nephroptosis photo
Nephroptosis (wandering kidney, prolapsed kidney): symptoms of the disease, treatment and prevention
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male infertility doctor
What does a urologist andrologist treat: his difference from other “male doctors”
Male andrologist - who is he, how does he differ from a urologist and sexologist? What
Uroseptics for diseases of the urinary system
Contents General information and classification of uroseptics Pyelonephritis Pyelitis Cystitis Urethritis Brief characteristics of some uroseptics
common mullein
Common mullein (bear's ear): description, where it grows, use in medicine
Nature is rich in various useful medicinal plants that can independently develop and reproduce in
Health consists of many components
Chronic cystitis, chronic urethritis - get rid of it forever!
Cystitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the bladder. Chronic cystitis may
Diagnosis of adrenal adenoma on MRI and CT images of the abdominal cavity
What is an adrenal adenoma? Adrenal adenoma is a benign tumor that arises in the adrenal cortex. Often
Kidney cancer: causes and risk factors
Kidney cancer: symptoms and signs As the tumor grows, it begins to compress and destroy
Analysis of urine
Increased bilirubin in a urine test: what does it mean and how dangerous are deviations?
Bilirubin is not detected in the urine of a healthy person. The bilirubin component is excreted in bile through
Catheters: indications and techniques for bladder catheterization
What is catheterization Contents of the article Catheterization is the process of installing a urological catheter - a thin
The girl often runs to the toilet to pee
“I often go to the toilet for a little while...” - why I constantly want to pee
Information on the topic Frequent urge to urinate is not the same as
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