoms of this phenomenon?


  • Painful sensations in the joints,
  • Swelling in the joint area,
  • Menstrual irregularities,
  • The skin often develops rashes, peeling,
  • The volume of urine excreted decreases,
  • Malfunctions of the cardiac system,
  • Sudden changes in pressure.

The appearance of such symptoms is a reason for a mandatory visit to a medical facility. It is necessary to undergo examination before removing uric acid.

How to quickly and easily remove uric acid? This action can be accomplished in several ways. It is recommended to remember that using them for cleansing is permissible after consultation with a specialist.

We also recommend reading:

✔how to remove mucus from the body how to remove fluid from the body how to remove bile from the body

All methods have a certain effectiveness and specificity, so it is worth considering them in more detail.

Therapeutic exercises to reduce uric acid

The benefit of therapeutic exercises in the fight against urate is that physical exercise helps to activate and improve metabolic processes in the body.

Thus, regular, simple physical exercise and an active lifestyle help speed up the elimination of urate from the body.

To sum up, we can draw the following conclusions. To remove uric acid from the body, folk remedies help only for preventive purposes or in combination with basic drug treatment, diet and exercises. Therefore, only a doctor can explain how and how to remove uric acid from the body without causing harm to yourself!

Medicines to help

Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-use can lead to unpleasant consequences and aggravate the situation. What medications will help cope with high uric acid levels? There are two groups of medications aimed at reducing uric acid levels.

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  • Probenecid and analogs. Stimulates the removal of uric acid from tissues.
  • Allopurinol and similar agents. Aimed at reducing the synthesis of toxic substances in the body.

Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor conducts a thorough examination to select the most suitable treatment.

Uric acid - what is it?

Uric acid is a product that is obtained after the metabolism of proteins and purines. It ensures the release of excess nitrogen from the human body. The level of acid in the body depends on the balance of excretion and formation. The substance is formed in the liver, and in the form of sodium salt it is found in the blood plasma and excreted through the kidneys.

If kidney function is impaired, the metabolism of uric acid occurs. Consequently, salts accumulate, the concentration of uric acid increases, which leads to various damage to the body.

The standard limits for uric acid are:

  • In children under 14 years of age, the norm is not lower than 120 and not higher than 320 mcol/l.
  • In women, the levels are 150-350 µmol/l.
  • In men, the values ​​are 210-420 µmol/l.

Uric acid is absorbed in the body through foods that are high in purine. List of overrated products:

  • red meat;
  • offal;
  • some types of fish;
  • crabs and shellfish;
  • fried chicken skin;
  • nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • legumes;
  • chocolate;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;

Purines are not contained in alcohol, but there is a delay in the removal of urates from the body.

Level of uric acid in the blood


Normally present in the body of every healthy person, it is formed as a result of the metabolism of purines. When these substances break down, they form uric acid. Is it harmful? No, if its concentration is normal: acting as an antioxidant, it protects blood vessels. The main function of uric acid is to remove excess nitrogen from the body. However, in case of certain failures, when the metabolism is disrupted, uric acid salts accumulate in the body, as a result of which serious negative consequences can develop. How do you know if this indicator is normal? Studying the biochemical composition of blood in laboratory conditions provides a comprehensive answer to this question.

Uric acid levels in women by age

The concentration of uric acid in the blood of women depends on the age of the patient:

  • in girls under 14 years old – 120-330 µmol/l;
  • in women under 60 years of age, the normal value is 200-300 µmol/l;
  • in women over 60 years of age the indicator is unstable, it can range from 130 to 460 µmol/l.

In addition, the concentration of uric acid can increase in proportion to weight and also depends on concomitant diseases. Often the reasons for the increase in uric acid concentration are fasting and high sports loads.

On the contrary, low rates are often observed during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

Uric acid levels in men

The normal level of uric acid in men under 60 years of age is 250-400 µmol/l. At older ages, an increase to 490 µmol/l may be observed. Higher numbers are a reason to contact a specialist.

What kind of nutrition should there be?

