Yulia Rezutskaya, 30 years old: like a lump in my throat

I think there is no need to explain what the “lump in the throat” feeling is. Let's immediately figure out what to do with this feeling. But let's not confuse it with a swallowing disorder.

First of all, it would be good to contact an ENT specialist. We must first look into this throat and see what is inside. Perhaps this sensation is associated with an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx or enlargement/inflammation of the palatine tonsils. In this case, after treatment and the inflammatory process subsides, the feeling of a lump in the throat will pass.

Feeling of a lump in the throat

Thyroid diseases can also cause a feeling of a lump in the throat. When the thyroid gland becomes significantly enlarged, it can press on surrounding tissues and cause a similar sensation. Therefore, you should conduct an ultrasound of the thyroid gland (it would also be a good idea to look for enlarged lymph nodes in the neck during an ultrasound) and consult an endocrinologist.

Another very common cause of a lump in the throat is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) . If we explain it schematically, then normally in the esophagus there is a wave-like peristaltic muscular movement from the mouth to the stomach, due to which what we have eaten does not stand still, but moves down the esophageal tract. And with GERD, an antiperistaltic wave occurs - in the opposite direction, from the stomach to the oropharynx. And it is these waves that give the sensation of a lump in the throat during their movements. And this may be the first symptom of this disease, or it may be combined with heartburn. To exclude or confirm gastroesophageal reflux disease, fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS) is performed and further treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist. Gastroenterological causes of sore throat include hiatal hernia and other diseases of the esophagus.

Psychosomatic sore throat - what is it?

Why does the trachea hurt? Few people think that the fifth chakra is located in the larynx, which is responsible for a person’s creative self-expression. Sometimes, in order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and complete recovery, it is enough to allow yourself to create something beautiful, without worrying or thinking about what other people will say. There is no need to build barriers. Psychosomatics can be seen on several levels. Thus, the upper part of the pharynx is responsible for the process of assimilation of food, and at the mental level it is the acceptance of people, ideas and things. If a person withdraws into himself and does not want to “swallow” everything that happens to him, this organ gives way, which leads to the psychosomatics of a sore throat and other signs of this problem. Not only general discomfort appears, but also obvious manifestations of viral and infectious diseases. For example, a sore throat is a completely infectious ailment. It is characterized by damage to the tonsils. The disease is manifested by increased sensitivity when swallowing and high fever. A sore throat occurs, the psychosomatics of which indicate that the person is not able to express himself. This phenomenon is often common among modest people who will choose to remain silent in any situation, even if they are right.

For your information. Research shows that 85% of cases of throat disease have a psychological basis. There is nothing surprising here, because... reluctance to go to school or work on a subconscious level can actually lead to the appearance of a disease. A situation often arises when a person is terrified of getting sick - soreness and pain are guaranteed, despite all the precautions on his part.

Chronic tonsillitis is also a type of sore throat, but it has only become chronic. Its development is due to fear of self-expression, regular suppression of the emotional state and special “muffling” of one’s own desires. Tonsillitis - the psychosomatic component is obvious. Laryngitis is an inflammatory process that affects the entire swallowing system. It is accompanied by dryness and cough. Experiencing discomfort (a hoarse voice) is common. These symptoms can be caused by fear of speaking out, as well as the inability to be heard. Pharyngeal neurosis is a completely psychosomatic condition. As the disease develops, a person feels discomfort in the throat, namely in the mucous membrane. The psychosomatics of pharyngeal neurosis is caused by regular stressful situations. Often there is such an imaginary disease as a psychosomatic lump in the throat - a problem that can arise due to frequent nervous breakdowns and stressful situations. The solution lies not only in taking medications, but also in the intervention of a neurologist who will provide recommendations regarding treatment. The tonsils and adenoids often become inflamed in children with the development of ARVI. But even in this situation, a psychosomatic direction is visible. Thus, a child who regularly feels lonely and does not feel love from loved ones is prone to regular deterioration of his condition and suppression of emotions, which contributes to the emergence of psychosomatics of the tonsils and tonsils, which can cause unpleasant pain. Very often, the inflammatory process manifests itself when the child is completely unwilling to attend kindergarten. In this case, psychosomatic tonsils manifest themselves on a regular basis. Each problem associated with the psychosomatics of the throat and neck can be explained by the individual’s independent programming for certain actions.

Psycho-emotional disorders and lump in throat

But most often a lump in the throat is caused by psycho-emotional disorders. Occurs after acute or chronic stressful situations, unresolved problems and protracted grievances. Here, as a rule, there is a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, possible sensations of lack of air and panic attacks, sleep disturbances, and mood swings . Then a lump in the throat can be regarded as the first symptom of an anxious or depressive state. In such cases, treatment should be carried out comprehensively by a neurologist and psychiatrist.

But in order to be sure that the lump in the throat is exclusively psychogenic in nature, it is necessary to exclude diseases of all other organs that can give the same sensations. In addition, a combination of several diseases is possible. For example, we may have GERD and chronic pharyngitis along with an anxiety disorder, so we need to treat all three diseases in parallel.

