Vesiculitis - symptoms, causes, therapy and consequences
Vesiculitis is a male urological disease associated with the inflammatory process of the seminal vesicles, it is also
Causes and treatment of pyelonephritis in women
Uncomplicated urinary tract infection in pregnant women. Modern ideas about treatment and prevention
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis, that is, the cavity in the kidneys in which
How to excite a woman, wife? 10 reliable ways to excite a woman, wife
Nature created it so that men need literally a few moments to feel lust, but
Intestinal colitis disease
What is Flemoxin Solutab used for?
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic β-lactam antibiotic of the penicillin group with a wide spectrum
Urological diseases in men: symptoms and treatment
Men do not like to get sick, and even more so when it comes to urological diseases. However
Bacteriological culture or tank culture from the urethra is
Diphtheria Whooping cough Colpitis Thrush Fungus 11682 November 03 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be
Gestational pyelonephritis: tactics of antibacterial therapy
Pyelonephritis is caused only by pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, Escherichia coli, streptococci, because the pregnant woman’s body does not
What Causes Penis Pain? 12 possible diseases
December 16, 2020 Pain during erection can be caused by injuries or diseases of the inflammatory and
Causes, symptoms and types of operations used to treat testicular hydrocele in children and adults
Hydrocele (hydrocele, ICD code N43) is the accumulation of effusion, the accumulation of fluid between the parietal
Treatment of bladder neck obstruction
Currently, about 30% of the world's population have various types of urinary disorders.
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