It is important to create a diet so that the diet contains the most foods low in purines. To remove uric acid from the body, exclude: alcoholic drinks, spicy and salty foods, sugar, fatty sausages and smoked meats, mushrooms, animal fats, asparagus and spinach, peas, sorrel

In extremely limited quantities you can consume: cafes and tea, chocolate and cocoa, tomato pastes and sauces, flour products. Of all vegetable oils, the most suitable is olive oil. It is recommended that meat and fish be boiled, baked and stewed to remove urea, but not fried, and served no more than 2 times a week.

The healthiest foods: eggs, brown bread, caviar, garlic, potatoes, onions, eggplants, dairy products, citrus fruits, nuts, pears, cherries, apples, watermelons, blueberries. Seasonings should be subject to the strictest restrictions. You can leave only the bay leaf, as well as vanilla and cinnamon.

For gout, 3 meals a day should be replaced with 5-6 meals a day. It is recommended to regularly alternate kefir-curd, fruit, and vegetable diets. Weekly fasting days help remove uric acid salts from the body.

Proper nutrition

One of the factors influencing the volume of uric acid is considered to be poor diet and excess consumption of foods with high levels of purines. Such dishes should be excluded from the diet.


  1. Any smoked food
  2. Alcohol,
  3. Spicy food,
  4. Sugar and salt are reduced to a minimum,
  5. Fatty meats and fish,
  6. Animal fats
  7. Spinach, cauliflower,
  8. White mushrooms,
  9. Sorrel,
  10. Broths with high fat content,
  11. Polka dots.

How to remove uric acid using nutrition? It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweets, chocolate, coffee, ketchup, and pastries made from puff pastry or butter dough. Dietary meals are allowed to include steamed, boiled, baked and lightly fried dishes.


  • Bread,
  • Caviar,
  • Eggs,
  • Dairy products,
  • Various nuts,
  • Lean meat and fish,
  • Berries,
  • Fruits and vegetables, beans.

Seasonings that can be used include bay leaf, vanilla and cinnamon.

It is recommended to take products that remove toxins in small portions up to six times a day. Attention is paid to the drinking regime; you need to drink the required amount of clean water per day. The consumption of juices, fruit drinks, and jelly is allowed.

Maintaining proper nutrition does not always help to immediately cope with elevated uric acid levels, but is an integral part of treatment.

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Protein shakes

Before deciding whether it is allowed to take protein-containing products for gout, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of protein shakes.

What's included

The main component is a water-soluble protein extract from whey, eggs or plants (soy), which is easily absorbed by the body. There are several types of drinks:

  • Whey. The basis is a by-product of dairy production - whey. Quickly helps replenish energy costs.
  • Casein. It is produced on the basis of milk proteins, contains calcium gluconate and phosphorus, but is absorbed slowly. It is necessary to take for recovery after excessive stress.
  • Soy. One of the most inexpensive. Popular with vegetarians and people suffering from lactose intolerance. Helps quickly restore strength.
  • Egg. Despite the fact that the cocktail is an ideal supplier of protein and minerals for cells, its production requires financial costs due to the peculiarities of purifying the raw materials, so the powder for preparing the drink is expensive. It is not popular among athletes because of the price.

Often added to cocktails:

  • vitamins;
  • mineral complexes (potassium, magnesium, sodium);
  • simple carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose).

Vitamins and minerals are necessary to replenish salts that are excreted through sweat during physical activity, and carbohydrates allow you to increase the amount of energy supplied to the cells.

Benefits and harms

Protein drinks are useful for intense long-term training (skiing, marathon running). In this case, the benefits are undeniable - cocktails will help provide:

  • maintaining physical fitness;
  • acceleration of the regeneration process at the cellular level;
  • increasing resistance to heavy loads;
  • increased strength and endurance;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with drinks to restore energy costs. Excessive protein intake can be harmful to health:

  • Obesity. The myth that sports nutrition does not lead to obesity also applies to protein drinks. But in reality, the human body stores any excess energy intake “in reserve” in the form of adipose tissue.
  • Increased purine content. One of the products of the breakdown of protein compounds is uric acid, and an excess of this element causes gout.
  • Metabolic disease. After consuming proteins, the feeling of hunger disappears - this feature is used by bodybuilders when preparing for performances. But to ensure the normal functioning of cells, proper nutrition is necessary, so the intake of only protein into the body will provoke a lack of important elements, which will negatively affect health.
  • Digestive problems. An unbalanced diet consisting of sports mixtures provokes dyspeptic disorders.