Violation information

Laryngeal neurosis is a sensitivity disorder of the mucous membranes associated with an unsatisfactory mental state of a person. It was talked about more than a century ago. Then scientists wrote about a “coma in the throat” in patients with hysteria.

Today the pathology has been studied in detail. It has been established that it manifests itself more often in people prone to solitude, introverts. Usually these are people over the age of twenty.

To understand the causes of pharyngoneurosis, you need to consult with a psychiatrist, neurologist, or otolaryngologist. The approach to treatment must be comprehensive. Then it will be possible to get positive dynamics in a short time.

"Vertebrogenic lump in the throat"

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is not the cause of a lump in the throat, especially if the lump in the throat is an isolated complaint. With osteochondrosis, there is a feeling of stiffness in the cervical spine, but not a lump in the throat. “A vertebrogenic lump in the throat” is possible with the development of spondylosis - when huge spondylophytes (those bone growths in the form of spines) grow, which put pressure on the pharynx. But this is a rare occurrence. With significant displacement of the vertebrae (spondylolisthesis), there may be a feeling of a lump in the throat , but then there will be many other very unpleasant and painful sensations that will push the feeling of a lump in the throat to the back burner.

Of course, more complex processes are possible, such as tumors of the pharynx, esophagus, or tumors in the thoracic cavity/mediastinum or abscesses (retropharyngeal, paratonsillar, epiglottis, etc.), but then there will be more symptoms and they will be more varied, and such diseases require emergency treatment.

You should not neglect any changes in your health, since all changes have their own reason. Remember that almost all diseases can be treated well if they are “caught” in the initial stages. Be careful with yourself!

Psychosomatics of throat diseases is a problem that requires rapid treatment

This problem requires a serious approach in the process of its treatment, regardless of whether it is tonsils, cough or sore throat. Self-programming on a subconscious level works effectively with every person - there is a strong fear of illness, rest assured that with a high degree of probability you will have psychosomatic pain in the larynx. You can insure against such a problem, because It’s enough not to think about it, to disconnect from obsessive and depressing thoughts. Otherwise, it is recommended to contact us immediately for assistance. Regarding the result of treatment, we provide a guarantee for the services provided and the proposed range of products (our own production). “Diseases” of the ear, nose and throat of a psychosomatic nature do not need to be abandoned, since this can become a permanent problem, the solution of which can take a lot of time. If you detect any sign of this disease, you should immediately contact a specialist who will accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

How are psychosomatic diseases of the throat system treated at Altimed MC?

People who are charged with positive energy and are constantly relaxed are less likely to succumb to the negative effects of colds. Neuroses, stress and regular negativity bring unpleasant adjustments to every person’s life. The Altimed MC team provides comprehensive assistance in the treatment of diseases of any severity using innovative equipment. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis to determine the cause of psychosomatic sore throat. Diagnostic measures are based on the use of non-invasive methods, which completely eliminates pain and discomfort. Diagnosis is carried out using a functional screening system, which helps to identify “weak” points on the body. Body testing is carried out using ATM Express Vega. This method is aimed at identifying infectious pathogens, hidden diseases and inflammatory processes in body tissues that can form due to a weakened immune system as a whole. Based on the diagnostic results, complex drug-free therapy is prescribed. It is based on the use of modern devices that have an impulse effect on the body. Most importantly, treatment can be done at home. To do this, just buy a device from the Helper ML series. Inpatient therapy is based on the use of passive bioresonance using a transcranial magnetic therapy device using the ATM TR device, antiparasitic therapy using the Lanta ZL device. The time of exposure and duration of treatment is determined individually, based on the general condition of the person. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the cause of discomfort and pain. If you are worried about a psychosomatic lump in your throat, the neurological side of this process is obvious. It is necessary to work through the feeling of constraint and allow yourself to express your own point of view. Don't forget about daily affirmations. Working on oneself is the main element in the treatment of these psychosomatic diseases, regardless of their characteristics.

Why choose Altimed MC for the treatment of larynx diseases associated with psychosomatics

MC Altimed is modern equipment, non-invasive methods of treatment and complete elimination of pain. The Health Center employs professionals who can find an approach to even the most demanding client. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out in an inpatient setting or at home (as is convenient for the patient). This approach to the matter provides a guaranteed result regarding the psychosomatics of the throat and nose. In the case of home treatment, the devices of our center are used - the device has quality certificates indicating that it has passed tests and is effective in eliminating this disease. The key advantages of MC Altimed are:

  • Individual approach;
  • Qualified personnel;
  • Possibility of treatment in hospital and at home;
  • Acceptable price segment;
  • Innovative equipment;
  • Certified devices;
  • Treatment of adults and children.

Psychosomatic tension in the throat does not allow any person to live fully without the constant problems that this disorder creates. Take her off your “list.” Sign up for a consultation, get treatment and never think about throat discomfort again!

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