“We detect sand in the kidneys even in babies”: a doctor on the causes of diseases in children and preparation for ultrasound / Gas in the intestines can be mistaken for a stone in the gall bladder. Ask: is this possible?! Perhaps, doctors say, if the patient is not prepared for the study. According to statistics, up to 16 percent of errors in various diagnostics occur precisely for this reason. Elena Khomenko, an ultrasound diagnostics doctor at children's clinic No. 4 in Blagoveshchensk, told AP about what pathology of internal organs is most often detected in young Amur residents and how to properly prepare a child for an ultrasound so that the result is as reliable as possible.
The formation of sand in the kidneys and methods for its removal
— Elena Anatolyevna, you have been conducting ultrasound diagnostics for ten years. What is our dynamic?
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