It’s worth mentioning soy protein drinks separately. The protein extract from the product contains phytoestrogens, which are similar in action to female hormones. Abuse of this type of cocktail provokes hormonal imbalances in both men and women.

In addition, there is still a danger of receiving unwanted “supplements” (steroids), which negatively affect the body’s condition and will become a problem when passing doping control at competitions. These components are sometimes found in the products of little-known companies involved in the production of sports nutrition.

Contraindications for protein drinks

Protein-containing drinks, regardless of the type of raw materials used for production, are prohibited in the following cases:

  • renal failure;
  • bladder diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • problems with liver function;
  • intolerance to the components of the cocktail.

Neglecting contraindications can seriously harm your health. If you cannot drink drinks with protein, then you should take care of a balanced diet that ensures muscle growth and restoration of expended energy after a hard workout.

Protein shakes for gout

If purine metabolism is impaired, protein shakes are not prohibited, but when taking medications, a number of recommendations should be followed:

Do not abuse. Excess protein compounds increase the level of uric acid, provoking an exacerbation of the disease. Choose only soy or whey drinks - they contribute less to the formation of purine compounds in the blood. Use only for emergency restoration of energy costs

During normal training, attention should be paid to a balanced diet, and drinks should be used during increased loads.

Other methods to reduce purine levels

But diet alone is often not enough to normalize purine metabolism. Treatment of gout should be comprehensive

It is important for the patient to increase physical activity, since moderate exercise stimulates metabolic processes and blood circulation. In addition, some patients require the use of medications that remove uric acid from the body.

Most often they are prescribed during an attack, but sometimes doctors recommend using them to prevent exacerbations.

The best known drug for reducing uric acid is Allopurinol. This remedy not only reduces its synthesis, but also oxidizes purine bases, preventing their accumulation in the blood. The drug should be used only after consulting a doctor and determining the initial level of uric acid. Start with small doses so as not to provoke a gout attack. Usually, uric acid begins to decrease on the second day of treatment, but lasting results are observed only after several months.

The drug Probenecid is often used to normalize purine metabolism. It helps speed up the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys. The drug must be used for a long time, at least 6 months. But it has certain contraindications, so it is taken only as prescribed by a doctor. A safer remedy is Blemaren. It does not affect the kidneys and can even be prescribed to pregnant women. This drug normalizes metabolic processes, reducing the acidity of the body. In this case, the uric acid crystals themselves dissolve.

All of these drugs are taken during remission. But there are remedies that improve the patient’s condition during an attack. They also reduce the amount of uric acid, but they cannot be taken for a long time. One of them is the drug Colchicine. In addition to the fact that it stimulates the metabolism of uric acid, preventing the deposition of its crystals in the joints, it also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Patients are often prescribed drugs that normalize purine metabolism.

To permanently reduce the amount of uric acid, it is important to follow some rules that will help prevent exacerbation of gout and normalize purine metabolism in the body:

  • It is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily, which quickly removes purines along with urine;
  • try to normalize weight, since obesity can also cause disturbances in purine metabolism;
  • follow all doctor’s recommendations and regularly take prescribed medications;
  • do therapeutic exercises and walk more.

How to remove uric acid from the body with medications

To remove excess from the body, the attending physician may prescribe medications. First of all, this:

1. Diuretics are drugs that help inhibit the reabsorption of water and salts in the kidneys, accelerating their elimination from the body, increasing the rate of urine formation and thereby reducing the concentration of fluid in the tissues. There are a huge number of diuretics with different active ingredients. Among them are based on:

  • hydrochlorothiazide – Hypothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide;
  • indapamide - Indapamide, Arifon;
  • torasemide - Torasemide, Diuver;
  • acetazolamide;
  • dorzolamide, etc.

2. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors - Allohexal, Zyloprim, Milurit. These tablets contain the active substance allopurinol, which promotes the removal of uric acid.

3. Drugs based on febuxostat used to treat gout and normalize the concentration of excess - Adenuric, Febuxostat, Azurix.

Traditional methods for reducing uric acid levels

You can also reduce urates using traditional medicine recipes. Decoctions and tinctures of herbs are extremely effective in treatment. The most effective plants include lingonberry and birch leaves, as well as angelica roots.

With regular use of herbal decoctions, urates are not only intensively removed from the human body, but also dissolved. The most popular recipes are the following:

  • infusion of lingonberry leaves. Take about 20 grams of plant leaves per glass of clean boiling water, infuse for about half an hour, after which take half a spoon (tablespoon) three or four times a day;
  • decoction of nettle leaves. You need to take the decoction in the same way as in the lingonberry leaf drink, but take a teaspoon;
  • decoction of birch leaves. Boiling water in the amount of 0.4 liters only requires a couple of tablespoons of dry birch leaves. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, stand for about half an hour. You need to strain the sediment through gauze, which is taken in 50g doses with meals.

The patient can be helped by baths of calendula, chamomile, and sage, which are not done for the whole body, but only for the legs. 150-200g are brewed with one and a half liters of boiling water, after which you need to leave the infusion for a couple of hours. This decoction should be added to the bath. This procedure must be done daily for three weeks. Then it is recommended to take a break for about the same time and undergo treatment again.

Traditional medicine recipes do not always help with the removal of urates, then they resort to traditional medications. Doctors can help with the removal of salts from the body and joints, and plants that promote acid removal can be left as an addition to complex drug treatment.

Final Tips

The natural remedies we have shared in this article will help you reduce your uric acid levels. If you want the result to be even more noticeable, do not forget about the following recommendations:

  • You should avoid or limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages until your uric acid levels return to normal.
  • You should eliminate foods containing fructose and artificial sweeteners from your diet.
  • Regular exercise will help prevent the appearance of fat deposits. When fat deposits accumulate, uric acid production increases.
  • It is recommended to choose natural foods, fruits and vegetables and avoid processed foods.

How to reduce uric acid levels in the body?

High protein diets increase uric acid levels in the body. It's worth eating a healthy diet and increasing your activity level. Read more "

These remedies will help reduce uric acid levels in the body.

Uric acid is the end product (metabolite) that is formed during the process of changing purines. In other words, dead body cells are destroyed, and their nucleus is converted into uric acid. It is a metabolic byproduct that remains in the body. High levels of uric acid are very harmful.

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Because of it, serious diseases arise - gout, atherosclerosis, heart failure, diabetes mellitus and a number of others. Hereditary factors and environmental conditions can aggravate the development of chronic diseases caused by high levels of uric acid in the body.

The most common symptoms of excess uric acid in the body are hypertension, chronic pain and obesity. To prevent these and other ailments, as well as to maintain normal metabolite levels, there are a number of natural methods.

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Foods that reduce uric acid levels in the body:

  • Apple cider vinegar - This product is often used for medicinal purposes as it helps regulate uric acid levels in the body. Apple vinegar itself is acidic in nature, so it restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, it promotes the secretion of gastric juice. Medicines containing malic acid effectively treat arthritis and gout. You can use apple cider vinegar in the following way: dilute three tablespoons of the substance in 250 ml of warm water and mix well. Drink 3-4 times a day. Increase the dose gradually so that the body gets used to the drink.
  • Banana – Consuming this fruit on a regular basis helps reduce uric acid levels in the blood. In addition, bananas contain many microelements that are beneficial for the body - potassium, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin B6 and C, 105 calories. At the same time, it contains very little sugar. For a noticeable effect, it is recommended to eat bananas every day. It is also beneficial to drink green tea and eat two eggs on an empty stomach. It is important to give up fatty foods, sugar and alcohol.
  • Lemon - helps to effectively reduce the level of uric acid in the blood due to a large amount of vitamin C. Lemon juice creates an unfavorable environment for uric acid in the body, so it very quickly dissolves it and removes it in the form of sweat or secretions. Take a lemon, cut into slices and squeeze into a glass of warm water. Mix well, add zest. Drink in the morning before breakfast, at lunch and in the evening 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Pineapple - contains organic acids such as citric and malic acid, vitamins A, B and C. In addition, the composition includes minerals, enzymes and bromelain. Thus, pineapple helps fight kidney stones, neutralizes uric acid, copes with arthritis, and restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Preparing pineapple juice is quite easy: take 5 ml of lemon juice, 30 ml of sugar and a few pieces of peeled pineapple. Place everything in a cup and mix thoroughly, add ice cubes. Shake before use. Take 2-3 times a week for noticeable effects.
  • Water is the simplest, but no less effective substance to combat uric acid. It is recommended to drink 1-1.5 liters of regular water per day to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. In addition, water helps maintain healthy skin.

If you don't like the taste of raw water, you can add lemon or lime slices, mint or berries to taste.

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Conclusion using folk remedies

It is possible to remove uric acid from the blood at home using traditional medicine. There are many recipes, the use of which allows you to quickly reduce the level of the substance and carry out cleaning.


  1. Lingonberry tincture. Twenty grams of leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take one large spoon three times a day.
  2. An infusion of nettle herb is prepared in a similar way. You need to drink a small spoon three times a day.
  3. A decoction of burdock roots helps remove toxic substances well. Fifty grams of the substance is brewed with boiling water, take a tablespoon up to two times a day.
  4. Grind the green bean husks. A tablespoon of powder is poured with boiling water in the amount of one liter. Boil in a water bath for two hours. Filter and drink a large spoon three times every twenty-four hours.
  5. Half a kilogram of garlic is crushed and poured with a liter of pure alcohol. The bottle is left in a sunny place for ten days. The finished product is taken on an empty stomach, adding to milk or juice.
  6. The combination of honey and raisins will bring tangible benefits to a person. They take a kilogram of food. On the first day, eat a handful of raisins on an empty stomach, after which they do not eat for a couple of hours. The next day repeat, but add honey. Continue treatment until the products run out.

Before removing uric acid using folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Such treatment does not always cure the disease. In this case, it is recommended to carry out therapy with medications.

How to remove uric acid from the body using folk remedies

If tests show that the blood contains a high concentration, there is no reason to get upset ahead of time. Help to correct the situation:

  • nutritional control - reducing the amount of protein, salt, consuming enough foods containing calcium, fiber;
  • drinking regime - you need to drink a sufficient amount of water per day (from 1.5 liters);
  • normalization of blood pressure (exclusion of the cause of hypertension, correction with medications).

Traditional medicine recommends the use of herbs. Horsetail, bearberry, and rose hips have a good diuretic effect and the ability to remove uric acid. It is good to include pumpkin, carrots, and cucumbers in your diet.

Using lingonberries

A lot has been said about the healing properties of lingonberries; they are also recognized by official medicine. How can a plant help with high uric acid?

Decoctions and infusions from the leaves of this shrub are powerful diuretics. The secret is that these parts of the plant contain arbutin, a natural antiseptic that is beneficial for the urinary tract. A course of lingonberry use not only helps remove excess uric acid, but also eliminates inflammation of the urinary system, helps normalize kidney function and prevent joint diseases caused by salt deposition.

There are several ways to take lingonberries:

  1. Dried lingonberry leaves are brewed with boiling water: 3-4 teaspoons of raw material per glass of water. Simmer the broth over low heat or in a water bath for 15-30 minutes and allow to cool. Take warm 3-4 times a day, ¼ cup.
  2. Preparing an infusion in a thermos takes a minimum of effort: just pour 2 teaspoons of dried raw materials into a container, brew half a liter of boiling water and infuse the drink for a couple of hours. It should be taken, after filtering the infusion, ¼ glass before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Lingonberry tea is both tasty and healthy. For cooking, you can use berries, or you can use leaves and berries together. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of raw material (per glass of water), and after a couple of minutes the drink is ready.

Lingonberries are also good in the form of fruit drinks and compotes. The fruits are excellently stored frozen or sprinkled with sugar, without losing their medicinal properties.

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